Seaweed in Marine Ecosystem A Review

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 1, January-February 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Seaweed in Marine Ecosystem: A Review

Nirali Mehta, Dr. Shailesh Mehta
Botany Department, Sir P. P. Institute of Science, M. K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Nirali Mehta |

A total of 221 different species of seaweed from the 32 Dr. Shailesh Mehta "Seaweed in Marine
Chlorophyta, 64 Phaeophyta, and 125 Rhodophyta are employed Ecosystem: A Review" Published in
for a wide range of applications worldwide. Roughly 145 species International
are consumed as food (L. W. Zemke-White and M. Ohno). India is Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
home to 216 different species of green seaweed, 194 different
and Development
species of brown seaweed, and 434 different species of red (ijtsrd), ISSN:
seaweed. A supply of seaweed In addition to its 2 million km2 2456-6470,
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and nine marine states, the Volume-7 | Issue-1, IJTSRD52692
tropical South Asian nation of India is located at latitudes 08.04- February 2023,
37.06 N and 68.07-97.25 E. It has a coastline that is around 7500 pp.426-436, URL:
km long. The seaweed zone served as a permanent and temporary
home for fish and other aquatic creatures. Most recently according
to Karthik et al., 2013 Indian seaweed diversity includes 1153 Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
species from 271 genera. Gujarat coast consist total 198 seaweed International Journal of Trend in
species diversity ((Jha et al., 2009). Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
KEYWORDS: Seaweed diversity, Indian coast, Gujarat coast, Marine Open Access article
Ecosystem distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

As a derivative of “biological diversity” (Wilson, absence of a circulatory system. Necessary nutrient
1985,1988) the term “biodiversity”, first used almost absorption and internal movement are carried out
three decades ago that was in today one of the most through transfusion between cells and between the
cited terms in field of ecology and environmental environmental and the epidermal cells. In general
management and conservation. Marine ecology is seaweed adhering on solid substratum such as rock,
essentially made up of three processes (Gray and pebbles, shells, marine plants, dead corals. Base on
Elliott, 2009). First, environmental conditions such as the color pigmentation seaweed divided into three
physico-chemical components create a set of groups namely Chlorophyta (Green seaweed),
fundamental niches, and these niches are colonized Rhodophyta (Red seaweed) and Pheophyta (Brown
according to their environmental tolerance capacity. seaweed).
Second the survival and relationship between the
In marine ecosystem the environmental conditions
marine creatures is directly based on direct interaction
such as water temperature, water chemistry, nutrient
between predators and pray competition, requirement,
availability, characteristic of coast directly affect the
space, feeding and mutualism. Thirdly, the ecology
presence and absences of diversity, abundance,
has the power to break the cycle and change the
density, growth of diversity of marine flora and fauna.
phyco-chemical system through bioturbation, such as
Due to the protective and nutrient rich environment
the removal or modification of some components.
provided by seaweed play important role for
Seaweeds can be thought of as marine plant but in development of diversified diversity of marine
real sense it marine macroalgae that complete their organism within the ecosystem.
nourishment necessity for growth and maintenance
through photosynthesis in maritime environment. The
This study is mainly a review study. All of the
kingdom of Protista includes the macroalgae. This
information used in this review article has been
autotrophic organism primarily found in estuaries,
collected from numerous secondary sources by
lagoons and oceans. One of the most significant
reviewing articles, thesis, reports, and standard
features that differed from plant to algae is the

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India has 7516.6 kilometers of coastline, consisting of nine maritime states and two union territories. It harbors
171 million population in 70 coastal districts of which about 4 million consists of fishermen residing in 3288
fishing villages (Database on Coastal States of India, institute of ocean management- Indian contains nine maritime
states and islands (Gujarat-1700, Maharashtra-572, Goa-104, Karnataka-280, Kerala560, Tamil Nadu-980,
Andhra Pradesh-960, Orissa-432, West Bengal-280, Andaman and Nicobar Islands-1500 (approx.),
Lakshadweep Islands-120 (approx.) in km (Subba Rao & Vaibhav Mantri, 2006).
The Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean all encircle the country to its east, west and south
respectively. The East coast lies between Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal. It extends from the Ganga delta
to Kanniyakumari. Eastern coast comprised of the Orrisa coast, Andhra Pradesh coast and Tamil nadu coast. The
West coast strip stretches from Cape Comorin (Kanniyakumari) in the south to the Gulf of Cambay (Gulf of
Khambhat) in the north. Some coast line formed due to uplift of the land or by the lowering of the sea level that
referred as an Emergence coast line while Submergence is an exact opposite to emergence. Eastern coastline
especially south-eastern part appears to be a coast of emergence. Western coast is both emergent and
submergent. India's tide cycle is typically semidiurnal, with two unequally amplituded high tides and two low
tides every day (Jha et al., 2009).
Nearly 43% of the Indian coastline is made up of sandy beaches, 11% is rocky with headlands, cliffs and 46% is
made up of flats and marshy wetlands (ICMAM 2009).

Fig: 1 Coastal state of India

The eastern sea belt often consist of extensive expanses of sandy beaches flanked by (active or stable) coastal
dunes and broken up by significant prograding deltas, whereas the western sea belt is more indented with rocky
headlands, beaches and numerous estuaries. There are two archipelagos also present, one in the Arabian Sea and
another in the Bay of Bengal.

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Table: 1 Nature of coast along the Indian coastline
State / Union Territory Marshy (%) Muddy (%) Rocky (%) Sandy (%)
Arabian Sea Coast
Gujarat 22 29 21 28
Daman & Diu - - - -
Maharashtra - 46 37 17
Goa - 35 21 44
Karnataka - 14 11 75
Kerala 15 05 80
Lakshadweep - - - -
Bay of Bengal
Tamil Nadu - 38 05 57
Pondicherry - - - -
Andhra Pradesh 07 52 03 38
Odisha 10 33 - 57
West Bengal 49 51 - -
Andaman & Nicobar - - - -
Mainlands 10 36 11 43
Islands - - - -
Data presented here was modified after Kumar et al. (2006) and ICMAM (2009)
One if the India’s largest Maritimes state, Gujarat boasts a 1650 km long coastline. Gujarat state located between
20° 1’ to 24° 7’ N and 68° 4’ to 74° 4’ E (Trivedi and Vachhrajani,2013; Jha, et al.,2009). 14 districts with 2
Union territories in Gujarat state share this longest coastline. On the east and west coasts, particularly in the gulf
of Kutch, coral beaches are also prevalent in India (Krishnamurthi et al.,1967). Coral beaches are entirely absent
from Gujarat’s southwest coast, which is replaced by a sandy shoreline with rocky outcrops. In contrast, steep
beaches are primarily a feature of India's west coast. The rocky shorelines are like a fantastic universe where you
may observe numerous organisms and well defined banding patterns. Rockier shorelines are distinguished by
their pools and crevices. In a rocky setting, there are additional habitat kinds including cobbles and boulders.
The nicest thing about rocky intertidal areas is their unclear vertical division into supratidal zone to lower
intertidal zone zones, all of which contain a variety of creatures (Ellis, 2003; Bandel and Wedler, 1987;
Stephenson and Stephenson, 1949).
Gujarat's entire coastline can be divided into three distinct sections: a Saurashtra coastline, two gulfs (the Gulf of
Kachchh and Gulf of Khambhat), and the entire coastline (Pandey and Pandey, 2009). The gulf of kachchh is one
of two gulf on India’s west coast, and it has the greatest diversity of coastal habitat and organism( Jha et al.,2009).
Both Gulfs' coastlines are covered in intertidal mudflats and sandy beaches, salt marshes, and mangrove forests,
mostly along the Gulf of Khambhat's river deltas. Gulf of Khambhat extends 151 kilometers north to south from
Gujarat and pierces the Arabian Sea on India’s western coast from south to north. It is roughly located between
latitudes 71° 45' and 72° 53' E and 20° 30' and 22° 20' N. Gulf's coastline spans about 3,120 km2 and has an
intertidal volume of about 62,400 million m3, mostly made up of muddy shorelines and some rocky outcrops
(Dev solanki et al., 2019).
Gujarat’s shoreline is made up of pleistoceneaged milliolite fossils formation and tertiary rocks from the Deccan
traps. In some locations, there is also recent alluvium with lime stones. Gulf of Khambhat has seen more recent
alluvium deposition (Jha et al., 2009). There is a great deal of information about the spatial and temporal
variability of the organisms that live there, including macroalgae and invertebrates making intertidal rocky shores
one of the most studied marine habitat as in ecological studies (e.g. Underwood & Chapman 1996, Menconi et al.
1999, Benedetti-Cecchi 2001, Blanchette et al. 2006, Martins et al. 2008, Burrows et al. 2009, Dal Bello et al.
There are 44 ports along the Gujarat coastline. The portion between Diu and Bhavnagar demonstrates the change
from an open ocean to a gulf environment. Gujarat is one of the 8 eco regions and the coastal zone takes up 14%
of the total land area. The Kutch district accounts for 38% of the coastline area, with Jamnagar (17%), Junagadh
(9%), and Bhavnagar (9%). Out of 16 coastal districts 10 districts has been face 45.8% of the erosion.

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India is home to 216 species of green seaweed, 434 species of red seaweed and 194 species of brown seaweed.
Several of these are economically crucial. Seaweeds play a vital role in coastal ecosystem like kelp forest and
coral reefs as important primary producers and ecosystem engineers. Seaweeds are important economically
because they serve as the foundation of a successful food web (Graham MH, 2004 & Norderhaug KN et al.,
Around 11,000 different species of seaweed have been identified worldwide, including about 7,200
Rhodophyceae species, 2,000 Phaeophyceae species, and 1,800 Chlorophyceae species (
According to Rao and Gupta (2015), the Indian coastlines are home to 865 taxa of seaweed, including 442 taxa
of Rhodophyceae under 151 genera, 212 taxa of Chlorophyceae under 46 genera, and 211 taxa of Phaeophyceae
under 50 genera.
Indian seaweeds show that among the various maritime states, the Tamil Nadu coast exhibits the highest
diversity of seaweeds with 282 species (Anon.2012; Ganesan & al., 2019), followed by the Maharashtra coast
with 240 species (Piwalatkar, 2010), Gujarat coast with 198 species (Jha & al., 2009), Kerala with 147 taxa
(Palanisamy & Yadav, 2015), Karnataka with 105 tax (Sahoo & al., 2003). An additional 125 kinds of seaweeds
that are endemic to india are found along the Indian coastline which is fascination (Oza & Zaidi, 2001).
Table: 2 seaweed diversity at different Indian maritime zone
Sr. No. Coastal state / Union territories Species diversity
1. Gujarat coast 198 (Jha et al., 2009)
2. Maharashtra coast 240 Piwalatkar, 2010)
3. Goa 90 (Palanisamy & Yadav, 2019)
4. Diu island 70 (Mantri &Rao, 2005)
5. Karnataka 105 (Yadav & Palanisamy, 2020)
6. Kerala 147 (Palanisamy & Yadav, 2015)
7. Tamil Nadu coast 282 (Anon.2012; Ganesan et al., 2019)
8. Andhra Pradesh 65 (Anon., 1984)
9. Odisha 14 (Sahoo et al., 2003)
10. West Bengal 14 (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002)
11. Andaman & Nicobar islands 80 (Muthuvlan et al., 2001)

Iyengar (1927) was the to publish the marine algal Gujarat, on India's southwest coast, is located
flora of the Indian coast. He was the first phycologist between 22° 18' 33.9300" N and 72° 8' 10.4280" E on
then Subsequently, Børgesen (1935, 1937a, b) had the north-western tip of the peninsula. Ishakani et al.
stared series of publications on Indian marine algae. (2016) identified a total of 67 species from the
Veraval shore, including 32 species of Rhodophyta,
According to checklists published to date, which
14 species of Phaeophyta, and 21 species of
range from 167 species in 1970 (Krishnamurthy &
Chlorophyta. In the current study, 50 species of
Joshi, 1970) to 865 species in 2015 (Rao & Gupta,
2015), and the number of new seaweed taxa reported seaweed were identified, of which 17 species are
Chlorophyceae, 14 species are Phaeophyceae, and 19
from 1800 to 2019, Mantri & al. (2019) recently
noted the gradual increase in diversity of seaweeds species are Rhodophyceae from the Gujarati coasts of
from Indian waters and suggested that there were two Veraval and Sikka (Shivani Pathak et al.,2020). At
major peaks, the first from 1930-1940 and the second, the head of the "Gulf of Kachchh," on the territory of
Saurashtra in Gujarat state, is the coast of Beyt
from 1980-1990 appear. The east coast of India is
roughly 2652 km long, the west coast is 3216 km Dwarka, which is located at 22°28'N and 69°05'E.
There are 39 different species of marine algae,
long and the island make up about 1620 km of the
although only five species of green algae were found,
country’s total coastline (Rao & Mantri, 2006).
26 species of red algae, and eight species of brown
Its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is over 2.5 algae (Haresh Kalasariya et al., 2019). Indian
million square kilometres in size. The nation features seaweed's most recent diversity included 1153 species
97 significant estuaries, 34 significant lagoons, 31 from 271 genera (Karthik et al., 2013).
regions of mangroves, 5 coral reefs, and 31 Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs) (Singh, 2003).

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DISTRIBUTION OF SEAWEED IN MARINE and both plant and animal species display zonation
ECOSYSTEM patterns there.
In marine ecosystem seaweed should be highlighted
In the shallow, intertidal, and sub tidal zones of the
that there are no input needed for growing seaweed,
marine ecosystems, seaweed typically grows on
including land, water for irrigation, fertilizer or rocks, pebbles, dead corals, mollusk shells, coastal
pesticides. Understanding the zonation patterns of the
wastes like ropes and nets, as well as on mangroves
flora and animals for a rocky shore ecosystem can
and other plants as epiphytes. As seaweeds are
help us better understand its state of equilibrium. The
primarily lithophilic in nature, the lack of sufficient
harshness of the intertidal zone's circumstances
rocky substrata, proper feeding, among other factors,
worsens with height above sea level, making it harder
may be to blame for this (Sudhir Kumar Yadav et al.,
for fewer species to survive there (Kaliaperumal et al.
1995). As a result, species diversity in intertidal zones
decreases as height rises. Seaweed zonation patterns A variety of marine vegetation and wildlife can thrive
along different Indian beaches have been described on the firm ground provided by mangrove roots. The
by Srinivasan (1959), Misra (1959), Subbaramaiah distribution of macroalgae in the mangrove area is
(1970 & 1971), Agadi & Untawale (1978), and Agadi influenced by the height of pneumatophores, surface
(1983 & 1985). texture, distance between pneumatophores, and
canopy of mangroves. Environmental factors that
According to Kaliaperumal et al. (1995), the majority
determine the presence or absence of macro marine
of seaweed species were found in depths between 5.5
algae in mangrove ecosystem include temperature,
and 17 meters, indicating that some species are
salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and others
widely dispersed over the vertical gradient of
(Fermandes & Aives 2011).
beaches. Agadi & Untawale (1978) and Agadi (1983)
noted vertical gradients of Chaetomorpha, Ulva, and In in Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal,
Enteromorpha species throughout the Goa coast, with India (Sudhir Kumar Yadav et al., 2020) reported
the higher concentrations on rocks exposed to light total eight species of seaweeds associated with
where just humidity is necessary for algae growth. mangrove, comprising of six species of
Chlorophyceae and two species of Rhodophyceae.
Along the coast of Visakhapatnam, similar Talaat Et Al, Mohamed, 2022 reported ten
observations were made. Nevertheless, Misra (1959) macroalgae species in the mangrove site, including
had noted Ulva and Enteromorpha bands in the upper
three Chlorophyta species), five Phaeophyta species
mid-littoral zone. The species' capacity to withstand
and Rhodophyta with two species (Digenea simplex
the constantly changing intertidal circumstances, and Actinotrichia fragilis).
including the endless cycles of submergence and
emergence and the attendant wash, splash, and spray, Coralline algae and shells are two examples of
is what accounts for their spread across the various macroalgae bearing associated carbonate material. Up
intertidal levels (Balakrishnan et al. 1990; Russell to 85% of holdfasts on a beach may have up to 116 g
1991; Chapman 1995). CaCO3 per holdfast (Garden and Smith, 2015).Green
algae can grow on empty molluscan shells, which
Sun exposure (Hameed & Ahmed 1999), salinity
could lead to a rise in their population in shallow
(Thom 1980), submergence (Arun 1972; Druehl & waters (Lutaenko et al., 2020).
Green 1982; Luning 1990), tidal factors (Lawson
1957; Reddy et al. 2006), nutrient concentrations In various place of Peter the Great Bay (north-western
(Jhansi & Rarmadas 2009), and water temperatures East Sea/Sea of Japan), the distribution of shells with
are some of the variables that affect the seasonal and seaweed on beaches and in the intertidal zone provide
vertical seaweed community variations in intertidal the data on the species composition of seaweed and
systems (McQuaid & Branch 1984). The ability of a associated mollusks and give the information about
species to cope with abiotic factors related to seaweeds frequently employ mollusc shells as a
emersion stress, such as desiccation, which substrate (Lutaenko et al., 2015).
determines their upper limits, while biotic Gravel transportation due to wave amplitudes,
interactions, such as competition with other species, currents also contributes the transportation of
set their lower limits, makes vertical zonation an seaweed as it prefers gravel as a substratum. The
excellent ecological concept to study for a variety of presence of an algal “sail” (Kudrass, 1974) on
reasons. The intertidal zone is the region of a shore sediments in the upper shore face and intertidal zone
defined by the upper and lower boundaries of the tide; undoubtedly increases coarse sediment transport
it is exposed at low tide and submerged at high tide, landward (Emery and Tschudy, 1941; Smith and
Bayliss-Smith, 1998).

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RESULT AND DISCUSSION and community composition as a result of changes in
seaweed resources India involving a tropical South sea level, salinity, temperature, atmospheric CO2, and
Asian nation, is situated at latitudes 08.04-37.06 N UV radiation. So, as it play crucial role in formation
and 68.07-97.25 E. Excluding its island territories, of marine ecosystem and give efforts in maintain
which total 2 million km2, it has a coastline of around whole food chain within ecosystem, it is very
7500 km, along with nine marine states. important to conserve and protect the status of
seaweed diversity.
The maintenance and balance of the marine food
chain is significantly aided by seaweeds. It gives ACKNOWLEDGMENT
marine life nutrition and energy, either directly when Author is grateful to government of Gujarat for
the fronds are consumed or indirectly when the small providing “SODH-ScHeme of Developing High
particles it decomposes into are ingested by creatures Quality Research” scholarship. Author would like to
that filter-feed. For all or part of their lives, coastal thank Dr. Shailesh Mehta, Head & associate professor
animals can find shelter and a home in seaweed beds. Botany Department Sir P.P. Institute of science,
Numerous commercial species, like the rock lobster, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.
abalone, and green-lipped mussel, depend on them as
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