BPHCT-133 1 P.T.O.
(c) What is the electric field of a particle having
charge – 4·0 10–9 C at a point 2·0 m away
from it ? Determine the electrostatic force
exerted on an electron placed at that point. 3
BPHCT-133 2
2. Answer any five parts : 55=25
BPHCT-133 3 P.T.O.
(e) Consider a parallel plate capacitor made up
of two rectangular plates of area of
cross-section 6·45 10– 4 m2 and separated
by a distance of 3·0 10–3 m. A voltage of
10 V is applied across the plates. If a
dielectric material of dielectric constant 5·0
is introduced between the plates of the
capacitor, calculate the charge stored on
each plate. 5
10 MHz. 5
BPHCT-133 4
(h) The electric field given by
E = (500 Vm–1) ^ x [cos (100 y – t)]
BPHCT-133 5 P.T.O.
(b) Obtain the conditions for the following
time-varying electric and magnetic fields to
satisfy the Maxwell’s equation in vacuum
with no source charges or currents : 10
E = j E0 sin (z – vt),
B = i B0 sin (z – vt).
Physical Constants :
= 9 109 Nm2 C– 2
4 0
– e = – 1·6 10– 1 9 C
0 = 8·85 10– 1 2 C2 N–1 m– 2
BPHCT-133 6
{dkmZ ñZmVH$ (~r.Eg gr.)
gÌm§V narjm
{Xgå~a, 2022
BPHCT-133 7 P.T.O.
(J) Amdoe – 4·0 10–9 C dmbo EH$ H$U H$m Cggo
2·0 m H$s Xÿar na {dÚwV²-joÌ Š`m h¡ ? Bg {~ÝXþ na
aIo JE BboŠQ´>m°Z na Amamo{nV pñWad¡ÚwV ~b kmV
H$s{OE & 3
(K) {ÌÁ`m 0·1 m dmbo EH$ ~§X JmobmH$ma JmCgr` n¥ð> go,
Omo EH$ Amdo{eV H$U H$mo n[a~Õ H$aVm h¡, hmoH$a OmZo
dmbm d¡ÚwV A{^dmh 1500 Nm2 C–1 h¡ & H$U na
Amdoe H$m _mZ n[aH${bV H$s{OE & 3
(N>) 1·0 m b§~o Am¡a 0·2 m ì`mg dmbo Vma Ho$ gmoboZm°BS>
_| 100 \o$ao h¢ & gmoboZm°BS> Ho$ ñd-àoaH$Ëd H$m _mZ
n[aH${bV H$s{OE & 3
BPHCT-133 8
2. {H$Ýht nm±M ^mJm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 55=25
(H$) ñQ>moŠg à_o` H$m Cn`moJ H$aHo$
A.d l H$m _mZ
^ ^
kmV H$s{OE, Ohm± A = z2 j + yz k h¡ Am¡a
C, {Ì^wO OPQ H$s n[agr_m h¡ {OgHo$ erf©-{~ÝXþ
O(0, 0, 0), P(0, 2, 0) Am¡a Q(0, 2, 1) h¢ & 5
(I) S>mBdO]g à_o` H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo hþE
A . dS
^ ^ ^
n[aH${bV H$s{OE Ohm± A = x i – y j + zk h¡
Am¡a S g_Vbm| z = 0 Am¡a z=b Ûmam n[a~Õ ~obZ
x2 + y2 = a2 H$m n¥ð> h¡ & 5
BPHCT-133 9 P.T.O.
(L>) EH$ g_m§Va ßboQ> g§Ym[aÌ H$s Xmo Am`VmH$ma ßboQ>m|
H$m joÌ\$b 6·45 10– 4 m2 Am¡a CZHo$ ~rM H$s
Xÿar 3·0 10–3 m h¡ & ßboQ>m| na 10 V dmoëQ>Vm
bJmB© OmVr h¡ & `{X g§Ym[aÌ H$s ßboQ>m| Ho$ ~rM
S>mBBbopŠQ´>H$ {Z`Vm§H$ 5·0 dmbm S>mBBbopŠQ´>H$ nXmW©
aIm OmE, Vmo àË`oH$ ßboQ> na g§{MV Amdoe H$m _mZ
n[aH${bV H$s{OE & 5
BPHCT-133 10
(O) E = (500 Vm–1) ^
x [cos (100 y – t)] Ûmam {X`m
J`m {dÚwV²-joÌ AmH$me Ho$ Amdoe-_wº$ Am¡a Ymam-_wº$
àXoe _| EH$ g_Vb {dÚwV²-Mw§~H$s` Va§J Ho$ {dÚwV²-joÌ
H$mo {Zê${nV H$aVm h¡ & Va§J Ho$ Va§JX¡Ü`© Am¡a Amd¥{Îm,
VWm Va§J g§MaU H$s {Xem Am¡a g§~Õ Mw§~H$s` joÌ
kmV H$s{OE & 5
BPHCT-133 11 P.T.O.
(I) CZ à{V~§Ym| H$mo àmßV H$s{OE {OZHo$ AYrZ
{ZåZ{b{IV g_`-n[adVu {dÚwV² Am¡a Mw§~H$s` joÌ
Amdoe Am¡a Ymam {dhrZ {Zdm©V _| _¡Šgdob g_rH$aUm|
H$mo g§Vwï> H$aVo h¢ : 10
E = j E0 sin (z – vt),
B = i B0 sin (z – vt).
^m¡{VH$ {Z`Vm§H$$ :
= 9 109 Nm2 C– 2
4 0
– e = – 1·6 10– 1 9 C
0 = 8·85 10– 1 2 C2 N–1 m– 2
BPHCT-133 12