Wi MR 0076549
Wi MR 0076549
Wi MR 0076549
Sold To:
Affinity Sdn Bhd Invoice
Yong Kai Fang
Ref No : WIMR0076549
Tel: 0149681842
Email: [email protected] Date : 2022-09-14
Payment Mode : UOB 36M
Issued By : khairul.abdulla h
Sales Person : macrondy.richar...
SNO Qty Desc Unit (MYR) Total (MYR) Tax (MYR) Total (MYR)
excl Tax incl Tax
SCB/UOB/HSBC CV 1 Get RM100 Cash Voucher for installment purchase via SCB / 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
UOB / HSBC Credit Card Installment
SPP-CLASS-P-L5 1 Smart Protection Plan Lite Class 5 (iPhone, 1 Year 219.00 219.00 0.00 219.00
Accidental Repair, Cover Up To Device Original Purchased
S2887873 1 AMAZINGthing RADIX SUPREME GLASS for iPhone 13/13 Pro 89.00 89.00 0.00 89.00
4892878068086 (6.1) Full Glass Matte 0.3mm 2.75D
An "Excess Fee" will be chargeable for iOS hardware covered by SPP that suffer irreparable damage . A new replacement iOS hardware will be
provided, but WILL NOT include box packaging or accessories.
If the coverage value is insufficient to cover the amount of the repairs/replacement, a top-up fee will be required for the balance.
The "Excess Fee" chargeable amount is based on the SPP class, listed as follow:
SPP Lite - Class 5 RM 495 (Total damage)
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