Brightspeed 2
Brightspeed 2
Brightspeed 2
Peripheral Run-Off
• 1400 mm scannable range for full body scans. Coverage 1,400 mm
Note : variable depends on table height Rotation 0.8 sec
• Productivity features designed for the CT Technologist: In- Room Mode 16 x 1.25 mm
Start, Remote Gantry Tilt, Breathing Lights with Pitch 1.75:1
countdown timer, Controls Panel mounted on mA 240
two corners ( four corners *) of the Gantry.
mAs 192
Integrated IV Pole* and Table Tray* at the foot
of the table. Speed 44 mm/s
Scan Time 32 seconds
• Continuous 360° scanning with table incrementation and no 8-SLICE HELICAL MODES
interscan delay;
Table Speed (mm/rotation)
• Scans can be acquired with a wide variety of speeds.
Slice Pitch
Axial 0.625:1 0.875:1 1.35:1 1.675:1
• Up to 16 contiguous axial planes acquired simultaneously with each
360° rotation, with the time between scans set by the user-selected 1.25 6.25 8.75 13.5 16.75
interscan delay (ISD) or intergroup delay (IGD);
6.25 8.75 13.5 16.75
• Scans may be easily clustered in groups to allow multiple scans in a 2.5
12.5 17.5 27.0 33.5
single breath hold;
6.25 8.75 13.5 16.75
• Minimum scan-to-scan cycle time of only 1.8 sec with table moves of 3.75
10 mm 12.5 17.5 27.0 33.5
Helical protocols are almost identical to "classical" axial scan protocols. 5.625 9.375 13.75 17.5
At the beginning of a study, the operator selects the type of exam with 11.25 18.75 27.5 35
the anatomical programmer, and indicates the desired scan range - either 5.625 9.375 13.75 17.5
manually, or from a Scout. 3.75
11.25 18.75 27.5 35
After completing the prescribed exam, the system remains ready to 5.625 9.375 13.75 17.5
continue with additional helical scans or a set of axial scans. 5
11.25 18.75 27.5 35
The operator may reconstruct helical scans prospectively, and 7.5 11.25 18.75 27.5 35
retrospectively, at any arbitrary table location in 0.1 mm increments. 10 11.25 18.75 27.5 35
AutoScan™: Fully automates longitudinal table movement and start Helical Scan Protocols
of each scan.
AutoVoice™: 3 preset languages in 9 user selectable languages All protocols assume 120 kVp scans under typical clinical conditions.
and user-recorded messages automatically deliver patient
breathing instructions, especially useful for multiple helical scans
Helical Scan Image Quality
Trauma Patient: Allows patient scans and image display/analysis
without entering patient data before scanning.
Volumetric Helical Scan Image Quality
Biopsy: Simplified prescription for single or multiple scans around an
arbitrary table position aids biopsy studies. With BrightSpeed 16 being a sub-millimeter isotropic CT scanner, it
is now possible to specify coronal and sagittal image quality.
Reformatted resolution is visually demonstrated on the Catphan
Helical Image Reconstruction High Contrast Resolution Insert Module CTP528.
50% 4.0
Contiguous Helical Coverage
10% 6.5
Multiple helical scans can be performed in succession with only 5-
0% 8.5
second delays between helical scans, providing up to 2000
contiguous rotations (with up to 1500 images in one series).
Hi-Res Algorithm (Edge) - typical
(The following chart assumes 120-sec helicals with 5-sec IGD)
X/Y - lp/cm
Total Scan Total Elapsed Max
50% 8.5
Time (sec) Time (sec) mA
Low-Contrast Detectability
On 8 inch (20 cm) CATPHAN phantom:
The operator has the option to reconstruct the original raw data set
Scan Time: at any of the defined nominal slice thicknesses.
• 0.8, 1.0, 1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0sec full scans (360° acquisition)
Reconstructions can be prescribed down to 1/16 the original
Scan Technique: acquisition image thickness for images acquired in the 1i scan
• kVp: 80,100, 120, 140 kVp
• mA: 10 to 260(350**)mA, 5mA increments with 120kV
mode, down to 1/8 the original thickness for 2i mode, and down to
• 8.5 lp/cm @ 50% MTF
1/4 the original thickness for 4i mode.
• 13.0 lp/cm @ 10% MTF
Similarly, additional reconstruction supports partial-volume artifact • 15.4 lp/cm @ 0% MTF
reduction by reconstructing images with 4, 8, or 16 times the
acquisition image thickness. Low-Contrast Detectability
These reconstruction features effectively facilitate later, more On 8 inch (20 cm) CATPHAN phantom:
detailed image analysis without additional patient scans and
subsequent dose and image registration concerns. • 5mm @0.3% at 13.3 mGy
• 3mm @0.3% at 37.2mGy
The following table illustrates the retrospective reconstruction
image thicknesses available for each acquisition thickness and
mode: Noise
On either an AAPM water phantom or GE Quality Assurance
Scan Mode Slice Thickness Recon Slice Thickness phantom:
• 0.32% +/- 0.03% at 29.3 mGy
16i - 0.625mm
8i - 1.25mm CTDI
16 row 0.625 4i - 2.5mm
On CTDI Head and Body Dose Reference Phantoms:
2i - 5mm
CTDIvol expressed in mGy/100 mAs:
1i - 10mm
Head 18.4 mGy/100mAs
16i - 1.25mm
8i - 2.5mm Body 9.3 mGy/100mAs
16 row 1.25
4i - 5mm Scout Scans
2i - 10mm
ScoutView™ scans provide excellent detail for anatomical
8i - 1.25mm localization in conjunction with scan prescription.
4i - 2.5mm Scan locations may be prescribed at the operator console either
8 row 1.25 graphically (via mouse), or explicitly (keyboard entry) from a Scout
2i - 5mm
1i - 10mm
Prescription of scans with multiple tube angles are also available
8i - 2.5mm on a single Scout.
8 row 2.5 4i - 5mm
2i - 10mm Scout Scan Parameters
4i - 1.25mm Aperture: 1.25 mm x4 effective aperture
4 row 1.25 2i - 2.5mm Table speed: 100 mm/sec.
1i - 5mm
Scan Technique:
2i - 0.625mm • kVp: 80, 100,120, 140 kVp
2 row 0.625 • mA: 10 to 260mA /350mA** 5mA increments with 120kV
1i - 1.25mm
• Power: 31.2KW/42 kW* with 120kV
Orientation: AP, RLAT, PA, LLAT (preset); or any angle from 0° - 359°
with 1°inclement (manually selected).
Axial Scan Image Quality Axial scan prescription lines indicate scan location to nearest 1 mm
table position.
High Contrast Spatial Resolution Scouts longer than 1000 mm are auto minified to fit the display.
On GE Performance phantom:
SmartViewTM Fluoro*
Standard Algorithm
• 4.0 lp/cm @ 50% MTF Offers real-time 12 frames per second CT fluoroscopy with image
• 6.5 lp/cm @ 10% MTF latency of less than about 200ms. Detailed targeting is supported by
multiple acquisition modes, up to and including high-resolution
• 8.5 lp/cm @ 0% MTF
acquisition at 1.25mm (16x0.625 mode only). High dose efficiency is
Hi-Res Algorithm made available with continuous and quick check scan modes. A
simple and efficient user interface provides six user-selectable
The ImageWorks desktop also provides a gateway for DICOM 3.0 image
transactions, either through a local area network, or via DICOM-
User Interface formatted MOD media.
The BrightSpeed 16 Operator Console utilizes a computer workstation Computer Based Training
with the following user interface features:
• Two 19-inch LCD monitors The BrightSpeed 16 provides an on-screen, on-line operator manual via
• Scan/recon monitor for scan and recon control with no image a multi-media CD-ROM player integrated into the operator's console.
display Learning Solutions is also viewable on a stand-alone PC providing
flexibility and productivity for on-demand learning of system operation..
• Image monitor for image display, analysis, processing, and
• Each monitor provides a 1280 x 1024 high resolution, flicker-free Exam Rx
• Scan control keyboard assembly with intercom speaker, microphone Patient Scheduling
and volume controls
• Three button mouse with mouse pad Patient demographics and exam protocols can be pre-programmed in
advance of patient arrival by selecting Schedule Patient from the
• BrightBox (trackball assembly) * scan/recon monitor. This productivity enhancement allows entry of all
• Two wide work surfaces or some of a patient's demographic data, as well as pre-selection of the
exam protocol.
All these devices are free-standing and can be easily moved to
accommodate a large variety of working conditions and individual This feature is available any time a patient exam is not currently
operator preferences. underway.
Split table top allows unrestricted patient viewing while still supporting 2 This feature uses the same interface as New Patient selection for
monitors. Each work surface can be adjusted at installation to help simplified, consistent programming.
accommodate a variety of siting requirements.
Patient information can be easily recalled to set up an immediate
Multi-language UIF capability (including Chinese and Japanese) exam via List/Select Scheduled Patient on the scan/recon monitor. Pre-
programmed patient exams can also be recalled from the New Patient
Multi-language Auto voice capability with 9 user selectable languages. screen automatically by entering the patient ID number.
Virtually all clinical operations are managed through three "virtual Presets for Referring Physician, Radiologist and Operator can be saved
desktops" or applications managers: Exam Rx, ImageWorks and Learning on the system reducing data entry required by the user.
Solutions. Operators can effortlessly move back and forth between these
environments simply by clicking on an icon. XtreamTM technology Trauma Patient ID allows patient scans and image display/analysis
enhances multi-tasking architecture and maintains simultaneously all without entering patient data before scanning.
processes so no work is lost or disrupted as desktops are switched.
Exam Protocol Selection
Exam Rx
One of the main contributions of the BrightSpeed 16 CT Scanner
The Exam Rx desktop environment provides the clinical tools necessary System to department productivity is its streamlined exam set-up.
for comfortable, efficient control of patient studies. • Exam parameter set-up has been streamlined through the exclusive
use of protocols
These tools include patient scheduling and data entry, exam protocol
selection, protocol viewing and editing, scan data acquisition, image • Protocols can be easily selected in one of three convenient ways:
reconstruction, image display and routine analysis, AutoFilm or manual • A large, graphical Anatomical Programmer located on the New
filming, AutoStore and AutoTransfer. Patient screen
• A default list of the "top 10" most commonly used protocols
ImageWorks located near the anatomical programmer
• A numerical entry
ImageWorks is a desktop environment designed to take advantage of the
BrightSpeed 16 CT Scanner System computer and image processor.
• Two Anatomical Programmers - one for adults and one for pediatrics Dose Computation & Display
- provide quick and easy access to 6,840 user-programmable
protocols (total). Each programmer has ten anatomical regions. • Volume CTDIw (CTDIvol), DLP (Dose Length Product), and Dose
Efficiency computation and display during scan prescription provides
• Default protocols have been expanded through Protocol Pro - a patient dose information to the operator.
"behind the scenes" protocol manager - that allows preselection of
automated features like AutoVoice, AutoFilm, AutoStore and • Volume CTDIw (CTDIvol) is a dose index defined by IEC60601-2-44. This
AutoTransfer on a per-series basis. index is computed automatically by the BrightSpeed 16 CT System and
reported on the Exam Rx screen. Volume CTDIw is a single number
• Protocol Pro also provides preselection of different window/level consisting of 2/3 of the CTDI100 peripheral dose plus 1/3 of the
settings for AutoFilm and can automatically display the 1024 CTDI100 central dose that is adjusted by the helical or axial pitch
Localizer each time a new series is requested. factor.
• Default protocols also include preset scan time, kVp, mA, slice • CTDI100 is a dose index based upon CTDI dose measurements over a
thickness, scan mode, table speed, image interval, gantry tilt, scan field- 100 mm volume, as defined in IEC 60601-2-44.
of-view, display field-of-view and center, recon types, and breath
timing parameters. • Dose Length Product (DLP) is given in mGy*cm and is computed and
displayed for each group prior to the scan. Additionally, an
• Any scan parameter can be edited for each scan or all scans either accumulated DLP is displayed for the entire exam, as the exam
before or during an exam. Scans can be easily added or removed from prescription progresses. The final exam accumulated DLP provides a
the prescription. convenient measure for maintaining patient or procedure dose
• Scan/recon control uses only 2 screens to set up first scan - New management statistics.
Patient and Protocol View/Edit. • Dose Efficiency is automatically computed and displayed on the
Exam Rx screen. The dose efficiency is a measure of how much of the
Z-axis X-ray beam is used by the system, as defined in IEC 60601- 2-
Protocol ViewIEdit 44.
• A single, full screen View/Edit table allows fast and easy examination
and modification of exam parameters before scanning begins • Dose Reporting saves the CTDI vol and DLP in the patient record
- Box ROI
Image Review Layouts - Ellipse ROI
- Trace ROI
• Five flexible Image Review Layouts are provided for those applications
where greater than 512 image display may be desired and AutoView - Measure Distance
is not required. - Measure Angle
• Image Review Layouts include: - Grid On/Off
Note: uses short notation for screen options - Hide Graphics
- Erase
- 1024 single image display
- Screen Save
- 768 single image display
- MIROI (Multiple Image ROI)
- Two 512 image display, horizontal format
- Report Pixels
- Two 512 image display, vertical format
- Four 512 image display
• Each image display window can be further subdivided into four more
Display Preferences
images, increasing the total number of images that can be displayed
• Display settings available to tailor the overall display (settings apply
at once to 16.
to all images in all exams):
• BrightBox image control is also available for Image Review Layouts. - Annotation Levels
- Inverse Video
Image Access - Next/Prior Each View Port
- Next/Prior Series Binding
• Point and click interface along with a pictorial directory (browser)
- Continuous Report Cursor
allows for easy selection by exam, series or image
Routine Measurements
• Image measurement features provided within Exam Rx:
ImageWorks software is designed to take advantage of the • provides maximum, minimum and mean intraluminal diameter
BrightSpeed 16 CT Scanner's computer and image processor. This measurements
desktop environment includes image management and networking. • provides cross-sectional areas of true orthogonal sections of the
aortoiliac systems at selected anatomical points
Because some of the image analysis and display features of
ImageWorks replicate those in Exam Rx, the next section describes only • clinical benefits include: stenosis sizing, pre- and post- surgical
features that are incremental or significantly different. assessment, stent planning
• Measurements in % stenosis or mm of stenosis, and measurement of
length and dimension of stenosis.
Image Analysis
• Multi-Projection Volume Reconstruction (MPVR): Quick and easy
way to generate volumetric images for CT angiography without Image Display
thresholding data or removing unwanted anatomy. An entire volume
is used to generate images in any plane, creating real-time frames of • Magnifying Glass allows quick 2X mag window that can be moved
reference at the same time; over an image.
• Clinical utility is extended via two additional modes: • Image Scroll moves an image within its' own window.
- MIPS - enhances contrast and improves visualization of • Groupings allow application of window/level values,
calcifications magnification/minification, image scroll or flip and rotate to a user-
- Average - generates 2D radiographic images; defined image set.
• Save State stores user-selected image orientation and window/level
• Multi-planar Reformation (MPR): Provides real-time assessment of with each data set.
anatomy in offaxis planes. Sagittal, coronal, oblique and curved planar
reformations available; • Window/Level values may be:
- Preset to provide six on-screen instant window/level settings
• Batch reformatting can also be defined and executed for later - Set independently for up to 16 images on the screen
viewing if desired;
- User-modified in discrete or variable steps
• Image Addition and Subtraction: Includes image addition of more - Adjusted real-time on-image by holding down the middle mouse
than two images at a time. button and moving the mouse
• Cine mode provides paging in up to 4 view ports of up to 128
Volume Viewer* previously-stored CT or MR images at full selected display frame rate.
For more than 128 images, display frame rate may be reduced.
Volume Viewer is an innovative and powerfull suite of • Cine mode also provides temporal, spatial or manual playback loops.
productivity enhanvers (Volume Rendering, Volume Analysis • Text Page
and Navigator) that includes :
• Dynamic Volume Review™ for Fast Screening
Image Annotation
• Curved Volume Of Interest
• Image annotation and cursor are shadowed to permit ease in
• Protocol Management and Loading
• Review Layout Presets
• Large Font configuration doubles the size of the Patient Name, Patient
• Multiple VR Objects Merge ID and Accession Number for image display and filming.
• Pseudo Surface Shading Mode
• Predefined Cut Planes
• Volume Rendered Navigator views Image Management
• VR Preset save/recall • Images may be stored and retrieved via Magnetic Optical Drive
• 3D Rendered Lumen View (MOD*) media using DICOM 3.0 format. This allows interchange with
other imaging systems supporting DICOM 3.0 MOD media. Not all
• Automatic Path Tracking vendors implementation of DICOM 3.0 are identical, so please check
• Path Bridging (in case of occlusions) with the manufacturer for compatibility.
Off-line retrieval of all image files. Images may be viewed as soon as they
• SmartCursor™ for Easy Navigation
are restored from MOD*.
• Synchronized Reformatted Views
• Cut visualization mode Image Networking
Exams can be selected and moved between the BrightSpeed 16
Advanced Vessel Analysis* CT Scanner System and any imaging system supporting the
DICOM 3.0 protocol for network send, receive and pull/query
Advanced Vessel Analysis is the ultimate tool to assess and (also depends on capability on imaging system side). GE
quantify vascular structures, including stenosis analysis, stent systems that support this interoperability include CT LightSpeed,
planning procedures, post stenting or vascular surgery follow-up.
* Option for Lite16 & Lite16 std.
**Option for Lite16 std. only GE Healthcare - America: Milwaukee, USA
GE Healthcare - Asia: Tokyo, Japan ; Beijing, China
GE Healthcare - Europe: Buc, France;; Paris, France
HTR-HVL-CA002 Rev7
BrightSpeed 16 GE Healthcare
(BrightSpeed Elite Select Edition-US naming)
Product Data Sheet -Ver7. May 2007
X-Ray Tube
• Password protected User login and Authentification
• Image annonimization tool Solarix 350 Tube Unit. Design optimized for exams requiring a large
number of scans with less tube cooling.
Product Network Filters restricts access to scanner system by IP • Heat Storage Capacity: 3.5 MHU
address, services type ( IE ftp, telnet) and DICOM port number. User
• Dual Focal Spots:
Filming Protocol • Small Focal Spot:
0.9mm (W) x 0.62mm(L) ( Traditional methodology)
• 3M-952 Standard
0.8mm(W) x 0.5mm(L) Nominal Focal Spot Size ( IEC
System Components Loading factors 120kv 125mA
• Large Focal Spot:
Gantry 1.2mm(W) x1.2mm (L) ( Traditional methodology)
1.1mm(W) x 1.0mm(L) Nominal Focal Spot Size ( IEC
Advanced slip ring design continuously rotates generator, tube, 60336:2005)
detector and data acquisition system around the patient. Loading factors 120kv 250 mA
• Aperture: 70 cm
• Tilt: ± 30°
• Tilt Speed: 1°/sec. • Maximum Power: 42 kW
• Maximum SFOV: 50cm
o ***ELEC, up limit
The published Company warranty in effect on the date of shipment shall
apply. The Company reserves the right to make changes.