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Conference Paper · September 2009


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15 authors, including:

J.-L. Biarrotte Sebastien Bousson

Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules


Christophe Joly J. Lesrel

Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules


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ESS European Spallation Source View project

Magnetic Measurements Catania View project

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Proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin, Germany TUPPO008


F. Bouly#, J.L. Biarrotte, P. Blache, S. Bousson, C. Commeaux, P. Duthil, C. Joly, J. Lesrel,
E. Rampnoux, IPNO, Orsay, France
S. Barbanotti##, A. Bosotti, L. Monaco, P. Michelato, R. Paparella, P.Pierini, INFN/LASA, Milano, Segrate, Italy
M. Souli, GANIL, Caen, France

Abstract an high proton flux to provide the neutron energy

Accelerator Driven system (ADS) are being considered spectrum required to burn the minor actinides. The design
for their potential use in the transmutation of nuclear of the MYRRHA proton accelerator will be definitely
waste. Such a device typically requires a 600MeV to frozen for mid-2010. Its concept (see Figure 1) [4] leads
1GeV accelerator delivering a high intensity beam. to a superconducting linac in CW mode, ranging from
Because of the induced thermal stress to the subcritical 2.4MW (XT-ADS demonstrator operation) up to 16MW
core, the high-power proton LINAC will have to fulfill for the future industrial application (EFIT). To minimize
stringent reliability requirements. One working package the thermal stress in the transmutation reactor, beam trips
of the EUROTRANS project is dedicated to the design, longer than 1 second should not exceed 5 per 3 months
realization and tests of a prototypical cryomodule, operating cycle [5]. This extremely high reliability
operating at 2K, for the LINAC high energy section. requirement can immediately be identified as the main
Elliptical cavities will compose this accelerator section. A technological challenge to achieve.
full scale cryomodule with a beta 0.47 TRASCO cavity
and its cold tunning system will be tested at IPNO, early
2010. Experiment aims to evaluate the cavity
performances (Eacc=8.5 MV/m) but above all the whole
cryomodule reliability to fulfill ADS stringent
According to the World Energy Council, conventional
fossil fuel are the main resources for the world energy
supply [1]. Since the demand in power has drastically
increase the past decades, those fuel reserved are
significantly decreasing. As a consequence, one can
Figure 1: European ADS accelerator conceptual scheme.
notice a growth of interest for nuclear power all over the
World [2], especially for its high efficiency in electricity The Linac High energy part will be composed of 5-cell
production without greenhouse gases emissions. superconducting cavities ( β = 0.47 & β = 0.65 )
However, High radio-toxicity waste production remains a operating in CW at 704.4MHz. A prototypical
major environmental topic. Concerning European Union, cryomodule, is presently being built in view of a full scale
2500 tons of used nuclear fuels are produced, every year, cavity test in an accelerator coupling configuration. The
including 3.5 tons of minor actinides and 3 tons of long- status of R&D activities concerning the Cryomodule as
lived fission products. well as the Power Couplers design will be recounted in
Accelerator Driven system (ADS) is one solution to the following lines. Experimental perspectives and a
enable the reduction of nuclear waste radio-toxicity preliminary discussion in terms of reliability evaluation of
before their deep ground storage. Based on the the whole device, with its digital Low Level RF (LLRF)
transmutation process, such a device allows to decrease feedback loop system, will end this paper.
the radioactive waste life time and consequently to relax
the constraints on the geological disposals. SUPERCONDUCTING ACCELERATING
Towards this goal, the EUROpean research program for MODULE
the TRANSmutation of high-level nuclear waste in
The development of an accelerating superconducting
accelerator driven systems (EUROTRANS), wish to
cavity requires the prototyping of all the auxiliary systems
demonstrate the technical feasibility of Transmutation in
needed for its operation in a real environment. In this
an ADS (XT-ADS concept) through the construction of
context, R&D activities involve INFN and CNRS
an experimental facility MYRRHA[3].
resulting in the design and fabrication of a cryogenic real
An ADS transmuter system is composed of a sub-
scale module dedicated to be tested in new experimental
critical reactor, neutron supplied by a spallation source
area. INFN contributed in the development of the
which provides the appropriate flux to keep the nuclear
Cryomodule and make available its beta 0.47 TRASCO
chain reaction going on. The spallation target is subject to
cavity equipped with a cold tuning system. IPN Orsay

* Work supported by EU FP6 through the EUROTRANS programme

(contract n° FI6W-516520)
[email protected]
Present address: FNAL, Batavia, USA.

01 Progress reports and Ongoing Projects

TUPPO008 Proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin, Germany

(CNRS/IN2P3) participated in the development of the The Dressed Cavity

cryogenic valve-box, one of the power couplers and
The cryogenic module will be equipped with one of the
makes available its new facility SUPRATech dedicated to
two TRASCO cavities (geometrical β=0.47) fully
the preparation (chemistry, clean room) and cavity tests
“dressed”. A magnetic shield made of 1 mm
(experimental area set up in progress) with an 80 kW RF
Cryoperm10® sheets encloses the cavity and is located
power supply.
inside the helium Tank [7]. Magnetic shield
The Cryomodule measurements showed that the contribution to the surface
resistance by trapped magnetic field is estimated to be
The Cryomodule design (see Figure 2) has been
below 10 n which guarantee a quality factor higher than
performed by considering reliable aspects for the
assembly, and the cavity handling, derived from the
The cavity and its shield are placed in a titanium helium
experience accumulated by the TESLA Test Facility
tank which provides the low pressure He bath for 2K
(TTF) and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). Its
construction is now in progress.
A coaxial blade tuner derived from the one successfully
The module is 1.5 m long, for a diameter of about 1.4 m
tested at TTF [8] has been developed and fabricated. This
with the cold box assembled on top of it. The module was
device, mounted on the tank, will allow slow and fast
designed to operate at 2K for a nominal accelerating
tuning compensation. A rotation torque provided by a
gradient of 8.5 MV/m and an assumed conservative
stepper motor is transferred into longitudinal strength by
quality factor value of Q0=5.109 for computations. At 2K,
means of bending blades and allow static compensation
the dynamic Heat Load has been estimated to 25W for
of Lorentz forces detuning. This coaxial device is also
4W in static conditions. More details concerning the
assisted by piezoelectric actuators which allow dynamic
thermal design are given in Reference [6].
cavity frequency adjustments.
Static losses are kept in the module by minimizing the
heat flow toward the 2K helium bath. Therefore, the
thermal radiation, flowing from surfaces at room
temperature, is intercepted by a thermal shield at A Fundamental Power Coupler (FPC) development has
intermediate temperature (Nitrogen at 77 K) and been carried out at IPN Orsay. Based on the SNS Power
minimized by using multilayer insulating blanket (doubly Coupler design [9] it was adapted and optimized to
aluminized Mylar® sheets separated by a low thermal transmit to the cavity up to 150 kW RF power at 704.4
conducting material ). MHz with a capacitive coupling of Qext = 1.107,adpted to
The cryogenic cold valve box, derived from the IPN the experimental needs (i.e without the beam).
Orsay EURISOL design, has a nominal cooling capacity
of 50W at 2K. A 20 liters helium buffer is placed inside
the box to prevent from pressure perturbations in the
cavity Tank. The cold box thermal shield, made of copper
and covered with multilayer insulation, is able to evacuate
60W at around 80K.

Figure 3: Section view of the power coupler connected to

the cavity.
The Figure 3 is a section of the final Coupler design. A
Doorknob type transition performs the waveguide
geometrical transition. In order to minimize thermal
losses (Joule and dielectric losses), the inner conductor
and the ceramic window are water cooled [10]. The FPC
outer conductor RF and static losses are removed by a
supercritical helium heat exchanger (P=3bar, T=6K) in
Figure 2: The prototypal EUROTRANS 700MHz order to minimize heat loads to the cold extremity of the
cryomodule, with its dressed cavity inside. cavity maintained at 2 K, to ensure the transition between

01 Progress reports and Ongoing Projects

Proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin, Germany TUPPO008

300K and 6K. A dedicated test facility named showed that both types have similar RF performances. A
SUPERCRYLOOP was developed and successfully manufacturing cost study showed that “flat” short circuits
operated at IPN Orsay for measuring the performance of would be a smaller expense. Furthermore, once the
the cold heat exchanger and the first experimental results doorknob is manufactured, its position to the short circuits
have confirmed its excellent performances [11]. is the only re-adjustable parameter.
Consequently the short circuit is mechanically realized
Doorknob Transition by flat aluminum flange screwed on the waveguide, with
To ensure the waveguide geometrical transition an adaptable entering part. The doorknob and the internal
between rectangular waveguide (WR1150) and the conductor are in copper. First low power measurements,
coaxial power coupler a Doorknob type impedance using an N to WR1150 transition and an coax-to N
matching structure was designed. The transition alone transition, showed that at 704 MHz the reflection
must have good impedance matching to enable good coefficients is around -35dB.
performances when integrated with the RF ceramic
window. RF Window
Simulations showed that even a small change inside the The coaxial window is a planar annular disk made of
structure can result in a significant change in the RF 97% aluminium ceramic. The windows were
performances. The transition was computer simulated manufactured by the French company SCT. A deposit of
using the Ansoft HFSS® code. The doorknob height, the TiN [12] was made on one of the two windows. Influence
radius, the radius of the rounded corner and its positions of this deposit on multipacting effect will be evaluated out
to the short circuits were optimized to get the better during the Power Couplers conditioning. The Chokes
transmission performances. Those different parameters shape and size were adjusted to optimize there inductive
were adjusted with a precision of one tenth of a influences to get the lowest return loss. The coaxial
millimeter. Such a study requires some carefulness as structure with the ceramic window and the doorknob
regard to the structure meshing. Since The HFSS® code waveguide transition were integrated in simulations.
frequency solver is using tetrahedral mesh, with Figure 5 shows the electric field distribution in the whole
“(semi)automatic” refinement for precision adjustments it structure. The field was calculated for 80kW TW signal
was then decide to compare results with another passing through the coupler. The maximum peak field is
calculation code. located at the chokes extremity near the ceramic. The
The CST Microwave studio® code using its time results showed that the doorknob transition is the limiting
domain solver with PBA® (Perfect Boundary part for the signal transmission while the calculated
Approximation) on a hexahedral mesh structure was values at 704 MHz for the ceramic window (alone) were :
employed. The optimized transition designed with HFSS® reflection < -70 dB and transmission >-0.005 dB.
was implemented in the CST ® code. The Figure 4 shows
that simulations results, regarding the reflection (S11) and
transmission (S21) coefficients are in agreements. With
CST-MS® the “reflection peak” slightly shifted to lower
frequency, but the -30dB bandwidths are appreciably

Figure 5: Electric field distribution in the transition & the

coaxial coupler for an 80 kW RF power. The time
instantaneous peak field is localized at the chokes extremity.

Figure 4: RF simulation results for the doorknob

transition design. External Coupling
The external coupling Qext was fixed to the value of
The waveguide to coaxial transition can have either a
1.107. The coupler external and internal conductors’
“flat” or a circular rounded short circuit at the end of the
radius were set by the size adaptation to the cavity aspect
rectangular waveguide. Simulations were made for
and the impedance of the coaxial line. So, the only free
transitions with both short circuit shapes and the results

01 Progress reports and Ongoing Projects

TUPPO008 Proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin, Germany

parameter to adjust the FPC coupling is the antenna show that such linacs have a high potential for reliability
penetration into the cavity. CST-MS® simulations were improvement. For the XT-ADS, the objective is to only
done to evaluate this penetration depth. A final value of admit a maximum of 5 beam trips (longer than 1s) per
-18mm was then chosen, e.g. an antenna length of 281 cycle.
mm. To reach this goal a fast fault recovery scenario has
been established [5]. When a cavity or its supply fails, the
Future Conditioning Experiment philosophy is to re-adjust the accelerating fields and
All the power coupler elements presented above were phases of some non-faulty RF cavities, for a short beam
manufactured and delivered at IPN Orsay. The interruption of about 100 ms, to recover the nominal
conditioning cavity was designed and its fabrication is beam characteristics.
presently in progress. According to RF calculations the To forecast future reliability tests of the 704 MHz
cavity return loss at 704 MHz should be around -60 dB Cryomodule and evaluate the technical feasibility of such
with a bandwidth of 1 MHz at -30dB. FPC will be retuning, we computed a model of the cavity with the
conditioned [13] in a travelling wave mode at an RF main characteristics of its LLRF system in the MATLAB
power of 80 kW. Simulink® environnement.


Experiment & Facility
During the Power Coupler conditioning, it is foreseen
to proceed to the first low power tests of the cavity inside Figure 6: Simple model base for the sample feedback
the Cryomodule (early 2010). Those tests will help in analysis
evaluating the cavity quality factor with its new
“clothing”. It is also plan to evaluate the Lorentz Factor Table 1 : Simulations Parameters
and to identify all the microphonics disturbances. This Parameter Value Parameter Value
first test will also be useful to check the good functioning
of the whole cryogenic device. Microphonics 600Hz
Frequency 704.4 MHz
frequency max.
The first results will help in defining a procedure for
the ramping up of the field in the cavity during high (r/Q) 160Ω Beam current 10 mA
power test and the controlling of the tuning system. For 7
Coupling QL ~1.10 Synch. Phase -30°
all the experiments the Cryomodule will be set up in the
former IPNO cyclotron pit. The cavity will be RF fed Lorentz Coeff. -10Hz/(MV/m) Loop Delay 2μs
thanks to a Thales Electron Devices® Induced Output Acc. Field 8.5 MV/m Sampling time 1μs
Tube (IOT) able to provide an 80 kW Continuous Wave
signal at 704 MHz. This IOT requires a 36 kV cathode Acc. Gap 0.5 m Max. power 80 kW
voltage and the electron beam intensity in the tube can Mechanical IOT average 21 dB
reach 3.3A. Therefore, it is DC power supplied thanks 1ms
const. gain
to a 160kW (40kV-4A) alimentation provided by
Brucker®. The RF low power signal injected in the IOT is Tunning System
Correction 120
response time gain
piloted by a synthesizer signal which is beforehand
amplified by a 1kW Brucker® amplifier (Gain of 60 dB). Microphonics Integration 400 μs
10 Hz max.
The entire power supply chain has been installed, tested amplitude time
and is now fully operational. The Thales® IOT was
successfully tuned, and an expected average gain of 21 We established our calculation on a simple model (see
dB was measured (The gain is slightly changing as Figure 6) in the frequency analysis to estimate the gain
function of the output power, maximum: 21.5dB for and the integration time of the corrector (PI), taking into
60kW). account the sampling operation in a digital system. A
The high power tests will be a second evaluation of the delay and sampling time (Zero Order Hold function,
module cryogenic efficiency. But, above all it is the ZOH) were introduced [15]. The IOT gain variation as
capability of the piezo-based tuning system coupled with function of the power delivered and non linearity are also
the prototypical digital LLRF I/Q feedback loop which taken into account. The cavity voltage is deduced by
will be evaluated. The reliability of the entire installation modeling the cavity as an RLC resonant circuit [16]. The
and its response time for fast set points update of the detuning induced by the Lorentz forces and microphonics
entire installation will be tested. perturbations were also implemented as well as the fast
Preliminary Reliability Study cold tuning system control loop. Table 1 sums up the
principal calculations parameters values.
EUROTRANS Linac reliability analysis estimates the The figure 7 presents the simulation results during a fast
number of malfunctions that could cause beam/plant fault recovery procedure where the cavity field has to be
shutdowns per 3-month operation cycle [14]. Results increased by 15% and its phase changed by 3 degrees.

01 Progress reports and Ongoing Projects

Proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin, Germany TUPPO008

The process for this scenario is described by the following the long run, the experiment will be able to provide a
steps: testing bench for specific sequences of the XT-ADS fast
1- The cavity accelerating field and phase was set fault-recovery reference scenario. The aims of reliability
to the nominal working points (8.5 MV/m, -30°); tests will be to recover similar results than computations
the beam is switched- on. for the set points updating and validate an efficient and
2- A failure on another accelerating device is safe procedure.
detected the beam is switched-off.
3- The accelerating field set point is updated ACKNOWLEDGMENT
(10MV/m) We would like to extend a special thanks to M.Grolet
4- The phase set points is updated (33°) (IPNO) for his technical work on the RF Power source
5- The cavity field is stable the beam can be installation.
injected again.
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Summary. WEC2007”, ISBN 0-946121-26-5
[2] European Technical Working Group, “The European
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[4] J-L. Biarrotte et al, “A reference accelerator scheme
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[5] J-L. Biarrotte et al, “Accelerator for the European
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[6] S. Barbanotti et al, “Design of the prototypical
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[7] P. Pierini et al, “Design of the magnetic shield ...”,
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[8] P. Pierini et al, “Report on Tuner Design”, CARE
[9] Y. Kang et al.,”Electromagnetic Simulations and
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[10] M.Souli et al., “Study of Thermal Interaction ...”,
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[11] M. Souli, “Etude et developpement d’un coupleur de
Figure 7: simulations results for the update of the puissance …”, PHD Thesis IPNO-T-00-07, Orsay,
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Results from this preliminary simulations study shows 2007, vol. 81, no6, p.799- p.802.
that during a short beam trip, the phase and the field [13] M. Stirbet et al., “High Power RF Tests on
amplitude in the cavity could be updated in around 15ms, Fundamental Power Couplers ...”, Proceedings
with a good control of the feedback loop. When the phase EPAC2002, Paris, FRANCE.
set point is changed deviation of 0.1MV/m is observed [14] L. Burgazzi, P. Pierini, “Reliability studies of a high-
but quickly compensated. The real transient effect, due to power proton accelerator…”, Reliability engineering
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[16] T. Shcilcher, “Vector Sum Control of Pulsed power
CONCLUSION accelerating Field …”, Universität Hamburg,
The experimental campaign on the EUROTRANS Hamburg, 2008.
700MHz full scale Cryomodule should start in 2010. In

01 Progress reports and Ongoing Projects

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