SAP - ABAP CDS Development User Guide: Warning

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SAP - ABAP CDS Development User

Generated on: 2019-12-30

SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package | SP09


Original content:


This document has been generated from the SAP Help Portal and is an incomplete version of the official SAP product
documentation. The information included in custom documentation may not re ect the arrangement of topics in the SAP Help
Portal, and may be missing important aspects and/or correlations to other topics. For this reason, it is not for productive use.

For more information, please visit the… 1/91

About the ABAP CDS Development User

Scope of Documentation
This documentation describes the functionality and usage of tools for Core Data Services (CDS) within ABAP development for
SAP HANA scenarios. In particular, it focuses on use cases for creating, editing, testing, and analyzing ABAP CDS entities -
starting from the Eclipse-based IDE.

Target Audience
ABAP developers who are involved in the code push-down development activities.

Validity of Documentation
This documentation belongs to ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver client version 2.80 and refers to the range of
functions that have been shipped as part of the standard delivery for SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP03.

More on ABAP for SAP HANA Scenario

You can also visit our ABAP for SAP HANA space on SCN to view discussions and nd further resources on how ABAP-
based applications can leverage SAP HANA.

ABAP CDS Entities

ABAP CDS entities are data models based on the data de nition language (DDL) speci cation and are managed by ABAP

ABAP CDS provides a framework for de ning and consuming semantic data models on the central database of the application
server AS ABAP. The speci ed data models are based on the data de nition language (DDL) and the data control language (DCL).
So, a CDS entity or the extension of a CDS view is de ned as source code in the data de nition.

The following types of ABAP CDS entities are supported:


ABAP CDS Table Functions

De ning ABAP CDS Entities

To de ne or extend an ABAP CDS entity, you rst need to create a data de nition or metadata extension as the relevant
development object with which you can use the standard functions of the ABAP Workbench – such as syntax check, activation, or
connecting to the Transport Organizer. A CDS entity is de ned in the text-based DDL editor of ABAP Development Tools.

Remember… 2/91
In the DDL editor, you can only de ne one ABAP CDS entity in one data de nition or metadata extension.

Related Information
ABAP CDS in ABAP Dictionary (ABAP Keyword Documentation)


The data of an application is distributed across several database tables. Using ABAP CDS views, you can rearrange the table elds
according to application-speci c needs from the ABAP source code of your implementation.

De ning ABAP CDS Views

The structure of such a view is de ned by specifying the relevant database tables and the set of table elds to be used in the view.

A CDS view is de ned for existing database tables and views, or for other CDS views in the ABAP Dictionary, using the DEFINE
VIEW DDL statement. A CDS view serves to de ne the structure of a CDS database view and represents a projection onto one or
several database tables or database views in the ABAP Dictionary.

CDS database views and CDS entities are part of one and the same namespace. Therefore, you must assign different names for
a CDS database view and the entity.

Defining the CDS view in the DDL editor


@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CUSTOMER'
DEFINE VIEW cust_book_view_entity AS SELECT FROM scustom
JOIN sbook
ON = sbook.customid
{,,… 3/91

The cust_book_view_entity CDS entity de nes a projection onto the database tables scustom and sbook by joining
both tables. The generated CDS database view (CUSTOMER) comprises the ID, the name, and the booking ID of all customers
for which the bookings exist.

Activating CDS Views

When activating a CDS view, the following objects are created in the ABAP Dictionary:

The actual CDS entity

A CDS database view

Accessing CDS Views in ABAP

Like regular Dictionary projection views, ABAP CDS entities can be used in ABAP Open SQL for data selection. The following
method lists the customer's booking data that is stored in the underlying database tables. As demonstrated in the listing below,
the CDS entity (in this case: cust_book_view_entity) is used for data selection in the ABAP source code.


CLASS cl_demo_access_cds_entity IMPLEMENTATION.

METHOD get_data.

SELECT id name bookid

FROM cust_book_view_entity
INTO TABLE @DATA(result_data)
WHERE ... .


Overview of Process and Architecture

The following gure combines the main components of the view-building architecture and also displays the most important
activities that are involved in the view-building process. Using a wizard within the Eclipse-based IDE, you rst create the data
de nition as the relevant development object. In ABAP Development Tools, the text-based DDL editor is used to write source code
in which you specify the data de nition for a new CDS view. For each CDS view that is de ned in the data de nition, you will
generate – using the activation process – exactly one CDS database view and the corresponding CDS entity in the ABAP
Dictionary.… 4/91

CDS view building architecture

When activating a data de nition, a CDS entity and CDS database view form a unity with the data de nition as development
object. So, after transporting the data de nition, the name of the CDS entity and CDS database view can no more be changed.
To rename any part of this unity, you need to delete the corresponding data de nition. Consequently, you recreate it and use
the new name for the relevant part.

Developer-Relevant Activities
1. Creating Data De nitions

2. De ning a CDS view

See also: Editing DDL Source Code

3. Adding Access Controls to CDS Entities

4. Checking Syntax of DDL Source Code

5. Activating Data De nitions

6. [Optional:] Previewing Data Records

7. [Optional:] Analyzing the SQL dependency tree of the view in case of more complex CDS views

See also: Analyzing Dependencies in Complex CDS Views

8. [Optional:] Analyzing associations between views

See also: Following Associations in the CDS Data Preview… 5/91
9. [Optional:] Analyzing the relationship between views in a graphical tool in case of more complex views

See also: Displaying the Graphical Representation of DDL Source Code

10. [Optional:] Deleting DDL

Before deleting DDL, check whether it is still being used by other development objects. To nd out if an object is still in
use, call the where-used function( Searching Usages (Where-Used)). See also: Deleting Development Objects

Related Information
ABAP CDS - View (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

ABAP CDS Table Functions

ABAP CDS table functions de ne table functions that are implemented natively on the database and can be called in CDS. As
such, they support the HANA platform code pushdown capabilities in ABAP CDS.

De ning ABAP CDS Table Functions

A CDS table function is de ned using the ABAP CDS statement DEFINE TABLE FUNCTION and can be used as the data source
in Open SQL read statements.

Each CDS table function includes the following components:

The actual CDS entity of the table function that is generated in the ABAP Dictionary

The CDS table function implementation (ABAP class library)

In contrast to the CDS views, the CDS table functions can be implemented using Native SQL. This implementation is done
within an AMDP method of an AMDP class and is managed as an AMDP function by the AMDP framework in the database
system.… 6/91

Defining and Implementing CDS table functions

The name of the implementing AMDP method can only be speci ed in a single CDS table function (1: 1 relation).

Table Function De nition

In the following listing, a client-speci c ABAP CDS table function TAB_FUNCTION_EXAMPLE is de ned using the DDL syntax.
This table function declares two input parameters clnt (with the prede ned value: #CLIENT) and carrid, and a list of
elements that provide the return values of the AMDP method that implements the table function. The table function is
associated with the AMDP class CL_EXAMPLE_AMDP, where the method GET_FLIGHTS is used to implement the table

Sample Code

@ClientDependent: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define table function TAB_FUNCTION_EXAMPLE

with parameters @Environment.systemField: #CLIENT

clnt:abap.clnt, carrid : s_carr_id
returns {
client : s_mandt;
carrname : s_carrname;
connid : s_conn_id;
cityfrom : s_from_cit;
cityto : s_to_city;

implemented by method CL_EXAMPLE_AMDP=>GET_FLIGHTS;

Example… 7/91
Table Function Implementation

The public ABAP class (AMDP class) in this example provides the AMDP method get_flights, which serves as the
implementation of the table function tab_function_example. As with any other AMDP class,
cl_example_amdp must implement the marker interface IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB. The AMDP method get_flights
implements the data selection using Native SQL code.

Sample Code

class cl_example_amdp definition public.

public section.
interfaces IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB.
class-methods get_flights for table function tab_function_example.

protected section.
private section.

class cl_example_amdp implementation.

method get_flights by database function

for hdb
language sqlscript
options read-only
using scarr spfli.
RETURN SELECT sc.mandt as client,
sc.carrname, sp.connid, sp.cityfrom, sp.cityto
FROM scarr AS sc
INNER JOIN spfli AS sp ON sc.mandt = sp.mandt AND sc.carrid = sp.carrid
WHERE sp.mandt = :clnt AND
sp.carrid = :carrid
ORDER BY sc.mandt, sc.carrname, sp.connid;


Developer-Relevant Activities
1. Creating Data De nitions

2. De ning a CDS table function

See also: Editing DDL Source Code

3. Adding Access Controls to CDS Entities

4. Checking Syntax of DDL Source Code

5. Activating Data De nitions

6. Implementing a CDS table function in the AMDP class

7. Debugging CDS Table Functions

See also: Debugging AMDPs and CDS Table Functions

Related Information
ABAP CDS Synatx – Table Functions (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

ABAP CDS Unit Testing… 8/91
CDS Test Double Framework enables automatic unit testing of CDS views.

The development object for CDS unit testing is a CDS view for which the runtime entity is in database layer (SQL View). Using CDS
Test Double Framework APIs available in ABAP unit class, you can write an ABAP unit test for a CDS View for runtime artifacts that
are in two different layers. You can also create test doubles for database entities.

CDS Test Double Framework:

Creates a copy of CDS under Test

Creates "updatable" doubles for each dependent component

The double has the same structure as the original dependent component.

Copies depended-on database tables, but do not copy its data and primary key constraints

Creates database tables for depended-on database views. These tables have the same structure as the depended
on database views

Copies depended-on database functions (resulting from depended-on CDS views with parameters) and modi es
the implementation of function double to "insert" desired test-data into the double

Supported Test Scenarios

CDS Test Double framework supports stubbing the following dependent components:

DDIC tables

DDIC views

CDS views

CDS views with Parameters

External Views

Table Functions


You can also turn on/off DCL for a given CDS. We recommend you to turned off DCL to truly isolate the CDS during unit testing.

Related Information
Unit Testing in ABAP
Writing Unit Tests Using CDS Test Double Framework

Access Controls
ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) has its own authorization concept based on a data control language (DCL). The authorization
concept of ABAP CDS uses conditions de ned in CDS and can draw upon classical (PFCG) authorizations to check the
authorizations of users.… 9/91
The CDS authorization concept coexists with the classical authorization concept of SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP
(SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP). You can use the concepts together or independently from another. The classical authorization
concept is based on authorization objects. The authorization of a user occurs either implicitly, for example while calling a
transaction, or explicitly with the statement AUTHORITY-CHECK. The CDS authorization concept is based on implicit
authorization checks that occur during access attempts to CDS entities over service adaptation de nition language (SADL) or
Open SQL.

Overview of Process and Architecture

The following gure shows the main components for creating access controls (DCLs). After you have created the CDS entities you
want to protect in data de nitions (DDLs), you use a wizard within the Eclipse-based ABAP IDE to create the access controls for
the authorization objects. In access controls you de ne CDS roles.

A developer de nes a CDS role in a separate CDS source code for a CDS entity using the DCL statement DEFINE ROLE. When a
CDS entity is accessed using SADL or Open SQL, the following is checked:

1. Is a role de ned for the CDS entity?

If no role is de ned for a CDS entity, there are no restrictions on the data returned by the query.

2. Does the current user have the required authorizations?

If a role is de ned for the CDS entity, access control management checks the current user for authorizations. The system
only reads data for which an authorization exists. CDS roles are assigned to all users implicitly.

When you activate an access control, SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP generates the authorization views and lls the access control
management tables with the required metadata. The roles are characterized as global internal objects in the ABAP Dictionary.

Defining an Access Control (DCL Source) in the Access Control Editor

We recommend that you continue to use the classical authorization concept for start authorizations. Start authorizations check
whether a user can start an application in the rst place. The CDS authorization concept can be used within an application to
perform instance-based authorization checks. Instance-based authorization checks the authorization of a user as de ned by the
data model and the data in question.

Related Information… 10/91
Adding Access Controls to CDS Entities
ABAP CDS - Access Control (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

CDS Annotations
A CDS annotation (or annotation for short) enables you to add ABAP and component-speci c metadata to the source code of any
CDS entity.

Types in Accordance to the Evaluating Runtime

In accordance with consistency and how validity of annotations is evaluated, SAP's annotations are divided into the following

ABAP annotations are evaluated by the ABAP runtime environment.

Component annotations are evaluated by the relevant SAP framework.

You can use code completion ( Ctrl + Space ) to add annotations directly in a data de nition, for example, before the define
statement or within a select list in a CDS view. The validity of the annotation then depends on the corresponding position where
you use it. If they are added at the wrong position, the source editor will mark and underline them in red.

In addition, you can use annotations in metadata extensions to de ne customer-speci c metadata for a CDS view without
modifying SAP's CDS entities itself. When using metadata extensions, you can overwrite speci c annotation values de ned in a
data de nition or add additional annotation values to an entity. Note that you can only use those annotations in metadata
extensions that are not relevant when activating CDS entities.


@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CUSTOMER'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@Metadata.allowExtensions: true
DEFINE VIEW cust_book_view_entity
JOIN sbook
ON = sbook.customid
@EndUserText.label: 'Customer ID',
@EndUserText.label: 'Customer Name',
@EndUserText.label: 'Customer Booking ID'

The example from above demonstrates how you can use annotations and at which positions you can add annotations:

Annotations that are used before the define view statement are valid for the whole cust_book_view_entity
CDS view:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CUSTOMER': After activation, the CUSTOMER CDS database view is

created in the ABAP Dictionary.

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED: There is no access control required to

retrieve the selected data from the database.

@Metadata.allowExtensions: true: Allows you or other developers to overwrite or add annotations in

a metadata extension.… 11/91
The @EndUserText.label annotation used before an element in the select list provides a text for the
corresponding eld.

Errors resulting from the use of component annotations do not prevent activation or creation of a CDS entity at the rst time. They
are only evaluated if the activation of the entity was successful.

Component annotations can result in the generation of other ABAP repository objects.

An OData service is generated when using the @OData.publish: true annotation. In this case, the annotation is
highlighted with a marker that provides additional information about the generated object.

Marker that highlights the creation of an OData service

When the CDS entity is activated, the OData service is generated automatically. After activation, it can be opened from the
ABAP Element Information popup of the corresponding database table. To do this, select the underlined "OData-Service"
link in the Generated Object section.

Subsequently, the OData service also needs to be activated in the transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE manually.

Related Information
ABAP CDS - Annotations (ABAP Keyword Documentation)
CDS Annotations (Framework-Speci c Reference Documentation)
Annotation Propagation
Active Annotations View
Displaying Annotation Values of an Active CDS View
Extracting CDS Annotations to a Metadata Extension
Activate OData Service in the SAP Gateway Hub

Annotation Propagation
The values of CDS annotations can be inherited and merged between CDS entities.

Use… 12/91
You as a developer have the following possibilities to use annotations in order to provide metadata in your data model:

Use another CDS view as the data source

Use a data element

Use metadata extensions to enrich a CDS entity with customer-speci c annotation values

You can build hierarchies when selecting data from other CDS views. In accordance to this hierarchy and the corresponding
elements in the select list, the annotation values are propagated from bottom to top. In addition, you can also use metadata
extensions. Note that metadata extensions can also re ect a hierarchy when assigning several metadata extensions to a CDS view.

You can assign customer-speci c metadata through annotations in one or more metadata extensions to one data de nition.

The precedence of the annotations contained in the metadata extensions is determined by the layer of the extension. For this the
following values are provided:

Value Description

CUSTOMER Used by SAP's customers to de ne their own metadata


@Metadata.layer: #CUSTOMER

In this example, the value CUSTOMER is used for a metadata extensions.

All annotations provided in metadata extensions are compounded with the
annotations in the corresponding data de nition. Element annotations
(scope ELEMENT) are propagated in the view hierarchy.

CUSTOMER is the highest level. If there are several metadata extensions

provided for a data de nition, the metadata extension with the highest value
will be considered.

PARTNER Used by SAP partners to de ne their own metadata

INDUSTRY Used by SAP to de ne metadata for industry solutions

LOCALIZATION Used by SAP to de ne regional or country-speci c metadata

CORE Used by SAP to de ne metadata of their basis applications

Annotation Propagation View

The value of annotations can be propagated within the hierarchy of CDS entities or metadata extensions.

You use the Annotation Propagation view to display the currently active and inactive values of CDS annotations and the CDS
entities from which these values have been propagated in accordance to the current position of the cursor in the DDL editor.

This view displays the following information:

Source CDS entity or metadata extension from which the value of a CDS annotation originates.

If you provide several metadata extensions for a data de nition, you can reproduce how metadata extensions provide
metadata on different layers.… 13/91
After generating, all involved annotation values and their corresponding data sources are listed. The effective entries are
highlighted in black. The metadata that is ignored is highlighted grey. Based on this list, you can now check which values are
considered from your data de nition.

You can also adapt the selection of the data source at any time. To do this, choose the corresponding Browse... button in the
Selection area. Select then the relevant data source or key.

API for Merging Annotations

To return the value of the active annotations, ABAP frameworks and development tools access metadata using the
CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE ABAP API. This API merges the values between the used CDS view hierarchy and
metadata extensions.

The following example visualizes merging annotations through the ABAP API:

Precedence of the metadata contained in the data definitions and metadata extensions is as follows: <CUSTOMER Extension 2> > <PARTNER
Extension 2> > <CDS View 2> > <CUSTOMER Extension 1> > <CORE Extension 1> > <CDS View 1>

The active annotations returned by the API for the elds of the CDS View <CDS View 2> are as follows:

Field Annotation Value for @Anno

eld_1 'View 1'… 14/91

Field Annotation Value for @Anno

eld_2 'CORE Extension 1'

eld_3 'CUSTOMER Extension 1'

eld_4 'CUSTOMER Extension 2'

eld_5 'View 2'

Related Information
ABAP CDS - Evaluation of Annotations (ABAP Keyword Documentation)
ABAP CDS - Evaluation of Metadata Extensions (ABAP Keyword Documentation)
Annotation Propagation View
Analyzing Annotation Propagations

Extending CDS Entities

You can extend CDS entities of the SAP standard in order to add customer-speci c functionality to a data model without resulting
in modi cations.

CDS View Extensions

An CDS view extension is an extend view or metadata extension that provides additional elements or CDS annotations for a CDS

You can use the following CDS view extensions to extend CDS entities:

Extend Views to add new elements to a CDS view from its underlying data source or de ne new associations for the CDS

Metadata Extensions to overwrite existing or add new CDS annotations to a one or more elements or parameters of a CDS

The following example shows you how to extend a CDS view:

In the select list of the cust_book_view_entity CDS view:

The metadata of the,, and scustom.bookid elds is overwritten by the metadata
extension. When the corresponding data de nition is consumed, the metadata of the metadata extension is taken into

The scustom.street and database elds are added through the extend view. When you select
data from the corresponding data de nition, the data of these database elds will also be retrieved.… 15/91

Possibilities to overwrite existing CDS annotations as well as to add elements to a CDS view

After creating a CDS view extension, the indicator is added at the define view statement to indicate that the select list of
the view has been extended.

Marker that indicates that the select list of the CDS view has been extended

Metadata Extensions
As of SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package, you can use metadata extenstions to add customer-speci c
requirements to SAP's CDS entities. Note that these changes do not result in modi cations.

De nition
A metadata extension is a transportable ABAP development object that provides CDS annotations in order to extend the CDS
annotations used in a CDS view.

Use… 16/91
Metadata extensions enable you to write the annotations for a CDS view in a different document to separate them from the CDS

CDS views are not extensible by default.

To use a metadata extension for a CDS view, you have to consider the following conditions:

1. In the de nition of the CDS view, the @Metadata.allowExtensions annotation with the value true is added. This
annotation allows explicitly the use of metadata extensions.

2. In the metadata extension, you have to de ne the name of the CDS view to be annotated in the annotate view

3. In the Switch Framework, a switch is assigned to metadata extensions in order to control provisioning of metadata through
metadata extensions at runtime.

The switch state enables system administrators to control the visibility of repository objects or their components by means
of switches.

You can bene t from the following advantages using metadata extensions:

1. Separation of Concerns: Separating the metadata speci ed in the annotations from the implementation of the view:

Improves the readability of the source code

Simpli es the development and maintenance of the CDS view

In addition, the metadata can be developed and updated independently of the data de nition.

2. ABAP Dictionary-independent activation: When activating a CDS view, the metadata extensions will be ignored. This
results in the following advantages:

It reduces the number of ABPA Dictionary (mass-)activations required to develop and maintain the CDS view.

It speeds up the overall development process.

It facilitates changing the metadata of a CDS view in a running system, thereby reducing downtime.

3. Modi cation-free enhancements: Customers, partners, and industries can customize the metadata without modifying the
CDS view.

In addition, metadata extensions are switchable. This means the metadata can be speci cally enabled or disabled
depending on the use case.

In general, in a metadata extension only those annotations are permitted that do not affect the ABAP Dictionary
activation/generation or the activation/generation of secondary objects (for example, OData services). Currently only the ABAP
annotation @EndUserText and the component-speci c annotations @UI can be speci ed in metadata extensions. A syntax
error occurs if annotations that are not permitted are speci ed.

Obtaining Merged Annotations

The metadata contained in metadata extensions is only available to consumption clients that access the CDS view metadata using
the ABAP API CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE. In this case, metadata in the metadata extensions is merged together with… 17/91
the metadata in the CDS view and also with the metadata that is inherited from underlying views (and metadata extensions) in the
view hierarchy.

Related Information
ABAP CDS Metadata Enhancements (ABAP Keyword Documentation)
Extracting CDS Annotations to a Metadata Extension
Creating Metadata Extensions
Annotation Propagation

Extend Views
In the context of Core Data Services (CDS), you create an extend view to add more elds from the basis entities to the associated
CDS view without making any modi cations.

Creating and De ning Extend Views

You create extend views on the basis of the Extend View template that is provided in the creation wizard of data de nitions.

Entry to add the Extend View template through the creation wizard of data definitions

In this template, the following placeholders are provided and need to be adapted:

${sql_view_append_name}: Name of the append structure to be created in the ABAP Dictionary when activating the
extend view

${ddl_source_description}: Description to provide further information about the extend view

${view_name}': Name of the CDS view to be enhanced in a data de nition… 18/91
${ddl_source_name_editable}: Name of the extend view object itself

${data_source_name}: Name of the data source (for example, a database or a CDS view) from which you want to add new
database elds to the CDS view

${element_name}: Name of the database eld or element (for example, an association) to be added

Using Extend Views to Extend Data De nitions

In the extend view statement, you de ne the name of the CDS view where you want to add further database elds. After the
keyword with, you enter the name of the extend view itself.

You can only add those database elds (or constants) that are contained in the same basis database that is used in the
select list of the CDS view.

Related Information
ABAP CDS - EXTEND VIEW (ABAP Keyword Documentation)
Creating Data De nitions

Fundamental Tasks and Tools

Creating Data De nitions
A data de nition allows you to de ne a CDS entity that represents a projection onto one or multiple database tables.

You need the standard developer authorization pro le to create ABAP development objects.

With a data de nition you have the appropriate ABAP development object, which you can use directly to access the standard
ABAP Workbench functionality (transport, syntax check, activation).

1. In your ABAP project, select the relevant package node in the Project Explorer.

2. Open the context menu and choose New Other... Core Data Services Data De nition to launch the creation wizard.

3. In addition to the Project and Package, enter the Name and the Description for the data de nition to be created.

The maximum length for names of data de nition is 30 characters.

4. Choose Next.… 19/91

Wizard page when creating a data definition

5. Assign a transport request.

6. Choose Next.

7. [Optional:] If requested, select a template.

By default, ABAP Development Tools considers the template for creation that you have selected at the last time.

8. Choose Finish.

In the selected package, the ABAP back-end system creates an inactive version of a data de nition and stores it in the ABAP

In the Project Explorer, the new data de nition is added to the Core Data Services folder of the corresponding package node. As a
result of this creation procedure, the source editor will be opened. Here, you can start de ning a CDS entity.

Related Information
ABAP CDS Entities
ABAP Development Objects
Editing DDL Source Code

Activating Data De nitions

Make sure that the data de nitions you wish to activate is syntactically correct. The system performs a syntax check of the entire
object before it is activated.

Context… 20/91
To generate a CDS view, you must activate the data de nition.

1. To activate the data de nition from the DDL editor ...

a. Open the relevant data de nition in the DDL editor.

b. Click the icon (Activate the ABAP Development Object) in the toolbar.

Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + F3 .

2. To activate the data de nition from the Project Explorer ...

a. Select the node of the relevant data de nition in the ABAP project in the Project Explorer.

b. Open the context menu and choose Activate.

In the selected ABAP package, the ABAP back-end system creates an active version of the CDS view and the CDS database view
and stores them in the ABAP Dictionary. Both are added to the Dictionary folder of the selected package.

You can specify the client dependency of the CDS view using the @ClientHandling CDS annotation, which is available
since SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP00. If the CDS view is client-dependent, the client eld is
automatically added to the CDS database view.

Related Information
Displaying Activation Log for Data De nitions
Status of a Development Object
Previewing Data Records

Displaying Activation Log for Data De nitions

You have the following possibilities to display the activation log for a data de nition:

1. To view the activation log for an error item in the Problems view, select the corresponding function in the context menu.

2. To view the activation log from the DDL editor, choose the toolbar menu Navigate Open Navigation Log .

If activation errors should ever occur, it can be of advantage for you to be able to get more information on diagnosis and
troubleshooting. This information is provided with the activation log.

Related Information… 21/91
Troubleshooting for Dictionary Activation Errors

Viewing Generated SQL Statements

For each CDS entity, you have the option to view the SQL CREATE statement that was generated at database level.

You can use the SQL statement viewer for active, inactive, and even unsaved (“dirty”) data de nitions – if the source code
is syntactically correct. Otherwise, you receive a corresponding message: DDL Statement could not be created. Check
data de nition for syntax errors.

Let's imagine you realize that some unexpected behavior took place when you were accessing CDS entities for data selection.
Then you will possibly need to check the syntax of the native SQL statements generated at database level.

For example, you might be interested in checking …

The generated SQL data types, based on their de nition in the CDS table functions when running AMDP procedures

The JOIN structure at database level when using associations in CDS view de nitions.

1. Open the relevant CDS entity (CDS view, CDS table function) in the DDL editor.

2. Position the cursor somewhere in the DDL source code.

3. Open the context menu and choose Show SQL CREATE Statement .

The corresponding SQL CREATE statement is displayed in the element information popup.

The SQL syntax for CREATE FUNCTION is displayed in the element info popup

Tip… 22/91
From within the element info popup, you have the option to open the ABAP Element Info view by clicking the Show in ABAP
Element Info View icon ( @ ).

Creating Metadata Extensions

A metadata extension allows you to extend a CDS entity with your own CDS annotations or to modify existing CDS annotations.

You need the standard developer authorization pro le to create ABAP development objects.

You want to provide additional metadata using CDS annotations to a CDS entity.

1. In your ABAP project, select the relevant package node in the Project Explorer.

2. Open the context menu and choose New Other ABAP Repository Object Core Data Services Metadata Extension to
launch the creation wizard.

3. In addition to the Project and Package, enter the Name and the Description for the metadata extension to be created.

The maximum length for names of metadata extensions is 30 characters.

4. Choose Next.

Wizard page when creating a metadata extension

5. Assign a transport request.

6. Choose Next.… 23/91
7. [Optional:] If requested, select a template.

By default, ABAP Development Tools considers the template for creation that you have selected at the last time.

8. Choose Finish.

In the selected package, the ABAP back-end system creates an inactive version of a metadata extension and stores it in the ABAP

In the Project Explorer, the new metadata extension is added to the Core Data Services folder of the corresponding package
node. As a result of this creation procedure, the source editor will be opened. Here, you can start de ning a metadata extension.

After developing and checking your new object, you can activate it.

Related Information
Activating Development Objects

Extracting CDS Annotations to a Metadata

You can create a metadata extension object that contains the annotations of a speci c data de nition.

You need the standard developer authorization pro le to create ABAP development objects.

You want to relocate the annotations of a data de nition to a new metadata extension to be created.

The annotations are removed from the data de nition after extraction.

You can only extract those annotations that are allowed for usage in metadata extensions.

1. Open the source editor for the relevant data de nition.

2. Open the context menu in the source editor and choose Source Code Extract Metadata Extension to launch the Extract
Metadata Extension wizard.

The Extract Metadata Extension wizard is opened.… 24/91

Wizard page for defining a new metadata extension to be created

Here you de ne the basic properties of the metadata extension to be created.

3. In addition to the Project and Package, enter the Name and the Description for the metadata extension to be created.

The maximum length for names of metadata extensions is 30 characters.

4. Choose Next.

The second page of the creation wizard is opened.

Wizard page for defining the annotations to be extracted to the new metadata extension… 25/91
The annotations of the data de nition that can be extracted to the new metdata extension are listed here.

5. Select the annotation(s) to be relocated from the data de nition.

Annotation values of type array must be set in square brackets in metadata de nitions. If the array values in your
data de ntion are not set in square brackets, then you can use the Insert missing square brackets for annotation
values of type array checkbox to automatically insert the brackets when the annotation is extracted.

For more information, look here ABAP CDS - Annotation Arrays (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

6. Choose Next.

The Selection of Transport Request page is opened.

7. Assign a transport request.

8. Choose Finish.

The ABAP back-end system creates an inactive version of a metadata extension and stores it in the ABAP Repository.

In the Project Explorer, the new metadata extension is added to the Core Data Services folder of the corresponding package
node. The source editor of the metadata extension is opened and the extracted annotations are added. Therefore, the source code
of the metadata extension becomes dirty.

The editor of the data de nition also becomes dirty. Here, the annotations are deleted from its source code.

Consequently, you must save and activate both development objects to apply the changes.

Related Information
Annotation Propagation View
Creating Development Objects

Editing DDL Source Code

In the current version of the DDL editor within ABAP Development Tools, you can only de ne one CDS entity in a data
de nition.

Related Information
Getting Help for DDL Source Code
Getting Support from the Content Assist
Using Data De nition Templates
Navigating Associations
Applying Quick Fixes
De ning ON Conditions by Use of a Wizard
Adding and Removing Comments
Changing Colors of DDL and DCL Source Code
Comparing DDL Source Code Versions… 26/91
Displaying and Navigating to CDS View Extensions
Displaying Annotation Values of an Active CDS View

Getting Help for DDL Source Code

When editing DDL source code, you will generally need to make use of the ABAP CDS language reference. Here, you can nd more
information about the syntax and meaning of ABAP CDS language elements. For this, ABAP Development Tools provides a
context-sensitive link (F1 help) from within the DDL source editor. The CDS help content is displayed in a separate help view.

In addition, you may need to display the de nition and documentation of elements used, like tables, views, or individual table
elds that you used when de ning CDS views in the DDL editor. For this purpose, press F2 to access the code element info

Accessing CDS Language Reference (F1)

To access the CDS language reference, position the cursor on a CDS language element or annotation for which you need help and
press F1 .

Context-sensitive language help in DDL editor

In addition, you will nd the complete ABAP CDS - Language Elements (ABAP Keyword Documentation) on the SAP Help
Portal.… 27/91

Accessing Element Info (F2)

In the DDL editor, move the cursor to the element of your interest and choose F2 .

Opening the code element information popup

From within the element info popup, you have the option to open the ABAP Element Info view by pressing the Show in ABAP
Element Info View icon.

When opening the element info popup for a table, you have the option to show a tree-based display that indicates the includes
or append structures – if they are de ned for the table elds.

Element info popup for a table with appends or includes… 28/91

Tree display for a table with appends/includes

Getting Support from the Content Assist

In the DDL source editor, the content assist proposes valid DDL keywords and identi ers to you that can be inserted within the
source code at your current position. Consequently, you can reduce the time spent on code editing and ensure that you are using
the valid source code elements.

The following help is provided by the content assist:

Keyword completion: The best matching DDL keyword is automatically proposed as soon as you start typing

Semantic keyword completion: A list of all matching DDL keywords is displayed for the position where you have chosen
the Ctrl + Space shortcut

Semantic completion (data source and signature parameter completion): This enables you to insert the best matching
data sources (tables) or add the parameters of a table to the DDL source code.

Keyword Completion
In the DDL source code editor, the best matching DDL keyword is displayed when start typing the keyword. If you choose the
tabulator key, the keyword is inserted.

Keyword completion in the DDL editor

Semantic Keyword Completion… 29/91
In the DDL source editor, you can open the code completion list manually at any position by choosing Ctrl + Space . This
enables you to add the possible keywords to your source code using the Shift + Enter shortcut.

Choose Ctrl + Space to display the list of suggested entries at this position

Semantic Completion
To get a list of best matching data sources (database tables, database views, CDS views, or CDS table functions), type the rst
letter(s) of the data source and then press Ctrl + Space .

Data source completion in the DDL editor

The list with the elements of the signature is automatically displayed after you have typed a dot as the component selector. This
enables you to add a component of a table to the DDL source code.… 30/91

Completion of elements in the DDL editor

Setting CDS-Speci c Preferences for Code Completion

You can con gure the behavior of code completion for CDS entities on the ABAP Development Editors Source Code
Editors CDS Code Completion Preferences page.

If you add the name of an element that is also used for another data source, ADT will automatically add the name of the relevant
data source as pre x. This makes clear which element needs to be considered. Both names are separated with a dot.

To always add the name of the relevant data source to the element as pre x, choose the Always pre x elements with data source
name checkbox in the preferences.

Related Information
Getting Support from the Content Assist

Using Data De nition Templates

Code templates can help to reduce the time spent on routine coding. The IDE provides a number of prede ned code templates for
data de nitions. In addition, you can create further templates for your own use.

To search for all data de nition templates available ...

1. Open the Preferences page ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors Data De nition Templates from the menu

To use a template...
1. In the DDL source editor, write the beginning characters of the template.

2. Select Ctrl + Space (code completion).

Alternatively, you can use the Templates view to insert the code template in the DDL editor using drag & drop.… 31/91

To create an additional data de nition template for your own use...

1. Open either the Templates view or the Preferences page (referred above).

2. Open the New Template dialog. Specify the Name and the Description, and edit the Pattern of the template.

If you want to add the new template to the data de nition creation wizard, select Data De nition (creation) as the

To add variables to the template in the Pattern eld, choose the Insert Variable... button.

3. Improve the format for the source code template manually.

4. Save the new template with OK.

Related Information
Creating and editing templates
Java Editor Template Variables

Navigating Associations
In addition to the F3 Eclipse navigation functionality, you can also navigate between the origin, the de nition, and the target of
the associations you are using in your data de nition.

You have the following options:

Navigating to the Association Origin

If an association originates in another data source or is de ned within the same data source, you can navigate to its origin or
de nition as follows:

1. In the DDL editor, select the name of the association.

2. Open the context menu on the name and chose Navigate To.

Alternatively, you can press F3 or Ctrl + click . A small dialog is then opened below the association name. Here you
choose Navigate To.

The corresponding data de nition id opened and highlights the relevant origin or navigates to the relevant de nition within the
same data de nition. In both cases, the selected occurrences and names are highlighted.

Navigating to Association Targets

You can navigate to the origin data source of the association's target – for example, another CDS entity or a database table – as

1. In the DDL editor, select the name of the association.

2. Open the context menu on the name and chose Navigate To Target.

Note… 32/91
Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + click . A small dialog is then opened below the association name. Here you choose
Navigate To Target.

The target of the association is opened in the appropriate DDL editor.

Related Information
Opening Development Objects

Applying Quick Fixes

Quick xes enable you to resolve errors and warnings in the DDL source code using the corresponding functionality that is
provided in the Quick Fix popup.

In the DDL editor, the following quick xes are provided:

Name of CDS database view is missing

Effect: Adds the annotation @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SQL_VIEW_NAME' , which speci es the name of the
CDS database view to be generated in the ABAP Dictionary.

Name of CDS database view append is missing

Effect: Adds the annotation @AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'APPEND_VIEW_NAME', which speci es the

name of the append view that will be generated in the ABAP Dictionary.

GROUP BY clause is missing

Effect: Adds the GROUP BY clause that is required if aggregate functions (MAX, SUM, ...) are contained in the SELECT list.
In addition, all elements not de ned using aggregate functions are speci ed after GROUP BY.

EXTEND GROUP BY clause is missing

Effect: If the GROUP BY clause is already added, you can extend this group to include all elements not de ned using
aggregate functions and not yet part of the GROUP BY clause. The latter elements, when included, are also added to the
existing GROUP BY clause.

Alias is missing

Effect: Adds an alternative name (alias) for each aggregate function that is used as an element in the SELECT list.

To execute a quick x...

You can trigger quick xes in any of the following ways:

1. From the Problems view:

a. Click on the error to open the context menu.

b. Choose Quick x.

c. In the list of possible quick xes, double-click the relevant quick x function.

2. From the ruler bar in the DDL editor:

a. Click the error decorator in the ruler bar.

b. In the list of possible quick xes, double-click the relevant quick x function.… 33/91

Adding annotation for missing CDS database view name

3. From the Quick Assist view:

a. In the DDL editor, position the cursor where the error occurs and is highlighted.

b. In the Proposals tree, double-click the relevant quick x function.

De ning ON Conditions by Use of a Wizard

A wizard helps you to de ne the ON conditions in the JOIN clauses and ASSOCIATION de nitions of your CDS view de nition.

This function affects the CDS view in the currently opened editor.

You can use the ON conditions wizard when de ning:

Joins between two data sources (JOIN condition) in a CDS view.

Conditions for association in a SELECT statement.

The wizard considers the used data sources and their elements and provides proposals (strategies) for joining the data sources.
As developer you can also specify the elements for a JOIN manually using drag and drop (User De ned strategy).

To launch the wizard, proceed as follows:

1. Open the relevant CDS view in the DDL editor.

2. In the CDS source code, position the cursor on the ON keyword where you want to de ne an ON condition for a join or

3. Press CTRL + 1 key shortcut.… 34/91

Starting the ON conditions wizard from the quick fix view

A quick x view appears.

4. On the quick x view, double-click the De ne ON conditions entry to start the wizard.

If the ON condition already exists, the mapping between elements of data sources will be displayed on the wizard page,
where you can then modify them.

5. To specify the condition expression, de ne the mapping between the source and the target data source.

The wizard offers you automatic proposals for mapping elements of the data sources:

Strategy > By Name: Elements with identical names are mapped to each other.

Strategy > By Foreign Key: Based on the foreign key relationship, that has been de ned for a table in the ABAP
Dictionary, mappings are suggested for each key de nition.

When using the User De ned option, you can map the elements in a straightforward manner using drag & drop.

In addition, the wizard provides you with additional functionality, so that you can:

Filter the data sources and their elements by


Dictionary type

Built-in type

Expand or collapse all elements of the



data source

Access context menu functions to...

Delete a selected condition

Delete all conditions

Restore the initial mapping

To open the context menu on the wizard page, select the relevant element from the Source or Target area.… 35/91

For defining mapping drag and drop relevant elements from source to target

6. Choose Finish.

The wizard inserts the corresponding condition expression after the ON keyword into the DDL source code.

The wizard does not check the syntax or semantic correctness of a CDS view. So, the modi ed coding might contain syntax or
semantic errors.

Related Information
ABAP CDS – SELECT, Association (ABAP Keyword Documentation)
ABAP CDS – SELECT, JOIN (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

Adding and Removing Comments

Within DDL source code, double slashes (//) introduce a comment that continues until the end of the line.

You can also use the following shortcuts for comments in the DDL editor:

Shortcut Menu Entry Description… 36/91

Shortcut Menu Entry Description

Ctrl + < Add Comment The editor inserts a double slash (//) at the
beginning of each selected line.

Ctrl + > Remove Comment The editor removes an existing double slash
(//) at the beginning of each selected line.

Ctrl + 7 Toggle Comment The editor inserts or removes a double slash

asterisk (//) at the beginning of each
selected line.

Alternatively, you can access the comments functions using the context menu entries of the DDL source editor ( Source Add
Comment... )

Changing Colors of DDL and DCL Source

The source code editor displays the DDL and DCL source code and annotation types with prede ned colors. However, you can
change these default settings to adapt them to your personal needs.

You can de ne the color for displaying the keywords, identi ers, annotation, or further code elements in DDL and DCL source

1. Open the General Appearance Colors and Fonts preference page.

2. Expand the CDS folder.

3. Select the text type you want to change and click the Edit... button.

4. Select the color and con rm with OK.

To restore the default color settings, click the Restore Defaults button.

The new color settings become immediately effective in the corresponding editor.

Comparing DDL Source Code Versions

The following options are available for comparing DDL source code:

Comparing local changes using the local change history

Comparing changes from one transported version to another

Comparing changes across the ABAP systems.… 37/91
For details, see also: Comparing Source Code

Displaying and Navigating to CDS View

A CDS view extension is an extend view or metadata extension that provides additional elements or CDS annotations for a CDS

You want to get an overview of the CDS view extension(s) of a CDS view.

1. In the vertical ruler of the DDL source editor, hover over the marker.

This marker indicates for each CDS view that a CDS view extension is assigned to the data de nition.

As of SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP00, the marker also enables you to navigate to the extend
view or metadata extension directly.

An extension popup will be opened.

Example of an extension popup

Form here you will get the following information:

Name of the CDS entity

Label of the CDS view, added by the EndUserText.label CDS annotation

One or more object links that refer to the relevant CDS view extensions

2. To navigate to the CDS view extension that exists in the system, choose the underlined object name from the extension

The CDS view extension is opened.

Formatting DDL… 38/91
You format DDL source code (such as a CDS statement, including the element list, Boolean expressions, JOINs, association
de nitions, and so on) to structure the code and to improve its readability.

In the context of editing DDL source code, the following use cases are supported:

1. Using the SAP standard pro le: You want to use the standard pro le prede ned by SAP. This pro le is provided by default
and can be used immediately.

The SAP standard pro le is persisted in the back end. This ensures that the formatting result is always consistent –
independently of the installed ADT client version.

The SAP standard pro le might differ slightly between SAP NetWeaver releases. Therefore, formatting results might
also differ between ABAP projects.

2. Creating your own pro le: If the SAP standard pro le does not meet your needs, you can create and use your own pro le.
In addition, you can import or export a pro le to reuse/share it from/with other ADT developers.

The local con guration is persisted in the Eclipse-based IDE workspace.

3. Overruling the SAP standard pro le for your team or company: If a team decides to use its own pro le, they can export a
pro le and make it available for all data de nitions of an ABAP package.

A team pro le is persisted in the back end. It does not need to be enabled. On the basis of the ABAP package, the DDL
formatter detects whether the SAP standard pro le or the team pro le is to be used.

The DDL formatting settings are con gured in the ABAP Development preferences.

Example of the first Preferences page for configuring the DDL formatter

Starting from the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL Formatter Preferences page, you have the following
general options:

DDL formatting is not automatically executed by default. To perform this, select the Format DDL on save checkbox in
advance.… 39/91
DDL formatting is con gured through pro les. Thus, you can:

Select the pro le you want to work with on your local IDE.

Create your own pro le(s), Edit it (them) at a later point in time, and Remove it (them).

Work with SAP 's standard pro le where the settings of the DDL formatter are already pre-con gured.

Import/Export the pro le as an XML le from/to another local IDE.

Overrule the SAP standard pro le at package level.

You can Restore Defaults to cancel your changes and revert to the default provided by SAP.

To execute the DDL formatter, use the context menu Source Code Format or the Shift + F1 shortcut at every position. If you
have selected the Format DDL on save checkbox on the DDL Formatter preferences page, formatting is automatically performed
when you save your changes.

Related Information
Creating a Pro le
De ning a Package-Speci c Pro le
Editing Pro les
Importing Local Pro les
Exporting Local Pro les

Creating a Pro le
You can create a pro le to con gure your own client-speci c formatting of data de nitions or to provide your pro le to a team of
ABAP developers using ADT.

1. Open the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL Formatter preference page.

The DDL Formatter preferences page is opened.

2. In the Active pro le section, choose the New... button.

The New Pro le dialog is opened.

3. Enter the Name of the pro le to be created.

4. [Optional:] To reuse the con guration of another pro le, select the relevant one from the Initialize settings with the
following pro le: dropdown listbox.

5. [Optional:] To con gure your pro le at a later point of time, deselect the Open the edit dialog now checkbox.

6. Choose OK to continue.

The Pro le page is opened. The following tabs are provided for con guring the data de nition formatting for:

Indentation: add a prede ned number of spaces at the beginning of a statement, clause, or expression

Boolean Expressions: add line breaks and spaces before/after the AND / OR keywords

Entity Name: add line breaks and spaces before/after entity names

Data Source: add line breaks and spaces before/after data sources

Joins: de ne the alignment, line breaks, and spaces before/after joins

Element List: add line breaks and spaces before/after element lists in general… 40/91
Element List Entries: add spaces before/after element lists entries in general

Association De nitions: align association de nitions

WHERE and HAVING Clause: align occurrences of WHERE / HAVING keywords

In these tabs, you can de ne the following settings:

Name Values Description Source Code Example Before Execution (Default)

Alignment To handle the Alignment = Same line

Same line
Separate at/before/after a ...
line speci c define view sample_define_view
occurrence – for with parameters
Break example, an entity p_carrid: s_carrid
after AND name ...
/ OR


Align in To align keywords Alignment in columns = Enabled

columns or identi ers in the
Disabled same column over ...
several rows define view
with parameters
p_carrid: s_carrid
as select from scarr as carriers
left outer join spfli on spfli.carrid
and spfli.fltype

Delimiter To add a line break Delimiter positions = Comma/semicolon at the end

Comma /
positions before or after the
occurrence of a ...
at the end
comma/semicolon {
Comma / key carriers.carrname as carrname,
Semicolon @EndUserText.label: 'Flight No.'
at the @EndUserText.quickInfo: 'Flight No.'
beginning key spfli.connid as fid,
@EndUserText.label: 'Date'
sflight.fldate as fldate,
@EndUserText.label: 'From' as airpfrom
...… 41/91

Name Values Description Source Code Example Before Execution (Default)

Existing To keep or remove Existing blank lines = Leave as is

Leave as
blank lines empty rows
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'S_SAMPLE_1'
Remove @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Sample: Define View Statement'

define view sample_define_view


Indentation To add the Indentation = Indent

prede ned
Indent number of spaces ...
based on at the beginning of define view
join the next line – for sample_define_view
hierarchy example, after an with parameters
entity name p_carrid: s_carrid
None as select from scarr as carriers
left outer join spfli on spfli.carri
and spfli.fltyp

Indentation Input eld To prede ne the Indentation spaces = 2

size number of spaces
that should be ...
added when define view sample_define_view
starting the with parameters
subsequent p_carrid: s_carrid
line/block as select from scarr as carriers
left outer join spfli on spfli.carri
and spfli.fltyp

Some of the settings might depend on each other. To make them available, you will need to adjust another setting in

7. [Optional:] A preview enables you to check the effect of your current setting in your source code. Select the relevant setting
to get an impact of its consequence in the source code.

In the left screen, you can see the current formatting. In the right screen, a preview displays the result of your currently
selected formatting.

8. Choose OK to save your con guration.

9. Choose Apply and OK to make your pro le available.

The con gured pro le can now be used in the data de nition source editor.

Note… 42/91
If the data de nition source code is not formatted as de ned, check if the relevant pro le is selected on the DDL Formatter
preference page.

Related Information
Editing Pro les

Editing Pro les

You can edit pro les to update a con guration used by the DDL formatter.

You have created or imported a pro le.

1. Open the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL Formatter preference page.

The DDL Formatter preference page is opened.

2. In the Active pro le section, select the relevant pro le from the dropdown listbox of .

3. Choose the relevant Edit... button in the same section.

If your IDE contains several ABAP projects, the Project Selection dialog is opened. Choose the relevant project.

The Pro le page is opened.

4. In the corresponding tab(s), edit the relevant settings.

For further information about the displayed settings, see the Related Information section below.

5. Choose OK to add your changes.

6. Choose Apply and then press OK to complete your changes.

Your changes are saved and will be considered the next time the DDL formatter is executed.

Related Information
Creating a Pro le

Importing Local Pro les

You can import another pro le for the purpose of reusing a DDL formatting.

To import another pro le, you need the corresponding XML le available on the le system.… 43/91

1. Open the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL Formatter preference page.

The DDL Formatter preference page is opened.

2. In the Active pro le area, choose the Import... button.

The Open dialog is opened.

3. Select the relevant le location and le.

4. Choose Open.

5. To start importing, choose OK.

After the import has nished, the imported pro le will be available in the dropdown listbox and automatically selected in the
Active pro le section of the DDL Formatter preference page.

The DDL Formatter preference page is closed.

Related Information
Registering and Activating the BAdI Implementation
Exporting Local Pro les

Exporting Local Pro les

You can export your pro le to provide this DDL formatting to other ADT developers.

1. Open the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL Formatter preference page.

The DDL Formatter preference page is opened.

2. In the Active pro le area, choose the Export... button.

The Save as dialog is opened.

3. Select the relevant le location and enter the le name.

When you save the pro le, the XML le name is proposed in accordance with the pro le name to be exported.

4. Choose Save.

5. To start exporting, choose OK.

The XML le is created and saved in the selected le location.

The DDL Formatter preference page is closed.

If you want to overrule the SAP standard pro le at package level with your exported pro le, you can copy its XML content to the
BAdI implementation class.… 44/91

Related Information
Registering and Activating the BAdI Implementation
Importing Local Pro les

De ning a Package-Speci c Pro le

To format data de nition sources, you can overrule the SAP standard pro le with your own pro le for all data de nition sources in
an ABAP package.

This means, you can specify a pro le in a BAdI implementation to overrule the SAP standard pro le and to uniformly format data
de nition sources grouped in one or more speci c ABAP package(s). Note that you cannot change the SAP standard pro le itself.

You create a package-speci c pro le as follows:

1. Create the pro le in ABAP Development Tools (ADT)

2. Create the BAdI implementation

3. Export and copy the XML content of your pro le to the BAdI implementation

4. Set the name of your package-speci c pro le in your BAdI implementation and activate it

Related Information
Creating a Pro le

Creating an Enhancement Implementation

and BAdI Implementation
The package-speci c pro le of a DDL formatter is stored in the back end as an XML string and provided by a BAdI Implementation.
Consequently, for each pro le you want to provide, you will need to create an enhancement implementation and a BAdI

In the back end, create a BAdI implementation and its BAdI implementation class as follows:

1. Run transaction SE20.

The Enhancements: Initial Screen is opened.

2. Select the BAdI Name (De nition) radio button and enter SDDIC_ADT_DDLS_PP_CONF in the input eld.

3. Press F7 to display the corresponding enhancement spot.

In the Enhancement Spot Display, the Enh. Spot Element De nitions tab for this BAdI is opened.

4. [Optional:] Choose Ctrl + F2 or the check button from the toolbar to ensure that no errors occur in any implementation.

Note… 45/91
You do not need to create a new implementation if an existing one causes issues.

5. In the BAdI de nitions tree, select the SDDIC_ADT_DDLS_PP_CONF node and then choose the Create BAdI
Implementation button from the toolbar of the Enh. Spot Element De nitions tab.

The Select or Create Enhancement Implementation dialog is opened.

6. Choose the Create Enhancement Implementation (F8) button to create an enhancement implementation.

The Create Enhancement Implementation dialog is opened.

7. In the Enhancement Implementation input eld, enter the name of the enhancement implementation to be created.

You can use, for example, SOME_PP_CONF_ENHO. Note that SOME should be replaced with your domain speci c

8. Enter a Short Text.

9. Leave the Composite Enhancement Implementation input eld empty and con rm the dialog.

10. Con rm the creation with the or by pressing Enter .

The Create Object Directory Entry dialog is opened.

11. Add the relevant ABAP package and transport request for your enhancement implementation.

12. [Optional:] If you are asked to con rm the Enhancement implementation will be created in package to which no switch is
assigned message, select Cont. to con rm.

13. In the list, select the line with the newly created enhancement implementation and choose the Select Speci ed
Enhancement Implementation (Enter) button.

The Create BAdI Implementation dialog is opened.

14. Enter a name for the BAdI Implementation.

15. Enter a Description.

16. Enter the name for the Implementing Class.

This class is used for the con guration persistence and must implement the IF_DDIC_ADT_DDLS_PP_CONF_BADI
interface. If this class does not exist, it will be created by the system.

17. Con rm the creation with the or by pressing Enter .

The Create BAdI Implementation dialog is opened.… 46/91

Example of a Create BAdI Implementation dialog where you can copy code from the sample class to the new implementation class

18. Select the line with the SDDIC_ADT_DDLS_PP_CONF_ENHO enhancement implementation.

19. Choose the Copy Sample Class button to use sample coding for your class to be created.

The Create Object Directory Entry dialog is opened.

20. Add the relevant ABAP package and transport request for your class.

The enhancement implementation was saved and the Enh. Implementation Elements tab for this enhancement
implementation is opened.… 47/91

Enhancement Implementation Display screen to set the filter values

21. Switch to the Edit mode.

22. In the BAdI Implementations tree, double-click the Filter Val. node.

Filter values to be selected

The Filter Values screen is opened and displays the two lter combinations of your BAdI implementation.… 48/91

Example to enter the filter values in the Change dialog

23. In the Filter Values screen, double-click the EXAMPLE_CONFIGURATION_NAME value.

The Change Filter Value dialog is opened.

24. Enter the name for your con guration as Value 1.

Comparator 1 must remain '='.

25. Select Continue (Enter) to close the dialog and return to the editor.

In the Filter Combinations of the con guration name, the Value 1 of the PACKAGE lter must remain empty.

26. In the Filter Values screen, double-click the EXAMPLE_PACKAGE value.

The Change Filter Value dialog is opened.

27. Enter the name of the package (to be con gured for a speci c data de nition formatting standard) as Value 1.

You may use other available comparators and specify patterns.

28. Select Continue (Enter) to close the dialog and return to the editor.

In the Filter Combinations for the package name, the Value 1 of the CONF_NAME lter must remain empty.

The enhancement implementation is con gured but still inactive.

Exporting and Copying the XML Content of a

Pro le
You export the DDL formatter settings as an XML le. This XML content then needs to be copied to the BAdI implementation class
as follows:… 49/91

To paste XML content as a string, you need to open the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors Preferences page and
select the Escape text when pasting into string literal checkbox in advance. Otherwise, the XML content cannot be compiled and
your code will become invalid.

This feature is available since ABAP Development Tools (ADT) client version 2.60.

1. In ADT, open the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL Formatter Preferences page.

2. Open a local pro le with your speci c con guration of the DDL formatter.

3. Export your local pro le into XML format and save it on your le system.

4. Open the export le in an XML editor and copy its content.

5. In the GET_CONFIGURATION_XML method implementation of the BAdI implementation class, replace the string literal

Do not overwrite any hyphens.

Your pro le is used in the BAdI Implementation and will later overrule the SAP standard pro le based on this XML content.

Registering and Activating the BAdI

Before you activate the BAdI and enhancement implementations, you need to specify the name of your package-speci c pro le.

1. In ADT, open the BAdI implementation class that you have de ned for the BAdI Implementation.

2. In the implementation of the GET_CONFIGURATION_NAME method, replace the EXAMPLE_CONFIGURATION_NAME

placeholder with the name that you de ned for the CONF_NAME Filter value.


Do not overwrite any hyphens.

3. Activate your BAdI implementation class and the enhancement implementation.

Results… 50/91
After you have restarted your IDE, the data de nition sources will be formatted according to the package-speci c pro le.

Related Information
De ning the ABAP Language Version of ABAP Programs and Classes

Checking Syntax of DDL Source Code

With the editor check function, you can check whether the source code of DDL source code is syntactically correct or not.

To enable the check function, there are two options available:

Automatic syntax check: This option is enabled by default for all source code based editors.

If you wish to disable the automatic syntax check, you have to switch off the corresponding setting in the preferences:
ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors Automatic syntax check .

Explicit syntax check: You can use this option whenever the automatic syntax check is disabled.

To trigger an explicit syntax check, proceed as follows:

1. Open the editor with the relevant DDL source code.

2. Click the icon (Check ABAP Development Object) in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + F2 .

If errors occur during the check, these will be issued to the Problems view and displayed there as ABAP Syntax Check Problem. In
addition, the code line with the error is labeled with a decorator in the DDL source editor.… 51/91

Displaying syntax error in the DDL source

The DDL editor offers corrections to some problems found. In case of missing annotation, for example, you can take advantage
from the quick x for that speci c error item.

Accessing quick fix in the Problems view using the context menu of the error item

Related Information
Activating Data De nitions… 52/91
Previewing Data Records

Working with the Graphical Editor

In the graphical editor, you can use any of the following options to see the source code of an entity:

Double-click the object

Use the context menu of the object

Related Information
CDS Graphical Editor
Displaying the Graphical Representation of DDL Source Code
Updating the Graphical Representation of a CDS Entity
Opening a CDS Entity in the Source-Based Editor
Highlighting Used Columns
Navigating Through Data Models
Positioning Objects Automatically in the Graphical Editor
Printing and Exporting Diagrams

Displaying the Graphical Representation of DDL Source Code

The CDS Graphical Editor provides an overview of the various entities and their relationships in graphical format.

This visualization allows you to understand the code implementation much faster as you do not have to read and understand the
code itself.

1. Open the context menu on a data de nition.

2. Choose Open With Graphical Editor .

Alternatively, you can use the Open With Graphical Editor context menu from a CDS entity.

The CDS Graphical Editor is opened and provides a graphical display of the CDS entity as described in the DDL editor.

Related Information
CDS Graphical Editor

Updating the Graphical Representation of a CDS Entity… 53/91
You can edit the source code in the text editor.

Changes made in the text editor appear immediately in the graphical editor.

Syntax errors appear as parsing errors in the object where the error occurred.

Syntax Errors

1. Choose a CDS entity.

2. In the context menu of the CDS entity, choose Open With Graphical Editor .

3. In the context menu of the graphical editor, choose Open DDL Source Editor.

4. Make the required changes to the CDS entity in the source editor.

5. Choose the graphical editor view to see the changes.

Opening a CDS Entity in the Source-Based Editor

This functionality allows you to open the source code editor of a CDS entity from a graphical editor.

1. Choose a CDS entity.

2. In the context menu of the CDS entity, choose Open With Graphical Editor .

The Graphical Editor is opened.

3. In the graphical editor, select the relevant entity and choose Open DDL Source Editor from the context menu.… 54/91

Opening DDL Source Editor

Highlighting Used Columns

You can view the usage of a user-de ned type within a data de nition.

1. Select a user-de ned type.

2. In the context menu of the user-de ned type, choose the Highlight Used Columns option.

Highlighting Used Columns

The user-de ned type appears highlighted.… 55/91

Navigating Through Data Models

If the data model is so large that not all the objects are visible in the graphical editor at once, you can use the Miniature View to
browse the data model.

1. Open a CDS entity in a graphical editor.

2. Choose the Quick Access eld.

To navigate to Quick Access, you can also press CTRL + 3 .

3. In the Quick Access eld, enter Miniature View.

4. From the Views category, choose Miniature View.

Miniature View

Positioning Objects Automatically in the Graphical Editor

The Graphical Editor positions the objects in the editor automatically.

You can still modify the positions of the objects manually. Note that these positions are not persisted.

After modifying the position of the objects manually, you can restore the automatic layout as follows:

Procedure… 56/91
In the canvas of the graphical editor, choose Auto Layout from the context menu.

Do not select an object representation to open the Auto Layout function.

Context menu to perform the Auto Layout function

The Graphical Editor lays out the position of the objects automatically.

Printing and Exporting Diagrams

You can print or export object diagrams using the graphical editor.

1. To print the graphical representation, select the relevant entity and choose Print from the context menu.

The Print preview and preferences dialog is opened. Here you select the relevant printer and print settings.

2. To export the graphical representation as an image le, select the relevant entity and choose Export from the context

The Export Diagram dialog is opened. Here you can select the relevant area for the graphical representation as well as the
target le format and its size to be generated as an image le.

Adding Access Controls to CDS Entities

Prerequisites… 57/91
You have the standard developer authorization pro le to create ABAP development objects.

Use access controls to develop access-control logic for Core Data Services (CDS) entities from SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP.
Access controls enable you to lter access to data in the database based on static values or conditions based on user data
(classical authorization objects). Use data control language (DCL) to write access controls. If no access control was created and
deployed for the CDS entity, a user who can access the CDS entity has access to all data returned by the entity.

For example, you provide a view of sales orders. You can add a condition that users can only view open sales orders or only
sales orders for companies, which are in the countries that are listed in a classical authorization object.

We recommend that you protect applications that use CDS entities with classic start authorizations available from SAP
NetWeaver AS for ABAP.

1. Create the access control development object.

2. Edit the source code of the access control.

Edit the source code of the access control just as you would data de nition source code.

There is no support for the following:

Quick xes

Adding and removing comments

Comparing source code versions of access controls

3. Check the syntax of the access control.

Check the syntax of access controls just as you would check the syntax of data de nitions.

4. Activate the access control.

Activate access controls just as you would activate data de nitions.

Activation logs for access controls are not supported.

Related Information
Creating Access Controls
Editing DDL Source Code
Checking Syntax of DDL Source Code
Activating Data De nitions
Access Controls

Creating Access Controls

An access control enables you to limit the results returned by a CDS entity to those results you authorize a user to see.… 58/91

You have the standard developer authorization pro le to create ABAP development objects.

You have created the CDS entities for which you want to restrict access.

An access control is an ABAP development object, which supports standard ABAP Workbench functions such as transport, syntax
check, and activation.

1. In your ABAP project, select the relevant package node in the Project Explorer.

2. Open the context menu and choose

New Other ABAP Repository Object Core Data Services Access Control .

3. In addition to the Project and Package, enter the Name and the Description for the access control to be created.

Wizard Page When Creating an Access Control

4. Choose Next.

5. Assign a transport request.

6. Choose Next.

7. Determine if you want to use a template for the access control.

Option Description… 59/91

Option Description

Use a template. SAP offers example templates for access controls. The template
provides you with example coding for you to modify.

Do not use a template. The tool creates an empty access control for you to code.

8. Choose Finish.

In the selected package, SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP creates an inactive version of an access control and stores it in the ABAP
Repository. In the Project Explorer, the new access control is added to the Access Controls folder of the corresponding package
node. As a result of this procedure, the access control editor opens. De ne the role for the CDS entity.

The following role grants access to entries of the SFlight_Entity CDS entity, which meet the following conditions:

The ConnID of the entry has the same value as is assigned to the user through the PFCG authorization object S_CONNID
in the CONNID eld.

The CarrID of the entry has the value LH.

The @MappingRole annotation must have the value true, so this role is assigned to all users in the system. The value false is
not supported.

@EndUserText.label: 'Show only flights for which the carrier ID is LH'

@MappingRole: true
define role Sflight1 {
grant select on SFlight_Entity
where ( ConnID ) = aspect pfcg_auth( S_CONNID, CONNID) AND CarrID ='LH';

Related Information
Access Controls
Editing DDL Source Code

Previewing Data Records

Data Preview provides a test environment that enables you to verify the output (result set) of a CDS view.

In the Project Explorer view, open the context menu of a data de nition and choose Open Data Preview.

In addition, you can also open the Data Preview view from the source code editor of a data de nition. Then choose Open
With Data Preview from the context menu.

Results… 60/91
The following possibilities might occur:

1. If the CDS View does not require any parameters, the Data Preview displays the result set directly.

2. If the CDS View requires parameters, a dialog to enter parameter values appears:

a. Enter your parameter values.

b. Choose OK.

The Data Preview displays the result set.

The Outline view displays parameter values of a CDS View. If you want to modify parameter values, choose the
Parameter option that appears in the Data Preview tool.

If the result set contains less records than you expect, there may be a access control role for the CDS entity that lters the data
returned by the preview.

Related Information
Activating Data De nitions

Following Associations in the CDS Data

In CDS, an association represents the relationship between a CDS entity and a data source.

In the CDS Data Preview, you follow associations to identify related data sources and display their contents.

Procedure… 61/91
1. In the Project Explorer view, open the context menu of a data de nition and choose Open Data Preview.

In addition, you can also open the Data Preview view from the source code editor of a data de nition. Then choose
Open With Data Preview from the context menu.

If the selected CDS view requires parameters, a wizard for providing parameter values appears.

The Data Preview tool appears and displays the top 100 records by default.

2. In the table context menu, choose Follow Association.

You can also choose > in the breadcrumb bar to follow an association.

The selected row/column is not relevant.

Associations de ned for the CDS view are listed.

3. Choose an association.… 62/91

The Data Preview displays the result set for the selected association. You can apply lters to the current result set or use the
breadcrumb to navigate to the previous result set. Any lters applied to the result sets are retained.

You can repeatedly follow associations through navigating into the hierarchy de ned by the associations.

You can use the Console option on the Data Preview menu to display the generated Open query for an association. The generated
query uses the CDS database view to display records.

Analyzing Dependencies in Complex CDS

The Dependency Analyzer provides several possibilities to evaluate the relationships and complexity from a CDS entity with
regards to its SQL de nition.

The SQL dependency can only be calculated for the active version of a data de nition.

You use the Dependency Analyzer to display SQL dependencies of a CDS view. You can also use it to identify, for example,
performance issues.

1. In the Project Explorer, select the data de nition that you want to analyze.

2. Open the context menu and choose Open with Dependency Analyzer .

Alternatively, you can open the same context menu from the DDL source editor of the relevant CDS entity.

The dependencies of data sources involved in the CDS view are calculated. The SQL Dependency Tree tab is opened by
default and displays the result in a tree structure.

3. To display the relevant information from the SQL Dependency Tree tab, proceed as follows:

To get this data for the CDS view: Open the Complexity Metrics subtab. The aggregated statistics are listed there.

To get this data for a speci c data source: Select the relevant SQL Name entry and choose Show Metrics
Complexity from the context menu. The Properties view is opened where the aggregated statistics are then

To visualize this data for the CDS view, open the SQL Dependency Graph tab.… 63/91

Based on the relevant information, you can now, continue your work and improve your data model.

Related Information
Dependency Analyzer

Displaying Annotation Values of an Active

CDS View
In the Active annotations view, you can display the following content for an active data de nition: Which elements/parameters
have been annotated, their current value, and their origin.

The data de nition you are currently editing has already been activated.

You want to nd out which annotation values (including the propagated ones) does a CDS view contain and where the individual
annotation values are originated from.

You can open the Active annotations view from the Project Explorer as follows:

1. In the Core Data Services ABAP repository tree, open the context menu from the relevant data de nition.

2. Choose Open with Active Annotations .

Alternatively, you can open the same context menu from the DDL editor of a CDS view.

The Active Annotations view is opened in the structured mode. It displays all the CDS annotations that are de ned in the CDS
view itself or are inherited from the underlying data sources or data elements.

If the values are inherited from underlying data sources or data elements, you can navigate to these development objects.

Related Information
Active Annotations View

Analyzing Annotation Propagations

You use the Annotation Propagation view to understand how the metadata was merged for a CDS View.… 64/91

The CDS View is active.

You want to reproduce how the value for an element annotation was derived.

1. In the Project Explorer, select the data de nition you want to analyze.

2. Open the context menu and choose Open With Annotation Propagation .

Alternatively, you can open the same context menu from the DDL editor of a data de nition.

The Annotation Propagation view is opened and displays by default the values that are propagated for the view

If you have placed the cursor on an annotation or an element in the DDL editor, then this element or annotation will be
pre-selected and value propagations for this selection will be displayed.

3. In the <Selection> section, enter the details of the element annotation you want to investigate.

a. In the <Annotations For *> input eld, enter the name of the element.

b. In the <Annotation Filter> input eld, enter the name of the annotation.

Use the content assist (shortcut Ctrl + Space ) in the input elds to get proposals for the names. Alternatively, you
can choose the <Browse ...> button and search for names.

4. To display the value propagation for the selected element annotation, choose the <Apply> button.

All objects which assign a value to the element annotation are listed in the <Value Propagation> section. The objects are listed in
the order of precedence. The active value of the annotation is highlighted together with information about the contributing object.

Related Information
Annotation Propagation View

Hiding CDS Annotations and Comments

In the source code of a CDS object (such as data de nitions, metadata extensions, and access controls), you can hide CDS
annotations and comments to improve readability to get a better visual overview of your coding.

Context… 65/91
You want to get a clear overview, for example, of the elds in a define view statement from which you can select data.

To do this, proceed as follows:

1. Open the context menu from the ruler in the DDL source editor.

2. Choose Hide Annotations (Ctrl+Alt+F6) to mask CDS annotations or Hide Comments (Ctrl+Alt+F7) to mask comments
from the source code.

The rows with the comments and annotations disappear from the DDL editor but the row numbering remains as before execution.

Note that the content is not deleted and still available for your CDS object. To display hidden content again, choose the relevant
entry that is highlighted with a tick in the same context menu.

In addition, you can also use the following functionalities to gain a better overview and improve readability of your source code:

Position the cursor on the entity name and press F2 in order to open the Code Element Info view.

Extract the relevant annotations from the select list elements to a metadata extension in order to relocate them.

Related Information
Using Code Folding
Extracting CDS Annotations to a Metadata Extension
Displaying Details in the Element Information Popup and the ABAP Element Info View

Writing Unit Tests Using CDS Test Double

Use the CDS test double framework to write unit test cases.

Implement unit test for views that contain logical calculations and/or lters. Use unit testing for following entities:




Boolean expressions


SELECT list… 66/91



ABAP CDS Unit Testing is not suitable for performance testing and for testing properties of CDS entities. For example, do not use
unit testing for:

Naming conventions

Simple projection views

Simple CAST operations (without changing the technical data type)

Annotation usage

1. Consider a CDS view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zSo_Items_By_1'
@EndUserText.label: 'Aggregations/functions in SELECT list'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
define view Salesorder_Items_By_TaxRate
as select from Sales_Order_Item
association [1] to snwd_so as _sales_order on so_guid = _sales_order.node_key
coalesce ( _sales_order.so_id, '9999999999' ) as so_id,
sum( gross_amount ) as sum_gross_amount,
group by

2. Create an ABAP test Class





3. De ne xture methods

"Fixture method class_setup is executed only once in the beginning of the execution of test clas
METHOD class_setup.
"For parameter i_for_entity, specify the CDS view to be unit tested. This will create all the
environment = cl_cds_test_environment=>create( i_for_entity = 'Salesorder_Items_By_TaxRate' ).

METHOD class_teardown.
environment->destroy( ).

"Fixture method setup is executed once before each test method execution
METHOD setup.
environment->clear_doubles( ).

4. Create Unit Tests methods

METHOD cuco_1_taxrate_1_item_1_ok.

"Step 1 : Insert testdata into the doubles

"Step 1.1 : Create an instance of type snwd_so
sales_orders = VALUE #( ( client = sy-mandt node_key = '01' so_id = 'ID' ) ).

"Step 1.2 : Use the framework method CL_CDS_TEST_DATA=>create to create the test_data object
test_data = cl_cds_test_data=>create( i_data = sales_orders ).

"Step 1.3 : Use the framework method environment->get_double to the instance of the DOC double
DATA(sales_orders_double) = environment->get_double( i_name = 'SNWD_SO' ).

"Step 1.4 : Insert the testdata into the DOC double object
sales_orders_double->insert( test_data ).

"Repeat Step 1 for all the DOC doubles

sales_order_items = VALUE #( ( mandt = sy-mandt so_guid = '01' currency_code = 'EUR' gross_amo
test_data = cl_cds_test_data=>create( i_data = sales_order_items ).
DATA(sales_order_items_double) = environment->get_double( i_name = 'Frwk_DEMO_1' ).
sales_order_items_double->insert( test_data ).

"Step 2 : Execute the CDS

SELECT * FROM so_items_by_taxrate INTO TABLE @act_results.

"Step 3 : Verify Expected Output

exp_results = VALUE #( ( so_id = 'ID' currency_code = 'EUR' sum_gross_amount = '1' tax_rate =
assert_so_items_by_taxrate( exp_results = exp_results ).


A developer can create any number of unit test methods to test the CDS.

General DDL Syntax Rules

Keywords must be written all-uppercase, all-lowercase, or capitalized; for example KEYWORD, keyword, and Keyword are
all valid notations for the same keyword, but keyWord and KeyWord will cause a syntax error.

Identi ers
Identi ers are case-insigni cant; for example, if two view entities are named myView and MYVIEW, respectively, there will
be a naming con ict.

The maximum length of identi ers is 30 characters.

Only single quotes are allowed for string literals.

Numbers cannot be abbreviated; for example .5 is not allowed for 0.5.

Comments… 68/91
Double slashes ('//') start a comment from the token to the end of the line.

'/*' and '*/' delimit multi-line and inline comments.

Statements may be terminated with a semi-colon ';' .

Active Annotations View

The CDS annotations that are used for an active CDS view are displayed in the Active Annotations view.

Metadata Origin
CDS annotations and their values can be de ned in the CDS view itself or inherited from the underlying data sources or data

Annotation values are only inherited for elements ( elds and associations) and parameters. Parameters can only inherit from the
corresponding data elements, not from underlying data sources. In addition, CDS annotations de ned in metadata extensions are


Example of a setup from an Active Annotations view and its functionalities

In the Active Annotations view, the following columns are displayed:

Annotated Elements: The view, its parameters, elds, and associations, and their active CDS annotations

Annotation Value: Values of the corresponding CDS annotations

Origin Data Source: Name of the development object, for example, a data de nition or database table from which the
corresponding annotation is inherited. You can navigate to this object by double-clicking its name.… 69/91
Origin Data Element: Name of the data element from which the corresponding annotation is inherited. You can navigate to
this object by double-clicking its name.

Here you can:

Enter a lter text in the search eld to display speci c entries in the Annotated Elements column.

Toggle between the at or structured display of the active annotations. The structured mode groups the CDS annotations
by their parent node and is set by default. To switch the display mode, choose the arrow button from the view toolbar and
select the relevant entry.

Related Information
Displaying Annotation Values of an Active CDS View

Annotation Propagation View

The Annotation Propagation view displays the CDS entity or metadata extension from which the value of a CDS annotation has
been propagated.

In a data model, the values of the CDS annotations might derive from different CDS objects. In order to understand how the values
of the used CDS annotations are determined and to visualize this merge process, the Annotation Propagation view is provided.

Element annotations in data de nitions and metadata extensions are compounded and propagated along the CDS view hierarchy.
In view hierarchies, the element annotation values are propagated from the underlying views to the views above.

In order to reproduce the objects from which propagation has been evaluated, you can open the Annotation Propagation view.


Example of an Annotation Propagation view

In this example, you as a developer have triggered the Annotation Propagation view with the following selection:

Entity: CDS_View_2

Annotations For*: The element field_4 that is a database eld within the select list.

Annotation Key: The annotation Anno which is speci ed for field_4.… 70/91

The input eld Variant is currently not supported.

In the Value Propagation section, the following general information is provided:

Origin Source: Transport object name of the contributing object

In this example, the eld represents the name of the CDS object where the annotation is de ned.

Annotation For: Name of the annotated element, parameter, or data source that is speci ed in the Selection area

Annotation Key: Name of the annotation for which you have created the Annotation Propagation view or which lter for

Annotation Value: Current value of the corresponding annotation

Layer: Numeric value of the @Metadata.layer annotation that was assigned to the contributing metadata extension.

This value is used internally by the ABAP infrastructure to implement the precedence of the annotations speci ed in
metadata extensions.

This column is empty if the contributing object is not a metadata extension.

Entity Name: Name of the contributing CDS entity if the object is a CDS view, CDS table function, or metadata extension.
This column is empty if the contributing object is not a CDS object.

Switch Status. The following columns provide information about the Switch state of a metadata extension:

Switch Status: Displays the switch state of a metadata extension as follows:

If the value ON is displayed, the metadata extension is enabled.

If OFF is displayed, then the metadata extension does not contribute to the metadata of a CDS entity.

If a Switch is not assigned to the metadata extension, then the metadata extension is always enabled. In this
case, the entries in the Switch Package and Switch Name columns are empty.

Switch Package: Name of the corresponding metadata extension's package if a Switch is assigned to the metadata

Switch Name: Name of the Switch which is assigned to the metadata extension

Layer Number: Numeric value of the metadata extension's layer

This value is used SAP-internally only to implement the precedence of the annotations speci ed in metadata

Annotations can be de ned/inherited in/from data de nitions/metadata extensions. For a given layer or a CDS variant
annotations might be inactive. If so, they are displayed in grey and not considered for evaluation. Active annotations are displayed
in black.

Evaluation of the Active Annotation Values

To return the value of the active annotations, ABAP frameworks, and development tools access metadata using the
CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE ABAP API. This API merges the values between the used CDS view hierarchy and… 71/91
metadata extensions.

Related Information
Annotation Propagation
Displaying Annotation Values of an Active CDS View
Analyzing Annotation Propagations
Metadata Extensions
Switch Framework

Dependency Analyzer
The Dependency Analyzer evaluates the relationships and complexity from a CDS entity with regards to its SQL de nition.

You use the Dependency Analyzer to investigate which database objects (such as CDS database views, database tables, database
views, and table functions) are used in your CDS view. In addition, it helps you to understand SQL dependencies and complexity
that might negatively affect the performance of your query.

The Dependency Analyzer provides you with the following tabs:

The SQL Dependency Tree tab displays dependencies as hierarchy.

The SQL Dependency Graph tab displays dependencies in a graphical map.

The Complexity Metrics tab displays a statistical summary of selected key gures (such as used data sources, SQL
operations, function calls, and expressions).

Related Information
Analyzing Dependencies in Complex CDS Views

SQL Dependency Tree

The SQL Dependency Tree tab displays SQL dependencies of a CDS view on other database objects.

Use Cases
You as a developer open the SAP Dependency Tree tab in the following cases:

You want to edit a CDS view: You want to check the top to bottom SQL dependencies of a CDS view.

You want to reuse a CDS view: You want to understand the dependencies of a CDS view before reusing it.

If there are performance or activation issues, you want to nd out which database object may be the cause.

The data sources involved are determined recursively and the result is displayed in a tree structure. The following database
objects are possible as data sources:

CDS database view

CDS database table function

Database view… 72/91
External view

External views are used to access the SAP HANA-based views in the ABAP source code. To access this kind of data
model, your ABAP systems needs to be connected with a SAP HANA database.

Database table

Example of a SQL dependency tree

A dependency tree provides the following columns:

SQL Name: Name of the database object

SQL Relation: How a database object may be related to its parent object.

The following relations might be displayed:



Set operations: UNION, UNION ALL

Type: Name of the database object type

Entity Name: Name of the CDS view

Database Object: Status if the corresponding artifact physically exists in the database. Then, the value true is displayed.

If the eld is empty, the corresponding artifact does not exist in the database.

Access Control: Status of the object's access controls with respect to analyzed CDS views… 73/91
The following status are displayed:

De ned: The access control is de ned for the CDS view as root node of the dependency tree.

Masked: The access control is de ned for the CDS view(s) as a sub node of the dependency tree.

None: No access control is de ned for the CDS view.

[Empty]: The database object is no CDS view and provides therefore no information about access controls.

To nd the access control that is de ned, choose Open Other from the context menu of the relevant Defined or
Masked status.

Additional Functionality
In addition to displaying dependencies, you can perform the following functions:


To refresh the dependency tree, for example, after modi cations have been made and the data de nition has been
activated, choose the Refresh icon from the toolbar.

To expand/collapse all nodes in the tree structure, choose the Expand All or Minimize All icons from the toolbar.

To export the graph as PNG le, choose the icon from the toolbar.


To navigate to the listed data sources through double-click or using the context menu.

To search for objects, enter the relevant name in the Find eld of the search toolbar. If the search toolbar is not displayed,
choose the Show Search icon from the graph toolbar to make it available.

Context Menu

To display the complexity metrics of a CDS or database object, select the relevant object and choose Show Complexity
Metrics from the context menu. Then, the Properties view opened where the relevant information is displayed.

Related Information
SQL Dependency Graph
Complexity Metrics
External Views

SQL Dependency Graph

The SQL Dependency Graph visualizes SQL dependencies between ABAP Dictionary objects and CDS views.

Use Case
You want to visualize the dependencies of a complex CDS view and its neighboring objects in order to investigate their

Overview… 74/91
The SQL Dependency Graph tab contains the same information as the SQL Dependency Tree tab but it visualizes the data model
in a graph. This means the closer the nodes representing the objects are, the closer is their relationship. Hierarchies are
represented by the reference to objects on the subsequent level. Objects, that are on the same level, are, if possible, displayed on
the same imaginary line. Relations are displayed as circles.

Example of a calculated SQL Dependency Graph

The coloring of the elements used in the SQL Dependency Graph is prede ned. To adapt the coloring, open the ABAP
Development Graphical Tools Dependencies Analyzer preference page and assign another color to the element.

Additional Functionality
In addition to displaying dependencies, you can perform the following functions:


To toggle between the SQL Name and Entity Name in the graph, select the icon from the toolbar.

To export the graph as a PNG le, choose the icon from the toolbar.

To maximize or minimize the current position, choose the relevant value from the zoom dropdown listbox in the toolbar.


To display general and statistical information about a CDS or database object in the tooltip popup, mouse over the relevant

To follow the dependencies of neighboring objects, select the corresponding node. Then, the contrast of the relevant
dependencies is highlighted?.… 75/91
To search for objects, enter the relevant name in the Find eld of the search toolbar. If the search toolbar is not displayed,
choose the Show Search icon from the graph toolbar to make it available.

To display the complexity metrics of a CDS or database object, select the relevant one and choose Show Complexity
Metrics from the context menu. The Properties view will open where the relevant information is displayed.

You can highlight the elements of the graph in the context of their interdependencies. You can mask the following

Object type

State of SQL interrelations,

Availabilityof an existing database object sion the database (available as of SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51
innovation package SP00)

Availability of an access control (available as of SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP01)

To highlight them, choose Highlight from the context menu on the white area of the graph. Then select the relevant entries
from the submenus of one or more attributes.

If you select one or more entries

from the submenu of the same attribute, all relevant elements will be highlighted that match at least one of the
selected entries.

from several submenus of different attributes, only those elements will be highlighted that match the selection
from the submenu of the same attribute and from the submenus of the other submenus.


To navigate within large graphs, move the highlighted area in the Outline view as required.

Related Information
SQL Dependency Tree
Complexity Metrics

Complexity Metrics
The Complexity Metrics tab enables you to check CDS views regarding performance issues.

Use Case
You want to check the characteristics that in uence the performance of your CDS view.

This tab summarizes statistical information about a CDS view in the following sections:

Used Data Sources: List of the aggregated number of database objects that depend on the selected CDS view

Each usage is counted separately. Identical data sources are not grouped.

SQL Operations: List of the aggregated number of the SQL operations that might be most relevant for performance issues… 76/91
Performance Related Function Calls and Operations: List of the aggregated number of expressions and function calls

Related Information
SQL Dependency Tree
SQL Dependency Graph
ABAP CDS - SELECT, Prede ned Functions (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

CDS Graphical Editor

The CDS Graphical Editor provides a read-only view containing CDS entities, user-de ned types, and the relationships between
entities in graphical representations.

The editor allows you to understand the code implementation much faster as you do not have to read and understand the code

Example of a data source structure displayed in the CDS Graphical Editor

In the CDS Graphical Editor, the following graphical representations of CDS entities are provided:

Symbol Description

Represents an entity

Represents a key element in an entity

Represents elements in an entity

Represents an association in an entity

Represents a user-de ned type.… 77/91

Symbol Description

Also de nes an association

This line indicates the relationship between entities. The
association name appears on the line. It also displays the
cardinality if you have de ned cardinality for the association.

Indicates an inner join

Indicates a left outer join

Indicates a union

The CDS Graphical Editor provides you with the following options:

To view CDS entities in a source code editor

To make changes to the CDS entities in the DDL source code editor and view the changes in the graphical editor

To view usage of a user-de ned type within a data de nition

To navigate within a data model

To layout objects in the editor automatically by the tool

Related Information
Working with the Graphical Editor

Access Control
ABAP development object that is used to de ne authorizations for CDS entities

An access control allows you to limit the results returned by a CDS entity to those you authorize a user to see.

Core Data Services (CDS)

CDS introduce a common set of domain-speci c languages (DSL) and services for de ning and consuming semantically rich data

CDS Database View

Projection onto one or multiple relational database tables or other views

An CDS database view is generated in the ABAP Dictionary after activation of the data de nition. The structure of a CDS database
view is de ned in a CDS entity. A CDS database view is a technical representation of the CDS entity.

CDS Entity
Part of a data de nition… 78/91
The de nition of a CDS entity is introduced with the DEFINE VIEW statement. A CDS entity is used to specify the structure of a
CDS database view.

CDS Entity Under Test (CUT)

The "system under test". It is short for "whatever thing we are testing" and is always de ned from the perspective of the test.
When we are writing unit test the SUT is whatever class (a.k.a. CUT), object (also known as OUT) or method(s) (also known as
MUT) we are testing; when we are writing customer tests, the SUT is probably the entire application (also known as AUT) or
at least a major subsystem of it. The parts of the application that we are not verifying in this particular test may still be involved as
a DOC.

For more information, see

Creating a temporary clone (copy) of the CUT in the same DB schema.

For all purposes, this clone serves as the CDS entity under test. The logic implemented in the original CDS entity is preserved in
the clone but the depended-on components are replaced by the corresponding Test Doubles that are created by the CDS Test
Double Framework.

Data Control Language (DCL)

DCL is used to de ne authorizations for CDS entities. The main goal of CDS is to make the usage of SQL easier for application
developers. DCL offers a possibility to de ne the authorizations needed for the CDS entities in a modeled, declarative way.

Data De nition
ABAP development object that is used to de ne a CDS view entities

A data de nition is created in ABAP Repository using a wizard of ABAP Development Tools.

DCL Editor
Text-based editor for editing DCL sources

The DCL editor is part of ABAP Development Tools and allows you to de ne the role or access policy for the CDS entity.

Data De nition Language (DDL)

Subset of SQL

DDL statements are used to create and delete the entities of a relational database. In AS ABAP, DDL is integrated into ABAP

DDL Editor
Text-based editor for editing development objects containing DDL such as data de nitions and metadata extensions… 79/91
The DDL editor is part of ABAP Development Tools.

Depended-on components (DOC)

An individual class or a large-grained component on which the system under test (SUT) depends. The dependency is
usually one of delegation via method calls. In test automation, it is primarily of interest in that we need to be able to examine and
control its interactions with the SUT to get complete test coverage.

For more information, see

Metadata Extension
ABAP development object that is used to annotate CDS entities with metadata

A metadata extension can be used by customers for annotating CDS entities without modi cations.

Test Doubles
Use Test Doubles for writing a test in which you cannot use a real DOC. The Test Doubles does not behave exactly like real
DOC; it merely provides the same API as the real one for CUT to execute the operations.

For more information, see

What's New in ABAP CDS Tools

ABAP CDS tools are an integral part of the client installation of ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver (ADT). ADT is
released to customers in combination with the the corresponding SAP NetWeaver shipment. This means, in order to use certain
ADT functionalities, you need to provide the corresponding back end.

The following table gives you an overview of the released ADT versions and ABAP back ends:

NW Shipment vs. ADT Client

SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SAP NetWeaver 7.5 SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 ABAP Development Tools (Client)
innovation package

- - SP02 Version ADT 2.77

- - SP01 Version ADT 2.73

- - SP00 Version ADT 2.68

- SP04 Version ADT 2.64

- SP03 Version ADT 2.60

- SP02 Version ADT 2.58

- SP01 Version ADT 2.54

- SP00 Version ADT 2.51

SP12 Version ADT 2.48

SP11 Version ADT 2.44

SP10 Version ADT 2.41… 80/91

SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SAP NetWeaver 7.5 SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 ABAP Development Tools (Client)
innovation package

SP09 Version ADT 2.36

SP08 Version ADT 2.31

SP07 Version ADT 2.28

SP06 Version ADT 2.24

SP05 Version 2.19

Version ADT 2.77

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of ABAP CDS development that relate to the current ABAP
Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver the (ADT) client and the SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP02 back

Working with CDS Objects

Displaying the Status of Access Controls in the SQL Dependency Tree

The SQL Dependency Tree now displays the status (Defined, Masked, None) of Access Controls de ned for the selected CDS

For more information, see: SQL Dependency Tree

Version ADT 2.73

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of ABAP CDS development that relate to the current ABAP
Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver the (ADT) client and the SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP01 back

Editing DDL Source Code

Highlighting Data Sources in the SQL Dependency Graph

You can lter for attributes of data sources in order to highlight relevant data sources in the graph. The available attributes are
object type, SQL relation, and database object. As of now, you can also lter for dependencies of access controls.

To open this graph, choose Open With Dependency Graph from the context menu of the relevant data de nition or the editor.

For more information, see: SQL Dependency Graph

Improved Visualization of the Annotation Origin in the Annotation Propagation View

If annotations of a given layer or a CDS variant are inactive or no more considered for evaluation, they are now displayed in grey.
Only active annotations are displayed in black.

For more information, see: Annotation Propagation View… 81/91

Version ADT 2.68

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of ABAP CDS development that relate to the current ABAP
Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver the (ADT) client and the SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP 7.51 innovation package SP00 back

Editing DDL Source Code

Formatting DDL Source Code Using the Pretty Printer

You can now use the DDL formatter to de ne your own local pro les or use the SAP standard pro le to format data de nitions and
metadata extensions when saving. Everything is precon gured if you use the SAP standard pro le.

You can enable/disable a local pro le or the SAP standard pro le on the ABAP Development Editors Source Code Editors DDL
Formatter preference page.

You can trigger the DDL formatter at any time using the:

Shortcut Shift + F1

Menu bar/context menu Source Code Format

Format DDL on save checkbox on the DDL Formatter preference page to trigger formatting automatically whenever you

For more information, see here: Formatting DDL

Sharing HTTP Links to CDS Objects with Other Developers

You can now create HTTP links for data de nitions, metadata extensions, and access controls in order to share them with other
developers of your company.

For more information, look here: Sharing and Opening a Link to a Development Object

Duplicating CDS Objects

You can now also duplicate data de nitions, metadata extensions, and access controls.

For more information, see here: Copying and Duplicating Source Code Based Objects

Displaying Entities in the Project Explorer

In the Project Explorer, the names of the folders – where the CDS objects are grouped and displayed – have been renamed.

In the Core Data Sources folder, the following folder names are now used:

Data De nitions for DDL sources

Access Controls for de ning access to retrieve data from a database

Metadata Extensions for adding customer-speci c requirements to SAP's CDS entities without modi cations

Ensuring Quality of ABAP CDS Code

Writing Unit Tests Using the CDS Test Double Framework… 82/91
You can now enable automatic unit testing of CDS views using the CDS Test Double Framework.

For more information, look here:

ABAP CDS Unit Testing

Writing Unit Tests Using CDS Test Double Framework

Using the ABAP Test Cockpit to Check Data De nitions and Metadata Extensions

You can now use the ATC tools to check CDS objects such as data de nitions and metadata extensions. There have been added
speci c checks by SAP.

To perform the ATC for a CDS object, select the relevant one in the Project Explorer and choose Run As ABAP Test Cockpit
(Ctrl+Shift+F2) from the context menu. The ATC Problems view is then opened and displays the check result.

For more information, see here: ATC Quality Checking

Metadata Extensions
Extenting CDS Entities Through Metadata Extensions

Metadata extenstions are new development objects that are saved in the ABAP Repository and can be transported within your
ABAP system landscape.

You specify metadata extenstions to extend and to adapt the behavior of CDS entities with customer-speci c metadata using CDS

This enables you to specify your own annotations in metadata extensions to overwrite metadata used in data de nitions without
causing modi cations. When creating metadata extensions, you can use a set of prede ned code templates.

For more information, see here:

Metadata Extensions

Creating Metadata Extensions

Extracting CDS Annotations to a Metadata Extension

You can extract one or more annotations – that are previously used in a data de nition – to a new metadata extension.

To perform an extraction, choose Source Code Extract Metadata Extension from the context menu of the data de nition from
where you want to relocate CDS annotations to a new metadata extension. A creation wizard is then opened to select the relevant
annotations. Note that you can only extract those annotations that are allowed to be used in metadata extensions.

For more information, see here: Extracting CDS Annotations to a Metadata Extension

Working with CDS Annotations

Annotation Propagation View

The Annotation Propagation view is a tabular list to display how the value for an element annotation has been derived.

It provides the value of a CDS annotation and from which CDS entity or metadata extension it has been inherited. This enables you
to understand how the metadata was merged for a CDS View.… 83/91
To open the Annotation Propagation view, choose Open With Annotation Propagation from the context menu of a data
de nition or metadata extension.

For more information, see here:

Annotation Propagation View

Analyzing Annotation Propagations

Active Annotation View

You can now open the Active annotations view to display the CDS annotations that are used for an active CDS view.

It provides the following information:

Annotated Elements: Group, name, and value name of the inheriting annotation

Annotation Value: Value of the inheriting annotation

Original Data Source: Name of the inheriting development object

Original Data Element: Name of a data element from which the origin value is inherited

To open the Active Annotation view, choose Open With Active Annotations from the context menu of a data de nition.

For more information, look here: Active Annotations View

Complexity Metrics and SQL Dependency Graph in the Dependency Analyzer

You can now use the Dependency Analyzer to evaluate the relationships and complexity of a CDS entity with regards to its SQL
de nition.

The Dependency Analyzer provides you the following tabs:

SQL Dependency Tree to display the dependencies as hierarchy

SQL Dependency Graph to display dependencies in a graphical map

Complexity Metrics to display a statistical summary of selected key gures

To perform the Dependency Analyzer, choose Open With Dependency Analyzer from the context menu of a data de nition.

For more information, see here:

Dependency Analyzer

Analyzing Dependencies in Complex CDS Views

Version ADT 2.54

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of ABAP CDS development that relate to the current ABAP
Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver the (ADT) client and the SAP NetWeaver 7.5 SP01 back end.

The CDS Graphical Tool

The CDS graphical tool provides you with a read-only view that displays CDS entities, user-de ned types, and relationship between
entities in graphical representation. It allows you to understand the implementation of more complex views much faster as you do… 84/91
not have to read and understand the code.

For more information, look here: CDS Graphical Editor

Version ADT 2.51

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of CDS view building tools that relate to the:

Back end: SAP NetWeaver Release 7.50 SP00

Client: ABAP Development Tools (ADT) 2.51

Editor Support for TABLE FUNCTIONS in DDL Editor


Sample Code

@ClientDependent: true

define table function GET_SCARR_SPFLI

with parameters @Environment.systemField: #CLIENT
returns { client:s_mandt;
cityto:s_to_city; }
implemented by method

Tool Support

The DDL editor provides support for:

Opening an object ( CTRL + SHIFT + A ) for table functions

De ninig table functions with parameters by the help of a creation template

Code completion for



Data types in parameter de nitions and in eld de nitions (both built-in and DDIC types)

Name of the implementing class/implementing method

Navigation to (F3)

Implementing class

Implementing method

DDIC types used in eld/parameter de nitions

Navigation from implementing class (de nition part to table function)

Element info for

Table functions (triggered with F2 in the DDL source itself, not in the ABAP class)… 85/91
DDIC types used in eld/parameter de nitions

Integration in the Outline view.

Editor support for enhanced EXTEND VIEW features

Starting with SAP NetWeaver 7.50, you have the option to extend views in ABAP CDS.


Sample Code

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'DEMO_CDS_EXTENS'
extend view demo_cds_original_view with demo_cds_view_extension
{ spfli.distance,
spfli.distid as unit };

Tool Support

The DDL editor provides support for:

EXTEND VIEW with the help of a creation template

Code completion for

Associations de ned in the base view (public and private associations)

Associations de ned in EXTEND VIEV

Including associations of the base view when triggering Insert all elements in the code completion in the EXTEND VIEW

Navigation from the usage of the association in the EXTEND VIEW to its de nition in the base view (CTRL + click) or its
target (CTRL + click )

Displaying the associations that have been added in the EXTEND VIEW in the element info of the base view.

Viewing SQL Statements

For each CDS entity that is de ned in the DDL editor, you now have the option to view the SQL CREATE statement generated at
database level.

For more information, look here:

Viewing Generated SQL Statements

De ning ON Conditions
You can now apply a wizard for de ning ON conditions in JOIN clauses and ASSOCIATION de nitions of your CDS view de nition.

For more information, look here:

De ning ON Conditions by Use of a Wizard

Dependency Analyzer… 86/91
When implementing the view on view pattern, the relations between the resulting data sources can become very complex. The
Dependency Analyzer aims to give the CDS developer a better overview of the complexity of the SQL behavior so that this
complexity might be reduced and/or super uous JOINs might be found.

For more information, look here:

Analyzing Dependencies in Complex CDS Views

Version ADT 2.41

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of CDS view building tools that relate to the:

Back end: SAP NetWeaver Release 7.40 SP10

Client: ABAP Development Tools (ADT) 2.41

Authorizations for CDS Entities

Creating DCL Sources

As a part of CDS View Building tools, you can now create DCL sources as a new development object that is used to de ne
authorizations for CDS entities.

More on this: Access Controls

Editing DCL Source Code

More on this: ABAP CDS - DCL Statements (ABAP Keyword Documentation)

Outline of DDL Sources

You can now take advantage of the outline view capabilities when working with CDS entities and their extensions. When you select
one of the structural elements within the outline tree, the cursor navigates to its relevant source code position – as long as the
Link with Editor is enabled. In addition, you can sort the order of elements within the outline tree.… 87/91

Outline of a CDS view

Version ADT 2.31

Here is an overview of the most signi cant changes in the context of CDS view building tools that relate to the:

Back end: SAP NetWeaver Release 7.40 SP08

Client: ABAP Development Tools (ADT) 2.31

Additions and Changes for ABAP CDS Language

More on this: ABAP CDS in Release 7.40, SP08

CDS Data Preview

Previewing Result Set of a CDS View

The new Data Preview tool provides you with test environment so that you can verify the output (result set) of a CDS view.… 88/91

Data Preview tool

More on this: Previewing Data Records

Previewing Result Set of Associations

The Data Preview tool allows you to display the result set for of an associated CDS view.

More on this: Following Associations in the CDS Data Preview

SQL Console
You can use the SQL Console tool to write an SQL statement and analyze the query performance. It enables you to execute
arbitrary SELECT statements on the database without writing any ABAP report.

To open the SQL Console tool, select the relevant ABAP Project in the Project Explorer. Then open the context menu of the
project and choose the SQL Console menu item.

Aletrnatively, you can open the SQL Console wrom within the Data Preview tool. In that case, the data preview automatically
generates you the corresponding SQL statement according to your lter settings.… 89/91

SQL Console

Related Information
Working with SQL Console

Version ADT 2.19

As a part of Core Data Services (CDS) feature, the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) provides some extended tool functions for
de ning CDS entities.

Backend: SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SP5

Client: ABAP Development Tools (ADT) 2.19

Editor Support for Additional Language Elements


The editor supports now an extended set of keywords in CDS views for:

De ning associations within the CDS views and exposing them in projects lists

Usage of associations in SELECT-, FROM-, WHERE- and HAVING-clauses

De ning lter conditions for associations.

Code Pushdown

The editor supports now an extended set of keywords in CDS views for:

Extended ON- and WHERE-conditions for Joins

Aggregation functions

CASE statements… 90/91
SQL functions

Arithmetic expressions… 91/91

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