Lab Manual (CS-408 Database Systems)

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University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Sub Campus Depalpur, Okara

Course: Database Systems (CS-408) | Credit Hours 3(2-1)
NOTE: The following topics of lab work should be written on student’s practical notebook by
succeeding the remarks given below. Use blue ball pen and blue marker to write. No other color
of writing tools will be acceptable. Complete the work of 8 labs before the final term. Make sure
to check & mark your practical copy time to time by class teacher. No practical copy will be
entertained or checked one week before final exam.

Marks Distribution:
 Midterm Exam 12 marks
 Assignments 04 marks
 Theory Paper 24 marks
 Practical Paper 20 marks
(Lab work, Practical copy, Viva Voce)
Total Marks: 60 marks

Table of Contents
Lab No. Topics Remarks
Basic of Database & Relational Database Model
Lab#01 Schema, Database, DBMS, Database Instance & (Relation,
Attributes, Domain, Degree, Tuples, Cardinality, View)
Relational Keys in Database
Lab#02 Super Key, Candidate key, Composite Key, Alternate Key,
Primary Key, Foreign Key,

Introduction to SQL
Performing Query Languages & Statements, Select Statement
Lab#03 Using arithmetic op, parenthesis, column aliases,
concatenation, literal characters, distinct & describe keyword,
Restricting and sorting data
Performing Select query modifiers, limiting row selection,
Operator, Rules of precedence, ORDER BY
Single Row functions and Set operators
Lab#05 Performing Single Row functions, Set operators and type
conversions, Character Manipulation, Number Functions
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Lab#06 Performing SQL Join operations (Equijoins, Non equijoins,
Outer joins, self joins etc.)
Aggregating Data Using Group Functions
Lab#07 Performing aggregation and group functions, group by, having
Lab#08 Sub-Queries
Performing multiple column sub-queries

SQL as Data Manipulations Language
Lab#09 Performing DML Operations

SQL as Data Definition Language

Lab#10 Performing DDL Operations
DCL & TCL Operations
Performing DCL and TCL operations
Entity-Relationship & Enhanced-Entity-Relationship
Lab#12 Model and Diagram
Relational Database Design (Normalization) Part-I
Lab#13 Performing 1st , 2nd and 3rd Normal form
Relational Database Design (Normalization) Part-II
Lab#14 Performing BCNF, 4th & 5th Normal Form
Indexing in database
Lab#15 Performing index operations in database searching
Design a database of a Project
Lab#16 Design a complete database of a project assigned to you by
your class teacher using above lab work


Course Teacher Sign

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