JUNIPER SRX Security-Policies

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Junos® OS

Security Policies User Guide for Security




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Junos® OS Security Policies User Guide for Security Devices

Copyright © 2022 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.

The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.


Juniper Networks hardware and software products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known time-related
limitations through the year 2038. However, the NTP application is known to have some difficulty in the year 2036.


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Table of Contents
About This Guide | xviii

1 Overview
Security Basics Overview | 2

Security Policies Overview | 2

2 Security Zones
Security Zones | 7

Security Zones Overview | 7

Example: Creating Security Zones | 9

Requirements | 10

Overview | 10

Configuration | 10

Verification | 12

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types | 14

Example: Controlling Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types | 15

Requirements | 15

Overview | 15

Configuration | 15

Verification | 18

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols | 19

Example: Controlling Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols | 20

Requirements | 20

Overview | 20

Configuration | 21

Verification | 22

Example: Configuring the TCP-Reset Parameter | 23

Requirements | 23

Overview | 23

Configuration | 23

Verification | 24

3 Address Books and Address Sets

Address Books and Address Sets | 26

Understanding Address Books | 26

Understanding Global Address Books | 28

Understanding Address Sets | 29

Limitations of Addresses and Address Sets in a Security Policy | 29

Configuring Addresses and Address Sets | 30

Example: Configuring Address Books and Address Sets | 36

Requirements | 36

Overview | 37

Configuration | 39

Verification | 42

Excluding Addresses from Policies | 44

Example: Excluding Addresses from Policies | 45

Requirements | 45

Overview | 46

Configuration | 46

Verification | 50

4 Security Policy Applications and Application Sets

Security Policy Applications and Application Sets | 54

Security Policy Applications Overview | 54

Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets | 55

Requirements | 56

Overview | 56

Configuration | 57

Verification | 57

Understanding Policy Application Timeout Configuration and Lookup | 58

Understanding Policy Application Timeouts Contingencies | 59

Example: Setting a Policy Application Timeout | 59

Requirements | 60

Overview | 60

Configuration | 60
Verification | 61

Predefined Policy Applications | 61

Understanding Internet-Related Predefined Policy Applications | 62

Understanding Microsoft Predefined Policy Applications | 64

Understanding Dynamic Routing Protocols Predefined Policy Applications | 66

Understanding Streaming Video Predefined Policy Applications | 67

Understanding Sun RPC Predefined Policy Applications | 68

Understanding Security and Tunnel Predefined Policy Applications | 69

Understanding IP-Related Predefined Policy Applications | 70

Understanding Instant Messaging Predefined Policy Applications | 70

Understanding Management Predefined Policy Applications | 71

Understanding Mail Predefined Policy Applications | 73

Understanding UNIX Predefined Policy Applications | 74

Understanding Miscellaneous Predefined Policy Applications | 74

Understanding ICMP Predefined Policy Applications | 75

Example: Defining a Custom ICMP Application | 82

Requirements | 82

Overview | 82

Configuration | 83

Verification | 84

Custom Policy Applications | 85

Understanding Custom Policy Applications | 85


Custom Application Mappings | 85

Example: Adding and Modifying Custom Policy Applications | 86

Requirements | 86

Overview | 86

Configuration | 87

Verification | 88

Example: Configuring Custom Policy Application Term Options | 89

Requirements | 90

Overview | 90

Configuration | 90

Verification | 93

5 Security Policies
Configuring Security Policies | 96

Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97

Understanding Security Policies for Self Traffic | 101

Security Policies Configuration Overview | 102

Best Practices for Defining Policies on SRX Series Devices | 103

Configuring Policies Using the Firewall Wizard | 106

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny All Traffic | 107

Requirements | 107

Overview | 107

Configuration | 109

Verification | 112

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Selected Traffic | 113

Requirements | 113

Overview | 113

Configuration | 115

Verification | 118

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Wildcard Address Traffic | 119

Requirements | 119

Overview | 120

Configuration | 120

Verification | 123

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Redirect Traffic Logs to an External System Log
Server | 124

Requirements | 124
Overview | 124

Configuration | 125

Verification | 128

TAP Mode for Security Zones and Policies | 128

Understanding TAP Mode Support for Security Zones and Policies | 129

Example: Configuring Security Zones and Policies in TAP mode | 129

Dynamic Address Groups in Security Policies | 134

Configure Security Policies for VXLAN | 141

Requirements | 141

Overview | 142

Configuration | 143

Verification | 147

Unified Security Policies | 153

Unified Policies Overview | 154

Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using a Redirect Message Profile | 164

Requirements | 164

Overview | 164

Configuration | 165

Verification | 167

Configure a URL Category with Unified Policies | 170

Understanding URL Category with Unified Policies | 170

Example: Configuring a Unified Policy Using URL Category | 171

Configure Applications in Unified Policies | 176


Applications in Unified Policies | 176

Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using Dynamic Applications | 176

Configure Micro-Applications in Unified Policies | 181

Global Security Policies | 183

Global Policy Overview | 184

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with No Zone Restrictions | 186

Requirements | 187

Overview | 187

Configuration | 188

Verification | 191

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with Multiple Zones | 192

Requirements | 192

Overview | 192

Configuration | 193

Verification | 195

User Role Firewall Security Policies | 195

Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

User Role Retrieval and the Policy Lookup Process | 197

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199

Obtaining Username and Role Information Through Firewall Authentication | 206

Configuring a User Role Firewall For Captive Portal Redirection | 208

Example: Configuring a User Role Firewall on an SRX Series Device | 209

Requirements | 210

Overview | 210

Configuration | 212

Configuring Resource Policies Using UAC | 219

Reordering Security Policies | 222

Understanding Security Policy Ordering | 222

Example: Reordering Security Policies | 224

Requirements | 225

Overview | 225

Configuration | 225

Verification | 226

Scheduling Security Policies | 226

Security Policy Schedulers Overview | 226

Example: Configuring Schedulers for a Daily Schedule Excluding One Day | 227

Requirements | 228

Overview | 228

Configuration | 228

Verification | 231

Verifying Scheduled Policies | 232

Threat Profiling Support in Security Policy | 233

Configuring Security Policies for a VRF Routing Instance | 234

Overview | 235

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 237

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based Traffic from MPLS
Network to an IP Network | 238

Requirements | 238

Overview | 238

Configuration | 239

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit VRF-Based Traffic from an IP Network to an

MPLS Network | 244

Requirements | 244

Overview | 244

Configuration | 245

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit VRF-Based Traffic from an MPLS Network to
an MPLS Network over GRE without NAT | 250

Requirements | 250

Overview | 250

Configuration | 251

Example: Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Routing Instances in an MPLS Network | 256

Requirements | 257

Overview | 257

MPLS Network to Private IP Network | 257

Global IP Network to an MPLS Network | 260

Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Group | 267

Overview | 267

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based Traffic from MPLS
Network to an IP Network using Source VRF Group | 269

Requirements | 269

Overview | 269

Configuration | 270

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based Traffic from an IP Network
to MPLS Network using Destination VRF Group | 274

Requirements | 275

Overview | 275

Configuration | 276

Managing Overlapping VPN using VRF group | 280

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Security Policies | 281

Understanding Security Alarms | 281

Example: Generating a Security Alarm in Response to Policy Violations | 282

Requirements | 282

Overview | 283

Configuration | 283

Verification | 285

Matching Security Policies | 285

Tracking Policy Hit Counts | 287

Checking Memory Usage on SRX Series Devices | 287

Monitoring Security Policy Statistics | 289

Verifying Shadow Policies | 290

Verifying All Shadow Policies | 290

Verifying a Policy Shadows One or More Policies | 291


Verifying a Policy Is Shadowed by One or More Policies | 292

Troubleshooting Security Policies | 293

Synchronizing Policies Between Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine | 293

Checking a Security Policy Commit Failure | 295

Verifying a Security Policy Commit | 295

Debugging Policy Lookup | 296

High Availability (HA) Synchronization of Address Name Resolving Cache | 297

6 Configuration Statements
address (Security Address Book) | 304

address-book | 306

address-set | 308

alarms (Security) | 310

alarm-threshold | 312

alarm-without-drop | 314

application (Applications) | 315

application (Security Alarms) | 319

application (Security Policies) | 321

application-protocol (Applications) | 323

application-services (Security Policies) | 326

application-tracking (Security Zones) | 330

application-traffic-control (Application Services) | 331

attach | 333

audible (Security Alarms) | 335

authentication (Security Alarms) | 336

captive-portal (Services UAC Policy) | 338

count (Security Policies) | 340


default-policy | 341

deny (Security Policies) | 343

description (Applications) | 344

description (Security Address Book) | 346

description (Security Zone) | 347

destination-address (Security Policies) | 349

destination-address (Security Policies Flag) | 351

destination-address-excluded | 353

destination-ip (Security Alarms) | 354

destination-port (Applications) | 356

dns-cache | 362

dns-proxy | 364

dynamic-address | 366

dynamic-application (Security) | 368

dynamic-application (Security Policies) | 370

dynamic-dns | 372

exclude (Schedulers) | 374

feed-server | 376

firewall-authentication (Security Policies) | 379

forward-only (DNS) | 381

from-zone (Security Policies) | 383

from-zone (Security Policies Global) | 387

functional-zone | 389

global (Security Policies) | 391

host-inbound-traffic | 394

icmp-code (Applications) | 396

icmp-type (Applications) | 398

inactivity-timeout (Applications) | 399

interfaces (Security Zones) | 401

initial-tcp-mss | 403

ipsec-group-vpn (Security Policies) | 404

ipsec-vpn (Security Policies) | 406

log (Security Policies) | 408

management (Security Zones) | 410

match (Security Policies) | 412

match (Security Policies Global) | 414

unified-policy max-lookups | 417

no-policy-cold-synchronization | 418

pair-policy | 420

pass-through | 421

permit (Security Policies) | 424

policies | 427

policy (Security Alarms) | 437

policy (Security Policies) | 439

policy-match | 443

policy-rematch | 445

policy-stats | 447

potential-violation | 448

pre-id-default-policy | 452

profile(dynamic-application) | 455

protocol (Applications) | 458

protocols (Security Zones Host Inbound Traffic) | 460

protocols (Security Zones Interfaces) | 463

range-address | 465

redirect-wx (Application Services) | 467

reject (Security) | 468

report-skip | 470

reverse-tcp-mss | 472

rpc-program-number (Applications) | 474

scheduler (Security Policies) | 475

scheduler-name | 478

schedulers (Security Policies) | 479

screen (Security Zones) | 481

secure-neighbor-discovery | 482

security-intelligence (security policies) | 484

security-zone | 486

sequence-check-required | 489

services-offload (Security) | 490

session-close | 492

session-init | 493

session-scan | 495

simple-mail-client-service | 496

source-address (Security Policies) | 498

source-address-excluded | 500

source-identity | 501

source-ip (Security Alarms) | 504

source-port (Applications) | 506

ssl-proxy (Application Services) | 507

ssl-termination-profile | 509

start-date | 510

start-time (Schedulers) | 512

stop-date | 514

stop-time | 515

syn-check-required | 517

system-services (Security Zones Host Inbound Traffic) | 519

system-services (Security Zones Interfaces) | 522

tcp-options (Security Policies) | 525

tcp-rst | 528

term (Applications) | 529

then (Security Policies) | 531

threshold-logging-interval | 534

to-zone (Security Policies) | 536

to-zone (Security Policies Global) | 539

traceoptions (dynamic-address) | 541

traceoptions (dynamic-application) | 543

traceoptions (Security Policies) | 546

traceoptions (Security User Identification) | 549

traceoptions (System Services DNS) | 551

tunnel (Security Policies) | 555

tunnel-inspection | 556

uac-policy (Application Services) | 558

unidirectional-session-refreshing | 560

unified-policy-explicit-match | 561

user-firewall | 563

user-identification | 565

utm-policy | 567

uuid (Applications) | 570

vrrp | 571

web-authentication | 573

web-redirect | 575

zones | 577

7 Operational Commands
clear security alarms | 583

clear security policies hit-count | 587

clear security policies statistics | 589

clear system services dns dns-proxy | 590

request security policies check | 592

request security policies resync | 595

request security user-identification local-authorization-table add | 598

request security user-identification local-authentication-table delete | 601

show security alarms | 603

show security firewall-authentication users address | 609

show security firewall-authentication users auth-type | 614

show security flow session application | 617

show security match-policies | 623


show security policies | 633

show security policies checksum | 655

show security policies hit-count | 658

show security policies information | 665

show security policies unknown-source-identity | 674

show security policies zone-context | 676

show security policy-report | 679

show security shadow-policies | 684

show security user-identification local-authentication-table | 687

show security user-identification role-provision all | 691

show security user-identification source-identity-provision all | 693

show security user-identification user-provision all | 695

show security zones | 696

show security zones type | 706

show system services dns dns-proxy | 711

show system services dynamic-dns | 715


About This Guide

Use this guide to configure security zones, address books and address sets, security policy applications
and application sets, and security policies in Junos OS on the SRX Series devices.


Security Basics Overview | 2

Security Policies Overview | 2


Security Basics Overview

This guide provides information about the security basics used to configure features for security devices.

• A security zone is a collection of one or more network segments requiring the regulation of inbound
and outbound traffic through policies. Security zones are logical entities to which one or more
interfaces are bound. With many types of Juniper Networks devices, you can define multiple security
zones, the exact number of which you determine based on your network needs.

• An address book is a collection of addresses and address sets. Junos OS allows you to configure
multiple address books. Address books are like components, or building blocks, that are referenced in
other configurations such as security policies or NAT. You can add addresses to address books or use
the predefined addresses available to each address book by default.

• An application set is a group of applications. Junos OS simplifies the process by allowing you to
manage a small number of application sets, rather than a large number of individual application
entries. The application (or application set) is referred to by security policies as match criteria for
packets initiating sessions.

• A security policy is a stateful firewall policy that provides a set of tools to network administrators,
enabling them to implement network security for their organizations. Security policies enforce rules
for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to
take place on traffic as it passes through the firewall.


Getting Started Guide for Junos OS

Security Policies Overview

To secure their business, organizations must control access to their LAN and their resources. Security
policies are commonly used for this purpose. Secure access is required both within the company across
the LAN and in its interactions with external networks such as the Internet. Junos OS provides powerful
network security features through its stateful firewall, application firewall, and user identity firewall. All
three types of firewall enforcement are implemented through security policies. The stateful firewall
policy syntax is widened to include additional tuples for the application firewall and the user identity

In a Junos OS stateful firewall, the security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what
traffic can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes
through the firewall. From the perspective of security policies, the traffic enters one security zone and
exits another security zone. This combination of a from-zone and to-zone is called a context. Each
context contains an ordered list of policies. Each policy is processed in the order that it is defined within
a context.

A security policy, which can be configured from the user interface, controls the traffic flow from one
zone to another zone by defining the kind(s) of traffic permitted from specified IP sources to specified IP
destinations at scheduled times.

Policies allow you to deny, permit, reject (deny and send a TCP RST or ICMP port unreachable message
to the source host), encrypt and decrypt, authenticate, prioritize, schedule, filter, and monitor the traffic
attempting to cross from one security zone to another. You decide which users and what data can enter
and exit, and when and where they can go.

NOTE: For an SRX Series device that supports virtual systems, policies set in the root system do
not affect policies set in virtual systems.

An SRX Series device secures a network by inspecting, and then allowing or denying, all connection
attempts that require passage from one security zone to another.

Logging capability can also be enabled with security policies during session initialization (session-init) or
session close (session-close) stage.

• To view logs from denied connections, enable log on session-init.

• To log sessions after their conclusion/tear-down, enable log on session-close.

NOTE: Session log is enabled at real time in the flow code which impacts the user performance.
If both session-close and session-init are enabled, performance is further degraded as compared to
enabling session-init only.

For SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices, a factory-default security
policy is provided that:

• Allows all traffic from the trust zone to the untrust zone.

• Allows all traffic between trusted zones, that is from the trust zone to intrazone trusted zones.

• Denies all traffic from the untrust zone to the trust zone.

Through the creation of policies, you can control the traffic flow from zone to zone by defining the kinds
of traffic permitted to pass from specified sources to specified destinations at scheduled times.

At the broadest level, you can allow all kinds of traffic from any source in one zone to any destination in
all other zones without any scheduling restrictions. At the narrowest level, you can create a policy that
allows only one kind of traffic between a specified host in one zone and another specified host in
another zone during a scheduled interval of time. See Figure 1 on page 4.

Figure 1: Security Policy

Every time a packet attempts to pass from one zone to another or between two interfaces bound to the
same zone, the device checks for a policy that permits such traffic (see "Understanding Security Zones"
on page 7 and "Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets" on page 55).
To allow traffic to pass from one security zone to another—for example, from zone A to zone B—you
must configure a policy that permits zone A to send traffic to zone B. To allow traffic to flow the other
way, you must configure another policy permitting traffic from zone B to zone A.

To allow data traffic to pass between zones, you must configure firewall policies.


Configuring Security Policies | 96


Security Zones

Security Zones | 7

Security Zones


Security Zones Overview | 7

Example: Creating Security Zones | 9

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types | 14

Example: Controlling Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types | 15

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols | 19

Example: Controlling Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols | 20

Example: Configuring the TCP-Reset Parameter | 23

A security zone is a collection of one or more network segments requiring the regulation of inbound and
outbound traffic through policies. Security zones are logical entities to which one or more interfaces are
bound. You can define multiple security zones, the exact number of which you determine based on your
network needs.

Security Zones Overview


Understanding Security Zone Interfaces | 8

Understanding Functional Zones | 8

Understanding Security Zones | 9

Interfaces act as a doorway through which traffic enters and exits a Juniper Networks device. Many
interfaces can share exactly the same security requirements; however, different interfaces can also have
different security requirements for inbound and outbound data packets. Interfaces with identical
security requirements can be grouped together into a single security zone.

A security zone is a collection of one or more network segments requiring the regulation of inbound and
outbound traffic through policies.

Security zones are logical entities to which one or more interfaces are bound. With many types of
Juniper Networks devices, you can define multiple security zones, the exact number of which you
determine based on your network needs.

On a single device, you can configure multiple security zones, dividing the network into segments to
which you can apply various security options to satisfy the needs of each segment. At a minimum, you
must define two security zones, basically to protect one area of the network from the other. On some
security platforms, you can define many security zones, bringing finer granularity to your network
security design—and without deploying multiple security appliances to do so.

From the perspective of security policies, traffic enters into one security zone and goes out on another
security zone. This combination of a from-zone and a to-zone is defined as a context. Each context contains
an ordered list of policies. For more information on policies, see "Security Policies Overview" on page 2.

This topic includes the following sections:

Understanding Security Zone Interfaces

An interface for a security zone can be thought of as a doorway through which TCP/IP traffic can pass
between that zone and any other zone.

Through the policies you define, you can permit traffic between zones to flow in one direction or in
both. With the routes that you define, you specify the interfaces that traffic from one zone to another
must use. Because you can bind multiple interfaces to a zone, the routes you chart are important for
directing traffic to the interfaces of your choice.

An interface can be configured with an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or both.

Understanding Functional Zones

A functional zone is used for special purposes, like management interfaces. Currently, only the
management (MGT) zone is supported. Management zones have the following properties:

• Management zones host management interfaces.

• Traffic entering management zones does not match policies; therefore, traffic cannot transit out of
any other interface if it was received in the management interface.

• Management zones can only be used for dedicated management interfaces.


Understanding Security Zones

Security zones are the building blocks for policies; they are logical entities to which one or more
interfaces are bound. Security zones provide a means of distinguishing groups of hosts (user systems
and other hosts, such as servers) and their resources from one another in order to apply different
security measures to them.

Security zones have the following properties:

• Policies—Active security policies that enforce rules for the transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can
pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through
the firewall. For more information, see "Security Policies Overview" on page 2.

• Screens—A Juniper Networks stateful firewall secures a network by inspecting, and then allowing or
denying, all connection attempts that require passage from one security zone to another. For every
security zone, you can enable a set of predefined screen options that detect and block various kinds
of traffic that the device determines as potentially harmful. For more information, see
Reconnaissance Deterrence Overview.

• Address books—IP addresses and address sets that make up an address book to identify its members
so that you can apply policies to them. Address book entries can include any combination of IPv4
addresses, IPv6 addresses, and Domain Name System (DNS) names. For more information, see
"Example: Configuring Address Books and Address Sets" on page 36.

• TCP-RST—When this feature is enabled, the system sends a TCP segment with the RESET flag set
when traffic arrives that does not match an existing session and does not have the SYNchronize flag

• Interfaces—List of interfaces in the zone.

Security zones have the following preconfigured zone:

• Trust zone—Available only in the factory configuration and is used for initial connection to the
device. After you commit a configuration, the trust zone can be overridden.

Example: Creating Security Zones


Requirements | 10

Overview | 10

Configuration | 10

Verification | 12

This example shows how to configure zones and assign interfaces to them. When you configure a
security zone, you can specify many of its parameters at the same time.

Before you begin, configure network interfaces. See the Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

An interface for a security zone can be thought of as a doorway through which TCP/IP traffic can pass
between that zone and any other zone.

NOTE: By default, interfaces are in the null zone. The interfaces will not pass traffic until they
have been assigned to a zone.

NOTE: You can configure 2000 interfaces within a security zone on SRX3400, SRX3600,
SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 devices, depending on the Junos OS release in your



Procedure | 11


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:1::1/64
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To create zones and assign interfaces to them:

1. Configure an Ethernet interface and assign an IPv4 address to it.

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address

2. Configure an Ethernet interface and assign an IPv6 address to it.

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8::1/32

3. Configure a security zone and assign it to an Ethernet interface.

user@host# set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security zones security-zone ABC
and show interfaces ge-0/0/1 commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat
the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

For brevity, this show output includes only the configuration that is relevant to this example. Any other
configuration on the system has been replaced with ellipses (...).


user@host# show security zones security-zone ABC

interfaces {
ge-0/0/1.0 {


user@host# show interfaces ge-0/0/1

unit 0 {
family inet {
family inet6 {
address 2001:db8:1::1/64;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Troubleshooting with Logs | 13


Troubleshooting with Logs


Use these logs to identify any issues.


From operational mode, enter the show log messages command and the show log dcd command.

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic

This topic describes the supported system services for host inbound traffic on the specified zone or

For example, suppose a user whose system was connected to interface in zone ABC wanted to
telnet into interface in zone ABC. For this action to be allowed, the Telnet application must be
configured as an allowed inbound service on both interfaces and a policy must permit the traffic

See the Options section in "system-services (Security Zones Host Inbound Traffic)" on page 519 to view
the system services that can be used for host inbound traffic.

NOTE: On SRX Series Services Gateways, the xnm-clear-text field is enabled in the factory-default
configuration. This setting enables incoming Junos XML protocol traffic in the trust zone for the
device when the device is operating with factory-default settings. We recommend that you
replace the factory-default settings with a user-defined configuration that provides additional
security once the box is configured. You must delete the xnm-clear-text field manually by using the
CLI command delete system services xnm-clear-text.

See the Options section in "protocols (Security Zones Interfaces)" on page 463 to view the supported
protocols that can be used for host inbound traffic.

NOTE: All services (except DHCP and BOOTP) can be configured either per zone or per
interface. A DHCP server is configured only per interface because the incoming interface must
be known by the server to be able to send out DHCP replies.

NOTE: You do not need to configure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) on host-inbound traffic,
because the NDP is enabled by default.

Configuration option for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is available. The configuration option
is set protocol neighbor-discovery onlink-subnet-only command. This option will prevent the device from
responding to a Neighbor Solicitation (NS) from a prefix which was not included as one of the device
interface prefixes.

NOTE: The Routing Engine needs to be rebooted after setting this option to remove any
possibility of a previous IPv6 entry from remaining in the forwarding-table.

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types

This topic describes how to configure zones to specify the kinds of traffic that can reach the device from
systems that are directly connected to its interfaces.

Note the following:

• You can configure these parameters at the zone level, in which case they affect all interfaces of the
zone, or at the interface level. (Interface configuration overrides that of the zone.)

• You must enable all expected host-inbound traffic. Inbound traffic destined to this device is dropped
by default.

• You can also configure a zone's interfaces to allow for use by dynamic routing protocols.

This feature allows you to protect the device against attacks launched from systems that are directly or
indirectly connected to any of its interfaces. It also enables you to selectively configure the device so
that administrators can manage it using certain applications on certain interfaces. You can prohibit use
of other applications on the same or different interfaces of a zone. For example, most likely you would
want to ensure that outsiders not use the Telnet application from the Internet to log in to the device
because you would not want them connecting to your system.

Example: Controlling Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types


Requirements | 15

Overview | 15

Configuration | 15

Verification | 18

This example shows how to configure inbound traffic based on traffic types.

Before you begin:

• Configure network interfaces. See Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

• Understand Inbound traffic types. See "Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on
Traffic Types" on page 14.

By allowing system services to run, you can configure zones to specify different types of traffic that can
reach the device from systems that are directly connected to its interfaces. You can configure the
different system services at the zone level, in which case they affect all interfaces of the zone, or at the
interface level. (Interface configuration overrides that of the zone.)

You must enable all expected host-inbound traffic. Inbound traffic from devices directly connected to
the device's interfaces is dropped by default.



Procedure | 16


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone ABC host-inbound-traffic system-services all

set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.3 host-inbound-traffic system-services
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.3 host-inbound-traffic system-services
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.3 host-inbound-traffic system-services
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services
ftp except
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services
http except

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure inbound traffic based on traffic types:

1. Configure a security zone.

user@host# edit security zones security-zone ABC

2. Configure the security zone to support inbound traffic for all system services.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set host-inbound-traffic system-services all

3. Configure the Telnet, FTP, and SNMP system services at the interface level (not the zone level) for
the first interface.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.3 host-inbound-traffic system-services telnet
user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.3 host-inbound-traffic system-services ftp
user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.3 host-inbound-traffic system-services snmp

4. Configure the security zone to support inbound traffic for all system services for a second interface.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all

5. Exclude the FTP and HTTP system services from the second interface.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services ftp except
user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services http except


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security zones security-zone ABC.
If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this
example to correct it.


user@host# show security zones security-zone ABC

host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/1.3 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {

ge-0/0/1.0 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
ftp {
http {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Troubleshooting with Logs | 18

Troubleshooting with Logs


Use these logs to identify any issues.


From operational mode, enter the show log messages command and the show log dcd command.

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols

This topic describes the inbound system protocols on the specified zone or interface.

Any host-inbound traffic that corresponds to a protocol listed under the host-inbound traffic option is
allowed. For example, if anywhere in the configuration, you map a protocol to a port number other than
the default, you can specify the protocol in the host-inbound traffic option, and the new port number
will be used. Table 1 on page 19 lists the supported protocols. A value of all indicates that traffic from
all of the following protocols is allowed inbound on the specified interfaces (of the zone, or a single
specified interface).

Table 1: Supported Inbound System Protocols

Supported System Services

all igmp pim sap

bfd ldp rip vrrp

bgp msdp ripng nhrp

router-discovery dvmrp ospf rsvp

pgm ospf3

NOTE: If DVMRP or PIM is enabled for an interface, IGMP and MLD host-inbound traffic is
enabled automatically. Because IS-IS uses OSI addressing and should not generate any IP traffic,
there is no host-inbound traffic option for the IS-IS protocol.

NOTE: You do not need to configure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) on host-inbound traffic,
because the NDP is enabled by default.

Configuration option for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is available. The configuration option
is set protocol neighbor-discovery onlink-subnet-only command. This option will prevent the device from
responding to a Neighbor Solicitation (NS) from a prefix which was not included as one of the device
interface prefixes.

NOTE: The Routing Engine needs to be rebooted after setting this option to remove any
possibility of a previous IPv6 entry remaining in the forwarding-table.

Example: Controlling Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols


Requirements | 20

Overview | 20

Configuration | 21

Verification | 22

This example shows how to enable inbound traffic for an interface.

Before you begin:

• Configure security zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Configure network interfaces. See the Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

Any host-inbound traffic that corresponds to a protocol listed under the host-inbound traffic option is
allowed. For example, if anywhere in the configuration you map a protocol to a port number other than
the default, you can specify the protocol in the host-inbound traffic option, and the new port number
will be used.

A value of all indicates that traffic from all of the protocols is allowed inbound on the specified
interfaces (of the zone, or a single specified interface).



Procedure | 21


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols ospf
set security zones security-zone ABC interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols ospf3

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure inbound traffic based on protocols:

1. Configure a security zone.

user@host# edit security zones security-zone ABC

2. Configure the security zone to support inbound traffic based on the ospf protocol for an interface.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols ospf

3. Configure the security zone to support inbound traffic based on the ospf3 protocol for an interface.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols ospf3


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security zones security-zone ABC.
If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this
example to correct it.

user@host# show security zones security-zone ABC
interfaces {
ge-0/0/1.0 {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Troubleshooting with Logs | 22

Troubleshooting with Logs


Use these logs to identify any issues.



From operational mode, enter the show log messages command and the show log dcd command.

Example: Configuring the TCP-Reset Parameter


Requirements | 23

Overview | 23

Configuration | 23

Verification | 24

This example shows how to configure the TCP-Reset parameter for a zone.

Before you begin, configure security zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

When the TCP-Reset parameter feature is enabled, the system sends a TCP segment with the RESET
flag set when traffic arrives that does not match an existing session and does not have the SYN flag set.



Procedure | 24


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure the TCP-Reset parameter for a zone:

1. Configure a security zone.

user@host# edit security zones security-zone ABC

2. Configure the TCP-Reset parameter for the zone.

[edit security zones security-zone ABC]

user@host# set tcp-rst

3. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.

user@host# commit


To verify the configuration is working properly, enter the show security zones command.


Configuring Security Policies | 96


Address Books and Address Sets

Address Books and Address Sets | 26


Address Books and Address Sets


Understanding Address Books | 26

Understanding Global Address Books | 28

Understanding Address Sets | 29

Limitations of Addresses and Address Sets in a Security Policy | 29

Configuring Addresses and Address Sets | 30

Example: Configuring Address Books and Address Sets | 36

Excluding Addresses from Policies | 44

Example: Excluding Addresses from Policies | 45

An address book is a collection of addresses and address sets. Address books are like components or
building blocks, that are referenced in other configurations such as security policies, security zones, and
NAT. You can add addresses to address books or use the predefined addresses available to each address
book by default.

Address sets are groups of addresses used to manage large address books. Using address sets, you can
organize addresses in logical groups and use them to easily configure other features, such as policies and
NAT rules.

Understanding Address Books


Predefined Addresses | 27

Network Prefixes in Address Books | 27

Wildcard Addresses in Address Books | 27

DNS Names in Address Books | 28


An address book is a collection of addresses and address sets. Junos OS allows you to configure multiple
address books. Address books are like components, or building blocks, that are referenced in other
configurations such as security policies or NAT. You can add addresses to address books or use the
predefined addresses available to each address book by default.

Address book entries include addresses of hosts and subnets whose traffic is either allowed, blocked,
encrypted, or user-authenticated. These addresses can be any combination of IPv4 addresses, IPv6
addresses, wildcard addresses, or Domain Name System (DNS) names.

Predefined Addresses

You can either create addresses or use any of the following predefined addresses that are available by

• Any—This address matches any IP address. When this address is used as a source or destination
address in a policy configuration, it matches the source and destination address of any packet.

• Any-ipv4—This address matches any IPv4 address.

• Any-ipv6—This address matches any IPv6 address.

Network Prefixes in Address Books

You can specify addresses as network prefixes in the prefix/length format. For example,
is an acceptable address book address because it translates to a network prefix. However, is not acceptable for an address book because it exceeds the subnet length of 24 bits.
Everything beyond the subnet length must be entered as 0 (zero). In special scenarios, you can enter a
hostname because it can use the full 32-bit address length.

An IPv6 address prefix is a combination of an IPv6 prefix (address) and a prefix length. The prefix takes
the form ipv6-prefix/prefix-length and represents a block of address space (or a network). The ipv6-
prefix variable follows general IPv6 addressing rules. The /prefix-length variable is a decimal value that
indicates the number of contiguous, higher-order bits of the address that make up the network portion
of the address. For example, 2001:db8::/32 is a possible IPv6 prefix. For more information on text
representation of IPv6 addresses and address prefixes, see RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing

Wildcard Addresses in Address Books

Besides IP addresses and domain names, you can specify a wildcard address in an address book. A
wildcard address is represented as A.B.C.D/wildcard-mask. The wildcard mask determines which of the
bits in the IP address A.B.C.D should be ignored. For example, the source IP address in a security policy implies that the security policy match criteria can
discard the third octet in the IP address (symbolically represented as 192.168.*.11). Therefore, packets

with source IP addresses such as and conform to the match criteria.
However, packets with source IP addresses such as and do not satisfy the
match criteria.

The wildcard address usage is not restricted to full octets only. You can configure any wildcard address.
For example, the wildcard address implies that you need to ignore only the
first 5 bits of the third octet of the wildcard address while making the policy match. If the wildcard
address usage is restricted to full octets only, then wildcard masks with either 0 or 255 in each of the
four octets only will be permitted.

DNS Names in Address Books

By default, you can resolve IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a DNS. If IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are designated,
you can resolve only those addresses by using the keywords ipv4-only and ipv6-only, respectively.

For SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices and vSRX instances, starting with Junos OS 15.1X49-
D60, management traffic can originate from a specific source address for Domain Name System (DNS)

Consider the following when you configure the source address for DNS:

• Only one source address can be configured as the source address for each DNS server name.

• IPv6 source addresses are supported for IPv6 DNS servers, and only IPv4 addresses are supported
for IPv4 servers. You cannot configure an IPv4 address for an IPv6 DNS server or an IPv6 address for
an IPv4 DNS server.

To have all management traffic originate from a specific source address, configure the system name
server and the source address. For example:

user@host# set system name-server source-address

Before you can use domain names for address entries, you must configure the security device for DNS
services. For information about DNS, see DNS Overview.

Understanding Global Address Books

An address book called “global” is always present on your system. Similar to other address books, the
global address book can include any combination of IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, wildcard addresses,
or Domain Name System (DNS) names.

You can create addresses in the global address book or use the predefined addresses (any, any-ipv4, and
any-ipv6). However, to use the addresses in the global address book, you do not need to attach the
security zones to it. The global address book is available to all security zones that have no address books
attached to them.

Global address books are used in the following cases:

• NAT configurations–NAT rules can use address objects only from the global address book. They
cannot use addresses from zone-based address books.

• Global policies–Addresses used in a global policy must be defined in global address book. Global
address book objects do not belong to any particular zone.

Understanding Address Sets

An address book can grow to contain large numbers of addresses and become difficult to manage. You
can create groups of addresses called address sets to manage large address books. Using address sets,
you can organize addresses in logical groups and use them to easily configure other features, such as
policies and NAT rules.

The predefined address set, any, which contains both any-ipv4 and any-ipv6 addresses, is automatically
created for each security zone.

You can create address sets with existing users, or create empty address sets and later fill them with
users. When creating address sets, you can combine IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, but the addresses must be
in the same security zone.

You can also create an address set within an address set. This allows you to apply policies more
effectively. For example, if you want to apply a policy to two address sets, set1 and set2, instead of using
two statements, you can use just one statement to apply the policy to a new address set, set3, that
includes address sets set1 and set2.

When you add addresses to policies, sometimes the same subset of addresses can be present in multiple
policies, making it difficult to manage how policies affect each address entry. Reference an address set
entry in a policy like an individual address book entry to allow you to manage a small number of address
sets, rather than manage a large number of individual address entries.

Limitations of Addresses and Address Sets in a Security Policy

On SRX Series devices, one policy can reference multiple address sets, multiple address entries, or both.
One address set can reference a maximum of 1024 address entries and a maximum of 256 address sets.

There is a limit to the number of address objects that a policy can reference; the maximum number of
address objects per policy is 1024. Starting with Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D15 and Junos OS Release
17.3R1, the maximum number of policies per context for SRX3400 and SRX3600 devices increases from
10,240 to 40,000, and for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, from 10240 to 80,000.

Note that every IPv6 address entry is equal to 4 IPv4 address entries. For example, a policy configured
for 1000 IPv4 address entries and 5 IPv6 address entries has 1020 address objects (1000 + [5 x4] =
1020), which is within the 1024 value, and can be committed. However, a policy configured for 1000
IPv4 address entries and 7 IPv6 address entries has 1028 address objects (1000 +[7 x 4] = 1028), which
exceeds the 1024 value, cannot be committed, and consequently generates an error message.

Configuring Addresses and Address Sets


Addresses and Address Sets | 30

Address Books and Security Zones | 31

Address Books and Security Policies | 32

Address Books and NAT | 34

You can define addresses and address sets in an address book and then use them when configuring
different features. You can also use predefined addresses any, any-ipv4, and any-ipv6 that are available by
default. However, you cannot add the predefined address any to an address book.

After address books and sets are configured, they are used in configuring different features, such as
security policies, security zones, and NAT.

Addresses and Address Sets

You can define IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, wildcard addresses, or Domain Name System (DNS)
names as address entries in an address book.

The following sample address book called book1 contains different types of addresses and address sets.
Once defined, you can leverage these addresses and address sets when you configure security zones,
policies, or NAT rules.

[edit security address-book book1]

user@host# set address a1
user@host# set address a2
user@host# set address a4 2001:db8::/32
user@host# set address a5 2001:db8:1::1/127
user@host# set address example dns-name
user@host# set address-set set1 address a1
user@host# set address-set set1 address a2
user@host# set address-set set1 address a2
user@host# set address-set set2 address bbc

When defining addresses and address sets, follow these guidelines:

• Address sets can only contain address names that belong to the same security zone.

• Address names any, any-ipv4 and any-ipv6 are reserved; you cannot use them to create any addresses.

• Addresses and address sets in the same zone must have distinct names.

• Address names cannot be the same as address set names. For example, if you configure an address
with the name add1, do not create the address set with the name add1.

• When deleting an individual address book entry from the address book, you must remove the
address (wherever it is referred) from all the address sets; otherwise, the system will cause a commit

Address Books and Security Zones

A security zone is a logical group of interfaces with identical security requirements. You attach security
zones to address books that contain entries for the addressable networks and end hosts (and, thus,
users) belonging to the zone.

A zone can use two address books at a time—the global address book and the address book that the
zone is attached to. When a security zone is not attached to any address book, it automatically uses the
global address book. Thus, when a security zone is attached to an address book, the system looks up
addresses from this attached address book; otherwise, the system looks up addresses from the default
global address book. The global address book is available to all security zones by default; you do not
need to attach zones to the global address book.

The following guidelines apply when attaching security zones to address books:

• Addresses attached to a security zone conform to the security requirements of the zone.

• The address book that you attach to a security zone must contain all IP addresses that are reachable
within that zone.

• When you configure policies between two zones, you must define the addresses for each of the
zone's address books.

• Addresses in a user-defined address book have a higher lookup priority than addresses in the global
address book. Thus, for a security zone that is attached to a user-defined address book, the system
searches the user-defined address book first; if no address is found, then it searches the global
address book.

Address Books and Security Policies

Addresses and address sets are used when specifying the match criteria for a policy. Before you can
configure policies to permit, deny, or tunnel traffic to and from individual hosts and subnets, you must
make entries for them in address books. You can define different types of addresses, such as IPv4
addresses, IPv6 addresses, wildcard addresses, and DNS names, as match criteria for security policies.

Policies contain both source and destination addresses. You can refer to an address or address set in a
policy by the name you give to it in the address book attached to the zone specified in the policy.

• When traffic is sent to a zone, the zone and address to which the traffic is sent are used as the
destination zone and address-matching criteria in policies.

• When traffic is sent from a zone, the zone and address from which the traffic is sent are used as the
source zone and address-matching criteria in policies.

Addresses Available for Security Policies

When configuring the source and destination addresses for a policy rule, you can type a question mark
in the CLI to list all the available addresses that you can choose from.

You can use the same address name for different addresses that are in different address books.
However, the CLI lists only one of these addresses—the address that has the highest lookup priority.

For example, suppose you configure addresses in two address books—global and book1. Then, display the
addresses that you can configure as source or destination addresses in a policy (see Table 2 on page

Table 2: Available Addresses Displayed in the CLI

Addresses Configured Addresses Displayed in the CLI

[edit security address-book] [edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]
set global address a1; user@host# set policy p1 match set match source-address ?
set global address a2;
set global address a3; Possible completions:
set book1 address a1; [ Open a set of values
a1 The address in address book book1
a2 The address in address book global
a3 The address in address book global
any Any IPv4 or IPv6 address
any-ipv4 Any IPv4 address
any-ipv6 Any IPv6 address

The addresses displayed in this example illustrate:

• Addresses in a user-defined address book have a higher lookup priority than addresses in the global
address book.

• Addresses in a global address book have a higher priority than the predefined addresses any, any-ipv4,
and any-ipv6.

• When the same address name is configured for two or more different addresses, only the highest
priority address, based on the address lookup, is available. In this example, the CLI displays address a1
from book1 ( because that address has a higher lookup priority than the global
address a1 (

Applying Policies to Address Sets

When you specify an address set in policies, Junos OS applies the policies automatically to each address
set member, so you do not have to create them one by one for each address. Also, if an address set is
referenced in a policy, the address set cannot be removed without removing its reference in the policy. It
can, however, be edited.

NOTE: Consider that for each address set, the system creates individual rules for its members. It
creates an internal rule for each member in the group as well as for each service configured for
each user. If you configure address books without taking this into account, you can exceed the

number of available policy resources, especially if both the source and destination addresses are
address groups and the specified service is a service group.

Figure 2 on page 34 shows how policies are applied to address sets.

Figure 2: Applying Policies to Address Sets

Address Books and NAT

Once you define addresses in address books, you can specify them in the source, destination, or static
NAT rules. It is simpler to specify meaningful address names instead of IP prefixes as source and
destination addresses in the NAT rule configuration. For example, instead of specifying
as source address, you can specify an address called local that includes address

You can also specify address sets in NAT rules, allowing you to add multiple addresses within an address
set and therefore manage a small number of address sets, rather than manage a large number of
individual address entries. When you specify an address set in a NAT rule, Junos OS applies the rule
automatically to each address set member, so you do not have to specify each address one by one.

NOTE: The following address and address set types are not supported in NAT rules—wildcard
addresses, DNS names, and a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

When configuring address books with NAT, follow these guidelines:

• In a NAT rule, you can specify addresses from a global address book only. User-defined address
books are not supported with NAT.

• You can configure an address set as a source address name in a source NAT rule. However, you
cannot configure an address set as a destination address name in a destination NAT rule.

The following sample NAT statements show the address and address set types that are supported
with source and destination NAT rules:

[edit security nat source rule-set src-nat rule src-rule1]

set match source-address 2001:db8:1::/64
set match source-address-name add1
set match source-address-name add-set1
set match destination-address 2001:db8::/64
set match destination-address-name add2
set match destination-address-name add-set2

[edit security nat destination rule-set dst-nat rule dst-rule1]

set match source-address 2001:db8::/64
set match source-address-name add2
set match source-address-name add-set2
set match destination-address-name add1

• In a static NAT rule, you cannot configure an address set as a source or destination address name.
The following sample NAT statements show the types of address that are supported with static NAT

[edit security nat static rule-set stat]

set rule stat-rule1 match destination-address
set rule stat-rule2 match destination-address-name add1

Example: Configuring Address Books and Address Sets


Requirements | 36

Overview | 37

Configuration | 39

Verification | 42

This example shows how to configure addresses and address sets in address books. It also shows how to
attach address books to security zones.

Before you begin:

• Configure the Juniper Networks security devices for network communication.

• Configure network interfaces on server and member devices. See the Interfaces User Guide for
Security Devices.

• Configure Domain Name System (DNS) services. For information about DNS, see DNS Overview.



Topology | 38

In this example, you configure an address book with addresses and address sets (see Figure 3 on page
38) to simplify configuring your company’s network. You create an address book called Eng-dept and add
addresses of members from the Engineering department. You create another address book called Web and
add a DNS name to it. Then you attach a security zone trust to the Eng-dept address book and security
zone untrust to the Web address book. You also create address sets to group software and hardware
addresses in the Engineering department. You plan to use these addresses as source address and
destination addresses in your future policy configurations.

In addition, you add an address to the global address book, to be available to any security zone that has
no address book attached to it.

Figure 3: Configuring Addresses and Address Sets




Procedure | 39


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address
set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/0
set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1
set security address-book Eng-dept address a1
set security address-book Eng-dept address a2
set security address-book Eng-dept address a3
set security address-book Eng-dept address a4
set security address-book Eng-dept address-set sw-eng address a1
set security address-book Eng-dept address-set sw-eng address a2
set security address-book Eng-dept address-set hw-eng address a3
set security address-book Eng-dept address-set hw-eng address a4
set security address-book Eng-dept attach zone trust
set security address-book Web address Intranet dns-name
set security address-book Web attach zone untrust
set security address-book global address g1

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure addresses and address sets:


1. Configure Ethernet interfaces and assign IPv4 addresses to them.

user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address

2. Create security zones and assign interfaces to them.

user@host# set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/0
user@host# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1

3. Create an address book and define addresses in it.

[edit security address-book Eng-dept ]

user@host# set address a1
user@host# set address a2
user@host# set address a3
user@host# set address a4

4. Create address sets.

[edit security address-book Eng-dept]

user@host# set address-set sw-eng address a1
user@host# set address-set sw-eng address a2
user@host# set address-set hw-eng address a3
user@host# set address-set hw-eng address a4

5. Attach the address book to a security zone.

[edit security address-book Eng-dept]

user@host# set attach zone trust

6. Create another address book and attach it to a security zone.

[edit security address-book Web ]

user@host# set address Intranet dns-name
user@host# set attach zone untrust

7. Define an address in the global address book.

user@host# set security address-book global address g1


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security zones and show security
address-book commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security zones
security-zone trust {

interfaces {
security-zone untrust {
interfaces {
user@host# show security address-book
Eng-dept {
address a1;
address a2;
address a3;
address a4;
address-set sw-eng {
address a1;

address a2;
address-set hw-eng {
address a3;
address a4;
attach {
zone trust;
Web {
address Intranet {
attach {
zone untrust;
global {
address g1;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Address Book Configuration | 42

Verifying Global Address Book Configuration | 43

Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying Address Book Configuration


Display information about configured address books and addresses.



From configuration mode, enter the show security address-book command.

user@host# show security address-book

Eng-dept {
address a1;
address a2;
address a3;
address a4;
address-set sw-eng {
address a1;
address a2;
address-set hw-eng {
address a3;
address a4;
attach {
zone trust;
Web {
address Intranet {
attach {
zone untrust;
global {
address g1;

Verifying Global Address Book Configuration


Display information about configured addresses in the global address book.



From configuration mode, enter the show security address-book global command.

user@host# show security address-book global

address g1;

Excluding Addresses from Policies

Junos OS allows users to add any number of source and destination addresses to a policy. If you need to
exclude certain addresses from a policy, you can configure them as negated addresses. When an address
is configured as a negated address, it is excluded from a policy. You cannot, however, exclude the
following IP addresses from a policy:

• Wildcard

• IPv6

• any

• any-ipv4

• any-ipv6


When a range of addresses or a single address is negated, it can be divided into multiple addresses.
These negated addresses are shown as a prefix or a length that requires more memory for storage on a
Packet Forwarding Engine.

Each platform has a limited number of policies with negated addresses. A policy can contain 10 source
or destination addresses. The capacity of the policy depends on the maximum number of policies that
the platform supports.

Before you configure a negated source address, destination address, or both, perform the following

1. Create a source, destination, or both address book.

2. Create address names and assign source and destination addresses to the address names.

3. Create address sets to group source, destination, or both address names.


4. Attach source and destination address books to security zones. For example, attach the source
address book to the from-zone trust and the destination address book to the to-zone untrust.

5. Specify the match source, destination, or both address names.

6. Execute source-address-excluded, destination-address excluded, or both commands. A source,

destination, or both addresses added in the source, destination, or both address books will be
excluded from the policy.

NOTE: The global address book does not need to be attached to any security zone.

Example: Excluding Addresses from Policies


Requirements | 45

Overview | 46

Configuration | 46

Verification | 50

This example shows how to configure negated source and destination addresses. It also shows how to
configure address books and address sets.

This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• An SRX Series device

• A PC

• Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10

Before you begin, configure address books and address sets. See "Example: Configuring Address Books
and Address Sets" on page 36.

In this example, you create source and destination address books, SOUR-ADDR and DES-ADDR, and
add source and destination addresses to it. You create source and destination address sets, as1 and as2,
and group source and destination addresses to them. Then you attach source address book to the
security zone trust and the destination address book to the security zone untrust.

You create security zones from-zone trust and to-zone untrust. You specify the policy name to p1 and
then you set the name of the match source address to as1 and the match destination address to as2.
You specify the commands source -address-excluded and destination -address-excluded to exclude
source and destination addresses configured in the policy p1. Finally, you set the policy p1 to permit
traffic from-zone trust to to-zone untrust.



Procedure | 46


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security address-book SOU-ADDR address ad1

set security address-book SOU-ADDR address ad2
set security address-book SOU-ADDR address ad3 range-address to
set security address-book SOU-ADDR address ad4
set security address-book SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad1
set security address-book SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad2
set security address-book SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad3
set security address-book SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad4
set security address-book SOU-ADDR attach zone trust
set security address-book DES-ADDR address ad8
set security address-book DES-ADDR address ad9 range-address to
set security address-book DES-ADDR address ad10
set security address-book DES-ADDR address ad11 range-address to

set security address-book DES-ADDR address-set as2 address ad8

set security address-book DES-ADDR address-set as2 address ad9
set security address-book DES-ADDR address-set as2 address ad10
set security address-book DES-ADDR address-set as2 address ad11
set security address-book DES-ADDR attach zone untrust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match source-address as1
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match source-address-excluded
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match destination-address as2
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match destination-address-
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match application any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure negated addresses:

1. Create a source address book and address names. Add the source addresses to the address book.

[edit security address book ]

user@host#set SOU-ADDR address ad1
user@host#set SOU-ADDR address ad2
user@host#set SOU-ADDR ad3 range-address to
user@host#set SOU-ADDR address ad4

2. Create an address set to group source address names.

[edit security address book ]

user@host# set SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad1
user@host# set SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad2
user@host# set SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad3
user@host# set SOU-ADDR address-set as1 address ad4

3. Attach the source address book to the security from zone.

[edit security address book ]

user@host# set SOU-ADDR attach zone trust

4. Create a destination address book and address names. Add the destination addresses to the
address book.

[edit security address book ]

user@host#set DES-ADDR address ad8
user@host#set DES-ADDR address ad9 range-address to
user@host#set DES-ADDR address ad10
user@host#set DES-ADDR address ad11 range-address to

5. Create another address set to group destination address names.

[edit security address book ]

user@host# set DES-ADDR address-set as1 address ad8
user@host# set DES-ADDR address-set as1 address ad9
user@host# set DES-ADDR address-set as1 address ad10
user@host# set DES-ADDR address-set as1 address ad11

6. Attach the destination address book to the security to zone.

[edit security address book ]

user@host# set DES-ADDR attach zone untrust

7. Specify the policy name and source address.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match source-address as1

8. Exclude source addresses from the policy.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match source-address-excluded

9. Specify the destination address.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match destination-address as2

10. Exclude destination addresses from the policy.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match destination-address-

11. Configure the security policy application.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match application any

12. Permit the traffic from-zone trust to to-zone untrust.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies command. If
the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this
example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy p1 {
match {
source-address as1;
destination-address as2;
application any;

then {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying the Policy Configuration | 50

Verifying the Policy Configuration Detail | 51

Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying the Policy Configuration


Verify that the policy configuration is correct.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies policy-name p1 command.

user@host>show security policies policy-name p1

From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: p1, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses(excluded): as1
Destination addresses(excluded): as2
Applications: any
Action: permit

This output summarizes the policy configuration.


Verifying the Policy Configuration Detail


Verify that the policy and the negated source and destination address configurations are correct.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies policy-name p1 detail command.

user@host>show security policies policy-name p1 detail

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses(excluded):
ad3(SOU-ADDR): ~
Destination addresses(excluded):
ad9(DES-ADDR): ~
ad11(DES-ADDR): to
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No

This output summarizes the policy configuration and shows the names of negated source and
destination addresses excluded from the policy.


Predefined Policy Applications | 61

Custom Policy Applications | 85

Release History Table

Release Description

12.3X48-D15 and Starting with Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D15 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the maximum
17.3R1 number of policies per context for SRX3400 and SRX3600 devices increases from 10,240
to 40,000, and for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, from 10240 to 80,000.

Security Policy Applications and

Application Sets

Security Policy Applications and Application Sets | 54

Predefined Policy Applications | 61

Custom Policy Applications | 85


Security Policy Applications and Application Sets


Security Policy Applications Overview | 54

Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets | 55

Understanding Policy Application Timeout Configuration and Lookup | 58

Understanding Policy Application Timeouts Contingencies | 59

Example: Setting a Policy Application Timeout | 59

Policy applications are types of traffic for which protocol standards exist. The policy application set is a
group of policy applications. Junos OS simplifies the process by allowing you to manage a small number
of policy application sets, rather than a large number of individual policy application entries.

The policy application or application set is referred by security policies as match criteria for packets
initiating sessions. Junos OS allows you to configure policy applications and application sets. You can
create an application set that contains all the approved applications.

Security Policy Applications Overview

Applications are types of traffic for which protocol standards exist. Each application has a transport
protocol and destination port number(s) associated with it, such as TCP/port 21 for FTP and TCP/port
23 for Telnet. When you create a policy, you must specify an application for it.

You can select one of the predefined applications from the application book, or a custom application or
application set that you created. You can see which application you can use in a policy by using the show
applications CLI command.

NOTE: Each predefined application has a source port range of 1–65535, which includes the entire
set of valid port numbers. This prevents potential attackers from gaining access by using a source
port outside of the range. If you need to use a different source port range for any predefined

application, create a custom application. For information, see "Understanding Custom Policy
Applications" on page 85.


Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

Security Policy Application Sets Overview

When you create a policy, you must specify an application, or service, for it to indicate that the policy
applies to traffic of that type. Sometimes the same applications or a subset of them can be present in
multiple policies, making it difficult to manage. Junos OS allows you to create groups of applications
called application sets. Application sets simplify the process by allowing you to manage a small number
of application sets, rather than a large number of individual application entries.

The application (or application set) is referred to by security policies as match criteria for packets
initiating sessions. If the packet matches the application type specified by the policy and all other criteria
match, then the policy action is applied to the packet.

You can specify the name of an application set in a policy. In this case, if all of the other criteria match,
any one of the applications in the application set serves as valid matching criteria; any is the default
application name that indicates all possible applications.

Applications are created in the .../applications/application/application-name directory. You do not need to

configure an application for any of the services that are predefined by the system.

In addition to predefined services, you can configure a custom service. After you create a custom
service, you can refer to it in a policy.

Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets


Requirements | 56

Overview | 56

Configuration | 57

Verification | 57

This example shows how to configure applications and application sets.

Before you begin, configure the required applications. See "Security Policy Application Sets Overview"
on page 55.



Topology | 56

Rather than creating or adding multiple individual application names to a policy, you can create an
application set and refer to the name of the set in a policy. For example, for a group of employees, you
can create an application set that contains all the approved applications.

In this example, you create an application set that are used to log in to the servers in the ABC (intranet)
zone, to access the database, and to transfer files.

• Define the applications in the configured application set.

• Managers in zone A and managers in zone B use these services. Therefore, give the application set a
generic name, such as MgrAppSet.

• Create an application set for the applications that are used for e-mail and Web-based applications
that are delivered by the two servers in the external zone.




Procedure | 57


Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure an application and application set:

1. Create an application set for managers.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application-set MgrAppSet application junos-ssh
user@host# set application-set MgrAppSet application junos-telnet

2. Create another application set for e-mail and Web-based applications.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application-set WebMailApps application junos-smtp
user@host# set application-set WebMailApps application junos-pop3

3. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.

user@host# commit


To verify the configuration is working properly, enter the show applications command in configuration

Understanding Policy Application Timeout Configuration and Lookup

The application timeout value you set for an application determines the session timeout. You can set the
timeout threshold for a predefined or custom application; you can use the application default timeout,
specify a custom timeout, or use no timeout at all.

Application timeout values are stored in the root TCP and UDP port-based timeout table and in the
protocol-based default timeout table. When you set an application timeout value, Junos OS updates
these tables with the new value. There are also default timeout values in the applications entry
database, which are taken from predefined applications. You can set a timeout, but you cannot alter a
default value.

Each custom application can be configured with its own custom application timeout. If multiple custom
applications are configured with custom timeouts, then each application will have its own custom
application timeout.

If the application that is matched for the traffic has a timeout value, that timeout value is used.
Otherwise, the lookup proceeds in the following order until an application timeout value is found:

1. The root TCP and UDP port-based timeout table is searched for a timeout value.

2. The protocol-based default timeout table is searched for a timeout value. See Table 3 on page 58.

Table 3: Protocol-Based Default Timeout

Protocol Default Timeout (seconds)

TCP 1800

UDP 60



Other 1800

Understanding Policy Application Timeouts Contingencies

When setting timeouts, be aware of the following contingencies:

• If an application contains several application rule entries, all rule entries share the same timeout. You
need to define the application timeout only once. For example, if you create an application with two
rules, the following commands will set the timeout to 20 seconds for both rules:

user@host# set applications application test protocol tcp destination-port 1035-1035

inactivity-timeout 20
user@host# set applications application test term test protocol udp
user@host# set applications application test term test source-port 1-65535
user@host# set applications application test term test destination-port 1111-1111

• If multiple custom applications are configured with custom timeouts, then each application will have
its own custom application timeout. For example:

user@host# set applications application ftp-1 protocol tcp source-port 0-65535 destination-
port 2121-2121 inactivity-timeout 10
user@host# set applications application telnet-1 protocol tcp source-port 0-65535 destination-
port 2300-2348 inactivity-timeout 20

With this configuration, Junos OS applies a 10-second timeout for destination port 2121 and a 20-
second timeout for destination port 2300 in an application group.

Example: Setting a Policy Application Timeout


Requirements | 60

Overview | 60

Configuration | 60

Verification | 61

This example shows how to set a policy application timeout value.

Before you begin, understand policy application timeouts. See "Understanding Policy Application
Timeout Configuration and Lookup" on page 58.

Application timeout values are stored in the application entry database and in the corresponding vsys
TCP and UDP port-based timeout tables. In this example, you set the device for a policy application
timeout to 75 minutes (4500 seconds) for the FTP predefined application.

When you set an application timeout value, Junos OS updates these tables with the new value.



Procedure | 60


Step-by-Step Procedure

To set a policy application timeout:

1. Set the inactivity timeout value.

[edit applications application ftp]

user@host# set inactivity-timeout 4500

2. Commit the configuration if you are done configuring the device.

user@host# commit


To verify the configuration is working properly, enter the show applications command.


Custom Policy Applications | 85

Predefined Policy Applications


Understanding Internet-Related Predefined Policy Applications | 62

Understanding Microsoft Predefined Policy Applications | 64

Understanding Dynamic Routing Protocols Predefined Policy Applications | 66

Understanding Streaming Video Predefined Policy Applications | 67

Understanding Sun RPC Predefined Policy Applications | 68

Understanding Security and Tunnel Predefined Policy Applications | 69

Understanding IP-Related Predefined Policy Applications | 70

Understanding Instant Messaging Predefined Policy Applications | 70

Understanding Management Predefined Policy Applications | 71

Understanding Mail Predefined Policy Applications | 73

Understanding UNIX Predefined Policy Applications | 74

Understanding Miscellaneous Predefined Policy Applications | 74

Understanding ICMP Predefined Policy Applications | 75

Example: Defining a Custom ICMP Application | 82

Predefined policy allows you to choose the applications to permit or deny. You can specify the
predefined applications for the policy, depending on your network requirements.

Understanding Internet-Related Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined Internet-related applications for the policy.

Table 4 on page 62 lists Internet-related predefined applications. Depending on your network

requirements, you can choose to permit or deny any or all of these applications. Each entry lists the
application name, default receiving port, and application description.

Table 4: Predefined Applications

Application Name Port(s) Application Description

AOL 5190-5193 America Online Internet service provider (ISP) provides Internet,
chat, and instant messaging applications.

DHCP relay 67 (default) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

DHCP 68 client Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol allocates network addresses

and delivers configuration parameters from server to hosts.
67 server

DNS 53 Domain Name System translates domain names into IP addresses.

FTP File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows the sending and receiving of
files between machines. You can choose to deny or permit ANY or
20 data to selectively permit or deny.

21 control We recommend denying FTP applications from untrusted sources


Gopher 70 Gopher organizes and displays Internet servers' contents as a

hierarchically structured list of files.

We recommend denying Gopher access to avoid exposing your

network structure.

Table 4: Predefined Applications (Continued)

Application Name Port(s) Application Description

HTTP 80 HyperText Transfer Protocol is the underlying protocol used by the

World Wide Web (WWW).

Denying HTTP application disables your users from viewing the


Permitting HTTP application allows your trusted hosts to view the


HTTP-EXT — Hypertext Transfer Protocol with extended nonstandard ports

HTTPS 443 Hypertext Transfer Protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a
protocol for transmitting private documents through the Internet.

Denying HTTPS disables your users from shopping on the Internet

and from accessing certain online resources that require secure
password exchange.

Permitting HTTPS allows your trusted hosts to participate in

password exchange, shop online, and visit various protected online
resources that require user login.

Internet Locator — Internet Locator Service includes LDAP, User Locator Service, and
Service LDAP over TSL/SSL.

IRC 6665-6669 Internet Relay Chat (IRC) allows people connected to the Internet
to join live discussions.

LDAP 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a set of protocols used to

access information directories.

PC-Anywhere — PC-Anywhere is a remote control and file transfer software.

TFTP 69 Trivial File transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a protocol for simple file

Table 4: Predefined Applications (Continued)

Application Name Port(s) Application Description

WAIS — Wide Area Information Server is a program that finds documents

on the Internet.

NOTE: Starting in Junos OS Release Junos OS Release 18.4R1, encrypted applications such as
HTTP, SMTP, IMAP and POP3 over SSL are identified as junos:HTTPS, junos:SMTPS,
junos:IMAPS, and junos:POP3S in Junos OS predefined applications and application sets. For
example: If you configure a security policy to allow or deny HTTPS traffic, you must specify
application matching criteria as junos:HTTPS. In previous Junos OS Releases, both HTTP and
encrypted HTTP (HTTPS) applications can be configured using a same application matching
criteria as junos:HTTP.

Understanding Microsoft Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined Microsoft applications for the policy.

Table 5 on page 64 lists predefined Microsoft applications, parameters associated with each
application, and a brief description of each application. Parameters include universal unique identifiers
(UUIDs) and TCP/UDP source and destination ports. A UUID is a 128-bit unique number generated
from a hardware address, a timestamp, and seed values.

Table 5: Predefined Microsoft Applications

Application Parameter/UUID Description

Junos MS-RPC-EPM 135 Microsoft remote procedure call

(RPC) Endpoint Mapper (EPM)
e1af8308-5d1f-11c9-91a4-0800 Protocol.

Junos MS-RPC — Any Microsoft remote procedure

call (RPC) applications.

Table 5: Predefined Microsoft Applications (Continued)

Application Parameter/UUID Description

Junos MS-RPC-MSEXCHANGE 3 members Microsoft Exchange application

group includes:

• Junos-MS-RPC-

• Junos-MS-RPC-

• Junos-MS-RPC-

Junos-MS-RPC-MSEXCHANGE- 1a190310- Microsoft Exchange Database

DATABASE bb9c-11cd-90f8-00aa00466520 application.

Junos-MS-RPC-MSEXCHANGE- f5cc5a18-4264-101a-8c59-0800 Microsoft Exchange Directory

DIRECTORY 2b2f8426 application.



Junos-MS-RPC-MSEXCHANGE- 0e4a0156- Microsoft Exchange Information

INFO-STORE dd5d-11d2-8c2f-00c04fb6bcde Store application.




Junos-MS-RPC-TCP — Microsoft Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP) application.

Table 5: Predefined Microsoft Applications (Continued)

Application Parameter/UUID Description

Junos-MS-RPC-UDP — Microsoft User Datagram Protocol

(UDP) application.

Junos-MS-SQL — Microsoft Structured Query

Language (SQL).

Junos-MSN — Microsoft Network Messenger


Understanding Dynamic Routing Protocols Predefined Policy


When you create a policy, you can specify predefined dynamic routing protocol applications for the

Depending on your network requirements, you can choose to permit or deny messages generated from
these dynamic routing protocols and packets of these dynamic routing protocols. Table 6 on page 66
lists each supported dynamic routing protocol by name, port, and description.

Table 6: Dynamic Routing Protocols

Dynamic Routing Protocol Port Description

RIP 520 RIP is a common distance-vector routing


OSPF 89 OSPF is a common link-state routing


BGP 179 BGP is an exterior/interdomain routing


Understanding Streaming Video Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined streaming video applications for the policy.

Table 7 on page 67 lists each supported streaming video application by name and includes the default
port and description. Depending on your network requirements, you can choose to permit or deny any
or all of these applications.

Table 7: Supported Streaming Video Applications

Application Port Description

H.323 TCP source 1-65535; TCP destination H.323 is a standard approved by the
1720, 1503, 389, 522, 1731 International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) that defines how audiovisual
UDP source 1-65535; UDP source 1719 conference data is transmitted across

NetMeeting TCP source 1-65535; TCP destination Microsoft NetMeeting uses TCP to provide
1720, 1503, 389, 522 teleconferencing (video and audio)
applications over the Internet.
UDP source 1719

Real media TCP source 1-65535; TCP destination Real Media is streaming video and audio
7070 technology.

RTSP 554 Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is for

streaming media applications

SIP 5056 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an

Application-Layer control protocol for
creating, modifying, and terminating

VDO Live TCP source 1-65535; TCP destination VDOLive is a scalable, video streaming
7000-7010 technology.

Understanding Sun RPC Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined Sun RPC applications for the policy.

Table 8 on page 68 lists each Sun remote procedure call Application Layer Gateway (RPC ALG)
application name, parameters, and full name.

Table 8: RPC ALG Applications

Application Program Numbers Full Name

SUN-RPC-PORTMAPPER 111100000 Sun RPC Portmapper protocol

SUN-RPC-ANY ANY Any Sun RPC applications

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-MOUNTD 100005 Sun RPC Mount Daemon

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-NFS 100003 Sun RPC Network File System


SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-NLOCKMGR 100021 Sun RPC Network Lock Manager

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-RQUOTAD 100011 Sun RPC Remote Quota Daemon

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-RSTATD 100001 Sun RPC Remote Status Daemon

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-RUSERD 100002 Sun RPC Remote User Daemon

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-SADMIND 100232 Sun RPC System Administration Daemon

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-SPRAYD 100012 Sun RPC Spray Daemon


SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-WALLD 100008 Sun RPC Wall Daemon


Table 8: RPC ALG Applications (Continued)

Application Program Numbers Full Name

SUN-RPC-PROGRAM-YPBIND 100007 SUN RPC Yellow Page Bind application

Understanding Security and Tunnel Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined security and tunnel applications for the policy.

Table 9 on page 69 lists each supported application and gives the default port(s) and a description of
each entry.

Table 9: Supported Applications

Application Port Description

IKE UDP source 1-65535; UDP destination Internet Key Exchange is the protocol that
500 sets up a security association in the IPsec
protocol suite.

Internet Key protocol (IKE) is a protocol to

obtain authenticated keying material for
use with ISAKMP.

IKE-NAT 4500 IKE-Network Address Translation (NAT)

performs Layer 3 NAT for S2C IKE traffic.

L2TP 1701 L2TP combines PPTP with Layer 2

Forwarding (L2F) for remote access.

PPTP 1723 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol allows

corporations to extend their own private
network through private tunnels over the
public Internet.

Understanding IP-Related Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined IP-related applications for the policy.

Table 10 on page 70 lists the predefined IP-related applications. Each entry includes the default port
and a description of the application.

TCP-ANY means any application that is using TCP, so there is no default port for it. The same is true for

Table 10: Predefined IP-Related Applications

Application Port Description

Any — Any application

TCP-ANY 0-65,535 Any protocol using the TCP

UDP-ANY 0-65,535 Any protocol using the UDP

Understanding Instant Messaging Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined instant messaging applications for the policy.

Table 11 on page 70 lists predefined Internet-messaging applications. Each entry includes the name of
the application, the default or assigned port, and a description of the application.

Table 11: Predefined Internet-Messaging Applications

Application Port Description

Gnutella 6346 (default) Gnutella is a public domain file sharing protocol that operates over
a distributed network. You can assign any port, but the default is

MSN 1863 Microsoft Network Messenger is a utility that allows you to send
instant messages and talk online.

Table 11: Predefined Internet-Messaging Applications (Continued)

Application Port Description

NNTP 119 Network News Transport Protocol is a protocol used to post,

distribute, and retrieve USENET messages.

SMB 445 Server Message Block (SMB) over IP is a protocol that allows you
to read and write files to a server on a network.

YMSG 5010 Yahoo! Messenger is a utility that allows you to check when others
are online, send instant messages, and talk online.

Understanding Management Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined management applications for the policy.

Table 12 on page 71 lists the predefined management applications. Each entry includes the name of
the application, the default or assigned port, and a description of the application.

Table 12: Predefined Management Applications

Application Port Description

NBNAME 137 NetBIOS Name application displays all NetBIOS name packets sent
on UDP port 137.

NDBDS 138 NetBIOS Datagram application, published by IBM, provides

connectionless (datagram) applications to PCs connected with a
broadcast medium to locate resources, initiate sessions, and
terminate sessions. It is unreliable and the packets are not

NFS — Network File System uses UDP to allow network users to access
shared files stored on computers of different types. SUN RPC is a
building block of NFS.

Table 12: Predefined Management Applications (Continued)

Application Port Description

NS Global — NS-Global is the central management protocol for Juniper

Networks Firewall/VPN devices.

NS Global PRO — NS Global-PRO is the scalable monitoring system for the Juniper
Networks Firewall/VPN device family.

NSM — Network and Security Manager

NTP 123 Network Time Protocol provides a way for computers to

synchronize to a time reference.

RLOGIN 513 RLOGIN starts a terminal session on a remote host.

RSH 514 RSH executes a shell command on a remote host.

SNMP 161 Simple Network Management Protocol is a set of protocols for

managing complex networks.

SQL*Net V1 66 SQL*Net Version 1 is a database language that allows for the

creation, access, modification, and protection of data.

SQL*Net V2 66 SQL*Net Version 2 is a database language that allows for the

creation, access, modification, and protection of data.

MSSQL 1433 (default Microsoft SQL is a proprietary database server tool that allows for
instance) the creation, access, modification, and protection of data.

SSH 22 SSH is a program to log in to another computer over a network

through strong authentication and secure communications on an
unsecure channel.

SYSLOG 514 Syslog is a UNIX program that sends messages to the system

Table 12: Predefined Management Applications (Continued)

Application Port Description

Talk 517-518 Talk is a visual communication program that copies lines from your
terminal to that of another user.

Telnet 23 Telnet is a UNIX program that provides a standard method of

interfacing terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes to
each other.

WinFrame — WinFrame is a technology that allows users on non-Windows

machines to run Windows applications.

X-Windows — X-Windows is the windowing and graphics system that Motif and
OpenLook are based on.

Understanding Mail Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined mail applications for the policy.

Table 13 on page 73 lists the predefined mail applications. Each includes the name of the application,
the default or assigned port number, and a description of the application.

Table 13: Predefined Mail Applications

Application Port Description

IMAP 143 Internet Message Access Protocol is used for retrieving messages.

Mail (SMTP) 25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send messages between

POP3 110 Post Office Protocol is used for retrieving e-mail.


Understanding UNIX Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify predefined UNIX applications for the policy.

Table 14 on page 74 lists the predefined UNIX applications. Each entry includes the name of the
application, the default or assigned port, and a description of the application.

Table 14: Predefined UNIX Applications

Application Port Description

FINGER 79 Finger is a UNIX program that provides information about the


UUCP 117 UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Protocol (UUCP) is a UNIX utility that enables
file transfers between two computers over a direct serial or
modem connection.

Understanding Miscellaneous Predefined Policy Applications

When you create a policy, you can specify miscellaneous predefined applications for the policy.

Table 15 on page 74 lists predefined miscellaneous applications. Each entry includes the application
name, default or assigned port, and a description of the application.

Table 15: Predefined Miscellaneous Applications

Application Port Description

CHARGEN 19 Character Generator Protocol is a UDP- or TCP-based debugging

and measurement tool.

DISCARD 9 Discard protocol is an Application Layer protocol that describes a

process for discarding TCP or UDP data sent to port 9.

IDENT 113 Identification protocol is a TCP/IP Application Layer protocol used

for TCP client authentication.

Table 15: Predefined Miscellaneous Applications (Continued)

Application Port Description

LPR 515 listen; Line Printer Daemon protocol is a TCP-based protocol used for
printing applications.
721-731 source
range (inclusive)

RADIUS 1812 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service application is a server

program used for authentication and accounting purposes.

RADIUS Accounting 1813 A RADIUS Accounting server receives statistical data about users
logging in to or out of a LAN.

SQLMON 1434 (SQL Monitor SQL monitor (Microsoft)


VNC 5800 Virtual Network Computing facilitates viewing and interacting with
another computer or mobile Juniper Networks device connected
to the Internet.

WHOIS 43 Network Directory Application Protocol is a way to look up

domain names.

SCCP 2000 Cisco Station Call Control Protocol (SCCP) uses the signaling
connection control port to provide high availability and flow

Understanding ICMP Predefined Policy Applications


Default Behavior of ICMP Unreachable Errors | 81


When you create a policy, you can specify the ICMP predefined application for the policy.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a part of IP and provides a way to query a network (ICMP
query messages) and to receive feedback from the network for error patterns (ICMP error messages).
ICMP does not, however, guarantee error message delivery or report all lost datagrams; and it is not a
reliable protocol. ICMP codes and type codes describe ICMP query messages and ICMP error messages.

You can choose to permit or deny any or specific types of ICMP messages to improve network security.
Some types of ICMP messages can be exploited to gain information about your network that might
compromise security. For example, ICMP, TCP, or UDP packets can be constructed to return ICMP error
messages that contain information about a network, such as its topology, and access list filtering
characteristics. Table 16 on page 76 lists ICMP message names, the corresponding code, type, and

Table 16: ICMP Messages

ICMP Message Name Type Code Description

ICMP-ANY all all ICMP-ANY affects any protocol using


Denying ICMP-ANY impairs any attempt to

ping or monitor a network using ICMP.

Permitting ICMP-ANY allows all ICMP


ICMP-ADDRESS-MASK 17 0 ICMP address mask query is used for

systems that need the local subnet mask
• Request 18 0 from a bootstrap server.

• Reply Denying ICMP address mask request

messages can adversely affect diskless

Permitting ICMP address mask request

messages might allow others to fingerprint
the operating system of a host in your

Table 16: ICMP Messages (Continued)

ICMP Message Name Type Code Description

ICMP-DEST-UNREACH 3 0 ICMP destination unreachable error

message indicates that the destination host
is configured to reject the packets.

Codes 0, 1, 4, or 5 can be from a gateway.

Codes 2 or 3 can be from a host (RFC 792).

Denying ICMP destination unreachable

error messages can remove the assumption
that a host is up and running behind an SRX
Series device.

Permitting ICMP destination unreachable

error messages can allow some
assumptions, such as security filtering, to
be made about the network.

ICMP Fragment Needed 3 4 ICMP fragmentation error message

indicates that fragmentation is needed but
the don't fragment flag is set.

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet to an internal network.

ICMP FragmentReassembly 11 1 ICMP fragment reassembly time exceeded

error indicates that a host reassembling a
fragmented message ran out of time and
dropped the packet. This message is
sometimes sent.

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet (external) to the trusted
(internal) network.

Table 16: ICMP Messages (Continued)

ICMP Message Name Type Code Description

ICMP-HOST-UNREACH 3 1 ICMP host unreachable error messages

indicate that routing table entries do not
list or list as infinity a particular host.
Sometimes this error is sent by gateways
that cannot fragment when a packet
requiring fragmentation is received.

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet to a trusted network.

Permitting these messages allows others to

be able to determine your internal hosts IP
addresses by a process of elimination or
make assumptions about gateways and

ICMP-INFO 15 0 ICMP-INFO query messages allow diskless

host systems to query the network and
• Request 16 0 self-configure.

• Reply Denying ICMP address mask request

messages can adversely affect diskless

Permitting ICMP address mask request

messages might allow others to broadcast
information queries to a network segment
to determine computer type.

ICMP-PARAMETER-PROBLEM 12 0 ICMP parameter problem error messages

notify you when incorrect header
parameters are present and have caused a
packet to be discarded

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet to a trusted network.

Permitting ICMP parameter problem error

messages allows others to make
assumptions about your network.

Table 16: ICMP Messages (Continued)

ICMP Message Name Type Code Description

ICMP-PORT-UNREACH 3 3 ICMP port unreachable error messages

indicate that gateways processing
datagrams requesting certain ports are
unavailable or unsupported in the network.

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet to a trusted network.

Permitting ICMP port unreachable error

messages can allow others to determine
which ports you use for certain protocols.

ICMP-PROTOCOL-UNREACH 3 2 ICMP protocol unreachable error messages

indicate that gateways processing
datagrams requesting certain protocols are
unavailable or unsupported in the network.

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet to a trusted network.

Permitting ICMP protocol unreachable

error messages can allow others to
determine what protocols your network is

ICMP-REDIRECT 5 0 ICMP redirect network error messages are

sent by an SRX Series device.

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet to a trusted network.

ICMP-REDIRECT-HOST 5 1 ICMP redirect messages indicate datagrams

destined for the specified host to be sent
along another path.

ICMP-REDIRECT-TOS-HOST 5 3 ICMP redirect type of service (TOS) and

host error is a type of message.

Table 16: ICMP Messages (Continued)

ICMP Message Name Type Code Description

ICMP-REDIRECT-TOS-NET 5 2 ICMP redirect TOS and network error is a

type of message.

ICMP-SOURCE-QUENCH 4 0 ICMP source quench error message

indicates that a device does not have the
buffer space available to accept, queue, and
send the packets on to the next hop.

Denying these messages will not help or

impair internal network performance.

Permitting these messages can allow others

to know that a device is congested, making
it a viable attack target.

ICMP-SOURCE-ROUTE-FAIL 3 5 ICMP source route failed error message

We recommend denying these messages

from the Internet (external).

ICMP-TIME-EXCEEDED 11 0 ICMP time-to-live (TTL) exceeded error

message indicates that a packet's TTL
setting reached zero before the packet
reached its destination. This ensures that
older packets are discarded before resent
ones are processed.

We recommend denying these messages

from a trusted network out to the Internet.


provide the mechanism to synchronize time
• Request 14 0 and coordinate time distribution in a large,
diverse network.
• Reply

Table 16: ICMP Messages (Continued)

ICMP Message Name Type Code Description

Ping (ICMP ECHO) 8 0 Ping is a utility to determine whether a

specific host is accessible by its IP address.

Denying ping functionality removes your

ability to check to see if a host is active.

Permitting ping can allow others to execute

a denial-of-service (DoS) or Smurf attack.

ICMP-ECHO-FRAGMENT-ASSEMBLY- 11 1 ICMP fragment echo reassembly time

EXPIRE expired error message indicates that the
reassembly time was exceeded.

We recommend denying these messages.

Traceroute 30 0 Traceroute is a utility to indicate the path to

access a specific host.
• Forward 30 1
We recommend denying this utility from
• Discard the Internet (external) to your trusted
network (internal).

Default Behavior of ICMP Unreachable Errors

For different levels of security, the default behavior for ICMP unreachable errors is handled as follows:

• Sessions are closed for ICMP type-3, code-0, code-1, code-2, and code-3 messages only when the
following conditions are met:

• The ICMP unreachable message is received in the server–to-client direction.

• No normal packet is received in the server-to-client direction.

Otherwise, sessions do not close.

• Sessions do not close for ICMP type-3, code-4 messages.


Example: Defining a Custom ICMP Application


Requirements | 82

Overview | 82

Configuration | 83

Verification | 84

This example shows how to define a custom ICMP application.

Before you begin:

• Understand custom policy application. See "Understanding Custom Policy Applications" on page 85.

• Understand the ICMP predefined policy application. See "Understanding ICMP Predefined Policy
Applications" on page 75.

Junos OS supports ICMP—as well as several ICMP messages—as predefined or custom applications.
When configuring a custom ICMP application, you define a type and code.

• There are different message types within ICMP. For example:

• type 0 = Echo Request message

• type 3 = Destination Unreachable message

• An ICMP message type can also have a message code. The code provides more specific information
about the message, as shown in Table 17 on page 82.

Table 17: Message Descriptions

Message Type Message Code

5 = Redirect 0 = Redirect datagram for the network (or subnet)


Table 17: Message Descriptions (Continued)

Message Type Message Code

1 = Redirect datagram for the host

2 = Redirect datagram for the type of application and network

3 = Redirect datagram for the type of application and host

11 = Time Exceeded Codes 0 = Time to live exceeded in transit

1 = Fragment reassembly time exceeded

Junos OS supports any type or code within the range of 0 through 55 .

In this example, you define a custom application named host-unreachable using ICMP as the transport
protocol. The type is 3 (for destination unreachable) and the code is 1 (for host unreachable). You set the
timeout value at 4 minutes.

NOTE: For more information about ICMP types and codes, refer to RFC 792, Internet Control
Message Protocol.



Procedure | 84


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS CLI User

To define a custom ICMP application:

1. Set the application type and code.

[edit applications application host-unreachable]

user@host# set icmp-type 5 icmp-code 0

2. Set the inactivity timeout value.

[edit applications application host-unreachable]

user@host# set inactivity-timeout 4

3. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.

user@host# commit


To verify the configuration is working properly, enter the show applications command.


Address Books and Address Sets | 26


Custom Policy Applications


Understanding Custom Policy Applications | 85

Custom Application Mappings | 85

Example: Adding and Modifying Custom Policy Applications | 86

Example: Configuring Custom Policy Application Term Options | 89

Custom policy application is an alternate feature for predefined policy applications. If you do not want
to use predefined policy applications in your policy, you can create custom applications. Junos OS allows
you to configure custom applications for your policy.

Understanding Custom Policy Applications

If you do not want to use predefined applications in your policy, you can easily create custom

You can assign each custom application the following attributes:

• Name

• Transport protocol

• Source and destination port numbers for applications using TCP or UDP

• Type and code values for applications using ICMP

• Timeout value

Custom Application Mappings

The application option specifies the Layer 7 application that maps to the Layer 4 application that you
reference in a policy. A predefined application already has a mapping to a Layer 7 application. However,

for custom applications, you must link the application to a policy explicitly, especially if you want the
policy to apply an Application Layer Gateway (ALG) or deep inspection to the custom application.

NOTE: Junos OS supports ALGs for numerous applications, including DNS, FTP, H.323, HTTP,
RSH, SIP, Telnet, and TFTP.

Applying an ALG to a custom application involves the following two steps:

• Define a custom application with a name, timeout value, transport protocol, and source and
destination ports.

• When configuring a policy, reference that application and the application type for the ALG that you
want to apply.

Example: Adding and Modifying Custom Policy Applications


Requirements | 86

Overview | 86

Configuration | 87

Verification | 88

This example shows how to add and modify custom policy applications.

Before you begin, create addresses and security zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page

In this example, you create a custom application using the following information:

• A name for the application: cust-telnet.

• A range of source port numbers: 1 through 65535.


• A destination port number: 23000.

• The protocol used by the application: TCP.

Once the custom application cust-telnet is created the following information is modified:

• The protocol used by the application is modified to : TCP.

• A range of source port numbers: 1 through 51100.

• A destination port number: 11000.



Procedure | 87


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate through various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode.

To add and modify a custom policy application:

1. Configure TCP and specify the source port and destination port.

[edit applications application cust-telnet]

user@host# set protocol tcp source-port 65535 destination-port 23000

2. Specify the length of time that the application is inactive.

[edit applications application cust-telnet]

user@host# set inactivity-timeout 1800

3. Modify the custom policy application cust-telnet :

• Delete the source and destination ports configured for TCP.


• Configure UDP and specify the source port and destination port.

• Specify the length of time that UDP is inactive.

user@host# delete applications application cust-telnet source-port
user@host# delete applications application cust-telnet destination-port
user@host# set applications application cust-telnet protocol udp source-port 51100
destination-port 11000
user@host# set inactivity-timeout 1500

4. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.

user@host# commit



Verifying The Modified Custom Policy Application | 88

Verifying The Modified Custom Policy Application


To verify if the custom policy application has been modified successfully.


From operational mode, enter the show applications application cust-telnet command to display the details
of the custom policy application - cust-telnet.

user@host> show applications application cust-telnet

protocol udp;
source-port 51100;

destination-port 11000;
inactivity-timeout 1500;

NOTE: The timeout value is in seconds. If you do not set it, the timeout value of a custom
application is 1800 seconds. If you do not want an application to time out, type never.


The output displays information about the cust-telnet application. Verify the following information:

• Configured policy name.

• Source and destination ports.

• Length of time (in seconds) that the application is inactive.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Security Policy Applications Overview | 54
Understanding Custom Policy Applications | 85
Example: Defining a Custom ICMP Application | 82

Example: Configuring Custom Policy Application Term Options


Requirements | 90

Overview | 90

Configuration | 90

Verification | 93

This example shows how to configure applications properties and term options for application protocols.

This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• An SRX Series device

• A PC

Before you begin:

• Configure the required applications. See "Example: Adding and Modifying Custom Policy
Applications" on page 86 .

In this example, you create an application name, app-name, and a term called custom-options to define
your custom policy application term options.

You configure Domain Name Service (DNS) as the Application Layer Gateway (ALG) type and UDP as
the networking protocol type. You set the source port to 24000 and the destination port to 23000.
Then you set the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packet type value to 5 and the ICMP code
value to 0. You set the remote procedure call (RPC) program number value to 50 and the Universal
Unique Identifier (UUID) value to 1be617c0-31a5-11cf-a7d8-00805f48a135. Finally, you set the
inactivity-timeout value to 60.



Procedure | 90


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

user@host# set applications application app-name term custom-options

user@host# set applications application app-name term custom-options alg dns

user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options protocol udp

user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options source-port 24000
user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options destination-port 23000
user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options icmp-type 5
user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options icmp-code 0
user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options rpc-program-number 50
user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options uuid 1be617c0-31a5-11cf-
user@host#set applications application app-name term custom-options inactivity-timeout 60

Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure custom policy application term options:

1. Configure the term name.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options

2. Configure the ALG type.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options alg dns

3. Configure the networking protocol type.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options protocol udp

4. Configure the source port number.

[edit applications]
user@host#set application app-name term custom-options source-port 24000

5. Configure the TCP or UDP destination port number.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options destination-port 23000

6. Specify the application type value.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options icmp-type 5

7. Specify the application code value.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options icmp-code 0

8. Specify the RPC program number.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options rpc-program-number 50

9. Specify the UUID value.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options uuid 1be617c0-31a5-11cf-

10. Specify the inactivity timeout value.

[edit applications]
user@host# set application app-name term custom-options inactivity-timeout 60


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show applications command. If the
output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example
to correct it.

user@host# show applications
application app-name {
term custom-options alg dns protocol udp source-port 24000 icmp-type 5 icmp-code 0 rpc-
program-number 50 uuid 1be617c0-31a5-11cf-a7d8-00805f48a135 inactivity-timeout 60;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying the Configuration | 93

Verifying the Configuration


Verify that the configuration is correct.


From operational mode, enter the show applications command.

user@host> show applications

application app-name {
term custom-options alg dns protocol udp source-port 24000 icmp-type 5 icmp-code 0 rpc-
program-number 50 uuid 1be617c0-31a5-11cf-a7d8-00805f48a135 inactivity-timeout 60;


Security Policy Applications and Application Sets | 54


Security Policies

Configuring Security Policies | 96

Unified Security Policies | 153

Global Security Policies | 183

User Role Firewall Security Policies | 195

Reordering Security Policies | 222

Scheduling Security Policies | 226

Threat Profiling Support in Security Policy | 233

Configuring Security Policies for a VRF Routing Instance | 234

Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Group | 267

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Security Policies | 281


Configuring Security Policies


Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97

Understanding Security Policies for Self Traffic | 101

Security Policies Configuration Overview | 102

Best Practices for Defining Policies on SRX Series Devices | 103

Configuring Policies Using the Firewall Wizard | 106

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny All Traffic | 107

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Selected Traffic | 113

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Wildcard Address Traffic | 119

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Redirect Traffic Logs to an External System Log Server | 124

TAP Mode for Security Zones and Policies | 128

Dynamic Address Groups in Security Policies | 134

Configure Security Policies for VXLAN | 141

To secure a network, a network administrator must create a security policy that outlines all of the
network resources within that business and the required security level for those resources. Junos OS
allows you to configure security policies. Security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of
what traffic can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes
through the firewall.

Understanding Security Policy Elements

A security policy is a set of statements that controls traffic from a specified source to a specified
destination using a specified service. A policy permits, denies, or tunnels specified types of traffic
unidirectionally between two points.

Each policy consists of:

• A unique name for the policy.


• A from-zone and a to-zone, for example: user@host# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone untrust

• A set of match criteria defining the conditions that must be satisfied to apply the policy rule. The
match criteria are based on a source IP address, destination IP address, and applications. The user
identity firewall provides greater granularity by including an additional tuple, source-identity, as part
of the policy statement.

• A set of actions to be performed in case of a match—permit, deny, or reject.

• Accounting and auditing elements—counting, logging, or structured system logging.

If the SRX Series receives a packet that matches those specifications, it performs the action specified in
the policy.

Security policies enforce a set of rules for transit traffic, identifying which traffic can pass through the
firewall and the actions taken on the traffic as it passes through the firewall. Actions for traffic matching
the specified criteria include permit, deny, reject, log, or count.

For SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices, a factory default security
policy is provided that:

• permits all traffic from the trust zone to the trust zone.

• denies all traffic from the untrust zone to the trust zone.

• allows all traffic from the trust zone to the untrust zone.

Understanding Security Policy Rules


Understanding Wildcard Addresses | 100

The security policy applies the security rules to the transit traffic within a context (from-zone to to-zone).
Each policy is uniquely identified by its name. The traffic is classified by matching its source and
destination zones, the source and destination addresses, and the application that the traffic carries in its
protocol headers with the policy database in the data plane.

Each policy is associated with the following characteristics:

• A source zone

• A destination zone

• One or many source address names or address set names

• One or many destination address names or address set names

• One or many application names or application set names

These characteristics are called the match criteria. Each policy also has actions associated with it: permit,
deny, reject, count, log, and VPN tunnel. You have to specify the match condition arguments when you
configure a policy, source address, destination address, and application name.

You can specify to configure a policy with IPv4 or IPv6 addresses using the wildcard entry any. When
flow support is not enabled for IPv6 traffic, any matches IPv4 addresses. When flow support is enabled
for IPv6 traffic, any matches both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. To enable flow-based forwarding for IPv6
traffic, use the set security forwarding-options family inet6 mode flow-based command. You can also specify
the wildcard any-ipv4 or any-ipv6 for the source and destination address match criteria to include only
IPv4 or only IPv6 addresses, respectively.

When flow support for IPv6 traffic is enabled, the maximum number of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that you
can configure in a security policy is based on the following match criteria:

• Number_of_src_IPv4_addresses + number_of_src_IPv6_addresses * 4 <= 1024

• Number_of_dst_IPv4_addresses + number_of_dst_IPv6_addresses * 4 <= 1024

Thr reason for the match criteria is that an IPv6 address uses four times the memory space that an IPv4
address uses.

NOTE: You can configure a security policy with IPv6 addresses only if flow support for IPv6
traffic is enabled on the device.

If you do not want to specify a specific application, enter any as the default application. To look up the
default applications, from configuration mode, enter show groups junos-defaults | find applications
(predefined applications). For example, if you do not supply an application name, the policy is installed
with the application as a wildcard (default). Therefore, any data traffic that matches the rest of the
parameters in a given policy would match the policy regardless of the application type of the data traffic.

NOTE: If a policy is configured with multiple applications, and more than one of the applications
match the traffic, then the application that best meets the match criteria is selected.

The action of the first policy that the traffic matches is applied to the packet. If there is no matching
policy, the packet is dropped. Policies are searched from top to bottom, so it is a good idea to place more

specific policies near the top of the list. You should also place IPsec VPN tunnel policies near the top.
Place the more general policies, such as one that would allow certain users access to all Internet
applications, at the bottom of the list. For example, place deny-all or reject-all policies at the bottom
after all of the specific policies have been parsed before and legitimate traffic has been allowed/count/

NOTE: Support for IPv6 addresses is added in Junos OS Release 10.2. Support for IPv6
addresses in active/active chassis cluster configurations (in addition to the existing support of
active/passive chassis cluster configurations) is added in Junos OS Release 10.4.

Policies are looked up during flow processing after firewall filters and screens have been processed and
route look up has been completed by the Services Processing Unit (SPU) (for SRX5400, SRX5600, and
SRX5800 devices). Policy look up determines the destination zone, destination address, and egress

When you are creating a policy, the following policy rules apply:

• Security policies are configured in a from-zone to to-zone direction. Under a specific zone direction, each
security policy contains a name, match criteria, an action, and miscellaneous options.

• The policy name, match criteria, and action are required.

• The policy name is a keyword.

• The source address in the match criteria is composed of one or more address names or address set
names in the from-zone.

• The destination address of the match criteria is composed of one or more address names or address
set names in the to-zone.

• The application name in the match criteria is composed of the name of one or more applications or
application sets.

• One of the following actions is required: permit, deny, or reject.

• Accounting and auditing elements can be specified: count and log.

• You can enable logging at the end of a session with the session-close command, or at the beginning of
the session with the session-init command.

• When the count alarm is turned on, specify alarm thresholds in bytes per second or kilobytes per

• You cannot specify global as either the from-zone or the to-zone except under following condition:

Any policy configured with the to-zone as a global zone must have a single destination address to
indicate that either static NAT or incoming NAT has been configured in the policy.

• In SRX Series Services Gateways, the policy permit option with NAT is simplified. Each policy will
optionally indicate whether it allows NAT translation, does not allow NAT translation, or does not

• Address names cannot begin with the following reserved prefixes. These are used only for address
NAT configuration:

• static_nat_

• incoming_nat_

• junos_

• Application names cannot begin with the junos_ reserved prefix.

Understanding Wildcard Addresses

Source and destination addresses are two of the five match criteria that should be configured in a
security policy. You can now configure wildcard addresses for the source and destination address match
criteria in a security policy. A wildcard address is represented as A.B.C.D/wildcard-mask. The wildcard
mask determines which of the bits in the IP address A.B.C.D should be ignored by the security policy
match criteria. For example, the source IP address in a security policy
implies that the security policy match criteria can discard the third octet in the IP address (symbolically
represented as 192.168.*.11). Therefore, packets with source IP addresses such as and conform to the match criteria. However, packets with source IP addresses such as and do not satisfy the match criteria.

The wildcard address usage is not restricted to full octets only. You can configure any wildcard address.
For example, the wildcard address 192.168. 7.1/ implies that you need to ignore only the
first 5 bits of the third octet of the wildcard address while making the policy match. If the wildcard
address usage is restricted to full octets only, then wildcard masks with either 0 or 255 in each of the
four octets only will be permitted.

NOTE: The first octet of the wildcard mask should be greater than 128. For example, a wildcard
mask represented as or is invalid.

A wildcard security policy is a simple firewall policy that allows you to permit, deny, and reject the traffic
trying to cross from one security zone to another. You should not configure security policy rules using
wildcard addresses for services such as Unified Threat Management (UTM).

NOTE: Only Intrusion and Prevention (IDP) for IPv6 sessions is supported for all SRX5400,
SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices. UTM for IPv6 sessions is not supported. If your current security
policy uses rules with the IP address wildcard any, and UTM features are enabled, you will
encounter configuration commit errors because UTM features do not yet support IPv6
addresses. To resolve the errors, modify the rule returning the error so that the any-ipv4 wildcard
is used; and create separate rules for IPv6 traffic that do not include UTM features.

Configuring wildcard security policies on a device affects performance and memory usage based on the
number of wildcard policies configured per from-zone and to-zone context. Therefore, you can only
configure a maximum of 480 wildcard policies for a specific from-zone and to-zone context.


Understanding Security Policy Ordering | 222

Understanding Security Policies for Self Traffic

Security policies are configured on the devices to apply services to the traffic flowing through the
device. For example UAC and UTM policies are configured to apply services to the transient traffic.

Self-traffic or host traffic, is the host-inbound traffic; that is, the traffic terminating on the device or the
host-outbound traffic that is the traffic originating from the device. You can now configure policies to
apply services on self traffic. Services like the SSL stack service that must terminate the SSL connection
from a remote device and perform some processing on that traffic, IDP services on host-inbound traffic,
or IPsec encryption on host-outbound traffic must be applied through the security policies configured
on self-traffic.

When you configure a security policy for self-traffic, the traffic flowing through the device is first
checked against the policy, then against the host-inbound-traffic option configured for the interfaces
bound to the zone.

You can configure the security policy for self-traffic to apply services to self-traffic. The host-outbound
policies will work only in cases where the packet that originated in the host device goes through the
flow and the incoming interface of this packet is set to local.

The advantages of using the self-traffic are:

• You can leverage most of the existing policy or flow infrastructure used for the transit traffic.

• You do not need a separate IP address to enable any service.

• You can apply services or policies to any host-inbound traffic with the destination IP address of any
interface on the device.

NOTE: You can configure the security policy for self-traffic with relevant services only. For
example, it is not relevant to configure the fwauth service on host-outbound traffic, and gprs-gtp
services are not relevant to the security policies for self-traffic.

The security policies for the self traffic are configured under the new default security zone called the
junos-host zone. The junos-host zone will be part of the junos-defaults configuration, so users cannot
delete it. The existing zone configurations such as interfaces, screen, tcp-rst, and host-inbound-traffic
options are not meaningful to the junos-host zone. Therefore there is no dedicated configuration for the
junos-host zone.

NOTE: You can use host-inbound-traffic to control incoming connections to a device; however it
does not restrict traffic going out of the device. Whereas, junos-host-zone allows you to select
the application of your choice and also restrict outgoing traffic. For example, services like NAT,
IDP, UTM, and so forth can now be enabled for traffic going in or out of the SRX Series device
using junos-host-zone.

Security Policies Configuration Overview

You must complete the following tasks to create a security policy:

1. Create zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

2. Configure an address book with addresses for the policy. See "Example: Configuring Address Books
and Address Sets" on page 36.

3. Create an application (or application set) that indicates that the policy applies to traffic of that type.
See "Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets" on page 55.

4. Create the policy. See "Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny All Traffic" on page
107, "Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Selected Traffic" on page 113, and
"Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Wildcard Address Traffic" on page 119.

5. Create schedulers if you plan to use them for your policies. See "Example: Configuring Schedulers for
a Daily Schedule Excluding One Day" on page 227.

The Firewall Policy Wizard enables you to perform basic security policy configuration. For more
advanced configuration, use the J-Web interface or the CLI.


Troubleshooting Security Policies | 293

Best Practices for Defining Policies on SRX Series Devices

A secure network is vital to a business. To secure a network, a network administrator must create a
security policy that outlines all of the network resources within that business and the required security
level for those resources. The security policy applies the security rules to the transit traffic within a
context (from-zone to to-zone) and each policy is uniquely identified by its name. The traffic is classified
by matching the source and destination zones, the source and destination addresses, and the application
that the traffic carries in its protocol headers with the policy database in the data plane.

Table 18 on page 104 provides the policy limitations for SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380,
SRX550, SRX650, SRX550M, SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600,
SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices. Platform support depends on the Junos OS release in your

NOTE: Starting with Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D15 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the
maximum number of address objects per policy for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices
increases from 1024 to 4096, and the maximum number of policies per context increases from
10240 to 80,000.
Starting with Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the number of security policies and the maximum
number of policies per context for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices increases from
80,000 to 100,000.

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D120, the number of address objects per policy for
SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 increases from 4096 to 16,000.

Table 18: Policy Limitations for SRX Series Devices

SRX Series Address Application Security Policy Policies per Policies with
Devices objects objects policies contexts context counting
(zone pairs) enabled

SRX300 2048 128 1024 256 1024 256


SRX340 2048 128 2048 512 2048 256

SRX345 2048 128 4096 1024 4096 256

SRX380 2048 128 4096 1024 4096 256

SRX550 1024 128 10240 2048 10240 1024


SRX550M 2048 128 10240 2048 10240 1024

SRX1400 1024 3072 16000 4096 16000 1024


SRX3400 4096 3072 40000 4096 40000 1024


SRX4100 1024 3072 60000 4096 60000 1024

SRX4200 1024 3072 60000 4096 60000 1024

SRX4600 4096 3072 80000 8192 80000 1024

SRX5400 16000 3072 100000 8192 100000 1024


Therefore, as you increase the number of addresses and applications in each rule, the amount of
memory that is used by the policy definition increases, and sometimes the system runs out of memory
with fewer than 80,000 policies.

To get the actual memory utilization of a policy on the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) and the Routing
Engine (RE), you need to take various components of the memory tree into consideration. The memory
tree includes the following two components:

• Policy context–Used to organize all policies in this context. Policy context includes variables such as
source and destination zones.

• Policy entity–Used to hold the policy data. Policy entity calculates memory using parameters such as
policy name, IP addresses, address count, applications, firewall authentication, WebAuth, IPsec,
count, application services, and Junos Services Framework (JSF).

Additionally, the data structures used to store policies, rule sets, and other components use different
memory on the Packet Forwarding Engine and on the Routing Engine. For example, address names for
each address in the policy are stored on the Routing Engine, but no memory is allocated at the Packet
Forwarding Engine level. Similarly, port ranges are expanded to prefix and mask pairs and are stored on
the Packet Forwarding Engine, but no such memory is allocated on the Routing Engine.

Accordingly, depending on the policy configuration, the policy contributors to the Routing Engine are
different from those to the Packet Forwarding Engine, and memory is allocated dynamically.

Memory is also consumed by the “deferred delete” state. In the deferred delete state, when an SRX
Series device applies a policy change, there is transitory peak usage whereby both the old and new
policies are present. So for a brief period, both old and new policies exist on the Packet Forwarding
Engine, taking up twice the memory requirements.

Therefore, there is no definitive way to infer clearly how much memory is used by either component
(Packet Forwarding Engine or Routing Engine) at any given point in time, because memory requirements
are dependent on specific configurations of policies, and memory is allocated dynamically.

The following best practices for policy implementation enable you to better use system memory and to
optimize policy configuration:

• Use single prefixes for source and destination addresses. For example, instead of using /32 addresses
and adding each address separately, use a large subnet that covers most of the IP addresses you

• Use application “any” whenever possible. Each time you define an individual application in the policy,
you can use an additional 52 bytes.

• Use fewer IPv6 addresses because IPv6 addresses consume more memory.

• Use fewer zone pairs in policy configurations. Each source or destination zone uses about 16,048
bytes of memory.

• The following parameters can change how memory is consumed by the bytes as specified:

• Firewall authentication–About 16 bytes or more (unfixed)

• Web authentication–About 16 bytes or more (unfixed)

• IPsec–12 bytes

• Application services–28 bytes

• Count–64 bytes

• Check memory utilization before and after compiling policies.

NOTE: The memory requirement for each device is different. Some devices support 512,000
sessions by default, and the bootup memory is usually at 72 to 73 percent. Other devices can
have up to 1 million sessions and the bootup memory can be up to 83 to 84 percent. In the
worst-case scenario, to support about 80,000 policies in the SPU, the SPU should boot with a
flowd kernel memory consumption of up to 82 percent, and with at least 170 megabytes of
memory available.


Understanding Global Address Books | 28

Global Policy Overview | 184
Checking Memory Usage on SRX Series Devices | 287

Configuring Policies Using the Firewall Wizard

The Firewall Policy Wizard enables you to perform basic security policy configuration on SRX300,
SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices.. For more advanced configuration, use the
J-Web interface or the CLI.

To configure policies using the Firewall Policy Wizard:

1. Select Configure>Tasks>Configure FW Policy in the J-Web interface.

2. Click the Launch Firewall Policy Wizard button to launch the wizard.
3. Follow the prompts in the wizard.

The upper-left area of the wizard page shows where you are in the configuration process. The lower-left
area of the page shows field-sensitive help. When you click a link under the Resources heading, the
document opens in your browser. If the document opens in a new tab, be sure to close only the tab (not
the browser window) when you close the document.

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny All Traffic


Requirements | 107

Overview | 107

Configuration | 109

Verification | 112

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit or deny all traffic.

Before you begin:

• Create zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Configure an address book and create addresses for use in the policy. See "Example: Configuring
Address Books and Address Sets" on page 36.

• Create an application (or application set) that indicates that the policy applies to traffic of that type.
See "Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets" on page 55.



Topology | 108

In the Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass
through the device, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes through the device.
From the perspective of security policies, the traffic enters one security zone and exits another security
zone. In this example, you configure the trust and untrust interfaces, ge-0/0/2 and ge-0/0/1. See Figure
4 on page 108.

Figure 4: Permitting All Traffic

This configuration example shows how to:

• Permit or deny all traffic from the trust zone to the untrust zone but block everything from the
untrust zone to the trust zone.

• Permit or deny selected traffic from a host in the trust zone to a server in the untrust zone at a
particular time.




Procedure | 109


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic system-services

set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-
services all
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all match source-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all match destination-
address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all match application any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all then permit
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all match source-address any
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all match destination-address
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all match application any
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all then deny

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a security policy to permit or deny all traffic:


1. Configure the interfaces and security zones.

[edit security zones]

user@host# set security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic system-services
user@host# set security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-services

2. Create the security policy to permit traffic from the trust zone to the untrust zone.

[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]

user@host# set policy permit-all match source-address any
user@host# set policy permit-all match destination-address any
user@host# set policy permit-all match application any
user@host# set policy permit-all then permit

3. Create the security policy to deny traffic from the untrust zone to the trust zone.

[edit security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust]

user@host# set policy deny-all match source-address any
user@host# set policy deny-all match destination-address any
user@host# set policy deny-all match application any
user@host# set policy deny-all then deny


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
security zones commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

NOTE: The configuration example is a default permit-all from the trust zone to the untrust zone.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy permit-all {
match {

source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {
from-zone untrust to-zone trust {
policy deny-all {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {

user@host# show security zones

security-zone trust {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/2.0 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
security-zone untrust {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/1.0 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {


If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 112

Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies detail command to display a summary of all
security policies configured on the device.


The output displays information about policies configured on the system. Verify the following

• From and to zones

• Source and destination addresses

• Match criteria

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Selected Traffic


Requirements | 113

Overview | 113

Configuration | 115

Verification | 118

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit or deny selected traffic.

Before you begin:

• Create zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Configure an address book and create addresses for use in the policy. See "Example: Configuring
Address Books and Address Sets" on page 36.

• Create an application (or application set) that indicates that the policy applies to traffic of that type.
See "Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets" on page 55.

• Permit traffic to and from trust and untrust zones. See "Example: Configuring a Security Policy to
Permit or Deny All Traffic" on page 107.

In Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for the transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass
through the device, and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through the device.
From the perspective of security policies, the traffic enters one security zone and exits another security

zone. In this example, you configure a specific security policy to allow only e-mail traffic from a host in
the trust zone to a server in the untrust zone. No other traffic is allowed. See Figure 5 on page 114.

Figure 5: Permitting Selected Traffic




Procedure | 115


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic system-services

set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-
services all
set security address-book book1 address mail-untrust
set security address-book book1 attach zone untrust
set security address-book book2 address mail-trust
set security address-book book2 attach zone trust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail match source-address
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail match destination-
address mail-untrust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail match application junos-
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a security policy to allow selected traffic:


1. Configure the interfaces and security zones.

[edit security zones]

user@host# set security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic system-services
user@host# set security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-services

2. Create address book entries for both the client and the server. Also, attach security zones to the
address books.

[edit security address-book book1]

user@host# set address mail-untrust
user@host# set attach zone untrust

[edit security address-book book2]

user@host# set address mail-trust
user@host# set attach zone trust

3. Define the policy to permit mail traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]

user@host# set policy permit-mail match source-address mail-trust
user@host# set policy permit-mail match destination-address mail-untrust
user@host# set policy permit-mail match application junos-mail
user@host# set policy permit-mail then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
security zones commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy permit-mail {

match {
source-address mail-trust;
destination-address mail-untrust;
application junos-mail;
then {

user@host# show security zones

security-zone trust {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/2 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
security-zone untrust {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/1 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {


user@host# show security address-book

book1 {
address mail-untrust;
attach {
zone untrust;
book2 {
address mail-trust;
attach {
zone trust;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 118

Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies detail command to display a summary of all
security policies configured on the device.


The output displays information about policies configured on the system. Verify the following

• From and to zones

• Source and destination addresses

• Match criteria

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Wildcard

Address Traffic


Requirements | 119

Overview | 120

Configuration | 120

Verification | 123

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit or deny wildcard address traffic.

Before you begin:

• Understand wildcard addresses. See "Understanding Security Policy Rules" on page 97.

• Create zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Configure an address book and create addresses for use in the policy. See "Example: Configuring
Address Books and Address Sets" on page 36.

• Create an application (or application set) that indicates that the policy applies to traffic of that type.
See "Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets" on page 55.

• Permit traffic to and from trust and untrust zones. See "Example: Configuring a Security Policy to
Permit or Deny All Traffic" on page 107.

• Permit e-mail traffic to and from trust and untrust zones. See "Example: Configuring a Security Policy
to Permit or Deny Selected Traffic" on page 113

In the Junos operating system (Junos OS), security policies enforce rules for the transit traffic, in terms
of what traffic can pass through the device, and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it
passes through the device. From the perspective of security policies, the traffic enters one security zone
and exits another security zone. In this example, you configure a specific security to allow only wildcard
address traffic from a host in the trust zone to the untrust zone. No other traffic is allowed.



Procedure | 120


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit in configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic system-services

set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-
services all
set security address-book book1 address wildcard-trust wildcard-address
set security address-book book1 attach zone trust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-wildcard match source-
address wildcard-trust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-wildcard match destination-
address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-wildcard match application
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-wildcard then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a security policy to allow selected traffic:

1. Configure the interfaces and security zones.

[edit security zones]

user@host# set security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic system-services
user@host# set security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-services

2. Create an address book entry for the host and attach the address book to a zone.

[edit security address-book book1]

user@host# set address wildcard-trust wildcard-address
user@host# set attach zone trust

3. Define the policy to permit wildcard address traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]

user@host# set policy permit-wildcard match source-address wildcard-trust
user@host# set policy permit-wildcard match destination-address any
user@host# set policy permit-wildcard match application any
user@host# set policy permit-wildcard then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
security zones commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy permit-wildcard {

match {
source-address wildcard-trust;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {

user@host# show security zones

security-zone trust {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/2 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
security-zone untrust {
interfaces {
ge-0/0/1 {
host-inbound-traffic {
system-services {
user@host# show security address-book
book1 {

address wildcard-trust {
attach {
zone trust;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 123

Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies policy-name permit-wildcard detail command to
display details about the permit-wildcard security policy configured on the device.


The output displays information about the permit-wildcard policy configured on the system. Verify the
following information:

• From and To zones

• Source and destination addresses

• Match criteria

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Redirect Traffic Logs to an

External System Log Server


Requirements | 124

Overview | 124

Configuration | 125

Verification | 128

This example shows how to configure a security policy to send traffic logs generated on the device to an
external system log server.

This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• A client connected to an SRX5600 device at the interface ge-4/0/5

• A server connected to the SRX5600 device at the interface ge-4/0/1

The logs generated on the SRX5600 device are stored in a Linux-based system log server.

• An SRX5600 device connected to the Linux-based server at interface ge-4/0/4

No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.

In this example, you configure a security policy on the SRX5600 device to send traffic logs, generated by
the device during data transmission, to a Linux-based server. Traffic logs record details of every session.
The logs are generated during session establishment and termination between the source and the
destination device that are connected to the SRX5600 device.



Procedure | 125


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit in configuration mode.

set security log source-address

set security log stream trafficlogs severity debug
set security log stream trafficlogs host
set security zones security-zone client host-inbound-traffic system-services all
set security zones security-zone client host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone client interfaces ge-4/0/5.0
set security zones security-zone server host-inbound-traffic system-services all
set security zones security-zone server interfaces ge-4/0/4.0
set security zones security-zone server interfaces ge-4/0/1.0
set security policies from-zone client to-zone server policy match source-address any
set security policies from-zone client to-zone server policy match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone client to-zone server policy match application any

set security policies from-zone client to-zone server policy match then permit
set security policies from-zone client to-zone server policy match then log session-init
set security policies from-zone client to-zone server policy match then log session-close

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a security policy to send traffic logs to an external system log server:

1. Configure security logs to transfer traffic logs generated at the SRX5600 device to an external
system log server with the IP address The IP address is the loopback address
of the SRX5600 device.

[edit security log]

user@host# set source-address
user@host# set stream trafficlogs severity debug
user@host# set stream trafficlogs host

2. Configure a security zone and specify the types of traffic and protocols that are allowed on interface
ge-4/0/5.0 of the SRX5600 device.

[edit security zones]

user@host# set security-zone client host-inbound-traffic system-services all
user@host# set security-zone client host-inbound-traffic protocols all
user@host# set security-zone client interfaces ge-4/0/5.0

3. Configure another security zone and specify the types of traffic that are allowed on the interfaces
ge-4/0/4.0 and ge-4/0/1.0 of the SRX5600 device.

[edit security zones]

user@host# set security-zone server host-inbound-traffic system-services all
user@host# set security-zone server interfaces ge-4/0/4.0
user@host# set security-zone server interfaces ge-4/0/1.0

4. Create a policy and specify the match criteria for that policy. The match criteria specifies that the
device can allow traffic from any source, to any destination, and on any application.

[edit security policies from-zone client to-zone server]

user@host# set policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy match application any
user@host# set policy match then permit any

5. Enable the policy to log traffic details at the beginning and at the end of the session.

[edit security policies from-zone client to-zone server]

user@host# set policy match then log session-init
user@host# set policy match then log session-close


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security log command. If the
output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example
to correct it.

user@host# show security log
format syslog;
stream trafficlogs {
severity debug;
host {;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from the configuration mode.



Verifying Zones | 128

Verifying Policies | 128

Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying Zones


Verify that the security zone is enabled or not.


From operational mode, enter the show security zones command.

Verifying Policies


Verify that the policy is working.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command on all the devices.

TAP Mode for Security Zones and Policies


Understanding TAP Mode Support for Security Zones and Policies | 129

Example: Configuring Security Zones and Policies in TAP mode | 129

The Terminal Access Point (TAP) mode for security zones and policy allows you to passively monitor
traffic flows across a network by way of a switch SPAN or mirror port.

Understanding TAP Mode Support for Security Zones and Policies

The Terminal Access Point (TAP) mode is a standby device, which checks the mirrored traffic through
switch. If security zones and policies are configured, then the TAP mode inspects the incoming and
outgoing traffic by configuring the TAP interface and generating a security log report to display the
number of threats detected and the user usage. If some packet gets lost in the tap interface, the security
zones and policies terminates the connection, as a result no report generates for this connection. The
security zone and policy configuration remains the same as non-TAP mode.

When you configure an SRX Series device to operate in TAP mode, the device generates security log
information to display the information on threats detected, application usage, and user details. When
the device is configured to operate in TAP mode, the SRX Series device receives packets only from the
configured TAP interface. Except the configured TAP interface, other interface are configured to normal
interface that is used as management interface or connected to the outside server. The SRX Series
device will generate security report or log according to the incoming traffic.

The security zone and default security policy will be configured after TAP interface is configured. You
can configure other zones or policies if required. If one interface is used to connect a server then the IP
address, routing-interface, and security configuration also need be configured.

NOTE: You can configure only one TAP interface when you operate the device in TAP mode.

Example: Configuring Security Zones and Policies in TAP mode


Requirements | 130

Overview | 130

Configuration | 130

Verification | 133

This example shows how to configure security zones, and policies when the SRX device is configured in
TAP (Terminal Access Point) mode.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• An SRX Series device

• Junos OS Release 19.1R1

Before you begin:

• Read the Understanding TAP Mode Support for Security Zones and Policies to understand how and
where this procedure fits in the overall support for Security Zones and Policies.


In this example, you configure the SRX Series device to operate in TAP mode. When you configure the
SRX Series device to operate in TAP mode, the device generates security log information to display the
information on threats detected, application usage, and user details.



CLI Quick Configuration | 130

Procedure | 131

Results | 132

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone tap-zone interfaces ge-0/0/0.0

set security zones security-zone tap-zone application-tracking
set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy match source-address

set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy match destination -
address any
set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy match application any
set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy then permit
set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy then log session-init
set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy then log session-


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS CLI User

To configure zones in TAP mode:

1. Configure security zone tap-zone interface.

user@host# set security zones security-zone tap-zone interfaces ge-0/0/0.0

2. Configure security zone tap-zone application-tracking.

user@host# set security zones security-zone tap-zone application-tracking

3. Configure security policy that permits traffic from zone tap-zone to zone tap-zone policy tap and
configure the match condition.

user@host# set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy match
source-address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy match
destination -address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy match
application any
user@host# set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy then
user@host# set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy then
log session-init

user@host# set security policies from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone policy tap-policy then
log session-close


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security zones and show security
policies commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in
this example to correct the configuration.

user@host#show security zones
security-zone tap-zone {
interfaces {
user@host#show security policies
from-zone tap-zone to-zone tap-zone {
policy tap-policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {
log {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration in TAP Mode | 133

To confirm that the configuration is working properly, perform these tasks:

Verifying Policy Configuration in TAP Mode


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies detail command.

user@host> show security policies detail

Default policy: permit-all
Pre ID default policy: permit-all
Policy: Trust_to_Untrust, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: izone, To zone: ozone
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No

Session log: at-create, at-close

Policy: Untrust_to_Trust, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: ozone, To zone: izone
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No
Session log: at-create, at-close


Displays a summary of all security policies configured on the device in TAP mode.

Dynamic Address Groups in Security Policies


Bundle Feeds | 138

Feed Server Support for SRX Series Devices | 140

Manually adding address entries into a policy can be time consuming. There are external sources that
provide lists of IP addresses that have a specific purpose (such as a blocklist) or that have a common
attribute (such as a particular location or behavior that might pose a threat). You can use the external
source to identify threat sources by their IP address, then group those addresses into a dynamic address
entry, and reference that entry in a security policy. Thereby you can control the traffic to and from those
addresses. Each such group of IP addresses is referred to as a dynamic address entry.

The following types of IP addresses are supported:

• Single IP. For example :

• IP range. For example :

• CIDR. For example :

Each entry occupies one line. Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, IP address ranges do not need to be
sorted in ascending order and the value of the IP entries can overlap in the same feed file. In Junos OS
Releases before 19.3R1, IP address ranges need to be sorted in ascending order and the value of the IP
entries cannot overlap in the same feed file.

NOTE: A dynamic address entry is a group of IP addresses, not a single IP prefix. A dynamic
address entry is different from the security address concepts of address books and address entry

The following are the benefits of deploying dynamic address entries in security policies:

• The network administrator has more control over the traffic to and from groups of IP addresses.

• The external server provides updated IP address feeds to the SRX Series device.

• The administrator’s efforts are dramatically reduced. For example, in a legacy security policy
configuration, adding 1000 address entries for a policy to reference would require some 2000 lines
of configuration. By defining a dynamic address entry and referencing it in a security policy, up to
millions of entries could flow into the SRX Series device without much additional configuration

• No commit process is required to add new addresses. Adding thousands of addresses to a

configuration through a legacy method takes a long time to commit. Alternatively, IP addresses in a
dynamic address entry come from an external feed, so no commit process is required when the
addresses in an entry change.

Figure 6 on page 136 illustrates a functional overview of how the dynamic address entry in a security
policy works.

Figure 6: Functional Components of the Dynamic Address Entry in a Security Policy

A security policy references the dynamic address entry in a source address or destination address field
(in much the same way that a security policy references a legacy address entry).

Figure 7 on page 137 illustrates a policy that uses a dynamic address entry in the Destination-address

Figure 7: A Dynamic Address Entry in a Security Policy

In Figure 7 on page 137, Policy 1 uses the destination address, which is a legacy security
address entry. Policy 2 uses the destination address Vendor blocklist, which is a dynamic address entry
named by the network administrator. Its content is the list of IP addresses retrieved from an external
feed file. Packets that match all five criteria (the From-zone named untrust, the To-zone named engineer,
any source address, a destination IP address that belongs to the Vendor blocklist dynamic address entry,
and the mail application) are handled according to the policy actions, which are to deny and log the

NOTE: The dynamic address entry names share the same name space as legacy security address
entries, so do not use the same name for more than one entry. The Junos OS commit process
checks that names are not duplicated to avoid a conflict.

Dynamic address groups support the following data feeds:

• Custom lists (allowlists and blocklists)

• GeoIP

• Feed Servers

Bundle Feeds

IP addresses, IP prefixes or IP ranges contained in a dynamic address entry can be updated periodically
by downloading an external feed. SRX Series devices periodically initiate a connection to the feed server
to download and update the IP lists which contain the updated dynamic addresses.

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, you can download a single tgz file from server and extract it into
multiple children feed files. Each individual file corresponds to one feed. Let individual dynamic-
addresses reference the feed inside the bundle file. The bundle file reduces the CPU overhead when too
many feeds are configured, where multiple child feeds are compressed into one .tgz file

The following bundle feed modes are supported:

Archive Mode

In the archive mode, you need to compress all feed files for the SRX Series device into one tgz file. The
SRX Series device downloads this file and extract all the feeds after extraction. This process is explained

• When the feed server's url is a url of a file with the suffix .tgz instead of original url of folder, this
means this server uses a single file to carry all its feeds for SRX Series dynamic-address deployment.
In this case, feeds under this server inherit the update-interval or hold-interval from the server. Any
user configuration of the update-interval or hold-interval for this feed is ignored.

• After this change, follow the steps below to maintain server feeds as below example.

The example below shows the steps required to maintain the server feeds:

1. Place all feed files for the SRX Series device under the folder feeds-4-srx

2. Generate all feed files fd1 fd2 fd3 ..fdN in the folder feeds-4-srx

3. Add or remove the IP ranges from the feeds

4. Access the files by running the following command: cd feeds-4-srx;tar -zcvf ../feeds-4-srx.tgz *;cd-

• Post Step 4, the file feeds-4-srx.tgz is ready for download on the SRX Series device containing the
same folder which contains the feeds-4-srx.tgz file. After the download, the extracted files are placed
in the same folder as feeds-4-srx.tgz. The following example shows a samle configuration on an SRX
Series device:

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx url
set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name feed1 path fd1

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name feed2 path.fd2

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name feed3 path fdN

The path parameter requires the relative path of the feed inside the bundle archive.

• If the tar -zxf feeds-4-srx.tgz file generates a folder feeds-4-srx and this folder holds the feed file fd1,
then use the following command to configure the feed:

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed fd1 path feeds-4-srx/fd1

• If the tar -zxf feeds-4-srx.tgz file extracts the file fd1 directly, then use the following command to
configure the feed:

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed fd1 path fd1

Flat File Mode

Flat file mode offers ultimate simplicity for user by introducing one syntax change in existing feed file
format. The content of all the feed files are compiled into a single file, with .bundle as a suffix. This
allows you to manage a single file. The SRX Series device classifies IP ranges in this bundle file into
numerous feed files. You can gzip this file as .bundle.gz if you can save some bandwidth for transmission.
In addition to file format defined earlier, an upper case tag FEED: followed by the feed name is
introduced. The lines below this tag are regarded as IP ranges belonging to the feed. An example of the
file format looks is given below:

root>cat feeds-4-srx.bundle


The configuration on an SRX Series device is similar to archive mode and is given below:

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx url
set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name fd1 path fd1
set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name fd2 path fd2

The difference between flat mode and archive mode is the file’s suffix and the layout inside the file. You
can select the mode that is most convenient for you.

As the feed files are in the plaintext format, gzip can reduce the file size. If a server and an SRX Series
device has WAN link in between, use a smaller sized file to be transmitted on the network, in this case,
gzip the bundle file and configure the following commands:

set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx url
set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name fd1 path fd1
set security dynamic-address feed-server server-4-srx feed-name fd2 path fd2

Feed Server Support for SRX Series Devices

Table 19:

Platform Maximum Number of Feed Maximum Number of Feeds Maximum Number of Dynamic
Servers Addresses entries

SRX300 10 500 500


SRX4100 100 5000 5000

vSRX 3.0

SRX1500 40 2000 2000



Configure Security Policies for VXLAN


Use this example to configure security policies for Requirements | 141

EVPN (Ethernet VPN) Virtual Extensible LAN Overview | 142
(VXLAN) tunnel inspection.
Configuration | 143

Verification | 147

VXLAN support on SRX series devices provides the flexibility to bring an enterprise grade firewall to
connect end points in their campus, data center, branch and public cloud environments while providing
embedded security.

This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• SRX4600 device

• Junos OS Release 20.4R1


Before you begin:

• Make sure you understand how EVPN and VXLAN works.



Topology | 143

The EVPN solution provides large enterprises a common framework used to manage their campus and
data center networks. An EVPN-VxLAN architecture supports efficient Layer 2 and Layer 3 network
connectivity with scale, simplicity, and agility. Figure 8 on page 143 shows an simplified VXLAN traffic
flow topology.


Figure 8: Simplified VXLAN Traffic Flow Topology



CLI Quick Configuration | 144

Procedure | 144

Results | 146

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone cloud-1

set security zones security-zone dc
set security tunnel-inspection inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r1
set security tunnel-inspection inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r2
set security tunnel-inspection inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r3
set security tunnel-inspection inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r4
set security tunnel-inspection inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 policy-set pset1
set security tunnel-inspection vni r1 vni-range 160 to 200
set security tunnel-inspection vni r2 vni-id 155
set security tunnel-inspection vni r3 vni-range 300 to 399
set security tunnel-inspection vni r4 vni-range 100 to 120
set security tunnel-inspection vni v1 vni-range 1 to 100
set security policies from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 match application junos-vxlan
set security policies from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 then permit tunnel-inspection ins-
set security policies from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 match application junos-vxlan
set security policies from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 then permit tunnel-inspection ins-
set security policies policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 match source-address any
set security policies policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 match destination-address any
set security policies policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 match application any
set security policies policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 then permit
set security policies default-policy deny-all


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS CLI User

To configure VXLAN:

1. Define Security Zones.

[edit security zones]

user@host# set security-zone cloud-1
user@host# set zones security-zone dc

2. Define tunnel-inspection profile.

[edit security tunnel-inspection]

user@host# set inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r1
user@host# set inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r2
user@host# set inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r3
user@host# set inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 vni r4
user@host# set inspection-profile ins-pf1 vxlan vx1 policy-set pset1
user@host# set vni r1 vni-range 160 to 200
user@host# set vni r2 vni-id 155
user@host# set vni r3 vni-range 300 to 399
user@host# set vni r4 vni-range 100 to 120
user@host# set vni v1 vni-range 1 to 100

3. Define outer session policies.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 match source-address any
user@host# set from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 match destination-address any
user@host# set from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 match application junos-vxlan
user@host# set from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 policy p1 then permit tunnel-inspection profile-1
user@host# set from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 match source-address any
user@host# set from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 match destination-address any
user@host# set from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 match application junos-vxlan
user@host# set from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc policy p1 then permit tunnel-inspection ins-pf1

4. Define policy-set.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 match source-address any
user@host# set policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 destination-address any

user@host# set policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 match application any

user@host# set policy-set pset1 policy pset_p1 then permit
user@host# set default-policy deny-all


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies command. If
the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this
example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies

from-zone dc to-zone cloud-1 {

policy p1 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application junos-vxlan;
then {
permit {
tunnel-inspection {
from-zone cloud-1 to-zone dc {
policy p1 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application junos-vxlan;
then {
permit {
tunnel-inspection {

policy-set pset1 {
policy pset_p1 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {
default-policy {

If you are done configuring the feature on your device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verify tunnel inspection profiles and VNI | 147

Verify Safe Search Function | 149

Verify tunnel inspection profiles and VNI


Verify that the tunnel inpection profile and VNI are confugured..


From operational mode, enter the show security tunnel-inspection profiles ins-pf1 and show security tunnel-
inspection vnis commands.

user@host> show security tunnel-inspection profiles ins-pf1

Logical system: root-logical-system
Profile count: 1
Profile: ins-pf1
Vxlan count: 1
Vxlan name: vx1
VNI count: 4
VNI:r1, r2, r3, r4
Policy set: pset1
Inspection level: 1

user@host> show security tunnel-inspection vnis

Logical system: root-logical-system
VNI count: 5
VNI name: r1
VNI id count: 1
[160 - 200]
VNI name: r2
VNI id count: 1
[155 - 155]
VNI name: r3
VNI id count: 1
[300 - 399]
VNI name: r4
VNI id count: 1
[100 - 120]
VNI name: v1
VNI id count: 1
[1 - 100]


The output displays that the VXLAN feature is enabled and there are no safe search redirects and safe
search rewrites.

Verify Safe Search Function


Verify that the safe search feature is enabled for UTM Web filtering solutions.


From operational mode, enter the Show security flow tunnel-inspection statistic command to view the
tunnel-inspection statistics.

user@host> show security flow tunnel-inspection statistics


Flow Tunnel-inspection statistics:

Tunnel-inspection statistics of FPC4 PIC1:
Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 269
overlay session close: 269
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 566
underlay session close: 566
input packets: 349717
input bytes: 363418345
output packets: 348701
output bytes: 363226339
bypass packets: 501
bypass bytes: 50890

Tunnel-inspection statistics of FPC4 PIC2:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 270
overlay session close: 270
underlay session active: 0

underlay session create: 586

underlay session close: 586
input packets: 194151
input bytes: 200171306
output packets: 193221
output bytes: 199987258
bypass packets: 617
bypass bytes: 92902

Tunnel-inspection statistics of FPC4 PIC3:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 275
overlay session close: 275
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 615
underlay session close: 615
input packets: 216486
input bytes: 222875066
output packets: 213827
output bytes: 222460378
bypass packets: 2038
bypass bytes: 270480

Tunnel-inspection statistics summary:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 814
overlay session close: 814
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 1767
underlay session close: 1767
input packets: 760354
input bytes: 786464717
output packets: 755749
output bytes: 785673975
bypass packets: 3156
bypass bytes: 414272


Flow Tunnel-inspection statistics:


Tunnel-inspection statistics of FPC4 PIC1:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 269
overlay session close: 269
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 566
underlay session close: 566
input packets: 0
input bytes: 0
output packets: 0
output bytes: 0
bypass packets: 0
bypass bytes: 0

Tunnel-inspection statistics of FPC4 PIC2:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 270
overlay session close: 270
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 586
underlay session close: 586
input packets: 0
input bytes: 0
output packets: 0
output bytes: 0
bypass packets: 0
bypass bytes: 0

Tunnel-inspection statistics of FPC4 PIC3:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 275
overlay session close: 275
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 615
underlay session close: 615
input packets: 0
input bytes: 0
output packets: 0
output bytes: 0
bypass packets: 0

bypass bytes: 0

Tunnel-inspection statistics summary:

Tunnel-inspection type VXLAN:
overlay session active: 0
overlay session create: 814
overlay session close: 814
underlay session active: 0
underlay session create: 1767
underlay session close: 1767
input packets: 0
input bytes: 0
output packets: 0
output bytes: 0
bypass packets: 0
bypass bytes: 0


The output displays that the VXLAN feature is enabled and there are no safe search redirects and safe
search rewrites.



Release History Table

Release Description

17.3R1 Starting with Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the number of security policies and the maximum number
of policies per context for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices increases from 80,000 to

15.1X49-D120 Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D120, the number of address objects per policy for
SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 increases from 4096 to 16,000.

12.3X48-D15 Starting with Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D15 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the maximum
number of address objects per policy for SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices increases
from 1024 to 4096, and the maximum number of policies per context increases from 10240 to

10.4 Support for IPv6 addresses in active/active chassis cluster configurations (in addition to the
existing support of active/passive chassis cluster configurations) is added in Junos OS Release

10.2 Support for IPv6 addresses is added in Junos OS Release 10.2.


Security Zones | 7
Global Security Policies | 183
User Role Firewall Security Policies | 195

Unified Security Policies


Unified Policies Overview | 154

Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using a Redirect Message Profile | 164

Configure a URL Category with Unified Policies | 170

Configure Applications in Unified Policies | 176

Configure Micro-Applications in Unified Policies | 181

Unified policies are the security policies that enable you to use dynamic applications as match
conditions as part of the existing 5-tuple or 6-tuple (5-tuple with user firewall) match conditions to
detect application changes over time.

Unified Policies Overview


Benefits | 154

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, unified policies are supported on SRX Series devices, allowing
granular control and enforcement of dynamic Layer 7 applications within the security policy.

Unified policies are the security policies that enable you to use dynamic applications as match
conditions as part of the existing 5-tuple or 6-tuple (5-tuple with user firewall) match conditions to
detect application changes over time. If the traffic matches the security policy rule, one or more actions
defined in the policy are applied to the traffic.

By adding dynamic applications to the match criteria, the data traffic is classified based on the Layer 7
application inspection results. AppID identifies dynamic or real-time Layer 4 through Layer 7
applications. After a particular application is identified and the matching policy is found, then the actions
are applied according to the policy.

Configuring dynamic applications as match criteria in a security policy is not mandatory.

Examples of configuring dynamic applications as a match condition within a security policy are as

• set security policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2 policy p1 match dynamic-application junos:FTP

• set security policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2 policy p1 match dynamic-application junos:HTTP

• set security policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2 policy p1 match dynamic-application junos:GOOGLE

Examples of configuring dynamic application groups as a match condition within a security policy are as

• set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match dynamic-application junos:p2p

• set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p1 match dynamic-application junos:web:shopping


• Simplifies application-based security policy management at Layer 7.

• Enables your device to adapt to the dynamic traffic changes in the network.

• Provides greater control and extensibility to manage dynamic applications traffic than a traditional
security policy.

Unified Policies Configuration Overview


Dynamic Application Configuration Options | 155

Default Ports and Protocols as Application Matching Criteria | 157

Default Policy Actions Prior to Dynamic Application Identification | 157

Global Policy Utilization with Unified Policies | 158

Unified Policy Actions | 159

Redirect Profile for Reject Action | 159

SSL Proxy Profile for Reject Action | 159

Match Criteria and Rules for Unified Policies | 161

Limitations to Configuring Unified Policies | 163

The following sections provide more information on unified policies:

Dynamic Application Configuration Options

Table 20 on page 156 provides options for configuring a unified policy with dynamic applications.

Table 20: Dynamic Application Configuration Options

Dynamic Application Description


Dynamic Specify dynamic applications or a dynamic application group.

Applications or
Examples are as follows:
Application Groups

• junos:FTP (dynamic application)

• junos:web:shopping (dynamic application group)

Any Configuring the dynamic application as any installs the policy with the application as a
wildcard (default). If an application cannot be specified, configure any as the default
application. Data traffic that match the parameters in a unified policy matches the policy
regardless of the application type.

None Configuring the dynamic application as none ignores classification results from AppID and
does not use the dynamic application in security policy lookups. Within the list of
potential match policies, if there is any policy configured with a dynamic application as
none, this policy is matched as the final policy and is terminal. If any Layer 7 services are
configured in this policy, deep packet inspection for the traffic is performed.

When upgrading the Junos OS release (where dynamic applications were not supported),
all existing traditional policies are considered to be policies with the dynamic application
configured as none.

Dynamic Application If a dynamic application is not configured within a security policy, the policy is
Not Configured considered to be a traditional security policy This policy is similar to a policy with the
dynamic application configured as none.

Starting in Junos OS Releases 19.4R1 and 20.1R1, security policy does not support using following
applications as dynamic-applications match criteria:

• junos:HTTPS

• junos:POP3S

• junos:IMAPS

• junos:SMTPS

Software upgrade to the Junos OS Releases 19.4R1 and 20.1R1 and later releases fails during the
validation if any of the security policies are configured with junos:HTTPS, junos:POP3S, junos:IMAPS,
junos:SMTPS as dynamic-applications as match criteria.

We recommend you to use therequest system software validate package-name option before upgrading to the
above mentioned releases.

We recommend you to remove any configuration that includes the dynamic-application junos:HTTPS,
junos:IMAPS, junos:SMTPS or junos:POP3S as match criteria in security policies.

Default Ports and Protocols as Application Matching Criteria

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, the junos-defaults option is introduced in the security policy
configuration as application match criteria. The junos-defaults group contains preconfigured statements
that include predefined values for common applications. As the default protocols and ports are inherited
from junos-defaults, there is no requirement to explicitly configure the ports and protocols, thus
simplifying the security policy configuration.

In the following example, the security policy L7-test-policy uses junos:HTTP as the dynamic application
and inherits destination TCP ports: 80, 3128, 8000, and 8080 as the application match criteria.

set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy L7-test-policy match application junos-defaults
dynamic-application junos:HTTP

If the application does not have default ports and protocols, then the application uses the default ports
and protocols of the dependent application. For example, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT uses default
protocols and ports of HTTP2, HTTPS, and SPDY.

The junos-defaults option must be configured along with a dynamic application. If you configure the junos-
defaults option without specifying any dynamic application, then an error message displays and the
configuration commit fails. Use the show security policies detail command to validate the junos-defaults

Default Policy Actions Prior to Dynamic Application Identification

Before an application is identified by Application Identification (AppID), the pre-id-default-policy options

are applied to the session. The session timeout value, along with the required mode of session logging,
are applied according to the pre-id-default-policy configuration. If there is no configuration within the pre-
id-default-policy stanza, the default session timeout values are applied to the session and no logs are
generated for the pre-id-default-policy.

We recommend that customers implement the set security policies pre-id-default-policy then log session-
close configuration, as shown below, in their own environments.

# show security policies pre-id-default-policy

then {
log {

This configuration will ensure security logs are generated by the SRX if a flow is unable to leave the pre-
id-default-policy. These events are generally a result of JDPI being unable to properly classify traffic,
although they may also indicate potential attempts at evading the APPID engine.

In recent versions of Junos OS, the factory-default configuration of an SRX includes the session-close

CAUTION: Configuring session-init logging for the pre-id-default-policy can generate a

large amount of logs. Each session that enters the SRX that initially matches the pre-id-
default-policy will generate an event. We recommend only using this option for
troubleshooting purposes.

Global Policy Utilization with Unified Policies

Zone-based security policies are prioritized over global policies when a policy lookup is implemented.
Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, if a unified policy is configured within the zone-based security
policies, then global policy lookup is not performed. Prior to Junos OS Release 18.2R1, if no zone-based
policy is matched, then a global policy lookup is performed.

Starting in Junos OS Release 20.4R1, SRX Series devices support unified policies at both zone-context
and global-level policies at the same time. In previous releases, unified policies supported only zone-
context policies.

If the session matches any unified policy, either at a zone-level or at a global-level, then the policy is
added to potential policy match list. If the session does not match a policy at zone-level then the next
policy match occurs at the global-level. Global-level policies have the same match criteria as any other
security policy (example: source address, destination address, application, dynamic-application and so

Unified Policy Actions

In a unified policy configuration, specify one of the following actions:

• Permit—Permit the traffic.

• Deny—Drop the traffic and close the session.

• Reject—Notify the client, drop the traffic, and close the session.

Redirect Profile for Reject Action

Unified policies log drop and reject actions. Unified policies do not notify connected clients for drop and
reject actions. The clients are unaware that the webpage is not accessible and might continue their
attempts to access it.

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, a redirect profile can be configured within a unified policy. When a
policy blocks HTTP or HTTPS traffic with a deny or reject action, you can define a response in the
unified policy to notify the connected clients.

To provide an explanation for the action or to redirect the client to an informative webpage, use the
redirect-message option at the [edit security dynamic-application profile name] hierarchy level with the reject
or deny action in a unified policy configuration to display a custom message.

When you configure the redirect option, you can specify the custom message or the URL to which the
client is redirected.

Limitations to Configuring a Redirect Profile in Unified Policies

There are limitations to configuring a redirect profile in unified policies. They include:

• Support for the redirect action with block messages with a redirect URL are not available for non-
HTTP or non-HTTPS applications.

• A unified policy does not check the validity and accessibility of a user-configured redirect URL.

• For clear text processing, out-of-order HTTP packets, or segmented HTTP requests, the available
policy actions are reject or deny. A redirect profile is not available.

• The redirect profile can be applied in unified policies only. The reject action for traditional security
policies do not support a redirect action with block message profiles or a redirect URL.

SSL Proxy Profile for Reject Action

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, you can configure a redirect profile within a unified policy. When a
policy blocks HTTP or HTTPS traffic with a deny or reject action, you can apply an SSL proxy profile to

the traffic. SSL proxy decrypts the traffic and application identification functionality identifies the
application. Next, you can take action to redirect or drop the traffic as per the configuration.

Consider the following example:

In this example, you are rejecting some of the Facebook applications such as chat, Farmville, and so on in
the policy ’policy-1’. As Facebook is an encrypted application, you need SSL proxy to decrypt the traffic

policy policy-1 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
dynamic-application [ junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT junos:FACEBOOK-FARMVILLE junos:FACEBOOK-MOBILE-
then {
reject {
ssl-proxy {
profile-name test;
log {

In this example, the policy rejects the encrypted Facebook traffic and applies the configured SSL proxy
profile. The SSL proxy decrypts the traffic, and JDPI identifies the application.

Now the policy takes following actions based on your configuration:

• Redirects the client access to other URL, and closes the original session.

• Notifies the client with pre-defined text messages, and closes the session

• Closes the session only. In the example, the policy closes the session.

Match Criteria and Rules for Unified Policies

Unified Policy Implicit and Explicit Match

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, the command unified-policy-explicit-match is introduced at the [edit
security policies] hierarchy level. This command defines the explicit and implicit policy match behavior
and is disabled by default.

• Explicit match—If a dependent application does not have any matching policy, then the traffic is
dropped if explicit match is enabled. Only those security policies that are explicitly configured for the
application are applied.

• Implicit Match—If the dependent application does not have any matching policy, then the security
policy that is configured for the base application is applied.

By default, the unified policies enforce implicit rules on dependent applications.

In the example shown in Table 21 on page 161, the unified policy P3 is configured for FACEBOOK-
ACCESS traffic. HTTP is a dependent application of FACEBOOK-ACCESS and does not have any
security policy explicitly configured for it.

Table 21: Example of an Explicit and Implicit Policy Match for a Dependent Application

Dynamic Application Policy Configured



The results for implicit and explicit match behavior is shown in Table 22 on page 161.

Table 22: Example of a Policy Match ( Implicit and Explicit Match Criteria)

Application Policy Explicit or Result

Identified Matched Implicit Rule

None P3 Implicit (Explicit The identified application is HTTP. There is no matching

is not Enabled) security policy configured for HTTP. The explicit match is not
enabled (implicit match), so traffic is further processed until

Table 22: Example of a Policy Match ( Implicit and Explicit Match Criteria) (Continued)

Application Policy Explicit or Result

Identified Matched Implicit Rule

FACEBOOK-ACCESS is identified. The security policy that is

configured for FACEBOOK-ACCESS (policy P3) is applied.


HTTP None Explicit The identified application is HTTP. There is no matching

policy available for HTTP. The explicit match is enabled, so
no security policy is applied in this case.

Profile Overlap for Layer 7 Services

While using unified policies, if AppID results have not yet identified the final application, a policy search
might return a list of policies instead of a fixed policy. These policies are referred to as potential match
policies. Before the final application is identified, a conflict might occur due to multiple policy matches.

In this case, an appropriate profile or default profile is applied for services such as AppQoS, SSL proxy,
UTM, and IDP.

Policy Rematch

When the policy rematch option is enabled, the unified policy allows the device to reevaluate an active
session when its associated security policy is modified.

The session remains open if it continues to match the policy that allowed the session initially. The
session closes if its associated policy is renamed, deactivated, or deleted. Use the extensive option to
reevaluate an active session when its associated security policy is renamed, deactivated, or deleted.

If policy rematch is configured in a unified policy before a final match, then rematch behavior might lead
to a session closure. After the final match, a policy rematch triggers another policy lookup based on the
6-tuple match criteria and the final identified application.

Configure policy-rematch and the policy-rematch extensive options at the [edit security policies] hierarchy

Limitations to Configuring Unified Policies

There are limitations to configuring unified policies. They include:

• An existing session might close in the following cases:

• When there is a change in the final match for the policy.

• When a new policy is inserted within the existing policies, and if this new policy is configured with
new services.

• When a final match policy enables new services after the session is created and before the final

• Policy-based VPN is not supported for unified policies and can be applied only to the traditional

• ALGs are applied in one of the following conditions:

• Traditional security policy is configured.

• Unified policy is configured with dynamic application as none.

Configuring a dynamic application with junos:FTP triggers an FTP ALG to support UTM antivirus
scanning. See Enabling FTP Antivirus Scanning (CLI Procedure)

• A security policy that is configured with GPRS might not work if the policy is part of a potential
match list.

• A group VPN and user firewall authentication can be applied to a traditional security policy.

• Final policy match information might not be available within session-init logs for policies leveraging
dynamic applications.


pre-id-default-policy | 452
Unified Policies Support for Flow
profile(dynamic-application) | 455
unified-policy-explicit-match | 561
Understanding Unified Policies [Unified Threat Management (UTM)]
Overview of IDP Policy support for Unified Policies
policy-rematch | 445

Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using a Redirect Message Profile


Requirements | 164

Overview | 164

Configuration | 165

Verification | 167

This example describes how to configure a unified policy with a redirect message profile. In this example,
you configure a redirect profile with a redirect URL. You use the redirect profile as a block message in
the policy for traffic in the dynamic applications GMAIL and FACEBOOK-CHAT. Simultaneously, you
configure the application junos-defaults so that the default port and protocol from the dynamic
applications are inherited as the current policy’s destination port and protocol match criteria.

This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• SRX Series device running Junos OS Release 18.2R1. This configuration example is tested with Junos
OS release 18.2R1.

Before you begin, configure security zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.

In this example, you define the redirect profile as a response when a policy blocks HTTP or HTTPS
traffic with a deny or reject action. Through a redirect profile, you provide an explanation for the action
or you redirect the client request to an informative webpage when the reject or deny action is applied in
a security policy.

To accomplish these objectives, you perform the following tasks:

• Configure the redirect profile with a redirect URL such as

block-message and use it in the policy as a block message.

• Configure the security policy match criteria source-address and destination-address with the value any.

• Configure the application with junos-defaults, so that the default port and protocol from dynamic-
application is inherited as the current policy’s destination port and protocol match criteria.

• Configure dynamic-application with [junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT] so that the policy can apply the
block message profile on the applications.



CLI Quick Configuration | 165

Procedure | 165

Results | 166

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security zones security-zone trust

set security zones security-zone untrust
set security dynamic-application profile profile1 redirect-message type redirect-url content
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match application junos-defaults
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match dynamic-application
[junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT]
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 then reject profile profile1


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a unified policy with a redirect message profile:

1. Configure security zones.

[edit security]
user@host# set security-zone trust
user@host# set security-zone untrust

2. Create a profile for the redirect message.

[edit security]
user@host# set dynamic-application profile profile1 redirect-message type redirect-url

3. Create a security policy with a dynamic application as the match criteria.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match source-address any
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match destination-address any
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match application junos-defaults
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match dynamic-application junos:GMAIL
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match dynamic-application

4. Define the policy action.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 then reject
profile profile1


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
security dynamic-application commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat
the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies

from-zone trust to-zone untrust {

policy p2 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application junos-defaults;
dynamic-application [ junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT ];
then {
reject {
profile profile1;

user@host# show security dynamic-application

profile profile1 {
redirect-message {
type {
redirect-url {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Unified Policy Configuration | 168


Verifying Unified Policy Configuration


Verify that the unified policy configuration is correct.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all security
policies on the device.

user@host> show security policies

Default policy: deny-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: p2, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: junos-defaults
Dynamic Applications: junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT
dynapp-redir-profile: profile1

From operational mode, enter the show security policies detail command to display a detailed summary of
all security policies on the device.

user@host> show security policies detail

Default policy: deny-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all
Policy: p2, action-type: reject, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0

Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: junos-defaults
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [443-443]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [5432-5432]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [80-80]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [3128-3128]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [8000-8000]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [8080-8080]
IP protocol: 17, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 60
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [1-65535]
Dynamic Application:
junos:GMAIL: 51
dynapp-redir-profile: profile1
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No


The output displays information about all currently active security sessions on the device. Verify the
following information:

• Configured policy name

• Source and destination addresses

• Configured applications

• Configured dynamic applications

• Policy reject action



dynamic-application (Security Policies) | 370

profile(dynamic-application) | 455

Configure a URL Category with Unified Policies


Understanding URL Category with Unified Policies | 170

Example: Configuring a Unified Policy Using URL Category | 171

Understanding URL Category with Unified Policies


Limitations of URL Category with Unified Policies | 170

Starting from Junos OS Release 18.4R1, the unified policies feature is enhanced to include URL
categories as match criteria for web filtering category. URL categories can be configured to unified
policies with or without dynamic-application been applied. .

When the URL category is configured as url-category any to a policy, the policy matches all categories of
traffic configured to the unified policies.

When the URL category is configured as url-category none to a policy, the URL category is not used in the
policy look-up. The unified policy configured with url-category none is considered as the highest priority to
policy match for a traffic. When the URL category to a policy is not configured, or when you upgrade a
device from previous release to latest release, the URL category of all the policies are considered as url-
category none.

Limitations of URL Category with Unified Policies

Using URL categories in an unified policy has the following limitation:


• Only the ports that are generally used such as HTTP and HTTPs traffics are supported by url-category.
Hence, the policy lookup supports HTTP and HTTPs traffics.

Example: Configuring a Unified Policy Using URL Category


Requirements | 171

Overview | 171

Configuration | 172

Verification | 174

This example describes how to configure a unified policy with a URL category.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• SRX Series device running Junos OS Release 18.4R1. This configuration example is tested with Junos
OS release 18.4R1.

Before you begin, configure security zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.


In this example, URL category is added to security policy as match criteria for web filtering category.

To accomplish these objectives, you perform the following tasks:

• Configure the security policy match criteria source-address and destination-address with the value any.

• Configure the application with junos-defaults, so that the default port and protocol from dynamic-
application is inherited as the current policy’s destination port and protocol match criteria.

• Configure dynamic-application with [junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT] so that the policy can apply the
block message profile on the applications.

• Configure url-category with Enhanced_News_and_Media as match criteria for web filtering category.



CLI Quick Configuration | 172

Step-by-Step Procedure | 172

Results | 173

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

CLI Quick Configuration

set security zones security-zone trust

set security zones security-zone untrust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match application junos-defaults
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match dynamic-application
[junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT]
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match url-category
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 then reject profile profile1

Step-by-Step Procedure

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a unified policy with a redirect message profile:


1. Configure security zones.

[edit security]
user@host# set security-zone trust
user@host# set security-zone untrust

2. Create a security policy with a URL category as the match criteria.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match source-address any
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match destination-address any
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match application junos-defaults
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match dynamic-application junos:GMAIL
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match url-category
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 match dynamic-application

3. Define the policy action.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p2 then reject
profile profile1


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
security dynamic-application commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat
the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies

from-zone trust to-zone untrust {

policy p2 {
match {

source-address any;
destination-address any;
application junos-defaults;
dynamic-application [ junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT ];
url-category Enhanced_News_and_Media;
then {
reject {
profile profile1;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Unified Policy Configuration | 174

Verifying Unified Policy Configuration


Verify that the unified policy configuration is correct.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all security
policies on the device.

user@host> show security policies

Default policy: permit-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all

From zone: untrust, To zone: internet

Policy: ip1, State: enabled, Index: 6, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: junos-ping, junos-pingv6, junos-dns-udp, junos-dns-tcp
Action: permit, log
Policy: ip2, State: enabled, Index: 7, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: junos-ping, junos-pingv6, junos-telnet, junos-dns-udp, junos-dns-tcp, junos-
ftp, junos-http, junos-https
Action: permit, log
From zone: untrust, To zone: trust
Policy: up3, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses: H1, H1_v6
Destination addresses: H0, H0_v6
Applications: junos-ping, junos-telnet, junos-ftp, junos-http, junos-https, my_app_udp,
Dynamic Applications: junos:HTTP, junos:GOOGLE-GEN, junos:YAHOO, junos:SSL
Url-category: Enhanced_Search_Engines_and_Portals, cust_white
Action: permit, log
Policy: up4, State: enabled, Index: 9, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source addresses: as1
Destination addresses: as0
Applications: junos-ping, junos-telnet, junos-ftp, junos-http, junos-https, my_app_udp,
Dynamic Applications: junos:web, junos:FTP
Url-category: Enhanced_Private_IP_Addresses, cust_white
Action: permit, log


The output displays information about all currently active security sessions on the device. Verify the
following information:

• Configured policy name

• Source and destination addresses

• Configured applications

• Configured dynamic applications

• Configured URL Category


• Policy reject action

Configure Applications in Unified Policies


Applications in Unified Policies | 176

Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using Dynamic Applications | 176

Applications in Unified Policies

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.1R1, configuring the application statement at the [edit security policies
from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match] hierarchy level is optional if the dynamic-
application statement is configured at the same hierarchy level.

In releases before Junos OS Release 19.1R1, it is mandatory to configure the application statement even
if the dynamic-application statement is configured.

• When the application option is defined then the defined application is used.

• When the application option is not defined and the dynamic-application option is defined as any, then the
application any is implicitly added.

• When the application option is not defined and the dynamic-application option is defined (and is not
configured as any), then the application junos-defaults is implicitly added.

Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using Dynamic Applications


Requirements | 177

Overview | 177

Configuration | 177

Verification | 179

This example describes how to configure a unified policy using dynamic applications.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

• SRX Series device running Junos OS Release 19.1R1. This configuration example is tested with Junos
OS release 19.1R1.

Before you begin, configure security zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.


In this example, dynamic applications are added to the security policy as match criteria.

To accomplish these objectives, perform the following tasks:

• Configure the security policy match criteria source-address and destination-address with the value any.

• Configure dynamic-application with [junos:CNN, junos:BBC] so that the policy can permit the applications
junos:CNN and junos:BBC.



CLI Quick Configuration | 177

Step-by-Step Procedure | 178

Results | 179

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

CLI Quick Configuration

set security zones security-zone trust

set security zones security-zone untrust

set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match dynamic-application
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match dynamic-application
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a unified policy using dynamic applications:

1. Configure security zones.

[edit security]
user@host# set security-zone trust
user@host# set security-zone untrust

2. Create a security policy with a dynamic application as the match criteria.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match source-address any
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match destination-address any
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match dynamic-application junos:CNN
user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 match dynamic-application junos:BBC

3. Define the policy action.

[edit security policies]

user@host# set from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy p3 then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies command. If
the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this
example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies

from-zone trust to-zone untrust {

policy p3 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
dynamic-application [ junos:CNN junos:BBC ];
then {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Unified Policy Configuration | 179

Verifying Unified Policy Configuration


Verify that the unified policy configuration is correct.



From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all security
policies on the device.

user@host> show security policies

Policy: p3, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1

Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: junos-defaults
Dynamic Applications: junos:CNN, junos:BBC
Action: permit

From operational mode, enter the show security policies detail command to display a detailed summary of
all security policies on the device.

user@host> show security policies detail

Default policy: permit-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all
Policy: p3, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: junos-defaults
IP protocol: TCP, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Destination ports: 80, 443, 3128, 8000, 8080
Dynamic Application:
junos:BBC: 1754
junos:CNN: 988
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No


The output displays information about all currently active security sessions on the device. Verify the
following information:

• Configured policy name

• Source and destination addresses

• Configured applications

NOTE: The Applications field is autopopulated and its value junos-defaults is added implicitly.

• Configured dynamic applications

• Policy action


dynamic-application (Security Policies) | 370

Configure Micro-Applications in Unified Policies


Limit the Number of Policy Lookups | 182

Configure Micro-Applications | 182

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.2R1, you can configure micro-applications in a unified policy. Micro-
applications are sub-functions of an application. Micro-applications enable granular control of an
application at a sub-function level instead of blocking or allowing the entire application. By default,
detection of micro-applications is disabled.

The application identification (AppID) module detects an application at a sub-function level on your
network. Security policies leverage the application identity information determined by the AppID
module. After a specific application is identified, an action such as permit, deny, reject, or redirect is

applied to the traffic according to the policy configured on the device. You must enable detection of
micro-applications to use them in a security policy. See Enabling and Disabling Micro-Applications

Limit the Number of Policy Lookups

To process a policy, the policy lookup must return the final match state for the application. When using a
micro-application, application classification does not reach the final match state because the micro-
application constantly changes for the session. Because the micro-application changes from one
transaction to another, an unlimited number of policy lookups is attempted.

Use the unified-policy max-lookups statement at the [edit security policies] hierarchy level to limit the
number of policy lookups.

Configure Micro-Applications

To permit a base-level application and all its dependent micro-applications, you can configure a unified
policy by specifying the base-level application as a matching criterion. You do not have to explicitly
specify each dependent application as matching criteria for the policy. For example, if you specify the
base-level application junos-MODBUS as a matching criterion in a unified policy, then you don't have to
configure the micro-applications of the junos-MODBUS application (junos:MODBUS-READ-COILS and
junos:MODBUS-WRITE-SINGLE-COIL) as matching criteria for the policy.

If you want to define a unified policy for granular-level control, then you must specify the micro-
applications of the base-level application as matching criteria for the policy. You must not define the
base-level application as match criteria in the policy. For more granular-level policy configuration,
specify junos:MODBUS-READ-COILS as matching criteria in a unified policy. Ensure that the base-level
application junos:MODBUS is not defined as as a matching criterion in the same unified policy.

Policy Lookup with Micro-Applications

Detection of micro-applications is disabled by default. To use micro-applications as matching criteria for

policy lookup, you must enable detection of micro-applications and then specify them as matching
criteria for the unified policy. If you have not enabled detection of micro-applications, the application
identification (AppID) module does not detect any micro-application and considers the base-level
application as the final matching criterion. For example, consider the base-level application
junos-:MODBUS that has two micro-applications junos:MODBUS-READ-COILS and junos:MODBUS-

• If you have not enabled detection of micro-applications, junos:MODBUS is considered as the final
match state for the AppID classification. If you enable micro-applications, then you can configure
them in a unified policy as any other pre-defined dynamic application. This micro-application is used
for policy lookup.

• If you have enabled detection of micro-applications, the AppID module considers junos:MODBUS as
the pre-match state. When the AppID module detects either junos:MODBUS-READ-COILS or
junos:MODBUS-WRITE-SINGLE-COIL, AppID considers this result as the final match state and
proceeds with policy lookup using this matching criterion.


Application Identification Support for Micro-Applications

unified-policy max-lookups | 417
Dynamic Application Classification States


Unified Policies Support for Flow

Understanding Unified Policies [Unified Threat Management (UTM)]
Overview of IDP Policy support for Unified Policies

Global Security Policies


Global Policy Overview | 184

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with No Zone Restrictions | 186

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with Multiple Zones | 192

A security policy is a stateful firewall policy and controls the traffic flow from one zone to another zone
by defining the kind(s) of traffic permitted from specific IP sources to specific IP destinations at
scheduled times. To avoid creating multiple policies across every possible context, you can create a
global policy that encompasses all zones, or a multizone policy that encompasses several zones. Using a
global policy, you can regulate traffic with addresses and applications, regardless of their security zones,
by referencing user-defined addresses or the predefined address and also provides access to multiple
source zones and multiple destination zones in one policy.

Global Policy Overview

In a Junos OS stateful firewall, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic
can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes through the
firewall. Security policies require traffic to enter one security zone and exit another security zone. This
combination of a from-zone and to-zone is called a context. Each context contains an ordered list of
policies. Each policy is processed in the order that it is defined within a context. Traffic is classified by
matching the policy’s from-zone, to-zone, source address, destination address, and the application that
the traffic carries in its protocol header. Each global policy, as with any other security policy, has the
following actions: permit, deny, reject, log, count.

You can configure a security policy from the user interface. Security policies control traffic flow from one
zone to another zone by defining the kind(s) of traffic permitted from specific IP sources to specific IP
destinations at scheduled times. This works well in most cases, but it is not flexible enough. For
example, if you want to perform actions on traffic you have to configure policies for each possible
context. To avoid creating multiple policies across every possible context, you can create a global policy
that encompasses all zones, or a multizone policy that encompasses several zones.

Using a global policy, you can regulate traffic with addresses and applications, regardless of their security
zones, by referencing user-defined addresses or the predefined address “any.” These addresses can span
multiple security zones. For example, if you want to provide access to or from multiple zones, you can
create a global policy with the address “any,” which encompasses all addresses in all zones. Selecting the
“any” address matches any IP address, and when “any” is used as a source/destination address in any
global policy configuration, it matches the source/destination address of any packet.

Using a global policy you can also provide access to multiple source zones and multiple destination
zones in one policy. However, we recommend that, for security reasons and to avoid spoofing traffic,
when you create a multizone policy you use identical matching criteria (source address, destination
address, application) and an identical action. In Figure 9 on page 185, for example, if you create a

multizone policy that includes DMZ and Untrust from-zones, spoofing traffic from from
the DMZ zone could match the policy successfully and reach the protected host in the Trust to-zone.

Figure 9: Multizone Global Policy Security Consideration

NOTE: Global policies without from-zone and to-zone information do not support VPN tunnels
because VPN tunnels require specific zone information.

When policy lookup is performed, policies are checked in the following order: intra-zone (trust-to-trust),
inter-zone (trust-to-untrust), then global. Similar to regular policies, global policies in a context are
ordered, such that the first matched policy is applied to the traffic.

NOTE: If you have a global policy, make sure you have not defined a “catch-all” rule such as,
match source any, match destination any, or match application any in the intra-zone or inter-zone
policies because the global policies will not be checked. If you do not have a global policy, then it
is recommended that you include a “deny all” action in your intra-zone or inter-zone policies. If
you do have a global policy, then you should include a “deny all” action in the global policy.

In logical systems, you can define global policies for each logical system. Global policies in one logical
system are in a separate context than other security policies, and have a lower priority than regular
security policies in a policy lookup. For example, if a policy lookup is performed, regular security policies
have priority over global policies. Therefore, in a policy lookup, regular security policies are searched first
and if there is no match, global policy lookup is performed.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with No Zone Restrictions


Requirements | 187

Overview | 187

Configuration | 188

Verification | 191

Unlike other security policies in Junos OS, global policies do not reference specific source and
destination zones. Global policies reference the predefined address “any” or user-defined addresses that

can span multiple security zones. Global policies give you the flexibility of performing actions on traffic
without any zone restrictions. For example, you can create a global policy so that every host in every
zone can access the company website, for example, Using a global policy is a
convenient shortcut when there are many security zones. Traffic is classified by matching its source
address, destination address, and the application that the traffic carries in its protocol header.

This example shows how to configure a global policy to deny or permit traffic.

Before you begin:

• Review the firewall security policies.

See "Security Policies Overview" on page 2, "Global Policy Overview" on page 184, "Understanding
Security Policy Rules" on page 97, and"Understanding Security Policy Elements" on page 96.

• Configure an address book and create addresses for use in the policy.

See "Example: Configuring Address Books and Address Sets" on page 36.

• Create an application (or application set) that indicates that the policy applies to traffic of that type.

See "Example: Configuring Security Policy Applications and Application Sets" on page 55.



Topology | 187

This configuration example shows how to configure a global policy that accomplishes what multiple
security policies (using zones) would have accomplished. Global policy gp1 permits all traffic while policy
gp2 denies all traffic.




CLI Quick Configuration | 188

Procedure | 188

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security address-book global address server1 dns-name

set security address-book global address server2 dns-name
set security policies global policy gp1 match source-address server1
set security policies global policy gp1 match destination-address server2
set security policies global policy gp1 match application any
set security policies global policy gp1 then permit
set security policies global policy gp2 match source-address server2
set security policies global policy gp2 match destination-address server1
set security policies global policy gp2 match application junos-ftp
set security policies global policy gp2 then deny


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

To configure a global policy to permit or deny all traffic:


1. Create addresses.

[edit security]
user@host# set security address-book global address server1 dns-name
user@host# set security address-book global address server2 dns-name

2. Create the global policy to permit all traffic.

[edit security]
user@host# set policy global policy gp1 match source-address server1
user@host# set policy global policy gp1 match destination-address server2
user@host# set policy global policy gp1 match application any
user@host# set policy global policy gp1 then permit

3. Create the global policy to deny all traffic.

[edit security]
user@host# set policy global policy gp2 match source-address server2
user@host# set policy global policy gp2 match destination-address server1
user@host# set policy global policy gp2 match application junos-ftp
user@host# set policy global policy gp2 then deny


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
security policies global commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show security policies

global {
policy gp1 {
match {
source-address server1;
destination-address server2;
application any;
then {

policy gp2 {
match {
source-address server2;
destination-address server1;
application junos-ftp;
then {

user@host# show security policies global

policy gp1 {
match {
source-address server1;
destination-address server2;
application any;
then {
policy gp2 {
match {
source-address server2;
destination-address server1;
application junos-ftp;
then {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Global Policy Configuration | 191

Verifying Global Policy Configuration


Verify that global policies gp1 and gp2 are configured as required.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies global command.

user@host> show security policies global

Global policies:
Policy: gp1, State: enabled, Index: 6, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
From zones: any
To zones: any
Source addresses: server1
Destination addresses: server2
Applications: any
Action: permit
Policy: gp2, State: enabled, Index: 7, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
From zones: any
To zones: any
Source addresses: server2
Destination addresses: server1
Applications: junos-ftp
Action: deny


The output displays information about all the global policies configured on the device.

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with Multiple Zones


Requirements | 192

Overview | 192

Configuration | 193

Verification | 195

Unlike other security policies in Junos OS, global policies allow you to create multizone policies. A global
policy is a convenient shortcut when there are many security zones, because it enables you to configure
multiple source zones and multiple destination zones in one global policy instead of having to create a
separate policy for each from-zone/to-zone pair, even when other attributes, such as source-address or
destination-address, are identical.

Before you begin:

• Review the firewall security policies.

See "Security Policies Overview" on page 2, "Global Policy Overview" on page 184, "Understanding
Security Policy Rules" on page 97, and "Understanding Security Policy Elements" on page 96.

• Create security zones.

See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9



Topology | 193

This configuration example shows how to configure a global policy that accomplishes what multiple
security policies would have accomplished. Global policy Pa permits all traffic from zones 1 and 2 to
zones 3 and 4.




CLI Quick Configuration | 193

Procedure | 193

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security policies global policy Pa match source-address any

set security policies global policy Pa match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Pa match application any
set security policies global policy Pa match from-zone zone1
set security policies global policy Pa match from-zone zone2
set security policies global policy Pa match to-zone zone3
set security policies global policy Pa match to-zone zone4
set security policies global policy Pa then permit


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode.

To configure a global policy with multiple zones:


1. Create a global policy to allow any traffic from zones 1 and 2 to zones 3 and 4.

[edit security]
set security policies global policy Pa match source-address any
set security policies global policy Pa match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Pa match application any
set security policies global policy Pa match from-zone zone1
set security policies global policy Pa match from-zone zone2
set security policies global policy Pa match to-zone zone3
set security policies global policy Pa match to-zone zone4
set security policies global policy Pa then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies global
command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this
example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show security policies global
policy Pa {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
from-zone [ zone1 zone2 ];
to-zone [ zone3 zone4 ];
then {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Global Policy Configuration | 195

Verifying Global Policy Configuration


Verify that the global policy is configured as required.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies global command.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Configuring Security Policies | 96

User Role Firewall Security Policies


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

User Role Retrieval and the Policy Lookup Process | 197

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199

Obtaining Username and Role Information Through Firewall Authentication | 206

Configuring a User Role Firewall For Captive Portal Redirection | 208

Example: Configuring a User Role Firewall on an SRX Series Device | 209


Configuring Resource Policies Using UAC | 219

User role firewall policies allows the administrators to permit or restrict network access for users based
on the roles they are assigned. User role firewalls enable greater threat mitigation, provide more
informative forensic resources, improve record archiving for regulatory compliance, and enhance routine
access provisioning.

Understanding User Role Firewalls

Network security enforcement, monitoring, and reporting based solely on IP information soon will not
be sufficient for today’s dynamic and mobile workforce. By integrating user firewall policies,
administrators can permit or restrict network access of employees, contractors, partners, and other
users based on the roles they are assigned. User role firewalls enable greater threat mitigation, provide
more informative forensic resources, improve record archiving for regulatory compliance, and enhance
routine access provisioning.

User role firewalls trigger two actions:

• Retrieve user and role information associated with the traffic

• Determine the action to take based on six match criteria within the context of the zone pair

The source-identity field distinguishes a user role firewall from other types of firewalls. If the source
identity is specified in any policy for a particular zone pair, it is a user role firewall. The user and role
information must be retrieved before policy lookup occurs. If the source identity is not specified in any
policy, user and role lookup is not required.

To retrieve user and role information, authentication tables are searched for an entry with an IP address
corresponding to the traffic. If an entry is found, the user is classified as an authenticated user. If not
found, the user is classified as an unauthenticated user.

The username and roles associated with an authenticated user are retrieved for policy matching. Both
the authentication classification and the retrieved user and role information are used to match the
source-identity field.

Characteristics of the traffic are matched to the policy specifications. Within the zone context, the first
policy that matches the user or role and the five standard match criteria determines the action to be
applied to the traffic.

The following sections describe the interaction of user and role retrieval and the policy lookup process,
methods for acquiring user and role assignments, techniques for configuring user role firewall policies,
and an example of configuring user role firewall policies.

User Role Retrieval and the Policy Lookup Process

For policy lookup, firewall policies are grouped by zone pair (the from zone and to zone). Within the
context of the zone pair, IP-based firewall policies are matched to traffic based on five criteria—source
IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and protocol.

User role firewall policies include a sixth match criteria—source identity. The source-identity field
specifies the users and roles to which the policy applies. When the source-identity field is specified in
any policy within the zone pair, user and role information must be retrieved before policy lookup can
proceed. (If all policies in the zone pair are set to any or have no entry in the source-identity field, user
and role information is not required and the five standard match criteria are used for policy lookup.)

The user identification table (UIT) provides user and role information for an active user who has already
been authenticated. Each entry in the table maps an IP address to an authenticated user and any roles
associated with that user.

When traffic requires user and role data, each registered UIT is searched for an entry with the same IP
address. If a user has not been authenticated, there is no entry for that IP address in the table. If no UIT
entry exists, the user is considered an unauthenticated user.

Policy lookup resumes after the user and role information has been retrieved. The characteristics of the
traffic are matched against the match criteria in the policies. The source-identity field of a policy can
specify one or more users or roles, and the following keywords:

authenticated-user Users that have been authenticated.

unauthenticated-user Users that have not been authenticated.

any All users regardless of authentication. If the source-identity field is not

configured or is set to any in all of the policies for the zone pair, only five criteria
are matched.

unknown-user Users unable to be authenticated due to an authentication server disconnection,

such as a power outage.

For example, consider user-c who is assigned to the mgmt role. When traffic from the trust zone to the
untrust zone is received from user-c at IP address, policy lookup is initiated. Table 23 on
page 198 represents three policies in a user role firewall for the trust to untrust zone pair.

Table 23: Trust Zone to Untrust Zone Policy Sequence

src-zone src-zone dest-zone src-IP dest-IP source- Application Action Services


P1 trust untrust any http deny –

P2 trust untrust any any mgmt any permit –

P3 trust untrust any employee http deny –

All policies for the zone pair are checked first for a source-identity option. If any of the policies specifies
a user, a role, or a keyword, user and role retrieval must occur before policy lookup continues. Table 23
on page 198 shows that policy P2 specifies mgmt as the source identity, making this a user role firewall.
User and roles must be retrieved before policy lookup can continue.

NOTE: User and role retrieval would not be performed if the keyword any or if no source identity
was specified in all of the policies in the zone context. In such cases, only the five remaining
values are matched to the policy criteria.

The UIT represented in Table 24 on page 198 is checked for the IP address. Because the address is
found, the username user-c, all roles listed for user-c (in this case, mgmt and employee), and the
keyword authenticated-user become data used to match the traffic to the source-identity field of a policy.

Table 24: UIT Authentication Details

Source IP Address Username Roles user-a employee user-c mgmt, employee user-s contractor

Policy lookup resumes and compares the match criteria in each policy in Table 23 on page 198 to the
incoming traffic. Assuming all other criteria match, the first policy that specifies user-c, mgmt, employee,
authenticated-user, or any in the source-identity field could be a match for this traffic. Policy P1
matches one of the retrieved roles for user-c, but the source IP address does not match; therefore policy

lookup continues. For policy P2, all criteria match the traffic; therefore the policy action is followed and
the traffic is permitted. Note that the traffic also matches policy P3, but user firewall policies are
terminal—policy lookup ends when the first policy match is found. Because policy P2 matches all criteria,
policy lookup ends and policy P3 is not checked.

Policies can also be based on the classification assigned to a user from the user and role retrieval results.
Consider a different set of policies for the same zone pair represented by Table 25 on page 199. If traffic
is received from user-q at IP, user and role retrieval is required because the source-
identity field is specified in at least one of the policies.

Table 25: Trust Zone to Untrust Zone Policy Sequence

policy- src-zone dest-zone src-IP dest-IP source- applicati action Services

name identity on

P1 trust untrust any any un- http deny –


P2 trust untrust any any mgmt any permit –

P3 trust untrust 198.51.1 any employee http deny –


When the UIT entries in Table 24 on page 198 are checked, no entry is found for IP address Therefore, the user is considered an unauthenticated user. When policy lookup resumes,
the traffic matches policy P1 and the traffic is denied.

Understanding the User Identification Table


Local Authentication Table | 201

UAC Authentication Table | 203

Firewall Authentication Table | 204

Policy Provisioning With Users and Roles | 205


On the SRX Series device, the user identification table (UIT) contains the IP address, username, and role
information for each authenticated user. Entries are ordered by IP address. When username and role
information is required by a security policy, all UITs are checked. Finding the IP address in an entry in
one of the UITs means that the user at that address has already been successfully authenticated.

Each authentication source maintains its own UIT independently and provides query functions for
accessing data. Three types of UITs are supported—the local authentication table, the Unified Access
Control (UAC) authentication table, and the firewall authentication table.

Local A static UIT created on the SRX Series device either manually or programmatically
authentication using CLI commands. All users included in the local authentication table are
considered authenticated users. When a matching IP address is found, user and role
information is retrieved from the table entry and associated with the traffic. User and
role information can be created on the device manually or ported from a third-party
authentication server, but the data in the local authentication table is not updated in
real time.

UAC A dynamic UIT pushed from the Junos Pulse Access Control Service to the SRX Series
authentication device. The UAC authentication table of a Junos Pulse Access Control Service
contains an entry for each authenticated user. The data in this table is updated and
pushed to the SRX Series device whenever its authentication table is updated.
Depending on the device configuration, authentication could occur on the Junos
Pulse Access Control Service itself or on a third-party authentication server. If the
Access Control Service is relaying data from a third-party server, the data is
restructured by the Access Control Service to match the file format of its
authentication table and pushed to the SRX Series device.

Firewall A dynamic UIT created on the SRX when user-firewall is specified as the firewall
authentication authentication type in a security policy. This UIT provides an alternative user role
source to UAC when firewall authentication is already in use on your SRX Series
device. In this way, users defined for pass-through authentication can also be used as
a source for usernames and roles when the user-firewall option is specified as the
firewall authentication type in a policy.

The user-firewall authentication type initiates firewall authentication to verify the user
by using either local authentication information or external authentication servers
supporting RADIUS, LDAP, or SecureID authentication methods. When this type is
specified for firewall authentication, the username and associated groups (roles) from
the authentication source are mapped to the IP address and added to the firewall
authentication UIT.

Local Authentication Table

The local authentication table is managed with CLI commands that insert or delete entries. A local
authentication table can be used as a backup solution when a dynamic UIT is not available, or to assign
user and role information to devices that cannot authenticate to the network, such as printers or file
servers. The local authentication table can be used for testing or to demonstrate how a user role firewall
works without firewall authentication or the Access Control Service configured.

The IP addresses, user names, and roles from a third-party authentication source can be downloaded
and added to the local authentication table programmatically using CLI commands. If an authentication
source defines users and groups, the groups can be configured as roles and associated with the user as

To be compliant with the UAC authentication table, user names are limited to 65 characters and role
names are limited to 64 characters. The local authentication table has a maximum of 10,240
authentication entries on SRX1500 devices and above, 5120 authentication entries on SRX650 devices
and below, depending on the Junos OS release in your installation. The local authentication table has
5120 authentication entries on the vSRX. Each authentication entry can be associated with up to 200
roles. The maximum capacity is based on an average of 10 roles assigned to each user. This is the same
capacity specified for a UAC authentication table.

Use the following command to add an entry to a local authentication table. Note that each entry is
keyed by IP address.

user@host> request security user-identification local-authentication-table add user user-name ip-

address ip-address role [role-name role-name ]

The role option in a single CLI command accepts up to 40 roles. To associate more than 40 roles with a
single user, you need to enter multiple commands. Keep the following characteristics in mind when
adding or modifying authentication user and role entries.

• Role names cannot be the same as usernames.

• Using the add option with an existing IP address and username aggregates the role entries. The table
can support up to 200 roles per user.

• Using the add option with an existing IP address and a new username overwrites the existing
username for that IP address.

• Role aggregation does not affect existing sessions.

• To change the role list of an existing entry, you need to delete the existing entry and add an entry
with the new role list.

• To change the IP address of an existing entry, you need to delete the existing entry and add an entry
with the new IP address.

An entry can be deleted by IP address or by username.

user@host> request security user-identification local-authentication-table delete (ip-address |


The local authentication table can be cleared with the following command:

user@host> clear security user-identification local-authentication-table

To display the content of the local authentication table, use the following show... command:

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all (brief | extensive)

The brief option (the default) displays information in a tabular format sequenced by IP address. User
names and role lists are truncated to fit the format.

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all

Total entries: 2
Source IP Username Roles user1 role1 user2 role2, role3

The extensive option displays the full content for each field. Other options limit the display to a single
username, IP address, or role.

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all extensive

Total entries: 3
Username: user1
Roles: role1


Username: user1
Roles: role2

Username: user3
Roles: role1, role2

UAC Authentication Table

An SRX Series device can act as an enforcer for a Junos Pulse Access Control Service. In this
implementation, the SRX Series device acts as a Layer 3 enforcement point and controls access to
resources with IP-based resource policies that have been pushed down from the Access Control Service.

When implemented as a user role firewall, the SRX Series device can access the UAC network in a
similar way for user role retrieval. In this instance, user and role information for all authenticated users is
pushed from the Access Control Service.

The SRX Series device configuration is similar to that of an enforcer. To establish communication, both
devices require configuration and password settings to recognize the other. From the SRX Series device,
connect the Access Control Service as an infranet controller.

user@host# set services unified-access-control infranet-controller ic-name address ip-address
user@host# set services unified-access-control infranet-controller ic-name interface interface-
user@host# set services unified-access-control infranet-controller ic-name password password

From the Access Control Service, define the SRX Series device as a New Enforcer. Use the same
password specified on the SRX Series device.

Users and passwords are defined on the Access Control Service as in a standard authentication
configuration. One or more roles can also be associated with users. When a user is authenticated, an
entry containing the IP address, username, and associated roles is added to the UAC authentication
table on the Access Control Service.

The UAC authentication table is pushed from the Access Control Service to the SRX Series device when
the connection between the two devices is initialized. Whenever an entry is added, removed, or updated
on the Access Control Service, the updated UAC authentication table is pushed to the SRX Series

Resource access policies are not necessary on the Access Control Service for a user role firewall
implementation. The access behavior is provided in the policy configurations on the SRX Series device. If
resource access policies are defined on the Access Control Service, they are pushed to the SRX Series

device, but they are not used unless a specific firewall policy implements UAC policies in the policy’s
action field.

The following show services command displays the content of the UAC authentication table on the SRX
Series device, confirming that the table has been pushed from the Access Control Service successfully:

user@host> show services unified-access-control authentication-table extended

Id Source IP Username Age Role name

3 april 60 Users
6 june 60 Employeees
Total: 2

The SRX Series device monitors connections and detects if communication to the Access Control
Service has been lost. Based on the UAC configuration, the SRX Series device waits for a response for a
configured interval before issuing another request. If a response is received, the Access Control Service
is considered functional. If no response is received after a specified timeout period, communication is
considered lost and the timeout action is applied. The following UAC command syntax configures the
interval, timeout, and timeout action:

user@host# set services unified-access-control interval seconds

user@host# set services unified-access-control timeout seconds
user@host# set services unified-access-control timeout-action (close | no-change | open)

During a disconnection, if user and role lookup is attempted for the disconnected device, it returns a
failure code regardless of the timeout action. If access to all authentication sources is lost, the keyword
unknown-user is associated with the IP address. When policy lookup resumes, a policy with unknown-
user as the source identity would match the traffic. By implementing a specific policy for unknown-user,
you can create a method for handling the loss of authentication sources.

Firewall Authentication Table

Firewall authentication requires users to authenticate to the SRX firewall before permitting access
between zones and devices. When traffic is received, the user is prompted for a username and
password, and verified against a specified profile of valid users. Depending on the device configuration,
firewall authentication verifies that telnet, HTTP, HTTPS (for SRX5800, SRX5600, and SRX5400
devices), and FTP traffic has been authenticated locally or by a RADIUS, LDAP, or SecureID
authentication server.

If firewall authentication is in use on a device, the authentication process can also provide the username
and role information needed for user role firewall match criteria. In this case, the information is collected
and maintained in a UIT called the firewall authentication table. One or more access policies in the edit
access hierarchy define authentication methods to be used for firewall authentication.

The firewall authentication table must be enabled as the authentication source for user role information
retrieval. The priority option specifies the sequence in which all UITs will be checked.

user@host# set security user-identification authentication-source firewall-authentication

priority priority

In a firewall policy for a given zone pair, the firewall-authentication service specified for the permit action
initiates authentication of matching traffic. The user-firewall authentication type generates the UIT entry
for the authenticated user. The name specified in the access-profile option identifies the profile to be
used to authenticate valid users.

[edit security policies from-zone zone to-zone zone policy policy-name]

user@host# set match source-identity unauthenticated-user
user@host# set then permit firewall-authentication user-firewall access-profile profile-name

The UIT table entry contains the IP address of the traffic mapped to the authenticated user and the
user’s associated groups. When the user is no longer active, the entry is removed from the table.
Because entries are continuously added and removed as the traffic and authenticated users change, the
firewall authentication table is considered dynamic.

When policies within the same zone pair specify the source-identity field as part of its match criteria, all
enabled UITs are searched for an entry corresponding to the IP address of the traffic. If found, the
associated username and groups are retrieved for source-identity matching. (User authentication group
names are considered role names for source-identity matching.)

Policy Provisioning With Users and Roles

All users and roles, whether defined on the SRX Series device or on the Access Control Service, are
maintained in a user role file on the SRX Series device. To display all users and roles available for
provisioning, use the following show security... commands.

NOTE: Usernames and roles in the firewall authentication table are not included in the following

• To display all of the roles that are available for provisioning, use the show security user-identification
role-provision all command. Note that the roles from all UITs are listed together.

• To display all of the users that are available for provisioning, use the show security user-identification
user-provision all command.

• To display all of the users and roles that are available for provisioning, use the show security user-
identification source-identity-provision all command.

When a policy configuration is committed, the user role file is checked to determine if all users and roles
specified in the policy are available for provisioning. If a user or role is not found, a warning identifies the
missing user or role so that you can define it later.

NOTE: The policy is committed even if a user or role is not yet defined.


Acquiring User Role Information from an Active Directory Authentication Server

Obtaining Username and Role Information Through Firewall


User role firewall policies can be integrated with firewall authentication both to authenticate users and
to retrieve username and role information. The information is mapped to the IP address of the traffic,
stored in the firewall authentication table, and used for user role firewall policy enforcement.

The following CLI statements configure firewall authentication for user role firewall enforcement.

1. If not already established, define the access profile to be used for firewall authentication. You can
skip this step if an existing access profile provides the client data needed for your implementation.
The access profile is configured in the [edit access profile] hierarchy as with other firewall
authentication types. It defines clients as firewall users and the passwords that provide them access.
Use the following command to define a profile and add client names and passwords for firewall

set access profile profile-name client client-name firewall-user password pwd


2. If HTTPS traffic is expected, define the access profile to be used for SSL termination services. You
can skip this step if an existing SSL termination profile provides the services needed for your
The SSL termination profile is configured in the [edit services ssl] hierarchy.

set services ssl termination profile ssl-profile-name server-certificate certificate-type

3. Enable the firewall authentication table as an authentication source.

set security user-identification authentication-source firewall-authentication priority


The priority value determines the sequence in which authentication sources are checked. The default
value is 150 for the firewall authentication table. (It is 100 for the local authentication table and 200
for the Unified Access Control (UAC) authentication table.) By default, the local authentication table
is checked first, the firewall authentication table is next, and the UAC authentication table is third if it
is enabled. You can change this sequence by changing the priority value of one or more of the tables.
4. Configure policies that permit traffic for user firewall authentication.

edit security policies from-zone zone to-zone zone policy policy-name

set match source-identity unauthenticated-user
set then permit firewall-authentication user-firewall access-profile profile-name ssl-
termination-profile profile-name

When unauthenticated traffic is permitted for firewall authentication, the user is authenticated based
on the access profile configured in this statement. The ssl-termination-profile option is needed only
for HTTPS traffic.

By specifying the authentication type user-firewall, the firewall authentication table is propagated
with the IP address, the username, and any group names associated with the authenticated user.
(Group names from firewall authentication are interpreted as roles by the user role firewall.) Any
further traffic from this IP address will match the IP address in the firewall authentication table, and
not require authentication. The associated username and roles are retrieved from the table for use as
potential match criteria in subsequent security policies.

Configuring a User Role Firewall For Captive Portal Redirection

To automatically redirect unauthenticated users to the Access Control Service, use the UAC captive
portal feature. The following syntax defines the profile for the captive portal:

set services unified-access-control captive-portal profile-name redirect-traffic

[unauthenticated | all]
set services unified-access-control captive-portal profile-name redirect-url host-url

The Kerberos protocol, used for authentication encryption, identifies the Access Control Service only by
its service principal name (SPN). The protocol does not accept an IP address. Therefore, the format for
the redirect URL must be


In this implementation, the service is HTTP and the hostname is the FQDN of the Access Control
Service. Options specified after the hostname pass additional information to the Access Control Service
directing the user back to the original destination, to the SRX Series device, or to the policy that
originated the redirection. You can configure the options using the following keyword and variable pairs:

?target=%dest-url% Specifies the protected resource which the user is trying to access.

&enforcer=%enforcer-id% Specifies the ID assigned to the SRX Series device when it is configured as
an enforcer by the Access Control Service.

&policy=%policy-id% Specifies the encrypted policy ID for the security policy that redirected the

The following statements define the profile of the captive portal named auth-redirect. The captive-
portal redirects unauthenticated users to the URL of the Access Control Service for authentication. After
successful authentication, the traffic will be directed back to the SRX Series device.

user@host# set services unified-access-control captive-portal auth-redirect redirect-traffic
user@host# set services unified-access-control captive-portal auth-redirect redirect-url "http://"

A defined captive-portal profile is displayed as part of the UAC configuration.

user@host#show services

unified-access-control {
captive-portal auth-redirect {
redirect-traffic unauthenticated;
redirect-url "

After the profile is defined, a policy can apply the captive portal as an application service when certain
criteria is matched. Whenever a user role is unauthenticated, auth-redirect captive portal diverts the
traffic from trust zone to untrust zone. The following example defines policy P1 to apply the auth-
redirect captive portal profile to any HTTP traffic from the trust to untrust:

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy P1 match application http
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy P1 match source-identity
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy P1 then permit
application-services uac-policy captive-portal auth-redirect

Example: Configuring a User Role Firewall on an SRX Series Device


Requirements | 210

Overview | 210

Configuration | 212

The following example configures a user role firewall on an SRX Series device. The firewall controls
access from the trust zone to the untrust zone based on active, authenticated users or their associated
roles. User role firewall policies establish the following restrictions:

• Only authenticated users are permitted from the trust zone to the untrust zone.

Unauthenticated users are redirected to an Access Control Service for authentication.

• Traffic from IP to IP within the zone context is restricted. Only the traffic from
users with the dev-abc, http-juniper-accessible, or ftp-accessible role is permitted. Permitted traffic is
further evaluated by AppFW rules.

• Permitted traffic identified as junos:FACEBOOK-ACCESS, junos:GOOGLE-TALK, or junos:MEEBO

application traffic is denied.

• Permitted traffic for any other application is permitted.

• All other traffic from the trust zone to the untrust zone is permitted.

Before you begin, ensure that the SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 12.1 or later is configured
and initialized.

In this example, user and role information associated with the IP address of the traffic is provided by an
Access Control Service. For instructions on configuring the Access Control Server, see Acquiring User
Role Information from an Active Directory Authentication Server.

Table 26 on page 210 outlines a firewall that meets the requirements for this example. The user role
firewall consists of four policies.

Table 26: User Role Firewall Policies

policy- src-zone dest-zone src-IP dest-IP source- applicatio action Services

name identity n

user-role- trust untrust any any un- http permit UAC

fw1 authentic captive
ated- portal

Table 26: User Role Firewall Policies (Continued)

policy- src-zone dest-zone src-IP dest-IP source- applicatio action Services

name identity n

user-role- trust untrust 203.0.11 dev-abc http permit AppFW

fw2 3.0 http- ruleset
juniper- RS1

user-role- trust untrust 203.0.11 any http deny

fw3 3.0

user-role- trust untrust any any any http permit


Because the source-identity field is specified for at least one of the policies in this firewall, user and role
information must be retrieved before policy lookup is conducted. The source IP of the traffic is
compared to the items in the UIT. If the source IP address is found, the keyword authenticated, the
username, and any roles associated with this user are stored for later use in policy lookup. If a matching
entry for the IP address is not found in the UIT, the keyword unauthenticated-user is stored for policy

After retrieving the username, roles, and keywords, policy lookup begins. Characteristics of the incoming
traffic are compared to each policy’s match criteria. If a match is found, the action specified in that policy
is taken.

A policy match is a terminal event, and no policies after the match are checked. Policy sequence
influences the action to be taken for matching traffic. In this example, policies are applied in the
following sequence:

user-role- Applies the UAC captive portal service to matching HTTP traffic with the
fw1 unauthenticated-user keyword, and redirects it to the Access Control Service for
authentication. A UAC profile must also be configured to identify the captive portal

user-role- Applies an AppFW rule set to any HTTP traffic from address to address
fw2 that has a matching username or role. An application firewall must also be
configured to define the rule set.

user-role- Denies all remaining HTTP traffic from address to address for this
fw3 zone pair.

user-role- Permits all remaining HTTP traffic for this zone pair.



Configuring Redirection For Unauthenticated Users | 212

Creating a User Role Policy With an Application Firewall | 214

Creating Remaining Security Policies Based on User and Role | 216

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User guide.

Configuring Redirection For Unauthenticated Users

Step-by-Step Procedure

When an IP address is not listed in the UIT, the unauthenticated-user keyword is used in policy lookup.
Instead of denying access to this traffic, a policy can redirect the traffic to a UAC captive portal for

NOTE: It is important to position a redirection policy for unauthenticated-user before a policy for
“any” user so that UAC authentication is not shadowed by a policy intended for authenticated

To configure redirection from the SRX Series device to the Access Control Service:

1. From configuration mode, configure the UAC profile for the captive portal acs-device.

user@host# set services unified-access-control captive-portal acs-device redirect-traffic

2. Configure the redirection URL for the Access Control Service or a default URL for the captive portal.

user@host# set services unified-access-control captive-portal acs-device redirect-url

This policy specifies the default target and enforcer variables to be used by the Access Control
Service to direct the user back after authentication. This ensures that changes to system
specifications will not affect configuration results.

NOTE: When variables, such as ?target=, are included in the command line, you must enclose
the URL and variables in quotation marks.

3. Configure a user role firewall policy that redirects HTTP traffic from zone trust to zone untrust if the
source-identity is unauthenticated-user. The captive portal profile name is specified as the action to
be taken for traffic matching this policy.

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw1 match
source-address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw1 match
destination-address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw1 match
application http
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw1 match
source-identity unauthenticated-user
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw1 then
permit application-services uac-policy captive-portal acs-device

4. If you are done configuring the policies, commit the changes.

user@host# commit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show services and show security
policies commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in
this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show services
unified-access-control {
captive-portal acs-device {
redirect-traffic unauthenticated;
redirect-url “https://%ic-ip%/?target=%dest-url%&enforcer=%enforcer-id%”

user@host# show security policies

from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy user-role-fw1 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application http;
source-identity unauthenticated-user
then {
permit {
application-services {
uac-policy {
captive-portal acs-device;

Creating a User Role Policy With an Application Firewall

Step-by-Step Procedure

This policy restricts traffic from IP192.0.2.0 to IP based on its user and roles, and also its
application. The configuration defines an application rule set and applies it to matching user role traffic.

1. Configure the AppFW rule set rs1. The following rule set denies junos:FACEBOOK-ACCESS,
junos:GOOGLE-TALK, or junos:MEEBO application traffic. It applies the default setting, permit, to the
remaining traffic.

[edit security application-firewall rule-sets rs1]

user@host# set rule r1 match dynamic-application [junos:FACEBOOK-ACCESS junos:GOOGLE-TALK
user@host# set rule r1 then deny
user@host# set default-rule permit

2. Configure a policy to apply the rs1 application firewall rule set to traffic from IP to IP with the dev-abc, http-mgmt-accessible, or ftp-accessible user role.

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw2 match
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw2 match
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw2 match
application http
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw2 match
source-identity [dev-abc http-mgmt-accessible ftp-accessible]
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw2 then
permit application-services application-firewall rule-set rs1

3. If you are done configuring the policy, commit the changes.

user@host# commit


Verify that the AppFW rule set is configured properly. If the output does not display the intended
configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show security application-firewall
rule-sets rs1 {
rule r1 {

match {
dynamic-application [junos:FACEBOOK-ACCESS junos:GOOGLE-TALK junos:MEEBO]
then {
default-rule {

Creating Remaining Security Policies Based on User and Role

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following procedure configures policies for the remaining traffic.

1. Configure a policy to deny traffic with the same source and destination address but with different
user and role criteria than specified in the user-role-fw2 policy.

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw3 match
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw3 match
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw3 match
application http
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw3 match
source-identity any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw3 then

2. Configure a security policy to permit all other HTTP traffic from zone trust to zone untrust.

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw4 match
source-address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw4 match
destination-address any

user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw4 match
application http
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw4 match
source-identity any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy user-role-fw4 then


Verify the content and sequence of the user role firewall policies. If the output does not display the
intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy user-role-fw1 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application http;
source-identity unauthenticated-user
then {
permit {
application-services {
uac-policy {
captive-portal acs-device;
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy user-role-fw2 {
match {
application http;
source-identity [dev-abc http-juniper-accessible ftp-accessible]

then {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set rs1
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy user-role-fw3 {
match {
application http;
source-identity any
then {
from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
policy user-role-fw4 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application http;
source-identity any
then {

Configuring Resource Policies Using UAC

When using the user role firewall feature, resource policies are not necessary on the Access Control
Service. If, however, resource policies exist, they are pushed to the SRX Series device at connection. You
can create policies that use these resource policies by applying the UAC application service in the policy
configuration. Table 27 on page 219 shows three firewall policies that use the UAC resource policies

Table 27: User Role Firewall Usage

policy- src-zone dest-zone src-IP dest-IP source- applicati action Services

name identity on

P1 zone1 zone2 any any http permit UTM

P2 zone1 zone2 any net2 any http permit IDP

P3 zone1 zone2 any any any any permit UAC

The policies for traffic from zone1 to zone2 do not initiate user and role retrieval because any is
specified in the source-identity field of every policy. In this example, traffic to the IP address is
permitted, but must meet processing requirements for the specified application service, in this case,
UTM. Traffic to net2 is permitted and processed by the IDP processing requirements. Any remaining
traffic is permitted and processed by the UAC processing requirements.

The configuration for this firewall policy would be as follows:

user@host# show security policies
from-zone zone1 to-zone zone2 {
policy P1 {
match {
source-address any;
source-identity any;
application http;
then {
permit {
application-services {

from-zone zone1 to-zone zone2 {
policy P2 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address net2;
source-identity any;
application http;
then {
permit {
application-services {
from-zone zone1 to-zone zone2 {
policy P3 {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
source-identity any;
application any;
then {
permit {
application-services {

In this sample configuration, the action fields in P1 and P2 apply any requirements that have been
configured for IDP and UTM respectively. By specifying the uac-policy option, the resource policies
pushed to the SRX Series device determine whether the destination is accessible.

A user role firewall can implement both user role policies and the resource policies pushed from the
Access Control Service. Table 28 on page 221 shows the policies for three zone pairs.

Table 28: User Role Firewall Usage

policy- src-zone dest- src-IP dest-IP source-identity application action Services

name zone

P1 zone1 zone2 any any unauthenticated- any permit UAC

user captive

P2 zone1 zone2 any role2 http permit IDP

P3 zone1 zone2 any net2 authenticated-user http permit UTM

P4 zone1 zone2 any any any any permit

P5 zone1 zone3 any any any any permit UAC

P6 zone2 zone3 any any any any permit UAC

Traffic from zone1 to zone2 is subject to one of four user role policies. The first of these policies uses
the UAC captive portal to redirect unauthenticated users to the Access Control Service for

The access of traffic from zone1 to zone3 and from zone2 to zone3 is controlled by the resource policies
pushed from the Access Control Service.


Configuring Security Policies | 96

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Security Policies | 281

Reordering Security Policies


Understanding Security Policy Ordering | 222

Example: Reordering Security Policies | 224

Reordering security policy allows to move the policies around after they have been created. Junos OS
offers a tool for verifying that the order of policies in the policy list is valid.

Understanding Security Policy Ordering

Junos OS offers a tool for verifying that the order of policies in the policy list is valid.

It is possible for one policy to eclipse, or shadow, another policy. Consider the following examples:

Example 1

user@host# set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2 host-inbound-traffic
system-services all
user@host# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic
system-services all
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all match source-
address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust match destination-address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust match application any
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust set then permit
user@host# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all match source-
address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all match
destination-address any
user@host# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all match
application any
user@host# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy deny-all then deny

Example 2

user@host# set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/2.0 host-inbound-traffic
system-services all
user@host# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic
system-services all
user@host# set security address-book book1 address mail-untrust
user@host# set security address-book book1 attach zone untrust
user@host# set security address-book book2 address mail-trust
user@host# set security address-book book2 attach zone trust
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail match source-
address mail-trust
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail match
destination-address mail-untrust
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail match
application junos-mail
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail then permit

In examples 1 and 2, where policy permit-mail is configured after policy permit-all from zone trust to zone
untrust. All traffic coming from zone untrust matches the first policy permit-all and is allowed by default.
No traffic matches policy permit-mail.

Because Junos OS performs a policy lookup starting from the top of the list, when it finds a match for
traffic received, it does not look any lower in the policy list. To correct the previous example, you can
simply reverse the order of the policies, putting the more specific one first:

user@host# insert security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail before policy permit-

In cases where there are dozens or hundreds of policies, the eclipsing of one policy by another might not
be so easy to detect. To check if policies are being shadowed, enter any of the following commands:

user@host# run show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-name to-zone to-

user@host# run show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global

This command reports the shadowing and shadowed policies. It is then the administrator's responsibility
to correct the situation.

NOTE: The concept of policy shadowing refers to the situation where a policy higher in the
policy list always takes effect before a subsequent policy. Because the policy lookup always uses
the first policy it finds that matches the five-part tuple of the source and destination zone, source
and destination address, and application type, if another policy applies to the same tuple (or a
subset of the tuple), the policy lookup uses the first policy in the list and never reaches the
second one.


Security Policies Configuration Overview | 102

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny All Traffic | 107
Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny Selected Traffic | 113

Example: Reordering Security Policies


Requirements | 225

Overview | 225

Configuration | 225

Verification | 226

This example shows show how to move policies around after they have been created.

Before you begin:

• Create zones. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Configure the address book and create addresses for use in the policy. See "Example: Configuring
Address Books and Address Sets" on page 36.

To reorder policies to correct shadowing, you can simply reverse the order of the policies, putting the
more specific one first.



Procedure | 225


Step-by-Step Procedure

To reorder existing policies:

1. Reorder two existing policies by entering the following command:

user@host# insert security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-mail before
policy permit-all

2. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.

user@host# commit


To verify the configuration is working properly, enter the show security policies command.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Scheduling Security Policies


Security Policy Schedulers Overview | 226

Example: Configuring Schedulers for a Daily Schedule Excluding One Day | 227

Verifying Scheduled Policies | 232

Scheduler is a security feature that allows a policy to be activated for a specified duration. You can
define schedulers for a single (nonrecurrent) or recurrent time slot within which a policy is active. You
can create schedulers irrespective of a policy, meaning that a scheduler cannot be used by any policies.

Security Policy Schedulers Overview

Schedulers are powerful features that allow a policy to be activated for a specified duration. You can
define schedulers for a single (nonrecurrent) or recurrent time slot within which a policy is active. You
can create schedulers irrespective of a policy, meaning that a scheduler cannot be used by any policies.
However, if you want a policy to be active within a scheduled time, then you must first create a

When a scheduler times out, the associated policy is deactivated. All sessions associated with the policy
are subsequently timed out only if policy-rematch is used

If a policy contains a reference to a scheduler, the schedule determines when the policy is active, that is,
when it can be used as a possible match for traffic. Schedulers allow you to restrict access to a resource
for a period of time or remove a restriction.

The following guidelines apply to schedulers:

• A scheduler can have multiple policies associated with it; however, a policy cannot be associated
with multiple schedulers.

• A policy is active during the time when the scheduler it refers to is also active.

• When a scheduler is off, the policy is unavailable for policy lookup.

• A scheduler can be configured as one of the following:

• Scheduler can be active for a single time slot, as specified by a start date and time and a stop date
and time.

• Scheduler can be active forever (recurrent), but as specified by the daily schedule. The schedule
on a specific day (time slot) takes priority over the daily schedule.

• Scheduler can be active within a time slot as specified by the weekday schedule.

• Scheduler can have a combination of two time slots (daily and timeslot).

Example: Configuring Schedulers for a Daily Schedule Excluding One Day


Requirements | 228

Overview | 228

Configuration | 228

Verification | 231

This example shows how to configure schedulers for packet match checks every day, from 8:00 AM to
5:00 PM, except Sunday.

Before you begin:

• Understand security policies schedulers. See "Security Policies Overview" on page 2.

• Configure security zones before applying this configuration.

Schedulers are powerful features that allow a policy to be activated for a specified duration. You can
define schedulers for a single (nonrecurrent) or recurrent time slot within which a policy is active. If you
want a policy to be active within a scheduled time, then you must first create a scheduler.

To configure a scheduler, you enter a meaningful name and a start and stop time for the scheduler. You
can also attach comments.

In this example, you:

• Specify the scheduler, sch1, that allows a policy, which refers to it, to be used for packet match
checks every day, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except Sunday.

NOTE: Use the 24-hour format (hh:mm) to specify the hours and minutes for the daily time.

• Create a policy, abc, and specify the match conditions and action to be taken on traffic that matches
the specified conditions. and bind the schedulers to the policy to allow access during the specified



Procedure | 229


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste
the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

set schedulers scheduler sch1 daily start-time 08:00 stop-time 17:00

set schedulers scheduler sch1 sunday exclude
set security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc match source-address any
set security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc match application any
set security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc then permit
set security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc scheduler-name sch1
set security policies default-policy permit-all

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

To configure a scheduler:

1. Set a scheduler.

[edit schedulers ]
user@host# set scheduler sch1 daily start-time 08:00 stop-time 17:00
user@host# set scheduler sch1 sunday exclude

2. Specify the match conditions for the policy.

[edit security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc]

user@host# set match source-address any destination-address any application any

3. Specify the action.

[edit security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc]

user@host# set then permit

4. Associate the scheduler to the policy.

[edit security policies from-zone green to-zone red policy abc ]

user@host# set scheduler-name sch1


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show schedulers command. If the
output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example
to correct it.

[user@host]show schedulers
scheduler sch1 {
daily {
start-time 08:00 stop-time 17:00;
sunday exclude;
[user@host]show security policies
from-zone green to-zone red {
policy abc {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {
scheduler-name sch1;
default-policy {


If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Schedulers are Active | 231

Verifying Policies | 231

To confirm that the configuration is working properly, perform these tasks:

Verifying Schedulers are Active


Verify if schedulers are enabled or not.


From operational mode, enter the show schedulers command.

Verifying Policies


Verify if the policies are working.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command.


Verifying Scheduled Policies


Purpose | 232

Action | 232

Meaning | 233


Display information about scheduled security policies.


Use the show schedulers CLI command to display information about schedulers configured on the system.
If a specific scheduler is identified, detailed information is displayed for that scheduler only.

user@host# show schedulers

scheduler sche1 {
/* This is sched1 */
start-date 2006-11-02.12:12 stop-date 2007-11-02.12:11;
scheduler sche2 {
daily {
sunday {
start-time 16:00 stop-time 17:00;
friday {
scheduler sche3 {
start-date 2006-11-02.12:12 stop-date 2007-11-02.12:11;
daily {
start-time 10:00 stop-time 17:00

sunday {
start-time 12:00 stop-time 14:00;
start-time 16:00 stop-time 17:00;
monday {
friday {


The output displays information about schedulers configured on the system. Verify the following

• Daily (recurrent) and one-time only (nonrecurrent) schedulers are configured correctly.

• Schedulers are active if policies are associated.


Configuring Security Policies | 96

Threat Profiling Support in Security Policy


Read this topic to understand SRX Series device Support for Threat Feeds in Security
support for threat feeds in the security policies. Policies | 234

Support for Threat Feeds in Security Policies

SRX Series devices can generate, propagate, and consume threat feeds based on their own advanced
detection and policy-match events.

Juniper ATP Cloud service consolidates the generated feeds from SRX Series device and shares the
duplicated results back to the security device. The security device then uses the feeds to perform
actions against the designated traffic. You can enable the security device to use the feeds by configuring
security policies with the feeds as a matching criteria. When traffic matches policy conditions, the
device applies policy actions.

SRX Series devices support following types of threat feeds in the security policies:

• source and destination addresses

• user source identity (user name)

Workflow in using the threat feeds in security policies:

1. In a security policy, you can add the source address/destination address,/source identity (user name)
as a feed for the policy action (deny, reject, and permit rules).

2. Policy module adds the username to the traffic’s IP address into the feed.

3. Once the feed is created, Juniper ATP cloud consolidates feeds from all SRX Series devices in your
enterprise and sends result to SRX Series device.

4. When you create another security policy, you can add the feed as match criteria.

See Adaptive Threat Profiling Overview for more information on configuring and deploying security
policies with feeds.

Configuring Security Policies for a VRF Routing



Overview | 235

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 237


Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based Traffic from MPLS Network to an IP
Network | 238

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit VRF-Based Traffic from an IP Network to an MPLS
Network | 244

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit VRF-Based Traffic from an MPLS Network to an MPLS
Network over GRE without NAT | 250

Example: Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Routing Instances in an MPLS Network | 256



Controlling Traffic in SD-WAN Architecture | 235

A security policy is a set of statements that controls traffic from a specified source to a specified
destination using a specified service. A policy permits, denies, or tunnels specified types of traffic
unidirectionally between two points. Security policies enforce a set of rules for transit traffic, identifying
which traffic can pass through the firewall and the actions taken on the traffic as it passes through the
firewall. Actions for traffic matching the specified criteria include permit and deny.

When an SRX Series device receives a packet that matches the specifications, it performs the action
specified in the policy.

Controlling Traffic in SD-WAN Architecture

In an SD-WAN, the SRX Series device can be configured in a hub and spoke location. You can permit or
deny virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) based traffic that enters the device from overlay tunnels by
applying firewall policies. You can configure the SRX Series device to permit or deny traffic that is sent to
a VRF instance. Configuring the device at the hub location enables you to control all traffic at one
location, and provide access to specific network services by applying firewall policies.

Junos OS Release 91.1R1 supports MPLS-based SDWAN deployment on SRX1500, SRX4100,

SRX4200, SRX4600 devices.

Starting in Junos OS Release 22.2R1, we support MPLS-based SDWAN deployment for SRX5400,
SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices.

Each security policy consists of:

• A unique name for the policy.

• A from-zone and a to-zone, for example: user@host# set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone

• A set of match criteria defining the conditions that must be satisfied to apply the policy rule. The
match criteria are based on a source IP address, destination IP address, and applications. The user
identity firewall provides greater granularity by including an additional tuple, such as source-identity,
as part of the policy statement.

• A set of actions to be performed in case of a match—permit or deny.

• A set of source VRF group.

• A set of destination VRF group.

NOTE: The configuration options for the source and destination VRF instances are optional. You
can configure either the source VRF or a destination VRF, but we recommend that you do not
configure both source VRF and destination VRF. The main reason for configuring the source VRF
or destination VRF is to differentiate different MPLS labels going through a shared physical
network interface.

Table 29 on page 236 lists when to configure the source VRF and destination VRF.

Table 29: Recommendations for Configuring VRF Options

Network Type from Source to Recommended to Recommended to VRF Policy

Destination Configure Source VRF Configure Destination Differentiated By

IP network to IP network No No Zones

IP network to MPLS network No Yes Destination VRF

MPLS network to IP network Yes No Source VRF

MPLS network to MPLS network Yes No Source VRF

without destination NAT

Table 29: Recommendations for Configuring VRF Options (Continued)

Network Type from Source to Recommended to Recommended to VRF Policy

Destination Configure Source VRF Configure Destination Differentiated By

MPLS network to MPLS network Yes Yes Source VRF and

with destination NAT Destination VRF

Understanding Security Policy Rules


| 237

A security policy applies security rules to the transit traffic within a context (from-zone to to-zone). Each
policy is uniquely identified by its name. The traffic is classified by matching its source and destination
zones, the source and destination addresses, the application, the source VRF, and the destination VRF
that the traffic carries in its protocol headers with the policy database in the data plane.

Each policy is associated with the following characteristics:

• A source zone

• A destination zone

• One or many source address names or address set names

• One or many destination address names or address set names

• One or many application names or application set names

• One or many source VRF instances, for example, the VRF routing instance associated with an
incoming packet

• One or many destination VRF instances in which the MPLS next hop or destination address route is

These characteristics are called the match criteria. Each policy also has actions associated with it: permit,
deny, and reject. You have to specify the match condition arguments when you configure a policy,
source address, destination address, application name, source VRF, and destination VRF.

You can configure either source VRF or destination VRF, but not recommended to configure both source
VRF and destination VRF. The main reason for configuring source VRF and destination VR is to
differentiate different MPLS labels going through a shared physical network interface. If the source VRF
and destination VRF are not configured, then the device determines the source and destination VRF as

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based

Traffic from MPLS Network to an IP Network


Requirements | 238

Overview | 238

Configuration | 239

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit traffic and deny traffic using the source

• Understand how to create a security zone. See"Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Supported SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160 or later. This configuration
example is tested for Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160.

• Configure network interfaces on the device. See Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

In Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through
the device and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through the device. In
Figure 10 on page 239, an SRX Series device is deployed in an SD-WAN to control traffic using the
source VRF. Traffic from the MPLS network is sent to site A and site B of the IP network. As per the
network requirement, site A traffic should be denied, and only site B traffic should be permitted.

This configuration example shows how to:

• Deny traffic to VRF-a (from GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to GRE_Zone)

• Permit traffic to VRF-b (from GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to GRE_Zone)

In this example, the source VRF is configured. We recommend that you configure the source VRF when
the destination network points to the MPLS network.

Figure 10: Permitting or Denying VRF-Based Traffic from MPLS Network to an IP Network



Verification | 243


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set routing-instances VRF-a instance-type vrf

set routing-instances VRF-a route-distinguisher 10:200
set routing-instances VRF-a vrf-target target:100:100
set routing-instances VRF-a vrf-table-label
set routing-instances VRF-b instance-type vrf
set routing-instances VRF-b route-distinguisher 20:200
set routing-instances VRF-b vrf-target target:200:100

set routing-instances VRF-b vrf-table-label

set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
source-address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy then deny
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
source-address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS
CLI User Guide.

1. Layer 3 VPNs require a VRF table for distributing routes within the networks. Create a VRF instance
and specify the value vrf.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a instance-type vrf
user@host# set VRF-b instance-type vrf

2. Assign a route distinguisher to the routing instance.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a route-distinguisher 10:200
user@host# set VRF-b route-distinguisher 20:200

3. Create a community policy to import or export all routes.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-target target:100:100
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-target target:200:100

4. Assign a single VPN label for all the routes in the VRF.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-table-label

5. Create a security policy to deny VRF-a traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy then deny

6. Create a security policy to permit VRF-b traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy then permit

NOTE: If no destination VRF group is configured then the device considers the traffic passes
from VRF-a to any-vrf.


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
routing-instances commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone GRE_Zone-GE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone {
policy vrf-a_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a;
then {
policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b;
then {

user@host# show routing-instances
VRF-a {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 10:200;
vrf-target target:100:100;
VRF-b {

instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 20:200;
vrf-target target:200:100;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 243

Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all the security
policies configured on the device.

user@root> show security policies

Default policy: permit-all
From zone: GRE_Zone-GE_Zone, To zone: GRE_Zone
Policy: vrf-a_policy, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source vrf: VRF-a
destination vrf: any
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: deny
Policy: vrf-b_policy, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source vrf: VRF-b

destination vrf: any

Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit VRF-Based Traffic from

an IP Network to an MPLS Network


Requirements | 244

Overview | 244

Configuration | 245

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit traffic using the destination VRF.

• Understand how to create a security zone. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Supported SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160 or later. This configuration
example is tested for Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160.

• Configure network interfaces on the device. See the Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

In Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through
the device and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through the device.

In this example, an SRX Series device is deployed in an SD-WAN architecture to control traffic using the
destination VRF. You need to configure policies to control the traffic. The default policy does not
support VRF options. Traffic from the IP network, that is site A and site B, is sent to the MPLS network.
By configuring the policies, you can permit both the traffic from site A and site B to the MPLS network.

In Figure 11 on page 245, the source VRF is not configured as the LAN interface does not belong to an
MPLS network. We recommend that you configure the destination VRF when the destination network
points to the MPLS network.

Figure 11: Permitting VRF-Based Traffic from an IP Network to an MPLS Network



Verification | 249


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set routing-instances VRF-a’ instance-type vrf

set routing-instances VRF-a’ route-distinguisher 10:200
set routing-instances VRF-a’ vrf-target target:100:100
set routing-instances VRF-a’ vrf-table-label
set routing-instances VRF-b’ instance-type vrf
set routing-instances VRF-b’ route-distinguisher 20:200
set routing-instances VRF-b’ vrf-target target:200:100
set routing-instances VRF-b’ vrf-table-label
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match

destination-address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a’
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy then permit
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b’
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS
CLI User Guide.

To configure a policy to permit traffic from the IP network to the MPLS network using the destination

1. Layer 3 VPNs require a VRF table for distributing routes within the networks. Create a VRF instance
and specify the value vrf.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a’ instance-type vrf
user@host# set VRF-b’ instance-type vrf

2. Assign a route distinguisher to the routing instance.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a’ route-distinguisher 10:200
user@host# set VRF-b’ route-distinguisher 20:200

3. Create a community policy to import or export all routes.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a’ vrf-target target:100:100
user@host# set VRF-b’ vrf-target target:200:100

4. Assign a single VPN label for all the routes in the VRF.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a’ vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b’ vrf-table-label

5. Create a security policy to permit VRF-a’ traffic from the IP network.

[edit security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy policy vrf-a_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a’
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy then permit

6. Create a security policy to permit VRF-b’ traffic from the IP network.

[edit security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b’
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
routing-instances commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone {
policy vrf-a_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group "VRF-a'";
then {
from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone {
policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group "VRF-b'";
then {

user@host# show routing-instances
VRF-a’ {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 10:200;
vrf-target target:100:100;

VRF-b’ {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 20:200;
vrf-target target:200:100;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 249

Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify that the security policy permits VRF-based traffic from the IP network to the MPLS network.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all the security
policies configured on the device.

user@host> show security policies

From zone: LAN-a_Zone, To zone: GRE_Zone
Policy: vrf-a_policy, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source vrf: any
destination vrf: VRF-a'
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit
From zone: LAN-b_Zone, To zone: GRE_Zone

Policy: vrf-b_policy, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1

Source vrf: any
destination vrf: VRF-b'
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit VRF-Based Traffic from

an MPLS Network to an MPLS Network over GRE without NAT


Requirements | 250

Overview | 250

Configuration | 251

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit traffic using the source VRF.

• Understand how to create a security zone. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Supported SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160 or later. This configuration
example is tested for Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160.

• Configure network interfaces on the device. See the Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

In Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through
the device and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through the device. In
Figure 12 on page 251, an SRX Series device is deployed in an SD-WAN architecture to control traffic
using the source VRF. You need to configure policies to control the traffic. You can permit traffic from an
MPLS network to another MPLS network by configuring policies.

We recommend that you configure both the source VRF and the destination VRF when the source and
destination are from the MPLS network.

Figure 12: Permitting VRF-Based Traffic from an MPLS Network to an MPLS Network over GRE
without NAT



Verification | 255


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set routing-instances VRF-a instance-type vrf

set routing-instances VRF-a route-distinguisher 10:200
set routing-instances VRF-a vrf-target target:100:100
set routing-instances VRF-a vrf-table-label
set routing-instances VRF-b instance-type vrf
set routing-instances VRF-b route-distinguisher 20:200
set routing-instances VRF-b vrf-target target:200:100
set routing-instances VRF-b vrf-table-label
set routing-instances VRF-a’ instance-type vrf
set routing-instances VRF-a’ route-distinguisher 30:200
set routing-instances VRF-a’ vrf-target target:300:100

set routing-instances VRF-a’ vrf-table-label

set routing-instances VRF-b’ instance-type vrf
set routing-instances VRF-b’ route-distinguisher 40:200
set routing-instances VRF-b’ vrf-target target:400:100
set routing-instances VRF-b’ vrf-table-label
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match source-
l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a’
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-a_policy then permit
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match source-
l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b’
set security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone policy vrf-b_policy then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS
CLI User Guide.

To configure a policy to permit traffic from an MPLS network to an MPLS network using source VRF:

1. Layer 3 VPNs require a VRF table for distributing routes within the networks. Create a VRF instance
and specify the value vrf.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a instance-type vrf
user@host# set VRF-b instance-type vrf

user@host# set VRF-a’ instance-type vrf

user@host# set VRF-b’ instance-type vrf

2. Assign a route distinguisher to the routing instance.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a route-distinguisher 10:200
user@host# set VRF-b route-distinguisher 20:200
user@host# set VRF-a’ route-distinguisher 30:200
user@host# set VRF-b’ route-distinguisher 40:200

3. Create a community policy to import or export all routes.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-target target:100:100
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-target target:200:100
user@host# set VRF-a’ vrf-target target:300:100
user@host# set VRF-b’ vrf-target target:400:100

4. Assign a single VPN label for all the routes in the VRF.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-a’ vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b’ vrf-table-label

5. Create a security policy to permit VRF-a traffic from the MPLS network.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a’
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy then permit

6. Create a security policy to permit VRF-b traffic from the MPLS network.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b’
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
routing-instances commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone GRE-1_Zone to-zone GRE-2_Zone {
policy vrf-a_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group "VRF-a'";
then {
policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
source-l3vpn-vrf-grou VRF-b;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group "VRF-b'";
then {


user@host# show routing-instances
VRF-a {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 10:200;
vrf-target target:100:100;
VRF-b {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 20:200;
vrf-target target:200:100;
VRF-a’ {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 30:200;
vrf-target target:300:100;
VRF-b’ {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 40:200;
vrf-target target:400:100;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 256


Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify that the security policy permits VRF based traffic from the IP network to the MPLS network.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all the security
policies configured on the device.

user@host> show security policies

From zone: GRE-1_Zone, To zone: GRE-2_Zone
Policy: vrf-a_policy, State: enabled, Index: 7, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source vrf: VRF-a
destination vrf: VRF-a'
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit
Policy: vrf-b_policy, State: enabled, Index: 8, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source vrf: VRF-b
destination vrf: VRF-b'
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit

Example: Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Routing Instances in an

MPLS Network


Requirements | 257

Overview | 257

MPLS Network to Private IP Network | 257


Global IP Network to an MPLS Network | 260

This example shows how to configure security policies using VRF routing instances.

• Supported SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160 or later. This configuration
example is tested for Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D160.

• Configure network interfaces on the device. See Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

• Understand how to create a security zone. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

In this example, you create security policies using virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances to
isolate traffic traversing in the following networks:

• An MPLS to a private IP network

• A Global IP to an MPLS network

MPLS Network to Private IP Network


Procedure | 258


Step-by-Step Procedure

1. Layer 3 VPNs require a VRF table for distributing routes within the networks. Create a VRF instance
and specify the value vrf.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host#set VRF-a instance-type vrf
user@host#set VRF-b instance-type vrf

2. Assign a route distinguisher to the routing instance.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a route-distinguisher 10:200
user@host# set VRF-b route-distinguisher 20:200

3. Create a community policy to import or export all routes.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-target target:100:100
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-target target:200:100

4. Assign a single VPN label for all the routes in the VRF.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-table-label

5. Create a security policy to permit traffic from VRF-a destined for LAN A.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone LAN-a_Zone]

set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
set policy vrf-a_policy match application any
set policy vrf-a_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a
set policy vrf-a_policy then permit

6. Create a security policy to permit traffic from VRF-b destined for LAN B.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone LAN-b_Zone]

set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
set policy vrf-b_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b
set policy vrf-b_policy then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
routing-instances commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show security policies

from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone LAN-a_Zone {
policy vrf-a_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
then {
from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone LAN-b_Zone {

policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;

source-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b;
then {


user@host# show routing-instances
VRF-a {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 10:200;
vrf-target target:100:100;
VRF-b {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 20:200;
vrf-target target:200:100;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.

Global IP Network to an MPLS Network


Verification | 265


Step-by-Step Procedure

1. Layer 3 VPNs require a VRF table for distributing routes within the networks. Create a VRF instance
and specify the value vrf.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a instance-type vrf
user@host# set VRF-b instance-type vrf

user@host# set VRF-a’ instance-type vrf

user@host# set VRF-b’ instance-type vrf

2. Assign a route distinguisher to the routing instance.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a route-distinguisher 10:200
user@host# set VRF-b route-distinguisher 20:200
user@host# set VRF-a’ route-distinguisher 30:200
user@host# set VRF-b’ route-distinguisher 40:200

3. Create a community policy to import or export all routes.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-target target:100:100
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-target target:200:100
user@host# set VRF-a’ vrf-target target:300:100
user@host# set VRF-b’ vrf-target target:400:100

4. Assign a single VPN label for all the routes in the VRF.

[edit routing-instances]
user@host# set VRF-a vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-a’ vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b vrf-table-label
user@host# set VRF-b’ vrf-table-label

5. Create the destination NAT pool.

[edit security nat destination]

user@host# set pool vrf-a_p routing-instance VRF-a
user@host# set pool vrf-a_p address
user@host# set pool vrf-b_p routing-instance VRF-b
user@host# set pool vrf-b_p address

6. Create a destination NAT rule set.

[edit security nat destination]

user@host# set rule-set rs from interface ge-0/0/0.0
user@host# set rule-set rs rule vrf-a_r match destination-address
user@host# set rule-set rs rule vrf-a_r then destination-nat pool vrf-a_p

7. Configure a rule that matches packets and translates the destination address to the address in the

[edit security nat destination]

user@host# set rule-set rs from interface ge-0/0/1.0
user@host# set rule-set rs rule vrf-b_r match destination-address
user@host# set rule-set rs rule vrf-b_r then destination-nat pool vrf-b_p

8. Configure a security policy that allows traffic from the untrust zone to the server in the trust zone.

[edit security policies from-zone internet to-zone trust]

user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a’
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy then permit
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b’
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies, show routing-
instances, and the show security nat commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration,
repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show security policies

from-zone internet to-zone trust {
policy vrf-a_policy {

match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-a;

then {

policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group VRF-b;
then {

user@host# show routing-instances
VRF-a {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 10:200;
vrf-target target:100:100;
VRF-b {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 20:200;
vrf-target target:200:100;
VRF-a’ {
instance-type vrf;

route-distinguisher 30:200;
vrf-target target:300:100;
VRF-b’ {
instance-type vrf;
route-distinguisher 40:200;
vrf-target target:400:100;

user@host# show security nat destination

pool vrf-a_p {
routing-instance {
pool vrf-b_p {
routing-instance {
rule-set rs {
from interface [ ge-0/0/0.0 ge-0/0/1.0 ];
rule vrf-a_r {
match {
then {
destination-nat {
pool {
rule vrf-b_r {
match {

then {
destination-nat {
pool {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying the Destination NAT Rule | 265

Verifying Flow Session | 266

Verifying the Destination NAT Rule


Display information about all the destination NAT rules.


From operational mode, enter the show security nat destination rule all command.

user@host> show security nat destination rule all

Total destination-nat rules: 1
Total referenced IPv4/IPv6 ip-prefixes: 6/0
Destination NAT rule: rule1 Rule-set: vrf-b_r
Rule-Id : 2
Rule position : 2
From routing instance : vrf-b_r
Destination addresses : -

Action : vrf-b_p
Translation hits : 0
Successful sessions : 0
Failed sessions : 0
Number of sessions : 0

[...Output truncated...]


The command displays the destination NAT rule. View the Translation hits field to check for traffic that
matches the destination rule.

Verifying Flow Session


Display information about all the currently active security sessions on the device.


From operational mode, enter the show security flow session command.

user@host>show security flow session

Flow Sessions on FPC0 PIC1:
Session ID: 10115977, Policy name: SG/4, State: Active, Timeout: 62, Valid
In:;udp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: reth1.1, VRF: VRF-a, Pkts: 1,
Bytes: 86, CP Session ID: 10320276
Out:;udp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: reth0.0, VRF: VRF-b, Pkts: 0,
Bytes: 0, CP Session ID: 10320276


The command displays details about all the active sessions. View the VRF field to check the VRF routing
instance details in the flow.


Flow Management in SRX Series Devices Using VRF Routing Instance

Understanding ALG Support for VRF Routing Instance
NAT for VRF Routing Instance

Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Group


Overview | 267

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based Traffic from MPLS Network to an IP
Network using Source VRF Group | 269

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based Traffic from an IP Network to MPLS
Network using Destination VRF Group | 274

Managing Overlapping VPN using VRF group | 280


In SD-WAN network, when different VRF based traffic enter the device from same tunnel such as GRE
or GE, the device applies policy based on the given VRF instance. The device either permit or deny
traffic destined to a particular VRF instance to control the VRF based traffic.

Currently, there are 5 matching conditions for each policy:

• From zone

• To zone

• Source address

• Destination address

• Applications

Figure 13 on page 268 shows the match conditions in a policy.

Figure 13: Match Conditions

With the current policy matching conditions, you cannot permit VRF-B1 or VRF-B2 and deny VRF-A1 or
VRF-A2. To support this, additional matching conditions are added to the policy in the SD-WAN
network using VRF group.

When the flow receives the information of source and destination VRF groups, it forwards the
information to policy search API along with the policy key tuple information to meet the match

Figure 14 on page 268 shows the VRF groups added as match condition in a policy.

Figure 14: Match Conditions with VRF group

NOTE: If the source and destination VRF group information is not specified in a policy, then
these groups matches any VRF group.

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based

Traffic from MPLS Network to an IP Network using Source VRF Group


Requirements | 269

Overview | 269

Configuration | 270

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit traffic and deny traffic using the source
VRF group.

• Understand how to create a security zone. See"Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9 .

• Supported SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D170 or later. This configuration
example is tested for Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D170.

• Configure network interfaces on the device. See Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

In Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through
the device and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through the device. In
Figure 15 on page 270, an SRX Series device is deployed in an SD-WAN to control traffic using the

source VRF group. Traffic from the GRE MPLS network is sent to site A and site B of the IP network. As
per the network requirement, site A traffic should be denied, and only site B traffic should be permitted.

Figure 15: Policy Control from MPLS network

This configuration example shows how to:

• Deny traffic from vpn-A (from GRE MPLS)

• Permit traffic from vpn-B (from GRE MPLS)



Verification | 273


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A1

set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A2
set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B1
set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B2
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match destination-
address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match application
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match source-l3vpn-
vrf-group vpn-A
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy then deny
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match destination-
address any
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match application
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match source-l3vpn-
vrf-group vpn-B
set security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS
CLI User Guide.

1. Create VRF group vpn-A with VRF instances A1 and A2

[edit security]
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A1
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A2

2. Create VRF group vpn-B with VRF instances B1 and B2

[edit security]
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B1
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B2

3. Create a security policy to deny vpn-A traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-A
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy then deny

4. Create a security policy to permit vpn-B traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-B
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
routing-instances commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone GRE_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone {
policy vrf-a_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
source-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-A;
then {
policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
source-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-B;
then {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 274


Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all the security
policies configured on the device.

user@root> show security policies

Default policy: permit-all
From zone: GRE_Zone-GE_Zone, To zone: GRE_Zone
Policy: vrf-a_policy, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source L3VPN VRF Group: vpn-A
destination L3VPN vrf-group: any
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: deny
Policy: vrf-b_policy, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source L3VPN VRF Group: vpn-B
destination L3VPN vrf-group: any
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit

Example: Configuring a Security Policy to Permit or Deny VRF-Based

Traffic from an IP Network to MPLS Network using Destination VRF


Requirements | 275

Overview | 275

Configuration | 276

This example shows how to configure a security policy to permit traffic and deny traffic using the source
VRF group.

• Understand how to create a security zone. See "Example: Creating Security Zones" on page 9.

• Supported SRX Series device with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D170 or later. This configuration
example is tested for Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D170.

• Configure network interfaces on the device. See Interfaces User Guide for Security Devices.

In Junos OS, security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through
the device and the actions that need to take place on the traffic as it passes through the device. In
Figure 16 on page 275, an SRX Series device is deployed in an SD-WAN to control traffic using the
destination VRF group. Traffic from IP network is sent to site A and site B of the GRE MPLS network. As
per the network requirement, site A traffic should be denied, and only site B traffic should be permitted.

This configuration example shows how to:

Figure 16: Policy control to MPLS network


• Deny traffic to vpn-A (to GRE MPLS)

• Permit traffic to vpn-B (to GRE MPLS)



Verification | 279


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A1

set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A2
set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B1
set security l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B2
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy match
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-A
set security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-a_policy then deny
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match source-
address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
destination-address any
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match
application any
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy match

destination-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-B
set security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone policy vrf-b_policy then permit

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS
CLI User Guide.

1. Create VRF group vpn-A with VRF instances A1 and A2

[edit security]
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A1
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-A vrf VRF-A2

2. Create VRF group vpn-B with VRF instances B1 and B2

[edit security]
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B1
user@host# set l3vpn vrf-group vpn-B vrf VRF-B2

3. Create a security policy to deny vpn-A traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-A
user@host# set policy vrf-a_policy then deny

4. Create a security policy to permit vpn-B traffic.

[edit security policies from-zone LAN-b_Zone e to-zone GRE_Zone]

user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match source-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-address any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match application any
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy match destination-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-B
user@host# set policy vrf-b_policy then permit


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security policies and show
routing-instances commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the
configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

user@host# show security policies
from-zone LAN-a_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone {
policy vrf-a_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-A;
then {
from-zone LAN-b_Zone to-zone GRE_Zone {
policy vrf-b_policy {
match {
source-address any;
destination-address any;
application any;
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group vpn-B;
then {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.



Verifying Policy Configuration | 279

Verifying Policy Configuration


Verify information about security policies.


From operational mode, enter the show security policies command to display a summary of all the security
policies configured on the device.

user@root> show security policies

Default policy: permit-all
From zone: LAN-a_Zone, To zone: GRE_Zone
Policy: vrf-a_policy, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source L3VPN VRF Group: any
destination L3VPN vrf-group: vpn-A
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: deny
From zone: LAN-b_Zone, To zone: GRE_Zone
Policy: vrf-b_policy, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source L3VPN VRF Group: any
destination L3VPN vrf-group: vpn-B
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Action: permit

Managing Overlapping VPN using VRF group

When there are two sessions in a L3VPN network, to avoid any conflicts between the two sessions VRF
group-ID is added to session key as an additional key to differentiate the sessions.

In Figure 17 on page 280 network1 and network3 are grouped together to VRF group-A in L3VPN
network, and network2 and network4 are grouped together to VRF group-B. The sessions use VRF
group-A and VRF group-B as differentiators.

Figure 17: Overlapping VPN using VRF groups

Table 30 on page 280

Table 30: L3VPN Session Information

L3VPN Network 1 and 3 session L3VPN Network 2 and 4 session

(Forward) (Reverse) (Forward) (Reverse)

5-tuple: x/y/sp/dp/p 5-tuple: y/x/dp/sp/p 5-tuple: x/y/sp/dp/p 5-tuple: y/x/dp/sp/p

Token: GRE1(zone_id Token: GRE1(zone_id Token: GRE1(zone_id Token: GRE1(zone_id

+VR_id) + VRF group-ID +VR_id) + VRF group-ID +VR_id) + VRF group-ID +VR_id) + VRF group-ID
(A) (B) (A’) (B’)


Flow Processing using Virtual Routing and Forwarding Group

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Security Policies


Understanding Security Alarms | 281

Example: Generating a Security Alarm in Response to Policy Violations | 282

Matching Security Policies | 285

Tracking Policy Hit Counts | 287

Checking Memory Usage on SRX Series Devices | 287

Monitoring Security Policy Statistics | 289

Verifying Shadow Policies | 290

Troubleshooting Security Policies | 293

High Availability (HA) Synchronization of Address Name Resolving Cache | 297

Monitoring provides a real-time presentation of meaningful data representing the state of access
activities on a network. This insight allows you to easily interpret and effect operational conditions.
Troubleshooting provides contextual guidance for resolving the access issues on networks. You can then
address user concerns and provide resolution in a timely manner.

Understanding Security Alarms

Alarms are triggered when packets are dropped because of a policy violation. A policy violation occurs
when a packet matches a reject or deny policy. A policy violation alarm is generated when the system
monitors any of the following audited events:

• Number of policy violations by a source network identifier within a specified period

• Number of policy violations to a destination network identifier within a specified period

• Number of policy violations to an application within a specified period


• Policy rule or group of rule violations within a specified period

There are four types of alarms corresponding to these four events. The alarms are based on source IP,
destination IP, application, and policy.

When a packet encounters a reject or deny policy, the policy violation counters for all enabled types of
alarm are increased. When any counter reaches the specified threshold within a specified period, an
alarm is generated. After a specified period, the policy violation counter is reset and reused to start
another counting cycle.

To view the alarm information, run the show security alarms command. The violation count and the alarm
do not persist across system reboots. After a reboot, the violation count resets to zero and the alarm is
cleared from the alarm queue.

After taking appropriate actions, you can clear the alarm. The alarm remains in the queue until you clear
it (or until you reboot the device). To clear the alarm, run the clear security alarms command. After you
clear the alarm, a subsequent series of flow policy violations can cause a new alarm to be raised.


Example: Setting an Audible Alert as Notification of a Security Alarm

Example: Generating a Security Alarm in Response to Policy Violations


Requirements | 282

Overview | 283

Configuration | 283

Verification | 285

This example shows how to configure the device to generate a system alarm when a policy violation
occurs. By default, no alarm is raised when a policy violation occurs.

No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.

In this example, you configure an alarm to be raised when:

• The application size is 10240 units.

• The source IP violation exceeds 1000 within 20 seconds.

• The destination IP violations exceeds 1000 within 10 seconds.

• The policy match violation exceeds 100, with a size of 100 units.



Procedure | 283


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any
line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the
commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level , and then enter commit from configuration mode.

set security alarms potential-violation policy application size 10240

set security alarms potential-violation policy source-ip threshold 1000 duration 20
set security alarms potential-violation policy destination-ip threshold 1000 duration 10
set security alarms potential-violation policy policy-match threshold 100 size 100

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For
instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

To configure policy violation alarms:


1. Enable security alarms.

user@host# edit security alarms

2. Specify that an alarm should be raised when an application violation occurs.

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]

user@host# set application size 10240

3. Specify that an alarm should be raised when a source IP violation occurs.

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]

user@host# set source-ip threshold 1000 duration 20

4. Specify that an alarm should be raised when a destination IP violation occurs.

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]

user@host# set destination-ip threshold 1000 duration 10

5. Specify that an alarm should be raised when a policy match violation occurs.

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]

user@host# set policy-match threshold 100 size 100


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security alarms command. If
the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this
example to correct it.

policy {
source-ip {
threshold 1000;
duration 20;
destination-ip {

threshold 1000;
duration 10;
application {
size 10240;
policy-match {
threshold 100;
size 100;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


To confirm that the configuration is working properly, from operational mode, enter the show security
alarms command.

Matching Security Policies

The show security match-policies command allows you to troubleshoot traffic problems using the match
criteria: source port, destination port, source IP address, destination IP address, and protocol. For
example, if your traffic is not passing because either an appropriate policy is not configured or the match
criteria is incorrect, the show security match-policies command allows you to work offline and identify
where the problem actually exists. It uses the search engine to identify the problem and thus enables
you to use the appropriate match policy for the traffic.

The result-count option specifies how many policies to display. The first enabled policy in the list is the
policy that is applied to all matching traffic. Other policies below it are “shadowed” by the first and are
never encountered by matching traffic.

NOTE: The show security match-policies command is applicable only to security policies; IDP
policies are not supported.

Example 1: show security match-policies

user@host> show security match-policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2 source-ip

destination-ip source-port 1 destination-port 21 protocol tcp

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4

Sequence number: 1
From zone: z1, To zone: z2
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: junos-ftp
IP protocol: tcp, ALG: ftp, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [21-21]

Example 2: Using the result-count Option

By default, the output list contains the policy that will be applied to traffic with the specified
characteristics. To list more than one policy that match the criteria, use the result-count option. The first
policy listed is always the policy that will be applied to matching traffic. If the result-count value is from 2
to 16, the output includes all policies that match the criteria up to the specified result-count. All policies
listed after the first are “shadowed” by the first policy and are never applied to matching traffic.

Use this option to test the positioning of a new policy or to troubleshoot a policy that is not applied as
expected for particular traffic.

In the following example, the traffic criteria matches two policies. The first policy listed, p1, contains the
action applied to the traffic. Policy p15 is shadowed by the first policy, and its action, therefore, will not
be applied to matching traffic.

user@host> show security match-policies from-zone zone-A to-zone zone-B source-ip
destination-ip source-port 1004 destination-port 80 protocol tcp result-count 5
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4
Sequence number: 1
From zone: zone-A, To zone: zone-B
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: any
IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [1000-1030]
Destination port range: [80-80]

Policy: p15, action-type: deny, State: enabled, Index: 18

Sequence number: 15
From zone: zone-A, To zone: zone-B
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: any
IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [1000-1030]
Destination port range: [80-80]


Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97

Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

Tracking Policy Hit Counts

Use the show security policies hit-count command to display the utility rate of security policies according
to the number of hits they receive. You can use this feature to determine which policies are being used
on the device, and how frequently they are used. Depending on the command options that you choose,
the number of hits can be listed without an order or sorted in either ascending or descending order, and
they can be restricted to the number of hits that fall above or below a specific count or within a range.
Data is shown for all zones associated with the policies or named zones.

Checking Memory Usage on SRX Series Devices

You can isolate memory issues by comparing memory values before and after policy configurations.

Memory for flow entities such as policies, zones, or addresses on SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400,
SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices (depending on the
Junos OS release in your installation) is dynamically allocated. However, certain practices can help
monitor the current memory usage on the device and optimize parameters to better size system
configuration, especially during policy implementation.

To check memory usage:


• Use the show chassis routing-engine command to check overall Routing Engine (RE) memory usage. The
following output from this command shows memory utilization at 39 percent:

user@host# show chassis routing-engine

Routing Engine status:
Slot 0:
Current state Master
Election priority Master (default)
DRAM 1024 MB
Memory utilization 39 percent
CPU utilization:
User 0 percent
Background 0 percent
Kernel 2 percent
Interrupt 0 percent
Idle 97 percent
Model RE-PPC-1200-A
Start time 2011-07-09 19:19:49 PDT
Uptime 37 days, 15 hours, 44 minutes, 13 seconds
Last reboot reason 0x3:power cycle/failure watchdog
Load averages: 1 minute 5 minute 15 minute
0.22 0.16 0.07

• Use the show system processes extensive command to acquire information on the processes running on
the Routing Engine.

Use the find nsd option in the show system processes extensive command to see direct usage on the
Network Security Daemon (NSD) with its total memory in use as 10 megabytes and CPU utilization
of 0 percent.

user@host# show system processes extensive | find nsd

1182 root 1 96 0 10976K 5676K select 2:08 0.00% nsd
1191 root 4 4 0 8724K 3764K select 1:57 0.00% slbd
1169 root 1 96 0 8096K 3520K select 1:51 0.00% jsrpd
1200 root 1 4 0 0K 16K peer_s 1:10 0.00% peer proxy
1144 root 1 96 0 9616K 3528K select 1:08 0.00% lacpd
1138 root 1 96 0 6488K 2932K select 1:02 0.00% ppmd
1130 root 1 96 0 7204K 2208K select 1:02 0.00% craftd
1163 root 1 96 0 16928K 5188K select 0:58 0.00% cosd
1196 root 1 4 0 0K 16K peer_s 0:54 0.00% peer proxy

47 root 1 -16 0 0K 16K sdflus 0:54 0.00% softdepflush

1151 root 1 96 0 15516K 9580K select 0:53 0.00% appidd
900 root 1 96 0 5984K 2876K select 0:41 0.00% eventd

• Check the configuration file size. Save your configuration file with a unique name before exiting the
CLI. Then, enter the ls -1 filename command from the shell prompt in the UNIX-level shell to check
the file size as shown in the following sample output:

user@host> start shell

% ls -l config
-rw-r--r-- 1 remote staff 12681 Feb 15 00:43 config


Best Practices for Defining Policies on SRX Series Devices | 103

Security Policies Overview | 2

Monitoring Security Policy Statistics


Purpose | 289

Action | 289


Monitor and record traffic that Junos OS permits or denies based on previously configured policies.


To monitor traffic, enable the count and log options.

Count—Configurable in an individual policy. If count is enabled, statistics are collected for sessions that
enter the device for a given policy, and for the number of packets and bytes that pass through the

device in both directions for a given policy. For counts (only for packets and bytes), you can specify that
alarms be generated whenever the traffic exceeds specified thresholds. See count (Security Policies).

Log—Logging capability can be enabled with security policies during session initialization (session-init) or
session close (session-close) stage. See log (Security Policies).

• To view logs from denied connections, enable log on session-init.

• To log sessions after their conclusion/tear-down, enable log on session-close.

NOTE: Session log is enabled at real time in the flow code which impacts the user performance.
If both session-close and session-init are enabled, performance is further degraded as compared
to enabling session-init only.

For details about information collected for session logs, see Information Provided in Session Log Entries
for SRX Series Services Gateways.

Verifying Shadow Policies


Verifying All Shadow Policies | 290

Verifying a Policy Shadows One or More Policies | 291

Verifying a Policy Is Shadowed by One or More Policies | 292

Verifying All Shadow Policies


Purpose | 291

Action | 291

Meaning | 291


Verify all the policies that shadows one or more policies.


From the operational mode, enter the following commands:

• For logical systems, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-
name to-zone to-zone-name command.

• For global policies, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global command.

root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b

Policies Shadowed policies
P1 P3
P1 P4
P2 P5


The output displays the list of all policies that shadows other policies. In this example, P1 policy
shadows P3 and P4 policies and P2 policy shadows P5 policy.

Verifying a Policy Shadows One or More Policies


Purpose | 291

Action | 292

Meaning | 292


Verify if a given policy shadows one or more policies positioned after it.


From the operational mode, enter the following commands:

• For logical systems, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-
name to-zone to-zone-name policy policy-name command.

• For global policies, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global policy policy-
name command.

root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P1

Policies Shadowed policies
P1 P3
P1 P4


The output displays all the policies that are shadowed by the given policy. In this example, P1 policy
shadows P3 and P4 policies.

Verifying a Policy Is Shadowed by One or More Policies


Purpose | 292

Action | 292

Meaning | 293


Verify if a given policy is shadowed by one or more positioned before it.


From the operational mode, enter the following commands:

• For logical systems, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-
name to-zone to-zone-name policy policy-name reverse command.

• For global policies, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global policy policy-
name reverse command.

root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P4 reverse
Policies Shadowed policies
P1 P4


The output displays the given policy shadowed by one or more policies. In this example, P4 policy is
shadowed by P1 policy.


Understanding Security Policy Ordering | 222

Example: Reordering Security Policies | 224

Troubleshooting Security Policies


Synchronizing Policies Between Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine | 293

Checking a Security Policy Commit Failure | 295

Verifying a Security Policy Commit | 295

Debugging Policy Lookup | 296

Synchronizing Policies Between Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine


Problem | 294

Solution | 294



Security policies are stored in the routing engine and the packet forwarding engine. Security policies are
pushed from the Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine when you commit configurations. If
the security policies on the Routing Engine are out of sync with the Packet Forwarding Engine, the
commit of a configuration fails. Core dump files may be generated if the commit is tried repeatedly. The
out of sync can be due to:

• A policy message from Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine is lost in transit.

• An error with the routing engine, such as a reused policy UID.


The policies in the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine must be in sync for the configuration
to be committed. However, under certain circumstances, policies in the Routing Engine and the Packet
Forwarding Engine might be out of sync, which causes the commit to fail.


When the policy configurations are modified and the policies are out of sync, the following error
message displays - error: Warning: policy might be out of sync between RE and PFE <SPU-name(s)> Please request
security policies check/resync.


Use the show security policies checksum command to display the security policy checksum value and use
the request security policies resync command to synchronize the configuration of security policies in the
Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine, if the security policies are out of sync.


show security policies checksum | 655

request security policies check | 592

request security policies resync | 595

Checking a Security Policy Commit Failure


Problem | 295

Solution | 295



Most policy configuration failures occur during a commit or runtime.

Commit failures are reported directly on the CLI when you execute the CLI command commit-check in
configuration mode. These errors are configuration errors, and you cannot commit the configuration
without fixing these errors.


To fix these errors, do the following:

1. Review your configuration data.

2. Open the file /var/log/nsd_chk_only. This file is overwritten each time you perform a commit check
and contains detailed failure information.

Verifying a Security Policy Commit


Problem | 296

Solution | 296



Upon performing a policy configuration commit, if you notice that the system behavior is incorrect, use
the following steps to troubleshoot this problem:


1. Operational show Commands—Execute the operational commands for security policies and verify
that the information shown in the output is consistent with what you expected. If not, the
configuration needs to be changed appropriately.

2. Traceoptions—Set the traceoptions command in your policy configuration. The flags under this
hierarchy can be selected as per user analysis of the show command output. If you cannot determine
what flag to use, the flag option all can be used to capture all trace logs.

user@host# set security policies traceoptions <flag all>

You can also configure an optional filename to capture the logs.

user@host# set security policies traceoptions <filename>

If you specified a filename in the trace options, you can look in the /var/log/<filename> for the log file to
ascertain if any errors were reported in the file. (If you did not specify a filename, the default filename is
eventd.) The error messages indicate the place of failure and the appropriate reason.

After configuring the trace options, you must recommit the configuration change that caused the
incorrect system behavior.

Debugging Policy Lookup


Problem | 297

Solution | 297



When you have the correct configuration, but some traffic was incorrectly dropped or permitted, you
can enable the lookup flag in the security policies traceoptions. The lookup flag logs the lookup related
traces in the trace file.


user@host# set security policies traceoptions <flag lookup>

High Availability (HA) Synchronization of Address Name Resolving Cache

The Network security process (NSD) restarts when system reboots, HA failover happens, or if the
process crashes. During this time, if there are large number of domain name addresses configured in the
security polices, SRX Series devices attempt to send requests to DNS server to get all resolved IP
addresses. A high amount of system resources are consumed when a large number of DNS queries and
responses are exchanged. So, SRX Series devices are unable to obtain a response from the DNS server
and the address of a hostname in an address book entry might fail to resolve correctly. This can cause
traffic to drop as no security policy or session match is found. The new enhancement on SRX Series
devices addresses this problem by caching the DNS query results into a local DNS cache file and
periodically synchronizing the DNS cache file from HA primary node to HA backup node. The DNS
cache files stores IP addresses, domain name, and TTL values. After the HA failover, the previous backup
node becomes primary node. Since all DNS cache results are available on new primary node, security
policy processing continues and pass-through traffic is allowed as per the policy rules.

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, the policy DNS cache memory is synchronized into one local DNS
cache file on the HA active node and is copied to the HA backup node to suppress DNS queries or
responses during NSD restart.

The following steps are performed for the synchronization to take place:

1. The policy DNS cache memory is synchronized into one local policy DNS cache file located at
the /var/db/policy_dns_cache path every 30 seconds if the policy DNS cache memory content has
changed during this period.

2. The local DNS cache file is synchronized from the HA primary node to HA backup node immediately
after the local DNS cache file has been updated in Step 1.

The synchronization includes the following content:


• Domain name

• IPv4 address list and its TTL (time to live)

• IPv6 address list and its TTL

When NSD restarts, it reads and parses the local DNS cache file and imports all cache entries into
memory. The synchronization ensures that DNS queries are suppressed during an NSD restart. NSD
restarts on new primary node during HA failover as the resolved IP addresses for domain names already
exist in DNS cache memory when reading policies configurations. Therefore, new pass-through traffic is
allowed as per the security policy after HA failover because all resolved IP addresses for domain names
exist inside policies on new primary node’s Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine.


Security Policies Overview | 2


Configuration Statements

address (Security Address Book) | 304

address-book | 306

address-set | 308

alarms (Security) | 310

alarm-threshold | 312

alarm-without-drop | 314

application (Applications) | 315

application (Security Alarms) | 319

application (Security Policies) | 321

application-protocol (Applications) | 323

application-services (Security Policies) | 326

application-tracking (Security Zones) | 330

application-traffic-control (Application Services) | 331

attach | 333

audible (Security Alarms) | 335

authentication (Security Alarms) | 336

captive-portal (Services UAC Policy) | 338

count (Security Policies) | 340

default-policy | 341

deny (Security Policies) | 343

description (Applications) | 344

description (Security Address Book) | 346

description (Security Zone) | 347

destination-address (Security Policies) | 349

destination-address (Security Policies Flag) | 351

destination-address-excluded | 353

destination-ip (Security Alarms) | 354

destination-port (Applications) | 356

dns-cache | 362

dns-proxy | 364

dynamic-address | 366

dynamic-application (Security) | 368

dynamic-application (Security Policies) | 370

dynamic-dns | 372

exclude (Schedulers) | 374

feed-server | 376

firewall-authentication (Security Policies) | 379

forward-only (DNS) | 381

from-zone (Security Policies) | 383

from-zone (Security Policies Global) | 387

functional-zone | 389

global (Security Policies) | 391

host-inbound-traffic | 394

icmp-code (Applications) | 396

icmp-type (Applications) | 398

inactivity-timeout (Applications) | 399

interfaces (Security Zones) | 401

initial-tcp-mss | 403

ipsec-group-vpn (Security Policies) | 404

ipsec-vpn (Security Policies) | 406

log (Security Policies) | 408

management (Security Zones) | 410

match (Security Policies) | 412

match (Security Policies Global) | 414

unified-policy max-lookups | 417

no-policy-cold-synchronization | 418

pair-policy | 420

pass-through | 421

permit (Security Policies) | 424

policies | 427

policy (Security Alarms) | 437

policy (Security Policies) | 439

policy-match | 443

policy-rematch | 445

policy-stats | 447

potential-violation | 448

pre-id-default-policy | 452

profile(dynamic-application) | 455

protocol (Applications) | 458

protocols (Security Zones Host Inbound Traffic) | 460

protocols (Security Zones Interfaces) | 463

range-address | 465

redirect-wx (Application Services) | 467

reject (Security) | 468

report-skip | 470

reverse-tcp-mss | 472

rpc-program-number (Applications) | 474

scheduler (Security Policies) | 475

scheduler-name | 478

schedulers (Security Policies) | 479

screen (Security Zones) | 481

secure-neighbor-discovery | 482

security-intelligence (security policies) | 484

security-zone | 486

sequence-check-required | 489

services-offload (Security) | 490

session-close | 492

session-init | 493
session-scan | 495

simple-mail-client-service | 496

source-address (Security Policies) | 498

source-address-excluded | 500

source-identity | 501

source-ip (Security Alarms) | 504

source-port (Applications) | 506

ssl-proxy (Application Services) | 507

ssl-termination-profile | 509

start-date | 510

start-time (Schedulers) | 512

stop-date | 514

stop-time | 515

syn-check-required | 517

system-services (Security Zones Host Inbound Traffic) | 519

system-services (Security Zones Interfaces) | 522

tcp-options (Security Policies) | 525

tcp-rst | 528

term (Applications) | 529

then (Security Policies) | 531

to-zone (Security Policies) | 536

to-zone (Security Policies Global) | 539

traceoptions (dynamic-address) | 541

traceoptions (dynamic-application) | 543

traceoptions (Security Policies) | 546

traceoptions (Security User Identification) | 549

traceoptions (System Services DNS) | 551

tunnel (Security Policies) | 555

tunnel-inspection | 556

uac-policy (Application Services) | 558

unidirectional-session-refreshing | 560

unified-policy-explicit-match | 561

user-firewall | 563

user-identification | 565
utm-policy | 567

uuid (Applications) | 570

vrrp | 571

web-authentication | 573

web-redirect | 575

zones | 577

address (Security Address Book)


Syntax | 304

Hierarchy Level | 304

Description | 305

Options | 305

Required Privilege Level | 305

Release Information | 305


address address-name {
ip-prefix {
description text;
description text;
dns-name domain-name {
range-address lower-limit to upper-limit;
wildcard-address ipv4-address/wildcard-mask;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security address-book book-name]



Add an entry containing an IP address or DNS hostname, or wildcard address to the address book. An
address book contains entries for addressable entities in security zones, policies, and NAT rules. Address
book entries can include any combination of IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, and DNS names.


• address address-name—Name of an address entry.

• description text—Descriptive text about an address entry.

• dns-address domain-name—DNS address name.

• ip-prefix—IP address with prefix.

• range-address lower-limit to upper-limit—Address range for an address book.

• wildcard-address ipv4-address/wildcard-mask—IPv4 wildcard address in the form of A.B.C.D/wildcard-mask.

NOTE: IPv6 wildcard address configuration is not supported in this release.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for IPv6 addresses added in Junos OS Release
10.2. Support for IPv6 addresses in active/active chassis cluster configurations (in addition to the
existing support of active/passive chassis cluster configurations) added in Junos OS Release 10.4.
Support for wildcard addresses added in Junos OS Release 11.1. Support for address range added in
Junos OS Release 12.1. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.



Syntax | 306

Hierarchy Level | 307

Description | 307

Options | 307

Required Privilege Level | 307

Release Information | 308


address-book (book-name | global) {

address (Security Address Book) address-name {
ip-prefix {
description text;
description text;
dns-name domain-name {
range-address lower-limit to upper-limit;
wildcard-address ipv4-address/wildcard-mask;
address-set address-set-name {
address address-name;
address-set address-set-name;
description text;
attach {
zone zone-name;

description (Security Address Book) text;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security]
[edit tenants tenant-name security]


Define entries in the address book. Address book entries can include any combination of IPv4 addresses,
IPv6 addresses, DNS names, wildcard addresses, and address range. You define addresses and address
sets in an address book and then use them when configuring different features, such as security policies
and NAT.

NOTE: IPv6 wildcard address configuration is not supported in this release.


• address-book book-name—Name of the address book.

• global—An address book that is available by default. You can add any combination of IPv4 addresses,
IPv6 addresses, wildcard addresses, DNS names, or address range to the global address book. You do
not need to attach the global address book to a security zone; entries in the global address book are
available to all security zones that are not attached to address books.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


tenants—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1 for
tenant systems. Support for wildcard addresses added in Junos OS Release 11.1. Statement moved
under the security hierarchy in Junos OS Release 11.2. Support for address range added in Junos OS
Release 12.1. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Understanding Address Books | 26

Understanding Address Sets | 29



Syntax | 309

Hierarchy Level | 309

Description | 309

Options | 309

Required Privilege Level | 309

Release Information | 310



address-set address-set-name {
address address-name;
address-set address-set-name;
description text;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security address-book book-name]


Specify a collection of addresses, as defined in the address (Address Book) statement. Using address sets,
you can organize addresses in logical groups and use them to easily configure other features, such as
policies and NAT rules. Using this statement, you can also include a description for an address set.

You can also define address sets within address sets.


address-set-name—Name of the address set.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for nested address sets introduced in Junos OS
Release 11.2. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.

alarms (Security)


Syntax | 310

Hierarchy Level | 311

Description | 312

Options | 312

Required Privilege Level | 312

Release Information | 312


alarms {
audible {
potential-violation {
authentication failures;
decryption-failures {
threshold value;
encryption-failures {
threshold value;
ike-phase1-failures {

threshold value;
ike-phase2-failures {
threshold value;
policy {
application {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
destination-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
policy match {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
source-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
replay-attacks {
threshold value;
security-log-percent-full percentage;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


Configures security alarms.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 313

Hierarchy Level | 313

Description | 313

Options | 313

Required Privilege Level | 314

Release Information | 314


alarm-threshold number;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security screen ids-option screen-name tcp syn-flood]


Define the number of half-complete proxy connections per second at which theSRX300, SRX320,
SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, or SRX550M device makes entries in the event alarm log.


number —Threshold value.

• Range: 1 through 500,000 per second

• Default: 1024 per second

NOTE: For SRX Series devices the applicable range is 1 through 1,000,000 per second.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 9.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 314

Hierarchy Level | 315

Description | 315

Required Privilege Level | 315

Release Information | 315



Hierarchy Level

[edit security screen ids-option screen-name]


Direct the SRX device to generate an alarm when detecting an attack but not block the attack. Use this
statement to allow an attack to enter a segment of your network that you have previously prepared to
receive it (for example, a honeynet, which is a decoy network with extensive monitoring capabilities).

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

application (Applications)


Syntax | 316

Hierarchy Level | 317

Description | 317

Options | 317

Required Privilege Level | 319

Release Information | 319


application application-name {
application-protocol (dns | ftp |gprs-gtp-c| gprs-gtp-u | gprs-gtp-v0 |gprs-sctp | http |
ignore | ike-esp-nat | mgcp-ca | mgcp-ua | ms-rpc | q931 | ras | realaudio | rsh | rtsp
| sccp | sip | sqlnet-v2 | sun-rpc | talk | tftp);
description text;
destination-port port-identifier;
ether-type hex-value;
icmp-code value;
icmp-type value;
icmp6-code value;
icmp6-type value;
inactivity-timeout (seconds | never);
protocol number;
rpc-program-number number;
source-port port-number;
term term-name {
alg application;
destination-port port-identifier;
icmp-code value;
icmp-type value;
icmp6-code value;
icmp6-type value;
inactivity-timeout (seconds | never);
protocol number;
rpc-program-number number;
source-port port-number;
uuid hex-value;

uuid hex-value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications]


Configure application properties at the [applications] hierarchy level.


• application-protocol protocol-name—Specify the name of the application protocol.

• description text—Describe the application.

• destination-port port-identifier—Specify a TCP or UDP destination port number.

• do-not-translate-A-query-to-AAAA-query—Set the statement to control the translation of A query to AAAA


• do-not-translate-AAAA-query-to-A-query—Set the statement to control the translation of AAAA query to A


• ether-type value—Specify the Ethernet packet type value.

• icmp-code value—Specify the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• icmp-type value—Specify the ICMP packet type value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• icmp6-code value—Specify the ICMP6 code value.


Range: 0 through 255.

• icmp6-type value—Specify the ICMP6 packet type value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• inactivity-timeout (seconds | never)—Specify the amount of time the application is inactive before it
times out in seconds.

Range: 4 through 129,600 seconds.

Default: For TCP, 1800 seconds; for UDP, 60 seconds.

• protocol value—Specify the networking protocol name or number.

• rpc-program-number value—Specify the remote procedure call (RPC) or Distributed Computing

Equipment (DCE) value.

• source-port port-number—Specify a TCP or UDP source port number.

• term term-name—Specify the individual application protocol.

• alg application—Specify the name of the application protocol.

• destination-port port-identifier—Specify a TCP or UDP destination port number.

• icmp-code value—Specify the ICMP code value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• icmp-type value—Specify the ICMP packet type value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• icmp6-code value—Specify the ICMP6 code value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• icmp6-type value—Specify the ICMP6 packet type value.

Range: 0 through 255.

• inactivity-timeout (seconds | never)—Specify the amount of time the application is inactive before it
times out in seconds.

Range: 4 through 129,600 seconds.

Default: For TCP, 1800 seconds; for UDP, 60 seconds.

• protocol number—Specify the networking protocol name or number.


• rpc-program-number number—Specify the RPC or DCE value.

• source-port port-number—Specify a TCP or UDP source port number.

• uuid hex-vale—Specify the universal unique identifier (UUID) for objects.

• uuid hex-value—Specify the UUID for objects.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


alg (Applications)
application-protocol (Applications) | 323
destination-port (Applications) | 356

application (Security Alarms)


Syntax | 320

Hierarchy Level | 320

Description | 320

Options | 320

Required Privilege Level | 321

Release Information | 321


application {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]


Configure alarms for a number of policy violations to an application within a specified time period.


• duration interval—Indicate the duration of counters.

• Range: 1 through 3600 seconds.

• Default: 1 second.

• size count—Indicate the number of applications for which policy violation checks can be done

• Range: 1 through 10240.

• Default: 1024.

• threshold value—Indicate the maximum number of application matches required to raise an alarm.

• Range: 1 through 4294967295.

• Default: 1000.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2

application (Security Policies)


Syntax | 322

Hierarchy Level | 322

Description | 322

Options | 322

Required Privilege Level | 323


Release Information | 323


application {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]


Specify the IP or remote procedure call (RPC) application or set of applications to be used as match

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.1R1, configuring the application statement at the [edit security policies
from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match] hierarchy level is optional if the dynamic-
application statement is configured at the same hierarchy level.


application- Name of the predefined or custom application or application set used as match
name-or-set criteria.

any Any predefined or custom applications or application sets.

NOTE: A custom application that does not use a predefined destination port
for the application will not be included in the any option, and must be named

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Configure Applications in Unified Policies | 176

application-protocol (Applications)


Syntax | 324

Hierarchy Level | 324

Description | 324

Default | 326

Required Privilege Level | 326

Release Information | 326


application-protocol (bootp | dce-rpc | dce-rpc-portmap | dns | exec | ftp | ftp-data | gprs-gtp-

c | gprs-gtp-u | gprs-gtp-v0 | gprs-sctp | h323 | http | https | icmp | icmpv6 | ignore | iiop |
ike-esp-nat | imap | imaps | ip | login | mgcp-ca | mgcp-ua | ms-rpc | netbios | netshow | none
| pop3 | pop3s | pptp | q931 | ras | realaudio | rpc | rpc-portmap | rsh | rtsp | sccp | shell |
sip | smtp | smtps | snmp | sqlnet | sqlnet-v2 | ssh | sun-rpc | talk | telnet | tftp |
traceroute | twamp | winframe);

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application],

[edit logical-systems name applications application],
[edit logical-systems name tenants name applications application],
[edit tenants name applications application]


Identify the application protocol name. Application protocols are also called application layer gateways
(ALGs). Define an application layer gateway (ALG) for a particular application. The following ALGs are

protocol-name—Name of the protocol. The following protocols are supported:

1. bootp—Bootstrap protocol

2. dce-rpc—DCE RPC

3. dce-rpc-portmap—DCE RPC portmap


4. dns—Domain Name Service

5. exec—Remote Execution Protocol

6. ftp—File Transfer Protocol

7. h323—H.323

8. icmp—ICMP

9. iiop—Internet Inter-ORB Protocol

10. ike-esp-nat—IKE ALG

11. ip—IP

12. login—Login

13. netbios—NetBIOS

14. netshow—NetShow

15. pptp—Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

16. ras—Gatekeeper RAS for H323

17. realaudio—RealAudio

18. rpc—RPC

19. rpc-portmap—RPC portmap

20. rtsp—Real Time Streaming Protocol

21. shell—Shell

22. sip—Session Initiation Protocol

23. snmp—SNMP

24. sqlnet—SQLNet

25. talk–Talk Program

26. tftp–Trivial File Transfer Protocol

27. traceroute—Traceroute

28. winframe—WinFrame


If application-protocol is not defined, then traffic enters the ALG process as long the status for this ALG is

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

login options introduced in Junos OS Release 7.4.

ip option introduced in Junos OS Release 8.2.

ike-esp-nat option introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.

ras option introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

application-services (Security Policies)


Syntax | 327

Hierarchy Level | 328


Description | 328

Options | 328

Required Privilege Level | 329

Release Information | 330


application-services {
advanced-anti-malware-policy advanced-anti-malware-policy;
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set;
gprs-gtp-profile gprs-gtp-profile;
gprs-sctp-profile gprs-sctp-profile;
idp idp;
(redirect-wx redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx reverse-redirect-wx);
security-intelligence-policy security-intelligence-policy;
security-intelligence {
add-destination-identity-to-feed feed-name;
add-destination-ip-to-feed feed-name;
add-source-identity-to-feed feed-name;
add-source-ip-to-feed feed-name;
security-metadata-streaming-policy policy-name
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy utm-policy;
web-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]


Enable application services within a security policy. You can enable service such as application firewall,
IDP, UTM, SSL proxy, and so on by specifying them in a security policy permit action, when the traffic
matches the policy rule.


advanced-anti- Specify advanced-anti-malware policy name.

application-firewall Specify the rule sets configured as part of application firewall to be applied to the
permitted traffic.

application-traffic- Specify the rule sets configured as part of AppQoS, application-aware quality of
control service, to be applied to the permitted traffic.

gprs-gtp-profile Specify GPRS tunneling protocol profile name.

gprs-sctp-profile Specify GPRS stream control protocol profile name.

idp Apply Intrusion detection and prevention (IDP) as application services.

redirect-wx Specify the WX redirection needed for the packets that arrive from the LAN.

reverse-redirect-wx Specify the WX redirection needed for the reverse flow of the packets that arrive
from the WAN.

security- Specify security-intelligence policy name.


security- Specify the security intelligence feed post action. The following feeds are
intelligence supported:

• add-destination-identity-to-feed

• add-destination-ip-to-feed

• add-source-identity-to-feed

• add-source-ip-to-feed

security-metadata- Enable metadata streaming of the traffic permitted by the security policy.
uac-policy Enable Unified Access Control (UAC) for the security policy. This statement is
required when you are configuring the SRX Series device to act as a Junos OS
Enforcer in a UAC deployment.

captive- Specify the preconfigured security policy for captive portal on the
portal Junos OS Enforcer to enable the captive portal feature. The captive
portal portal policy is configured as part of the UAC policy. By configuring
the captive portal feature, you can redirect traffic destined for
protected resources to the IC Series device or to the URL you
configure on the Junos OS Enforcer.

utm-policy utm- Specify UTM policy name. The UTM policy configured for antivirus, antispam,
policy content-filtering, traffic-options, and Web-filtering protocols is attached to the
security policy to be applied to the permitted traffic.

web-proxy profile- Specify secure Web proxy profile name. The secure Web proxy profile is
name configured with dynamic application and external proxy server details. This profile
is attached to the security policy and applied on the permitted traffic.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 11.1.


Application Firewall Overview

application-tracking (Security Zones)


Syntax | 330

Hierarchy Level | 330

Description | 331

Required Privilege Level | 331

Release Information | 331



Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name]



Enable application tracking support for the zone.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.


Example: Configuring Application Tracking

application-traffic-control (Application Services)


Syntax | 332

Hierarchy Level | 332

Description | 332

Options | 332

Required Privilege Level | 332

Release Information | 333



application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-
name policy policy-name then permit application-services]
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-
name then permit application-services]


Enables AppQoS, application-aware quality of service, as specified in the rules of the specified rule set.


• rule-set rule-set-name—Name of the rule set that contains application-aware traffic control
specification rules.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.

Support at the following hierarchy levels introduced in Junos OS Release 19.3R1: [edit logical-systems
logical-system-name security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit
application-services], and [edit tenants tenant-name security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name
policy policy-name then permit application-services].


Example: Configuring Application Quality of Service

Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 333

Hierarchy Level | 334

Description | 334

Options | 334

Required Privilege Level | 334

Release Information | 334


attach {
zone zone-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security address-book book-name]


Attach a security zone to an address book. You do not need to attach a security zone to the global
address book. The global address book is available by default.


zone zone-name—Name of a security zone to be attached to the address book.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Understanding Address Books | 26

Understanding Address Sets | 29

audible (Security Alarms)


Syntax | 335

Hierarchy Level | 335

Description | 335

Options | 336

Required Privilege Level | 336

Release Information | 336


audible {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms]


Configure alarm to beep when a new security alarm is enabled.



continuous—Specify alarm to keep beeping until all security alarms are cleared.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2

authentication (Security Alarms)


Syntax | 337

Hierarchy Level | 337

Description | 337

Default | 337

Options | 337

Required Privilege Level | 337

Release Information | 338



authentication failures;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms potential-violation]


Raise a security alarm when the device or switch detects a specified number of authentication failures
(bad password attempts) before an alarm is raised.

This value must be equal to or less than the tries-before-disconnect setting at the [edit system login retry-
options] hierarchy level; otherwise, the login session ends before the user reaches the alarmable


Multiple authentication failures do not cause an alarm to be raised.


failures—Number of authentication failures that causes an alarm to be raised.

• Range: 1 through 10.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2

captive-portal (Services UAC Policy)


Syntax | 338

Hierarchy Level | 339

Description | 339

Required Privilege Level | 339

Release Information | 339


captive-portal captive-portal-policy-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit
application-services uac-policy]


Create the captive portal policy in the UAC security policy. You use the captive portal policy to configure
the captive portal feature on the Junos OS Enforcer. By configuring the captive portal feature, you can
redirect traffic destined for protected resources to the IC Series device or to the URL you configure on
the Junos OS Enforcer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2


count (Security Policies)


Syntax | 340

Hierarchy Level | 340

Description | 340

Required Privilege Level | 340

Release Information | 341



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then]


Enable a count, in bytes or kilobytes, of all network traffic the policy allows to pass through the device in
both directions: the originating traffic from the client to the server (from the from-zone to the to-zone),
and the return traffic from the server to the originating client.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Statement updated in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.


show security policies | 633

Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 341

Hierarchy Level | 342

Description | 342

Options | 342

Required Privilege Level | 342

Release Information | 342


default-policy (deny-all | permit-all);


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]


Configure the default security policy that defines the actions the device takes on a packet that does not
match any user-defined policy.


deny-all—Deny all traffic. Packets are dropped. This is the default.

permit-all—Permit all traffic that does not match a policy.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2


deny (Security Policies)


Syntax | 343

Hierarchy Level | 343

Description | 343

Required Privilege Level | 343

Release Information | 344



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then]


Block the service at the firewall. The device drops the packets.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

description (Applications)


Syntax | 344

Hierarchy Level | 344

Description | 345

Options | 345

Required Privilege Level | 345

Release Information | 345


description text;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name],

[edit applications application-set application-set-name]


Specify descriptive text for an application or an application set.

NOTE: The descriptive text should not include characters “<”, “>”, “&”, or “\n”.


text—Descriptive text about an application or an application set.

• Range: 1 through 900 characters

NOTE: The upper limit of the description text range is related to character encoding, and is
therefore dynamic. However, if you configure the descriptive text length beyond 900 characters,
the configuration might fail to take effect.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55


description (Security Address Book)


Syntax | 346

Hierarchy Level | 346

Description | 346

Options | 347

Required Privilege Level | 347

Release Information | 347


description text;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security address-book book-name]


Specify descriptive text for an address book.

NOTE: The descriptive text should not include characters “<”, “>”, “&”, or “\n”.


text—Descriptive text about an address book.

• Range: 1 through 900 characters

NOTE: The upper limit of the description text range is related to character encoding, and is
therefore dynamic. However, if you configure the descriptive text length beyond 900 characters,
the configuration might fail to take effect.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Understanding Address Books | 26

Understanding Address Sets | 29

description (Security Zone)


Syntax | 348

Hierarchy Level | 348

Description | 348

Options | 348

Required Privilege Level | 349

Release Information | 349


description text;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones functional-zone management]

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name]


Specify descriptive text for a security zone.

NOTE: The descriptive text should not include characters as “<”, “>”, “&”, or “\n”.


text—Descriptive text about a security zone.

• Range: 1 through 900 characters


NOTE: The upper limit of the description text range is related to character encoding, and is
therefore dynamic. However, if you configure the descriptive text length beyond 900 characters,
the configuration might fail to take effect.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.

destination-address (Security Policies)


Syntax | 350

Hierarchy Level | 350

Description | 350

Options | 350

Required Privilege Level | 350

Release Information | 351



destination-address {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]


Define the matching criteria. You can specify one or more IP addresses, address sets, or wildcard
addresses. You can specify wildcards any, any-ipv4, or any-ipv6.


address—IP address (any, any-ipv4, any-ipv6), IP address set, or address book entry, or wildcard address
(represented as A.B.C.D/wildcard-mask). You can configure multiple addresses or address prefixes
separated by spaces and enclosed in square brackets.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support.


Security Policies Overview | 2

destination-address (Security Policies Flag)


Syntax | 351

Hierarchy Level | 352

Description | 352

Options | 352

Required Privilege Level | 352

Release Information | 352


destination-address {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]


Specify whether the traffic permitted by the security policy is limited to packets where the destination
IP address has been translated by means of a destination NAT rule or to packets where the destination
IP address has not been translated.

On Juniper Networks security devices, destination NAT rules are processed before security policy
lookup. Therefore, it is possible for a security policy to permit traffic from a source S to a destination D
(where no destination NAT is performed) and also to permit traffic from the source S to the destination d
(where d has been translated to D).


• drop-translated—Drop packets with translated destination IP addresses. Traffic permitted by the

security policy is limited to packets where the destination IP address has not been translated.

• drop-untranslated—Drop packets without translated destination IP addresses. Traffic permitted by the

security policy is limited to packets where the destination IP address has been translated by means of
a destination NAT rule.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2.



Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 353

Hierarchy Level | 353

Description | 353

Required Privilege Level | 354

Release Information | 354



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]


Exclude the destination address(es) from the policy.


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.


Security Policies Overview | 2

destination-ip (Security Alarms)


Syntax | 354

Hierarchy Level | 355

Description | 355

Options | 355

Required Privilege Level | 356

Release Information | 356


destination-ip {
duration interval;
size count;

threshold value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]


Configure alarms for a number of policy violations to a destination network identifier within a specified
time period.


• duration interval—Indicate the duration of counters.

• Range: 1 through 3600 seconds.

• Default: 1 second.

• size count—Indicate the number of destination IP addresses for which policy violation checks can be
done concurrently.

• Range: 1 through 10240.

• Default: 1024.

• threshold value—Indicate the maximum number of destination IP address matches required to raise an

• Range: 1 through 4294967295.

• Default: 1000.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2

destination-port (Applications)


Syntax | 356

Hierarchy Level | 357

Description | 357

Options | 357

Required Privilege Level | 361

Release Information | 361


destination-port port-identifier;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name],

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Specify a TCP or UDP destination port number.


port-identifier —Range of ports. You can use a numeric value or one of the text synonyms listed in Table
31 on page 357.

Table 31: Port Supported by Services Interfaces

Port Name Corresponding Port Number

afs 1483

bgp 179

biff 512

bootpc 68

bootps 67

cmd 514

cvspserver 2401

Table 31: Port Supported by Services Interfaces (Continued)

Port Name Corresponding Port Number

dhcp 67

domain 53

eklogin 2105

ekshell 2106

excc 512

finger 79

ftp 21

ftp-data 20

http 80

https 443

ident 113

imap 143

kerberos-sec 88

klogin 543

kpasswd 761

Table 31: Port Supported by Services Interfaces (Continued)

Port Name Corresponding Port Number

krb-prop 754

krbupdate 760

kshell 544

ldap 389

ldp 646

login 513

mobileip-agent 434

mobilip-mn 435

msdp 639

netbios-dgm 138

netbios-ns 137

netbios-ssn 139

nfsd 2049

nntp 119

ntalk 518

Table 31: Port Supported by Services Interfaces (Continued)

Port Name Corresponding Port Number

ntp 123

pop3 110

pptp 1723

printer 515

radacct 1813

radius 1812

rip 520

rkinit 2108

smtp 25

snmp 161

snmp-trap 162

snpp 444

socks 1080

ssh 22

sunrpc 111

Table 31: Port Supported by Services Interfaces (Continued)

Port Name Corresponding Port Number

syslog 514

tacacs 49

tacacs-ds 65

talk 517

telnet 23

tftp 69

timed 525

who 513

xdmcp 177

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55



Syntax | 362

Hierarchy Level | 362

Description | 363

Options | 363

Required Privilege Level | 363

Release Information | 363


dns-cache {
error-response-delete-ip {
retry-interval seconds;

Hierarchy Level

[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies],

[edit logical-systems logical-system-name tenants tenant-system-name security policies],
[edit security policies],
[edit tenants tenant-system-name security policies]


Define security policy DNS cache behaviors. The following behaviors can occur:

• Flushing of the DNS cache entry on error response.

• Keeping the DNS cache entry unchanged on all DNS servers time out.

• Updating the DNS cache entry when there is a positive response.


error-response- Clear DNS cache entry IP on error DNS response

• Values:

retry-interval Interval between deleting IP and resending DNS requests

• Range: 5 through 86400 seconds.

• Default: 300 seconds.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.1R1.


show security dns-cache

clear security dns-cache



Syntax | 364

Hierarchy Level | 365

Description | 365

Options | 365

Required Privilege Level | 365

Release Information | 365


dns-proxy {

cache hostname inet ip-address;

default-domain domain-name {
forwarders ip-address;
interface interface-name;
propogate-setting (enable | disable);
view view-name {
domain domain-name {
forwarders ip-address;
match-clients subnet-address;

Hierarchy Level

[edit system services dns dns-proxy]


Configure the device as a DNS proxy server by enabling DNS proxy on a logical interface. This option is
supported on SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


DNS Proxy Overview

Configuring the Device as a DNS Proxy



Syntax | 366

Hierarchy Level | 367

Description | 367

Required Privilege Level | 368

Release Information | 368


dynamic-address {
address-name name {
description description;
profile {
category name {
feed feed;
property name {
string name;

feed-name name;

feed-server name {
(hostname hostname | url url);
description description;
feed-name name {
description description;
hold-interval seconds;

path path;
update-interval seconds;
hold-interval seconds;
tls-profile tls-profile;
update-interval seconds;
validate-certificate-attributes {
session-scan {
hold-interval seconds;
traceoptions {
file< filename><files files><match match><size size><(world-readable | no-world-readable)>;
flag name;

level(all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning);


Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


Configure security dynamic address


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D15 on SRX Series devices and on cSRX in Junos
OS Release 22.2R1.

dynamic-application (Security)


Syntax | 368

Hierarchy Level | 369

Description | 369

Options | 369

Required Privilege Level | 370

Release Information | 370


dynamic-application {
profile profile name {
redirect-message {
type {
custom-text {
content content;

redirect-url {
content content;
traceoptions {
file {
files number;
match regular-expression;
size maximum-file-size;
(world-readable | no-world-readable);
flag flag;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


Configure options for dynamic applications to define a redirect profile and traceoptions.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using a Redirect Message Profile | 164

Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

dynamic-application (Security Policies)


Syntax | 370

Hierarchy Level | 371

Description | 371

Options | 371

Required Privilege Level | 372

Release Information | 372



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]


Specify the dynamic applications or dynamic application groups used as match criteria within a security

By adding dynamic applications to the match criteria, the data traffic is classified based on the Layer 7
application inspection results. Application Identification (AppID) identifies dynamic or real-time Layer 4
through Layer 7 applications. After a particular application is identified and the matching policy is found,
then the actions are applied according to the policy.


dynamic- Specify dynamic applications or dynamic application groups.

name | Examples for dynamic applications or dynamic application groups are as follows:
application- • junos:FTP (dynamic application)
• junos:web:shopping (dynamic application group)

any Configuring the dynamic application as any installs the policy with the application as a
wildcard (default). If an application cannot be specified, configure any as the default
application. Data traffic that match the parameters in a unified policy matches the
policy regardless of the application type.

none Configuring the dynamic application as none ignores classification results from AppID
and does not use the dynamic application in security policy lookups. Within the list of
potential match policies, if there is any policy configured with dynamic application as
none, this policy is matched as the final policy and is terminal. If any Layer 7 services are
configured in this policy, deep packet inspection for the traffic is performed.

When upgrading the Junos OS release from previous releases (where dynamic
applications were not supported), all existing traditional policies are considered as
policies with the dynamic application configured as none.

junos:all-new- Configure the application group of all newly added application signatures in the latest
apps signature package. When you download the application signature package on your
security device, the entire predefined application group is downloaded.</para>

If dynamic application is not configured within a security policy, the policy is considered to be a
traditional security policy. This policy is similar to a policy with the dynamic application configured as

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Unified Policies Overview | 154

Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155



Syntax | 373

Hierarchy Level | 373

Description | 373

Options | 374

Required Privilege Level | 374

Release Information | 374


dynamic-dns {
client hostname {
agent agent-name;
interface interface-name;
password server-password;
server server-name;
username user-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit system services]


Configure the device as a dynamic DNS server that maintains the list of the changed addresses and their
associated domain names registered with it. The device updates these DDNS servers with this
information periodically or whenever there is a change in IP addresses.


• client —Specifies the hostname of the registered client.

• agent—Specifies the name of the dynamic DNS agent.

• interface —Specifies the interface whose IP address is mapped to the registered domain name.

• password—Specifies the password.

• server—Specifies the name of the dynamic DNS server that allows dynamic DNS clients to update the
IP address changes associated with the registered hostname.

• username—Specifies the dynamic DNS username.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


DNS Overview

exclude (Schedulers)


Syntax | 375

Hierarchy Level | 375

Description | 375

Required Privilege Level | 376

Release Information | 376



Hierarchy Level

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name daily],

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name friday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name monday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name saturday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name sunday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name tuesday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name thursday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name wednesday]


Exclude a specified day from the schedule.

Use the exclude statement to exclude a day from a daily schedule created with the daily statement. You
cannot use the exclude statement for a particular day unless it is in conjunction with the daily statement
in a schedule.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Schedulers Overview | 226



Syntax | 376

Hierarchy Level | 377

Description | 377

Options | 377

Required Privilege Level | 378

Release Information | 378


feed-server name {
(hostname hostname | url url);

description description;
feed-name name {
description description;
hold-interval seconds;
path path;
update-interval seconds;
hold-interval seconds;
tls-profile tls-profile;
update-interval seconds;
validate-certificate-attributes {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security dynamic-address]


Security dynamic address feed-server


name Security dynamic address feed-server name

hostname Hostname or IP address of feed-server

url URL,;<folder-or-file-path>;Browser can verify its


description Text description of feed-server

hold-interval Time to keep IP entry when update failed (seconds)

• Default: 86400

• Range: 0 through 4294967295

tls-profile TLS profile

update-interval Interval to retrieve update (seconds)

• Default: 300

• Range: 30 through 4294967295

validate- Validate some certificate attributes

attributes • subject-or-subject-alternative-names—One of them must match feed server
host name

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D25 on SRX Series devices and on cSRX in Junos
OS Release 22.2R1.

firewall-authentication (Security Policies)


Syntax | 379

Hierarchy Level | 380

Description | 380

Options | 380

Required Privilege Level | 380

Release Information | 380


firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
user-firewall {
access-profile profile-name;
domain domain-name
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]


Configure firewall authentication methods.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

Support added for the user-firewall option in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.

Support for the ssl-termination-profile and web-redirect-to-https options added on SRX5600 and SRX5800
Services Gateways starting from Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10, on SRX5400 devices starting from
12.1X46-D10, and on vSRX, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550M, and SRX1500
Services Gateways starting from Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D40.

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D70 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, support for the web-redirect
and web-redirect-to-https options under user-firewall added on SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345,
SRX380, SRX550M, SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices and
vSRX Services Gateways.

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D90 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, support for the auth-only-
browser option was added under pass-through and user-firewall and the auth-user-agent option was added
under pass-through auth-only-browser on SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550M,
SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices and vSRX Services

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D90 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, support for the auth-only-
browser option was added under pass-through and user-firewall and the auth-user-agent option was added
under pass-through auth-only-browser on SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550M,
SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices and vSRX Services
Gateways. Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D100 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, support was
added for push-to-identity-management.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

forward-only (DNS)


Syntax | 382

Hierarchy Level | 382

Description | 382

Required Privilege Level | 382

Release Information | 382




Hierarchy Level

[edit system services dns dns-proxy view view-name domain domain-name]


Specify that the server to forward only DNS queries. This configuration prevents the device from
acquiring public IP addresses, in case the IP address specified in forwarders option is not reachable, by
terminating the DNS query.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10.


DNS Overview

from-zone (Security Policies)


Syntax | 383

Hierarchy Level | 386

Description | 386

Options | 386

Required Privilege Level | 386

Release Information | 387


from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name {

policy policy-name {
description description;
match {
application {
[junos-defaults | application];
dynamic-application {
[dynamic-application-name |dynamic-application-group-name];
destination-address {

source-address {
source-identity {
source-end-user-profile {
scheduler-name scheduler-name;
then {
count {
alarm {
per-minute-threshold number;
per-second-threshold number;
log {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set-name;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;
gprs-gtp-profile profile-name;
gprs-sctp-profile profile-name;
redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx;

ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy policy-name;
destination-address {
firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
user-firewall {
access-profile profile-name;
domain domain-name
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;
tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss mss-value;
reverse-tcp-mss mss-value;
tunnel {
ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;
ipsec-vpn vpn-name;
pair-policy pair-policy;

deny | reject;
deny | reject [profile name];

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]


Specify a source zone and destination zone to be associated with the security policy.


• from-zone zone-name—Name of the source zone.

• to-zone zone-name—Name of the destination zone.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for the services-offload option added in Junos OS
Release 11.4. Support for the source-identity option added in Junos OS Release 12.1. Support for the
description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1. Support for the ssl-termination-profile and web-
redirect-to-https options added in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10. Support for the user-firewall option
added in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10. Support for the initial-tcp-mss and reverse-tcp-mss options
added in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20. Support for the dynamic-application and deny options added in
Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96
Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

from-zone (Security Policies Global)


Syntax | 387

Hierarchy Level | 388

Description | 388

Required Privilege Level | 388

Release Information | 388


from-zone {


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]


Identify a single source zone or multiple source zones to be used as a match criteria for a policy. You
must configure specific zones or default to any zone, but you cannot have both in a global policy.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.


Security Policies Overview | 2




Syntax | 389

Hierarchy Level | 390

Description | 390

Options | 390

Required Privilege Level | 390

Release Information | 390


functional-zone {
management {
description text;
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
interfaces interface-name {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
screen screen-name;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones]


Configure a functional zone.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Understanding Functional Zones


global (Security Policies)


Syntax | 391

Hierarchy Level | 393

Description | 393

Options | 394

Required Privilege Level | 394

Release Information | 394


global {
policy policy-name {
description description;
match {
application {
destination-address {
from-zone {
source-address {

source-identity {
to-zone {
scheduler-name scheduler-name;
then {
count {
alarm {
per-minute-threshold number;
per-second-threshold number;
log {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set-name;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;
gprs-gtp-profile profile-name;
gprs-sctp-profile profile-name;
redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {

captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy policy-name;
destination-address {
firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;
tcp-options {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]


Configure a global policy.



The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Statement updated with from-zone and to-zone policy
match options in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.


Global Policy Overview | 184



Syntax | 395

Hierarchy Level | 395

Description | 395

Options | 395

Required Privilege Level | 395

Release Information | 396



host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones functional-zone management],

[edit security zones functional-zone management interfaces interface-name],
[edit security zones security-zone zone-name],
[edit security zones security-zone zone-name interfaces interface-name]


Control the type of traffic that can reach the device from interfaces bound to the zone.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Traffic Types | 14

Understanding How to Control Inbound Traffic Based on Protocols | 19

icmp-code (Applications)


Syntax | 396

Hierarchy Level | 397

Description | 397

Options | 397

Required Privilege Level | 397

Release Information | 397


icmp-code value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name ]

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Specify the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code value.


value — Specify the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code value such as host-unreachable or host-

Range: 0 through 255.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55


icmp-type (Applications)


Syntax | 398

Hierarchy Level | 398

Description | 398

Options | 399

Required Privilege Level | 399

Release Information | 399


icmp-type value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name ]

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Specify the ICMP packet type value.



value—ICMP type value, such as echo or echo-reply.

Range: 0 through 255.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

inactivity-timeout (Applications)


Syntax | 400

Hierarchy Level | 400

Description | 400

Options | 400

Required Privilege Level | 400

Release Information | 400



inactivity-timeout (seconds | never) ;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name ]

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Inactivity timeout period, in seconds.


seconds—Specify the amount of time the application is inactive before it times out in seconds.

Range: 4 through 86400 seconds.

Default: For TCP, 1800 seconds; for UDP, 60 seconds.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

interfaces (Security Zones)


Syntax | 401

Hierarchy Level | 402

Description | 402

Options | 402

Required Privilege Level | 402

Release Information | 402


interfaces interface-name {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones functional-zone management],

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name]


Specify the set of interfaces that are part of the zone.


interface-name —Name of the interface.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.




Syntax | 403

Hierarchy Level | 403

Description | 403

Required Privilege Level | 404

Release Information | 404


initial-tcp-mss mss-value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name

policy policy-name then permit tcp-options]


Configure the TCP maximum segment size (MSS) for packets that arrive at the ingress interface (initial
direction), match a specific policy, and for which a session is created. The value you configure overrides
the TCP MSS value in the incoming packet when the value in the packet is higher than the one you

The initial-tcp-mss value per policy takes precedence over a global tcp-mss value (all-tcp, ipsec-vpn, gre-in,
gre-out), if one is configured. However, when the syn-flood-protection-mode syn-proxy statement at the [edit

security flow] hierarchy level is used to enable SYN proxy defenses against SYN attacks, the TCP MSS
value is not overriden.

Because each policy has two directions, you can configure a value for both directions or for just one
direction. To configure a TCP MSS value for the reverse session, use the reverse-tcp-mss option.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.


reverse-tcp-mss | 472
tcp-mss (Security Flow)

ipsec-group-vpn (Security Policies)


Syntax | 405

Hierarchy Level | 405

Description | 405

Options | 405

Required Privilege Level | 405


Release Information | 406


ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Specify group VPN tunnel for the traffic configured by the scope policy on a group member.


group-vpn —Name of the group VPN tunnel configured on the group member.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Group VPNv2 Overview
Security Basics Overview | 2

ipsec-vpn (Security Policies)


Syntax | 406

Hierarchy Level | 407

Description | 407

Options | 407

Required Privilege Level | 407

Release Information | 407


ipsec-vpn vpn-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Define IPsec name for VPN.


vpn-name —Name of the IPsec.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2


log (Security Policies)


Syntax | 408

Hierarchy Level | 408

Description | 408

Options | 409

Required Privilege Level | 409

Release Information | 409


log (session-close | session-init);

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then]


Log traffic information for a specific policy. Traffic information is logged when a session begins (session-
init) or closes (session-close).

NOTE: You must configure security policy for the session using the set security policies from-zone
zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then log session-close command to list all the

applications and nested applications in Application Tracking on J-Web using the on-box reporting


session-close Start logging traffic when the session ends.

session-init Start logging traffic when the session begins.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding On-Box Logging and Reporting
Example: Configuring Application Tracking

management (Security Zones)


Syntax | 410

Hierarchy Level | 411

Description | 411

Options | 411

Required Privilege Level | 411

Release Information | 411


management {
description text;
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
interfaces interface-name {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {

screen screen-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones functional-zone]


Specify the host for out-of-band management interfaces. You can set firewall options in this zone to
protect the management interface from different types of attacks. Because this zone cannot be specified
in policies, traffic entering from this zone can only be traffic originating from the device itself and cannot
originate from any other zone.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Understanding Functional Zones

match (Security Policies)


Syntax | 412

Hierarchy Level | 413

Description | 413

Options | 413

Required Privilege Level | 413

Release Information | 414


match {
application {
destination-address {
source-address {

source-identity {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name]


Configure security policy match criteria.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Statement updated with the source-identity option in
Junos OS Release 12.1.


Security Policies Overview | 2

match (Security Policies Global)


Syntax | 414

Hierarchy Level | 415

Description | 415

Options | 416

Required Privilege Level | 416

Release Information | 416


match {
application {
destination-address {

destination-identity-feed feed-name
from-zone {
source-address {
source-identity {
source-identity-feed feed-name;
to-zone {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies global policy policy-name]


Configure security global policy match criteria.


NOTE: We recommend that, for security reasons and to avoid spoofing traffic, when you create a
multizone policy you use identical matching criteria (source address, destination address,
application) and an identical action. For more information see "Global Policy Overview" on page


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5. Statement updated with source-identity option in Junos OS
Release 12.1. Statement updated with to-zone and from-zone options in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.

Statement updated with source-identity-feed and destination-identity-feed options in Junos OS Release



Security Policies Overview | 2


unified-policy max-lookups


Syntax | 417

Hierarchy Level | 417

Description | 417

Default | 418

Required Privilege Level | 418

Release Information | 418


unified-policy max-lookups max-lookups-number;

Hierarchy Level

[edit logical-systems name security policies],

[edit logical-systems name tenants name security policies],
[edit security policies]
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies]


Configure maximum number of policy lookups, when micro-applications reach the transaction final
state, during the dynamic application classification process.

Application classification with micro-applications does not reach the final match state because the
micro-application keeps changing for the session. When the micro-application changes from one

transaction to another, a policy lookup is attempted unlimited number of times. The final match state for
the application is required for the policy lookup and for processing the policy. You can limit the number
of transactions for the micro application by configuring the unified-policy max-lookups statement.

Setting the value of unified-policy max-lookups as 0 indicates unlimited number of policy lookups.

Range: 0 through 25


The default value for unified-policy max-lookups is 2.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.


Configure Micro-Applications in Unified Policies | 181



Syntax | 419

Hierarchy Level | 419


Description | 419

Required Privilege Level | 419

Release Information | 419



Hierarchy Level

[edit security idp sensor-configuration high-availability]


Disable policy cold synchronization functionality. This prevents the SRX Series devices from waiting for
the IPS policy to be loaded on all service PICs, and there by forfeits IPS service protection during the
ISSU (In-service software upgrade) operation/window.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.



Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 420

Hierarchy Level | 420

Description | 420

Required Privilege Level | 421

Release Information | 421


pair-policy pair-policy ;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Link the policy that you are configuring with another policy that references the same VPN tunnel so that
both policies share one proxy ID and one security association (SA). Policy pairing is useful when you
want to allow bidirectional traffic over a policy-based VPN that is using source or destination address

translation with a dynamic IP address pool or destination address translation with a mapped IP (MIP) or
dynamic IP (DIP) address pool.

Without policy pairing, the device derives a different proxy ID from the outbound and inbound policies.
Two proxy IDs causes a problem for the remote peer with a single proxy ID for the VPN tunnel.

Pairing two policies solves the proxy ID problem for the remote peer and conserves SA resources. The
single proxy ID is derived from the policy you configured last.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 422

Hierarchy Level | 422

Description | 422

Options | 422

Required Privilege Level | 423


Release Information | 423


pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Configure pass-through firewall user authentication. The user needs to use an FTP, Telnet, or HTTP
client to access the IP address of the protected resource in another zone. Subsequent traffic from the
user or host is allowed or denied based on the result of this authentication. Once authenticated, the
firewall proxies the connection.


• access-profile profile-name —(Optional) Specify the name of the access profile.


• client-match user-or-group —(Optional) Specify the name of the users or user groups in a profile who
are allowed access by this policy. If you do not specify any users or user groups, any user who is
successfully authenticated is allowed access.

• ssl-termination-profile profile-name —(Optional) Specify the SSL termination profile used for SSL

• web-redirect—(Optional) Enable redirecting an HTTP request to the device and redirecting the client
system to a webpage for authentication. Including this statement allows users an easier
authentication process because they need to know only the name or IP address of the resource they
are trying to access.

• web-redirect-to-https—(Optional) Redirect unauthenticated HTTP requests to the internal HTTPS Web

server of the device.

NOTE: If web-redirect-to-https is set, then you must specify the SSL termination profile used for
SSL offloading.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for ssl-termination-profile and web-redirect-to-https
options added in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


Security Policies Overview | 2


permit (Security Policies)


Syntax | 424

Hierarchy Level | 425

Description | 426

Options | 426

Required Privilege Level | 426

Release Information | 426


permit {
application-services (Security Policies) {
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set-name;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;
gprs-gtp-profile profile-name;
gprs-sctp-profile profile-name;
redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy policy-name;
destination-address {

firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
user-firewall {
access-profile profile-name;
domain domain-name
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;
tcp-options {
tunnel {
ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;
ipsec-vpn vpn-name;
pair-policy pair-policy;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then]


Specify the policy action to perform when packets match the defined criteria.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for the tcp-options added in Junos OS Release
10.4. Support for the services-offload option added in Junos OS Release 11.4. Support for the ssl-
termination-profile and web-redirect-to-https options added in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10. Support for
the user-firewall option added in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10. Support for the advanced-connection-
tracking option is added in Junos OS Release 20.2R1.

You can configure the advanced-connection-tracking option under [edit security policies from-zone zone-name
to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit] to mandate that traffic matching given policy do a lookup
in the to-zone’s connection track mapping table using the new session’s key information. If there is no
match, a new connection is not created.



Syntax | 427

Hierarchy Level | 435

Description | 435

Options | 435

Required Privilege Level | 436

Release Information | 436


policies {
default-policy (deny-all | permit-all);
from-zone from-zone-name {
policy name {
description description;
match (Security Policies Global) {
source-address (Security Policies);
destination-address (Security Policies);
application (Security Policies);
source-end-user-profile <source-end-user-profile-name>;
dynamic-application (Security Policies);
from-zone (Security Policies Global);
to-zone (Security Policies Global);
source-l3vpn-vrf-group [ source-l3vpn-vrf-group ... ];
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group [ destination-l3vpn-vrf-group ... ];
scheduler-name scheduler-name;

then {
permit {
application-services {
(redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx);
advanced-anti-malware-policy advanced-anti-malware-policy;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set;
gprs-gtp-profile gprs-gtp-profile;
gprs-sctp-profile gprs-sctp-profile;
icap-redirect icap-redirect;
idp-policy idp-policy;
security-intelligence-policy security-intelligence-policy;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy utm-policy;
web-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
destination-address (Security IDP Policy) {
(drop-translated | drop-untranslated);
firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile access-profile;
auth-user-agent name;
client-match [ client-match ... ];
ssl-termination-profile ssl-termination-profile;
user-firewall {
access-profile access-profile;
auth-user-agent name;

domain domain;
ssl-termination-profile ssl-termination-profile;
web-authentication {
client-match [ client-match ... ];
tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss initial-tcp-mss;
reverse-tcp-mss reverse-tcp-mss;
tunnel {
ipsec-vpn ipsec-vpn;
pair-policy pair-policy;
reject {
profile profile;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
count {
log {
global {
policy name {
description description;
match (Security Policies Global) {
source-address (Security Policies);

destination-address (Security Policies);

application (Security Policies);
source-end-user-profile <source-end-user-profile-name>;
dynamic-application (Security Policies);
from-zone (Security Policies Global);
to-zone (Security Policies Global);
source-l3vpn-vrf-group [ source-l3vpn-vrf-group ... ];
destination-l3vpn-vrf-group [ destination-l3vpn-vrf-group ... ];
scheduler-name scheduler-name;
then {
permit {
application-services {
(redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx);
advanced-anti-malware-policy advanced-anti-malware-policy;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set;
gprs-gtp-profile gprs-gtp-profile;
gprs-sctp-profile gprs-sctp-profile;
icap-redirect icap-redirect;
idp-policy idp-policy;
security-intelligence-policy security-intelligence-policy;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy utm-policy;
web-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
destination-address {
(drop-translated | drop-untranslated);

firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile access-profile;
auth-user-agent name;
client-match [ client-match ... ];
ssl-termination-profile ssl-termination-profile;
user-firewall {
access-profile access-profile;
auth-user-agent name;
domain domain;
ssl-termination-profile ssl-termination-profile;
web-authentication {
client-match [ client-match ... ];
tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss initial-tcp-mss;
reverse-tcp-mss reverse-tcp-mss;
tunnel {
ipsec-vpn ipsec-vpn;
pair-policy pair-policy;
reject {
profile profile;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;

count {
log {
policy-rematch <extensive>;
policy-stats {
system-wide (disable | enable);
pre-id-default-policy {
then {
log {
session-timeout {
icmp seconds;
icmp6 seconds;
ospf seconds;
others seconds;
tcp seconds;
udp seconds;
stateful-firewall-rule name {
match-direction (input | input-output | output);
policy name {
description description;
match (Security Policies Global) {
source-address (Security Policies);
destination-address (Security Policies);
application (Security Policies);
source-end-user-profile <source-end-user-profile-name>;
dynamic-application (Security Policies);
from-zone (Security Policies Global);
to-zone (Security Policies Global);

source-l3vpn-vrf-group [ source-l3vpn-vrf-group ... ];

destination-l3vpn-vrf-group [ destination-l3vpn-vrf-group ... ];
scheduler-name scheduler-name;
then {
permit {
application-services {
(redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx);
advanced-anti-malware-policy advanced-anti-malware-policy;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set;
gprs-gtp-profile gprs-gtp-profile;
gprs-sctp-profile gprs-sctp-profile;
icap-redirect icap-redirect;
idp-policy idp-policy;
security-intelligence-policy security-intelligence-policy;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy utm-policy;
web-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
destination-address {
(drop-translated | drop-untranslated);
firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile access-profile;
auth-user-agent name;
client-match [ client-match ... ];
ssl-termination-profile ssl-termination-profile;

user-firewall {
access-profile access-profile;
auth-user-agent name;
domain domain;
ssl-termination-profile ssl-termination-profile;
web-authentication {
client-match [ client-match ... ];
tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss initial-tcp-mss;
reverse-tcp-mss reverse-tcp-mss;
tunnel {
ipsec-vpn ipsec-vpn;
pair-policy pair-policy;
reject {
profile profile;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
count {
log {

stateful-firewall-rule-set name {
stateful-firewall-rule name;
traceoptions (Security Policies) {
file <filename> <files files> <match match> <size size> <(world-readable | no-world-
flag name;
unified-policy {
max-lookups max-lookups;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


Configure a network security policies with IPv6 addresses only if flow support for IPv6 traffic is enabled
on the device.


default-policy Configure a default action when no user-defined policy match.

• Values:

• deny-all—Deny all traffic if no policy match

• permit-all—Permit all traffic if no policy match

policy-rematch Re-evaluate the policy when changed.


• Values:

• extensive—Perform policy extensive rematch

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

Support for the services-offload option added in Junos OS Release 11.4.

Support for the source-identitiy option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.

Support for the description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.

Support for the ssl-termination-profile and web-redirect-to-https options are added starting from Junos OS
Release 12.1X44-D10 and Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D40.

Support for the user-firewall option added in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.

Support for the domain option, and for the from-zone and to-zone global policy match options, added in
Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.

Support for the initial-tcp-mss and reverse-tcp-mss options added in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.
Support for the extensive option for policy-rematch added in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D20.

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, an IDP policy is available within unified security policy. The IDP
policy access is simplified and made available under the unified policy as one of the policy. When an IDP
policy is available within a unified security policy, configuring source or destination address, source and
destination-except, from and to zone, or application is not required, because the match happens in the
security policy itself.

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.3R1, when an SRX Series device is configured with a unified policies,
you can configure multiple IDP policies and set one of those policies as the default IDP policy. If multiple
IDP policies are configured for a session and when policy conflict occurs, the device applies the default
IDP policy for that session and thus resolves any policy conflicts.

NOTE: If you have configured two or more IDP policies in a unified security policy, then you
must configure the default IDP policy.


Security Policies Overview | 2

policy (Security Alarms)


Syntax | 437

Hierarchy Level | 438

Description | 438

Options | 438

Required Privilege Level | 438

Release Information | 439


policy {
application {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
destination-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;

policy match {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
source-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms potential-violation]


Configure alarms for policy violation, based on source IP, destination IP, application, and policy rule.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2

policy (Security Policies)


Syntax | 439

Hierarchy Level | 442

Description | 442

Options | 442

Required Privilege Level | 442

Release Information | 442


policy policy-name {
description description;
match {
application {
destination-address {

source-address {
source-identity {
scheduler-name scheduler-name;
then {
count {
alarm {
per-minute-threshold number;
per-second-threshold number;
log {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set-name;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;
gprs-gtp-profile profile-name;
gprs-sctp-profile profile-name;
redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx;
ssl-proxy {

profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy policy-name;
destination-address {
firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
user-firewall {
access-profile profile-name;
domain domain-name
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;
tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss mss-value;
reverse-tcp-mss mss-value;
tunnel {
ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;
ipsec-vpn vpn-name;
pair-policy pair-policy;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name]


Define a security policy.


policy-name Name of the security policy.

description Descriptive text about the security policy.

Range: 1 through 900 characters

The descriptive text should not include characters “<”, “>”, “&”, or “\n”.
The upper limit of the description text range is related to character encoding, and is
therefore dynamic. However, if you configure the descriptive text length beyond 900
characters, the configuration might fail to take effect.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. The services-offload option added in Junos OS Release
11.4. Statement updated with the source-identity option and the description option added in Junos OS

Release 12.1. Support for the user-firewall option added in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10. Support for
the initial-tcp-mss and reverse-tcp-mss options added in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.

The junos-twamp application is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Configuring SSL Forward Proxy

Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 443

Hierarchy Level | 444

Description | 444

Options | 444

Required Privilege Level | 444

Release Information | 445


policy match {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]


Configure alarms for a policy rule or a group of rule violations within a specified time period.


• duration interval—Indicate the duration of counters.

• Range: 1 through 3600 seconds.

• Default: 1 second.

• size count—Indicate the number of policies for which policy violation checks can be done

• Range: 1 through 10240.

• Default: 1024.

• threshold value—Indicate the number of policies for which policy violation checks can be done

• Range: 1 through 4294967295.

• Default: 1000.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 445

Hierarchy Level | 445

Description | 446

Options | 446

Required Privilege Level | 446

Release Information | 446


policy-rematch <extensive>;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]



Enable the device to reevaluate an active session when its associated security policy is modified. The
session remains open if it still matches the policy that allowed the session initially.

The session is closed if its associated policy is renamed, deactivated, or deleted. However, you can use
the extensive option to reevaluate an active session when its associated security policy is renamed,
deactivated, or deleted.

The policy rematch feature is disabled by default.


extensive When a policy is modified or deleted, extensive option checks if any suitable policy permit
to keep these sessions alive. This check is done through a fully new policy lookup for the
session to see if any policy can still permit it.

NOTE: The extensive option does not apply to ALG data sessions or to policies that
specify a source-identity, application-services, destination-address (drop-
untranslated or drop-translated), firewall-authentication, or a tunnel.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for the extensive option added in Junos OS
Release 15.1X49-D20.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155



Syntax | 447

Hierarchy Level | 447

Description | 448

Options | 448

Required Privilege Level | 448

Release Information | 448


policy-stats {
system-wide (disable | enable) ;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]



Configure systemwide policies statistics. The systemwide policies statistics are disabled by default.


disable Disable systemwide policy statistics.

enable Enable systemwide policy statistics.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10.


show security policies | 633



Syntax | 449

Hierarchy Level | 450

Description | 450

Options | 450

Required Privilege Level | 451

Release Information | 452


potential-violation {
authentication failures;
decryption-failures {
threshold value;
encryption-failures {
threshold value;
ike-phase1-failures {
threshold value;
ike-phase2-failures {
threshold value;
policy {
application {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
destination-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;

policy match {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
source-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;
replay-attacks {
threshold value;
security-log-percent-full percentage;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms]


Configure alarms for potential violation.


authentication Raise a security alarm when the device or switch detects a specified number of
authentication failures (bad password attempts) before an alarm is raised.

cryptographic-self- Raise a security alarm when the device or switch detects a cryptographic self-
test test failure. Cryptographic self-tests are a set of preoperational tests that are
performed after the device or switch is powered on. The self-tests run without

operator intervention. No alarm is raised upon failure of a cryptographic self-


decryption-failures Raise a security alarm after exceeding a specified number of decryption failures.

encryption-failures Raise a security alarm after exceeding a specified number of encryption failures.

ike-phase1-failures Raise a security alarm after exceeding a specified number of Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) Phase 1 failures.

ike-phase2-failures Raise a security alarm after exceeding a specified number of Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) phase 2 failures.

key-generation-self- Raise a security alarm when the device or switch detects a key generation self-
test test failure. Key generation is the process of generating keys for cryptography. A
key is used to encrypt and decrypt data. The self-tests run without operator
intervention. No alarm is raised upon failure of a key generation self-test.

non-cryptographic- Raise a security alarm when the device or switch detects a noncryptographic
self-test self-test failure. The self-tests run without operator intervention. No alarm is
raised upon failure of a noncryptographic self-test.

non-cryptographic- Raise a security alarm when the device or switch detects a noncryptographic
self-test self-test failure. The self-tests run without operator intervention. No alarm is
raised upon failure of a noncryptographic self-test.

policy Configure alarms for policy violation, based on source IP, destination IP,
application, and policy rule.

replay-attacks Raise a security alarm when the device detects a replay attack.

security-log- Raise a security alarm when security log exceeds a specified percent of total
percent-full capacity.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.



Syntax | 452

Hierarchy Level | 453

Description | 453

Options | 453

Required Privilege Level | 454

Release Information | 455


pre-id-default-policy {
then {
log {
session-timeout {
icmp seconds;
icmp6 seconds;
ospf seconds;
others seconds;
tcp seconds;
udp seconds;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]


During the initial policy lookup phase, which occurs prior to a dynamic application being identified, if
there are multiple policies present in the potential policy list, the SRX Series device applies the default
security policy until a more explicit match has occurred. Configures default policy actions that occur
prior to dynamic application identification (AppID).

CAUTION: Configuring session-init logging for the pre-id-default-policy can generate a

large amount of logs. Each session that enters the SRX that initially matches the pre-id-
default-policy will generate an event. We recommend only using this option for
troubleshooting purposes.


then Specifies the policy action that has to be taken when the packet matches the criteria.

log Specifies the log details at session close time and session initialization time.

• Values:

• session-init—Log at the beginning of a session

• session-close—Log at the closure of a session


NOTE: In recent versions of Junos OS, the factory-default configuration of an

SRX includes the session-close knob. If not already present, we recommend that
customers implement session-close logging within their pre-id-default-policy. This
will ensure security logs are generated by the SRX if a flow is unable to leave the
pre-id-default-policy. These events are generally a result of JDPI being unable to
properly classify traffic, although they may also indicate potential attempts at
evading the APPID engine.

session- When you update a session, the session timeout is configured, which specifies the session
timeout timeout details in seconds.

• Values: icmp—Timeout value for ICMP sessions (seconds)

• Range: 4 through 86,400

• Values: icmp6—Timeout value for ICMP6 sessions (seconds)

• Range: 4 through 86,400

• Values: ospf—Timeout value for OSPF sessions (seconds)

• Range: 4 through 86,400

• Values: others—Timeout value for other sessions (seconds)

• Range: 4 through 86,400

• Values: tcp—Timeout value for TCP sessions (seconds)

• Range: 4 through 86,400

• Values: udp—Timeout value for UDP sessions (seconds)

• Range: 4 through 86,400

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Understanding Advanced Policy-Based Routing



Syntax | 455

Hierarchy Level | 456

Description | 456

Options | 456

Required Privilege Level | 457

Release Information | 457


profile name {
redirect-message {
type {
custom-text {
content content;
redirect-url {
content content;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security dynamic-application]


Define a profile to provide an explanation for the policy action or to redirect the client request to an
informative webpage when a policy blocks HTTP or HTTPS traffic with a deny or reject action in a
security policy.

Although drop and reject actions can be logged, the users might not be notified when either action is
taken. To provide a reason for the action or to redirect the users to an informative webpage, use the
redirect-message option at the [edit security dynamic-application profile name] hierarchy level to display a
custom message.

Customize the redirect action by adding your text message on the splash screen or specify the URL to
which the user is redirected. When the redirect message option is specified, a splash screen and message
informs the client that the traffic has been blocked.

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, a redirect profile can be configured in a unified policy.


name Name of the profile.

• Values:

redirect- Defines the profile of the notification sent to clients when HTTP or HTTPS
message traffic is blocked by a reject or deny action from an application firewall.

type The message type displayed after a reject or deny action.


custom- Text message in HTML added to the default text. If custom-text is specified,
text the splash screen displays both the default block message and the custom-
defined block message.

The user is redirected when a reject or deny action is taken during one of the
POLL, SEARCH, SUBSCRIBE, and UNSUBSCRIBE. If the reject or deny action
occurs during a different HTTP method, the traffic is silently dropped.

content Custom text added to the splash screen. Custom text is inserted below the
default message. Add the characters \n to insert a line break in the displayed

redirect-url Custom URL redirection.

content The URL of the webpage to which the client is directed. When traffic is
rejected or denied, the client is redirected to the specified webpage for further
action. The URL can be hosted on either the SRX Series device or an external

Enter the redirect URL in quotation marks for an HTTP or HTTPS site, as
shown in the following example:


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.



Example: Configure a Unified Policy Using a Redirect Message Profile | 164

dynamic-application (Security) | 368

protocol (Applications)


Syntax | 458

Hierarchy Level | 458

Description | 459

Options | 459

Required Privilege Level | 460

Release Information | 460


protocol number;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name ]

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Specify the networking protocol name or number.


protocol-name— Networking protocol name. The following text values are supported. For a complete list of
possible numeric values, see RFC 1700, Assigned Numbers (for the Internet Protocol Suite).

• ah—IP Security Authentication Header

• egp—Exterior gateway protocol

• esp—IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload

• gre—Generic routing encapsulation

• icmp—Internet Control Message Protocol

• igmp—Internet Group Management Protocol

• ipip—IP over IP

• node—Clear each session that uses the specified IP protocol on a specific node.

• ospf—Open Shortest Path First

• pim—Protocol Independent Multicast

• rsvp—Resource Reservation Protocol

• sctp—Stream Control Transmission Protocol

• tcp—Transmission Control Protocol

• udp—User Datagram Protocol

NOTE: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is not supported as a network protocol in application

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

protocols (Security Zones Host Inbound Traffic)


Syntax | 461

Hierarchy Level | 461

Description | 461

Options | 461

Required Privilege Level | 462

Release Information | 463



protocols {
(protocol-name | all <protocol-name except>);

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name host-inbound-traffic]


Specify the types of protocol traffic that can reach the device for all interfaces in a zone. You can do this
in one of several ways:

• You can enable traffic from each protocol individually.

• You can enable traffic from all protocols.

• You can enable traffic from all but some protocols.


protocol- Protocol for which traffic is allowed. The following protocols are supported:
• all—Enable traffic from all possible protocols available. Use the except option to
disallow specific protocols.

• bfd—Enable incoming Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol traffic.

• bgp—Enable incoming BGP traffic.

• dvmrp—Enable incoming Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) traffic.


• igmp—Enable incoming Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) traffic.

• ldp—Enable incoming Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) traffic (UDP and TCP port 646).

• msdp—Enable incoming Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) traffic.

• nhrp—Enable incoming Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) traffic.

• ospf—Enable incoming OSPF traffic.

• ospf3—Enable incoming OSPF version 3 traffic.

• pgm—Enable incoming Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) protocol traffic (IP protocol
number 113).

• pim—Enable incoming Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) traffic.

• rip—Enable incoming RIP traffic.

• ripng—Enable incoming RIP next generation traffic.

• router-discovery—Enable incoming router discovery traffic.

• rsvp—Enable incoming Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) traffic (IP protocol number

• sap— Enable incoming Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) traffic. SAP always listens
on New addresses and ports can be added dynamically. This
information must be propagated to the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE).

• vrrp—Enable incoming Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) traffic.

except (Optional) Disable specific incoming protocol traffic, but only when the all option has been
defined . For example, to enable all but BGP and VRRP protocol traffic:

set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic protocols all

set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic protocols bgp except
set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic protocols vrrp except

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Understanding Functional Zones

protocols (Security Zones Interfaces)


Syntax | 463

Hierarchy Level | 464

Description | 464

Options | 464

Required Privilege Level | 465

Release Information | 465


protocols protocol-name {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name interfaces interface-name host-inbound-traffic]


Specify the types of routing protocol traffic that can reach the device on a per-interface basis.


• protocol-name —Protocol for which traffic is allowed. The following protocols are supported:

• all—Enable traffic from all possible protocols available.

• bfd—Enable incoming Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Protocol traffic.

• bgp—Enable incoming BGP traffic.

• dvmrp—Enable incoming Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) traffic.

• igmp—Enable incoming Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) traffic.

• ldp—Enable incoming Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) traffic (UDP and TCP port 646).

• msdp—Enable incoming Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) traffic.

• nhrp—Enable incoming Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) traffic.

• ospf—Enable incoming OSPF traffic.

• ospf3—Enable incoming OSPF version 3 traffic.

• pgm—Enable incoming Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) protocol traffic (IP protocol number

• pim—Enable incoming Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) traffic.

• rip—Enable incoming RIP traffic.

• ripng—Enable incoming RIP next generation traffic.


• router-discovery—Enable incoming router discovery traffic.

• rsvp—Enable incoming Resource Resolution Protocol (RSVP) traffic (IP protocol number 46).

• sap— Enable incoming Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) traffic. SAP always listens on

• vrrp—Enable incoming Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) traffic.

except—(Optional) except can only be used if all has been defined.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Understanding Functional Zones



Syntax | 466

Hierarchy Level | 466

Description | 466

Options | 466

Required Privilege Level | 466

Release Information | 467


range-address lower-limit to upper-limit;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security address-book address address-name]


Configure the address range for an address book.


• lower-limit—Lower limit of an address range.

• upper-limit—Upper limit of an address range.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Understanding Address Books | 26

Understanding Address Sets | 29

redirect-wx (Application Services)


Syntax | 467

Hierarchy Level | 467

Description | 468

Required Privilege Level | 468

Release Information | 468



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


ForSRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, or SRX550M devices, define the acceleration zone
security policy for WX redirection of packets to the WXC Integrated Service Module (ISM 200) for WAN
acceleration. During the redirection process, the direction of the WX packet and its type determine
further processing of the packet.

Specify the WX redirection needed for the packets that arrive from the LAN. Use the reverse-redirect-wx
statement to specify the WX redirection needed for the reverse flow of the packets that arrive from the

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

reject (Security)


Syntax | 469

Hierarchy Level | 469

Description | 469

Options | 470

Required Privilege Level | 470

Release Information | 470


reject {
profile redirect-profile-name;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name ssl-proxy-profile-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then]


Block the service at the firewall. The device drops the packet and sends a TCP reset (RST) segment to
the source host for TCP traffic and an ICMP “destination unreachable, port unreachable” message (type
3, code 3) for UDP traffic. For types of traffic other than TCP and UDP, the device drops the packet
without notifying the source host, which is also what occurs when the action is deny.

You can configure reject action with one of the following options for the dynamic-applications:

• profile - You can chose to provide a notification to the clients or redirect client request to an
informative Web page when a policy blocks HTTP or HTTPS traffic with a deny or reject action. To
apply a profile, you must define the redirect profile for the dynamic applications.

• ssl-proxy - You can apply a redirect SSL proxy profile when a policy blocks HTTPS traffic with a reject
action. When you apply am SSL proxy profile, SSL proxy decrypts the traffic and application

identification functionality identifies the application. Next, you can take action to redirect or drop the
traffic as per the configuration.


profile Profile for redirect HTTP/HTTPS traffic.

SSL-proxy SSL proxy profile for decrypt HTTPS traffic.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Starting in Junos OS Release 19.2, options profile and
ssl-proxy are added.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 471

Hierarchy Level | 471


Description | 471

Required Privilege Level | 471

Release Information | 472



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name],

[edit security policies global policy policy-name],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name
policy policy-name],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies global policy policy-name],
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies from-zone zone-name policy policy-name],
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies global policy policy-name],


You can configure this command to skip policy reports for a policy.

Adding the policy to the policy allowlist excludes the policy from any policy analysis and excluded it
from appearing in any future report.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.1R1.


show security policy-report | 679



Syntax | 472

Hierarchy Level | 472

Description | 473

Required Privilege Level | 473

Release Information | 473


reverse-tcp-mss mss-value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name

policy policy-name then permit tcp-options]


Configure the TCP maximum segment size (MSS) for packets that match a specific policy and travel in
the reverse direction of a session. The value you configure replaces the TCP MSS value when the value
in the packet is higher than the one you specify.

The reverse-tcp-mss value per policy takes precedence over a global tcp-mss value (all-tcp, ipsec-vpn, gre-in,
gre-out), if one is configured. However, when the syn-flood-protection-mode syn-proxy statement at the [edit
security flow] hierarchy level is used to enable SYN proxy defenses against SYN attacks, the TCP MSS
value is not overridden.

Because each policy has two directions, you can configure a value for both directions or for just one
direction. To configure the TCP MSS value for the initial session, use the initial-tcp-mss option.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.


initial-tcp-mss | 403
tcp-mss (Security Flow)

rpc-program-number (Applications)


Syntax | 474

Hierarchy Level | 474

Description | 474

Options | 475

Required Privilege Level | 475

Release Information | 475


rpc-program-number number;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name ]

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Specify the remote procedure call (RPC) or Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) value.


number—RPC or DCE program value.

• Range: 0 through 65,535

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

scheduler (Security Policies)


Syntax | 476

Hierarchy Level | 476

Description | 477

Options | 477

Required Privilege Level | 477

Release Information | 477



scheduler scheduler-name {
daily {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
description text;
friday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
monday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
saturday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
start-date date-time stop-date date-time;
sunday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
thursday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
tuesday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);
wednesday {
(all-day | exclude | start-time hh:mm stop-time hh:mm);

Hierarchy Level

[edit schedulers]
[edit tenants <tenant-name> schedulers]


Create or modify a scheduler that defines when security policies are in effect.

You configure a scheduler to start at a specific date and time or start on a recurrent basis.


scheduler-name —Name of the scheduler. The scheduler name must consist of 1 to 63 characters that can
be letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores and can begin with a number or letter.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.
The scheduler option added under the set tenants tenant-name schedulers hierarchy in Junos OS Release


Security Policies Overview | 2




Syntax | 478

Hierarchy Level | 478

Description | 478

Options | 479

Required Privilege Level | 479

Release Information | 479


scheduler-name scheduler-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name]


Specify the schedule (as defined by the scheduler scheduler-name statement) for which the policy is in


scheduler-name —Name of the scheduler.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

schedulers (Security Policies)


Syntax | 480

Hierarchy Level | 480

Description | 480

Options | 480

Required Privilege Level | 480

Release Information | 480



schedulers { ... }

Hierarchy Level



Configure schedules for security policies that allow you to control network traffic flow and enforce
network security.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security— To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control— To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. The schedulers option added under the tenants hierarchy in
Junos OS Release 18.3R1.


Security Policies Overview | 2

screen (Security Zones)


Syntax | 481

Hierarchy Level | 481

Description | 481

Options | 482

Required Privilege Level | 482

Release Information | 482


screen screen-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones functional-zone management],

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name]


Specify a security screen for a security zone.



screen-name —Name of the screen.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Attack Detection and Prevention Overview

Example: Configuring Multiple Screening Options



Syntax | 483

Hierarchy Level | 483

Description | 483

Options | 483

Required Privilege Level | 484

Release Information | 484



secure-neighbor-discovery {
command binary-file-path;
failover (alternate-media | other-routing-engine);

Hierarchy Level

[edit system processes]


Provide support for protecting Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (SEND) messages.


• command binary-file-path—Path to the binary process.

• disable—Disable the Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) protocol process.

• failover—Configure the device to reboot if the software process fails four times within 30 seconds,
and specify the software to use during the reboot.

• alternate-media—Configure the device to switch to backup media that contains a version of the
system if a software process fails repeatedly.

• other-routing-engine—Instruct the secondary Routing Engine to take the primary role if a software
process fails. If this statement is configured for a process, and that process fails four times within
30 seconds, then the device reboots from the secondary Routing Engine.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

security-intelligence (security policies)


Syntax | 484

Hierarchy Level | 485

Description | 485

Options | 485

Required Privilege Level | 485

Release Information | 486


security-intelligence {
add-destination-identity-to-feed feed-name;
add-destination-ip-to-feed feed-name;
add-source-ip-to-feed feed-name;
add-source-identity-to-feed feed-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit
[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then deny
application-services ]
[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then reject


Configure the security-intelligence command to add source address, destination address, source identity,
and destination identity to the security intelligence (SecIntel) profiles to generate security feeds in a
security policy. After the feeds are generated, you can configure other security policies to use the feeds
as a dynamic-address to match designated traffic and perform policy actions.


add-destination-identity-to-feed feed-name; Add destination user identity to the security feed.

add-destination-ip-to-feed Add the destination IP address to the security feed.

add-source-identity-to-feed feed-name; Add source user identity to the security feed.

add-source-ip-to-feed Add the source IP address to the security feed.

The feed-name must be predefined and installed by SecIntel with the feed type and a specific ID.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.2R1.

The add-source-identity-to-feed and destination-identity-to-feed options are introduced in Junos OS Release




Syntax | 486

Hierarchy Level | 487

Description | 488

Options | 488

Required Privilege Level | 488

Release Information | 488


security-zone zone-name {
address-book {
address address-name {
ip-prefix {
description text;
description text;
dns-name domain-name {
range-address lower-limit to upper-limit;
wildcard-address ipv4-address/wildcard-mask;

address-set address-set-name {
address address-name;
address-set address-set-name;
description text;
description text;
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
interfaces interface-name {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
screen screen-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones]



Define a security zone, which allows you to divide the network into different segments and apply
different security options to each segment.


zone-name —Name of the security zone.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for wildcard addresses added in Junos OS
Release 11.1. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1. The unidirectional-seesion-refreshing
option added in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Example: Configuring Application Firewall Rule Sets Within a Security Policy



Syntax | 489

Hierarchy Level | 489

Description | 489

Required Privilege Level | 489

Release Information | 490



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit tcp-


Enable sequence check per policy. The sequence-check-required value overrides the global value no-

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

services-offload (Security)


Syntax | 490

Hierarchy Level | 491

Description | 491

Required Privilege Level | 491

Release Information | 491



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]


Enable services offloading within a security policy for SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96



Syntax | 492

Hierarchy Level | 492

Description | 492

Required Privilege Level | 493

Release Information | 493



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then log]


Enable traffic to which the policy applies to be logged at the end of a session.

Session-ager is a process that runs at regular intervals and cleans up inactive sessions. The timestamp of
the session-close log is the time that session-ager closes the session.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96



Syntax | 493

Hierarchy Level | 494

Description | 494

Required Privilege Level | 494

Release Information | 494



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then log]


Enable traffic to which the policy applies to be logged at the beginning of a session.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96



Syntax | 495

Hierarchy Level | 495

Description | 495

Options | 496

Required Privilege Level | 496

Release Information | 496


session-scan {
hold-interval seconds;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security dynamic-address]


Trigger session scan for all the dynamic addresses



hold-interval Time interval before the session scan request (seconds)

• Default: 10

• Range: 1 through 3600

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D25 on SRX Series devices and on cSRX in Junos
OS Release 22.2R1.



Syntax | 497

Hierarchy Level | 497

Description | 497

Options | 497

Required Privilege Level | 497

Release Information | 498



simple-mail-client-service {
command binary-file-path;

Hierarchy Level

[edit system processes]


Specify the SMTP client process.


• command binary-file-path—Path to the binary process.

• disable—Disable the SMTP client process.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

source-address (Security Policies)


Syntax | 498

Hierarchy Level | 499

Description | 499

Options | 499

Required Privilege Level | 499

Release Information | 499


source-address {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]


Define the matching criteria. You can specify one or more IP addresses, address sets, or wildcard
addresses. You can specify wildcards any, any-ipv4, or any-ipv6.


address—IP addresses, address sets, or wildcard addresses (represented as A.B.C.D/wildcard-mask). You

can configure multiple addresses or address prefixes separated by spaces and enclosed in square

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support.


Security Policies Overview | 2


Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97

Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96



Syntax | 500

Hierarchy Level | 500

Description | 500

Required Privilege Level | 501

Release Information | 501



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]


Exclude the source address(es) from the policy.


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 501

Hierarchy Level | 502

Description | 502

Options | 502

Required Privilege Level | 503

Release Information | 503


source-identity {


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]

[edit security advance-policy-based-routing from-zone zone-name policy policy-name match]


Identifies users and roles to be used as match criteria for a policy. If a value other than any is specified as
match criteria for a policy within a zone pair, the traffic is matched to table entries to retrieve associated
user and roles before policy lookup occurs. Users and roles are retrieved from the local authentication
table or from a UIT pushed to the SRX Series device from an access control service when a user is


The following entries specify the source identities that match a policy:

user-or-role-name A list of specific users and roles.

• Range: 0 through 39 characters


NOTE: SRX Series devices truncate imported roles to 39 characters.

You need to ensure that all of your roles are 39 characters or less.

any Any user or role, as well as the keywords authenticated-user, unauthenticated-

user, and unknown-user.

authenticated-user All users and roles that have been authenticated.

unauthenticated- Any user or role that does not have an IP-address mapped to authentication
user sources and the authentication source is up and running.

unknown-user Any user or role that does not have an IP address mapped to authentication
sources, because the authentication source is disconnected from the SRX Series
device. In this case, users are unable to be authenticated due to an
authentication server disconnection, such as a power outage.

Unknown-user must be configured for non-domain users to be able to

authenticate and log in.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1. Statement updated in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.
Statement is supported in [edit security advance-policy-based-routing from-zone zone-name policy
policy-name match] hierarchy in Junos OS Release 19.1R1.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199

Security Policies Overview | 2

source-ip (Security Alarms)


Syntax | 504

Hierarchy Level | 504

Description | 505

Options | 505

Required Privilege Level | 505

Release Information | 505


source-ip {
duration interval;
size count;
threshold value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security alarms potential-violation policy]



Configure alarms for a number of policy violations by a source network identifier within a specified time


• duration interval—Indicate the duration of counters.

• Range: 1 through 3600 seconds.

• Default: 1 second.

• size count—Indicate the number of source IP addresses for which policy violation checks can be done

• Range: 1 through 10240.

• Default: 1024.

• threshold value—Indicate the maximum number of source IP address matches required to raise an

• Range: 1 through 4294967295.

• Default: 1000.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.



Security Policies Overview | 2

source-port (Applications)


Syntax | 506

Hierarchy Level | 506

Description | 506

Options | 507

Required Privilege Level | 507

Release Information | 507


source-port port-number;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name ]

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]


Specify the source port identifier.



port-number—Identifier for the port. You can use a numeric value or one of the text synonyms listed in
"destination-port (Applications)" on page 356.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Application Sets Overview | 55

ssl-proxy (Application Services)


Syntax | 508

Hierarchy Level | 508

Description | 508

Options | 508

Required Privilege Level | 508

Release Information | 509



ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Enable SSL proxy and identify the name of the SSL proxy profile to be used. This option is supported on
SRX340, SRX345, SRX550M, SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800


profile-name SSL proxy profile.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Configuring SSL Forward Proxy



Syntax | 509

Hierarchy Level | 509

Description | 510

Options | 510

Required Privilege Level | 510

Release Information | 510


ssl-termination-profile profile-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit
firewall-authentication pass-through]


Specify the SSL termination profile used for SSL offloading.


profile-name Specify the name of the SSL termination profile used to the SSL offload.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 511

Hierarchy Level | 511

Description | 511

Options | 511

Required Privilege Level | 511

Release Information | 512


start-date date-time;

Hierarchy Level

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name]


Specify the time, day, month, and year that the schedule starts.

Specifying the year is optional. If no year is specified, the schedule applies to the current year and all
subsequent years. If the year is specified in either the start-date or stop-date statement, that year is used
for both statements.


date-time —Use the format [ yyyy -] mm - dd . hh . mm to specify the year, month, day, hour, and minutes.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.


security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2

start-time (Schedulers)


Syntax | 512

Hierarchy Level | 513

Description | 513

Options | 513

Required Privilege Level | 513

Release Information | 513


start-time hh:mm;

Hierarchy Level

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name daily],

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name friday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name monday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name saturday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name sunday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name tuesday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name thursday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name wednesday]


Specify the time that a schedule starts for a specified day.

If you specify a starting time for a daily schedule with the daily statement and also include the friday,
monday, saturday, sunday, tuesday, thursday, and wednesday statements in the schedule, the starting time
specified for a specific day (for example, Friday using the friday statement) overrides the starting time
set with the daily statement.


time —Use the 24-hour format (hh:mm:ss ) to specify the hours, minutes, and seconds.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 514

Hierarchy Level | 514

Description | 514

Options | 515

Required Privilege Level | 515

Release Information | 515


stop-date date-time;

Hierarchy Level

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name]


Specify the time, day, month, and year that the schedule ends.

Specifying the year is optional. If no year is specified, the schedule applies to the current year and all
subsequent years. If the year is specified in either the start-date or stop-date statement, that year is used
for both statements.


date-time —Use the format [ yyyy -] mm - dd . hh . mm to specify the year, month, day, hour, and minutes.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 516

Hierarchy Level | 516

Description | 516

Options | 517

Required Privilege Level | 517

Release Information | 517


stop-time hh:mm;

Hierarchy Level

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name daily],

[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name friday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name monday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name saturday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name sunday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name tuesday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name thursday],
[edit schedulers scheduler scheduler-name wednesday]


Specify the time that a schedule stops for a specified day.

If you specify a stop time for a daily schedule with the daily statement and also include the the friday,
monday, saturday, sunday, tuesday, thursday, and wednesday statements in the schedule, the stop time specified
for a specific day (for example, Friday using the friday statement) overrides the stop time set with the
daily statement.


time —Use the 24-hour format (hh:mm:ss ) to specify the hours, minutes, and seconds.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release.


Security Policies Overview | 2



Syntax | 518

Hierarchy Level | 518

Description | 518

Required Privilege Level | 518

Release Information | 518




Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name

policy policy-name then permit tcp-options]


Enable sync check per policy. The syn-check-required value overrides the global value no-syn-check.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.


Attack Detection and Prevention Overview

Example: Configuring Multiple Screening Options

system-services (Security Zones Host Inbound



Syntax | 519

Hierarchy Level | 519

Description | 519

Options | 520

Required Privilege Level | 521

Release Information | 521


system-services {
(service-name | all <service-name except>);

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name host-inbound-traffic]


Specify the types of incoming system service traffic that can reach the device for all interfaces in a zone.
You can do this in one of several ways:

• You can enable traffic from each system service individually.


• You can enable traffic from all system services.

• You can enable traffic from all but some system services.


• service-name —System-service for which traffic is allowed. The following system services are

• all—Enable traffic from the defined system services available on the Routing Engine (RE). Use the
except option to disallow specific system services. Enabling all the system services does not
override any interface specific configuration under a particular zone.

• any-service—Enable all system services on entire port range including the system services that are
not defined.

• bootp—Enable traffic destined to BOOTP and DHCP relay agents.

• dhcp—Enable incoming DHCP requests.

• dhcpv6—Enable incoming DHCP requests for IPv6.

• dns—Enable incoming DNS services.

• finger—Enable incoming finger traffic.

• ftp—Enable incoming FTP traffic.

• http—Enable incoming J-Web or clear-text Web authentication traffic.

• https—Enable incoming J-Web or Web authentication traffic over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

• ident-reset—Enable the access that has been blocked by an unacknowledged identification


• ike—Enable Internet Key Exchange traffic.

• lsping—Enable label switched path ping service.

• netconf—Enable incoming NETCONF service.

• ntp—Enable incoming Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic.

• ping—Allow the device to respond to ICMP echo requests.

• r2cp—Enable incoming Radio Router Control Protocol traffic.


• reverse-ssh—Reverse SSH traffic.

• reverse-telnet—Reverse Telnet traffic.

• rlogin—Enable incoming rlogin (remote login) traffic.

• rpm—Enable incoming Real-time performance monitoring (RPM) traffic.

• rsh—Enable incoming Remote Shell (rsh) traffic.

• snmp—Enable incoming SNMP traffic (UDP port 161).

• snmp-trap—Enable incoming SNMP traps (UDP port 162).

• ssh—Enable incoming SSH traffic.

• telnet—Enable incoming Telnet traffic.

• tftp—Enable TFTP services.

• traceroute—Enable incoming traceroute traffic (UDP port 33434).

• xnm-clear-text—Enable incoming Junos XML protocol traffic for all specified interfaces.

• xnm-ssl— Enable incoming Junos XML protocol-over-SSL traffic for all specified interfaces.

• except—(Optional) Enable specific incoming system service traffic but only when the all option has
been defined . For example, to enable all but FTP and HTTP system service traffic:

set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic system-services all

set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic system-services ftp except
set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic system-services http except

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Security Zones Overview | 7

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

system-services (Security Zones Interfaces)


Syntax | 522

Hierarchy Level | 522

Description | 523

Options | 523

Required Privilege Level | 524

Release Information | 524


system-services service-name {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name interfaces interface-name host-inbound-traffic]



Specify the types of traffic that can reach the device on a particular interface.


• service-name —Service for which traffic is allowed. The following services are supported:

• all—Enable all possible system services available on the Routing Engine (RE).

• any-service—Enable services on entire port range.

• bootp—Enable traffic destined to BOOTP and DHCP relay agents.

• dhcp—Enable incoming DHCP requests.

• dhcpv6—Enable incoming DHCP requests for IPv6.

• dns—Enable incoming DNS services.

• finger—Enable incoming finger traffic.

• ftp—Enable incoming FTP traffic.

• http—Enable incoming J-Web or clear-text Web authentication traffic.

• https—Enable incoming J-Web or Web authentication traffic over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

• ident-reset—Enable the access that has been blocked by an unacknowledged identification


• ike—Enable Internet Key Exchange traffic.

• netconf SSH—Enable incoming NetScreen Security Manager (NSM) traffic over SSH.

• ntp—Enable incoming Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic.

• ping—Allow the device to respond to ICMP echo requests.

• r2cp—Enable incoming Radio Router Control Protocol traffic.

• reverse-ssh—Reverse SSH traffic.

• reverse-telnet—Reverse Telnet traffic.

• rlogin—Enable incoming rlogin (remote login) traffic.


• rpm—Enable incoming real-time performance monitoring (RPM) traffic.

• rsh—Enable incoming Remote Shell (rsh) traffic.

• snmp—Enable incoming SNMP traffic (UDP port 161).

• snmp-trap—Enable incoming SNMP traps (UDP port 162).

• ssh—Enable incoming SSH traffic.

• telnet—Enable incoming Telnet traffic.

• tftp—Enable TFTP services.

• traceroute—Enable incoming traceroute traffic (UDP port 33434).

• xnm-clear-text—Enable incoming Junos XML protocol traffic for all specified interfaces.

• xnm-ssl— Enable incoming Junos XML protocol-over-SSL traffic for all specified interfaces.

• except—(Optional) except can only be used if all has been defined.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

tcp-options (Security Policies)


Syntax | 525

Hierarchy Level | 525

Description | 526

Options | 526

Required Privilege Level | 527

Release Information | 527


tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss mss-value;
reverse-tcp-mss mss-value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies from-zone],

[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies global policy name then],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name security policies stateful-firewall-rule name policy
name then],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name tenants name security policies from-zone],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name tenants name security policies global
policy name then],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name tenants name security policies stateful-firewall-rule

name policy name then],

[edit security policies]
[edit security policies global policy name then],
[edit security policies stateful-firewall-rule name policy name then],
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies from-zone],
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies global policy name then],
[edit tenants tenant-name security policies stateful-firewall-rule name policy name then]
[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]


Specify the TCP options for each policy. You can configure sync and sequence checks for each policy
based on your requirements, and, because each policy has two directions, you can configure a TCP MSS
value for both directions or for just one direction. To configure per-policy TCP options, you must turn off
the respective global options. Otherwise, the commit check will fail.


initial-tcp-mss Configure the TCP maximum segment size (MSS) for packets that arrive at the ingress
interface (initial direction), match a specific policy, and for which a session is created.
The value you configure overrides the TCP MSS value in the incoming packet when the
value in the packet is higher than the one you specify.

The initial-tcp-mss value per policy takes precedence over a global tcp-mss value (all-tcp,
ipsec-vpn, gre-in, gre-out), if one is configured. However, when the syn-flood-protection-mode
syn-proxy statement at the [edit security flow] hierarchy level is used to enable SYN
proxy defenses against SYN attacks, the TCP MSS value is not overriden.

Because each policy has two directions, you can configure a value for both directions
or for just one direction. To configure a TCP MSS value for the reverse session, use the
reverse-tcp-mss option.

• Range: 64 through 65535

reverse-tcp- Configure the TCP maximum segment size (MSS) for packets that match a specific
mss policy and travel in the reverse direction of a session. The value you configure replaces
the TCP MSS value when the value in the packet is higher than the one you specify.

The reverse-tcp-mss value per policy takes precedence over a global tcp-mss value (all-tcp,
ipsec-vpn, gre-in, gre-out), if one is configured. However, when the syn-flood-protection-mode
syn-proxy statement at the [edit security flow] hierarchy level is used to enable SYN
proxy defenses against SYN attacks, the TCP MSS value is not overridden.

Because each policy has two directions, you can configure a value for both directions
or for just one direction. To configure the TCP MSS value for the initial session, use the
initial-tcp-mss option.

• Range: 64 through 65535

sequence- Enable sequence check per policy. The sequence-check-required value overrides the
check- global value no-sequence-check.
syn-check- Enable sync check per policy. The syn-check-required value overrides the global value
required no-syn-check.

window-scale Enable window-scale per policy.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

The tcp-options, sequence-check-required, and syn-check-required statements are introduced in Junos OS

Release 10.4.

The initial-tcp-mss and reverse-tcp-mss statements are introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.

The window-scale statement is introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D70.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97

Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96



Syntax | 528

Hierarchy Level | 528

Description | 528

Default | 529

Required Privilege Level | 529

Release Information | 529



Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone zone-name]


Enable the device to send a TCP segment with the RST (reset) flag set to 1 (one) in response to a TCP
segment with any flag other than SYN set and that does not belong to an existing session.

During flow first path process, a TCP RST packet is sent to the traffic originator if the TCP packet trying
to create the flow session is not a SYN packet.


By default, tcp-rst is disabled.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Example: Configuring the TCP-Reset Parameter | 23

term (Applications)


Syntax | 530

Hierarchy Level | 530

Description | 530

Options | 531

Required Privilege Level | 531

Release Information | 531


term term-name {
alg application;
destination-port port-identifier;
icmp-code value;
icmp-type value;
icmp6-code value;
icmp6-type value;
inactivity-timeout (seconds | never);
protocol number;
rpc-program-number number;
source-port port-number;
uuid hex-value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name]


Define individual application protocols.



The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


Security Policy Applications Overview | 54

then (Security Policies)


threshold-logging-interval | 534


then {
count {
alarm {

per-minute-threshold number;
per-second-threshold number;
log {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set-name;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;
gprs-gtp-profile profile-name;
gprs-sctp-profile profile-name;
redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy policy-name;
destination-address {
firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
user-firewall {
access-profile profile-name;

domain domain-name
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;
tcp-options {
initial-tcp-mss mss-value;
reverse-tcp-mss mss-value;
tunnel {
ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;
ipsec-vpn vpn-name;
pair-policy pair-policy;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name]


Specify the policy action to be performed when packets match the defined criteria.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for the services-offload option added in Junos OS
Release 11.4. Support for the ssl-termination-profile and web-redirect-to-https options added in Junos OS
Release 12.1X44-D10. Support for the user-firewall option added in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.
Support for the initial-tcp-mss and reverse-tcp-mss options added in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.



Syntax | 534

Hierarchy Level | 535

Description | 535

Options | 535

Required Privilege Level | 535

Release Information | 535


threshold-logging-interval <minutes>

Hierarchy Level

[edit tenants tenant name security idp sensor-configuration packet-log]

[edit logical system logical system name security idp sensor-configuration packet-log]


The minimum time interval in minutes between log messages for maximum sessions or memory reached.


minutes-Interval to generate syslog messages when configured packet-log total memory or max-sessions
is reached.

• Range 1 to 60

• Default 15

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 21.3


No Link Title


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

to-zone (Security Policies)


Syntax | 536

Hierarchy Level | 538

Description | 538

Options | 539

Required Privilege Level | 539

Release Information | 539


to-zone zone-name {
policy policy-name {
description description;
match {
application {
destination-address {
source-address {
source-identity {

scheduler-name scheduler-name;
then {
count {
alarm {
per-minute-threshold number;
per-second-threshold number;
log {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set rule-set-name;
application-traffic-control {
rule-set rule-set-name;
gprs-gtp-profile profile-name;
gprs-sctp-profile profile-name;
redirect-wx | reverse-redirect-wx;
ssl-proxy {
profile-name profile-name;
uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;
utm-policy policy-name;
destination-address {

firewall-authentication {
pass-through {
access-profile profile-name;
client-match user-or-group-name;
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;
web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;
tcp-options {
tunnel {
ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;
ipsec-vpn vpn-name;
pair-policy pair-policy;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name]


Specify a destination zone to be associated with the security policy.



• zone-name—Name of the destination zone object.

• junos-host—Default security zone for self-traffic of the device.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for the services-offload and junos-host options
added in Junos OS Release 11.4. Support for the source-identity option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.
Support for the ssl-termination-profile and web-redirect-to-https options added in Junos OS Release


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

to-zone (Security Policies Global)


Syntax | 540

Hierarchy Level | 540

Description | 540

Required Privilege Level | 540

Release Information | 541


to-zone {

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies global policy policy-name match]


Identify a single destination zone or multiple destination zones to be used as a match criteria for a
policy. You must configure specific zones or default to any zone, but you cannot have both in a global

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.


Global Policy Overview | 184

Example: Configuring a Global Policy with No Zone Restrictions | 186
Example: Configuring a Global Policy with Multiple Zones | 192

traceoptions (dynamic-address)


Syntax | 541

Hierarchy Level | 542

Description | 542

Options | 542

Required Privilege Level | 542

Release Information | 543


traceoptions {
file< filename><files files><match match><size size><(world-readable | no-world-readable)>;
flag name;

level(all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning);


Hierarchy Level

[edit security dynamic-address]


Security dynamic address tracing options


level Level of debugging output

• all—Match all levels

• error—Match error conditions

• info—Match informational messages

• notice—Match conditions that should be handled specially

• verbose—Match verbose messages

• warning—Match warning messages

no-remote-trace Disable remote tracing

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

trace—To view this statement in the configuration.

trace-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D25 on SRX Series devices and on cSRX in Junos
OS Release 22.2R1.

traceoptions (dynamic-application)


Syntax | 543

Hierarchy Level | 544

Description | 544

Options | 544

Required Privilege Level | 545

Release Information | 546


traceoptions {
file {
files number;
match regular-expression;
size maximum-file-size;
(world-readable | no-world-readable);
flag flag;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security dynamic-application]

[edit security dynamic-address]


Configure dynamic application tracing options.

NOTE: NOTE: Traceoptions does not differentiate between a logical system and tenant system,
and can be configured under the root logical system.


file Trace file information

• Values:

filename Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose
the name within quotation marks. All files are placed in the
directory /var/log. By default, the name of the file is the name of the
process being traced.

files number Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file
reaches its maximum size, it is renamed as trace-file.0, then trace-file.1,
and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. The
oldest archived file is overwritten.

If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a

maximum file size with the size option and a filename.

• Range: 2 through 1000

• Default: 3 files

match Refine the output to include lines that contain the regular expression.
size Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or
maximum-file- gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is
size renamed trace-file.0. When the trace-file again reaches its maximum
size, trace-file.0 is renamed trace-file.1 and trace-file is renamed trace-
file.0. This renaming scheme continues until the maximum number of
trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.

• Range: 10 KB through 1 GB

• Default: 128 KB

world- By default, the log files can be accessed only by the user who
readable|no- configures the tracing operation. The world-readable option enables any
world- user to read the file. To explicitly set the default behavior, use the no-
readable world-readable option.

flag Configure tracing parameters

• Values:

all Trace with all flags enabled.

configuration Trace configuration events.

compilation Trace compilation events.

ipc Trace process intercommunication events.

lookup Trace lookup events.

no- Set remote tracing as disabled.


Required Privilege Level

trace—To view this statement in the configuration.

trace-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Unified Policies Overview | 154

Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

traceoptions (Security Policies)


Syntax | 546

Hierarchy Level | 547

Description | 547

Options | 547

Required Privilege Level | 548

Release Information | 548


traceoptions {
file {
files number;
match regular-expression;
size maximum-file-size;
(world-readable | no-world-readable);
flag flag;


Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]


Configure policy tracing options.


• file—Configure the trace file options.

• filename—Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose the name within
quotation marks. All files are placed in the directory /var/log. By default, the name of the file is the
name of the process being traced.

• files number—Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its
maximum size, it is renamed to trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum
number of trace files is reached. The oldest archived file is overwritten.

If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the size
option and a filename.

Range: 2 through 1000 files

Default: 10 files

• match regular-expression—Refine the output to include lines that contain the regular expression.

• size maximum-file-size—Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or
gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is renamed trace-file.0.
When the trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0 is renamed trace-file.1 and trace-
file is renamed trace-file.0. This renaming scheme continues until the maximum number of trace
files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.

If you specify a maximum file size, you also must specify a maximum number of trace files with
the files option and a filename.

Syntax: x K to specify KB, x m to specify MB, or x g to specify GB

Range: 10 KB through 1 GB

Default: 128 KB

• world-readable | no-world-readable—By default, log files can be accessed only by the user who
configures the tracing operation. The world-readable option enables any user to read the file. To
explicitly set the default behavior, use the no-world-readable option.

• flag—Trace operation to perform. To specify more than one trace operation, include multiple flag

• all—Trace with all flags enabled

• configuration—Trace configuration events

• compilation—Trace policy compilation events

• ipc—Trace process inter communication events

• lookup—Trace policy lookup events

• routing-socket—Trace routing socket events

• rules—Trace policy rules-related events

• no-remote-trace—Set remote tracing as disabled.

Required Privilege Level

trace—To view this statement in the configuration.

trace-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Security Policies Overview | 2

traceoptions (Security User Identification)


Syntax | 549

Hierarchy Level | 550

Description | 550

Options | 550

Required Privilege Level | 551

Release Information | 551


traceoptions {
file {
files number;
match regular-expression;
size maximum-file-size;
(world-readable | no-world-readable);
flag flag;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security user-identification]


Configure flow tracing options.


• file—Configure the trace file options.

• filename—Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose the name
within quotation marks. All files are placed in the directory /var/log. By default, the name of the
file is the name of the process being traced.

• files number—Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file its maximum
size, it is renamed to trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace
files is reached. The oldest archived file is overwritten.

If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the size
option and a filename.

Range: 2 through 1000 files

Default: 10 files

• match regular-expression—Refine the output to include lines that contain the regular expression.

• size maximum-file-size—Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or
gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is renamed trace-file.0.
When the trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0 is renamed trace-file.1 and trace-
file is renamed trace-file.0. This renaming scheme continues until the maximum number of trace
files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.

If you specify a maximum file size, you also must specify a maximum number of trace files with
the files option and a filename.

Syntax: x K to specify KB, x m to specify MB, or x g to specify GB


Range: 10 KB through 1 GB

Default: 128 KB

• world-readable | no-world-readable—By default, log files can be accessed only by the user who
configures the tracing operation. The world-readable option enables any user to read the file. To
explicitly set the default behavior, use the no-world-readable option.

• flag—Trace operation to perform.

• all—Trace with all flags enabled

• no-remote-trace—Set remote tracing as disabled.

Required Privilege Level

trace—To view this statement in the configuration.

trace-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

traceoptions (System Services DNS)


Syntax | 552

Hierarchy Level | 552


Description | 552

Options | 552

Required Privilege Level | 554

Release Information | 554


traceoptions {
category {

Hierarchy Level

[edit system services dns]


Defines tracing options for DNS services.


category—Specifies the logging category. See Table 32 on page 553 for the different logging categories
and their descriptions.

file—Trace file information.


Table 32: Category Names

Category Name Description

client Processing of client requests

config Configuration file parsing and processing

database Messages relating to the databases

default Categories for which there is no specific configuration

delegation-only Delegation only

dispatch Dispatching of incoming packets to the server

dnssec DNSSEC and TSIG protocol processing

edns-disabled Log query using plain DNS

general General information

lame-servers Lame servers

network Network options

notify NOTIFY protocol

queries DNS query resolver

resolver DNS resolution security

security Approval and denial of requests


Table 32: Category Names (Continued)

Category Name Description

unmatched Unable to determine the class for messages named

update Dynamic updates

update-security Approval and denial of update requests

xfer-in Zone transfers that the server is receiving xfer-out

xfer-out Zone transfers that the server is sending

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.


DNS Overview

tunnel (Security Policies)


Syntax | 555

Hierarchy Level | 555

Description | 555

Options | 556

Required Privilege Level | 556

Release Information | 556


tunnel {
ipsec-group-vpn group-vpn;
ipsec-vpn vpn-name;
pair-policy pair-policy;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]


Encapsulate outgoing IP packets and decapsulate incoming IP packets.



The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. The ipsec-group-vpn option added in Junos OS Release


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96



Syntax | 557

Hierarchy Level | 557

Description | 557

Options | 558

Required Privilege Level | 558


Release Information | 558


tunnel-inspection {
inspection-profile profile-name {
vxlan vxlan-name {
policy-set pset-name;
vni vni-name;
traceoptions {
file <filename> <files files> <match match> <size size> <(world-readable | no-world-
flag name;
vni vni-name {
vni-id vni-id;
vni-range <vni-range-low to vni-range-high>;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


Configure security inspection on VXLAN tunnels. Configure an outer policy for the outer header and an
inner policy for the inner header.

Configure a tunnel inspection profile to connect the outer policy and inner policy. The tunnel inspection
profile is attached to the outer policy and it points to a group of inner policies (policy set). When the
packet matchs the outer policy, the SRX device decapsulates the packet to get the inner header. Using
inner packet content along with the attached tunnel inspection profile of outer policy, the second policy
lookup gets the desired inner policy applies the security services to inner packet.


inspection-profile Configure a tunnel inspection profile to connect the outer policy and inner policy.

vni Configure VXLAN Network Identifier for tunnel inspection.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.

uac-policy (Application Services)


Syntax | 559

Hierarchy Level | 559

Description | 559

Options | 559

Required Privilege Level | 560

Release Information | 560


uac-policy {
captive-portal captive-portal;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Enable Unified Access Control (UAC) for the security policy. This statement is required when you are
configuring the SRX Series device to act as a Junos OS Enforcer in a UAC deployment. When deployed
as a Junos OS Enforcer, the SRX Series device enforces the policies that are defined on the UAC’s IC
Series UAC Appliance .


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.


Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 9.4.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

Example: Configuring a User Role Firewall on an SRX Series Device | 209



Syntax | 560

Hierarchy Level | 561

Description | 561

Required Privilege Level | 561

Release Information | 561



Hierarchy Level

[edit security zones security-zone],


Use unidirectional session refreshing on a zone to enable two options for a session. Refresh a session by
any packet from any directions. This is a default behavior. Refresh a session by only the packets in the
initial direction.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.


security-zone | 486
show security zones | 696



Syntax | 562

Hierarchy Level | 562

Description | 562

Required Privilege Level | 562

Release Information | 563



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies]


Enable explicit match in a unified policy.

• In a unified policy, when you enable explicit match, the session is dropped if a dependent application
does not have any matching policy.

• In a unified policy, when explicit match is not configured, then implicit match is applied. That is, if the
dependent application does not have a matching policy, then the security policy that is configured for
the base application is applied.

By default, the unified policies enforce implicit rules on dependent applications.

Required Privilege Level

security— To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control— To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

Unified Policies Overview | 154



Syntax | 563

Hierarchy Level | 564

Description | 564

Options | 564

Required Privilege Level | 564

Release Information | 565


user-firewall {
access-profile profile-name;
domain domain-name
ssl-termination-profile profile-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Configure user role firewall authentication, and map the source IP address to the username and its
associated roles (groups). The mapped data is written to the firewall authentication table for later
retrieval by the user role firewall. The user role firewall uses the username and role information to
determine whether to permit or deny a user's session or traffic.


access-profile profile- Specify the name of the access profile to be used for authentication.
domain domain-name Specify the name of the domain where firewall authentication occurs in the
event that the Windows Management Instrumentation client (WMIC) is not
available to get IP-to-user mapping for the integrated user firewall feature. The
maximum length is 65 bytes.

ssl-termination-profile For HTTPS traffic, specify the name of the SSL termination profile used for SSL
profile-name offloading.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10. Support for the domain keyword added in
Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.


Overview of Integrated User Firewall

Using Firewall Authentication as an Alternative to WMIC
Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196
Example: Configuring a User Role Firewall on an SRX Series Device | 209



Syntax | 565

Hierarchy Level | 566

Description | 566

Options | 566

Required Privilege Level | 566

Release Information | 567


user-identification {
authentication-source {
firewall-authentication (disable | priority priority);
local-authentication-table (disable | priority priority);
unified-access-control (disable | priority priority);

traceoptions {
file {
files number;
match regular-expression;
size maximum-file-size;
(world-readable | no-world-readable);
flag flag;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


Identifies one or more tables to be used as the source for user role information.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1. Statement updated in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199



Syntax | 567

Hierarchy Level | 569

Description | 569

Options | 569

Required Privilege Level | 569

Release Information | 569


utm-policy policy-name {
anti-spam {
smtp-profile profile-name;
anti-virus {
ftp {
download-profile profile-name;
upload-profile profile-name;

http-profile profile-name;
imap-profile profile-name;
pop3-profile profile-name;
smtp-profile profile-name;
content-filtering {
ftp {
download-profile profile-name;
upload-profile profile-name;
http-profile profile-name;
imap-profile profile-name;
pop3-profile profile-name;
rule-set rule-set-name {
rule rule-name {
match {
application any; /*http, pop3, impa, smtp, ftp */
direction any; /* upload or download */
file-type exe; /*predetect magic supported file types*/
then {
action {
no-action; /* No action */
/* block Block and drop connection */
/* close-client Close client */
/* close-server Close server */
/* close-client-and-server Close client and server */
notification {
seclog; /* event logging */
endpoint { /* endpoint notification options */
type protocol-only;
custom-message "CF Blocks content";
smtp-profile profile-name;
traffic-options {
sessions-per-client {
limit value;
over-limit (block | log-and-permit);

web-filtering {
http-profile profile-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security utm default-configuration]

[edit security utm]


Configure a UTM policy for antivirus, antispam, content-filtering, traffic-options, and Web-filtering
protocols and attach this policy to a security profile to implement it.


policy-name—Specify name of the UTM policy.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.


The [edit security utm default-configuration] hierarchy level is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

uuid (Applications)


Syntax | 570

Hierarchy Level | 570

Description | 571

Options | 571

Required Privilege Level | 571

Release Information | 571


uuid hex-value;

Hierarchy Level

[edit applications application application-name term term-name]



Specify the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) for objects. DCE RPC services are mainly used by
Microsoft applications. The ALG uses well-known TCP port 135 for port mapping services and uses the
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) instead of the program number to identify protocols. The main
application-based DCE RPC is the Microsoft Exchange Protocol.

Support for stateful firewall and NAT services requires that you configure the DCE RPC port map ALG
on TCP port 135. The DCE RPC ALG uses the TCP protocol with application-specific UUIDs.


uuid hex-value —Specify the universal unique identifier (UUID) for objects.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Syntax | 572

Hierarchy Level | 572

Description | 572

Options | 572

Required Privilege Level | 573

Release Information | 573


vrrp {
command binary-file-path;
failover (alternate-media | other-routing-engine);

Hierarchy Level

[edit system processes]


Specify the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) process.


• command binary-file-path—Path to the binary process.

• disable—Disable the VRRP process.

• failover—Configure the device to reboot if the software process fails four times within 30 seconds,
and specify the software to use during the reboot.

• alternate-media—Configure the device to switch to backup media that contains a version of the
system if a software process fails repeatedly.

• other-routing-engine—Instruct the secondary Routing Engine to take the primary role if a software
process fails. If this statement is configured for a process, and that process fails four times within
30 seconds, then the device reboots from the secondary Routing Engine.

NOTE: On SRX300 and SRX320 devices, you cannot configure the same VRRP group ID on
different interfaces of a single device

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.



Syntax | 574

Hierarchy Level | 574

Description | 574

Options | 574

Required Privilege Level | 574

Release Information | 575



web-authentication {
client-match user-or-group-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit


Specify that the policy allows access to users who have previously been authenticated by Web
authentication. Web authentication must be enabled on one of the addresses on the interface to which
the HTTP or HTTPS request is redirected.


client-match user-or-group —(Optional) Username or user group name.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

HTTPS for Web authentication is supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices starting from
Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10 and on vSRX, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550M,
and SRX1500 Services Gateways starting from Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D40.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196



Syntax | 575

Hierarchy Level | 576

Description | 576

Required Privilege Level | 576

Release Information | 576



Hierarchy Level

[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit
firewall-authentication pass-through user-firewall]


Optionally, redirect HTTP requests to the device’s internal webserver by sending a redirect HTTP
response to the client system to reconnect to the webserver for user authentication. The interface on
which the client’s request arrived is the interface to which the request is redirected.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D70 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, support for user-firewall
added on SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550M, SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200,
SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices and vSRX Services Gateways.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196




Syntax | 577

Hierarchy Level | 579

Description | 579

Options | 579

Required Privilege Level | 579

Release Information | 580


zones {
functional-zone {
management {
description text;
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
interfaces interface-name {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {

screen screen-name;
security-zone zone-name {
address-book {
address address-name {
ip-prefix {
description text;
description text;
dns-name domain-name {
range-address lower-limit to upper-limit;
wildcard-address ipv4-address/wildcard-mask;
address-set address-set-name {
address address-name;
address-set address-set-name;
description text;
description text;
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {
interfaces interface-name {
host-inbound-traffic {
protocols protocol-name {
system-services service-name {

screen screen-name;

Hierarchy Level

[edit security]


A zone is a collection of interfaces for security purposes. All interfaces in a zone are equivalent from a
security point of view. Configure the following zones:

• Functional zone—Special-purpose zone, such as a management zone that can host dedicated
management interfaces.

• Security zone—Most common type of zone that is used as a building block in policies.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support for wildcard addresses added in Junos OS
Release 11.1. The description option added in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

Operational Commands

clear security alarms | 583

clear security policies hit-count | 587

clear security policies statistics | 589

clear system services dns dns-proxy | 590

request security policies check | 592

request security policies resync | 595

request security user-identification local-authorization-table add | 598

request security user-identification local-authentication-table delete | 601

show security alarms | 603

show security firewall-authentication users address | 609

show security firewall-authentication users auth-type | 614

show security flow session application | 617

show security match-policies | 623

show security policies | 633

show security policies checksum | 655

show security policies hit-count | 658

show security policies information | 665

show security policies unknown-source-identity | 674

show security policies zone-context | 676

show security policy-report | 679

show security shadow-policies | 684

show security user-identification local-authentication-table | 687

show security user-identification role-provision all | 691

show security user-identification source-identity-provision all | 693

show security user-identification user-provision all | 695

show security zones | 696

show security zones type | 706

show system services dns dns-proxy | 711

show system services dynamic-dns | 715


clear security alarms


Syntax | 583

Description | 583

Options | 584

Required Privilege Level | 585

Output Fields | 585

Sample Output | 585

Release Information | 586


clear security alarms

<alarm-id id-number>
<alarm-type [ types ]>
<newer-than YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS>
<older-than YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS>
<process process>
<severity severity>


Clear (acknowledge) the alarms that are active on the device.



all (Optional) Clear all active alarms.

alarm-id id-number (Optional) Clear the specified alarm.

alarm-type [ types ] (Optional) Clear the specified alarm type or a set of types.

You can specify one or more of the following alarm types:

• authentication

• cryptographic-self-test

• decryption-failures

• encryption-failures

• ike-phase1-failures

• ike-phase2-failures

• key-generation-self-test

• non-cryptographic-self-test

• policy

• replay-attacks

newer-than YYYY-MM- (Optional) Clear active alarms that were raised after the specified date and
DD.HH:MM:SS time.

older-than YYYY-MM- (Optional) Clear active alarms that were raised before the specified date and
DD.HH:MM:SS time.

process process (Optional) Clear active alarms that were raised by the specified system

severity severity (Optional) Clear active alarms of the specified severity.

You can specify the following severity levels:

• alert

• crit

• debug

• emerg

• err

• info

• notice

• warning

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

Output Fields

This command produces no output, except a statement about the number of security alarms cleared.

Sample Output

clear security alarms all

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms all

3 security alarms cleared

clear security alarms alarm-id <alarm-id>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms alarm-id 1

1 security alarm cleared


clear security alarms alarm-type authentication

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms alarm-type authentication

3 security alarms cleared

clear security alarms newer-than <time>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms newer-than 2010-01-19.13:41:59

1 security alarm cleared

show security alarms older-than <time>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms older-than 2010-01-19.13:41:59

2 security alarms cleared

show security alarms process <process>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms process sshd

3 security alarms cleared

show security alarms severity <severity>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> clear security alarms severity notice

3 security alarms cleared

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.



show security alarms | 603

Troubleshooting Security Policies | 293

clear security policies hit-count


Syntax | 587

Description | 587

Options | 588

Additional Information | 588

Required Privilege Level | 588

Output Fields | 588

Release Information | 588


clear security policies hit-count

<from-zone zone-name>
<to-zone zone-name>


Clear the hit-count values for security policies.



• from-zone zone-name—(Optional) Clear the number of hits for security policies associated with the
named source zone.

• to-zone zone-name—(Optional) Clear the number of hits for security policies associated with the named
destination zone.

Additional Information

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

This command produces no output.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos Release 12.1.


show security policies hit-count | 658

Monitoring Security Policy Statistics | 289

clear security policies statistics


Syntax | 589

Description | 589

Required Privilege Level | 589

Output Fields | 589

Release Information | 590


clear security policies statistics


Clear systemwide policies statistics and security policies statistics configured on the device.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

This command produces no output.


Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Support.


show security policies | 633

Monitoring Security Policy Statistics | 289

clear system services dns dns-proxy


Syntax | 590

Description | 590

Options | 591

Required Privilege Level | 591

Output Fields | 591

Release Information | 591


clear system services dns dns-proxy


Clear DNS proxy cache information. This option is supported on the SRX300, SRX320, SRX340,
SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices.


• cache—Clear DNS proxy cache information.

• statistics—Clear DNS proxy statistics.

• none—Clear all DNS proxy cache information.

• hostname—(Optional) Clear DNS proxy cache information from the specified host.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command no output is produced.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


show system services dns dns-proxy | 711

show system services dynamic-dns | 715

request security policies check


Syntax | 592

Description | 592

Options | 593

Additional Information | 593

Required Privilege Level | 593

Sample Output | 594

Release Information | 595


request security policies check

<from-zone zone name>
<logical-system (logical-system name | all)>
<to-zone zone-name>
<tenant tenant-name>


Displays the security policy sync status between the Routing Engine and the Packet Forwarding Engine.
Use the command to display a list of all security polices which are in-sync or out-of-sync on the device.

Use the show security policies checksum command to display the security policy checksum value and use
the request security policies resync command to synchronize the configuration of security policies in the
Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine.


<from-zone zone-name Displays security policies sync status from this zone.

global Displays global policies sync status.

logical-system (logical- Displays security policies sync status for the security policies configured on a
system name | all) logical system or on all logical systems.

pfe Displays security policies sync status for the security policies on the Packet
Forwarding Engine.

root-logical-system Displays security policies sync status for the security policies configured on
the root logical system. This is the default outcome.

to-zone zone-name Displays security policies sync status to this zone.

tenant tenant-name Displays security policies sync status for the security policies configured on a

Additional Information

Security policies are stored in the routing engine and the packet forwarding engine. Security policies are
pushed from the Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine when you commit configurations. If
the security policies on the Routing Engine are out of sync with the Packet Forwarding Engine, the
commit of a configuration fails. Core dump files may be generated if the commit is tried repeatedly. The
out of sync can be due to:

• A policy message from Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine is lost in transit.

• An error with the routing engine, such as a reused policy UID.

When the policy configurations are modified and the policies are out of sync, the following error
message displays - error: Warning: policy might be out of sync between RE and PFE <SPU-name(s)>. Please request
security policies check/resync.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request security policies check

user@host> request security policies check

Start sending policies ...
Total sent 1 policy.

Policy Checking Result:

PFE master in-sync

request security policies check logical-system LSYS1

user@host> request security policies check logical-system LSYS1

Start sending policies ...
Total sent 1 policy.

Policy Checking Result:

PFE fpc0.pic3 in-sync
PFE fpc0.pic1 in-sync
PFE fpc0.pic0 in-sync
PFE fpc0.pic2 in-sync

request security policies check logical-system all

user@host> request security policies check logical-system all

Start sending policies ...
Total sent 2 policies.

Policy Checking Result:

PFE fpc0.pic1 in-sync
PFE fpc0.pic3 in-sync
PFE fpc0.pic2 in-sync
PFE fpc0.pic0 in-sync

request security policies check from-zone trust to-zone untrust

user@host> request security policies check from-zone trust to-zone untrust

Start sending policies ...
Total sent 2 policies.

Policy Checking Result:

PFE fpc4.pic0 in-sync
PFE fpc4.pic1 out-of-sync

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.


request security policies resync | 595

show security policies checksum | 655

request security policies resync


Syntax | 596

Description | 596

Options | 596

Additional Information | 597

Required Privilege Level | 597

Sample Output | 597

Release Information | 598



request security policies resync

<from-zone zone name>
<logical-system (logical-system name | all)>
<to-zone zone-name>
<tenant tenant-name>


Synchronize the configuration of security policies in the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine.

This command recovers the security policies in the Packet Forwarding Engine. If policy inconsistencies
between the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine are determined, the security policies resync.


<from-zone zone-name Recover the policies from this zone.

global Recover global policies.

logical-system (logical-system Recover the policies on all logical systems or on a particular logical
name | all) system.

pfe Recover the policies on the Packet Forwarding Engine.

root-logical-system Recover the policies on the root logical system. This is the default

to-zone zone-name Recover the policies to this zone.

tenant tenant-name Recover the policies of a tenant.


Additional Information

Security policies are stored in the routing engine and the packet forwarding engine. Security policies are
pushed from the Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine when you commit configurations. If
the security policies on the Routing Engine are out of sync with the Packet Forwarding Engine, the
commit of a configuration fails. Core dump files may be generated if the commit is tried repeatedly. The
out of sync can be due to:

• A policy message from Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine is lost in transit.

• An error with the routing engine, such as a reused policy UID.

When the policy configurations are modified and the policies are out of sync, the following error
message displays - error: Warning: policy might be out of sync between RE and PFE <SPU-name(s)>. Please request
security policies check/resync.

Use the show security policies checksum command to display the security policy checksum value and use
the request security policies check to display the security policy sync status.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request security policies resync

user@host> request security policies resync

Start sending policies ...
Total sent 1 policy.

request security policies resync logical-system all

user@host> request security policies resync logical-system all

Start sending policies ...

Total sent 2 policies.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.


request security policies check | 592

show security policies checksum | 655

request security user-identification local-

authorization-table add


Syntax | 599

Description | 599

Options | 599

Required Privilege Level | 599

Output Fields | 600

Sample Output | 600

Release Information | 600



request security user-identification local-authorization-table add user user-name ip-address ip-

address roles [role-name]


This command adds user and role information to the local authentication table. The table is used to
retrieve user and role information for traffic from the specified IP address to enforce a user role firewall.

To add an entry, specify the user name, IP address, and up to 40 roles to be associated with this user.
Subsequent commands for the same user and IP address aggregates any new roles to the existing list.
An authentication entry can contain up to 200 roles.

NOTE: To change the user name of an entry or to remove or change entries in a role list, you
must delete the existing entry and create a new one.

An IP address can be associated with only one user. If a second request is made to add a different user
using the same IP address, the second authentication entry overwrites the existing entry.


user user-name—Specify the name of the user to be added to the table.

ip-address ip-address—Specify the IP address of the user. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are supported.

roles [role-name]—(Optional) Specify the role or list of roles to be associated with the specified user. If
the specified user and IP address already exist, any roles specified in the command are added to the
existing role list.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, either an entry is added to the local authentication table, or the roles of
an existing entry are aggregated with additional roles.

Sample Output

request security user-identification local-authentication-table add

user@host> request security user-identification local-authentication-table add user user1 ip-

address roles role1
user@host> request security user-identification local-authentication-table add user user2 ip-
address roles [role2 role3]
user@host> request security user-identification local-authentication-table add user user2 ip-
address roles role1
user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all
Total entries: 2
Source IP Username Roles user1 role1 user2 role2, role3, role1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1. Command updated in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


request security user-identification local-authentication-table delete | 601

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199

request security user-identification local-

authentication-table delete


Syntax | 601

Description | 601

Options | 601

Required Privilege Level | 602

Output Fields | 602

Sample Output | 602

Release Information | 603


request security user-identification local-authentication-table delete ip-address | user-name


This command removes an entry from the local authentication table. You can identify the entry by IP
address or user-name. To change the user name of an entry or to remove or change entries in a role list,
you must delete the existing entry and create a new one.


ip-address—The IP address of the entry to be deleted.

user-name—The user name of the entry to be deleted. To change the user name of an entry, you must
delete the old entry and create a new one.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

The specified show command verifies the table content before and after an entry has been deleted from
the local authentication table.

Sample Output


user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all

Total entries: 2
Username: user1
Roles: role1

Username: user2
Roles: role2, role3, role1

user@host> request security user-identification local-authentication-table delete
user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all
Total entries: 1
Username: user1
Roles: role1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


request security user-identification local-authorization-table add | 598

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199

show security alarms


Syntax | 603

Description | 604

Options | 604

Required Privilege Level | 605

Output Fields | 605

Sample Output | 606

Release Information | 609


show security alarms

<alarm-id id-number>
<alarm-type [ types ]>
<newer-than YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS>
<older-than YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS>
<process process>
<severity severity>


Display the alarms that are active on the device. Run this command when the CLI prompt indicates that
a security alarm has been raised, as shown here:

[1 SECURITY ALARM] user@host#


none Display all active alarms.

detail (Optional) Display detailed output.

alarm-id id-number (Optional) Display the specified alarm.

alarm-type [ types ] (Optional) Display the specified alarm type or a set of types.

You can specify one or more of the following alarm types:

• authentication

• cryptographic-self-test

• decryption-failures

• encryption-failures

• ike-phase1-failures

• ike-phase2-failures

• key-generation-self-test

• non-cryptographic-self-test

• policy

• replay-attacks

newer-than YYYY-MM- (Optional) Display active alarms that were raised after the specified date and
DD.HH:MM:SS time.

older-than YYYY-MM- (Optional) Display active alarms that were raised before the specified date
DD.HH:MM:SS and time.

process process (Optional) Display active alarms that were raised by the specified system

severity severity (Optional) Display active alarms of the specified severity.

You can specify the following severity levels:

• alert

• crit

• debug

• emerg

• err

• info

• notice

• warning

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

Output Fields

Table 33 on page 606 lists the output fields for the show security alarms command. Output fields are
listed in the approximate order in which they appear. Field names might be abbreviated (as shown in
parentheses) when no level of output is specified or when the detail keyword is used.

Table 33: show security alarms

Field Name Field Description Level of Output

ID Identification number of the alarm. All levels

Alarm time Date and time the alarm was raised.. All levels

Message Information about the alarm, including the alarm type, username, IP All levels
address, and port number.

Process System process (For example, login or sshd) and process identification detail
number associated with the alarm.

Severity Severity level of the alarm. detail

Sample Output

show security alarms

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms

ID Alarm time Message

1 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
2 2010-01-19 13:41:52 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
3 2010-01-19 13:42:13 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’

show security alarms detail

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms detail

Alarm ID : 1

Alarm Type : authentication

Time : 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST
Message : SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1) for user 'user'
reached from '’
Process : sshd (pid 1414)
Severity : notice

Alarm ID : 2
Alarm Type : authentication
Time : 2010-01-19 13:41:52 PST
Message : SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1) for user 'user'
reached from '’
Process : sshd (pid 1414)
Severity : notice

Alarm ID : 3
Alarm Type : authentication
Time : 2010-01-19 13:42:13 PST
Message : SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1) for user 'user'
reached from '’
Process : sshd (pid 1414)
Severity : notice

show security alarms alarm-id

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms alarm-id 1

ID Alarm time Message

1 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’

show security alarms alarm-type authentication

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms alarm-type authentication

ID Alarm time Message

1 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
2 2010-01-19 13:41:52 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’

3 2010-01-19 13:42:13 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)

for user 'user' reached from '’

show security alarms newer-than <time>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms newer-than 2010-01-19.13:41:59

3 2010-01-19 13:42:13 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)

for user 'user' reached from '’

show security alarms older-than <time>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms older-than 2010-01-19.13:41:59

ID Alarm time Message

1 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
2 2010-01-19 13:41:52 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’

show security alarms process <process>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms process sshd

ID Alarm time Message

1 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
2 2010-01-19 13:41:52 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
3 2010-01-19 13:42:13 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’

show security alarms severity <severity>

[3 SECURITY ALARMS] user@router> show security alarms severity notice


ID Alarm time Message

1 2010-01-19 13:41:36 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
2 2010-01-19 13:41:52 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’
3 2010-01-19 13:42:13 PST SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED_LIMIT: Specified number of login failures (1)
for user 'user' reached from '’

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.


clear security alarms

Example: Generating a Security Alarm in Response to Policy Violations

show security firewall-authentication users address


Syntax | 610

Description | 610

Options | 610

Required Privilege Level | 610

Output Fields | 611

Sample Output | 612

Sample Output | 612

Release Information | 613



show security firewall-authentication users address ip-

<node ( node-id | all | local | primary)>


Display information about the users at the specified IP address that are currently authenticated.


• address ip-address—IP address of the authentication source.

• none—Display all the firewall authentication information for users at this IP address.

• node—(Optional) For chassis cluster configurations, display user firewall authentication entries on a
specific node.

• node-id —Identification number of the node. It can be 0 or 1.

• all—Display information about all nodes.

• local—Display information about the local node.

• primary—Display information about the primary node.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 34 on page 611 lists the output fields for the show security firewall-authentication users address
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 34: show security firewall-authentication users address Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Username User ID.

Source IP IP address of the authentication source.

Authentication state Status of authentication (success or failure).

Authentication method Path chosen for authentication.

Access time remaining Duration for which the connection exists.

Lsys The logical system where the traffic was received.

Source zone User traffic received from the zone.

Destination zone User traffic destined to the zone.

Policy index Identification number of the policy.

Policy name Name of the policy.

Access profile Name of profile used for authentication.

Interface Name Name of the interface.

Bytes sent by this user Number of bytes sent by the user.


Table 34: show security firewall-authentication users address Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Bytes received by this user Number of bytes received by the user.

Client-groups Name of the client group.

Sample Output

show security firewall-authentication users address

user@host>show security firewall-authentication users address

Username: hello
Source IP:
Authentication state: Success
Authentication method: Pass-through using Telnet
Access time remaining: 0
Source zone: z2
Destination zone: z1
Policy index: 5
Access profile: profile1
Interface Name: ge-0/0/2.0
Bytes sent by this user: 0
Bytes received by this user: 0
Client-groups: my-group1-example, my-group2-example

Sample Output

show security firewall-authentication users address node local

user@host> show security firewall-authentication users address node local


Username: local1
Source IP:
Authentication state: Success
Authentication method: Pass-through using Telnet
Age: 2
Access time remaining: 4
Source zone: z1
Destination zone: z2
Policy name: POL1
Access profile: p1
Interface Name: reth1.0
Bytes sent by this user: 614
Bytes received by this user: 1880

show security firewall-authentication users address

user@host> show security firewall-authentication users address

Username: hello
Source IP:
Authentication state: Success
Authentication method: User-firewall
Age: 0
Access time remaining: 10
Lsys: root-logical-system
Source zone: N/A
Destination zone: N/A
Access profile: test

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. The node options added in Junos OS Release 9.0.


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196


show security firewall-authentication users auth-



Syntax | 614

Description | 614

Options | 614

Required Privilege Level | 615

Output Fields | 615

Sample Output | 616

Release Information | 616


show security firewall-authentication users auth-type [user-firewall | pass-through | web-



Display statistics about the users authenticated by the selected method.


• user-firewall—Lists all users authenticated for user firewall.

• pass-through—Lists all users authenticated by the pass-through method.

• web-authentication—Lists all users authenticated by the user authentication method.


Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 35 on page 615 lists the output fields for the show security firewall-authentication users auth-type
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 35: show security firewall-authentication users auth-type Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Total users in table Total number of users authenticated by this method.

Id The ID assigned to the entry.

Source IP The source IP address of the traffic.

Src zone The source zone of the traffic.

Dst zone The destination zone of the traffic.

Profile The profile used to authenticate the used.

Age The length of time since authentication.

Status The status of the authentication.

User The username associated with the traffic.


Sample Output

show security firewall-authentication users auth-type user-firewall

user@host> show security firewall-authentication users auth-type user-firewall

User-firewall authentication data:
Total users in table: 2
Id Source Ip Src zone Dst zone Profile Age Status User
1 N/A N/A test 0 Success jasonliu
2 N/A N/A test6 0 Failed jason

show security firewall-authentication users auth-type pass-through

user@host> show security firewall-authentication users auth-type pass-through

Pass-through firewall authentication data:
Total users in table: 1
Id Source Ip Src zone Dst zone Profile Age Status User
1 zone1 zone2 test2 0 Success jasonliu2

show security firewall-authentication users auth-type pass-through

user@host> show security firewall-authentication users auth-type web-authentication

Web firewall authentication data:
Total users in table: 1
Id Source Ip Src zone Dst zone Profile Age Status User
1 N/A N/A test3 0 Success jasonliu3

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10


Understanding User Role Firewalls | 196


show security flow session application


Syntax | 617

Description | 617

Options | 617

Required Privilege Level | 618

Output Fields | 618

Sample Output | 620

Release Information | 623


show security flow session application

application-name [brief | extensive | summary]


This command displays information about each session of the specified application type.


• application-name—Type of application about which to display sessions information. Possible values are:

• dns–Domain Name System

• ftp–File Transfer Protocol

• ignore–Ignore application type


• mgcp-ca–Media Gateway Control Protocol with Call Agent

• mgcp-ua–MGCP with User Agent

• pptp–Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

• q931–ISDN connection control protocol

• ras–Remote Access Server

• realaudio–RealAudio

• rsh–UNIX remote shell services

• rtsp–Real-Time Streaming Protocol

• sccp–Skinny Client Control Protocol

• sip–Session Initiation Protocol

• sqlnet-v2–Oracle SQLNET

• talk–TALK program

• tftp–Trivial File Transfer Protocol

• brief | extensive | summary–Display the specified level of output.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 36 on page 619 lists the output fields for the show security flow session application command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 36: show security flow session application Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Session ID Number that identifies the session. You can use this ID to get additional
information about the session.

Policy name Policy that permitted the traffic.

Timeout Idle timeout after which the session expires.

In Incoming flow (source and destination IP addresses, application protocol,

interface, session token, route, gateway, tunnel, port sequence, FIN sequence,
FIN state, packets and bytes).

Out Reverse flow (source and destination IP addresses, application protocol,

interface, session token, route, gateway, tunnel, port sequence, FIN sequence,
FIN state, packets and bytes).

Total sessions Total number of sessions.

Status Session status.

Flag Internal flag depicting the state of the session, used for debugging purposes.

Policy name Name and ID of the policy that the first packet of the session matched.

Source NAT pool The name of the source pool where NAT is used.

Application Name of the application.

Maximum timeout Maximum session timeout.

Current timeout Remaining time for the session unless traffic exists in the session.

Table 36: show security flow session application Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Session State Session state.

Start time Time when the session was created, offset from the system start time.

Unicast-sessions Number of unicast sessions.

Multicast-sessions Number of multicast sessions.

Failed-sessions Number of failed sessions.

Sessions-in-use Number of sessions in use.

• Valid sessions

• Pending sessions

• Invalidated sessions

• Sessions in other states

Maximum-sessions Number of maximum sessions.

Sample Output

show security flow session application telnet

root> show security flow session application telnet

Flow Sessions on FPC4 PIC1:
Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC0:

Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC1:

Session ID: 210067547, Policy name: default-policy/2, Timeout: 1796, Valid

In: -->;tcp, If: ge-0/0/2.0, Pkts: 10, Bytes: 610
Out: -->;tcp, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 9, Bytes: 602
Total sessions: 1

show security flow session application telnet brief

root> show security flow session application telnet brief

Flow Sessions on FPC4 PIC1:
Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC0:

Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC1:

Session ID: 210067547, Policy name: default-policy/2, Timeout: 1796, Valid

In: -->;tcp, If: ge-0/0/2.0, Pkts: 10, Bytes: 610
Out: -->;tcp, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 9, Bytes: 602
Total sessions: 1

show security flow session application telnet extensive

root> show security flow session application telnet extensive

Flow Sessions on FPC4 PIC1:
Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC0:

Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC1:

Session ID: 210067547, Status: Normal

Flag: 0x40
Policy name: default-policy/2
Source NAT pool: Null, Application: junos-telnet/10
Maximum timeout: 1800, Current timeout: 1788

Session State: Valid

Start time: 670184, Duration: 33
In: -->;tcp,
Interface: ge-0/0/2.0,
Session token: 0x180, Flag: 0x0x21
Route: 0x60010, Gateway:, Tunnel: 0
Port sequence: 0, FIN sequence: 0,
FIN state: 0,
Pkts: 10, Bytes: 610
Out: -->;tcp,
Interface: ge-0/0/1.0,
Session token: 0x1c0, Flag: 0x0x20
Route: 0x70010, Gateway:, Tunnel: 0
Port sequence: 0, FIN sequence: 0,
FIN state: 0,
Pkts: 9, Bytes: 602
Total sessions: 1

show security flow session application telnet summary

root> show security flow session application telnet summary

Flow Sessions on FPC4 PIC1:

Valid sessions: 0
Pending sessions: 0
Invalidated sessions: 0
Sessions in other states: 0
Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC0:

Valid sessions: 0
Pending sessions: 0
Invalidated sessions: 0
Sessions in other states: 0
Total sessions: 0

Flow Sessions on FPC5 PIC1:

Valid sessions: 1
Pending sessions: 0

Invalidated sessions: 0
Sessions in other states: 0
Total sessions: 1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

Filter and view options added in Junos OS Release 10.2.


clear security flow session application

show security match-policies


Syntax | 623

Description | 624

Options | 624

Required Privilege Level | 626

Output Fields | 626

Sample Output | 629

Release Information | 632


show security match-policies

destination-ip <ip-address>

destination-port < port-number>

from-zone <zone-name>
logical-system <logical-system-name>
protocol <protocol-name | protocol-number>
result-count <number>
source-end-user-profile <device-identity-profile-name>
source-identity <role-name>
source-ip <ip-address>
source-port <port-number>
tenant <tenant-name>
to-zone <zone-name>
url category<url-category>


The show security match-policies command allows you to troubleshoot traffic problems using the match
criteria: source port, destination port, source IP address, destination IP address, and protocol. For
example, if your traffic is not passing because either an appropriate policy is not configured or the match
criteria is incorrect, then the show security match-policies command allows you to work offline and identify
where the problem actually exists. It uses the search engine to identify the problem and thus enables
you to use the appropriate match policy for the traffic.

The result-count option specifies how many policies to display. The first enabled policy in the list is the
policy that is applied to all matching traffic. Other policies below it are “shadowed” by the first and are
never encountered by matching traffic.

NOTE: The show security match-policies command is applicable only to security policies; IDP
policies are not supported.


• destination-ip destination-ip—Displays the destination IP address of the traffic.

• destination-port destination-port–Displays the destination port number of the traffic. Range is 1

through 65,535.

• from-zone zone-name—Displays the name or ID of the source zone of the traffic.

• global—Displays information about global policies.

• logical-system—Displays the logical system name.

• protocol protocol-name | protocol-number–Displays the protocol name or numeric value of the traffic.

• ah or 51

• egp or 8

• esp or 50

• gre or 47

• icmp or 1

• igmp or 2

• igp or 9

• ipip or 94

• ipv6 or 41

• ospf or 89

• pgm or 113

• pim or 103

• rdp or 27

• rsvp or 46

• sctp or 132

• tcp or 6

• udp or 17

• vrrp or 112

• result-count number—(Optional) Displays the number of policy matches. Valid range is from 1 through
16. The default value is 1.

• root-logical-system—Displays root logical system as default.


• source-end-user-profile device-identity-profile-name—(Optional) Displays the device identity profile

that specifies characteristics that can apply to one or more devices.

• source-identity role-name—(Optional) Displays the source identity of the traffic determined by the user

• source-ip source-ip—Displays the source IP address of the traffic.

• source-port source-port—Displays the source port number of the traffic. Range is 1 through 65,535.

• tenant—Displays the name of the tenant system.

• to-zone zone-name—Displays the name or ID of the destination zone of the traffic.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 37 on page 626 lists the output fields for the show security match-policies command. Output fields
are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 37: show security match-policies Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Policy Name of the applicable policy.


Table 37: show security match-policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Action or Action-type The action to be taken for traffic that matches the policy’s match criteria.
Actions include the following:

• permit

• firewall-authentication

• tunnel ipsec-vpn vpn-name

• pair-policy pair-policy-name

• deny

• reject

State Status of the policy:

• enabled: The policy can be used in the policy lookup process, which
determines access rights for a packet and the action taken in regard to it.

• disabled: The policy cannot be used in the policy lookup process, and
therefore it is not available for access control.

Index An internal number associated with the policy.

Sequence number Number of the policy within a given context. For example, three policies that
are applicable in a from-zoneA-to-zoneB context might be ordered with
sequence numbers 1, 2, and 3. Also, in a from-zoneC-to-zoneD context, four
policies might have sequence numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.

From zone Name of the source zone.

To zone Name of the destination zone.

Source addresses The names and corresponding IP addresses of the source addresses for a
policy. Address sets are resolved to their individual address name-IP address

Table 37: show security match-policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Destination addresses The names and corresponding IP addresses of the destination addresses (or
address sets) for a policy as entered in the destination zone’s address book. A
packet’s destination address must match one of these addresses for the policy
to apply to it.

Application Name of a preconfigured or custom application, or any if no application is


IP protocol Numeric value for the IP protocol used by the application, such as 6 for TCP or
1 for ICMP.

ALG If an ALG is associated with the session, the name of the ALG. Otherwise, 0.

Inactivity timeout Elapsed time without activity after which the application is terminated.

Source-port range Range of matching source ports defined in the policy.

Destination-port range Range of matching destination ports defined in the policy.

Source identities One or more user roles defined in the matching policy.

global Display information about global policies.

device-identity-profile-name Device identity profile that specifies characteristics that can apply to one or
more devices.

Sample Output

Example 1: show security match-policies

user@host> show security match-policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2 source-ip destination-

ip source-port 1 destination-port 21 protocol tcp
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4
Sequence number: 1
From zone: z1, To zone: z2
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: junos-ftp
IP protocol: tcp, ALG: ftp, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [21-21]

Example 2: show security match policies ... result-count

user@host> show security match-policies from-zone zone-A to-zone zone-B source-ip
destination-ip source_port 1004 destination_port 80 protocol tcp result_count 5
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4
Sequence number: 1
From zone: zone-A, To zone: zone-B
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: any
IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [1000-1030]
Destination port range: [80-80]

Policy: p15, action-type: deny, State: enabled, Index: 18

Sequence number: 15
From zone: zone-A, To zone: zone-B
Source addresses:

Destination addresses:
Application: any
IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [1000-1030]
Destination port range: [80-80]

Example 3: show security match policies ... source-identity

user@host> show security match-policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust source-ip
destination-ip destination_port 21 protocol 6 source-port 1234 source-identity role1
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 40
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: untrust, To zone: trust
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: junos-ftp
IP protocol: tcp, ALG: ftp, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [21-21]
Source identities: role1
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No

Example 4: show security match policies ... global

user@host> show security match-policies global source-ip destination-ip

source_port 1004 destination_port 80 protocol tcp result_count 5
Policy: gp1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 6, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured, global
Sequence number: 1
From zones:
To zones:
Source addresses:

any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No

show security match-policies tenant TN1 from-zone trust to-zone untrust source-ip destination-ip source-port 1 destination-port 21 protocol tcp

user@host> show security match-policies tenant TN1 from-zone trust to-zone untrust source-ip destination-ip source-port 1 destination-port 21 protocol tcp

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4

Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses:
Destination addresses:
Application: junos-ftp
IP protocol: tcp, ALG: ftp, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [21-21]

show security match-policies from-zone client to-zone svr source-ip source-port 88
destination-ip destination-port 80 protocol tcp url-category Enhanced_Games

user@host> show security match-policies from-zone client to-zone svr source-ip source-
port 88 destination-ip destination-port 80 protocol tcp url-category Enhanced_Games

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 7

Policy Type: Configured

Sequence number: 1
From zone: client, To zone: server
Source vrf group:
Destination vrf group:
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination ports: [0-0]
Enhanced_Sex: 234881056
Enhanced_Games: 234881037
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No
Intrusion Detection and Prevention: disabled
Unified Access Control: disabled
Unified Threat Management: enabled

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.3.

Command updated in Junos OS Release 10.4.

Command updated in Junos OS Release 12.1.

Command updated to include optional from-zone and to-zone global match options in Junos OS Release

The tenant option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.

The url category option is introduced in Junos OS Release 20.2R1.



clear security policies statistics | 589

Security Policies Overview | 2
Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96

show security policies


Syntax | 633

Description | 634

Options | 634

Required Privilege Level | 635

Output Fields | 635

Sample Output | 641

Release Information | 654


show security policies

<from-zone zone-name>
<logical-system logical-system-name>
<policy-name policy-name>

<tenant tenant-name>
<to-zone zone-name>


Displays a summary of all security policies configured on the device. If a particular policy is specified,
display information specific to that policy. The existing show commands for displaying the policies
configured with multiple tenant support are enhanced. A security policy controls the traffic flow from
one zone to another zone. The security policies allow you to deny, permit, reject (deny and send a TCP
RST or ICMP port unreachable message to the source host), encrypt and decrypt, authenticate,
prioritize, schedule, filter, and monitor the traffic attempting to cross from one security zone to another.


• all-logical-systems-tenants—Displays all multitenancy systems.

• checksum—Displays the policy information checksum.

• count—Displays the number of policies to show. Range is 1 through 65,535.

• detail—(Optional) Displays a detailed view of all of the policies configured on the device.

• from-zone—Displays the policy information matching the given source zone.

• global—(Optional) Displays the policy information about global policies.

• hit-count—Displays the policies hit count.

• information—Displays the policy information.

• logical-system—Displays the logical system name.

• policy-name—(Optional) Displays the policy information matching the given policy name.

• root-logical-system—Displays root logical system as default.

• service-set—Displays the name of the service set.


• start—Displays the policies from a given position. Range is 1 through 65,535.

• tenant—Displays the name of the tenant system.

• to-zone—Displays the policy information matching the given destination zone.

• unknown-source-identity—Displays the unknown-source-identity of a policy.

• zone-context—Displays the count of policies in each context (from-zone and to-zone).

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 38 on page 635 lists the output fields for the show security policies command. Output fields are
listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 38: show security policies Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

From zone Name of the source zone.

To zone Name of the destination zone.

Policy-name Name of the applicable policy.

Description Description of the applicable policy.


Table 38: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

State Status of the policy:

• enabled: The policy can be used in the policy lookup process, which
determines access rights for a packet and the action taken in regard to it.

• disabled: The policy cannot be used in the policy lookup process, and
therefore it is not available for access control.

Index Internal number associated with the policy.

Sequence number Number of the policy within a given context. For example, three policies that
are applicable in a from-zoneA-to-zoneB context might be ordered with
sequence numbers 1, 2, 3. Also, in a from-zoneC-to-zoneD context, four
policies might have sequence numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

Source addresses For standard display mode, the names of the source addresses for a policy.
Address sets are resolved to their individual names.

For detail display mode, the names and corresponding IP addresses of the
source addresses for a policy. Address sets are resolved to their individual
address name-IP address pairs.

Destination addresses Name of the destination address (or address set) as it was entered in the
destination zone’s address book. A packet’s destination address must match
this value for the policy to apply to it.

source-end-user-profile Name of the device identity profile (referred to as end-user-profile in the CLI)
that contains attributes, or characteristics of a device. Specification of the
device identity profile in the source-end-user-profile field is part of the device
identity feature. If a device matches the attributes specified in the profile and
other security policy parameters, then the security policy’s action is applied to
traffic issuing from the device.

Source addresses (excluded) Name of the source address excluded from the policy.

Table 38: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Destination addresses Name of the destination address excluded from the policy.

Source identities One or more user roles specified for a policy.

Applications Name of a preconfigured or custom application whose type the packet

matches, as specified at configuration time.

• IP protocol: The Internet protocol used by the application—for example,


• ALG: If an ALG is explicitly associated with the policy, the name of the ALG
is displayed. If application-protocol ignore is configured, ignore is
displayed. Otherwise, 0 is displayed.

However, even if this command shows ALG: 0, ALGs might be triggered for
packets destined to well-known ports on which ALGs are listening, unless
ALGs are explicitly disabled or when application-protocol ignore is not
configured for custom applications.

• Inactivity timeout: Elapsed time without activity after which the

application is terminated.

• Source port range: The low-high source port range for the session

Source identity feeds Name of a source identity (user name) added as match criteria

Destination identity feeds Name of a destination identity (user name) added as match criteria

Dynamic Applications Application identification-based Layer 7 dynamic applications.


Table 38: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Destination Address Translation Status of the destination address translation traffic:

• drop translated—Drop the packets with translated destination addresses.

• drop untranslated—Drop the packets without translated destination


Application Firewall An application firewall includes the following:

• Rule-set—Name of the rule set.

• Rule—Name of the rule.

• Dynamic applications—Name of the applications.

• Dynamic application groups—Name of the application groups.

• Action—The action taken with respect to a packet that matches the

application firewall rule set. Actions include the following:

• permit

• deny

• Default rule—The default rule applied when the identified application is

not specified in any rules of the rule set.

Table 38: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Action or Action-type • The action taken for a packet that matches the policy’s tuples. Actions
include the following:

• permit

• feed

• firewall-authentication

• tunnel ipsec-vpn vpn-name

• pair-policy pair-policy-name

• source-nat pool pool-name

• pool-set pool-set-name

• interface

• destination-nat name

• deny

• reject

• services-offload

Session log Session log entry that indicates whether the at-create and at-close flags were
set at configuration time to log session information.

Scheduler name Name of a preconfigured scheduler whose schedule determines when the
policy is active and can be used as a possible match for traffic.

Table 38: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Policy statistics • Input bytes—The total number of bytes presented for processing by the

• Initial direction—The number of bytes presented for processing by

the device from the initial direction.

• Reply direction—The number of bytes presented for processing by the

device from the reply direction.

• Output bytes—The total number of bytes actually processed by the device.

• Initial direction—The number of bytes from the initial direction

actually processed by the device.

• Reply direction—The number of bytes from the reply direction actually

processed by the device.

• Input packets—The total number of packets presented for processing by

the device.

• Initial direction—The number of packets presented for processing by

the device from the initial direction.

• Reply direction—The number of packets presented for processing by

the device from the reply direction.

• Output packets—The total number of packets actually processed by the


• Initial direction—The number of packets actually processed by the

device from the initial direction.

• Reply direction—The number of packets actually processed by the

device from the reply direction.

• Session rate—The total number of active and deleted sessions.

• Active sessions—The number of sessions currently present because of

access control lookups that used this policy.

• Session deletions—The number of sessions deleted since system startup.

• Policy lookups—The number of times the policy was accessed to check for
a match.

Table 38: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

dynapp-redir-profile Displays unified policy redirect profile. See "profile(dynamic-application)" on

page 455.

Per policy TCP Options Configured syn and sequence checks, and the configured TCP MSS value for
the initial direction, the reverse direction or, both.

Feed Feeds details added in the security policy. The supported feeds are:

• add-source-ip-to-feed

• add-destination-ip-to-feed

• add-source-identity-to-feed

• add-destination-identity-to-feed

Sample Output

show security policies

user@host> show security policies

From zone: trust, To zone: untrust

Policy: p1, State: enabled, Index: 4, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses:
sa-2-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1/32
sa-3-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::22/32
Destination addresses:
da-2-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::8/32
da-3-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::9/32
Source identities: role1, role2, role4

Applications: any
Action: permit, application services, log, scheduled
Application firewall : my_ruleset1
Policy: p2, State: enabled, Index: 5, Sequence number: 2
Source addresses:
sa-2-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1/32
sa-3-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::22/32
Destination addresses:
da-2-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1/32
da-3-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::9/32
Source identities: role1, role4
Applications: any
Action: deny, scheduled

show security policies (Dynamic Applications)

user@host>show security policies

Policy: p1, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1

Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Dynamic Applications: junos:YAHOO
Action: deny, log
Policy: p2, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Dynamic Applications: junos:web, junos:web:social-networking:facebook,
junos:TFTP, junos:QQ
Action: permit, log
Policy: p3, State: enabled, Index: 6, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 3
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Dynamic Applications: junos:HTTP, junos:SSL
Action: permit, application services, log

The following example displays the output with unified policies configured.

user@host> show security policies

Default policy: deny-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: p2, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: junos-defaults
Dynamic Applications: junos:GMAIL, junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT
dynapp-redir-profile: profile1

show security policies policy-name p2

user@host> show security policies policy-name p2

Policy: p2, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
From zones: any
To zones: any
Source vrf group: any
Destination vrf group: any
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Applications: any
Dynamic Applications: any
Action: permit, application services, feed

show security policies policy-name detail

user@host> show security policies policy-name p2 detail

Policy: p2, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0

Policy Type: Configured, global
Sequence number: 1
From zones:
To zones:

Source vrf group:

Destination vrf group:
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination ports: [0-0]
Dynamic Application:
any: 0
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No
Intrusion Detection and Prevention: disabled
Unified Access Control: disabled
Feed: add-source-ip-to-feed

user@host> show security policies policy-name p1 detail

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0

Description: The policy p1 is for the sales team
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses:
sa-2-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1/32
sa-3-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::9/32
Destination addresses:
da-2-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1/32
da-3-ipv6: 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::9/32
Source identities:
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0

Source port range: [0-0]

Destination port range: [0-0]
Destination Address Translation: drop translated
Application firewall :
Rule-set: my_ruleset1
Rule: rule1
Dynamic Applications: junos:FACEBOOK-ACCESS, junos:YMSG
Dynamic Application groups: junos:web, junos:chat
Action: deny
Default rule: permit
Session log: at-create, at-close
Scheduler name: sch20
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No
Policy statistics:
Input bytes : 18144 545 bps
Initial direction: 9072 272 bps
Reply direction : 9072 272 bps
Output bytes : 18144 545 bps
Initial direction: 9072 272 bps
Reply direction : 9072 272 bps
Input packets : 216 6 pps
Initial direction: 108 3 bps
Reply direction : 108 3 bps
Output packets : 216 6 pps
Initial direction: 108 3 bps
Reply direction : 108 3 bps
Session rate : 108 3 sps
Active sessions : 93
Session deletions : 15
Policy lookups : 108

show security policies (Services-Offload)

user@host> show security policies

Policy: p1, action-type: reject, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0

Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: trust
Source addresses:

any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
dynapp-redir-profile: profile1(1)
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No

show security policies (Device Identity)

user@host> show security policies

From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: dev-id-marketing, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
source-end-user-profile: marketing-profile
Applications: any
Action: permit

show security policies detail

user@host> show security policies detail

Default policy: deny-all

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, services-offload:enabled , State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope
Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Description: The policy p1 is for the sales team
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Source identities:

Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No
Policy statistics:
Input bytes : 18144 545 bps
Initial direction: 9072 272 bps
Reply direction : 9072 272 bps
Output bytes : 18144 545 bps
Initial direction: 9072 272 bps
Reply direction : 9072 272 bps
Input packets : 216 6 pps
Initial direction: 108 3 bps
Reply direction : 108 3 bps
Output packets : 216 6 pps
Initial direction: 108 3 bps
Reply direction : 108 3 bps
Session rate : 108 3 sps
Active sessions : 93
Session deletions : 15
Policy lookups : 108
Policy: p2, action-type: permit, services-offload:enabled , State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope
Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Description: The policy p2 is for the sales team
Sequence number: 1
From zone: untrust, To zone: trust
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Source identities:
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0

Source port range: [0-0]

Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No

The following example displays the output with unified policies configured.

user@host> show security policies detail

Default policy: deny-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all
Policy: p2, action-type: reject, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: junos-defaults
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [443-443]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [5432-5432]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [80-80]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [3128-3128]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [8000-8000]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [8080-8080]
IP protocol: 17, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 60
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [1-65535]

IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800

Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [443-443]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [5432-5432]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [80-80]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [3128-3128]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [8000-8000]
IP protocol: 6, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [8080-8080]
IP protocol: 17, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 60
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [1-65535]
Dynamic Application:
junos:FACEBOOK-CHAT: 10704
junos:GMAIL: 51
dynapp-redir-profile: profile1(1)
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No

show security policies detail (TCP Options)

user@host> show security policies policy-name p2 detail

Policy:p2, action-type:permit, State: enabled,Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: trust
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Destination addresses:

any-ipv6(global): ::/0
Application: junos-defaults
IP protocol: tcp, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [80-80]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No
Dynamic-application: junos:HTTP

show security policies policy-name (Negated Address)

user@host> show security policies policy-name p1

From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: p1, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
Source addresses(excluded): as1
Destination addresses(excluded): as2
Applications: any
Action: permit

show security policies policy-name detail (Negated Address)

user@host> show security policies policy-name p1 detail

Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses(excluded):
ad3(ad): ~
ad5(ad): ~
Destination addresses(excluded):

ad11(ad2): ~

ad9(ad2): ~
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [0-0]
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No

show security policies global

user@host> show security policies global policy-name Pa

Global policies:
Policy: Pa, State: enabled, Index: 6, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 1
From zones: any
To zones: any
Source addresses: H0
Destination addresses: H1
Applications: junos-http
Action: permit

show security policies detail tenant

user@host> show security policies detail tenant TN1

Default policy: deny-all

Pre ID default policy: permit-all
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 1
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any
Application: junos-ping
IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 60
ICMP Information: type=255, code=0

Application: junos-telnet
IP protocol: tcp, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [23-23]
Application: app_udp
IP protocol: udp, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 1800
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination port range: [5000-5000]
Application: junos-icmp6-all
IP protocol: 58, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 60
ICMP Information: type=255, code=0
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No
Session log: at-create, at-close
Policy statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Initial direction: 0 0 bps
Reply direction : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Initial direction: 0 0 bps
Reply direction : 0 0 bps
Input packets : 0 0 pps
Initial direction: 0 0 bps
Reply direction : 0 0 bps
Output packets : 0 0 pps
Initial direction: 0 0 bps
Reply direction : 0 0 bps
Session rate : 0 0 sps
Active sessions : 0
Session deletions: 0
Policy lookups : 0

show security policies (threat profile feeds)

user@host> show security policies policy-name p2

From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Policy: p2, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0, Sequence number: 2
Source vrf group: any
Destination vrf group: any
Source addresses: any
Destination addresses: any

Applications: any
Source identity feeds: user_feed_1, user_feed_2
Destination identity feeds: user_feed_3, user_feed_4
Action: permit, application services, feed

show security policies detail (threat profile feeds)

user@host> show security policies policy-name p2 detail

Policy: p2, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 5, Scope Policy: 0
Policy Type: Configured
Sequence number: 2
From zone: trust, To zone: untrust
Source vrf group:
Destination vrf group:
Source addresses:
any-ipv6(bob_addrbook_1): ::/0
Destination addresses:
any-ipv6(bob_addrbook_1): ::/0
Application: any
IP protocol: 0, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
Source port range: [0-0]
Destination ports: [0-0]
Source identity feeds:
Destination identity feeds:
Per policy TCP Options: SYN check: No, SEQ check: No, Window scale: No
Intrusion Detection and Prevention: disabled
Unified Access Control: disabled
Feed: add-source-ip-to-feed
Feed: add-destination-ip-to-feed
Feed: add-source-identity-to-feed
Feed: add-destination-identity-to-feed

Release Information

Command modified in Junos OS Release 9.2.

Support for IPv6 addresses is added in Junos OS Release 10.2.

Support for wildcard addresses is added in Junos OS Release 11.1.

Support for global policy and services offloading is added in Junos OS Release 11.4.

Support for source-identities and the Description output field is added in Junos OS Release 12.1.

Support for negated address added in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.

The output fields for Policy Statistics expanded, and the output fields for the global and policy-name
options are expanded to include from-zone and to-zone global match criteria in Junos OS Release

Support for the initial-tcp-mss and reverse-tcp-mss options is added in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D20.

Output field and description for source-end-user-profile option is added in Junos OS Release 15.1x49-

Output field and description for dynamic-applications option is added in Junos OS Release 15.1x49-D100.

Output field and description for dynapp-redir-profile option is added in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.

The tenant option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.

The <all-logical-systems-tenants> option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.

The information option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.

The checksum option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97
Understanding Security Policy Elements | 96
Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

show security policies checksum


Syntax | 655

Description | 655

Options | 656

Additional Information | 656

Required Privilege Level | 657

Sample Output | 657

Release Information | 658


show security policies checksum

<logical-system (logical-system name | all)>
<tenant tenant-name>


Displays the security policy checksum value.

Verifying the checksum helps in validating the security policy sync status between the Routing Engine
and the Packet Forwarding Engine. The checksum value should be the same for the Routing Engine and
the Packet Forwarding Engine. If the checksum value is not same, then the different values indicates that
the security policies on the Routing Engine and the Packet Forwarding Engine are out-of-sync.

NOTE: The show security policies checksum command can only be used to ensure if the security
policies are out of sync but cannot confirm if they are in-sync. Use the request security policies
check command to get a list of all polices in-sync and/or out-of-sync.
Use the request security policies resync command to synchronize the configuration of security
policies in the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine.


logical-system (logical- Displays the security policy checksum value for the security policies
system-name | all) configured on a logical system or on all logical systems.

root-logical-system Displays the security policy checksum value for the security policies
configured on the root logical system. This is the default outcome.

tenant tenant-name Displays the security policy checksum value for the security policies
configured on a tenant.

Additional Information

The checksum value is a 32-character hexadecimal number that is computed for the security policy on
the device.

Security policies are stored in the routing engine and the packet forwarding engine. Security policies are
pushed from the Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine when you commit configurations. If
the security policies on the Routing Engine are out of sync with the Packet Forwarding Engine, the
commit of a configuration fails. Core dump files may be generated if the commit is tried repeatedly. The
out of sync can be due to:

• A policy message from Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine is lost in transit.

• An error with the routing engine, such as a reused policy UID.

When the policy configuration are modified and the policies are out of sync, the following error message
displays - error: Warning: policy might be out of sync between RE and PFE <SPU-name(s)>. Please request security
policies check/resync.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

show security policies checksum (RE)

user@host> show security policies checksum

Logical system: root-logical-system
From zone To zone Checksum
trust untrust 0xe0fc5791-d7ec5b89-cbc66724-35d706c

show security policies checksum (PFE)

FLOWD_OCTEON(vty)# show usp policy checksum

Logical system: root-logical-system
From zone To zone Checksum
trust untrust 0xe0fc5791-d7ec5b89-cbc66724-35d706c

show security policies checksum logical-system all

user@host> show security policies checksum logical-system all

Logical system: LSYS1
From zone To zone Checksum
lsys1-trust lsys1-untrust 0x7ff147ff-f9df0820-081fb02e-226455e3

Logical system: LSYS2

From zone To zone Checksum
lsys2-trust lsys2-untrust 0x4bfd47fa-64fbb3e7-3a9444b5-94dd9db5

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.


request security policies check | 592

request security policies resync | 595

show security policies hit-count


Syntax | 659

Description | 659

Options | 659

Required Privilege Level | 660

Output Fields | 660

Sample Output | 661

Sample Output | 662

Sample Output | 662

Sample Output | 663

Sample Output | 663

Sample Output | 663

Sample Output | 664

Sample Output | 664

Release Information | 664



show security policies hit-count

<from-zone zone-name>
<greater-than count>
<less-than count>
<logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>
<tenant (tenant-name | all)>
<to-zone zone-name>


Display the utility rate of security policies by listing the number of times a security policy rule matches
the traffic (number of hits). You can specify the options to list the output in ascending or descending
order. You can specify the range to display security policies with certain number of hits. You can filter
the output by zones, logical or tenant systems, dynamic applications, and URL categories.

When the device is operating in chassis cluster mode, the count displayed is a sum of all the Services
Processing Cards (SPC) hit counts in the cluster setup. The security device retains the count if a Packet
Forwarding Engine (PFE) in a node is in failover mode, but does not reboot. . The device clears the count
if a node reboots and the PFE in the node also reboots. During an in-service software upgrade (ISSU), all
PFEs reboot, therefore all counters are cleared.

Use this command without options to display the number of hits in random order for all security policies
and for all zones.


• ascending—(Optional) Displays the number of hits for security policies in ascending order.

• descending—(Optional) Displays the number of hits for security policies in descending order.

• dynamic-applications—(Optional) Displays the number of hits for security policies configured with
dynamic applications.

When you display the policy count for the dynamic applications, the device considers the count for
the final matched application identification. For example, if the traffic’s classification path is:
HTTP:FACEBOOK-ACCESS:FACEBOOK-CHAT, then the count increases only for FACEBOOK-

• from-zone zone-name—(Optional) Displays the number of hits for security policies associated with the
named source zone.

• greater-than count—(Optional) Displays security policies for which the number of hits is greater than
the specified number.

Range: 0 through 4,294,967,295

• less-than count—(Optional) Displays security policies for which the number of hits is less than the
specified number.

Range: 0 through 4,294,967,295

• logical-system—Displays the logical system name.

• root-logical-system—Displays the number of hits for security policies configured for a root logical

• tenant—Displays the number of hits for security policies configured for the tenant system.

• to-zone zone-name—(Optional) Displays the number of hits for security policies associated with the
named destination zone.

• url-categories—(Optional) Displays the number of hits for security policies based on the matching URL

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

"No Link Title" on page 661 lists the output fields for the show security policies hit-count command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

show security policies hit-count Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

index Displays the policy sequence number

from-zone Name of the source zone

to-zone Name of the destination zone

name Name of the security policy

policy count Number of hits for each security policy

tenant Displays the name of the tenant system.

Action Policy action - Permit or Deny.

Redirect Number of permitted sessions that are redirected by the policy
Dynamic-applications Details of the dynamic applications.
• Name - Dynamic-application name

• Count-
Number of hits for each dynamic application

url-categories Details of the URL categories.

• Name - URL category name

• Count-
Number of hits for each URL category

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count

user@host> show security policies hit-count

index from zone to zone name policy count
1 untrust vrtrust policy1 40
2 untrust trust policy2 20
3 untrust trust policy3 80

Number of policy: 3

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count ascending

user@host> show security policies hit-count ascending

index from zone to zone name policy count
2 untrust trust policy2 20
1 untrust vrtrust policy1 40
3 untrust trust policy3 80

Number of policy: 3

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count descending greater-than 70 less-than 100

user@host> show security policies hit-count descending greater-than 70 less-than 100

index from zone to zone name policy count
2 untrust trust policy2 100
1 untrust vrtrust policy1 90
3 untrust trust policy3 80

Number of policy: 3

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count from-zone untrust to-zone trust

user@host> show security policies hit-count from-zone untrust to-zone trust

index from zone to zone name policy count
2 untrust trust policy2 20
3 untrust trust policy3 80

Number of policy: 2

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count

user@host> show security policies hit-count

Logical system: root-logical-system
Index From zone To zone Name Policy count Action
1 junos-global junos-global policy1 5202 Permit

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count detail

user@host> show security policies hit-count detail

Logical system: root-logical-system
Index From zone To zone Name Policy count Action Redirect
1 junos-global junos-global policy1 5202 Permit 0
2 junos-global junos-global policy2 5202 Reject 3

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count policy-name policy-name detail url-categories

user@host> show security policies hit-count policy-name policy1 detail url-categories

Logical system: root-logical-system
Index From zone To zone Name Policy count Action Redirects
1 junos-global junos-global policy1 5202 Permit 0
Name Count
Enhanced_Information_Technology 1000
Enhanced_Collaboration_Office 2000

Sample Output

show security policies hit-count policy-name policy-name detail dynamic-applications

user@host> show security policies hit-count policy-name policy1 detail dynamic-applications

Logical system: root-logical-system
Index From zone To zone Name Policy count Action Redirect
1 junos-global junos-global policy1 5202 Permit 0
Name Application Count
Junos:SSH 2234
Junos:HTTP 2502
Junos:TWITTER 529

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.

The index output field is added to the show security policies hit-count command to display the number of
sessions redirected in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.

The tenant option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.


The dynamic-applications and url-categories options are introduced in Junos OS Release 21.2R1.


clear security policies hit-count | 587

Security Policies Overview | 2
Unified Policies Configuration Overview | 155

show security policies information


Syntax | 665

Description | 666

Options | 666

Required Privilege Level | 666

Output Fields | 666

Sample Output | 670

Release Information | 673


show security policies information

<logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>
<tenant tenant-name>


Displays detailed information about the security policies configured on the device.

NOTE: Dynamic policy counters are only supported in the root logical system.


logical-system Displays detailed information about the security policies configured on a logical
system or on all logical systems.

root-logical- Displays detailed information about the security policies configured on the root
system logical system. This is the default option.

tenant Displays detailed information about the security policies configured on a tenant.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 39 on page 666 lists the output fields for the show security policies information command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 39: show security policies Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Number of global policies Number of global policies configured on the device.


Table 39: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Number of policies with Number of policies with schedulers configured on the device.

Number of policies with Number of policies configured with statistics enabled on the device and the
statistics enabled maximum number of policies which can be configured with statistics enabled
on the device.

Number of unified policies Number of unified policies configured on the device.

Number of policy contexts Number of policy contexts configured on the device.

Number of Policies per context Number of policies per context configured on the device and the maximum
number of policies per context that can be configured on the device.

Number of Source addresses per Number of source addresses configured per policy and the maximum number
policy of source addresses configured per policy.

The source address in the match criteria is composed of one or more address
names or address set names in the from-zone.

Number of Destination addresses Number of destination addresses configured per policy and maximum of
per policy destination addresses that can be configured per policy.

The destination address of the match criteria is composed of one or more

address names or address set names in the to-zone.

Number of Applications per Number of applications per policy and the maximum number of applications
policy per policy.

Number of Dynamic applications Number of dynamic applications per policy and the maximum number of
per policy dynamic applications per policy.

Number of Source identities per Number of source identities per policy and the maximum number of source
policy identities per policy.

Table 39: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Number of Match source/ Number of source and destination identities feeds per policy matching traffic.
destination identity feeds per

Messages received Number of messages received.

Messages rejected Number of messages rejected.

Add messages received Number of add messages received.

Delete messages received Number of delete messages received.

Clear messages received Number of clear messages received.

Invalid messages received Number of invalid messages received.

Add messages sent to PFE Number of add messages sent from Routing Engine to Packet Forwarding

Delete messages sent to PFE Number of delete messages sent from Routing Engine to Packet Forwarding

Clear messages sent to PFE Number of clear messages sent from Routing Engine to Packet Forwarding

Policy added successfully Number of policies successfully added.

Policy deleted successfully Number of policies successfully deleted.

Policy cleared successfully Number of policies successfully cleared.


Table 39: show security policies Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Policy add failures Number of policies unsuccessfully added.

Policy delete failures Number of policies unsuccessfully deleted.

Policy clear failures Number of policies unsuccessfully cleared.

SSAM send attempted Number of SSAM message attempts sent to Internet Key Exchange Protocol
Daemon (IKED).

SSAM send succeeded Number of SSAM messages sent to IKED.

SSAM send failed Number of SSAM messages unsucessfully sent to IKED.

Policy failures - bad Number of messages with invalid dynamic policy configurations provided.

Policy failures - bad scope Number of messages with invalid scope policy provided.

Dependent-dynamic-application- Value of the unified policy dependent match flag’s value (Dependent-dynamic-
lookup application-lookup).

Unified-policy-implicit-match Value of the unified policy implicit match flag’s value (Unified-policy-implicit-

Sample Output

show security policies information

user@host> show security policies information

Number of policies : 0 / 16000

Number of global policies : 0
Number of policies with scheduler : 0
Number of policies with statistics enabled: 0 / 256
Number of unified policies : 0
Number of policy contexts : 0 / 4096
Number of Policies per context : 0 / 10240
Number of Source addresses per policy : 0 / 4096
Number of Destination addresses per policy : 0 / 4096
Number of Applications per policy : 0 / 3072
Number of Dynamic applications per policy : 0 / 4096
Number of Source identities per policy : 0 / 128

Dynamic policy counters:

Messages received : 0
Messages rejected : 0
Add messages received : 0
Delete messages received : 0
Clear messages received : 0
Invalid messages received : 0
Add messages sent to PFE : 0
Delete messages sent to PFE : 0
Clear messages sent to PFE : 0
Policy added successfully : 0
Policy deleted successfully : 0
Policy cleared successfully : 0
Policy add failures : 0
Policy delete failures : 0
Policy clear failures : 0
SSAM send attempted : 0
SSAM send succeeded : 0
SSAM send failed : 0
Policy failures - bad configuration : 0
Policy failures - bad scope policy : 0
Unified policy status:

Dependent-dynamic-application-lookup: disable
Unified-policy-implicit-match: enable

show security policies information logical-system all

user@host> show security policies information logical-system all

Policy utilization counters:

Number of policies : 10 / 60000
Number of global policies : 0
Number of policies with scheduler : 0
Number of policies with statistics enabled: 0 / 1024
Number of unified policies : 1
Number of policy contexts : 2 / 4096
Number of Policies per context : 9 / 60000
Number of Source addresses per policy : 4 / 4096
Number of Destination addresses per policy : 4 / 4096
Number of Applications per policy : 8 / 3072
Number of Dynamic applications per policy : 10 / 4096
Number of URL Category per policy : 0 / 1024
Number of Source identities per policy : 0 / 128

Dynamic policy counters:

Messages received : 0
Messages rejected : 0
Add messages received : 0
Delete messages received : 0
Clear messages received : 0
Invalid messages received : 0
Add messages sent to PFE : 0
Delete messages sent to PFE : 0
Clear messages sent to PFE : 0
Policy added successfully : 0
Policy deleted successfully : 0
Policy cleared successfully : 0
Policy add failures : 0
Policy delete failures : 0
Policy clear failures : 0
SSAM send attempted : 0
SSAM send succeeded : 0
SSAM send failed : 0

Policy failures - bad configuration : 0

Policy failures - bad scope policy : 0
Unified policy status:
Dependent-dynamic-application-lookup: disable
Unified-policy-implicit-match: enable

Logical system: lsys1

Policy utilization counters:
Number of policies : 1 / 60000
Number of global policies : 0
Number of policies with scheduler : 0
Number of policies with statistics enabled: 0 / 1024
Number of unified policies : 0
Number of policy contexts : 1 / 4096
Number of Policies per context : 1 / 60000
Number of Source addresses per policy : 1 / 4096
Number of Destination addresses per policy : 1 / 4096
Number of Applications per policy : 1 / 3072
Number of Dynamic applications per policy : 0 / 4096
Number of URL Category per policy : 0 / 1024
Number of Source identities per policy : 0 / 128
Unified policy status:
Dependent-dynamic-application-lookup: disable
Unified-policy-implicit-match: enable

show security policies information (Threat Profiling)

user@host> show security policies information

Policy utilization counters:

Number of policies : 3 / 10240
Number of global policies : 0
Number of policies with scheduler : 0
Number of policies with statistics enabled : 0 / 1024
Number of unified policies : 0
Number of policy contexts : 1 / 2048
Number of Policies per context : 3 / 10240
Number of Source addresses per policy : 1 / 1024
Number of Destination addresses per policy : 1 / 1024
Number of Applications per policy : 1 / 128
Number of Dynamic applications per policy : 0 / 4096

Number of URL Category per policy : 0 / 1024

Number of Source identities per policy : 0 / 128
Number of Match source/destination identity feeds per policy : 4 / 1024

Dynamic policy counters:

Messages received : 0
Messages rejected : 0
Add messages received : 0
Delete messages received : 0
Clear messages received : 0
Invalid messages received : 0
Add messages sent to PFE : 0
Delete messages sent to PFE : 0
Clear messages sent to PFE : 0
Policy added successfully : 0
Policy deleted successfully : 0
Policy cleared successfully : 0
Policy add failures : 0
Policy delete failures : 0
Policy clear failures : 0
SSAM send attempted : 0
SSAM send succeeded : 0
SSAM send failed : 0
Policy failures - bad configuration : 0
Policy failures - bad scope policy : 0
Unified policy status:
Dependent-dynamic-application-lookup: disable
Unified-policy-implicit-match: enable

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.


Configuring Security Policies | 96

Unified Security Policies | 153

show security policies unknown-source-identity


Syntax | 674

Description | 674

Required Privilege Level | 674

Output Fields | 675

Sample Output | 675

Release Information | 676


show security policies unknown-source-identity


Display a list of any user or role that is referenced in a policy as a source-identity, but is not yet included
in the role provisioning table.

The role provisioning table is created from the local authentication table, UAC authentication tables, and
firewall authentication tables. The UAC and firewall authentication tables are dynamic and contain only
those users currently authenticated. Because of this, a role can be listed as unknown because no user
associated with the role has authenticated yet. There is no consequence if a role remains unknown.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 40 on page 675 lists the output fields for the show security policies unknown-source-identity
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 40: show security policies unknown-source-identity Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

From zone Part of the zone pair that identifies the source of the traffic to which a policy
applies. Affected policies are grouped by their zone pair.

To zone Part of the zone pair that identifies the destination of the traffic to which a
policy applies. Affected policies are grouped by their zone pair.

Policy The name of the policy that contains the unknown source identity.

Unknown source identities A list of user names and roles specified in the source-identity field of the
named policy that are unknown.

Sample Output

show security policies unknown-source-identity

In the following sample output, policy p1 which controls traffic from the untrust zone to the trust zone
specifies two roles, r1 and r3, that are not yet provisioned. Similarly, policy p2 affecting traffic from the
trust zone to the trust zone also contains two roles that are not provisioned, role1 and abc.

user@host> show security policies unknown-source-identity

From zone: untrust, To zone: trust
Policy: p1
Unknown source identities: r1, r3
From zone: trust, To zone: trust
Policy: p2
Unknown source identities: role1, abc

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.


Security Policies Overview | 2

show security policies zone-context


Syntax | 676

Description | 677

Options | 677

Required Privilege Level | 678

Output Fields | 678

Sample Output | 678

Release Information | 679


show security policies zone-context

from-zone <zone-name>
logical-system <logical-system-name>

tenant <tenant-name>
to-zone <zone-name>


Displays the security policy that applies the security rules to the transit traffic within a context (from-
zone to to-zone). From the perspective of security policies, traffic enters into one security zone and goes
out on another security zone. This combination of a from-zone and a to-zone is defined as a context. Each
context contains an ordered list of policies. The existing show command for security policies zone-
context is enhanced with tenant support.


application-firewall Displays the information of application-firewall.

count Displays the number of policies to show.

• Range: 1 through 65535

detail Displays the detailed information.

from-zone Displays the policy information matching the given source zone.

interface Displays the name of adaptive services interface.

logical-system Displays the name of the logical system.

policy-name Displays the policy information matching the given policy name.

root-logical-system Displays root logical system as default.

service-set Displays the name of service set.

start Displays the policies from a given position.

• Range: 1 through 65535

tenant Displays the name of the tenant system.


to-zone Displays the policy information matching the given destination zone.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 41 on page 678 lists the output fields for the show security policies zone-context command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 41: show security zone-context Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

From zone Name or ID of the source zone of the traffic.

To zone Name or ID of the destination zone of the traffic.

Policy count Number of hits for each security policy.

Tenant Name of the tenant system.

Sample Output

show security policies zone-context tenant TN1

user@host> show security policies zone-context tenant TN1

From zone To zone Policy count
z1 z2 1
z2 z3 1

show security policies zone-context tenant all

user@host> show security policies zone-context tenant all

Tenant: TN1
From zone To zone Policy count
z1 z2 1

Tenant: TN2
From zone To zone Policy count
z1 z2 1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

The tenant option is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.


Security Policies Overview | 2

Understanding Security Policy Rules | 97

show security policy-report


Syntax | 680

Description | 680

Options | 680

Required Privilege Level | 682

Sample Output | 682

Release Information | 683



show security policy-report

<from-zone zone-name>
<report-type report-type>
<to-zone zone-name>


Displays detailed security policy reports.

Optimizing security policies ensure that the policies are efficient. Over time, policies become
disorganised and hence ineffective. You can use the show security policy-report command to notify end
users when you create new policies or change existing policies which adversely affect other security


from-zone Displays the policy report matching the given source zone.

• Default: any

global Displays the security policy report of the global policies.

report- Displays the type of the policy report.

You can configure the following options for report-type:

1-year-not-hit Displays the policy report for policies that have not been hit in the last 1

30d-not-hit Displays the policy report for policies that have not been hit in the last 30

60d-not-hit Displays the policy report for policies that have not been hit in the last 60

90d-not-hit Displays the policy report for policies that have not been hit in the last 90

consolidation Displays the policy report for policies which can be consolidated.

When two policies share most fields in common and only one of the fields
contains difference, they are eligible for consolidation.

expired Displays the policy report for expired policies.

generalization Displays the policy report for generalized policies.

A policy is generalized when a following policy matches all the packets of

the current policy and the action for each policy is different.

least-hit Displays the policy report for policies with the least hit count.

most-hit Displays the policy report for policies with the most hit count.

no-comments Displays the policy report for policies which have no comments.

no-logging Displays the policy report for policies which do not have any logging

redundant Displays the policy report for redundant policies.

A policy is redundant if there exists a preceding policy within the policy

which performs the same action on the same packets as performed by the
current policy.

scheduler Displays the policy report for policies in which the scheduled has expired/
policies that have an active or inactive schedule.

shadowing Displays the policy report for shadowed policies.

A policy is shadowed when a preceding policy matches all the packets of

the current policy and the action for each policy is different.

unused Displays the policy report for policies which have a hit count value of zero.

• Default: If you don’t configure a specific report-type, then all the reports are displayed.

to-zone Displays the policy report matching the given destination zone.

• Default: any

NOTE: SRX series devices only analyze the following fields of a policy for the shadowing,
redundant, generalization, and consolidation reports:

• Source address (Ipv4 only)

• Destination address (Ipv4 only)

• Applications

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

show security policy-report report-type consolidation

user@host> show security policy-report report-type consolidation

Logical system: root-logical-system
Problem: Policy p2 is consolidated with policy p1
Recommendation: Please check if policy p2 and p1
Index: 129
Policy: p2
Source zone: trust
Destination zone: untrust
Source addresses: s_ad2
Destination addresses: d_ad2
Applications: app2
Action: permit

Policy: p1
Source zone: trust
Destination zone: untrust
Index: 180
Source addresses: s_ad1

Destination addresses: d_ad1


show security policy-report report-type scheduler

user@host> show security policy-report report-type scheduler

Logical system: root-logical-system
Problem: Policy p2 has scheduler
Policy: p2, Index: 129
Source zone: trust
Destination zone: untrust
Source addresses: s_ad2
Destination addresses: d_ad2
Applications: app2
Action: permit
Scheduler: sch

show security policy-report report-type 1-year-not-hit

user@host> show security policy-report report-type 1-year-not-hit

Logical system: root-logical-system
Problem: Not been hit for one year
Recommendation: Please check if you need to remove policy p2
Policy: p2, Index: 129
Source zone: trust
Destination zone: untrust
Source addresses: s_ad2
Destination addresses: d_ad2
Applications: app2
Action: permit

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 20.1R1.



report-skip | 470

show security shadow-policies


Syntax | 684

Description | 685

Options | 685

Required Privilege Level | 685

Output Fields | 685

Sample Output | 686

Release Information | 687


show security shadow-policies

<from-zone zone-name>
<logical-system logical-system-name>
<policy policy-name>
<tenant tenant-name>
<to-zone zone-name>


Displays the shadowing and shadowed policies in a policy list. The output displays the list of all policies
that shadows other policies. The concept of policy shadowing refers to the situation where a policy
higher in the policy list always takes effect before a subsequent policy. Because the policy lookup always
uses the first policy it finds that matches the five-part tuple of the source and destination zone, source
and destination address, and application type, if another policy applies to the same tuple (or a subset of
the tuple), the policy lookup uses the first policy in the list and never reaches the second one. The
existing show command for security shadow-policy is enhanced with tenant support.


• from-zone zone-name—Displays the name or ID of the source zone of the traffic.

• global—Displays the information about global policies.

• logical-system—Displays the name of the logical system.

• policy—Displays the shadow policy information for the given policy.

• reverse—Displays the policies which shadows the given policy.

• root-logical-system—Displays root logical system as default.

• tenant—Displays the name of the tenant system.

• to-zone zone-name—Displays the shadow policy information for the given destination zone.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 42 on page 686 lists the output fields for the show security shadow-policies logical-system command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 42: show security shadow-policies logical-system Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Policies The policies shadowing one or more policies in the policy list.

Shadowed policies The policies shadowed by one or more policies in the policy list.

Sample Output

show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b

root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b

Policies Shadowed policies
P1 P3
P1 P4
P2 P5

show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P1

root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P1

Policies Shadowed policies
P1 P3
P1 P4

show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P4 reverse

root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P4 reverse
Policies Shadowed policies
P1 P4

show security shadow-policies tenant TN1 from-zone trust to-zone untrust

user@host> show security shadow-policies tenant TN1 from-zone trust to-zone untrust
Policies Shadowed policies
p12 p11

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.

The tenant option is added in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.


show security policies | 633

show security user-identification local-



Syntax | 688

Description | 688

Required Privilege Level | 688

Output Fields | 688

Sample Output | 689

Release Information | 690



show security user-identification local-authentication-table [ ( all [brief | extensive]) |ip-

address ip-address | role role-name | start value | count value | user user-name]


This command displays the content of the local authentication table by IP address.

all (Optional) All entries displayed from the beginning of the table or from the specified
starting entry.

brief (Default) Uses a tabular format and truncates longer entries: username—
displays up to 13 characters, roles—displays up to 32 characters.

extensive (Optional) Displays the full names and all items.

count value (Optional) The total number of entries to display.

ip-address ip- (Optional) The IP address of the entry to display.

role role-name (Optional) The role name of the entries to display.

start value (Optional) The first entry to display.

user user-name (Optional) The username of the entry to display.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 43 on page 689 lists the output fields for the show security user-identification local-authentication-
table command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 43: show security user-identification local-authentication-table Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Total entries The number of entries in the table.

IP address IP address of the associated user.

NOTE: Only one user can be associated with an IP address.

Username User associated with the specified IP address.

Roles A comma-separated list of all roles associated with this IP address and user.

Sample Output

show security user-identification local-authentication-table all

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table all

Total entries: 3
Source IP Username Roles user1 role1 user1 role2 user3 role1, role2

show security user-identification local-authentication-table ip-address

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table ip-address

Username: user2
Roles: role2, role3, role1

show security user-identification local-authentication-table start

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table start 2 count 2

Total entries: 2
Username: user2
Roles: role2, role3, role1

Ip-address: Username: user3

Roles: role2, role3

show security user-identification local-authentication-table role

user@host> show security user-identification local-authentication-table role qa3456

Total entries: 3
Username: dev-grp-3
Roles: qa432, qa3456, qa84, qa794

Username: dev-qa
Roles: qa3456, qa3985, qa23

Username: brandall
Roles: qa3456

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


request security user-identification local-authorization-table add | 598

Understanding the User Identification Table | 199

show security user-identification role-provision all


Syntax | 691

Description | 691

Required Privilege Level | 691

Output Fields | 691

Sample Output | 692

Release Information | 692


show security user-identification role-provision all


Display all the available user roles for policy provisioning. The output combines user roles from all
available UITs.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 44 on page 692 lists the output fields for the show security user-identification role-provision all
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 44: show security user-identification role-provision all Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Roles A comma-separated list of all user roles available for provisioning in user role
policies. This list combines user roles from both the local authentication table
and any UAC authentication tables that have been configured.

Sample Output

show security user-identification role-provision all

user@host> show security user-identification role-provision all

Roles: role1, role2, role3, role4, role_0_1, role_1_1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


show security user-identification user-provision all | 695

show security user-identification source-identity-provision all | 693

show security user-identification source-identity-

provision all


Syntax | 693

Description | 693

Required Privilege Level | 693

Output Fields | 694

Sample Output | 694

Release Information | 694


show security user-identification source-identity-provision all


Display the available source identities for policy provisioning. The output combines users and user roles
from all available UITs.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 45 on page 694 lists the output fields for the show security user-identification source-identity-
provision all command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 45: show security user-identification source-identity-provision all Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Source identities A comma-separated list of all users and user roles available for policy
provisioning. This list combines users and user roles from both the local
authentication table and any UAC authentication tables that have been

Sample Output

show security user-identification source-identity-provision all

user@host> show security user-identification source-identity-provision all

Source identities: ariana, ben, guest5, role1, role2, role3, role4, role_0_1, role_1_1,u1, user2

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


show security user-identification role-provision all | 691

show security user-identification user-provision all | 695

show security user-identification user-provision all


Syntax | 695

Description | 695

Required Privilege Level | 695

Output Fields | 695

Sample Output | 696

Release Information | 696


show security user-identification user-provision all


Display the available user names for policy provisioning. The output combines users from all available

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 46 on page 696 lists the output fields for the show security user-identification user-provision all
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 46: show security user-identification user-provision all Output Fields

Field Name Field Description

Users A comma-separated list of all users available for policy provisioning. This list
combines users from both the local authentication table and any UAC
authentication tables that have been configured.

Sample Output

show security user-identification user-provision all

user@host> show security user-identification user-provision all

Users: ariana, ben, guest5, u1 user2, ...

Release Information

Command introduced in Release Junos OS 12.1X44-D10.


show security user-identification role-provision all | 691

show security user-identification source-identity-provision all | 693

show security zones


Syntax | 697

Description | 697

Options | 697

Required Privilege Level | 698

Output Fields | 698

Sample Output | 700

Release Information | 706


show security zones

<logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>
<tenant (tenant-name | all)>
<type (functional | security)>


This command displays the information about the security zones. You can define a security zone, which
allows you to divide the network into different segments and apply different security options to each


• none—Displays information about all the security zones configured.

• zone-name—(Optional) Displays information about the specified security zone.


• all-logical-systems-tenants—(Optional) Displays the information about the security zone of all logical
systems and tenant systems.

• detail—(Optional) Displays the detail level information about the security zone.

• logical-system logical-system-name—(Optional) Displays the information about the security zones of a

specified logical system.

• logical-system all—(Optional) Displays the information about the security zones of all logical systems.

• root-logical-system—(Optional) Displays the information about the security zones of the root logical

• tenant tenant-name—(Optional) Displays the information about the security zones of a specified tenant

• tenant all—(Optional) Displays the information about the security zones of all tenant systems.

• terse—(Optional) Displays the specified level information about the security zone.

• type functional—(Optional) Displays the information for functional zones.

• type security—(Optional) Displays the information for security zones.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 47 on page 698 lists the output fields for the show security zones command. Output fields are
listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 47: show security zones Output Fields

Field Name Field Description Level of Output

Functional zone Name of the functional zone. none


Table 47: show security zones Output Fields (Continued)

Field Name Field Description Level of Output

Security zone Name of the security zone. detail


Description Description of the security zone. detail


Policy Whether the policy can be configured or not. detail


Interfaces bound Number of interfaces in the zone. detail


Interfaces List of the interfaces in the zone. detail


Zone Name of the zone. terse

Type Type of the zone. terse

Logical system Name of the logical system. detail

Tenant Name of the tenant system. detail


Sample Output

show security zones

user@host> show security zones

Functional zone: management
Description: This is the management zone.
Policy configurable: No
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: Host
Description: This is the host zone.
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: abc
Description: This is the abc zone.
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: def
Description: This is the def zone.
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1

show security zones abc

user@host> show security zones abc

Security zone: abc
Description: This is the abc zone.
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes

Interfaces bound: 1

show security zones all-logical-systems-tenants

user@host> show security zones all-logical-systems-tenants

Logical system: root-logical-system

Security zone: HOST

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: all

Security zone: junos-host

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Logical system: LSYS1

Security zone: z1
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Logical system: TSYS1

Security zone: z3a

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Security zone: z3b

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes

Interfaces bound: 0

Security zone: z3c

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

show security zones abc detail

user@host> show security zones abc detail

Security zone: abc
Description: This is the abc zone.
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1

show security zones logical-system LSYS1

user@host> show security zones logical-system LSYS1

Security zone: z1
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

show security zones logical-system all

user@host> show security zones logical-system all

Logical system: root-logical-system

Security zone: HOST

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off

Policy configurable: Yes

Interfaces bound: all

Security zone: junos-host

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Logical system: LSYS1

Security zone: z1
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

show security zones root-logical-system

user@host> show security zones root-logical-system

Security zone: HOST

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: all

Security zone: junos-host

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

show security zones tenant TSYS1

user@host> show security zones tenant TSYS1

Security zone: z3a

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off

Policy configurable: Yes

Interfaces bound: 0

Security zone: z3b

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Security zone: z3c

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

show security zone tenant all

user@host> show security zone tenant all

Tenant: TSYS1

Security zone: Host

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Security zone: abc

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Security zone: def

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1

show security zones terse

user@host> show security zones terse

Zone Type
my-internal Security
my-external Security
dmz Security

show security zones type security

user@host> show security zones type security

Security zone: HOST

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: all

Security zone: junos-host

Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

show security zones TRUST

user@host> show security zones TRUST

Security zone: TRUST
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0
unidirectional-session-refreshing: Yes

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

tenant option introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.


Security Zones Overview | 7

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

show security zones type


Syntax | 707

Description | 707

Options | 707

Required Privilege Level | 707

Output Fields | 707

Sample Output | 708

Sample Output | 709

Sample Output | 709

Sample Output | 710

Release Information | 710



show security zones type

(functional | security)
<detail | terse>


This command displays information about security zones of the specified type.


• functional—Display functional zones.

• security—Display security zones.

• detail | terse—(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 48 on page 708 lists the output fields for the show security zones type command. Output fields are
listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 48: show security zones type Output Fields

Field Name Field Description Level of Output

Security zone Zone name. All levels

Description Description of the security zone. none


Policy Whether the policy can be configured or not. none


Interfaces bound Number of interfaces in the zone. none


Interfaces List of the interfaces in the zone. none


Zone Name of the zone. All levels

Type Type of the zone. All levels

Sample Output

show security zones type functional

user@host> show security zones type functional

Functional zone: management
Description: management zone
Policy configurable: No
Interfaces bound: 0


Sample Output

show security zones type security

user@host> show security zones type security

Security zone: trust
Description: trust zone
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: untrust
Description: untrust zone
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: junos-host
Description: junos-host zone
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Sample Output

show security zones type security terse

user@host> show security zones type security terse

Zone Type

trust Security
untrust Security
junos-host Security

Sample Output

show security zones type security detail

user@host> show security zones type security detail

Security zone: trust
Description: trust zone
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: untrust
Description: untrust zone
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 1
Security zone: junos-host
Description: junos-host zone
Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off
Policy configurable: Yes
Interfaces bound: 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

The Description output field added in Junos OS Release 12.1.



Security Zones Overview | 7

Supported System Services for Host Inbound Traffic | 13

show system services dns dns-proxy


Syntax | 711

Description | 711

Options | 712

Required Privilege Level | 712

Output Fields | 712

Sample Output | 714

Release Information | 715


show system services dns dns-proxy


Display domain name system (DNS) proxy information. This option is supported on the SRX300,
SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices.


• none—Display DNS proxy statistics information.

• cache—(Optional) Display the DNS proxy cache.

• statistics—(Optional) Display the DNS proxy statistics.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 49 on page 713 lists the output fields for the show system services dns-proxy command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 49: show system services dns-proxy

Field Name Field Description

DNS proxy statistics Display information about the DNS proxy.

• Status—State of the proxy server as Enabled or disabled.

• Queries received—Number of DNS queries received by the DNS proxy.

• Responses sent—Number of DNS responses sent by the DNS proxy.

• Queries forwarded—Number of DNS queries forwarded by the DNS proxy.

• Negative responses—Number of negative responses the DNS proxy sent to

the DNS client.

• Retry requests—Number of retries the DNS proxy received from the DNS

• Pending requests—Number of pending queries the DNS proxy has yet to

send the DNS client a response for.

• Server failures—Number of DNS proxy server failures.

Hostname Hostname of the host that has been cached.

IP address IP address of the host.

Time-to-live Length of time before an entry is purged from the DNS cache.

Type Type of DNS Resource Record. For example, A records refer to IPv4 host

Class Class of DNS. A parameter used to define a DNS Resource Record. For
example, IN class is used for Internet domain names.

Sample Output

show system services dns-proxy statistics

user@host> show system services dns-proxy statistics

DNS proxy statistics :
DNS proxy statistics :
Status : enabled
IPV4 Queries received : 30
IPV6 Queries received : 0
Responses sent : 30
Queries forwarded : 13
Negative responses : 23
Positive responses : 23
Retry requests : 0
Pending requests : 0
Server failures : 0
Interfaces : fe-0/0/0.0, fe-1/0/1.0

show system services dns-proxy cache

user@host>show system services dns-proxy cache

Hostname Time-to-live Type Class IP address/Hostname 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 A IN 408 CNAME IN

show system services dns-proxy cache <viewname V1>

user@host>show system services dns-proxy cache <viewname V1>

Hostname Time-to-live Type Class IP address/Hostname 495 A IN 495 CNAME IN

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


clear system services dns dns-proxy | 590

dns-proxy | 364

show system services dynamic-dns


Syntax | 716

Description | 716

Required Privilege Level | 716

Output Fields | 716

Sample Output | 717

Release Information | 718



show system services dynamic-dns


Display information about dynamic DNS clients. This option is supported on the SRX300, SRX320,
SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX550M devices.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 50 on page 716 lists the output fields for the show system services dynamic-dns command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 50: show system services dynamic-dns

Field Name Field Description

Hostname Hostname of the registered client

Server DDNS server name

Agent Name of the DDNS agent

Last response Status of the last response

Last update Date and time of the last update


Table 50: show system services dynamic-dns (Continued)

Field Name Field Description

Interface Name of the interface

Sample Output

show system services dynamic-dns client

user@host> show system services dynamic-dns client

Internal hostname Server Last response success failure

show system services dynamic-dns client detail

user@host>show system services dynamic-dns client detail

Hostname :
Server :
Agent : branch-0.1
Last response: success
Last update : 2006-08-29 04:02:52 PDT
Interface : fe-0/0/0.0

Hostname :
Server :
Agent : Branch-0.1
Last response: failure
Last update : 2006-08-29 04:03:03 PDT
Interface : fe-0/0/0.0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.


dynamic-dns | 372

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