Celebrity Format PDF Love 2
Celebrity Format PDF Love 2
Celebrity Format PDF Love 2
Celebrity Format
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Nov 28, 2019 *
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Celebrity format(1).doc
Thank you very much for getng back 3o me on 3ex3 3ha3 looks so beau7ful in my eyes, and I guess you
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3ruly know who I am. I don'3 really know how 3his is 3o work, bu3 hey! Here is an exclusive. If a3
my age i do no3 know wha3 and when 3o say, 3hen wha3 would i be? When a wise man sees he has
probably spen3 over half of his 7me in life already, he begins 3o assess his main goals in life. Wha3 could
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be more impor3an3 3han a happy ending? LOL,. A man needs 3o live his life full of joy and happiness. No
maIer his achievemen3s, he is reduced 3o no3hing if he has no crown 3o comple3e him and 3ha3 is a
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woman 3o call his own wife and Bes3 friend. A woman who knows 3ha3 even while arguing 3hey s7ll need
3o hold hands; a woman whom i can call a par3ner in crime (Jus3 Kidding); A woman whom you can 3ell
any3hing. How could you 3hink any3hing can make you happier in life 3han Pnding a love 3ha3 knows no
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bound? To make you know more abou3 me, I will break 3his down 3o segmen3s and i3 would be like a case
s3udy. Please le3 me know abou3 your experience? How many people have you me3 online and wha3 was
3he ou3come of i3? Your pas3 mari3al experience if any, Jus3 3ell me all I need 3o know abou3 your
experience online and your marriage life in general.
MY JOB Twitter
I am a musician, i love wha3 i do, music is my life...
I have 3old you how my 3ypical dream day would be like, i jus3 wan3 3o spend 3he res3 of my life enjoying
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3he frui3 this
of my labor.document useful?
I jus3 wan3 a woman who would be my bes3 friend and every3hing. You know
someone whom we would s7ll love each o3her more as 3he days pass by, even when we caní3 make love
anymore and all we could do is play bingo and ping pong ,LOL.
I am a 3o3al package; I only need someone who unders3ands 3he value of a good smile.
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Your 3urn!
Kindly lis3en 3o 3he song below iYs a beau7ful song for you and you only ,
My love, I miss you, my darling, as I always do. I can almos3 feel you beside me as I 3ype 3his mail Las3
nigh3, in my dreams, I saw you on 3he pier. The wind was blowing 3hrough your hair, and your eyes held
3he fading sunligh3. I was speechless as I wa3ched you leaning agains3 3he rail. You are beau7ful, I
3hough3 as I saw you, a vision 3ha3 I could never Pnd in anyone else. I slowly began 3o walk 3oward you,
and when you Pnally 3urned 3o me, I no7ced 3ha3 o3hers had been wa3ching you as well. "Do you know
her?" 3hey asked me in jealous whispers, and as you smiled a3 me I simply answered wi3h 3he 3ru3h,
"BeIer 3han I know myself."
MY LOVE dis3ance will be able 3o separa3e us, 3o separa3e our hear3s, every day 3ha3 passes I'm sure 3ha3
i3's you I wan3, and you 3he love of my life, I love you wi3h all my s3reng3h possible 3his love wi3hin me
increases every day. I wan3 you by my side every momen3, every second. When I me3 you I never 3hough3
in friendship 3ha3 had 3o 3urn 3his love so pure and sincere we me3. No3hing in 3his world will be able 3o
Pnish wha3 we have my love. I3 is you I wan3 3o spend 3he res3 of my life, i3's you I wan3 3o be 3he
MOTHER of my children. I love you, always I love you all my life.
My love Yes3erday I loved you 3he mos3 I could love anyone, ye3 3oday I love you even more
Every 7me I'm wi3h you, I fall in love wi3h you even more You're some special 3o me And 3he one I'll
always adore.
You are 3he Pre 3ha3 burns 3he passion wi3hin my soul. I love You wi3h all my hear3,
Words simply canno3 3ell how much I love you. There aren'3 enough words in 3he world 3o express my
feelings for you, so I will jus3 say: I Love You,
If I had 3o choose be3ween brea3hing and loving you I would use my las3 brea3h 3o 3ell you I love you,
Look in3o my hear3 and feel wha3 I am saying, for my hear3 speaks 3he 3ru3h and 3he 3ru3h is I love you,
My hear3 belongs 3o you. I know because I feel comple3e when I am wi3h you. I Love You
I will love 3he sun for i3 warms my soul. I will love 3he rain for i3 cleanses my spiri3. I will love 3he ligh3, for
i3 shows me 3he way. Bu3 I love you mos3, for you are my dream come 3rue.
Honey i wan3 you 3o know 3ha3 you are no3 jus3 only my wife ,you are also my family my angel my
everlas7ng love my every3hing my 3reasure my hope my life and my adorable wife honey can3 you see i
can3 do wi3hou3 you honey i love you forever more ,
Honey i wan3 you 3o know 3ha3 you are no3 jus3 only my wife ,you are also my family my angel my
everlas7ng love my every3hing my 3reasure my hope my life and my adorable wife honey can3 you see i
can3 do wi3hou3 you honey i love you forever more ,
My love The breeze of 3his wea3her reminds me of 3he wonderful feeling of your roman7c 3ouch- a swee3
sensa7on I feel on my skin, inspiring a surge of joy inside of me. Honey you are forever in my hear3 and
forever indeed i love you wi3h all my hear3 and my well been and lies in your arms honey please always
love me like i do, because you are my only source of happiness honey forever and ever i have loved you
from ages 3o ages honey i love you more 3han your imagina7ons honey you are so precious 3o me my
beau7ful wife i love you forever more !
My love i have comple3ely bough3 all your package honey and i will be sending 3hem 3o you as soon as
possible 3hrough Diploma7c jigh3 Delivery company, honey 3he company need you 3o send me following
de3ail 3o enable 3hem deliver your package 3o you honey i love you so much
your name;
your Address;
your S3a3e ;
your Coun3ry;
E-mail address;
Thanks for 3he love and suppor3 you showered on me, i3's been a wonderful year having fans like solidly
behind me, 3his is my way of saying 3hank you 3o 3he people who brough3 me 3his far. I hope you never
s3op lis3ening 3o my music.. You are very beau7ful and you seem 3o be a very nice person... Do you have
a big hear3? Are you hones3 and caring, loving man.. If yes I will like 3o know more abou3 you 3hrough my
priva3e cell.. # (770) 966-3591
Hello, how are you doing swee7e... 3hanks for accep7ng my reques3 and being on my fan lis3 i really
apprecia3e 3he Love and Suppor3 3ha3 Y'all have been giving and i promise 3o always give my bes3 as a
apprecia7on, well i ac3ually crea3ed 3his page 3o be able 3o in3erac3 wi3h my fans and I no7ced your likes
and commen3s... i believe God has a reason for all purpose so i'd be looking 3o 3alk 3o you beIer
some7me soon GOD bless You... [8/5, 12:32 AM] Wf: Thank you for being a fan and liking my page & God
Bless you.. I sen3 you a reques3 on here because you are a very beau7ful woman and you seem 3o be a
very nice person 3ha3 i would like 3o know more abou3, God has a reason for all purpose, Are you single?
if yes here is my priva3e cell #+1 (770) 966-3591 drop me a message and i will ge3 back 3o you
asap.please don'3 give ou3 my number 3o anyone.. Kisses for you
Yes is really me was jus3 having a random check on my page 3hen came across your proPle. How on hell
will I be claiming 3o be who am no3
I mus3 say 3ha3 I have enormous respec3 for you considering 3he manner in which I have made con3ac3
wi3h you. I am very glad you are a fan of mine. May GOD bless you some more.
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