ISSN No:-2456-2165
Akachidike Kanu3
NLNG Centre for Gas, Refining and Petrochemical Engineering, University of Port Harcourt Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Abstract:- This study compares the performance and groups of sulphur compounds, thiophenes, comes in several
economic viability of two different sulphur removal different types. The remaining sulphur molecules can be
methods from crude oil, namely, hydrodesulphurization broken down into methacrylic acid, sulphides, and
(HDS) and oxidative desulphurization (ODS) processes. disulphides. The existence of sulphur compounds in gaseous
The results indicate that HDS is more effective in fuels has a negative effect on cars not only because of their
removing dibenzothiophene, achieving an absorption harmful influence but also because of their toxicity.
rate of 90%, while ODS achieved an absorption rate of
80%. However, both methods were equally effective in According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)
removing other sulphur compounds such as B and P- in 2020, fossil fuels accounted for approximately 80% of
Disulphide, and Thiophene. Economic comparison global primary energy consumption. Most hydrocarbon oil
suggests that ODS is a more cost-effective process is used to produce transportation fuels like gasoline, diesel,
compared to HDS. The study highlights the importance and aeroplane fuel. Sulphur-containing gasoline
of considering various factors, including crude oil significantly affects how well catalytic converters in cars
composition, required degree of desulphurization, and work [5]. Because of their tendency to inactivate crude oil
environmental regulations, in choosing the appropriate processing and cause rust in pipes, pumping equipment, and
sulphur removal method. Overall, the study concludes refinery equipment, sulphur compounds are not accepted in
that both HDS and ODS are effective methods for the refining process. Sulphur oxide emissions result from
removing sulphur-containing compounds from crude oil, unburned sulphur compounds in gasoline and diesel fuel [6].
and the choice of method depends on specific application When these gases combine with atmospheric water, they
requirements and environmental considerations. produce sulphates and acid rain, which in turn harm
buildings, eat away at car paint, make dirt acidic, and lead to
Keywords:- Hydrodesulphurization, Oxidative- the death of trees and other habitats [7].
Desulphurization, Crude Oil, Sulphur, Aspen Hysys and
Modular Refinery. To comply with environmental requirements, reduced
sulphur concentrations in transportation fuels must be
I. INTRODUCTION achieved, and this requirement serves as the primary
impetus for the efforts that are being made to achieve this
Sulphur compounds and dispersed particles constitutes goal today. To ensure access to affordable clean energy,
less than 0.1% to around 5% of composition of crude oil innovative techniques for removing sulphur from materials
samples depending on the specific composition of the oil of poorer quality are required. The pollution that is produced
and its source. Different geological conditions yield by automobiles has a significant impact on the quality of the
different types of crude oil, and even repeated extractions air that is available to us to consume in our urban areas [4].
from the same well yield different types of crude oil due to Combustion turns sulphur compounds into sulphur oxides,
the passage of time. Despite this, all crude share the same which in turn contribute to acid rain and other
underlying physical properties [1]. After carbon and environmental problems. Sulphur compounds also
hydrogen, sulphur is the most common non-hydrogen contribute to the formation of sulphuric acid [8].
ingredient in fossil fuels [2]. Thiophene, thiols, and
sulphides predominate among the organic sulphur molecules When sulphur compound fuels are consumed, sulphur
found in crude oil. Both organic and inorganic sulphide dioxide and other pollutants related to combustion are
substances can be found in crude oil. Crude oil may contain generated. Sulphur dioxide and other combustion-related
a mixture of pyrite and hydrogen sulphide. This is due to the pollutants contribute to haze, as well as global warming and
presence of organic sulphur molecules in the oil [3]. There is environmental contamination [3]. Exhaust gas from diesel
a direct correlation between the API (American Petroleum engines contains a significant amount of particulate matter
Institute) gravity of petroleum oil (a measure of its specific (PM), which has been linked to an increased risk of lung
gravity) and the sulphur content of that oil, which in turn cancer in people who operate diesel vehicles [4]. As a result,
directly affects its market value [4]. One of the four main
Table 1 Inlet Feed Condition and Flow Rates of Crude Oil Step 7:
Phase Fraction 0 The product from the reactor was used to carry out a
Feed Temperature (oC) 80 preheating process on the feed stream and further cooled
Feed Pressure (kPa) 828 before sending it to the knockout (KO) drum.
Feed flow rate 39486.387bbl/d,
(Source: Hernandez, C. P. 2020)
Fig 2 Complete Flowsheet of Oxidation Desulphurization Fig 5 Comparison of the Sulphur Absorption from the Crude
Process Using Aspen Hysys Oil Using HDS and ODS