PF2 S01-19 - Iolite Squad Alpha

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Iolite Squad Alpha

By Mike Kimmel
Mike Kimmel

James Case

Mark Seifter

Leo Glass
Table of Contents
Garrett Guillotte and Kieran Newton Iolite Squad Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Sergio Cosmai, Katerina Landon, Leonardo Santanna, and
Brian Valeza (Gunship Revolution) Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4 Encounters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Jason Engle


Appendix 2: Subtier 5–6 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Tony Barnett and Sonja Morris


Linda Zayas-Palmer Appendix 3: Art & Handout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Tonya Woldridge
GM References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
James Jacobs

MANAGING DEVELOPER Chronicle Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Adam Daigle

Erik Mona
How to Play
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–19: Iolite Squad Alpha is a Pathfinder Society Scenario
designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters (Tier 3–6; Subtiers 3–4 and 5–6). As a
scenario, this adventure is designed to take about 4 hours to play. It is designed for play in
the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any
world. For more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read the attached
Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page

GM Resources
Iolite Squad Alpha makes use of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Bestiary, as well
as Pathfinder Flip Mat: Cavernous Lair. All rules referenced in this adventure are available in
the free online Pathfinder Reference Document at, and creature stat blocks
from the Bestiary are reprinted at the back of the adventure for the GM’s convenience.

Scenario Tags
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at This scenario has no scenario tags.
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Iolite Squad Alpha
By Mike Kimmel
GM Synopsis
In this scenario, the PCs escort a group of hobgoblin WHERE ON GOLARION?
recruits from Kaer Maga to Korvosa as part of a diplomatic
mission to train new Pathfinders. The adventure features Iolite Squad Alpha takes place in the nation of
social interactions, skill-based challenges, and combat in Varisia and follows the PCs as they escort a group of
roughly equal measure. hobgoblin recruits from Kaer Maga to Korvosa. More
information on Varisia can be found on pages 116-117
Adventure Background of the Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide, available in
In 4717 AR, the hobgoblin warlord General Azaersi and hobby and game stores, and online at
her Ironfang Legion invaded the nations of Nirmathas
and Molthune, leading vast armies with the help of a
powerful artifact that created dimensional pathways VARISIA
through the Plane of Earth and moved troops and
supplies with ease. Though her armies were powerful, a • Kaer Maga
group of heroes confronted and eventually convinced a
war-weary Azaersi that her continued military conquests
were only hindering her ultimate goal: the establishment
of a stable hobgoblin homeland. In the aftermath of the
Ironfang Invasion, Azaersi has focused on building this
new homeland nation of Oprak through diplomacy and • Korvosa
treaty. The general is well aware that Oprak’s imposing
barrier mountains, highly trained army, and access to
tremendous resources via secret portals to the elemental
Plane of Earth make it one of the Inner Sea region’s best
defenses against the threat posed by the newly released
Whispering Tyrant. Adventure Summary
To help establish connections with the rest of the The adventure begins with the PCs nearing the end of their
region, Oprak reached out to the Pathfinder Society, a journey from Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar to Kaer
globally established agency and natural candidate for Maga, with the details of their assignment in a letter from
diplomatic relations. While still suspicious of Azaersi Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch. The letter outlines
and her motives, the Society has decided to allow a where the PCs are to meet the Iolite Squad, the parameters
newly formed trial squad of hobgoblin recruits, dubbed of their mission, and what little is known about the ruins
the Iolite Squad, to travel to Absalom and train as that are to serve as the hobgoblins’ training grounds.
Pathfinders. The Society hopes to learn more about The PCs meet up with the Iolite Squad and begin their
the hobgoblin nation and its goals, as well as share the journey. During their time in transit, the Pathfinders can
Society’s values with the recruits—and, by extension, converse with and observe the hobgoblins. Their first
with the people of Oprak. Due to the urgent diplomatic opportunity to assess the hobgoblins’ fighting ability and
situation and the hobgoblins’ military training and coordination comes when they encounter a merchant
experience, the Society has further opted to administer family that has been run off the road by a band of wargs.
an accelerated crash course in Pathfinder techniques and After slaying or chasing off the wargs, the PCs and
then evaluate the squad at specially selected training hobgoblins can offer assistance to the merchant family,
grounds before reporting to Absalom. while navigating the family’s suspicion of hobgoblins.
The Pathfinders assigned to the squad must escort Once they reach the training site, the two groups
the hobgoblins from Kaer Maga to the training conduct joint training exercises that give the Pathfinders
grounds and on to Korvosa, where they will board a a chance to exchange interesting tactics and techniques
ship to Absalom. They will pass through lands that with the Iolite Squad prior to their expedition into
are hostile to hobgoblins in the wake of the Ironfang the ruins.
Invasion while also evaluating the hobgoblins’ skills as In the ruins, the hobgoblins take the lead and the
prospective Pathfinders in a series of challenges both Pathfinders back them up—but when unexpected
planned and spontaneous. predators show up, both teams must test their mettle!

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Getting Started The four hobgoblins are the members of the Iolite
The PCs begin the adventure late in the morning Squad. Though they are not unwelcome at the tavern,
after several days of travel from Heidmarch Manor they are out of their element and visibly uncomfortable.
in Magnimar to Kaer Maga, on orders from The PCs can introduce themselves and ask questions to
Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch. The City of learn more about the company.
Strangers and its 80-foot-high walls loom far above Sergeant Drussem (LN female hobgoblin officer),
them from atop the Storval Rise. Give the PCs Handout the group’s leader, approaches the PCs when they enter
#1: Heidmarch’s Mission Briefing. the tavern. If the Pathfinders spent more than one hour
Allow the PCs to purchase supplies before their purchasing supplies in Kaer Maga before arriving at
arranged meeting at the Sorry Excuse inn, but if necessary the Sorry Excuse, she informs them of their tardiness.
remind them that the well-disciplined Iolite Squad will However, if the PCs can explain a useful reason for
likely resent tardiness. This is also a good time for the the perceived delay—such as the purchase of necessary
PCs to roll checks to see if they know or can learn more equipment or services—Drussem nods with satisfaction.
about hobgoblins and the area’s recent history. Drussem is slightly taller than the rest of the hobgoblins,
her armor is well made, and her equipment—from her
Recall Knowledge (Society or Lore) cloak to her sword and shield—is utterly unadorned save
A PC who succeeds at a DC 19 Society check (DC 22 for for the flag of Oprak at her shoulder.
Subtier 5–6) or related Lore check to Recall Knowledge Drussem calls her soldiers to attention before
knows more about the local opinion of hobgoblins. introducing each of them by name. Akrag (LN male
Critical Failure Since the armistice between Oprak and the hobgoblin soldier) grins broadly and extends his lanky
surrounding nations following the Ironfang Invasion, arm to shake hands with each of the Pathfinders, his belt
relations have steadily improved to the point that bristling with small bladed weapons. Gintka (LN female
hobgoblins have assimilated into the surrounding area. hobgoblin engineer), their sapper, gives a quick nod as
Success Hobgoblins from Oprak are making headway Drussem introduces her before she returns to fidgeting
in improving the reputation of goblinoids throughout with the metal buckles and sealed vials adorning her
the region, but they still face a great deal of prejudice gear. Finally, the Sergeant introduces Ozaril (LN male
stemming from the bloody Ironfang Invasion and their hobgoblin commando), their veteran scout, who gives a
reputation as monsters and murderers. There are many perfect salute, his fingers coming close to the many scars
hobgoblins who still cling to these old ways, but General that cross his head.
Azaersi continues her efforts to bring hobgoblins and other Shortly after the PCs introduce themselves, the GM
so-called “monsters” under her banner of diplomacy. should express the squad’s readiness to be on their
Critical Success The Iolite Squad is the first of its kind, a test way—they glance toward the exit, begin gathering their
squadron put together with an emphasis on qualities the equipment, settle their tab, and so on. The bartender is
nation of Oprak believes will mesh with the Pathfinder visibly relieved when the group departs.
Society’s values. Its leader, Sergeant Drussem, is renowned The hobgoblins are eager to begin their journey, and
not only for her successes in battle during the Ironfang if the PCs push for extended conversation beyond these
Invasion, but also for avoiding unnecessary combat and initial introductions, they ask to continue their discussion
helping to negotiate several key treaties. on the road for the sake of efficiency.
GM Instructions: Give the PCs an opportunity to slot
Meeting the Iolite their boons for the adventure if they have not already
Squad done so, and remind them that they each have 1 Hero
Read or paraphrase the following once the PCs have Point available. If the PCs have final purchases to make,
reviewed Handout #1, attempted their skill checks, the hobgoblins begrudgingly wait for them to finish
purchased supplies, and are ready to enter the rowdy, shopping before beginning their journey south.
ale-soaked Sorry Excuse to begin their work. Once the PCs are ready to embark with the Iolite Squad,
proceed to area A, where the PCs and their hobgoblin
Laughter and shouts rise from the boisterous crowd that companions happen upon a pack of wargs ambushing a
occupies the cheaply furnished tavern room at the Sorry traveling merchant. The Traveling with the Iolite Squad
Excuse inn. The staff move from table to table with practiced section on page 4 contains information about roleplaying
efficiency to take orders and deliver pints of frothing ale. Four the PCs’ interactions with the hobgoblins throughout the
hobgoblins seated near the entrance size up everyone who scenario, and the journey to area A is an ideal time to
enters and ignore the mugs on their table. introduce these interactions.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Traveling with the
Iolite Squad
The journey from Kaer Maga to the training grounds,
then the ruins, and finally Korvosa stretches over 100
miles of varied terrain and should take multiple days.
The PCs can get to know the Iolite Squad during this
time, particularly after leaving Kaer Maga but before
area A; after the encounter with the merchant family (The
Wary Merchant); and after the Joint Training Exercises
but before reaching the ruins. Some conversation topics
and hobgoblin behaviors will likely come up over the
course of the journey, described as follows.
General Azaersi: The Iolite Squad’s members each
recently earned special recognition from General
Azaersi for their impressive service record in securing
allies in the fight against the Whispering Tyrant. The
Squad members have always had great respect for their
general, and after meeting her in person and being in the
presence of her charisma and passion, they understood
why so many rallied behind her during the Ironfang
Invasion—and why so many have stayed by her side
following the armistice.
Oprak: The Iolite Squad is proud to serve Oprak and
view the new nation as a symbol of hobgoblin strength
and endurance in the face of adversity.
The Pathfinder Society: Though becoming Pathfinder
agents was not their first preference for an assignment,
the Iolite Squad’s members recognize that they are among
the best hobgoblin candidates for such a mission. They
believe that the Pathfinder Society has much to offer in
terms of knowledge, resources, and practical experience,
and they hope that their presence can help to ingratiate
hobgoblins with others throughout the Inner Sea.
The Squad’s Reactions to other Goblinoid Pathfinders:
If any of the PCs are goblinoids, such as goblins or
hobgoblins, the Iolite Squad members take particular
interest in them. Early in the journey, one or more of
the hobgoblins ask the goblinoid PCs how they ended
up joining the Pathfinder Society. If the PCs’ responses
are at least somewhat in line with the Iolite Squad’s
mission objectives—such as creating better relationships
between goblinoids and other humanoids, especially
where Oprak is concerned—then the Squad reacts
favorably. If the PCs have more individualistic reasons
or seem at odds with the Squad, the hobgoblins resist
voicing open disdain but are clearly displeased. Toward
the end of the scenario, if the mission was successful, one
or more members of the Iolite Squad might approach
such PCs to offer thanks and express regret at judging
them so harshly.
Sergeant Drussem Attitudes Toward Magic: The Iolite Squad does
not contain any spellcasters, but the group respects

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha

Rather than condense all of the role-playing with the

hobgoblins into a single scene, GMs should intersperse
interactions with the Iolite Squad throughout the adventure.
The simplest way to roleplay the Iolite Squad is to have
the hobgoblins defer to Sergeant Drussem. As ranking
officer, Drussem speaks for her team and feels responsible
for representing them. It can be cumbersome for players
and GMs alike to have too many NPCs participating in
role-playing scenes, especially with a larger table of players
or a louder event site, so having a single representative
can simplify the scenario and prevent player confusion.
Some groups instead thrive on deep role-playing with a Akrag
variety of NPCs. If that’s the case—and you as the GM are
comfortable with playing four NPCs at once—you can use
the descriptions below to flesh out the squad.
Sergeant Drussem is stern and commanding, though
quite cordial when at ease. She invites others’ opinions
on strategic decisions but expects her squad to fall in
line when she makes a decision and likewise takes full
responsibility for her squad’s successes and failures. She
singles out the PC who seems most authoritative (or one
with the most senior military background) and treats them
as the PCs’ “ranking officer,” assuming the PCs are also a
strictly hierarchical unit.
Akrag is a perfectionist. He follows a strict exercise
routine and conducts regular combat drills. He reads to keep
his mind sharp and learn about the world and has always
wanted to get his hands on a volume of the Pathfinder
Chronicles. He’s eager to share his knowledge but grows
impatient with those who don’t meet his standards. Gintka
Gintka is the group’s smokeworker. She constantly
fidgets and mutters to herself, has difficulty paying
attention for extended periods, and collects odd objects that
she wears in open defiance of Ironfang Legion regulations;
she’s especially attached to a recently acquired combination
hat/wig. She’s drawn to alchemy, woodworking, and other
activities involving careful measurement and effortlessly
tracks her tasks and mission objectives with thorough
mental checklists. Martial displays and long tales bore her.
Ozaril, the Iolite Squad’s scout, is comfortable in both
remote areas and bustling settlements. He displays earnest
curiosity for other humanoids’ customs and languages and
is usually the Squad’s most good-natured member, but he
also experiences periods of deep melancholy. The oldest
hobgoblin and a veteran of multiple wars—some with fellow
hobgoblins, some with other humanoids—he has great
respect for warriors and soldiers but recognizes the value
of avoiding conflict when possible. Ozaril

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
practitioners of magic and other mystical arts—even This abandoned homestead is unremarkable, except
arcane and occult magic, which many from Oprak that a merchant and his family have sheltered their
view with suspicion. In their many missions, the Squad wagons under its mostly intact roof and are setting up
members have witnessed powerful acts of creation, camp nearby. The merchant is Caradrian Subold (LN
destruction, and restoration at the hands of magic-users. male human merchant), a devout young man from
They ask questions of spellcasting PCs—what is the Magnimar on his way to sell all manner of holy texts in
source of your magic? When did you first learn how to Kaer Maga. Caradrian and his family are understandably
cast spells? What is the most powerful magic you can unable to engage in conversation until the imminent threat
do?—but they balk at the suggestion that they themselves of being devoured by wargs has been resolved.
could study it. Gintka’s bombs and smokeworks are as The paths in this area are well trodden and smooth, but
close to magic as any of them do, and they claim that this debris and dense grass cover the ground off the paths and
advanced science suits the Squad well enough. constitute difficult terrain. The rocky outcroppings in the
If the PCs or players are hesitant to initiate area are natural stone ranging from 5 to 20 feet tall.
conversation with the squad, consider having one of Creatures: A pack of hungry wargs tracked the
the hobgoblins approach the PCs to ask a question or merchant family for hours and waited until their prey was
seek advice. distracted by the task of preparing camp before ambushing
them. Caradrian was savvy enough to hire two caravan
A. Roadside Ambush guards, but they were the first to fall in the ambush and lie
Moderate bleeding on the path just west of the campfire. The wargs
The roads surrounding Kaer Maga are generally well are initially relieved at the approach of hobgoblins—
traveled, and the Pathfinders and Iolite Squad cross assuming that the goblinoids will fight alongside them and
paths with many people as they make their way south. split the spoils after the slaughter—but quickly notice that
The hobgoblins do their best to appear friendly, but most the hobgoblins are not alone and do not mean
travelers give the group a wide berth, some even moving to help them. When they recognize this
to the side of the road to allow the armed hobgoblins threat, the wargs ignore the family to
to march by.
The PCs and their Iolite Squad
companions make their way along
the road several hours south of Kaer
Maga before looking for a spot to
rest for the night, but their search
is interrupted when they encounter
a pack of wargs attacking some
traveling merchants who were
setting up their own camp near
an abandoned homestead.
This encounter assumes the
PCs are searching for a place
to camp or otherwise traveling
through this area around dusk.
The setting sun provides dim
light; the hobgoblins have no
trouble seeing in such conditions
thanks to their darkvision. Read
or paraphrase the following to begin
the encounter.

The path winds through the rugged, wooded foothills for

several miles before opening onto a small ravine. A
dilapidated homestead lies in ruin to the south, and
a nearby campfire sheds flickering illumination on Elite Warg
the surrounding outcroppings.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
turn their attention to the far more dangerous Pathfinders partner, a Garundi man named Jharless, huddles with two
and hobgoblins. See the scenario’s appendixes for more youths near the fire to console them and shield their gaze
details on the wargs and their tactics. from the carnage. When the Iolite Squad approaches,
The merchant and his family cower behind the logs Caradrian retreats in fear, shouting that he doesn’t want
near their campfire. any more trouble.
The Iolite Squad in Combat: The Iolite Squad does not Sergeant Drussem, having been tasked with representing
roll initiative or take individual turns in this encounter— the better aspects of Oprak and hobgoblin cooperation
indeed, this scenario does not present traditional combat and recognizing the potential benefit of helping distressed
statistics for the hobgoblins at all. Instead, the Iolite Squad travelers, orders Gintka and Akrag to help the injured
acts together by performing a single action on initiative guards while she and Ozaril address Caradrian. If the PCs
count 10. See the Encounter Appendixes for information do not immediately move to help, she gestures for them to
about the hobgoblins’ available actions. join; each PC can either speak with the merchant or treat
You don’t need to represent the hobgoblins with the injured guards. Their success (or lack of it) affects the
figures on the battle map, though you might choose to Iolite Squad’s morale, which adjusts the DCs of the Joint
do so. Be sure to narrate the Iolite Squad’s actions and Training Exercises on page 10. Each adjustment must be
emphasize their combat prowess and coordination— applied to a different exercise.
after all, they’re a military group, and they should give
the impression of being about on par with the PCs in Speaking with Caradrian
terms of their combat training and experience. Addressing the merchant involves multiple steps. First,
a PC must calm Caradrian with a successful DC 18
Subtier 3–4 Diplomacy check (DC 21 for Subtier 5–6); if the PC fails
this check, the PCs take a –1 circumstance penalty to
ELITE WARGS (2) CREATURE 3 the subsequent Society or Religion check due to a poor
Page 18; art on page 23 first impression.
A PC must then attempt to convince the merchant that
Subtier 5–6 the hobgoblins are trustworthy with a successful DC 19
Society check (DC 22 for Subtier 5–6) to explain the
WINTER WOLF CREATURE 5 error of prejudice against hobgoblins given their evolving
Page 20 role in the region, or a successful DC 18 Religion
check (DC 21 for Subtier 5–6) to persuade the devout
ELITE WARGS (2) CREATURE 3 merchant with religious doctrines of tolerance, second
Page 20; art on page 23 chances, or similar arguments. Either check has one of
the following results and alters the Iolite Squad’s morale
Rewards: One of the wargs wears a war harness after the encounter.
studded with onyx gems and reinforced with mithral Critical Success Caradrian not only expresses sincere thanks to
links, a device crudely fashioned from a noble warrior’s the PCs and the Iolite Squad, but also offers to share any text
cast-off armor that nonetheless has great value. The of the hobgoblins’ choice. Drussem selects a book of prayers
harness is worth 40 gp and represents 1 Treasure Bundle. and songs from a variety of good-aligned faiths called
Grateful Merchants: With the wargs defeated or Common Prayers and Hymns of the Inner Sea. Decrease the
driven off, Caradrian and his family come out from DCs of two of the Joint Training Exercises by 1.
hiding to thank the PCs. Their reaction to the hobgoblins Success Caradrian expresses sincere thanks for the PCs’
is more mixed. Proceed to The Wary Merchant, a social intervention and takes a long moment to ponder their
encounter in which the Iolite Squad enlists the PCs in argument. He then thanks Drussem and the Iolite Squad,
helping them make a good impression and change the acknowledges that he has much to learn about hobgoblins
merchants’ attitudes toward their kind. and will endeavor to have more faith in them. Decrease the
DC of one of the Joint Training Exercises by 1.
The Wary Merchant Failure Caradrian is grateful for the PCs’ intervention, but his
Following the skirmish with the wargs, Caradrian gratitude extends to only the Pathfinders. He expresses
stumbles out from his hiding place near the campfire that the hobgoblins’ one small act of mercy can’t undo
to ascertain whether his caravan guards are still alive. a long history of violence resulting from the greed and
He is a man from Magnimar with simple, conservative hatred of goblin-kind in the area. Do not adjust the DCs of
traveling clothes that suggest an austere lifestyle. His the Joint Training Exercises.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Roadside Ambush

PCs Start Here

W = Wargs Start Here

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Cavernous Lair

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Critical Failure Caradrian is grateful but wants nothing the PCs and the squad and offers a few small items
further to do with the PCs. He feels that their presence only as thanks. In Subtier 3–4, he gives the PCs an oil of
puts his family in greater danger. Increase the DC of one of mending and a lesser mistform elixir. In Subtier 5–6, he
the Joint Training Exercises by 1. instead rewards the PCs with two moderate acid flasks
and a moderate mistform elixir. These items are worth
Helping the Injured 2 Treasure Bundles.
Helping the injured guards involves multiple steps. First,
a PC must stabilize the guards and assess their condition Joint Training Exercises
with a successful DC 20 Medicine check (DC 22 for Moderate
Subtier 5–6) to Administer First Aid. The check applies After the PCs rest for the night, the Pathfinders’ journey
to both guards at once. If the PC fails this check, the continues to the southeast on less-traveled paths for nearly
PCs take a –1 circumstance penalty to the subsequent two days. During this time, the stoic Iolite Squad members
Crafting or Medicine check due to the guards’ more remain vigilant, knowing that danger could come from
severe condition. As the PCs approach to help the guards, hungry monsters and distrusting humanoids alike.
Akrag pulls out a set of healer’s tools while Gintka begins The group’s next destination is a small valley containing
to mix salves, and Akrag insists on using their expertise in a training ground that the Society has prepared for the
field medicine rather than magic to prove the hobgoblins’ Pathfinders in advance—their mission briefing includes
desire to help to the merchant. He grants the PC who directions on which paths to travel to find the site. The
attempts the check a +1 circumstance bonus on their roll. training ground is about four miles from the abandoned
A PC must then aid Akrag and Gintka in treating the dig site that the Iolite Squad is tasked with exploring.
guards more comprehensively with a successful DC 19 This brief stretch of travel is uneventful, so it’s a good
Crafting or Nature check (DC 22 for Subtier 5–6) to time for GMs to add a brief role-playing scene or two
help Gintka prepare antiseptics and wound sealants, or between the Iolite Squad and the PCs. See Traveling with
a successful DC 18 Medicine check (DC 21 for Subtier the Iolite Squad on page 5 for suggestions.
5–6) to Treat Wounds and help Akrag apply bandages. Read or paraphrase the following when you have
Either check will have one of the following results and completed any role-playing and are ready to continue.
alters the Iolite Squad’s morale after the encounter.
Critical Success Both guards recover swiftly and are amazed The road from Kaer Maga continues south and east through
at the efficacy of the hobgoblins’ medical practice. Decrease the foothills. The Iolite Squad seems comfortable in the rocky
the DCs of two of the Joint Training Exercises by 1. terrain, and they grow more relaxed as the path takes the
Success Both guards are stable and happy to be alive, though group farther away from the more crowded main roads.
it will take them a bit longer to be recovered enough to After a few miles, the winding path descends into a shallow,
resume their guard duties. Decrease the DC of one of the shrub-strewn valley. Soon, the path becomes obscured with
Joint Training Exercises by 1. foliage, but a small stream leads the way to a large cleared
Failure The guards are stable but remain unconscious for at area. Small tables and a few crates of supplies stand neatly at
least a day as their bodies recover from blood loss and fight the center of the area, and four nearby patches of flattened
off infection. Caradrian takes this as a sign of the hobgoblins’ earth ring a sizable bonfire pit. To the south, a ramp leads into
inability to do anything other than bring harm. Do not adjust a labyrinth of trenches that stretches across the valley floor.
the DCs of the Joint Training Exercises. About six feet deep, the trenches are blocked with a sign that
Critical Failure While one of the guards stabilizes and remains reads “DANGER: for Pathfinder Society training purposes
unconscious, the other is lost during treatment. Caradrian only. Keep Out!”
believes that this was intentional sabotage to make the The Iolite Squad sets up camp in a matter of minutes.
wagons easier prey later, and he chases the PCs and squad They move with efficiency and obvious eagerness to begin
off. Increase the DC of one of the Joint Training Exercises by 1. their joint training. Sergeant Drussem barks a few orders in
If the PCs go against Akrag’s wishes and use magic to guidance, and a minute later the four hobgoblins stand at the
treat the guards, the guards automatically recover with ready near the bonfire pit.
no check, but the Iolite Squad feels undermined in their Drussem addresses the squad in Common. “Here begins
genuine attempt to remedy the situation; in this case, your real training! We have fought together many times.
increase the DC of two of the Joint Training Exercises This is something new. These Pathfinders have seen things
by 1. that would surprise us. We know how to fight, how to scout,
Rewards: As long as one of the guards doesn’t die how to use every tactic to gain the slightest advantage.
during treatment, Caradrian expresses gratitude to We are the Iolite Squad! But soon, we will be more. To

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
become Pathfinders, we must learn from Pathfinders. But Acrobatics or Thievery check (DC 22 for Subtier 5–6)
we are not lazy students who wish to sit and read books in with the following results.
a dusty building. We will learn through experience. These Critical Success You complete the obstacle course and teach
Pathfinders are part of our team now, but there is much we the Iolite Squad a few new things about the sort of traps
can teach them as well. Let us show them what the Iolite that are likely to appear in ancient ruins. Additionally, your
Squad can do!” explanations and feedback are swift, accurate, and clear.
As a result, the Iolite Squad has plenty of time to practice
The PCs have a total of 6 hours to train with the the techniques you demonstrate. The DC of checks for the
hobgoblins, and each activity takes about 2 hours associated task in area B decreases by 2.
to complete. This time represents multiple attempts, Success You complete the obstacle course and teach the Iolite
feedback sessions, discussion, and short rests between Squad a few new things about traps that often appear in
attempts. Each PC can attempt up to three of the ancient ruins. The DC of checks for the associated task in
activities. For a group of 6 PCs, each activity takes about area B decreases by 1.
3 hours to complete, so each PC can attempt up to 2 of the Failure You complete the obstacle course, but you fail to
activities. Before rolling any checks for an activity, each demonstrate any useful new skills for the hobgoblins. The
PC must commit to whether they are engaging in that DC of checks for the associated task in area B increases by 1.
activity. If more than one PC joins a given activity, each Critical Failure You complete the obstacle course, but only
PC decides whether to roll independently or help another by teaching the Iolite Squad a few dangerous shortcuts
PC with their roll. If multiple PCs roll independently, use for bypassing traps and obstacles. They come away from
the best roll to determine the result of the activity. Any this session with misconceptions about how to safely avoid
PC who chooses to help instead rolls against the same danger when searching for and disarming traps. The DC of
DC to Aid their chosen PC. checks for the associated task in area B increases by 2.
In Subtier 5–6, the hobgoblins are more capable, but
they also insist on more rigorous training and have higher Exchange of Hand-to-Hand Tactics
expectations of their Pathfinder guides. Each activity notes A hobgoblin army’s traditional “exchange of hand-
the increased DCs resulting from this more intensive training. to-hand tactics” exercise (also known as a “fight”)
GM Reminder: Keep careful track of the highest typically results in serious injury or death for one or
degree of success that the PCs achieve with each activity. more parties. More modern and practically minded
Each activity describes how the results of the PCs’ checks hobgoblins have reduced the lethality of these duels by
affect the Pathfinders and the Iolite Squad while they are allowing a participant to surrender; they still recognize
facing future areas and encounters. Furthermore, take that the loser might be weaker, but they can also learn
note of any activities that the PCs did not attempt at all, something from their loss and grow stronger for it.
whether due to focusing their time on the other activities That doesn’t mean the hobgoblins go easy on you when
or for some other reason. The PCs automatically receive you engage in this brutal wrestling exercise, however.
the “Failure” result for any activities that they did not Attempt a Strike against AC 18 (AC 20 for Subtier
attempt, so be sure to communicate to the PCs the 5–6) using your highest proficiency with a weapon or
consequences of not practicing a given exercise. magical tradition, with the following results.
Critical Success After a few bouts, you and the hobgoblins
Essentials of Infiltration and Obstacle size each other up and determine exactly how best to
Avoidance complement one another’s fighting abilities. With a few
Hobgoblins enjoy bloodshed, but they also seek out more rounds, you each learn something new and the
practical solutions whenever possible. This is especially Iolite Squad gains a newfound respect for how you handle
true when exploring dangerous areas such as ruins, yourself in a fight. The DC of checks for the associated
where blood can be spilled due to traps and hazards task in area B decreases by 2.
as well as foes. The Iolite Squad recognizes that the Success You match the hobgoblins blow-for-blow and
Pathfinders are the experts in exploring ruins and move-for-move. The Iolite Squad is impressed with your
getting out alive—their own past experience generally fighting abilities, and you learn a few tips from Sergeant
covers traps and snares used in war and hunting, not the Drussem about reading your opponent and keeping a
myriad traps left by civilizations long gone. The course clear head in a fight. The DC of checks for the associated
leads through a series of simple traps and obstacles laid task in area B decreases by 1.
out in the trenches and designed to demand a variety of Failure The Iolite Squad starts off too aggressively and
strategies for avoiding such dangers. Attempt a DC 19 handily wins the first few matches. They take it a little

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
bit too easy on you for the rest of the training session. Critical Success It takes only a few attempts to duplicate
Your bout results in a few bruises and scrapes, but you the hobgoblins’ techniques. The Iolite Squad’s alchemist,
do not learn any new fighting techniques. The DC of Gintka, teaches you a few advanced tips and methods in
checks for the associated task in area B increases by 1. the remaining time. The DC of checks for the associated
Critical Failure The hobgoblins are demoralized by your task in area B decreases by 2.
apparent lack of skill in close combat and worry that Success You get hurt a few times while attempting to
you might not be able to help them in a truly dangerous duplicate the techniques and processes that the Iolite
fight. The DC of checks for the associated task in area B Squad demonstrates, but after several attempts you
increases by 2. succeed. The DC of checks for the associated task in area
B decreases by 1.
Understanding Artifacts and Lore Failure You receive a few minor burns, and your eyes won’t
Many hobgoblins fail to see the value in crumbling stop watering for a few hours. The DC of checks for the
artifacts and forgotten lore—if it has no immediate associated task in area B increases by 1.
practical use, why take the time to study it? The Iolite Critical Failure You think you understand the smokeworking
Squad, however, recognizes that they must understand technique that you’ve been taught, but in truth you’ve
such things if they are to become Pathfinders and help mixed up the steps. The DC of checks for the associated
to elevate Oprak and hobgoblin-kind in the eyes of task in area B increases by 2.
the Society. Lacking experience in such matters, they Hero Point: Upon completing all four exercises, you
are eager for any advice that you have to offer in an should be approaching or have already passed the end
impromptu field lecture. Attempt a DC 19 Arcana, of your second hour of gameplay. Award a Hero Point
Occultism, or Religion check (DC 22 for Subtier 5–6) to one of the PCs if you have not already done so since
or a DC 18 Lore check with an especially relevant Lore completing The Wary Merchant. This could be a PC who
skill (DC 21 for Subtier 5–6) with the following results. critically succeeds during the joint training exercises or
Critical Success You explain the practical use of ancient is most engaged in role-playing with the hobgoblins. If
artifacts and lore in such a way that the hobgoblins begin none of the PCs match these requirements, give a Hero
connecting this knowledge to their own experiences and Point to a random PC of your choice; this should be
recognizing situations in which thorough documentation a different PC than the one to whom you previously
and extensive research might have helped them. The DC awarded a Hero Point.
of checks for the associated task in area B decreases by 2.
Success You demonstrate the usefulness of ancient artifacts B. The Abandoned
and lore with examples from your own knowledge and Dig Site
experience. The Iolite Squad sees the value of this new For thousands of years the dwarves of the Mindspin
knowledge and demonstrates a fair understanding of Mountains, a range not far to the northeast, have
how to recognize and document such findings. The DC of explored and mined the foothills surrounding their
checks for the associated task in area B decreases by 1. mountain halls. The region is pocketed with caves and
Failure The Iolite Squad becomes confused by the mines both great and small, but most were stripped
expectations for handling and documenting ancient long ago of anything valuable and are abandoned or
artifacts and lore—they try their best, but they do not collapsed. Few people still bother to explore the area,
engage enough to have learned anything useful. The DC and most long-lost dwarven settlements which might
of checks for the associated task in area B increases by 1. have existed have either been re-discovered and looted,
Critical Failure Your explanation bores the hobgoblins. They or now house monsters and bandits.
put up with your attempts to train them, but they do not Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch is familiar with
yet see the immediate usefulness of this skill. The DC of the area’s history and has used the old settlements
checks for the associated task in area B increases by 2. in the foothills as training sites for years. They offer
an ideal mix of interesting (but not too interesting)
The Art and Science of Smokeworking discoveries and dangerous (but not too dangerous)
You learn the essentials of hobgoblin smokeworking, threats. When she heard word that the Pathfinder
which combines alchemy and engineering to bring fire Society would be training hobgoblins, she quickly
and smoke to the battlefield. This hands-on training ordered that this specific dig site be reserved for their
is quite dangerous! Attempt a DC 19 Crafting or use. The negotiations dragged on, and in the intervening
Medicine check (DC 22 for Subtier 5–6) with the weeks a group of dangerous monstrous spiders took
following results. up residence in the ruins. Once the arrangements

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
were finally and suddenly made, the Iolite Squad was
sent on its way there with no time to double-check EXPLORING THE RUINS
the site, and the Society is unaware of the new danger
lurking within. This delve does not follow the traditional formula of
Before the PCs venture into the dig site with the other scenarios in that the PCs don’t take the lead—the
Iolite Squad, GMs have another opportunity to add Iolite Squad directs the expedition, with the Pathfinders
brief role-playing encounters between the PCs and the providing support and guidance while evaluating the
Squad. See Traveling with the Iolite Squad on page 8 Squad’s actions. To represent this, the PCs progress
for suggestions. through a series of activities as they accompany the
Read or paraphrase the following when you have squad through the ruins. Each location in this area
completed any role-playing scenes and are ready presents a brief description of what the group finds,
to continue. what the hobgoblins decide to do, how the PCs can
participate, and what happens as a result. Proceed
A few miles from the training grounds, a stone edifice rises through these events in the order presented.
against the northern slope of the valley. Thick vines drape The group’s success and failures in the Joint Training
over a fifty-foot-wide archway that leads into the structure Exercises directly affect their degree of success in this
and cover most of the rough-hewn stone around it. A area’s activities. Each activity indicates which training
cool wind carries the faint stench of dust and decay from exercise it is associated with. The PCs’ degree of
the ruins. success from each associated training exercise adjusts
their DC in this area’s exploration tasks.
The interior of the abandoned dig site is dark, though Critical Success Decrease the DC of checks for this
the room at the entrance is dimly lit by sunlight if the task by 2.
PCs explore this location during the day. The ceilings Success Decrease the DC of checks for this task by 1.
are about 10 feet high in most places, though they arch Failure Increase the DC of checks for this task by 1.
to 15 or 20 feet high in the larger chambers. The floor Critical Failure Increase the DC of checks for this
and walls are roughly hewn stone. task by 2.
Special: The Iolite Squad’s level of success in
exploring the ruins contributes to their overall sense
of accomplishment and preparedness as Pathfinder successful DC 20 Perception check (DC 23 for Subtier
trainees. This determines whether the PCs fulfill their 5–6), with the following results.
secondary objective of truly preparing the hobgoblins, Associated Training Exercise: Essentials of Infiltration
rather than rushing them through their training for the and Obstacle Avoidance (see the “Exploring the
sake of a quick and convenient allegiance with Oprak. Ruins” sidebar)
For each of the four tasks in this area, keep track of the Critical Success Not only does Akrag spot and disarm all
best degree of success attained by the PCs. At the end of the traps, he also finds a stash of ancient coins concealed
the scenario, refer to the Secondary Objectives section behind a trapped slab of stone.
(page 17). Success You help spot traps and point out how Akrag can
identify them on his own, and he successfully disarms
B1. Disarm the Traps every trap without setting any of them off.
The dwarves who last explored these ruins used simple Failure Akrag disarms most of the traps, but one rune blows
trip-wire traps and a few magic runes to hinder those up in his face, which deals 2d6 fire damage to each PC
who might interfere with their excavation. (DC 20 basic Reflex save). In Subtier 5–6, the damage
increases to 4d6, and the DC increases to 23.
Akrag takes a few moments to explore the entrance to the Critical Failure Akrag makes a serious error and sets off
ruin. Rough stairs descend to the left and right and lead to several magic traps at once, dealing 2d6 fire damage to
multiple hallways. He holds up a hand to warn the others each PC (DC 23 basic Reflex save). In Subtier 5–6, the
to halt. “Possible traps—all routes compromised. Status damage increases to 4d6, and the DC increases to 26.
unclear. Request assistance locating, will attempt disposal.” Rewards: The ancient coins have a 50 gp value and
are worth 1 Treasure Bundle. If the PCs succeed at their
To proceed through this area, the Iolite Squad must check but did not critically succeed, they can attempt
disarm the traps or suffer their consequences. Akrag a second Perception check to Seek to find the treasure
takes the lead. The PCs can help to find traps with a (DC 20, or DC 23 in Subtier 5–6).

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
B2. Vanquish the Skeletons A ruined, rotting campsite occupies the east wall of this
Six dwarf explorers, betrayed by a greedy companion, large chamber. The hobgoblins spend a few minutes picking
never made it out of this dig site alive, and their remains through the wreckage. Sergeant Drussem says, “This must be
now prowl the caverns. where those dwarves made camp. A long time ago, it seems.”
After a few minutes, Ozaril exclaims, “I found something!”
Rounding a corner, the Iolite Squad discovers a half-dozen He lifts a small wood chest still largely preserved, and the
skeletal dwarves. They shed centuries of dust and cobwebs as hobgoblins open it to find ancient scrolls, a dusty tome, and
they rise to attack the intruders with ancient picks and shovels. a few miniature stone statuettes.

To proceed through this area, the Iolite Squad must Upon reaching this area, the Iolite Squad sets out to
defeat the undead. These foes pose little threat if the record their findings for submission to the Pathfinder
hobgoblins use good sense. The PCs can help with tips archives. The PCs can help the Iolite Squad with their
about battling undead foes or general battle tactics by reports by serving as scribes, which requires a successful
succeeding at a DC 19 Religion or related Lore check (DC DC 20 Society check (DC 23 for Subtier 5–6), with the
22 for Subtier 5–6), with the following results. following results.
Associated Training Exercise: Exchange of Hand-to-Hand Associated Training Exercise: Understanding Artifacts
Tactics (see the “Exploring the Ruins” sidebar) and Lore (see the “Exploring the Ruins” sidebar)
Critical Success You advise the Iolite Squad that the skeletons Critical Success The hobgoblins are able to fashion accurate
will attack without thought of tactics. The hobgoblins funnel copies of the texts they found, as well as detailed sketches
their enemies into a narrow corridor and quickly destroy of the objects. From one of the texts, they discover that
them. The quick combat is a great warmup that grants the the one of the stone statuettes is missing from the set and
PCs a +1 status bonus to initiative in area B5. locate it within a few minutes of searching.
Success Knowing the skeletons will do little to prevent Success Following your advice, the hobgoblins carefully
themselves from being surrounded, you suggest a quick translate the ancient dwarven texts and discover clues
flanking strategy. Sergeant Drussem and Ozaril leap into about when the site might have been constructed.
the fray, while Akrag and Gintka outflank the skeletons. Failure The hobgoblins listen carefully, but Akrag and Gintka
After a brief skirmish, the enemies are defeated. can’t agree on whether the statuettes are magical. When
Failure You mistake the skeletons for a more powerful Drussem steps in to tell them to do their best and move
foe and hesitate briefly—the Iolite Squad holds off the on, the two are embarrassed by their lack of knowledge.
enemies, but they are unable to gain a quick advantage. The confusing back and forth causes all PCs to take a –1
They eventually wear down the skeletons with brute status penalty to Recall Knowledge attempts for the rest
force while sustaining minor injuries. of the day.
Critical Failure You suggest a flawed defensive strategy that Critical Failure Your meandering explanation causes
the skeletons exploit to attack from multiple directions. the squad to nitpick the details of the report.
Several skeletons break through the Iolite Squad’s They finish the task, but it embarrasses and
defenses and attack you. You defeat them handily, but frustrates them, and the confusion causes all PCs to take
the din alerts the enemies in area B5, granting them a +1 a –2 status penalty to Recall Knowledge attempts for the
bonus to their initiative checks. rest of the day.
Rewards: In Subtier 3–4, one of the skeletons wore a Rewards: The stone statuettes in the chest have a
lifting belt, which the hobgoblins give to the PCs. They 25 gp value and are worth 1 Treasure Bundle. If the
know that its good condition likely means it is magical, group finds the complete set with a critical success, the
but without a way of knowing what it does, they have statuettes have far greater value and are instead worth
little use for it. In Subtier 5–6, the group instead finds 2 Treasure Bundles.
a ring of the ram, which they similarly turn over to the
PCs out of distrust in magic over their training. In both B4. Smoke out the Spiders
Subtiers, the item is worth 2 Treasure Bundles. Swarms of mundane spiders followed the far more
monstrous web lurkers into the deeper areas of the ruins.
B3. Record Ancient Findings
The dwarven expedition set up camp here long ago. Thick cobwebs and hundreds of spiders choke this passage.
What remains of their equipment is ruined, but a few “Our weapons will be no use here,” says the sergeant. Gintka
interesting pieces remain of the stash of ancient relics steps forward, already mixing a few vials of smoking liquid
they recovered. eagerly. “This should clear them out.”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
To proceed through this area, the Iolite Squad decides these requirements, give a Hero Point to a random
to smoke out the spiders with alchemy. Gintka passes PC of your choice; this should be a different PC than
a pair of fuming vials to each of her companions. The the ones to whom you awarded a Hero Point after the
PCs can give Gintka advice on what reagents are most previous encounters.
likely to repel the spiders with a successful DC 19
Nature or Survival check (DC 22 for Subtier 5–6), with B5. Deadfall Ambush Severe
the following results. A group of web lurkers and their pet giant spiders
Associated Training Exercise: The Art and Science of occupy the deeper areas of the ruins and occasionally
Smokeworking (see the “Exploring the Ruins” sidebar) wander at night out into the foothills to hunt for prey.
Critical Success With your help, Gintka creates a smoke Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch was unaware that
that billows along the floor and creeps up the walls. She such dangerous foes had moved into the ruins, and
includes aromatic herbs that are harmless to humanoids their cunning plan to separate the intrusive humanoids
but noxious to arthropods, which swiftly disperses poses the greatest threat that the Pathfinders and their
the spiders. The lingering fumes stick to the PCs’ clothing, trainees have yet to face.
granting them a +1 status bonus to their saves against the
abilities of the enemies in area B5. Rough stairs rise to the west, and a wide passage leads east.
Success With your help, Gintka smokes out most of the Thick webs cling to the walls and ceiling. A loud scrape and
spiders, though a few remain to harass the group as they thud alerts the Squad to the presence of something beyond
move through the passage. the east passage. “Wait here,” says the Sergeant, who signals
Failure Gintka’s alchemy smokes out the spiders, but the her squad to stay on their guard as they press forward. One
cloud does not stay contained as intended, and the of them shouts a curse as a sharp twang echoes through
hobgoblins are all exposed to the roiling, choking cloud. the ruins—part of the ceiling above, concealed by webbing,
They must delay for several minutes as they recover from suddenly collapses. The hobgoblins rush forward, dodging
their self-inflicted condition. the cascade of boulders that fall and block the passage.
Critical Failure The reagents you suggest to Gintka actually
attract the spiders rather than repel them, and the group As the dust settles, the hobgoblins’ faint battle cries
spends nearly an hour fighting off swarm after swarm. mix with a hideous chattering noise—some of the web
The fumes stick to the PCs’ clothing, imposing a –1 status lurkers are attacking the squad beyond the collapsed
penalty to their saves against the abilities of the enemies passage. Before the PCs have time to start digging out
in area B5. the tunnel to help the trainees, they are ambushed
A Brief Respite: With these four tasks complete, as well.
Sergeant Drussem orders her squad to
regroup and rest for a moment. She thanks
the Pathfinders for their guidance so far
and suggests that they take a moment to rest
as well. If they insist on pressing on, she orders
the Squad to proceed through the previously
spider-choked passage.
Hero Points: Upon completing
this encounter, you should be
approaching or have already
passed the end of your third
hour of gameplay. Award a
Hero Point to one of the PCs
if you have not already done
so since completing the joint training
exercises. This could be a PC who
had just the right skill to succeed
in an activity, achieved a critical
success in an activity, or was
able to succeed at multiple checks throughout the Giant Tarantula
exercises and exploration. If none of the PCs match

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
B. The Abandoned Dig Site C





E = Enemies Start Here
C = Collapse

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Cavernous Lair

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Creatures: A group of web lurkers recently discovered Over the next few days, the PCs escort the Iolite Squad to
this lair after being driven out of their previous home. Korvosa, where they board a ship to Absalom. There, they
They have no desire to negotiate and view the Pathfinders report their findings and the results of their joint training
and hobgoblins as food for themselves and their giant at the Grand Lodge. Sergeant Drussem thanks the PCs for
spider pets—including tarantulas of enormous size. The completing their field training and expresses hope that the
area B map (see page 16) indicates the starting areas two teams can work together in the future. Later, the PCs
for the PCs and enemies when the encounter in area receive a letter from Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch
B5 begins. commending them for their successful diplomatic mission.
She expresses uncertainty at what the future holds for the
Subtier 3–4 Society and the nation of Oprak, but is also confident that
it is brighter thanks to the PCs’ successful mission.
Page 19; art on page 24 Primary Objectives
The PCs fulfill their primary objective if they guide the
WEB LURKERS (2) CREATURE 3 Iolite Squad through the ruins and defeat the unexpected
Page 19; art on page 25 spiders, thereby clearing the site of danger. Doing so
earns each PC 2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction
Subtier 5–6 associated with their currently slotted faction boon. PCs
who complete this mission also gain the Iolite Trainee
GIANT TARANTULA CREATURE 6 Hobgoblin boon on their Chronicle sheet.
Page 21; art on page 24
Secondary Objectives
WEB LURKER CREATURE 3 The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if the Iolite
Page 21; art on page 25 Squad demonstrated strong Pathfinder skills in their
exploration of the ruins (areas B1, B2, B3, and B4). For
Reuniting with the Squad: Shortly after the battle, the each area, consider the highest degree of success by any
PCs hear the Iolite Squad’s victorious shouts. It takes PC who attempted the check. If the PCs attained at least
about an hour for the two groups working together to four “successes,” they fulfill their secondary objective.
dig out the deadfall debris and free the hobgoblins. The For these purposes, a critical success counts as two
Squad vanquished a giant tarantula; Ozaril has a vicious successes, and a critical failure subtracts one success.
bite wound, but they otherwise fared well in the battle. Fulfilling their secondary objective earns each PC 2 Fame
Rewards: With a thorough search of the rest of the and 2 Reputation for any faction associated with their
ruined dig site, the Iolite Squad discovers several objects currently slotted faction boon.
in surprisingly good condition, from religious symbols
and prayer beads to precious gems. They find a low-grade
cold iron breastplate in Subtier 3–4; in Subtier 5–6 they
instead find a standard-grade cold iron shield. These
items are worth 2 Treasure Bundles.

With the abandoned dig site cleared of danger, the Iolite
Squad can fully explore the site. They discover signs that
this location was once a way station of sorts for dwarven
travelers, but they also find the remains of ancient writings
that suggest this was a hideout of some kind for an exiled
religious sect. They lack the knowledge to piece together
exactly when these dwarves used the site, or when it was
built, but they are eager to continue their research once
they reach Absalom. There is pride in Sergeant Drussem’s
eyes as she sees her squad poring over their findings.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat
blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this scenario. To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
These encounters are written for four 3rd-level PCs. If following Challenge Point adjustments. These
your group has a different composition or size, refer to the adjustments are not cumulative.
Challenge Points section of GM References (page 27) for 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one warg to the
instructions on how to use the scaling sidebars to adjust encounter.
the encounters for your group. 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one elite warg to the
If a creature is marked “(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter.
encounter unless otherwise specified (likely from the 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one warg and one elite
scaling sidebars). warg to the encounter.
16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two elite
Encounter A: Roadside Ambush (Subtier 3–4) wargs to the encounter.
While the PCs are traveling through this area, they
encounter a pack of wargs that has ambushed a merchant
family. Speed 40 feet
Iolite Squad Actions: Each round, on initiative count Melee [one-action] jaws +13, Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus Grab
10, the hobgoblins perform one of the following actions. Pack Attack The warg’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to
The GM should choose the option that seems most creatures within the reach of at least two of the warg’s allies.
efficient, such as attacking a foe that is near death. Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Small, 1d6+4 bludgeoning,
Melee or Ranged Strike: The hobgoblins Strike with a Rupture 9
weapon attack. Their attack roll has a +12 modifier and
deals 1d6+4 slashing or piercing damage on a successful hit. WARGS (0) CREATURE 2
Alchemical Support: The hobgoblins attempt to blind NE MEDIUM BEAST
a warg with smoke. The warg must succeed at a DC 19 Perception +8; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Languages Common, Goblin, Orcish
Draw Attention: The hobgoblins attempt to draw a Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +8, Deception +6, Intimidation
warg’s attacks. The warg must succeed at a DC 17 Will +6, Stealth +7, Survival +8
save or spend its next turn chasing the hobgoblins rather Str +4, Dex +3, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +2
than attacking the PCs. AC 17, Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +6
Creatures: The wargs begin the fight spread throughout HP 36
the area—place them as evenly as possible among the Avenging Bite [reaction] Trigger A creature within reach of the
possible starting areas indicated on the map. They use warg’s jaws attacks one of the warg’s allies. Effect The warg
their speed to attack their enemies’ back rank, flanking makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature.
and surrounding whichever foe seems weakest. Whenever Speed 40 feet
possible they try to coordinate their attacks and positions Melee [one-action] jaws +11, Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus Grab
to take advantage of Pack Attack and Avenging Bite. When Pack Attack The warg’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to
only one warg remains, it flees into the wilderness. creatures within the reach of at least two of the warg’s allies.
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Small, 1d6+2 bludgeoning,
Perception +10; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Common, Goblin, Orcish
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +10, Deception +8, Intimidation
+8, Stealth +9, Survival +10
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +2
AC 19, Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +8
HP 51
Avenging Bite [reaction] Trigger A creature within reach of the
warg’s jaws attacks one of the warg’s allies. Effect The warg
makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Encounter B5: Deadfall Ambush (Subtier 3–4)
While the PCs are guiding the Iolite Squad through the SCALING ENCOUNTER B5
ruins, the two groups become separated by falling rocks
as indicated by the impassable area marked C on the To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
map. Monstrous spiders ambush the PCs and attempt to Challenge Point adjustment.
slaughter them for their next meal. 12+ Challenge Points: For every 2 Challenge Points
Creatures: The giant spider attacks once from range beyond 10, add one elderly giant tarantula or web
before closing into melee. Any web lurkers in the fight lurker, keeping the numbers roughly equal.
use their webs to hold enemies in place, and engage in
melee combat only once their pet spiders have fallen or
their victims are helplessly trapped. WEB LURKERS (2) CREATURE 3
ELDERLY GIANT TARANTULA CREATURE 3 Perception +10; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
N LARGE ANIMAL (creatures touching its web)
Perception +9; darkvision Languages Aklo; spider speak
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +10, Stealth +7 Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Crafting +8 (+12 to craft
Str +5, Dex +0, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –4 traps and snares), Stealth +11
AC 16, Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 Str +4, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha –1
HP 65 Spider Speak The web lurker can speak with spiders, with the
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet same effects and limitations as speak with animals.
Melee [one-action] fangs +12, Damage 2d6+5 piercing plus giant AC 19, Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +8
tarantula venom HP 45
Melee [one-action] leg +12 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+5 bludgeoning Spring upon Prey [reaction] Trigger A creature touches the web
plus Knockdown lurker’s web while the web lurker is on it. Requirement
Giant Tarantula Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude Initiative has not yet been rolled. Effect The web lurker
DC 25; Maximum Duration 8 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison automatically notices the creature and Strides or Climbs
(1 round); Stage 2 1d4 poison, flat-footed, and clumsy 1 (1 before rolling initiative.
round); Stage 3 1d4 poison, flat-footed, and clumsy 2; Stage Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
4 1d4 poison and paralyzed (1 round). Melee [one-action] fangs +11 (poison), Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus web
Hair Barrage [two-actions] The tarantula flicks its legs, flinging spiky lurker venom
hairs in a 15-foot cone. This deals 3d8 piercing damage with Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d8+6 slashing
a DC 19 basic Reflex save. Melee [one-action] web +11
Web Lurker Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 19;
Maximum Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and
flat-footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison, flat-footed, and
slowed 1 (1 round)
Web Trap A creature hit by the web lurker’s web attack is
immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface until it
succeeds at DC 20 Acrobatics check to Escape.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Appendix 2: Subtier 5–6
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat
blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this scenario. To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
These encounters are written for four 5th-level PCs. If following Challenge Point adjustments. These
your group has a different composition or size, refer to the adjustments are not cumulative.
Challenge Points section of GM References (page 27) for 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one elite warg to the
instructions on how to use the scaling sidebars to adjust encounter.
the encounters for your group. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one winter wolf to the
If a creature is marked “(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter.
encounter unless otherwise specified (likely from the 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one winter wolf and
scaling sidebars). one elite warg to the encounter.
33+ Challenge Points: Add two winter wolves to the
Encounter A: Roadside Ambush (Subtier 5–6) encounter.
While the PCs are traveling through this area, they
encounter a pack of wargs that has ambushed a merchant
family. Avenging Bite [reaction] As warg.
Iolite Squad Actions: Each round, on initiative count Speed 40 feet
10, the hobgoblins perform one of the following actions. Melee [one-action] jaws +15 (cold), Damage 1d10+6 piercing plus 1d6
The GM should choose the option that seems most cold and Knockdown
efficient, such as attacking a foe that is near death. Breath Weapon [two-actions] (cold, evocation, primal); The winter wolf
Melee or Ranged Strike: The hobgoblins Strike with a breathes a cloud of frost in a 15-foot cone that deals 5d8
weapon attack. Their attack roll has a +15 modifier and cold damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save). The winter wolf
deals 1d8+6 slashing or piercing damage on a successful can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
hit. Pack Attack The winter wolf’s Strikes deal 1d6 extra damage
Alchemical Support: The hobgoblins attempt to blind to creatures within the reach of at least two of the winter
a warg with smoke. The warg must succeed at a DC 21 wolf’s allies.
Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Draw Attention: The hobgoblins attempt to draw a ELITE WARGS (2) CREATURE 3
warg’s attacks. The warg must succeed at a DC 19 Will NE MEDIUM BEAST
save or spend its next turn chasing the hobgoblins rather Perception +10; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
than attacking the PCs. Languages Common, Goblin, Orcish
Creatures: The wargs begin the fight spread Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +10, Deception +8, Intimidation
throughout the area—place them as evenly as possible +8, Stealth +9, Survival +10
among the possible starting areas indicated on the map. Str +4, Dex +3, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +2
They use their speed to attack their enemies’ back rank, AC 19, Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +8
flanking and surrounding whichever foe seems weakest. HP 51
Whenever possible they try to coordinate their attacks Avenging Bite [reaction] Trigger A creature within reach of the
and positions to take advantage of Pack Attack and warg’s jaws attacks one of the warg’s allies. Effect The warg
Avenging Bite. When only two wargs remain, they flee makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature.
into the wilderness. Speed 40 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +13, Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus Grab
WINTER WOLF CREATURE 5 Pack Attack The warg’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to
NE LARGE BEAST creatures within the reach of at least two of the warg’s
Perception +14; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet allies.
Languages Common, Jotun Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Small, 1d6+4 bludgeoning,
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +13, Deception +11, Intimidation Rupture 9
+11, Stealth +13 (+16 in snow), Survival +12
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2
AC 23; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +10
HP 70; Immunities cold; Weaknesses fire 5
Buck [reaction] DC 21

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Encounter B5: Deadfall Ambush (Subtier 5–6)
While the PCs are guiding the Iolite Squad through the SCALING ENCOUNTER B5
ruins, the two groups become separated by falling rocks,
as indicated by the impassable area marked C on the To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
map. Monstrous spiders ambush the PCs and attempt to following Challenge Point adjustments. These
slaughter them for their next meal. adjustments are not cumulative.
Creatures: The giant spider attacks once from range 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one web lurker to the
before closing into melee. Any web lurkers in the fight encounter.
use their webs to hold enemies in place, fighting in melee 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one giant tarantula to
only once their pet spiders have fallen or their victims are the encounter.
helplessly trapped. 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one giant tarantula and
one web lurker to the encounter.
GIANT TARANTULA CREATURE 6 33+ Challenge Points: Add two giant tarantulas to
N LARGE ANIMAL the encounter.
Perception +14; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +16, Stealth +11
Str +6, Dex +1, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –4 WEB LURKERS (3) CREATURE 3
AC 21, Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +10 N MEDIUM ABERRATION
HP 135 Perception +10; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet (creatures touching its web)
Melee [one-action] fangs +17, Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus giant Languages Aklo; spider speak
tarantula venom Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Crafting +8 (+12 to craft
Melee [one-action] leg +17 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d12+8 bludgeoning traps and snares), Stealth +11
plus Knockdown Str +4, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha –1
Giant Tarantula Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude Spider Speak The web lurker can speak with spiders, with the
DC 23; Maximum Duration 8 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison same effects and limitations as speak with animals.
(1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison, flat-footed, and clumsy 1 (1 AC 19, Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +8
round); Stage 3 1d6 poison, flat-footed, and clumsy 2; Stage HP 45
4 1d6 poison and paralyzed (1 round). Spring upon Prey [reaction] Trigger A creature touches the web
Hair Barrage [two-actions] The tarantula flicks its legs, flinging spiky lurker’s web while the web lurker is on it. Requirement
hairs in a 15-foot cone. This deals 4d6 piercing damage with Initiative has not yet been rolled. Effect The web lurker
a DC 25 basic Reflex save. automatically notices the creature and Strides or Climbs
before rolling initiative.
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fangs +11 (poison), Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus web
lurker venom
Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d8+6 slashing
Melee [one-action] web +11
Web Lurker Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 19;
Maximum Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and
flat-footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison, flat-footed, and
slowed 1 (1 round)
Web Trap A creature hit by the web lurker’s web attack is
immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface until it
succeeds at DC 20 Acrobatics check to Escape.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Appendix 3: Art & Handout



Sergeant Drussem

Iolite Squad

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha

Elite Warg

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha

Giant Tarantula

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha

Web Lurker

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Handout #1: Heidmarch’s Mission Briefing

Greetings, Pathfinders,
We have an urgent diplomatic mission for you, but not of the traditional sort. The Pathfinder Society has been
negotiating for weeks with General Azaersi, leader of the hobgoblin nation of Oprak. Now that she has secured
Oprak’s borders, the General has cast far and wide in search of useful allies: including the Society. Despite the
General’s central role in the recent bloody conflict known as the Ironfang Invasion and the resulting instability
in the region, she is potentially a powerful ally. The resurgent threat of the Whispering Tyrant must not be taken
lightly, and an allegiance with Oprak could prove invaluable.
However, General Azaersi’s full intentions are unknown. To further ascertain her motives, the Society has agreed
to accept a small squad of hobgoblins into its ranks. You are to meet this group, the Iolite Squad, in Kaer Maga,
then escort them to a nearby training ground to conduct a series of joint training exercises. The training ground
is near an ancient dwarven dig site that we have identified as an ideal location for these recruits to practice being
Pathfinder agents; it is not a place of global significance, but it likely contains some interesting pieces of history.
After your joint exercises, guide the recruits in exploring the site. The hobgoblins are competent soldiers and
we do not expect great danger, but you must ensure that they all make it out alive. This is a diplomatic mission,
after all. Defer to the hobgoblins when exploring—they must prove themselves capable Pathfinders—but give aid
if they request it. With this task complete, escort the Iolite Squad to Korvosa, where all of you are to book passage
to Absalom and report to the Grand Lodge.
We have arranged for you to meet the Iolite Squad at the Sorry Excuse, an establishment in the Hospice District.
Do not keep the hobgoblins waiting long upon your arrival to Kaer Maga. Most citizens of the City of Strangers
will not blink twice at a band of hobgoblins, but the Ironfang Invasion has soured public opinion toward them.
Be wary of those who may resent their presence.
From Kaer Maga, follow the river south to Sirathu, then take the southeast road for 30 miles. The training
grounds and dig site are in a rock-strewn valley to the northeast of a small wood.
Go with care,
Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
GM References Challenge Points Per PC
Level Challenge Points
Treasure Table
3 2
Level Treasure Bundle 4 3
3 3.8 gp 5 4
4 6.4 gp 6 5
5 10 gp
6 15 gp Challenge Points and Subter
CP Total Subtier
Chronicle Sheet
PCs who successfully run the Iolite Squad through the 8-14 3–4
training grounds gain the Iolite Trainee Hobgoblin boon 16-18 (5+ players) 3–4
on their Chronicle Sheets. 16-18 (4 players) 5–6
19+ 5–6
Treasure Bundles:
▫Area A, page 8: 1 Treasure Bundle Challenge Points
▫▫ The Wary Merchant, page 10: 2 Treasure Bundles Challenge Points are a system for scaling the difficulty
▫Area B1, page 13: 1 Treasure Bundle of encounters appropriately for groups of mixed size
▫▫Area B2, page 14: 2 Treasure Bundles and level. Total up the number of Challenge Points your
▫▫ Area B3, page 14: 2 Treasure Bundles group has.
▫▫Area B5, page 17: 2 Treasure Bundles • 3rd-level PCs = 2 points each
• 4th-level PCs = 3 points each
• 5th-level PCs = 4 points each
• 6th-level PCs = 6 points each
Now use the table above to determine which Subtier is
appropriate for your PCs. Subtier 3–4 encounters appear
in Appendix 1, and Subtier 5–6 encounters appear in
Appendix 2.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -2 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Fame Earned:
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Iolite Squad Alpha
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Pathfinder Society Scenario

Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–19: Character Chronicle #

Iolite Squad Alpha Herolab Code


Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation

Adventure Summary
You successfully escorted a squad of hobgoblin Pathfinder candidates to Absalom, sharing techniques and skills along the way.


Iolite Trainee Hobgoblin: The Iolite Squad’s reports on valuable Pathfinder skills have made it back to
Oprak to be incorporated into their training regimens. You have gained access to the following background
for all of your characters (include a copy of this Chronicle Sheet with any character who selects this Starting XP


Prerequisites Hobgoblin ancestry
The Iolite Squad was Oprak’s first foray into training hobgoblins for Pathfinder membership. You’ve added the
archival and archaeological skills they sent back to Oprak into your military training.
Final XP
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Society skill and the Warfare Lore skill. You gain the Sign Language skill feat.
Items Purchases
Starting GP
Items Sold / Conditions Gained
lifting belt (level 4; 80 gp)

GP Gained

Earn Income


Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box
Items Sold
Items Bought / Conditions Cleared
ring of the ram (level 6; 220 gp)
GP Spent

Total GP


Starting Fame
Notes Downtime

Fame Earned

Total Fame

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #

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