PF2 S01-19 - Iolite Squad Alpha
PF2 S01-19 - Iolite Squad Alpha
PF2 S01-19 - Iolite Squad Alpha
James Case
Mark Seifter
Leo Glass
Table of Contents
Garrett Guillotte and Kieran Newton Iolite Squad Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Sergio Cosmai, Katerina Landon, Leonardo Santanna, and
Brian Valeza (Gunship Revolution) Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4 Encounters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Jason Engle
Erik Mona
How to Play
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–19: Iolite Squad Alpha is a Pathfinder Society Scenario
designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters (Tier 3–6; Subtiers 3–4 and 5–6). As a
scenario, this adventure is designed to take about 4 hours to play. It is designed for play in
the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any
world. For more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read the attached
Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page
GM Resources
Iolite Squad Alpha makes use of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Bestiary, as well
as Pathfinder Flip Mat: Cavernous Lair. All rules referenced in this adventure are available in
the free online Pathfinder Reference Document at, and creature stat blocks
from the Bestiary are reprinted at the back of the adventure for the GM’s convenience.
Scenario Tags
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at This scenario has no scenario tags.
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Iolite Squad Alpha
By Mike Kimmel
GM Synopsis
In this scenario, the PCs escort a group of hobgoblin WHERE ON GOLARION?
recruits from Kaer Maga to Korvosa as part of a diplomatic
mission to train new Pathfinders. The adventure features Iolite Squad Alpha takes place in the nation of
social interactions, skill-based challenges, and combat in Varisia and follows the PCs as they escort a group of
roughly equal measure. hobgoblin recruits from Kaer Maga to Korvosa. More
information on Varisia can be found on pages 116-117
Adventure Background of the Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide, available in
In 4717 AR, the hobgoblin warlord General Azaersi and hobby and game stores, and online at
her Ironfang Legion invaded the nations of Nirmathas
and Molthune, leading vast armies with the help of a
powerful artifact that created dimensional pathways VARISIA
through the Plane of Earth and moved troops and
supplies with ease. Though her armies were powerful, a • Kaer Maga
group of heroes confronted and eventually convinced a
war-weary Azaersi that her continued military conquests
were only hindering her ultimate goal: the establishment
of a stable hobgoblin homeland. In the aftermath of the
Ironfang Invasion, Azaersi has focused on building this
new homeland nation of Oprak through diplomacy and • Korvosa
treaty. The general is well aware that Oprak’s imposing
barrier mountains, highly trained army, and access to
tremendous resources via secret portals to the elemental
Plane of Earth make it one of the Inner Sea region’s best
defenses against the threat posed by the newly released
Whispering Tyrant. Adventure Summary
To help establish connections with the rest of the The adventure begins with the PCs nearing the end of their
region, Oprak reached out to the Pathfinder Society, a journey from Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar to Kaer
globally established agency and natural candidate for Maga, with the details of their assignment in a letter from
diplomatic relations. While still suspicious of Azaersi Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch. The letter outlines
and her motives, the Society has decided to allow a where the PCs are to meet the Iolite Squad, the parameters
newly formed trial squad of hobgoblin recruits, dubbed of their mission, and what little is known about the ruins
the Iolite Squad, to travel to Absalom and train as that are to serve as the hobgoblins’ training grounds.
Pathfinders. The Society hopes to learn more about The PCs meet up with the Iolite Squad and begin their
the hobgoblin nation and its goals, as well as share the journey. During their time in transit, the Pathfinders can
Society’s values with the recruits—and, by extension, converse with and observe the hobgoblins. Their first
with the people of Oprak. Due to the urgent diplomatic opportunity to assess the hobgoblins’ fighting ability and
situation and the hobgoblins’ military training and coordination comes when they encounter a merchant
experience, the Society has further opted to administer family that has been run off the road by a band of wargs.
an accelerated crash course in Pathfinder techniques and After slaying or chasing off the wargs, the PCs and
then evaluate the squad at specially selected training hobgoblins can offer assistance to the merchant family,
grounds before reporting to Absalom. while navigating the family’s suspicion of hobgoblins.
The Pathfinders assigned to the squad must escort Once they reach the training site, the two groups
the hobgoblins from Kaer Maga to the training conduct joint training exercises that give the Pathfinders
grounds and on to Korvosa, where they will board a a chance to exchange interesting tactics and techniques
ship to Absalom. They will pass through lands that with the Iolite Squad prior to their expedition into
are hostile to hobgoblins in the wake of the Ironfang the ruins.
Invasion while also evaluating the hobgoblins’ skills as In the ruins, the hobgoblins take the lead and the
prospective Pathfinders in a series of challenges both Pathfinders back them up—but when unexpected
planned and spontaneous. predators show up, both teams must test their mettle!
To proceed through this area, the Iolite Squad must Upon reaching this area, the Iolite Squad sets out to
defeat the undead. These foes pose little threat if the record their findings for submission to the Pathfinder
hobgoblins use good sense. The PCs can help with tips archives. The PCs can help the Iolite Squad with their
about battling undead foes or general battle tactics by reports by serving as scribes, which requires a successful
succeeding at a DC 19 Religion or related Lore check (DC DC 20 Society check (DC 23 for Subtier 5–6), with the
22 for Subtier 5–6), with the following results. following results.
Associated Training Exercise: Exchange of Hand-to-Hand Associated Training Exercise: Understanding Artifacts
Tactics (see the “Exploring the Ruins” sidebar) and Lore (see the “Exploring the Ruins” sidebar)
Critical Success You advise the Iolite Squad that the skeletons Critical Success The hobgoblins are able to fashion accurate
will attack without thought of tactics. The hobgoblins funnel copies of the texts they found, as well as detailed sketches
their enemies into a narrow corridor and quickly destroy of the objects. From one of the texts, they discover that
them. The quick combat is a great warmup that grants the the one of the stone statuettes is missing from the set and
PCs a +1 status bonus to initiative in area B5. locate it within a few minutes of searching.
Success Knowing the skeletons will do little to prevent Success Following your advice, the hobgoblins carefully
themselves from being surrounded, you suggest a quick translate the ancient dwarven texts and discover clues
flanking strategy. Sergeant Drussem and Ozaril leap into about when the site might have been constructed.
the fray, while Akrag and Gintka outflank the skeletons. Failure The hobgoblins listen carefully, but Akrag and Gintka
After a brief skirmish, the enemies are defeated. can’t agree on whether the statuettes are magical. When
Failure You mistake the skeletons for a more powerful Drussem steps in to tell them to do their best and move
foe and hesitate briefly—the Iolite Squad holds off the on, the two are embarrassed by their lack of knowledge.
enemies, but they are unable to gain a quick advantage. The confusing back and forth causes all PCs to take a –1
They eventually wear down the skeletons with brute status penalty to Recall Knowledge attempts for the rest
force while sustaining minor injuries. of the day.
Critical Failure You suggest a flawed defensive strategy that Critical Failure Your meandering explanation causes
the skeletons exploit to attack from multiple directions. the squad to nitpick the details of the report.
Several skeletons break through the Iolite Squad’s They finish the task, but it embarrasses and
defenses and attack you. You defeat them handily, but frustrates them, and the confusion causes all PCs to take
the din alerts the enemies in area B5, granting them a +1 a –2 status penalty to Recall Knowledge attempts for the
bonus to their initiative checks. rest of the day.
Rewards: In Subtier 3–4, one of the skeletons wore a Rewards: The stone statuettes in the chest have a
lifting belt, which the hobgoblins give to the PCs. They 25 gp value and are worth 1 Treasure Bundle. If the
know that its good condition likely means it is magical, group finds the complete set with a critical success, the
but without a way of knowing what it does, they have statuettes have far greater value and are instead worth
little use for it. In Subtier 5–6, the group instead finds 2 Treasure Bundles.
a ring of the ram, which they similarly turn over to the
PCs out of distrust in magic over their training. In both B4. Smoke out the Spiders
Subtiers, the item is worth 2 Treasure Bundles. Swarms of mundane spiders followed the far more
monstrous web lurkers into the deeper areas of the ruins.
B3. Record Ancient Findings
The dwarven expedition set up camp here long ago. Thick cobwebs and hundreds of spiders choke this passage.
What remains of their equipment is ruined, but a few “Our weapons will be no use here,” says the sergeant. Gintka
interesting pieces remain of the stash of ancient relics steps forward, already mixing a few vials of smoking liquid
they recovered. eagerly. “This should clear them out.”
E = Enemies Start Here
C = Collapse
With the abandoned dig site cleared of danger, the Iolite
Squad can fully explore the site. They discover signs that
this location was once a way station of sorts for dwarven
travelers, but they also find the remains of ancient writings
that suggest this was a hideout of some kind for an exiled
religious sect. They lack the knowledge to piece together
exactly when these dwarves used the site, or when it was
built, but they are eager to continue their research once
they reach Absalom. There is pride in Sergeant Drussem’s
eyes as she sees her squad poring over their findings.
Sergeant Drussem
Iolite Squad
Elite Warg
Giant Tarantula
Web Lurker
Greetings, Pathfinders,
We have an urgent diplomatic mission for you, but not of the traditional sort. The Pathfinder Society has been
negotiating for weeks with General Azaersi, leader of the hobgoblin nation of Oprak. Now that she has secured
Oprak’s borders, the General has cast far and wide in search of useful allies: including the Society. Despite the
General’s central role in the recent bloody conflict known as the Ironfang Invasion and the resulting instability
in the region, she is potentially a powerful ally. The resurgent threat of the Whispering Tyrant must not be taken
lightly, and an allegiance with Oprak could prove invaluable.
However, General Azaersi’s full intentions are unknown. To further ascertain her motives, the Society has agreed
to accept a small squad of hobgoblins into its ranks. You are to meet this group, the Iolite Squad, in Kaer Maga,
then escort them to a nearby training ground to conduct a series of joint training exercises. The training ground
is near an ancient dwarven dig site that we have identified as an ideal location for these recruits to practice being
Pathfinder agents; it is not a place of global significance, but it likely contains some interesting pieces of history.
After your joint exercises, guide the recruits in exploring the site. The hobgoblins are competent soldiers and
we do not expect great danger, but you must ensure that they all make it out alive. This is a diplomatic mission,
after all. Defer to the hobgoblins when exploring—they must prove themselves capable Pathfinders—but give aid
if they request it. With this task complete, escort the Iolite Squad to Korvosa, where all of you are to book passage
to Absalom and report to the Grand Lodge.
We have arranged for you to meet the Iolite Squad at the Sorry Excuse, an establishment in the Hospice District.
Do not keep the hobgoblins waiting long upon your arrival to Kaer Maga. Most citizens of the City of Strangers
will not blink twice at a band of hobgoblins, but the Ironfang Invasion has soured public opinion toward them.
Be wary of those who may resent their presence.
From Kaer Maga, follow the river south to Sirathu, then take the southeast road for 30 miles. The training
grounds and dig site are in a rock-strewn valley to the northeast of a small wood.
Go with care,
Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy
Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation
Adventure Summary
You successfully escorted a squad of hobgoblin Pathfinder candidates to Absalom, sharing techniques and skills along the way.
Iolite Trainee Hobgoblin: The Iolite Squad’s reports on valuable Pathfinder skills have made it back to
Oprak to be incorporated into their training regimens. You have gained access to the following background
for all of your characters (include a copy of this Chronicle Sheet with any character who selects this Starting XP
GP Gained
Earn Income
Total GP
Fame Earned
Total Fame
EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #