MBA Project Guidelines Master of Busines

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MBA – Project Guidelines

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Directorate of Distance Education


1. Introduction

2. Project Work

2.1 Project guide

3. Project work - Phases

3.1 Phase I: Project Synopsis and Guide Approval

3.1.1 EduNxt Access Procedure (For Project Synopsis Submission)
3.2 Phase II: Project Work
Selection of Project Title
Project Work and Final submission
Project Report
Project Evaluation
Template / Details for Preparation of Project Report


I. Project Synopsis and Guide Acceptance Form

II. Project Guide Registration Form

1. Introduction

The course titled “Project” has 4 credits. The purpose of including project in MBA Programme is
to provide students an opportunity to investigate a management problem in a scientific manner. It
enables students to apply the conceptual knowledge in a practical situation and to learn the art of
conducting a study in a systematic way and presenting its finding in coherent report.
The students are encouraged to involve themselves completely on the project work starting from
project synopsis in 3rd Semester and with the completion of project in final (4th) semester.
Students should take this project work very seriously. Topics selected, should be appropriate
enough to justify as a MBA project. The project should be genuine and original in nature and
should not be copied from anywhere else.

2. Project Work

2.1 Project Guide

The role of a project guide is highly significant in getting a quality output from the students. As a
project guide your expertise in the subject domain, counselling, monitoring and evaluating is
Qualification of a Guide:

 MBA with specialization in appropriate area.

 The guide should have a minimum of 2 years of Industry/ Teaching experience.
 In a given session a guide can supervise a maximum of 20 projects.
Role of a Guide:
 As a guide you are expected to offer suggestions to fine tune the problem identified and in
synopsis preparation. The problem identified should be sufficient enough for a study at
MBA level.
 The guide has to monitor and review the project work periodically with a minimum two
reviews during the course of the project. Review report needs to be prepared.
 The guide has to go through the draft project report and offer suggestions wherever
necessary and to confirm that the project report is submitted as per the prescribed format.
 The guide has to send the Internal Assessment (IA) mark for the students whom he/she
was guiding for the session, to the LC to which the student is attached. This is to be sent
along with the signed final Project Report for submission.

Project Guideship Approval from the University

(Qualified persons desirous of guiding projects)
 Directly apply to the SMU-DE, in the prescribed format available on the university web site
/ EduNxt Portal (see Annexure II)
 Guide CV along with photocopy of the credentials is a must for approval as a Project Guide
with the University.
 A guide can fill in the prescribed format when approached by a prospective project student
who is expected to forward the same to the University
 Please note that you will become an eligible guide only on approval by the Project Steering
Committee of the University

Meeting with the Project Guide

 The Student is required to meet and discuss with the guide periodically on mutually agreed
 The Student is also advised to maintain e-mail contact with the guide
 Any Conflict of interest during the course of the project is to be immediately brought to the
notice of the Project Steering Committee of the University

3. Project Work - Phases

Project work will consist of two phases.
Phase -1: Project Synopsis and Guide Approval and
Phase -2: Project work.
Project Synopsis Submission for
Phase 1

New Guide
MBA Project

Phase 2 Project work

3.1 Phase I: Project Synopsis and Guide Approval

Project Synopsis Submission for Approval

The student needs to submit the project synopsis for approval through their EduNxt portal. The
project synopsis should be prepared in consultation with your guide. The template given in
Annexure-I (also downloadable from EduNxt) is to be used. Your guide should approve the project
Synopsis. The project synopsis should contain the clear statement about the project statement,
the resource requirements of the proposed project where it would be suitable and along with the
Guide Acceptance letter. Project Synopsis may be disqualified if it is prepared without the Guide’s
Signature. Refer to fig.-1 for details of the activities involved in this stage.

Content of Project Synopsis

The project synopsis needs to be prepared keeping in mind the following points:
 The synopsis should be of approximately 500 words
 It should have a Title.
 It should have an Introduction
 It should outline the methodology to be used
 It should mention the techniques to be used for data analysis
New Guide Registration
The Guide to be identified by the student and need to be registered with SMU-DE in the prescribed
format given in Annexure-II (also downloadable from EduNxt). This is the one time process. The
guide details and his/her credentials to be forwarded along with the project synopsis by the student
to the project steering committee for New Guide Registration. Refer to fig.-2 for details of the
activities involved in this stage.
All submitted Project synopsis will be processed by the project steering committee. All status
information (Submission Acknowledgement/Approved/Rejected) will be informed to the student,
Guide and LC through the e-mail. Once approved, the student can proceed to phase 2. Or, the
student needs to work on the project synopsis for resubmission, in accordance with the reason
specified on the mail for rejection. The deadlines for Project synopsis submission / Guide
Registration for your session please visit EduNxt portal or university website.
Fig. 1: Phase -1: Project Synopsis preparation and submission for approval
Fig. 2: Phase -1: New Guide Registration

Important points for the project work

 Not more than one student is permitted to work on a Project.
 Students should start the project work ONLY after receiving the approval of Synopsis and
Guide from the University.
 If the title of the Project differs from the title mentioned in the Project Proposal, the Project
Report will be rejected and will be returned back to the student.
 All Correspondence regarding projects should be addressed to
[email protected] (please mark subject as MBA Project -Request for).

3.1.1 EduNxt Access Procedure (For Project Synopsis Submission)

Step 1: Go to the EduNxt URL ( and enter your user-id and
Step 2: Go to Project Tile (for Example: “ML0014-Project-DE”) and click on it to enter to the
Project synopsis submission page.
Step 3: Click on “Submit Project Synopsis”
Step 4:
(i) Read the Guidelines carefully before filling the form.
(ii) Download the “Project Synopsis Submission and Guide Acceptance Form” for Project Synopsis
Submission (or see Annexure I) or “Project Guide Registration form” for New Project Guide
Approval (or see Annexure II).
(iii) Make your Project Synopsis ready for upload. (Fill the form in all aspects, scan and convert
your document in to either .doc or .pdf file)
(iv) Select the checkbox and click on “submit synopsis” button.
Step 5: Fill the Project Synopsis details, Select the scanned file by using “browse file” option.
(Note: It accepts only .doc, .docx and .pdf formats). Upload your file by clicking on “Upload now”
Step 6: If you want to see the file which you have uploaded, click on “view synopsis” button.
Further if you want to edit/delete the uploaded file, Delete the file by clicking “delete” option and
upload the latest file by using “browse file” option.
Step 7: Fill the Guide Details and click on “Click here for New guide registration” for forwarding
Guide registration form (Download the form, which is available in Guidelines page or click on
“Guide Registration form”) along with his/her credentials to the project steering committee for
approval through e-mail.
Step 8: Once project synopsis and guide details are uploaded, click on “submit” button. On
successful submission, your status will show as “Your synopsis has been submitted to project
steering committee for Approval”.
Step 9:
(i) Once submitted, Project steering Committee will review your Synopsis submission and Guide
Registration. You will get the Status updation in your mail box and EduNxt login.
(ii) If your synopsis is accepted by Project steering committee, you will get the approved mail and
you can start your project work.
Step 10: If your synopsis is rejected by project steering committee, you will be requested to
resubmit your synopsis again. Then click on “resubmit project synopsis” and start from step 4.

3.2 Phase - II: Project work


This program guide will provide the student with all the information they need to know for
developing a project dissertation. As project work is a very important part of MBA course
curriculum, it has been marked for four credits.
The following guidelines may be adopted: MBA projects
1. The project must be a live project either done at the place of work or some other organisation.
2. The project must be taken up under a guide at student’s Authorised Study Centre/ Program
Centre/ Learning Centre.
3. Students to contact Learning centre for appropriate formats for project work.
4. The project must be completed and submitted at the Study Centre/ Program Centre/ Learning
5. The project must relate to the specialisation pursued.

Selection of Project Title

– The title selected should be coherent with the stream of study or specialisation.
– A list of suggested topics is provided at the end of this document. However, the student and
the guide have the freedom to identify an appropriate topic.
– The title should be specific and focus towards the objectives of the project.

Project work and final submission

1. Submit a draft project work to the Authorised Study Centre/ Program Centre/ Learning Centre:
The draft project work should be submitted 20 days after the study has been conducted.
The draft should constitute the following:
 Title of the project
 Introduction
 Literature review/related research outcomes (a brief review of similar or related studies
conducted elsewhere. (This should not be more than 500 words).
 Description of study methodology
 List of work done: Visits to company, list of functionaries met, documents received from
company; registers and files seen, and observations made, field visits, number of samples
collected/ questionnaires filled should be mentioned in proper order.
 Names of books, sites, journals, magazines referred.
2. After receiving a feedback from the Authorised Study Centre/ Program Centre/ Learning
Centre, make the necessary corrections and proceed to the next step.
3. Submit the final report:
The final project report should be submitted 30 days after the submission of the draft project
work. The recommended number of pages of final report should be around 100.
4. Viva Voce/Presentation:
Viva will be conducted as per the schedule. The power point slides for presentation should be
submitted along with the final project report. The student should demonstrate or make a power
point presentation of their project at the Study Centre/ Program Centre/ Learning Centre to
the University approved external and internal examiners. The student must stay in touch with
their Study Centre/ Program Centre/ Learning Centre for the actual date of project evaluation.
The project work terminates with the viva voce/ presentation. A summary of the project is to
be submitted.
Executive Summary: Should be 500 words; besides being a part of the project report, a copy
of the executive summary should be submitted separately also. The following are the
constituents of the summary:
o Title
o Statement of the problem
o Methodology used
o Main findings /outcome of the study with respect to objectives
o Recommendations

Project Report

The final project report should consist of the following components:

 Cover page
 Title page
 Acknowledgement
 Bonafide letter (from the company where the project was undertaken)
 Table of contents
 List of Tables & List of Figures
 List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
 Executive Summary
 Chapters
o Introduction
o Project details
 Title of the project
 Aims and objectives of the study
 Problem statement
 Scope of the study
 Significance of the study
o Literature review/related research outcomes (should not be more than 500 words)
o Methodology used: Data collection method, research tools used, sampling methodology,
validity of the data
o Data analysis and interpretation/Research findings
o Recommendations and conclusions
o Limitations of the study and scope for further research, if any,
 References/ Bibliography
Format for Bibliography:
Author’s or Editor’s Names, Title of the Book, Place of Publication, Publisher, Year of
Publication, Page number
R.C. Goyal, Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Prentice
Hall Publication, 2008, Pg. 75
S.K. Joshi, Quality Management in Hospitals, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2009, pg 89-93

Author, “Article Title”, Title of Periodical, Date of Publication, Page numbers of the article.
Bronwyn Fryer, “The Layoff”, Harvard Business Review, March 2009, Pg 17-24.
Keila Rooney, “Consumer Driven Healthcare Marketing: Using the Web to Get Up Close and
Personal”, Journal of Healthcare Management, Chicago: July 2009, Vol. 54, Pg 241

Project Evaluation

Evaluation pattern for the project is as given below:

Evaluation Criteria Internal External

Synopsis 5 5
Methodology 10 10
Analysis /Findings 25 25
Project Report 25 25
Viva 35 35
Total 100 100

Template/Details for Preparation of Project Report

i. Cover page and Title page

ii. Acknowledgement
iii. Bonafide Letter
iv. Executive Summary
v. Table of Contents
vi. List of Tables
vii. List of Figures
viii. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
ix. Chapters
x. References/Bibliography
xi. Instructions

i) Cover Page and Title Page:

About Cover page and Title Page:



Under the guidance of


Submitted by


in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of the degree


[Finance/Marketing/Human Resource Management/Information Systems/Banking/Retail
Operations/Operations Management/Project Management/Total Quality Management]


ii) Acknowledgement:

Acknowledgment is the regard given to the people and organisations that have helped the student
in completing the project undertaken. It must consist of acknowledgements towards the
organisation the student studies and to the company where the student has done the project
followed by the people who have helped student in the process.

iii) Bonafide Certificate

Bonafide Certificate:


Certified that this project report titled ……………………………………………..” is the bonafide

work of “…………..<NAME OF THE CANDIDATE(S)>.…………” who carried out the project

work under my supervision.



<Academic Designation>
<Department> <Department>

<<Full address of the Dept. of College>> <Full address of the Dept. & College>

iv) Executive Summary:

Executive summary should be a one-page summary of the project report. It should consist of the
statement of the problem, main findings, and recommendations for further use. It should be typed
in double line spacing, font style -Times New Roman, and font size 14.

v) Table of contents:

It is the list of all the contents in the report. Please see the example below:
Table of Contents
Title Page No.
1 Introduction
1.1 1
1.2 5
1.3 10
2 Literature review.
2.1 14
2.2 21

vi) List of Tables:

Give the same name for the table as it exactly appears above the tables in the text. The caption
of the table must be present above the table. 1.5-line spacing should be adopted for typing the
matter under this head.
Table 1 <Caption of the table>
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6

List of tables
1. Table 1: <caption the table1>
2. …

Note: By the word ‘Table’, we mean tabulated numerical data in the body of the project report as
well as in the appendices (if any). All other non-verbal materials used in the body of the project
work and appendices such as charts, graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may be
designated as figures.

vii) List of Figures:

Give the same name for the figure as it appears exactly below the figures in the text. The caption
of the figure must be present below the figure. 1.5-line spacing should be adopted for typing the
matter under this head.
Figure 1: < Caption of the Figure>

List of Figures
1. Figure 1: <caption the Figure 1>
2. ….

viii) List of Symbols, Abbreviations, and Nomenclature:

1.5 line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. Standard symbols,
abbreviations, etc., should be used.

ix) Chapters:
The chapters can be broadly classified into three parts:
1. Introductory chapter
2. Chapter(s) on the main content of the project
3. Concluding chapter.

The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter can be further divided into
several divisions and sub-divisions.
 Each chapter should be given a relevant title.
 Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the position with respect to the reference
where they are cited.
 Headers and foot notes should be used sparingly. The title of the project must be reflected on
the left side of the header and chapter name must be on the right side of the headers. Page
numbers are to be placed on the right side of the footer. They should be typed in single space
and placed directly underneath in the very same page, which refers to the material they
Note: The report must always end with the concluding chapter and future enhancements, if any.

x) References/Bibliography:
The listing of references should be typed four spaces below the heading “REFERENCES” in
alphabetical order in single spacing left - justified. The reference material should be listed in the
alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/ authors should be immediately
followed by the year and other details. Any website reference must be referred/ preceded by the
publications reference.

xi) Instructions:
 The text in the printed copies must be in black colour.
 1.5 line spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be typed in
the font style ‘Times New Roman’ and font size 12.

xii) List of Project Topics (Suggested)

Sl. No. Project Topics

A study of performance appraisal / performance management system in XYZ

2. Assessment of role stress amongst the employees of XYZ organisation

3. Job satisfaction survey at XYZ organisation

4. Competency mapping in an organisation
5. Training effectiveness in an organisation
6. Study of organisational culture OCTAPACE profile.
7. Motivational analysis of organization
A comparative study of team effectives in an organisation: Team effectiveness
assessment measure.
9. A study of Compensation Management System
10. A detailed study of promotion and reward policy of organisations
11. A study of quality of work life in an organisation
12. Mapping training needs of employees: Training Need Analysis
Formulation of Marketing Strategies to Improve Market Share of LG Microwave
14. Improving the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Operations at Cox & Kings India Ltd.

Demand Forecasting for Orion-ERP Package for ICICI InfoTech in Bangalore,

based on Small & Medium Enterprises.
Developing a Service Delivery Model to Bridge the Gap between Services
Expected & Provided by ICICI Home Loans.

17. Strategies for Increasing the Occupancy Rate of Taj West End Hotel, Bangalore

A Market Feasibility Study for New X-ray Machines from Wipro-GE Medical

19. Distribution Mapping & Dealer Satisfaction Survey for Nokia Mobile Phones.

A Study of Marketing Strategies & Distribution Channels in North Karnataka for

Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Company Ltd.
A Study to Improve Awareness level of Triraksha Welfare Scheme among
Farmers for Tractors & Farm Equipment Ltd
A Study to Increase Penetration Level & Brand Loyalty among existing
consumers of Samsung India Electronics Ltd.
23. The Study of Indian Financial System: Post Liberalisation
24. The Impact of Global Recession on Information Technology Sector In India
25. The Impact of the Recent Global Economic Slump on the Indian Capital Market
26. A Comparative Study of Bancassurance Products In Banks
A Comparative Study of Equity Linked Savings Schemes Floated by Domestic
Mutual Fund Players
A Comparative Study of Cost Of Capital In Automobile/ Steel/ Pharma/ Finance
29. A Comparative Study of Financial Performance of Banks Using Ratio Analysis
30. Profitability and Operational Efficiency of Public Sector Banks
31. Profitability and Operational Efficiency of Banks in India
32. A Study of Working Capital Management In Small Scale Industries
33. The Scope of Microfinance in the Indian Context.
34. Financial Inclusion- The Scope and Effect in the Indian Economy
35. Rural Banking in India
36. Dematerialisation – The Scope and Effect.
37. The Future of Investment Banks in the post- Lehman Brothers Era
38. Role of software agents as a collaborative tool – E-commerce
39. Hospital Management System - Database Approach, Mangala Hospital, Hassan
40. Automation of Banking Database, XYZ Bank.
41. Automation of Customer Relation Database, A SAP Product
42. A Study on Electronic Data Storage- Steel Factory, Mumbai
43. A Webpage Design using JAVA-Google Page
A Study on the Identification of High Risk Groups Prone to Spinal Disorders
44. /Diabetes-/Heart Attacks (or any other lifestyle condition) and Corresponding
Prevention Recommendations
A Study on the Wellness Practices in a Target Group (MNC Employees, School
Children and Older Adults) and Recommendations on Wellness Practices
A Study on the Identification of Causes of Delays in In-patient Discharges and
Recommendations to Avoid Delays and Increase Patient Satisfaction
A Comparative Study on Patient Satisfaction in (Executive Suites, VIP Suites,
47. Out-patient Department, General Ward, Laboratory Services, etc.) and
Recommendations to Increase Patient Satisfaction
A Study on Patient Satisfaction in Any One Department in a Multi-specialty
48. Hospital. (Health Screening Dept, In-house Pharmacy, Outpatient Services,
Billing, etc.)
A Study on the Identification of Causes of Delays in Patient Transfer (Internal/
49. External) and Recommendations to Decrease Waiting Time and Increase Patient

A Comparative Study on Waiting Time in Various Hospital Departments and

Recommendations to Decrease Waiting Time (Outpatient Dept, Billing, etc.)

A Study on Job Satisfaction of Nurses /Paramedic Staff in ICU /Operation

51. Theatre /Wards, etc., and Corresponding Recommendations to Improve Job

A Study of Sickness Absenteeism Among Various Groups of Hospital Employees

52. (Nurses, Housekeeping Staff, Ward Boys, CSSD employees, Doctors, etc.). A
comparative study of the same may also be done.

A Study on Work Safety for Employees in the Radiology Department / Waste

Disposal Department /Lab /Housekeeping, etc., and Corresponding
Recommendations to Improve Work Safety. A comparative study may also be
undertaken between the departments.

A Study on Waste Disposal Management in a Hospital and Recommendations for

Safe Disposal

55. A Study on Hospital Acquired Infections and Prevention Recommendations

A Study on the Efficiency of CSSD (or any other department of a multi-specialty

A Cost Analysis Study in General Ward (or any other department) of a Hospital to
Develop User Charges
A Comparative Study on Cost Analysis of the Various Departments in a Hospital
and Cost-cutting Recommendations
A Study on Formulation of Marketing Strategies to Promote a Healthcare Service
(e.g., ‘Women Wellness Check-up’ Promotions)
A Study on Involvement of Doctors /Nurses /Paramedics in Rural Healthcare and
Suggestions to Improve Involvement
A Study on Medical Representative Triumphs and Trials Recommendation to
Improve Liaison of Medical Reps and Doctors
62. A Comparative Study of In-house Pharmacy and Retail Pharmacy
A Study on the Identification of the Causes of Delays in Cashless Hospitalisation
and Recommendations to Reduce Time Lags
64. A study on the effectiveness of Project Management in Mining
65. Importance of Human Resource Management in construction projects
66. A study on controlling risks in construction projects
67. Project Cost Estimation for software projects
A study on software project management practices with special reference to
embedded systems
A study on quality management/assurance for software projects
70. Effect of project risk on project performance : A study at XYZ Inc.
71. Validity of feasibility studies in Infrastructure Projects

72. Comparative Study of Project Management Software- MS project and Primavera

73. A Study on Risk Factors Involved In Outsourcing IT Projects

74. Role of Earned Value Analysis in Project Management
75. Risk analysis and management in IT projects

76. Market entry strategies and programs for a particular sector/ Company/ Product

77. Cross cultural issues and managing cross border teams

78. Strategies adopted by MNCs to cope with Indian brands
79. Impact of FDI on any particular sector
80. Multinational mergers and acquisitions
81. HR policies – Global and Local
82. Transfer pricing- issues and government policies
83. Impact of HRM practices on operational performance in MNCs
84. Changes in banking industry after incorporation of FEMA

85. Implementation of 5 ‘S’ in manufacturing companies in XXXXX city/ town/state

86. Quality Management in Software Industry – A Study

87. Process Capability Study in BPO companies
88. A Study on Continuous Improvement Process in XXXXXXX Company
89. Effectiveness of Six sigma Projects – A Study
90. Application of Quality Control tools – A Study
91. Cost reduction through Quality Approach – A study
92. A Study on Just In Time in XXXXXXX Company
93. Total Productive maintenance in manufacturing Companies –A Study

94. Customer Satisfaction through TQM Approach – A Study

95. Quality Management in Healthcare sector – A Study

96. A Study on Statistical Process Control in specific manufacturing Company

97. Application of QFD in Service Industries

Impact of Application of FMEA in Manufacturing Industries in the city of
99. A study on quality management in XXXXXXX bank
100. A study on TQM implementation in hospital
101. A Study on TQM implementation in service industries
102. Measuring quality in service sectors
103. SPC and its application in service industries

104. A study on effectiveness of TQM implementation in XXXXXXX industry

105. Improving quality in small and medium scale industries


106. A study on Indian organized retail sector

107. Effectiveness of promotional schemes in Retail stores
108. Study of retail store operations
109. Emerging retail formats and strategies
110. Role of FDI in Indian retail sector
111. A study on retail consumer behaviour-personal, social & cultural
112. A study on Loyalty programs in organized retail sector
A study on changing consumer preferences towards organized retailing from
unorganized retailing
114. A study on strategies for promoting retailers brand
An analysis of possible strategies for successful internet based customer services
in retail
116. Measuring the effectiveness of display system in retail industry
117. Retail outlet mapping of retail stores & shopping malls
118. Study on private labels Vs. national brands
119. A study on effective Supply Chain practices in organized retail sector
120. Impact of retail IT application on effective store operations
121. Best HR practices in organized retail sector

122. A study on customer relationship management practices in retail store

123. A study on effective retail project management

124. Analysis of training needs assessment of retail sales executives
125. A study on pricing strategies followed by successful retailers.
126. To analyse visual merchandising and space planning in a mall
127. To identify significance of CRM in retail sector
128. A study of automotive retail management structure in an organization
129. A study on Total Quality Management at XYZ Company
130. A study on ERP selection process in SME’s
131. A study on Production and inventory control
132. A study on the role of internet in supply chains
133. Analysis and design of service operations using waiting lines
134. Computer Aided Management
135. Impact of TPM practices on production performance
136. Effect of six sigma on manufacturing performance
137. A study on Quality Measurement in Service Operations
138. Role of Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing
139. Aggregate Planning and Master Production Schedule
140. Analysis of SARFESAI Act on NPAs on banks
141. Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian banks
142. Securitisation in Indian banks

143. Study of Management of NPAs in SBI Bank (any bank)- strategies for Recovery

144. Risk Management in Indian Banks

145. Project finance management services by banks
146. A Case study of Merchant banking services by banks

147. Financial Performance (analysis) of banks - by Financial statement analysis like

ratio analysis, trend analysis, Balance sheet analysis for the last five years
148. Study of Investment and Portfolio management services

149. A Case Study Of Selected Banks In Public & Private Sector Operating In India
With reference to Products and Services

150. A study on Asset- Liability Management using Gap analysis (sophisticated

techniques can also be used, provided if branches are using)

Study of Retail Banking products and services-Customer satisfaction at branch

151. a. Study of retail liability products such as deposits
b. Study of Retail asset products such as loans, overdrafts in branches

152. Study of Working capital Management in Indian banks

153. Impact of internet banking system or Impact of Technology on Indian banks
154. An appraisal of Institutional banking services to SME sector

155. Study on Credit risk management practices in banks

156. Ratio analysis (comparative study) of SBI & ICICI bank (any two banks)
157. Performance of EXIM bank –products and services
158. Forfaiting and Factoring services by Banks
159. A study on Foreign exchange risk exposure in banks


(To be submitted to the project steering committee)

PART A: Synopsis Registration.

I. Student Details:

1. Name of the program :

2. Name of the Student :

3. Roll Number :

4. Session & Year :

5. Name and address of learning centre :

II. Project Details

6. Title of the Project :

7. Problem Statement :

(About 500 words)

8. Methodology to be used :
III. Guide Details:

9. Name of Proposed Guide :

10. Guide registration No. (If available) :

11. Designation :

12. Affiliation :

13. Qualification :

14. Total Experience :

15. Communication Address :

16. Contact No. :

17. E-mail ID :

PART – B: Guide Acceptance

I Dr./Mr./Mrs. ________________________________ working as ________________________

with __________________________ hereby confirm my willingness to guide Mr./ Ms.
_________________________ RollNo. _____________________, attached to Learning Centre
(code)____________________ (Name) ________________________ (City)
_________________________ in the topic
___________________________________________________ (title of the project) during the
Spring/ Summer/ Fall/ Winter session of __________ (year) period _________________
(month/year) to _________________________ (month/year). I agree to this timeline and also to
submit the project status/ Internal Assessment marks to the University.

Date: (Signature of the Guide)
(Note: A Guide needs to get registered with the University if he/ she is guiding a SMUDE project for the
first time. Guide Registration form can be downloaded from the University Website)

I hereby declare that this project synopsis is an original work carried by me and will not
submitted to any other University for fulfilment of any course of study.
Date: (Signature of the Student)
(*Filled in Application forms to be signed by both student and the Guide. Forms must be scanned in either .pdf / .doc
format and submitted through the EduNxt student’s Login. For uploading please refer section 3.1.1 of this document)


(To be submitted to the project steering committee)

1. Name :

2. Date of Birth :
Affix Your
3. Present Employer : Latest Photo
4. Designation :

5. Contact Details :

i) Residential Address :

ii) Office Address :

iii) All communications to be sent to: Residential/ Office address (tick any one)

iv) Contact No. :

v) E-mail id :

6. Education Qualification (start with highest qualification):

(Please attach photocopies of degree certificates)

SNo Name of Specialization Year of Institution/ Class

the Degree Passing University Obtained

7. Area of Specialization/Interest :
8. Total yrs. of Experience :
(Please attach photocopies of Experience letters)

Sl. No Name of the Organization Designation From To

I hereby declare that the information provided by me is true. I agree with the rules
and regulations given by the University.




Following details have been verified

Yes No

1) Qualification

2) Experience

3) Approved for Department / Specialization

Signature Signature
(Faculty in-charge) (Chairman-Project Steering Committee)

(*Filled in Registration forms must be scanned in either .pdf / .doc format and submitted along with
credentials (Scanned Degree Certificates) to the email id [email protected])

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