Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
COLOR INDICATES • Is any equipment worn to minimize exposure to
Red Flammable • Store in an area for hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and
flammable reagents illnesses.
Blue Health hazard • Toxic if inhaled, • These injuries and illnesses may result from
ingested, or absorbed
contact from either chemical, radiological,
through the skin.
physical, electrical, mechanical, or other
• Store in a secure area.
Yellow Reactive and • May react violently workplace hazards
oxidizing with air, water, or • Personal protective equipment may include items
reagents other substances. such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs
• Store away from or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests
flammable and and full body suits.
combustible materials
Safety showers Decontamination of spills
• Green-and-white sign above the safety shower & • Regardless of what type of spill, PPE must be used:
eyewash locations is helpful in locating them in an fluid-resistant cover gown & facial protection
Emergency • Heavyweight, puncture-resistant utility gloves are
• Must be within 100 ft. and within a 10-second recommended
walk of caustic and corrosive chemicals • Rubber boots or waterproof shoe covers if the spill
• Water should be moderately warm or lukewarm is large
for the full 15-minute cycle • If the spill contains broken glass, these should be
removed first with tongs and forceps or brush and
• If the spill contains culture media, site should be
covered completely with absorbent materials.
After 10 minutes, cleanup procedures can be
• Generally, bleach is used to soak and disinfect
Eyewash stations
• Must be within 100 ft, and within a 10-second
walk of caustic and corrosive chemicals
• Flush the eye from the inside corner of the eye
outward (inside to outside)
• Stations must be capable of providing a minimum
of 15 minutes of hands-free flushing capacity
• Water pressure should be gentle First aid supplies
• Water from eyewash station should be cultured • All employees must be trained in first aid & at a
every 6 months minimum, must know:
a. the location of the first aid kit
b. how to stop bleeding by direct pressure
with a gauze over the wound
c. emergency numbers.
d. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
In addition, first aid kit must be available within the
Fire extinguishers laboratory, in a clearly marked box or cabinet
• used to help identify the location of a single or • Should contain the following:
multiple fire extinguishers. 1. Adhesive plastic bandages (large fingertip fabric
• They are generally mounted 2 meters above floor bandages, knuckle fabric bandages, triangular sling
level for visibility or adjacent to the fire with safety pins, gauze dressing pads, first aid tape
extinguisher. roll)
Fire blankets 2. Hot & cold gel packs
3. Sterile sponge dressings
4. Gauze roll bandages
5. Adhesive tape
6. Sterile eye pad
7. Eyewash
8. Alcohol prep pads
9. Antiseptic towelettes
10. Triple antibiotic ointment pack
11. Scissors Mask
12. Tweezers • Used when performing laboratory procedures
13. Burn spray with potential of splashes or sprays of infectious
14. Ibuprofen tablets materials and aerosol potential
15. Antacid tablets • Very little info is available about the effectiveness
16. Non-aspirin pain tablets of facemasks in controlling spread of flu
Mechanical pipetting devices • Flu virus is transmitted thru direct contact
Hoods • What is not known is the extent to which tiny
• Fume hoods aerosol particles are implicated in transmission.
- Required to expel noxious and hazardous Mask What It Filters When to Use
fumes from chemical reagents Type
- Biosafety hoods Surgical Bacteria When directly
remove particles that may be harmful to the employee mask working with a patient
who may be
who is working with infective biologic specimens
Chemical storage equipment N-95 Particles as Interaction with
- Safety carriers small as 0.1u patient known or
- Safety cabinets such as TB suspected of having
- Explosion proof refrigerators active TB: Culturing TB
Cartridge Organic When ppm of a
purifying vapors such as hazardous chemical is
Laboratory Gowns xylene or above the action level
• Primary protection to prevent skin exposure from formaldehyde for that chemical
chemical or specimen (blood and other body
fluids) splash or spill
• Disposable, single-use gloves when they have the
• Must be a bit loose, available as reusable or
potential for direct skin contact with infectious
disposable depending on laboratory application
materials and contaminated items or surfaces
• Aprons are not substitutes for lab gowns but
• Different types for different protection from
provide extra protection when fluid
infectious materials, chemicals, radioactive
contamination is likely (i.e. during autopsy)
contamination, cold and heat, sterile procedures,
and sharp edges
Use and Storage When to Change or
Replace • most commonly used material: vinyl, nitrile, and
Worn at all times while Changed when soiled latex
in lab work areas - Train employees in the proper use of gloves
"In-use" gowns hung on Replaced when - Select the right glove for each task
designated hooks in damaged - Inspect each glove for holes or tears & discard
work area if damage is found
Clean lab gowns stored
- Replace gloves that are torn, damaged, or
in cabinets or closets
soiled (when using)
- Wear gloves that completely cover the hands
and wrists
- Remove gloves aseptically (turning inside out)
- Never reuse gloves and NEVER WEAR GLOVES
Footwear • Prevent Nosocomial Infections.
• Comfortable • Know the Five Moments for Hand Hygiene
• Non-slip soles
• Must cover the entire foot CHEMICAL SAFETY
• Must be made of material that will not allow Hazards
blood, body fluids, or chemicals to soak o Toxic and poisonous
through o Flammable and combustible.
• You may be required to change footwears in o Corrosive
sterile areas such as OR, DR, or Nursery o Reactive
Safety Goggles o Carcinogenic
• Used to protect the eye against particles, Preventive measures
chemicals, water, glare and from thing o Know the nature of the chemical used.
striking the eyes o Mechanical pipetting aids must always
Work shield o Observe basic rule of pipetting "acid to water"
• Provide barrier protection to the facial area o Chemical spills containment.
and related mucous membranes (eyes, nose, o Use safety cans, fume hood, and cabinets.
lips) o Wear proper attire.
• Also considered an alternative to goggles o Observe proper storage and disposal.