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MTH312 Fall 11

Ryerson University1 Department of Mathematics MTH 312 (Dierential Equation and Vector Calculus) - Fall 2011
Section 1,2,3 Instructor: Oce: Telephone: e-mail: Oce Hours: Course Objectives: 1. To develop a facility with the concepts and techniques of dierential equation and vector calculus. 2. To provide a strong foundation in vector calculus in various coordinate systems as preparation for subsequent courses in mathematics and engineering. 3. To improve the students ability in analytic thinking and problem-solving in their major elds. Text: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th edition, D. G. Zill and W. S. Wright, Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Available in the bookstore and online at CourseSmart. Other Resources: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th edition, P. V. ONeil. Teaching Mode: lectures, four hours per week and Labs 1 hr/week. Evaluation: Test 1, 1.5 hours (Rooms TBA) (16:15-17:45), Fri., Sep. 30, 2011. Test 2, 1.5 hours (Rooms TBA) (16:15-17:45), Fri., Nov. 4, 2011. The two tests will be worth a total of 45 % of your nal mark. The better of the two will be worth 25 %, the other will be worth the remaining 20 %. 45% : Final Exam, 3.0 hours, during Exam week. 10% : Labs. Dr. C. Kim ENG 234 x 7064 [email protected] TBA Section 4,5,6,7 Dr. J.P. Pascal ENG 227 x 4872 [email protected] TBA

Course Contents
1. Linear Dierential Equations (8 hours) : (Chapter 3, Sections: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) Theory. General solution. Homogeneous linear dierential equations with constant coecients. Repeated real roots and complex roots. Non-homogeneous equations. General approach. Method of undetermined coecients. General solution to higher order dierential equations. Reduction of order. Variations of parameters. Applications to electric circuits and other applications. 2. The Laplace Transform (8 hours) : (Chapter 4, Sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) Denition. Inverse Transforms. Transforms of Derivative. Translation Theorems. Additional Operational Properties. 3. System of Linear Dierential Equations (4 hours) : Solving of System of Linear Equations. System of Linear Dierential Equations. 4. Fourier Series (4 hours) : orthogonal Functions. Fourier Series. 5. Vector Calculus (26 hours) : (Chapter 9, Sections: 9.1, 9.5 - 9.16) Vectors and coordinate systems (cartesian). Dierential length, area and volume. Directional derivative, gradient. Divergence. Curl. Line Integrals. Double integrals. Triple integrals. Greens theorem. Stokes theorem. Divergence theorem. Classication of vectors elds.
1 This

(Sections: 3.12, 4.6) (Chapter 12, Sections: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3)

course management policy follows the policy number 145 of policy of Academic Council, Ryerson University.

MTH312 Fall 11

Evaluation Guideline (check http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/ policy number 46)

1. Both tests and the exam will be closed-book and written without calculators or any other aids. 2. There will be no supplemental exam. 3. Grades will be assigned as indicated in the Ryerson 2011/12 Calendar. 4. Any tests written in pencil or erasable pen are ineligible for remarking. 5. There is no intrinsic reason for giving a non-zero mark for an incorrect solution. Part marks (if any) are awarded entirely at the examiners discretion. If a test is submitted for re-marking, the whole test may be re-marked. The result may possibly be that the student receives a lower mark on any or all questions. 6. Students are responsible for completing all recommended homework in a timely fashion as the course progresses. Homework must be kept organized and legible as it may be recalled for marking as part of the students evaluation. 7. Students must read and comply with the Student code of academic conduct as found in the Ryerson 2011/12 Calendar. 8. Talking to another student, glancing over another students paper or being caught with non-allowed materials during an evaluation may result in a zero mark for that evaluation and a record of academic misconduct lodged with the Registrars oce. 9. During an evaluation sharing of pencils, pens or erasers is NOT PERMITTED and PDAs, phones and pagers must be turned o and out of reach. 10. During any evaluation, coats, jackets and bags must be placed out of reach. Missed Tests or Final Exam 1. Students who are unable to be present for a midterm or for the exam due to illness, must contact the instructor by email or in person prior to the time of the evaluation or within the time period stated in policy 134. A Ryerson-approved medical certicate must be lled out (including date of certicate, date(s) of illness, expected duration of illness). Ocial Ryerson Student Medical Certicates can be found on the web at http://www.ryerson.ca/rr/forms.htm. Besides illness, only very serious reasons, properly documented, can be considered as valid excuses for missing an evaluation. For more information on this, see the Ryerson Calendar or http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol134.pdf and http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol150.pdf. 2. Students who miss a test will be given the opportunity to write a make-up test provided they contact the instructor (within the time period stated in policy 134) so they can be informed of the time and place for the make-up test. If the nal exam is missed, an INC may be given in accordance with the policies set out in the Calendar. Failure to provide the appropriate documentation in time will lead to a grade of zero for the missed evaluation. 3. Access Center accommodation requests must be received no later than a week prior to a test or an exam. Labs 1. MTH 312 Labs start in the second week of classes, the week of Sept. 12. There will be 12 Labs. 2. Labs will consist of combinations of nishing posted lab questions, nishing homework questions and writing Quizzes. 3. Quiz marks, accumulated over the term, will contribute to the nal lab mark. 4. If you miss a quiz for any reason, your mark will be zero for that quiz. However, nal quiz marks will be based on your best nine quiz marks.

MTH312 Fall 11

MTH 312 (Dierential Equation and Vector Calculus) - Fall 2011 Homework I
Linear Dierential Equations, Sections 3.1-3.5 from Zills Textbook 1. Section 3.1 # 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 17, 19, 25, 29, 32. 2. Section 3.2 # 3, 7, 9, 14, 19. 3. Section 3.3 # 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 21, 24, 29, 30, 31, 33, 39. 4. Section 3.4 # 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 27, 29, 33, 37, 39. 5. Section 3.5 # 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26. Laplace Transforms and Systems of Dierential Equations 1. Section 4.1 # 1,3,5,10,11,13,17,19,37,39 2. Section 4.2 # 1,3,5,9,11,17,19,23,29,31,37,39,41 3. Section 4.3 # 1,3,5,7,13,15,21,23,25,29,37,43,47,49,51,53,55,63 4. Section 4.4 # 1,5,9,11,13,19,21,27,31,37,49,53 5. Chapter 4 Review # 1-9, 21,23,25,26,27 6. Section 3.12 # 3,5,6,9,12,21 7. Section 4.6 # 2,3,7,12,15

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