This document outlines the course guidelines for an introductory biology class. It provides information on attendance policies, grading scales, homework and late work policies, academic honesty, and the use of Schoology for submitting assignments and checking grades. Key topics to be covered include ecosystems, evolution, genetics, and the integumentary system. Students are expected to follow the school code of conduct and check Schoology daily for updates from the teacher.
This document outlines the course guidelines for an introductory biology class. It provides information on attendance policies, grading scales, homework and late work policies, academic honesty, and the use of Schoology for submitting assignments and checking grades. Key topics to be covered include ecosystems, evolution, genetics, and the integumentary system. Students are expected to follow the school code of conduct and check Schoology daily for updates from the teacher.
This document outlines the course guidelines for an introductory biology class. It provides information on attendance policies, grading scales, homework and late work policies, academic honesty, and the use of Schoology for submitting assignments and checking grades. Key topics to be covered include ecosystems, evolution, genetics, and the integumentary system. Students are expected to follow the school code of conduct and check Schoology daily for updates from the teacher.
This document outlines the course guidelines for an introductory biology class. It provides information on attendance policies, grading scales, homework and late work policies, academic honesty, and the use of Schoology for submitting assignments and checking grades. Key topics to be covered include ecosystems, evolution, genetics, and the integumentary system. Students are expected to follow the school code of conduct and check Schoology daily for updates from the teacher.
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Example Coarse Guidelines
Teacher: Elizabeth Casolari
Class: Introductory Biology Email: … Office Hours: By appointment before or after school Materials: - School IPAD and charger. All work and testing will be done electronically using the school IPAD. Attendance and Absence Policy: - Attendance is taken at the start of each class period. Refer to the student handbook for the school attendance policy. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up the work. You can do this by going to the Schoology page and doing the following steps: o Go to the current Unit folder, click on the Agenda slides and follow the directions on the agenda slides. o Email me with any questions you have. - If absent, you have one day for each day absent to make up the work. If the absence is unexcused, you will receive a 0 for the work. This includes assignments, quizzes and tests. o If you missed a test, it will be made up on the day you return. If you miss a review day, you will still be required to take the test upon return. o If the absence is due to a family trip, field trip, athletic event, counseling appointment, or any other “exempt” absence, you do not receive an extra day for assignments and homework will be due as if the student attended class. Any scheduled quizzes/tests must be taken prior to the scheduled absence. Tardies: - Once the bell starts ringing, entry is considered a tardy. Four tardies will earn you a Saturday school day. Subsequent tardies can eventually lead to a loss of credit. - If you are more that 5 minutes late, the tardy becomes an unexcused absence. Grades: - Each assignment, lab, quiz, or test is worth a certain number of points. Using a traditional grading scale, student grades are based on a percentage calculated by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points available during the marking period. During the year, no student can achieve over 100% in a marking period. Letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale.
A+ 97.5+ B 82.5+ D+ 67.5+
A 92.5+ B- 79.5+ D 62.5+ A- 89.5+ C+ 77.5+ D- 60+ B+ 87.5+ C 72.5+ E (less than 59.99%) C- 69.5+ - To check how much each quarter and the final exam are worth of your final grade refer to the start of the year syllabus from your teacher. - Grades are available for viewed on Schoology so check regularly! Classwork/Homework: - There are in-class activities on a daily basis, and you will be expected to submit your work from class by the start of the next class period unless otherwise indicated. Lake work will be accepted beyond the due date for half credit up to the quiz/test over the material. There will be times when you will receive feedback with the option to revise work before submitting it for a grade. o Assignments will be completed and submitted through the school iPad on Schoology. o Assignment Submissions: Assignments will be submitted as a single PDF document. Check out the PDF resources folder within the course resources folder for further guidance. o If you have an IEP or 504 plan and need extra days, talk to me personally. - Reviews will be available prior to assessments but are not collected for grading. - There may be assignments that allow for revisions after grading if certain criteria are met which are subject to change (i.e original assignment was turned in on time showing effort/completion). o In the event that a revision is approved, you will have one week from the approval date to revise and resubmit. Group Work and Labs: - We often work in pairs/groups in class. While you may work together you must record your own answers. o When work is being submitted as a group all participants are expected to contribute equally and are still individually responsible for the learning the content. Extra Credit: - Extra credit is a rare opportunity and not to be expected. If provided, extra credit may raise quarter grades by a maximum of 3%. At the end of the marking period/final grades are not rounded. Plagiarism and Cheating: - Writing your name on any document you did not do is considered cheating. To do this can lead to a zero on the assignment/lab. Plagiarism is not tolerated and a zero will be given for that assignment. o All assignments must be your OWN work. If a student is caught copying or plagiarizing, they will not be eligible to receive extra credit during the year. Schoology: - Every student must sign-up to use Schoology. Schoology will be used to post all assignments, quizzes/test, and classroom resources. Grades are posted on Schoology. Textbook: - Almost all of the materials are done through activities and the biology textbook will RARELY be used. If you interested in a physical book for home you will have the opportunity to check one out for the school year. Class Communication: - Important class messages and updates will be sent out as Schoology Updates. Behavior: - Every student is expected to abide by the Schools Code of Conduct and Virtual Code of Conduct. Disrespectful behavior will have consequences. Material: - Material that we cover together may include the following but is subject to change: o Unit 2: Otters and Homeostasis Food webs, Population trends, Environmental trends, Carbon cycle and Human Impact, Ecosystem Homeostasis, Cellular Homeostasis. o Unit 3: Evolution Classification, Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes, Cell parts/functions, Evidence of Evolution, Rat dissection (pending grand approval), Evolution vs. Natural selection, Bacteria vs. Viruses o Unit 4: Melanin and Albinism Integumentary System, DNA RNA Protein synthesis, mutations, genetics (pedigrees, Punnett squares, and karyotypes). Final Note: - If you have any questions throughout the year, please email me! I will periodically provide updates as we go along. Ensure that students are checking Schoology daily as it is the school approved method of communication. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are maintaining communication throughout the year. Thank you, and let’s have a great school year! Ms. Casolari