Lab Manual - Skill Lab (Fundamentals of Electronics) - 220318 - 115419 - 220406 - 113903
Lab Manual - Skill Lab (Fundamentals of Electronics) - 220318 - 115419 - 220406 - 113903
Lab Manual - Skill Lab (Fundamentals of Electronics) - 220318 - 115419 - 220406 - 113903
To attain excellence in Electronics and communication Engineering and gratify the demand
of industrial development with societal commitment.
PO5 Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an under- standing of the limitations.
PO6 The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge
of and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and
give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of engineering and management principles and apply these to owners own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
At the end of the B.E Electronics & Communication Engineering program, students are
expected to have developed the following program specific outcomes
PSO1: Able to apply knowledge to Identify, Analyze, Design and find solutions to
complex engineering domain addressing societal needs.
PSO2: Able to grow with bottomless knowledge on modern hardware and software tools
to demonstrate technical competency.
Course Code CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Credits 2 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
1-To make the students comfortable with all electronics components and equipments for developing
mini projects.
2- To make the students aware of the differences among spring board, bread board and PCB board.
3- To make the students comfortable of soldering to bring up the complete circuitry in electronics.
4- To make the students comfortable of designing a PCB Board.
5- To make the students aware of using 555 Timer IC for various applications.
Sl. Experiments
1 Introduction to all passive and active components.
Introduction to all equipments.
(Both in Analog and Digital Electronics Lab)
2 Animated description for the internal configuration of CRO, Function Generator, Power
Supply, Digital Trainer Kit
A real time demonstration of the internal configuration of CRO, Function Generator, Power
Supply, Digital Trainer Kit
3 Introduction to Spring Board, Bread Board
Opening the Bread Board and showing the internal configuration
Introduction to soldering.
Few experiments with bread board and soldering the components-
a- Detection of ac current using 555 Timer
b- Touch-ON-OFF
c- Delay Timer
4 Introduction to PCB Board Designing and wire tracking in PCB Board.
Few experiments using PCB Board-
a- IC Tester using PCB Board
5 Experiments to be done using both bread board and PCB Board
a- Clap ON-OFF
b- Flasher
c- Fade Flasher
Course outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Conduct different experiments in Electronics Lab (Both Analog and Digital)
CO2: Design electronic circuits in spring boards, bread boards.
CO3: Build mini projects completely by their own using PCB Board with the help of different
ICs and other active and passive components.
Aim- Introduction to all passive and active components and all the equipments of Analog and
Digital Electronics Lab.
Active element:
Passive element:
A passive element is one which is incapable of generating energy of its own. But it is
capable of storing and dissipating energy.
The path traced by a quantity, such as the voltage plotted as a function of some
variable such as time, position, degrees, radiations, temperature, and so on.
Instantaneous value:
The magnitude of a waveform at any instant of time; denoted by lowercase letters (e1,
Peak value:
The amplitude of a waveform of the extent of its voltage or current excursion from the
zero reference.
Ep-p = 2Em
Periodic waveform:
A waveform that continually repeats itself after the same time interval. The Fig.
shows a periodic waveform.
Period (T):
Color coding is used for identifying the value of the given resistor. There are two
different methods of color coding in use , namely
White 9
1 0 102 ±5%
White 9
2 4 0 100 ±5%
CODE / Marking µF nF pF
microfarads nanofarads picofarads
C +/- 0.25pF
D +/- 0.5pF
F 1%
G 2%
J 5%
K 10%
M 20%
Z +80 -20%
103K = 0.01µF i.e 10nF with 10% Tolerance
104K = 0.1µF i.e. 100nF with 10% Tolerance
anode cathode
2. Observe the resistance of the diode in that position. If it shows lower resistance value,
diode is in forward bias. Then the terminal connected to the positive terminal of the
multimeter is anode (p-junction) and other terminal is cathode ( n-junction).
3. Now reverse the multimeter position and observe the resistance value. If it shows high
resistance then the given diode is good.
E- Emitter
1. For an npn transistor connect the multimeter positive terminal to base terminal of
the transistor and negative terminal to the emitter terminal of the transistor.
2. Follow the procedure given for diode. If it is successful then the given transistor
base emitter junction is good.
3. Now shift the negative terminal of the multimeter to the collector terminal of the
transistor by maintaining the positive terminal same.
4. Follow the same procedure given for the diode. If it is successful then the given
transistors base collector junction is good.
5. Observe the collector to emitter resistance of the given transistor. It should be a
high resistance in both directions.
6. Above said procedure can be executed for pnp transistor. Here multimeter
positions should be interchanged. Remaining procedure remains the same.
The junction field-effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that uses an electric field to
control the shape and hence the conductivity of a channel of one type of charge carrier in a
semiconductor material. FETs are sometimes called unipolar transistors to contrast their
single-carrier-type operation with the dual-carrier-type operation of bipolar junction
transistors (BJT).
n-channel p-channel
2. Gate to drain or gate to source should be an open circuit or very high resistance.
Procedure to determine the amplitude and time period of the signal:
1. Turn on the Oscilloscope, wait a couple of seconds to warm up, then the trace will
3. Use the X &Y-post. Knobs to center the trace horizontally and vertically.
6. Connect the cable from Ch1 of the CRO to the output connector of the function generator.
8. Make sure that the inner red knobs of the Volt/Div and the Time/Div are locked
10. Adjust the Volt/Div and the Time/Div knobs so that you get a suitable size signal
11. Count the number of vertical squares lying within the signal, then calculate the peak
Tabular Column:
1- What are the differences between active and passive elements?
2- Name some active and passive elements.
3- How many types of resistors are there according to color band structure?
4- How to calculate resistance for a resistor?
5- What is a capacitor?
6- How to calculate value of a capacitor?
7- How many types of capacitors are there?
8- What is a CRO?
9- How to calculate the P-P amplitude of any signal?
10- What is a Function Generator?
Experiment No-2
Aim - Description for the internal configuration and operation of CRO, Function Generator
and Regulated Power Supply.
A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is an instrument used to display measure and analyze
various waveforms. A cathode ray oscilloscope is a very fast Y-T and X-Y plotter that can
display an input signal versus time or another signal.
It uses luminous spots which are produced by striking the beam of electrons and this
luminous spot moves according to the variation in the input quantity.
The electron beam is used as low effects of beam of electrons can be used for following the
changes in the instantaneous values of rapidly changing input quantity. Usually the CRO
plots the voltage change.
With the help of transducer various physical quantities like current, pressure, acceleration etc
can be changed to voltage and can be displayed on cathode ray oscilloscope.
Electron Gun:
4-Pre-accelerating anode
5-A focusing anode
6-An accelerating anode
In order to obtain the high emission of electrons the layer of barium oxide (which is deposited
on the end of cathode) is indirectly heated at moderate temperature.
The electrons emitted from cathode pass through a small hole called control grid which is
made up of nickel. The control grid with its negative bias controls the number of electrons or
the intensity of emitted electrons from cathode.
After passing through the control grid these electrons are accelerated with the help of pre-
accelerating and accelerating anodes. The pre-accelerating and accelerating anodes are
connected to a common positive potential of 1500 volts.
After this the focusing anode focuses the beam of the electrons which is produced. The
focusing anode is connected to adjustable voltage 500 volts. There are two methods of
focusing the electron beam Electrostatic focusing.
1. Electromagnetic focusing
2. Electrostatic Focusing
Trigger Circuit
Time Base Generator
Horizontal Amplifier
Trigger Circuit
Trigger Circuit triggers the time base generator to generate a saw tooth waveform when the
vertical input signal is present.
It is used to convert the incoming signal into a trigger pulse so that the input signal and the
sweep frequency can be synchronized.
The generated voltage decrease to zero must be fast so the beam can very rapidly move from
right to left.
Horizontal Amplifier
A horizontal Amplifier is used to amplify the saw tooth voltage before it is applied to
horizontal deflection plates.
Vertical Amplifier
Delay Line
An attenuator is a voltage divider network consisting of a number of resistors. By selecting
the proper resistor, the corresponding voltage is obtained.
Vertical Amplifier
A vertical Amplifier is a wideband amplifier used to amplify the signal in the vertical section
of the signal.
Delay Line
Delay Line is used to delaying signals for some time in the vertical section.
4. Power Supply
There are two power supplies-
b) Positive low voltage supply (LV). The +ve voltage supply is from +300V to 400V, the
negative voltage supply is from -1000 V to -1500 V.
Applications of CRO
Voltage measurement
Current measurement
Identification of waveform
Measurement of phase and frequency using Lissajous pattern
Component Testing
Function Generator
Function generators are very versatile instruments which are capable of producing a wide
variety of waveforms of different amplitude and frequencies. A function generator is a signal
source that has the capability of producing different types of waveforms as its output signal.
The most common output waveforms are sine-waves, triangular waves, square waves,
and saw tooth waves.
Many function generators are also capable of generating two different waveforms
simultaneously (from different output terminals, of course).
Some function generators are capable of phase-locking to an external signal source. One
function generator may be used to phase lock a second function generator and the two output
signals can be displaced in phase by an adjustable amount. In addition, one function generator
may be phase locked to a harmonic of the sine-wave of another function generator. The
function generator can also be phase locked to an accurate frequency standard, and all its
output waveforms will have the same frequency, stability, and accuracy as the standard.
In this instrument, the frequency is controlled by varying the magnitude of the current that
drives the integrator. The frequency controlled voltage regulates two current supply sources.
Current supply source 1 supplies a constant current to the integrator whose output voltage
rises linearly with time. An increase or decrease in the current increases or reduces the slope
of the output voltage and thus controls the frequency.
The current supply source 2 supplies a reverse current to the integrator so that its output drops
linearly with time. When the output attains a predetermined level, the voltage comparator
again changes state and switches on to the current supply source.
The output of the integrator is a triangular wave whose frequency depends on the current
supplied by the constant current supply sources. The comparator output provides a square
wave of the same frequency as output. The resistance diode network changes the slope of the
triangular wave.
This DC supply is regulated and limited in terms of voltage and current. But the supply
provided from mains may be fluctuating and could easily break down the electronic
equipment, if not properly limited. This work of converting an unregulated alternating current
(AC) or voltage to a limited Direct current (DC) or voltage to make the output constant
regardless of the fluctuations in input, is done by a regulated power supply circuit.
Many low power systems can be run with a battery. But, for a long time operating devices,
batteries could prove to be costly and complicated. The best method used is in the form of an
unregulated power supply –a combination of a transformer, rectifier and a filter.
The output from an ordinary power supply is fed to the voltage regulating device
which contains a step down transformer, bridge rectifier and filter circuit where the ac input
is brought down to a low level first then rectified and finally filtered to give a smooth DC
output as the final output. The output voltage remains constant irrespective of variations in
the ac input voltage or variations in output (or load) current.
A step down transformer is used to step down the voltage from the input AC to the required
voltage of the electronic device. This output voltage of the transformer is customized by
changing the turns ratio of the transformer. The input of the transformer being 230 Volts AC
mains, the output is provided to a full bridge rectifier circuit.
Filter Circuit
The filter circuit is used to convert the high rippled DC output of the FWR to ripple free DC
content. A ∏ filter is used to make the waveforms ripple free.
1. The ac voltage, typically 230 Vrms is connected to a transformer which transforms that
ac voltage to the level for the desired dc output.
2. A bridge rectifier then provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by
a ∏ (or C-L-C) filter to produce a dc voltage.
3. The resulting dc voltage usually has some ripple or ac voltage variation.
4. A regulating circuit use this dc input to provide a dc voltage that not only has much
less ripple voltage but also remains constant even if the input dc voltage varies
somewhat or the load connected to the output dc voltage changes.
5. The regulated dc supply is available across a voltage divider.
6. If more than one dc voltage is required for the operation of electronic circuits. A
single power supply can provide as many as voltages as are required by using a
voltage (or potential) divider. A potential divider is a single tapped resistor connected
across the output terminals of the supply. The tapped resistor may consist of two or
three resistors connected in series across the supply.
1. Poor Regulation – When the load varies, the output does not appear constant. The output
voltage changes by a great value due to the huge change in the current drawn from the
supply. This is mainly due to the high internal resistance of the power supply (>30 Ohms).
2. AC Supply Main Variations – The maximum variations in AC supply mains is give or
take 6% of its rated value. But this value may go higher in some countries. When the value is
higher it’s DC voltage output will differ largely.
3. Temperature Variation – The use of semiconductor devices in electronic devices may
cause variation in temperature.
These variations in dc output voltage may cause an inaccurate or erratic operation or even
malfunctioning of many electronic circuits.
Viva Questions
1- What is CRO?
2- Which one is the main part of one CRO?
3- What are the other parts of a CRO?
4- CRO is an I/P or O/P device?
5- How does a CRO display the signal?
6- What is the main working principle of a CRO?
7- What is a Function Generator?
8- How different forms of signals are generated from a Function
9- How to control Amplitude and Frequency of any signal generated from
the Function Generator?
10- What are the basic blocks of a DC Power Supply?
Experiment No.-3(a)
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
If there is a current flowing through the cable then it will be detected and the LED will glow.
Experiment No.-3(b)
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
1- Short circuit 1 and 2 conductors by hand LED will glow.
2- Short circuit 6 and 8 conductors by hand LED will be switched off.
Experiment No.-3(c)
Experiment No.-3(c)
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
1- After giving supply wait around 6 seconds till the LED glows.
Experiment No.-4
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
Experiment No.-5(a)
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
1- PIN-8 of both the ICs can be shorted and positive supply should be given.
2- PIN-1 of both the ICs can be shorted and negative supply should be given.
Experiment No.-5(b)
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
Dept of ECE Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology 34
Skill Lab (Fundamentals of Electronics) I Sem (All branches)
Once the supply has been switched on the LED will glow alternatively.
Experiment No.-5(c)
Components Required-
Circuit Diagram
1- Once the supply has been switched on the LED will flash.
2- Adjust the pot the intensity of LED can be varied.
Viva Questions
1- What is an IC?
2- Why a 555 Timer is so named?
3- What are the applications of 555Timer?
4- Why VCC supply is given to reset PIN of 555 Timer?
5- Usually which PIN is used to take the O/P from a 555 Timer?