Cot Lesson Plan Math7 Polygons

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII – Central Visayas
Schools Division of Bohol
Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol

DAILY Teacher MYRA JANE B. LAMBUS Grade Level Grade 7

LESSON Date April 3-4, 2023 Learning Area Mathematics
PLAN Monday 7:00am – 8:20am
Class Time Tuesday 8:20am – 9:40am
Quarter THIRD

Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes,
Content Standards
and geometric relationships.
Performance Create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic
Standards problems involving sides and angles of a polygon
Competency/ies Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; (c) sides. (M7GE-IIIe-2)
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a.) define polygon, identify, and illustrate different kinds of polygons
Objectives according to the number of sides;
b.) differentiate convex from non-convex (concave) polygons; and
c.) identify the parts of a polygon.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Jose S. Malate et al. 2014. Understanding Mathematics Grade 7. Manila: Vicarish
Publication and Trading, INC.;
2. Learner’s Materials
Soledad Jose-Dilao, Ed.D. et al. 2004. Geometry Workbook. Quezon City: Vibal
Publishing House, Inc.
3. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Materials Learning activity sheet, images, diagrams, audio/video clips, LCD monitor,
Needed computer
A. Introductory
Activity/ A. Class rules & routine
AWARENESS B. Mood setting/lesson introduction:
 Let us start our class with
activity: Show to the class
different figures. Let the
students divide it into
three (3) groups according
to their forms/faces.
 The teacher will provide
printed figures to the
learners for them to paste
on the board.

Guide Questions:
1.) What are your observations about the figures?
2.) Are all the figures closed?
3.) What are your bases in grouping the figures?

(The teacher presents the lesson objectives.)

Indicator 4: Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful

exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments.


Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]
Indicator 5: Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to
ensure learning- focused environments.
Annotation: The teacher ensures that learners follow the safety guidelines, applying the positive and non-
violent discipline in doing all the learning tasks.
What is a polygon?
The word “polygon” comes from the two Greek words “poly”, which means
“many”, and “gon”, which means “angles”.
- A closed plane figure formed by three or more segments called sides.
- Each side intersects exactly two other sides, once at each endpoint.
- No two sides with a common endpoint are collinear.
- Each line segment is called the side of the polygon and each endpoint
where the sides meet is called the vertex of the polygon.

Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.

Direction: Identify the following figures if it is a polygon or not

 Sides of a Polygon
A polygon is classified according to the number of sides.

Number of Sides Name of a Polygon Code

3 Triangle Tri = three
4 Quadrilateral Quad = four
5 Pentagon Penta = five
6 Hexagon Hexa = six
7 Heptagon Hepta = seven
8 Octagon Octa = eight
9 Nonagon Nona = nine
10 Decagon Deca = ten
11 Undecagon Uno + deca = eleven
C. Presentation/ 12 Dodecagon Duo + deca = twelve
n n-gon
 Parts of a Polygon
Guide Questions:
1) How to name a polygon?
2) What are the vertices of the polygon?
3) What are angles of the polygon?
4) Name the sides of the polygon?
5) Give at least 2 (a) consecutive vertices; (b) consecutive angles; (c)
consecutive sides of the polygon.
6) Name all the diagonals in a polygon.

Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking as well as other
higher- order thinking skills.


Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]
Unlocking difficult terms/ Finding synonyms of the terms:
Vertices (Singular: Vertex) – a point where two or more edges meet (the corner
Consecutive (Synonyms: back-to-back, continuous) – following one after the
other in order
Diagonals – a slanting straight pattern or line

Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.
Annotation: The teacher emphasizes the usage of singular and plural to widen the learners’ literacy skills.

 Convex or Concave Polygon

How to determine a convex polygon? Concave polygon?

A polygon is convex if no line that contains a side of the polygon contains a

point in the interior of the polygon.
A polygon is convex if no diagonal is in the exterior of the polygon.
To differentiate between the two types, draw its diagonals. All diagonals of a
convex polygon are inside, while a concave polygon may have a diagonal

 Regular Polygon
What is a regular polygon?

A polygon is equilateral if all the sides have equal length.

A polygon is equiangular if all the angles have equal measure.
A regular polygon is both equilateral and equiangular.


Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]
1) What is a polygon?
A closed plane figure formed by three or more segments called sides.
Each side intersects exactly two other sides, once at each endpoint. No two
sides with a common endpoint are collinear. Each line segment is called the
side of the polygon and each endpoint where the sides meet is called the
vertex of the polygon.
2) How to name a polygon?
We can name a polygon using its consecutive vertices
3) What are the parts of a polygon?
The parts of a polygon are vertices, angles, sides, consecutive sides,
consecutive vertices, consecutive angles, consecutive sides, and diagonals.
4) How to determine a convex polygon?
A polygon is convex if no line that contains a side of the polygon contains
D. ABSTRACTION/ a point in the interior of the polygon. A polygon is convex if no diagonal is in
Generalization the exterior of the polygon.
5) What is a regular polygon?
A regular polygon is both equilateral and equiangular.
6) What are the classifications of polygon according to the number of sides?
Triangle, Quadrilateral, Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon,
Decagon, Undecagon, Dodecagon

The teacher will show a short video about polygons for enhancement.

Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking as well as
higher- order thinking skills.

Indicator 8: Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and learning resources,
including ICT, to address learning goals
Individual Oral Activity

Direction: Identify the following figures if it is polygon or not. If it is polygon,

determine whether it is convex or concave polygon. Then, classify it according
to the number of its sides.


Group Activity

Group 1:
For academically challenged learners:
Question: What is the minimum number of non-collinear segments needed to
satisfy the definition of a polygon?
The minimum number of non-collinear segments needed to satisfy the
definition of a polygon is 3.

Group 2:
For typical learners:
Question: Can two segments form a polygon? If yes, draw the figure. If no,
explain why.
NO; because polygon is a closed plane figure formed by three or more
segments. Two segments cannot form a polygon.


Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]
Group 3:
For fast learners:
Question: Can you give examples of polygon in real-life?
Some real-life examples of polygon:
 rectangular-shaped screen on your laptop
 television
 mobile phone
 a rectangular football pitch or playground
 The Bermuda Triangle is a polygon with a triangle form

What is a Bermuda Triangle?

According to myth and urban
legend, the Bermuda Triangle is a
section of the North Atlantic Ocean
in which strange events
and paranormal activity occur. All
manner of bizarre and scary tales
exists about the Bermuda Triangle,
including those of alien abductions
and the underwater city of Atlantis.
The Bermuda Triangle’s spooky
reputation is due to a notable
number of ships and airplanes that
have disappeared while traveling through it.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle?

In his article, Vincent Gaddis stated that the Bermuda Triangle consisted of
an area within an imaginary triangle formed from drawing three lines across
Earth’s surface from Florida to Bermuda, Bermuda to Puerto Rico, and from
Puerto Rico back to Florida. 

 Polygons may also be seen in Egypt's Pyramids (triangular)

Built during a time when
Egypt was one of the richest
and most powerful
civilizations in the world, the
pyramids – especially the
Great Pyramids of Giza –
are some of the most
magnificent man-made
structures in history. Their
massive scale reflects the
unique role that the
pharaoh, or king, played in ancient Egyptian society. Though pyramids
were built from the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the close of the
Ptolemaic period in the fourth century A.D., the peak of pyramid
building began with the late third dynasty and continued until roughly
the sixth (c. 2325 B.C.). More than 4,000 years later, the Egyptian
pyramids still retain much of their majesty, providing a glimpse into the
country’s rich and glorious past.

Indicator 6: Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address learners’

gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences.
Annotation: The teacher implements a differentiated strategy to learners with different ability levels.

Indicator 1: Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.
Annotation: The teacher applies meaningful connections and inclusions of appropriate intra disciplinary
content in Mathematics and inter disciplinary content in History and real-life examples.
F. ASSESSMENT/ I. Write P if the figure is a polygon. Otherwise, write NP if not a polygon.


Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]
II. State whether it is convex or concave polygon. Also, classify each polygon
according to number of sides.

III. Use the figure to answer the following questions.

1) Name the polygon.
2) How many diagonals can be drawn
from vertex S?
3) Name the diagonals can be drawn
from vertex S?
4) Is the polygon convex or concave?
5) Is it a regular polygon?
6) How many sides does it have?
7) What do you call ∠ L∧∠ E ?
8) What do you call S and T?
9) What do you call IL∧¿?
10) What do you call TE ?

Indicator 9: Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.
As stated by Cute Princess,
“Life is like a polygon,
Since we get different people
with different faces”.
G. Concluding
We are created by our Almighty God uniquely and according to HIS plan. We
have unique facial features, physical appearance, and even our skills, talents,
etc. Others may say that we are the same. We could not say that we are exactly
the same, maybe we have our similarities. Like the polygons that compose of
different figures/faces.
H. Assignment Competency: Derives inductively the relationship of exterior and interior angles
of a convex polygon. M7GE-IIIf-1


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?



Subject Teacher



Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal


Address: Yanaya, Bilar, Bohol
School ID: 302818
Telephone No: (038)535-9128
E-mail: [email protected]

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