01 Steuler Surface Protection Linings en
01 Steuler Surface Protection Linings en
01 Steuler Surface Protection Linings en
Our specialists support you on site – so that your project runs smoothly from start to finish.
Not always visible, but always present – tailor-made corrosion protection for your plant.
The „hidden champion from the Westerwald“ is how our customers refer And we want to build on this lead. For the benefit of our customers. With
to us. And we‘re proud of the fact. It motivates us to continue. new ideas and innovative solutions.
The teams of experts in our development departments draw on their expertise to come up with innovative solutions for your problem.
Design and technology are the unique fingerprints of the plant engineer. Our corrosion protection linings are always made-to-measure. We
They are the expression of their philosophy. manufacture each one specifically for the project in question. Special
attention is given to unusual geometries, application-specific
The Steuler fingerprint is the product of analysis, precision, creativity, specifications and maximum durability under chemical, physical and
individuality and efficiency – interdisciplinary excellence from a single mechanical loads. We combine materials and technologies to create a
source. The end result is corrosion protection concepts and designs that near infinite number of possible solutions.
are perfect in every detail: technically, economically and ecologically.
Incorporating the pooled knowledge and experience of our experts. Precisely custom-fabricated, the form and function of every element
is essential for their safe and reliable use and service. Off-the-shelf
products, on the other hand, only offer average performance and are
difficult to adapt to specific requirements.
Opto-electronic dimensional inspection in ceramic brick production – ensuring that everything fits afterwards.
INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC AND SPECIAL SOLUTIONS Together with its international subsidiaries and agencies, Steuler has a
Every product group serves its particular market with distinct techno- global network that successfully exploits the potential of this portfolio.
logies and high-quality solutions. Together, they create a unique unit
for comprehensive industry-wide solutions or specific industry sectors.
Everything from a single source – coordinated and matched, project-ma-
naged and implemented – for numerous requirements of entire industry
sectors – as well as special requirements.
Everything remains in our highly capable hands, from the planning engineers to the installation
technicians on site. Our highly skilled and experienced Steuler technicians ensure that all the
engineering specifications are properly implemented. With a trained eye for the important details. And
without losing sight of the big picture.
A project team plans and coordinates the perfect implementation: Always in close coordination between
the production and installation departments, with installation instructions to the installation team, with
project supervision on site and professional processing of the products.
Our efficiency in project management and project logistics offers you on-time realization. An important
aspect for you is our reliable work scheduling: Materials, equipment and personnel at the right place at
the right time – world-wide. Dependable installation times ensure your production operation. This is time
won for your success.
Whether providing supervision or installation with in-house technicians – Steuler‘s specialists are your guarantee for
reliable installation.
The product portfolio of Steuler Surface Protection Linings comprises coatings and rubber linings, brick linings and tiling
systems for every industrial surface and corrosion protection requirement.
Steuler Plastic Linings supplies pipes, vessels and equipment for environments subject to high chemical, thermal and mechanical
loads. They may be manufactured from pure thermoplastic or glass-fibre reinforced plastics with or without liner, or from a fibre-
reinforced phenolic resin material. They offer reliable and long-lasting durability.
Steuler Refractory Linings is a global market leader and driver of innovation in the field of refractory lining systems. Its portfolio
includes both shaped and un-shaped refractory products. Dense, thermally, chemically and mechanically resilient or light, insulating
materials – as a full-service supplier, we provide all the refractory materials necessary for the lining, including complete anchoring
We combine sealing membranes, cements and ceramic materials to create solutions that are perfectly tailored to your project requirements. Besides
being able to draw on our extensive range of existing materials, we can also develop new solutions with our development department, whenever needed.
This ability allows greater scope for your project.
Mechanical stress
> Pressure ratios
> Vibrations
> Abrasion
> Impact stress
> Traffic
System lining with ceramic bricks. Self-supporting stepped dome grid in a absorption tower.
When designing the lining, its low elasticity within a relatively high
elasticity steel vessel must be taken into account. Steuler has the
Combined lining system composed of sealing membrane and ceramic tiles in
a containment basin. equipment and data necessary to calculate the thermal expansion and
also expansion due to pressure of steel vessels, as well as the linear
thermal expansion and chemical expansion of the brick lining. Abrupt
temperature changes and decreases in pressure do not occur under
normal operating conditions, but their effects should be accounted for
in the engineering analysis. Finite element (FE) models and painstaking
research and development of the brick lining materials are the way
to successfully master the complex engineering of pressure vessels
(temperature: 150 - 220°C, pressure: 5 - 28 bar).
Steuler rubber linings offer optimal protection for steel constructions, such as vessels, pipes, process towers, and gas scrubbers and even concrete struc-
tures, such as those found in water treatment plants. They resist the chemical effects of acids, bases, salt solutions and water vapour – even at elevated
temperatures and when subject to temperature fluctuations. These rubber linings can withstand mechanical loads, such as pressure and abrasion, within a
defined range too.
When it comes to selecting the right material, we take several criteria OVERVIEW RUBBER LININGS
into account: Chemical resistance to attack by hydrolysis or oxidation, for > Rubber linings for steel and concrete structures based on rubber:
example. The ability to withstand permeation processes when exposed Butyle (IIR), bromobutyle (BIIR), chlorobutyel (CIIR), Chloroprene (CR),
to aggressive media constantly or for extended periods of time. This is Hypalon (CSM), natural rubber (NR) and speciality grades
particularly relevant for chemicals with a small molecular size, such as > Autoclave rubber linings Steuler can supply including the steel compo-
hydrogen chloride, ammonia or water. And this applies to operating tem- nents too, if desired
peratures above ambient temperature too, because permeation processes > self-vulcanising or pre-vulcanised, hot water varieties
become more rapid as temperatures rise.
Floor coating in a chemical plant. Floor coating with ESD protective function for the electronics industry.
We do it properly out of principle: We plan and produce the entire And we do the same for complex refurbishment projects too.
structure with precisely defined, specifically matched functional layers.
Leak testing of a chimney coating. Spray application of a coating with barrier fillers.
21 Industrial Corrosion Protection Steuler Surface Protection Linings
What seems rather dull at first look, is actually exciting and impressive at second glance. And innovative too.
It starts with the physical anchoring system: The size, shape and arrangement of the studs are the result of intensive development work with the aim
of achieving the best possible anchoring of the plates. And we succeeded in our aim. The quality of the anchoring ensures the long-term, reliable
functioning of the lining.
An outstanding feature of the system is its flexibility in terms of application. Whether you‘re planning a new construction or refurbishing a used plant
component, the Steuler system allows you to plan the application in advance and thus reduce amount of time spent on site to a minimum.
FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND REFURBISHMENTS Apart from being able to protect against chemical attack and thermal and
Parts with complex geometry are prefabricated in our workshop and mechanical stress, our mechanically anchored plastic plates can be used
installed on site „in one piece“. This reduces the amount of detail work to satisfy the highest standards of hygiene, such as protecting drinking
needed on the building site. It also allows fittings to be constructed in water reservoirs. The drinking water compatibility, robustness and hygie-
workshop quality. In the case of new constructions, large-scale pieces nic surface of the system offer the best prospects for a long-term, reliable
can be directly integrated in the formwork. This helps keep things moving and clean solution in this area too.
forward and reduces the overall construction time significantly. In the
case of refurbishments, we can reduce your downtime to minimum. Because we have a variety of different base plastics at our disposal, we
can come up with the optimal technical solution to new requests, challen-
When it comes to refurbishments, the possibilities offered by our mecha- ges and projects as they arise. Steuler has already successfully installed
nically anchored plastic plate system are virtually limitless. Whether the a modified version of the mechanically anchored plates in the swimming
substrate is mineral based or made from steel, we have specific solutions pool sector. Tailor made. And successful.
for anchoring the system in every substrate. The only requirement is that
the structure itself is stable. Time-consuming repairs of the substrate are
often unnecessary.
Alphaplast, S.L.U.
CIMA S.r.l.
Anticorrosion Engineering
Co., Ltd.
Steuler-KCH Nordic AB
Surface Protection Linings
56427 Siershahn | GERMANY
Phone: +49 2623 600-221
E-Mail: [email protected]
Stand / Issue: 02/2019