Work at Unsafe Scaffolding Platform and Unsafe Behaviors of Workers SEN
Work at Unsafe Scaffolding Platform and Unsafe Behaviors of Workers SEN
Work at Unsafe Scaffolding Platform and Unsafe Behaviors of Workers SEN
Safety Enforcement Notice Revision No. : 04
Issue Date : 18 Feb. 2019
The following observations were noted at the site. The unsafe condition is contrary to the Health and Safety
legislation, QCS 2014, Client policy and Best industrial practices.
- QCS2014 Section1 Part10.5.13 Working at Height
- QCS2014 Section11 11.01 Part-1-Work at Height Regulatory Document_11-1.03_11-1.03
- QCS2014 Section11 11.01 Part-1-Human Factors Regulatory Document_11-1.06_11-1.06
- Daily Site observations/AMS and SEN
Observation Risk Level
Completion date
Working at height with the following non-compliances 15 June 2023
during dark hours.
- Working over the incomplete scaffolding platform. High Risk:
- The mid rail, top rail and toe-board were not installed
and AJP/ALS allow the workers to complete the job in
an unsafe manner.
- The wooden planks of the scaffolding platform are Medium Risk: ☐
loose and not tied up through clamps.
- The foreman/Leadman jumped from the scaffolding Low Risk: ☐
with a high potential of falling from height.
- There was no scaff tag on the scaffolding platform.
- The workers were using the steel structure as a ladder.
- The work at height work was done hanging from the
steel structure.
- There is no safe access to the work at the footing as
well as to the working platform.
- The work at the structure footing was done without
sufficient task light.
- Steel and other materials are kept at the excavation
- The night shift activity was done without
authorization/Night work permit.
- A single wooden plank is used as access to the unsafe
scaffolding platform.
- The workers were not wearing fall protection(Fall
arrest/Safety Harness) to mitigate the consequences if
a fall occurs.
This is the second event almost the same non-compliances
done by the same subcontractor. Contractor management
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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-027
Safety Enforcement Notice Revision No. : 04
Issue Date : 18 Feb. 2019
Company: Date:
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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-027
Safety Enforcement Notice Revision No. : 04
Issue Date : 18 Feb. 2019
Photos Evidence:
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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-027
Safety Enforcement Notice Revision No. : 04
Issue Date : 18 Feb. 2019
Photo ABC: White Heltmet jumping from the unsafe scaffolding. The Worker is exposed to falls from
Height into the deep excavation. Road 4012
Photo D: The workers were using the steel structure as a ladder. Road 4012
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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-027
Safety Enforcement Notice Revision No. : 04
Issue Date : 18 Feb. 2019
Photo E: The mid rail, top rail and toe-board were not installed and AJP/ALS allow the workers to complete the
job in an unsafe manner. Road 4012 Tank A1
Photo E:: A single wooden plank is used as access to the unsafe platform. Road 4012 Tank A1
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