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6ef53dc7 0eda 4d14 Beb9 Ecde0afff4f5
6ef53dc7 0eda 4d14 Beb9 Ecde0afff4f5
Unit – I
Economic Geography: Spatial organisation and classification of economies,
Factors affecting spatial organization of economic activities; primary, secondary,
tertiary and quaternary, Classification of resources, Forest, power and mineral
resources, Conservation of resources, World energy crisis, Globalisation and its
impact on world economy and Major regional trade blocks and their economic
Unit – II
Agricultural Geography: Nature, scope and development of agriculture
geography, Agriculture typology; agricultural systems of the world, Selected
agricultural concepts and their measurements; agricultural productivity and
efficiency, cropping pattern, crop concentration, crop diversification, cropping
intensity and degree of commercialization, Concept and techniques of delimitation
of agricultural regions, Von Thunen's model of land use planning and Green
Unit – III
Industrial and Transport Geography: Nature, scope and development in
industrial geography, Factors of localization of manufacturing industries,
Classification of industries; Resource based and footloose industries, Theories of
industrial location: A. Weber, August Losch, D. M. Smith, Tord Palander and E.
M. Hoover, Industrial regions of the world and Major industrial hazards.
Models of transport development, Structural analysis of transport network,
Measure of accessibility and connectivity, Transport cost and spatial patterns of
Regional Planning: Typology of Regions, Regional concept in geography and its
application to planning, Concept of planning region, Conceptual and theoretical
framework of regional planning, Regional hierarchy, Methods of regional
delineation, Theories of Regional Development, Concept of development,
Indicators of development and Regional imbalances
Unit – V
Population Geography: Nature, scope and development of population geography,
Population components and characteristics, Patterns of world population
distribution, growth and density, Policy issues, Migration; types, causes and
consequences, Patterns and processes of migration, Population theories; Malthus,
Marx, Sadler and Ricardo, Demographic transition model, Population-resource
regions, Gender discrimination and empowerment of women.
Unit - VI
Settlement Geography: Site, situation, types, size, spacing and internal
morphology of rural and urban settlements, Ecological processes of urban growth,
Spatial pattern and distribution of urban centres, Rural-urban fringe, City-region,
Settlement systems, Primate city, Rank-size rule, Settlement hierarchy;
Christaller's central place theory; August Losch's theory of market centres and
Concepts of smart city.
Unit - VII
Socio-Cultural Geography: Nature and scope of social geography, Social
structure and social processes, Elements of social geography: ethnicity, tribe,
dialect, language, caste and religion and Concept of social well-being.
Nature and scope of cultural geography, Concept of culture-areas and cultural
regions, Cultural regions of the world, Theories of tribal groups, Environment
impact on dwelling places as cultural expressions and Problems arising due to
cultural diffusion, racism and terrorism.
Unit – VIII
Political Geography: Definition and scope of political geography, Geopolitics,
Global strategic views, Concept of nation, state and nation-state, Boundaries and
frontiers, Capital cities and core areas, Politics of world resources, Geography of
federalism, Geo-political significance of Indian Ocean and Development of
Electoral geography.
Unit – IX
Geography of India: Physiographic divisions, Climate, Vegetation, Drainage,
Major soil types, Water resources, Irrigation, Agriculture; major food and
commercial crops, Green revolution and food security, Agro-climatic regions,
Mineral and power resources, Major industries and industrial regions, Population
distribution and growth, Population problems and policies, Tribes, Tribal areas and
their problems, Regional disparities in social and economic development, Regional
planning in India and planning regions, Development of road, rail and inland water
ways and Natural disasters in India; earthquakes, floods, droughts, cyclones and
Unit – X
Geography of Rajasthan: Physiographic divisions, Climate, Rivers and lakes,
Soils and vegetation, Minerals and power resources, Agriculture and irrigation,
Agro-climatic regions, Livestock, Major industries and industrial regions, Sites of
geo-tourism, Population; distribution, density, growth, sex-ratio, literacy, SC and
ST population, Environmental problems; desertification, deforestation and soil
erosion, Bio-diversity and its conservation and Development programmes.