Lesson Plan - Chemistry - Grade 9 - Week 22

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GEMS AKIS HS Weekly Plan Template AY 22-23

Grade: 9 Subject: chemistry Unit Title: structure Week #: Date Range: Teacher(s):
and properties of 22 18 February -24 Feb Sara Hdaife
matter Hiba AL Ansari

# Boys: 0 # SEND: # Emirati: 0 # Supported Learners: # Extended Learners: # G&T:

# Girls: 0

Disciplinary Standard(s) Targeted

If lesson is focusing on a certain part of the standard, please highlight that part in green.
HS-PS1-1. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost
energy level of atoms. HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost
electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
Literacy Across the Curriculum
How will your plans this week develop student’s literacy (reading and writing) skills?

Building Connections: Real Life, UAE, Student Profile

How will your plans this week help students make connections?
Reactivity of elements

Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements / Guided Practice Indepen
(What is the objective of the lesson?) (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and (What are the strategies used in class to engage students in Formativ
teach new concepts/skills?) practice?) (How will we know
12 Minutes 20 Minutes 7
All learners (including - Discuss how the bonding is between Explore : Watch a video Evaluate
SEND): two atoms, what might affect it .. - Using rubber to model the
I can define and - Engage : Relate it as children are sharing electronegativity
understand the concept of their toys each one with different ability Elaborate : Which magnet is stronger
electronegativity, and relate it to atoms attracting
Most learners (core & ELL): -
I can list factors that affect

Some learners (extended

& G&T):
I can predict the type of
bonding that is likely to
occur from differences in

Explain : the electronegativity effect

on bonding and difference between
the atoms

How will you differentiate for special groups ?

- SEN: Define electronegativity
- Supported Learners (Tier 2): compare electronegativity between atoms
- Extended Learners: predict the types of bonding from electronegativity

Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements / Guided Practice Indepen
(What is the objective of the lesson? (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and (What are the strategies used in class including differentiation to Formativ
Include differentiated objectives for teach new concepts/skills?) engage students in practice)? (How will we know
special groups, where needed.)
12 Minutes 20 Minutes 7
All learners (including - Engage : link it to real life when you - Explore : watch video of electron affinity Evaluate : worksheet
SEND): overweight the travel baggage with staff having question
I can define electron and you need to close it , where you - Elaborate : by applying the trend on
affinity release energy in this case . different atoms
- Ask students where do you think it is - Explain : explaining the factor that
Most learners (core & ELL): easier to add electrons , in metals or non affects electron affinity
I can list factors that affect metals
electron affinity
3 Minutes 3
Some learners (extended
& G&T):
I can relate between the
difference in electron
affinity and types of

How will you differentiate for special groups (if relevant)?

- SEN: define electron affinity
- Supported Learners (Tier 2): compare between elements
- Extended Learners: draw the models between two atoms and represent the electron affinity

Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements / Guided Practice
(What is the objective of the lesson? Include (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and teach new (What are the strategies used in class including differentiation to engag
differentiated objectives for special groups, concepts/skills?) practice)?
where needed.)
12 Minutes 20 Minutes
All learners (including SEND): - Engage : ask students to think in a way to draw the - Explore : reading on what is Lewis dot structu
I can draw Lewis structure of atom electrons - Elaborate : having different element in a grou
and draw the Lewis dot structure
Most learners (core & ELL): - Explain : how to draw the Lewis dot structure
I can count the number of valence
electron and draw Lewis dot

Some learners (extended & G&T): 3 Minutes

I can relate between Lewis dot
structure and reactivity

How will you differentiate for special groups (if relevant)?

- SEN: draw Lewis dot structure with given number of valence electron
- Supported Learners (Tier 2): Draw lewis structure from the electron configuration
- Extended Learners: Draw lewis structure from the electron configuration and identify the element
Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements / Guided Practice
(What is the objective of the lesson? Include (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and teach new (What are the strategies used in class including differentiation to engag
differentiated objectives for special groups, concepts/skills?) practice)?
where needed.)
12 Minutes 20 Minutes
All learners (including SEND): - Engage : see different combinations of element and - Explore : watch a video about covalent bond
I can define covalent bonds determine the difference - Elaborate : let student make bonding to form
Most learners (core & ELL): - Explain : how to draw the Lewis dot structure
I can compose a covalent covalent bonds

Some learners (extended & G&T):

I can compose a covalent bond 3 Minutes
and draw Lewis dot structure

How will you differentiate for special groups (if relevant)?

- SEN: write the definition if covalent bonds
- Supported Learners (Tier 2): Draw lewis structure for covalent bonds
- Extended Learners: Draw lewis structure and make a covalent bond from several chosen element

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