IPA Preheater

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Feed rate 1500 kg/hr

Feed Temperature 30 ◦C
Desired Temperature 90 ◦C
Delta T -60 ◦C
LMTD 30.29916084
Feed content water
Lantent heat of vaporisation 159 kcal/kg
Specific heat of IPA 1 kcal/kg.c
U (Steam and organics) 90 Btu/(hr.Ft2.oF) Ref. Dr. DQ Kern Process Heat transfer
U considered 500 Kcal/hr.m . C
2 o

Heat load -90000 Kcal/hr

Area Required -5.9 m2
Available area m2
Steam Requirement -18 kg/hr @7 kg/cm2 abs From steam tables

Line sizing calculations for steam

Steam Density '@7kg/cm2 abs kg/m3 3.667 4.901
Flow m3/s 0.01227 0.01005
m3/hr 44.17 36.19
LPH 44173.1 36186.6
kg/hr 162.0 177.4
LPS 12.27 10.05
Assumed Velocity m/s 25.00 2.00
Line size m 0.025 0.08
mm 25 80

Feed rate 1000 kg/hr

Feed Temperature 94 ◦C
Desired Temperature 80 ◦C
Delta T 14 ◦C
LMTD 54.3759208126092 ◦C
Feed content IPA 99.5%
Lantent heat of vaporisation 159 kcal/kg
Specific heat of IPA 0.62 kcal/kg.c
U (Steam and heavy organics) 110 Btu/(hr.Ft2.oF) Ref. Dr. DQ Kern Process Heat tra
U considered 500 Kcal/hr.m2.oC
Heat load 167680 Kcal/hr
Area Required 6.2 m2
Available area m2
Water Requirement 33.54 m3/hr

Line sizing calculations for water

Flow m3/hr 15.0 15.0
m3/sec 0.00417 0.00417
Assumed Velocity m/s 0.80 2.00
q/v*0.785 0.0066 0.0027
Line size m 0.0815 0.0515
mm 81 52
counter current
process in 94 80 process out
CWR 35 30 CWS
59 50 9

536.8 112.5
Dr. DQ Kern Process Heat transfer


Feed rate 125 kg/hr

Feed Temperature 85 ◦C
Desired Temperature 25 ◦C
Delta T 60 ◦C
LMTD 44.27118
Lantent heat of vaporisation 125 kcal/kg
Specific heat of acetone 0.6 kcal/kg.c
U considered 250 Kcal/hr.m2.oC
Heat load 20125 Kcal/hr
Area Required 1.8 m2

Available area 3 m2
Tube length 1.5 m
No. of tubes 36
counter current
IN 85 25 OUT 60
OUT 5.5 3.6 IN
Delta 79.5 21.4 58.1


Line size Flow Calculation Velocity
Fluid Densi kg/m3 - Fluid Density kg/m3 Fluid Density
m3/s 0.00417 m3/s 0.00425
m3/hr 15.00 m3/hr 15.29
Flow Flow Flow
KG/HR 2800 LPH 15288.8
LPS 4.25
Assumed Ve m/s 2.00 Assumed Velocit m/s 2.00 Assumed Velocity
m 0.052 m 0.052
Line size Line size Line size
mm 52 mm 52

Line sizing calculations for steam

Steam Density '@7kg kg/m3 3.667 4.901
Flow m3/s 0.01227 0.01005
m3/hr 44.17 36.19
LPH 44173.1 36186.6
kg/hr 162.0 177.4
LPS 12.27 10.05
Assumed Velocity m/s 25.00 2.00
Line size m 0.025 0.08
mm 25 80
Fluid Density kg/m3 1000 Results
m3/s 0.00278 Inputs
m3/hr 10.00
LPH 1000.0
LPS 0.28
Assumed Velocity m/s 1.42
m 0.05
Line size
mm 50

13055 12480
Line size Flow Calculation Velocity
Fluid Densi kg/m3 - Fluid Density kg/m3 Fluid Density
m3/s 0.00417 m3/s 0.00425
m3/hr 15.00 m3/hr 15.29
Flow Flow Flow
KG/HR 2800 LPH 15288.8
LPS 4.25
Assumed Ve m/s 2.00 Assumed Velocit m/s 2.00 Assumed Velocity
m 0.052 m 0.052
Line size Line size Line size
mm 52 mm 52

Line sizing calculations for steam

Steam Density '@7kg kg/m3 3.667 4.901
Flow m3/s 0.01227 0.01005
m3/hr 44.17 36.19
LPH 44173.1 36186.6
kg/hr 162.0 177.4
LPS 12.27 10.05
Assumed Velocity m/s 25.00 2.00
Line size m 0.025 0.08
mm 25 80
Fluid Density kg/m3 1000 Results
m3/s 0.00278 Inputs
m3/hr 10.00
LPH 1000.0
LPS 0.28
Assumed Velocity m/s 1.42
m 0.05
Line size
mm 50

13055 12480

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