1996 Ram Black Connector

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1996 PCM BLACK Connector

The PCM has 3 connectors and are color coded (black, white, and gray). Each
connector has 3 rows of slots for a total of 32 slots (terminals).
IMPORTANT: The following pin out chart applies only to the 1996 Dodge Ram
pickups with a 3.9L V6 engine.

You can find this tutorial in Spanish here: Pines De La Computadora De La

Inyección Electrónica (1996 3.9L V6 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup) (at: autotecnico-
 PCM Pin Out Chart (1994 3.9L Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup) .
 PCM Pin Out Chart (1995 3.9L Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup) .

BLACK PCM 32 Pin Connector

Pin Wire Color Description
A-1 --- Not Used
A-2 LT GRN/BLK Ignition Power
A-3 --- Not Used
A-4 BLK/LT BLU Sensor Ground
A-5 --- Not Used
A-6 BLK/WHT Park/Neutral Position
Switch (A/T Only)
A-7 BLK/GRY Ignition Coil Driver
A-8 GRY/BLK Crankshaft Position
A-9 --- Not Used
A-10 YEL/BLK Idle Air Control Motor 2
A-11 BRN/WHT Idle Air Control Motor 3
A-12 --- Not Used
A-13 --- Not Used
A-14 --- Not Used
A-15 BLK/RED Intake Air Temp (IAT)
A-16 TAN/BLK Engine Coolant Temp
(ECT) Sensor
A-17 PPL/WHT 5 Volt Supply
A-18 TAN/YEL Camshaft Position Sensor
A-19 GRY/RED Idle Air Control Motor 1
A-20 PPL/BLK Idle Air Control Motor 4
A-21 --- Not Used
A-22 RED/WHT Fused B(+)
A-23 ORG/DK BLU Throttle Position Sensor
(TPS) Signal
A-24 BLK/DK GRN or Pre-Cat Oxygen Sensor
A-25 --- Not Used
A-26 BLK/DK GRN Post-Cat Oxygen Sensor
Input (L/D Trans Only)
A-27 DK GRN/RED MAP Sensor Signal
A-28 --- Not Used
A-29 --- Not Used
A-30 --- Empty
A-31 BLK/TAN Ground
A-32 BLK/TAN Ground
Safety Precautions
Here are some very important safety precautions when testing the wires coming
out of the PCM connectors.
1. If one or any of the wires on your Dodge Ram DO NOT match the color
stated in the pin out charts, then you should not use the pin out charts in
this article. Why? Because this is the clearest indication that these ARE NOT
the connector pin out charts for your particular vehicle.
2. Never probe the front of the connector.
o You should use a wire piercing probe and probe the wire a few
inches away from the connector.
 To see what this tool looks like: Wire Piercing Probe.
o You should use a back probe.
3. You should never disconnect any of the PCM connectors without first
disconnecting the battery negative (-) terminal.

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