The Role of ICTs in Sustainable Development Perspectives From An Emerging Economy
The Role of ICTs in Sustainable Development Perspectives From An Emerging Economy
The Role of ICTs in Sustainable Development Perspectives From An Emerging Economy
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Information and Communication Technologies Sustainable development is a concept that has gained
(ICTs) have become an essential tool for sustainable global attention in recent years. The United Nations defines
development The use of ICTs in various sectors of the sustainable development as "development that meets the
economy has brought about significant improvements in needs of the present without compromising the ability of
the quality of life, economic growth, and environmental future generations to meet their own needs." It is a complex
sustainability. This paper proposes that using ICTs to and multifaceted concept that requires a holistic approach to
drive sustainable development offers more benefits than address the economic, social, and environmental challenges
negative consequences although acknowledging that like facing societies. Information and Communication
all successful projects, proper and efficient utilization of Technologies (ICTs) have emerged as an essential tool for
methods are important to success. Therefore, when sustainable development, offering numerous benefits and
advancing sustainable development, ICTs must be opportunities to improve the quality of life for people around
regarded as a tool used appropriately to achieve desirable the world.
outcomes. This paper presents a socio-economic
perspective, subjective to developing economies realities, A fundamental concern to ICT supporting sustainable
to this discourse. The paper discusses various views and development is the recognition of the existing challenges in
conceptual frameworks put forward in the discussion of ICT itself and how well these demands can be resolved to
roles of ICTs in sustainable development. An optimistic socio-economic growth and sustainable development. The use
and a pessimistic view of ICT with regard to of ICTs in sustainable development offers numerous benefits,
sustainability, the three-pillar approach to sustainable including increased efficiency, improved access to
development, the three-level approach to ICT impacts, information and services, and enhanced communication and
the claim of human, social and ecological compatibility of collaboration. However, there are also challenges associated
ICT and the plain use of ICT for development. The paper with the use of ICTs, including the seemingly increasing
shows that each of these approaches has its problems and digital divide, privacy and security concerns, and the potential
limitations and conclude with formulating the challenges for negative environmental impacts. This implies that
of finding an analytical approach which will effectively activities such as e-commerce, e-business, and e-government
support decision-makers in using ICT in the service of all support cross-national collaborative endeavors. Therefore,
sustainable development. In doing this, this paper governments and enterprises alike can gain from these
examines the role of ICTs in sustainable development, the activities and proffer solutions to their own local and/or
benefits and challenges of using ICTs, and the policy national challenges. Although socio-cultural idiosyncrasies
implications for developing countries. may pose issues, sustainable initiatives need international
cooperation, coordination, and standardization. International
Keywords:- ICTs; Sustainable Development; Emerging organizations, development partners and multinationals hold
Economies; many answers in this regard in how to proceed. Another
concern in achieving sustainable development through ICT is
I. INTRODUCTION the natural human resistance to change. People usually oppose
changing from their comfort zone to exploring new things and
Realistic Sustainable Development requires the ideas.
balancing of how individual human needs are satisfied and
how well nature and its resources are preserved while ICTs play a critical role in sustainable development by
satisfying these needs. This is not necessarily an easy providing access to information, promoting economic growth,
equilibrium to achieve. However, without it, sustainability and enhancing social and environmental sustainability. In the
may not be achieved. We have seen tremendous advances in economic sphere, ICTs have revolutionized the way
the role of e-government, especially regarding the creation businesses operate, enabling them to increase productivity,
and provision of public value to citizens [1]. It is not easy to reduce costs, and reach new markets. They have also provided
determine and master the complexities surrounding socio- opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation, creating
environmental and socio-cultural challenges which are new employment opportunities and promoting economic
prevalent in emerging economies, but sustainability is growth. In the social sphere, ICTs have facilitated access to
impossible without fully understanding and addressing these education, health care, and other basic services, particularly in
challenges comprehensively. rural and remote areas. They have also enabled social