Introduction To Jamaat e Islah e Muasharah Wa Izala e Munkarat
Introduction To Jamaat e Islah e Muasharah Wa Izala e Munkarat
Introduction To Jamaat e Islah e Muasharah Wa Izala e Munkarat
wa Iz la e Munkart
Introduction Introduction
: )
Truly, the (recognized) religion in the sight of Allah is Islm.
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Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My blessing upon
you, and chosen Islam as Din (religion and a way of life) for you.
Ad-Din is the name of sincerity and well wishing. The companions asked: Towards
whom? The Prophet
cleaning the roads, implementing traffic
rules, departing after reciting Srah Al
s r.
Service at Mosques and cleaning them
Practical training of S
alh, collective
meal, explaining the etiquettes of life,
asking them to promise to attend morn-
ing madrasahs, organizing the program
Children! What do you want to be,
distributing S
diq Mu-
hyiddn Fahm S
iddiq Qsm
Deputy Amr for Reformation, Education
and Training:
Ml Frq Beg Muhammad Salaf
Deputy Amr for Promotion and for the
journal Islh e Musharah:
Ml Muft Tanzm
lam Qsm
Deputy Amr for Academic and Welfare-
Oriented Employment Schemes :
Ml Khatb Muhammad Badddn
Members of the Advisory Board :
Ml Khlid Bin Sa
d B Najh
m, F. M. Salm (Journalist), Az
Mirz (Journalist), bdul Wahhb
(Advocate, AP High Court), Aslam
Farshr (Poet, Idra e Adabiyt)
Board of Trustees, Islh Charitable Trust
Chairman : Khdim Muhammad
Naeem(MA, Ex-Khdim-ul Hujjj)
M. A. Ghaffr (RTO), Z
hid l
(Advocate), M. A. Fahm (Contractor), M.
A. Shahd (Contractor), Engineer bdul
Latf (B.E.), M.A. Wjid (Contractor)
Advisory Committee
Ml Fas huddn Niz
(Ahl e Sunnat wal Jamt)
Pr Shabbr Ahmad
(Jamyatul lam, Hind)
Ml Khlid Saifullh Rahmn
(Rector, Al Mahad Al
l, Hyd)
Ml s if mar
(Jamyat Ahl e Hadth)
Jb Az
am Sharf
(Sajjdah Nasheen, Dargh e Mr
Mahmd Auliy)
Ml Sayyid In
OServing Allhs servants: Implementing traffic rules Establishing stalls for
drinking water Encouraging the establishment of mobile dispensaries
OForbidding evils: Alcohol consumption Unlawful copulation, obscenity, nudi-
ty Evil use of television and internet Interest-exaction Bribery
Theft Dowry Music and dance Quarrels and backbiting
OReciting Srah Al s r when departing
(2) Serving at mosques (in slums, poor localities and villages)
OCleaning the mosque OPractical training of S
offerers (Namz s) CEmployment course for
lims, Hfiz
s, mosque imms, presidents and secretaries of
mosque managing committees, journalists, intellectuals, well-off people, advocates, doctors, engineers,
officers, leaders, etc. are requested to become members of this noble movement. Members of other
Jamts and religious organizations, and political leaders may also become members and facilitate mutual
cooperation in the aforementioned tasks. Other men and women should alsobecome members.
May Allh guide us towards action and towards the straight path. May our end be in a
state of Faith. mn!
A survey was conducted in villages, towns and districts and its result turned out to be alarm-
ing. Only 20 % Muslims had some knowledge of, and thus had some concern for matters of belief,
doctrine, S alh, Fasting, Haj and obligatory charity. This was the result of the strivings of pious people
and of Tablgh Jamt. Thus this category was engaged in performing its duty towards Allh. Howev-
er, the other half of Islmic Dn which comprises the duty towards Allhs servants has been complete-
ly ignored. This part includes moral values, social etiquettes, way of living, manner of conversation,
transactions, jobs, duties towards parents, relatives, neighbors and the poor, service to humanity, duty
towards non-Muslimbrethren, friendship and contact with them, etc. But it appeared completely forgot-
ten. In a similar vein, little effort has been made to carry out the obligation of forbidding the evils like
alcohol consumption, gambling, unlawful copulation, interest-exaction, theft, dance, music, television,
obscenity, dowry, etc. Consequently, the Muslim of the Qur'n and Hadth is nowhere to be seen in the
filed of life. So, this book points out the facets of life related to duties towards Allhs servants, where
reform is urgently needed. It presents the Qur'n and the holy Prophets life as its model and also de-
scribes self-scrutiny and practical methods. Learned clerics of various schools of thought came together
to compile this book. They sourced the materials fromthe translations and commentaries of the Qur'n,
the books of Hadth, history books, the Prophets biography, and the great works of the pioneers of
different schools of thought. The aim was to unite the different sections of the Ummah. The book also
contains valuable comments from the elders and leaders of Jamyat lam e Hind, Ahl e Sunnat wal
Jamt, Majlis e Ittehdul Muslimn, Tablgh Jamt, Ahl e Hadth (Salafs), Jamt e Islm and All
India MuslimPersonal Law Board, as also of other noble clerics and scholars.
Here is an overview of the main topics:
How was the holy Prophet?: includes his physical appearance, life-story, character, morality, and his
being the perfect example. Matters of belief, doctrine and worship in the light of the Qur'n and the
Sunnah. (Details and methodologies have been skipped to keep away from conflicting opinions.)
Regular offering of the five daily S alhs, and trying to achieve the strength of Friday S alhs in these
prayers at mosques (through Populate the Mosque scheme) Morality and Etiquettes of the holy
Prophet: The benefits of adopting his noble Sunnah (customs) like prevention and cure of diseases and
other medical benefits have been described. The etiquettes of life have been explained using diagrams.
Light has been shed upon duties towards parents, relatives, neighbors, the poor, and upon the issues of
transactions, lawful earning and service to Allhs servants. Readers have been encouraged to take up
Islmic and government-prescribed education so that the Ummah becomes cent per cent literate. The
reality of the world, the creation of dam , the machinations of Ibls (the archenemy of
mankind), general information regarding human creation and the universe, the Prophets medical sci-
ence, the secret of health and cure of diseases, etc. Keeping away from and forbidding evils like theft,
bribery, alcohol consumption, unlawful copulation, interest-exaction, dowry (ghor-jor), watching
cinema, television, murder, suicide, etc. To instill fear and repulsion for these evils, the punishments
prescribed in the Indian Law and the Islmic Sharh have been stated.
The wealthy have been advised to donate a third of their capital, plots, estates, houses, vehicles, etc. to
the academic, medical and welfare-oriented institutions to be run by the local cadre. The fol-
lowing projects have been planned for the purpose: CEstablishment of family societies: to pro-
vide for education, marriage and employment of poor members of ones extended family C
Establishment of marriage centers: to provide a package of 6,000 or 10,000 for marriage of
poor girls who are regular offerers of S alh and fasting. CEstablishment of Muslim Finance
Centers: to provide interest-free credit to regular S alh-offerers CConducting medical and technical
training courses for
Al l h says i n the Hol y Qur' n:
O(I swear) by the Time, man is in a state of loss
indeed, except those who believed and did right-
eous deeds, and exhorted each other to follow
truth, and exhorted each other to observe pa-
tence. (103:1-3)
OYou are the best Ummah ever raised for man-
kind. You bid the fair and forbid the unfair. (3:110)
OYou are surely on an excellent standard of char-
acter. (68:4)
OO Believers, save yourselves and your families
from Hellfre. (66:6)
OO Believers, enter Islam completely, and do not
follow the footsteps of Satan. Surely, he is an open
enemy for you. (2:208)
O(The Paradise-dwellers will) be asking about the
guilty persons: What has brought you to Saqar
(Hell)? They will say, We were not among those
who ofered Salh, and we did not give food to the
needy. (74:40-44)
OThere is indeed a good model for you in the
Messenger of Allh. (33:21)
OSurely Salah restrains one from shameful and
evil acts. (29:45)
OO Believers, turn to Allh with a faithful repent-
ance. (66:8)
Aims and Objectives of Jamt e Islh e Mu
sharah wa Iz la e Munkart
Reformatory Jamt trips:
Supervision of Projects for Reformation, Education, Welfare and Employment
Websi te:
Membershi p Dri ve:
Translation and Graphics: Musarhad (9396655326, [email protected])