Diagnostics GAP-ANALYSIS

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Gap analysis
If you plan to implement an existing guideline or model of care,
a gap analysis can be used to determine where your ‘gaps’ or
ACI Redesign needs are and what you need to change.
The purpose of this phase is to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the current state from different perspectives.
Once you know the issues you can prioritise them and establish
the root causes, so you develop the right solutions.

Key points

1. Find the gaps 2. Identify current gaps

Identifying gaps in current practice can The gap analysis is best completed with a
provide an understanding of how your service range of stakeholders, and if possible with
is performing in relation to an existing best an independent person who knows the
practice model or guideline. Firstly identify the model/guideline in detail and can challenge
core requirements of the new model/guideline. assumptions and ask informed questions.
These are the elements that must be present Visiting other sites that have implemented the
to achieve the outcomes required. Seek expert new model can also provide good information
advice or talk to others already utilising the new on how it is working in practice, which will help
model. Self-assessments can be helpful and are you to consider how it could work in your site.
sometimes included in models/guidelines.

3. Prioritise the gaps 4. Do further analysis

Completing a self-assessment may help identify A range of diagnostic tools and methods can
and prioritise what can be achieved quickly be used to further understand the identified
and easily (quick wins). It can also identify gaps between your practice and the best
longer-term challenges to focus on, i.e. those practice model. These may include (but are
that require more time, resources or training not limited to) data analysis, process mapping,
before they can be implemented. The use of interviews and a root cause analysis. The
a traffic light system can assist in informing information gained through further analysis
stakeholders of the gaps and highlight areas will inform what is currently working and build
requiring further in-depth assessment. the case for change with your stakeholders.

Redesign Methodology – Diagnostics

ACI_0022 [02/19]
Considerations and tips

Be mindful of not jumping from gaps to solutions – a little more investigation will help you
choose the right solution.

The devil is in the detail Involve your stakeholders

A gap analysis is a high-level tool – it doesn’t Involve your stakeholders in helping you
get to the detail of a problem. For example, the understand why the gap exists and what is
analysis may identify a problem in a process, currently happening. This will allow all of you
but it probably can’t identify the specific to understand the barriers or issues that need
causes of the problem. You will need to further to be managed.
analyse this.

Look to success Stage your approach

Consult people from sites that have already Don’t try to address all of the gaps at once
implemented the change. Learn from them – instead, focus on 1-2 gaps that have been
what worked, what they tweaked, and if it is prioritised. Once you have successfully
going as expected. Building on the shoulders of implemented the change, it will build
giants is a good strategy for success. momentum for the next part.

Traffic Light rating for self assessment tool Gap Analysis

Does not meet Model of Care Prioritised

within current resourcing gaps to
(>> meet with Executive)

Does not meet Model of Care, Identify
restructure of services is possible Current themes of
state Understand
within current resources issues
Explore causes
Identify the gaps

Matches Model of Care

Further information
Implementation Guide: Putting a Model into Practice (Pg. 15)
– www.aci.health.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/291742/Clinical_Innovation_Program_Implementation_Guide.pdf

Next steps
Just like with anything else you create, it is always important that you review your gap analysis for major errors and omissions. It’s a
good idea to have someone familiar with the guideline or model to review your findings before you present them.
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ACI Redesign – Diagnostics: Gap analysis Page 2

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