Growth and Yield Responses of Chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.) To Paclobutrazol Concentrations and P-Fertilizer Doses During The Rainy Season
Growth and Yield Responses of Chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.) To Paclobutrazol Concentrations and P-Fertilizer Doses During The Rainy Season
Growth and Yield Responses of Chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.) To Paclobutrazol Concentrations and P-Fertilizer Doses During The Rainy Season
Received: 09 May 2023; Received in revised form: 08 Jun 2023; Accepted: 14 Jun 2023; Available online: 26 Jun 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— Field experiment conducted from November 2021 to April 2022 on farmers' fields in Sukamulia, East
Lombok, Indonesia, aimed to determine the growth and yield response of chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) to
treatment with Paclobutrazol concentrations and phosphorus fertilizer doses during the rainy season. The
factorial experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with three blocks and two treatment factors,
namely Paclobutrazol concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) and phosphorus fertilizer doses (0, 30, 60 and 90
kg/ha P2O5). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD at 5% significance level. The results showed
that Paclobutrazol concentration significantly decreased growth rates of plant height and the doses of P
fertilizer increased the number of productive branches per plant. However, the interaction between the treatment
factors had a significant effect on flower initiation and fruit weight per plant, with the highest chili fruit yield,
i.e. 549.5 g/plant, was obtained on chili plants receiving treatment combination of 150 ppm Paclobutrazol
concentration and P-fertilizer dose of 90 kg/ha P2O5. This treatment combination also resulted in the earliest
flower initiation (at 42.2 days after planting).
Keywords—Chili, Paclobutrazol, P-fertilizer, flower initiation, rainy season
Apart from its effect on plant growth, the application of III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Pbz of 100 -500 ppm can increase flowering, such as in Rainfall data during implementation of the experiment
chili plants [7]. An increase in the number of flowers and from November 2021 to March 2022, obtained from the
fruits is associated with a greater amount of chlorophyll Power Data Access Viewer, were 331.61; 277.78; 342.32;
even though the leaf area index is reduced [11-12]. In 207.67; and 191.42 mm/month, respectively, so that during
addition to the concentration of Pbz, the timing of its the experiment, the climatic conditions of the location
application is also important, because its effects depend on were in the wet months. High rainfall can affect the
the type of plant, the size of the plant as well as the local initiation of flowers and the number of fruits formed. The
climatic conditions. From the results reported by Baloch et results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the
al. [13], Pbz applied three times before the formation of observation data are presented in Table 1.
flowers on ornamental chilies increased fruit yields and
Table 1. Summary of ANOVA results for all observation
suppressed growth of plant height. In tomato plants, the
application of Pbz twice before flowering can reduce plant
height and increase fruit yield [14]. Variables Pbz conc. P doses Pbz*P
In addition to the application of Pbz, flower and AGR of plant height s ns ns
fertilization induction can also be carried out by using Productive branches ns s ns
Phosphorus fertilizer. The application of phosphorus
Flower Initiation age s s s
fertilizers to chilies can increase the yield of chilies, which
is caused by an increase in the number and length of the Fruit yield per plant s ns s
fruits [15]. The yield response of chili plants to doses of Remaks: s= significant; ns= non-significant
phosphorus from doses of 0 to 150 kg/ha P occurred in a
quadratic manner with the highest yields occurring at a
dose of 90 kg/ha [16]. In combination with Nitrogen The interaction between Pbz concentration and Phosphorus
fertilizers, increased doses of phosphorus fertilizers from fertilizer dosage had a significant effect on the age of
46, 92 and 138 kg/ha, were reported to significantly flower initiation and fruit weight per plant, but had no
increase chili fruit yield and number of fruits per plant significant effect on plant height and number of productive
[17]. Based on those reports, a study has been carried out branches (Table 1). The application of Pbz can inhibit the
with the main objective to determine the growth and yield formation of GA, resulting in stunted shoot growth, so that
responses of chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) to photosynthate is diverted to flower initiation, coupled with
Paclobutrazol concentrations and doses of Phosphorus the function of P which can induce fertilization. Inhibiting
fertilizer applied during the rainy season. plant vegetative growth as well as inducing flowering, by
suppressing the formation of Gibberellins, photosynthate is
more directed to fertilization than vegetative growth.
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Application of P fertilizer can also induce better flowering.
The method used in this study was an experimental method This is in accordance with the statements of Desta &
by conducting a field experiment from November 2021 to Amare [4] and Jayanti et al. [18] that the application of
March 2022, in Padamara Village, Sukamulia District, Paclobutrazol and Phosphorus increased the percentage of
East Lombok Regency, Indonesia. The materials used in the number of flowers and fruits of chilies.
the experiment were chili seeds of the Ori 212 variety, As a single factor, the application of Pbz significantly
Mutiara NPK fertilizer, Paclobutrazol (Cultar 250 SC) and affected the growth rate of plant height (Table 1), which
SP36 fertilizer. The experiment was arranged in a suppressed the growth rate of plant height (Table 4), while
randomized block design with three replications and two the dose of Phosphorus only had an effect on the number
factorial treatment factors, namely Paclobutrazol (Pbz) of productive branches, namely increasing the number of
concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) and P-fertilizer productive branches (Table 4). Pbz increases the
doses (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha P2O5). chlorophyll content of leaves so that photosynthetic
Observation variables included average growth rate (AGR) activity can run better, but photosynthate is used more for
of plant height, number of productive branches, flower fruit formation. These are in accordance with the statement
initiation age, number of flowers and fruit weight per of Harpitaningrum et al. [19] that the yield of cucumber
plant. Data were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance plants increased in line with increasing concentrations of
(Anova) and the Honest Significant Difference Test Pbz. Emongor and Mabe [15] also reported that
(Tukey's HSD) at the 5% level of significance. phosphorus affects fruit yield in ornamental chilies.
3.1. Interaction effects on flower initiation and fruit yield Table 3. The interaction effect of the treatment factors on
The earliest flowering date was found in the Pbz3P3 the chili fruit yield (gram/plant)
treatment combination, namely 42.2 days after Treatments P0 P1 P2 P3
transplanting (Table 2). This is presumably because Pbz
Pbz0 201.4 c 201.9 b 478.6 a 464.5 a
suppresses vegetative growth of plants, resulting in faster
flowering accompanied by the effect of P which Pbz1 208.6 bc 215.7 ab 508.6 b 516.4 b
accelerates flowering due to a larger dose of Phosphorus Pbz2 224.7 ab 224.5 ab 513.0 b 540.4 c
fertilizer. Adilah et al. [20] and Syahputra et al. [21] stated Pbz3 242.7 a 235.5 a 524.6 b 549.5 c
that application of 250 ppm Paclobutrazol could inhibit
vegetative growth and increase fruit yields. This is because HSD 23.2
the applied Paclobutrazol is able to stimulate the formation Remarks: The mean values followed by the same letters
of flowers in tomato plants [13, 22]. Phosphate has several indicate non-significantly different both
functions including accelerating the process of flowering vertically and horizontally
and fertilization, strengthening plant organs (leaves,
flowers and fruit) so they don't fall off easily, producing
3.2. AGR of plant height and productive branch number
enzymes that play a role in photosynthesis and
translocation of photosynthesis results in the form of The application of Paclobutrazol at various concentrations
assimilates to the reproductive organs of plants [23], so had a significant effect on the growth rate of plant height,
that flowering dates become earlier. while the P doses only had a significant effect on the
number of productive branches per chili plant (Table 1).
Table 2. The interaction effect of the treatment factors on
This is because the effect of Paclobutrazol applied to
flower initiation age (days after transplanting)
plants functions as an inhibitor of plant height growth, so
Treatments P0 P1 P2 P3 that an increase in Pbz concentration can inhibit the growth
Pbz0 45.5 a 43.3 ab 44.8 a 45.0 a rate of plant height, as shown in Table 4.
Pbz1 42.6 b 43.0 ab 45.2 a 44.4 a Table 4. The main effect of the treatment factors on AGR
of plant height (cm per 2 weeks) and number of productive
Pbz2 42.5 b 43.4 b 44.8 a 44.3 a
branches per chili plant
Pbz3 42.7 b 42.5 a 42.3 b 42.2 b
AGR of plant height Productive branch
HSD 0.83 Treatments
(cm per 2 weeks) number per plant
Remarks: The mean values followed by the same letters Pbz0 10.88 a 17.79
indicate non-significantly different both
Pbz1 10.06 b 18.12
vertically and horizontally
Pbz2 9.87 b 19.77
Pbz3 9.17 b 20.24
The interaction between Paclobutrazol concentration and
Phosphorus dosage increased the percentage of flowering HSD 5% 1.23 ns
shoots. The results of previous studies showed that the P0 10.05 20.42 a
Phosphorus and Paclobutrazol treatments increased the
P1 9.8 23.65 b
C/N ratio in the leaves during the flower bud
differentiation period which in turn helped increase the P2 9.57 23.08 b
initiation of flowering [10]. From Table 3, it can be seen P3 9.58 23.92 b
that there was a significant interaction effect between
HSD 5% ns 1.90
Paclobutrazol concentrations and P fertilizer doses, where
at each level of P fertilizer dose, an increase in Remarks: Mean values followed by the same
Paclobutrazol concentration significantly increased fruit letters are not significantly different between
weight per plant. Pulungan et al. [24] also stated that the levels of a treatment factor
proper use of Paclobutrazol will have a significant effect
on flower initiation and fruit formation. The inhibition of
Based on Table 4, the results of Paclobutrazol application
flowering time can be caused by the inappropriate
at various concentrations on plant height showed that the
concentration of Paclobutrazol applied because each plant
Paclobutrazol concentrations had a significant effect on the
has a different sensitivity to growth inhibitory substances
growth rates of chili plant height. The highest growth rate
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