Acme Portable Hole

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Acme Portable Hole

EFFECT: Remember Wile E Coyote and Road Runner? Remember all the wild
stuff Road Runner would order from the Acme Company? The super power
magnets, jet packs, spring boots, super strength glue and my personal favorite,
The Portable Hole! Ah, yes. The Portable Hole. Just paint it on and move it
wherever you want! That's the idea behind this incredibly cool card trick. A
spectator simply thinks of a card. No force of any kind. You draw a Portable Hole on the top card
of the deck. Next, you peel the hole off and throw it into the deck. Fan the cards and ask the
spectator to remove their card. It now has a large hole right through it! Show the rest of the
deck; none of the other cards have holes in them. Just the spectator's freely thought-of card!
The Acme Portable Hole is a card trick that even Wile Coyote would have ordered! It's easy to
do, needs no replacements, resets in a flash, and is really a fun trick!

METHOD: This is nothing but an entire deck with a hole in the corner of each card. The deck is
pressure fanned from the front to prevent the hole from being seen and when the deck is cut at
various points from the back – the hole is not seen due to the back design.

Also – a special gaffed card is placed on top of the deck – this is a thick card “containing a sliding
window” effect. If you are familiar with Tempis Fugit and One Car Garage then you know what I
am talking about. The black hole is drawn on top of the deck top card in the “sliding window”
and then the magician vanishes the hole by pressing his thumb against it and pushing the
window forward. The illusion is that the hole is “snatched up” in his hands.

The deck is pressure fanned one last time and the spectator’s mentally selected card is recovered
and is pulled out – and is seen to have a hole in the lower corner.

© John Michael Talbot


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