How To Better Protect Your Crown Jewel Data Assets From Insider Threats
How To Better Protect Your Crown Jewel Data Assets From Insider Threats
How To Better Protect Your Crown Jewel Data Assets From Insider Threats
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UI Masking UI Logging
legislative & Demergers/spin-offs Manipulation of data
Access to sensitive data is attribute-based, ensuring that the right users get
the right data at the right time
Attribute-based authorization
Reveal on-Demand
UI5/Fiori-based dashboard
- monitoring UI Data Protection Masking for SAP
S/4HANA - configuration menu is offered as a Fiori-based APP
JABIL Turns to UI Masking for Stronger Data Protection JABIL Deploys UI Masking – Article by SAP Insider
Interview of Jabil's Cybersecurity Architect Wilder Senior Editor Fred Donovan
Latino, hosted by SAP Insider Senior Editor Fred
Donovan studies/jabil-deploys-ui-masking-to-protect-data-
turns-to-ui-masking-for-stronger-data-protection/ while-maintaining-usability/
Audit trail of logs of user actions and data accessed in SAP UIs with sensitive content
- Near-real time notifications when certain data is
DPO cockpit and log analyser
accessed, through SAP notification framework - Fiori based, streamlined analysis UI for business users
- Near real-time through integration with - Detailed log analysis tools for technical users
SAP Enterprise Threat Detection
Exploratory analysis of
access to data types:
comprehensive overview of
data usage through field
IDs (tags)
More granular display with
additional filter criteria.
UIDP Masking and Logging | Roadmap Highlights related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This
document, or any related presentation, and SAP’s strategy and possible future
developments, products, and platforms, directions, and functionality are all subject to
Key innovations change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. The
information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver
any material, code, or functionality.
Recent achievements
Recent/current activities and plans Planned activities (2023) Future Direction
Future 2022
direction / 2023
▪ Continuous improvements (PDF ▪ Extend data blocking via ABAC policies to ▪ data access prevention and
masking) – Web Dynpro ABAP transparency
– CRM Web Client UI – coverage for native BTP apps
▪ Availability with S/4H and ECC Private
Cloud Edition (RISE) – coverage for non-BTP cloud
▪ Expand UI data protection coverage (e.g.
Ongoing activities (2022) SAC)
– advanced analysis tools
▪ Streamlined handling of mass log data ▪ Additional features of UIDP core – alerts,
change logs, dashboards, data ▪ Advanced data protection drawing on
▪ Block access to GUI transactions and Multi Factor Authentication
classification, etc.
Fiori apps, based on ABAC policies
▪ Data element (column based) encryption ▪ Machine Learning augmented data
▪ Embedded analytics in SAP S/4H classification
▪ Data exploit prevention (authorization
▪ Support for additional languages in the ▪ ABAC for Industry 4.0 (IoT)
changes, config changes, brute force
application (French, Japanese, Spanish)
attacks, from SOD conflicts, etc.) ▪ Dynamic consent