Compiler Design

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ISBN: 978-93-5004-215-1 Pages: 268

Book Description
This book is a complete text for exploring the design and working of modern compilers. The book is of immense use for the graduate and undergraduate students of computer science, engineering, and information technology. The book uses lucid language along with examples on every topic for better grasp of the concepts. It explains the concepts of compiling and program translation in detail. Various phases of the modern compiler have been discussed in separate chapters, thereby, presenting a clear distinctive role performed by the compiler. The topics in the book have been supplemented with adequate solved examples, review questions, and objective type questions, which will help students and practitioners to sharpen their learning. The book follows systematic approach for explaining the concepts and uses an algorithmic approach wherever needed. The book is useful for students, system programmers, professionals, and practitioners interested in language design and translation, as well as for those interested in understanding machine architecture and its implementation.

Salient Features
q solved examples, multiple-choice questions, Provides

and review questions at the end of each chapter

Rs. 279/qstudents who are preparing for university and Helps

competitive examinations
q Uses easy language to help students grasp important


About the Authors

q a summary at the end of each chapter to Provides

refresh learning and improve understanding Rajesh K. Maurya holds the M.Sc., MCA, M.Tech., and M.Phil. degrees. He also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE). He is currently Associate Professor at DESs Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology and Development, Mumbai, where he is involved in teaching postgraduate courses in computer science, application, and technology. He is the author of various books, such as Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality Systems, and System Programming and Compiler Construction. His research interests include information management, image processing, and intelligent machines. He is a member in high-level academic bodies at various levels, including universities and industries. The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of engineering textbooks, bringing excellent content in engineering and technical education to the fore. The team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc., and Dreamtech Press is committed to providing excellence in quality of content by judiciously analyzing the needs of its readers and ensuring dedication of its authors and editors in catering to these needs.

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Table of Contents
Introduction to Compiler

q of Translation Process Overview q Compiler A Simple q between Interpreter, Assembler, and Difference

q and Use of Linker and Loader Overview qCompilers Types of qof the Source Program Analysis q of a Compiler The Phases qof the Compiler Cousins q The Grouping of Phases: Front End and Back
End of Compiler

q Syntax-Directed Definitions q Construction of Syntax Trees q Evaluation of S-Inherited Attributes Bottom-Up q Definitions L-Attributed q Syntax-Directed Translation Scheme q Error Detection and Recovery q Systematic Methods Adhoc and
Intermediate Code Generation

qIntermediate Forms Different q Syntax-Directed Translation Mechanism and

Attributed Mechanisms

q Structure of Compiler The Pass q Writing Tools Compiler

Lexical Analyzer

Runtime Memory Management

q to Lexical Analyzer Introduction q Input Buffering q Specification of Tokens q of Tokens Recognition q for Specifying Lexical Analyzer A Language q Automata Finite-State q Finite Automata from Regular Expressions q a Lexical Analyzer Generator Designing q of DFA tion of DFA Optimizing
Parsing Theory

q Source Language Issues q Storage Organization q Storage Allocation Strategies q Management of Variable-Length Blocks qParameters | Symbol Table Passing q Facilities for Dynamic Allocation Language q Storage Allocation Techniques Dynamic
Code Optimization

q Classification of Compiler Optimization q Optimizing Transformations Important q Flow Analysis Global Data q Optimizations Based on Data-Flow Analysis
Code Generation

q Parsing: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Types of

Parsing Algorithms

q Parsing-Nave Approach Top-Down q Parsing-Nave Approach Bottom-Up q LR Parsers q Parser Generators q Using Ambiguous Grammar
Syntax-Directed Translation and Error Recovery

q in Code Generation Major Tasks q Design Issues of a Code Generator q Machine The Target qStorage Management Runtime q Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs q Information Next-Use q Code Generator A Simple q Representation of Basic Blocks The DAG
and more....

q Syntax-Directed Program Evaluation

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