Miss Alette

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Second Sunday of Easter

Like newborn infants, you must (or of Divine Mercy)
long for the pure, spiritual milk,
that in him you may grow to
salvation, alleluia.

Entrance Hymn

Jesus Christ is ris’n today, alleluia!

Our triumphant holy day, alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross, alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss, alleluia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing, alleluia!

Unto Christ, our heavenly king, alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save, alleluia!

But the pain which he endured, alleluia!

Our salvation has procured; alleluia!
Now above he reigns as king, alleluia! 16th April 2023 bestowed, that all may grasp and
Where the angels ever sing, alleluia! rightly understand in what font they
GLORIA have been washed, by whose Spirit
Priest: In the name of the Father and they have been reborn, by whose
of the Son, and of the Holy Glory to God in the highest, Blood they have been redeemed.
Spirit. and on earth peace to people of Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your
People: Amen. good will. Son, who lives and reigns with you in
We praise you, the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for
Grace to you and peace from God our
we bless you,
Father ever and ever.
we adore you,
and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
we glorify you,
And with your spirit. we give you thanks for your great
Lord God, heavenly King,
The Liturgy of the Word
Brethren (Brothers and sisters), SIT
O God, almighty Father.
let us acknowledge our sins, FIRST READING 2:42-47
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
and so prepare ourselves to A reading from the Acts of the
celebrate the sacred mysteries. Apostles
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the
The whole community remained
Lord Jesus, you came to reconcile us Father,
faithful to the teaching of the apostles,
you take away the sins of the world,
to one another and to the Father: to the brotherhood, to the breaking of
have mercy on us;
Lord, have mercy. bread and to the prayers.
you take away the sins of the world,
Lord, have mercy. The many miracles and signs
receive our prayer;
worked through the apostles made a
you are seated at the right hand of
Lord Jesus, you heal the wounds of deep impression on everyone.
the Father,
The faithful all lived together and
sin and division: Christ, have mercy. have mercy on us. owned everything in common; they
Christ, have mercy. For you alone are the Holy One, sold their goods and possessions and
you alone are the Lord, shared out the proceeds among
Lord Jesus, you intercede for us with you alone are the Most High, themselves according to what each
your Father: Lord, have mercy. Jesus Christ, one needed.
Lord, have mercy. with the Holy Spirit, They went as a body to the Temple
in the glory of God the Father. every day but met in their house for
The absolution by the priest follows: Amen. the breaking of bread; they shared
May almighty God have mercy on us, their food gladly and generously; they
forgive us our sins, praised God and were looked up to by
and bring us to everlasting life. God of everlasting mercy,
everyone. Day by day the Lord added
Amen. who in the very recurrence of the
to their community those destined to
paschal feast kindle the faith of the be saved.
people you have made your own, The word of the Lord.
increase, we pray, the grace you have Thanks be to God.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM believe that Jesus is the Christ, the
Ps117:2-4.13-15.22-24.R.v.1 ACCLAMATION Jn 20:29 Son of God, and that believing this
R. Give thanks to the Lord for he is Alleluia, alleluia! Jesus said: “You you may have life through his name.
good for his love has no end. believe because you can see me. The Gospel of the Lord.
or Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Happy are those who have not seen Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
and yet believe.” Alleluia!
1. Let the sons of Israel say: GOSPEL 20:19-31 PROFESSION OF FAITH
“His love has no end.”
Let the sons of Aaron say: The Lord be with you. I believe in one God,
“His love has no end.” And with your spirit. the Father almighty,
Let those who fear the Lord say: A reading from the holy maker of heaven and earth,
Gospel according to John. of all things visible and invisible.
“His love has no end.” R.
Glory to you, O Lord. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
2. I was thrust, thrust down and falling In the evening of that same day, the born of the Father before all ages.
but the Lord was my helper. first day of the week, the doors were God from God, Light from Light,
The Lord is my strength and my song; closed in the room where the disciples true God from true God,
he was my saviour. were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus begotten, not made, consubstantial
There are shouts of joy and victory came and stood among them. He said with the Father;
in the tents of the just. R. to them, “Peace be with you,” and through him all things were made.
showed them his hands and his side. For us men and for our salvation
3. The stone which the builders The disciples were filled with joy when he came down from heaven,
rejected they saw the Lord, and he said to (All bow during the next three lines)
has become the corner stone. them again, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate
This is the work of the Lord, “Peace be with you. of the Virgin Mary,
As the Father sent me, and became man.
a marvel in our eyes.
so am I sending you.’’ For our sake he was crucified under
This day was made by the Lord;
Pontius Pilate,
we rejoice and are glad. R. After saying this he breathed on
he suffered death and was buried,
them and said:
SECOND READING 1:3-9 and rose again on the third day
“Receive the Holy Spirit.
A reading from the first letter of in accordance with the Scriptures.
For those whose sins you forgive, He ascended into heaven
St Peter
they are forgiven; and is seated at the right hand of the
for those whose sins you retain, Father.
Blessed be God the Father of our Lord they are retained.” He will come again in glory
Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy Thomas, called the Twin, who was to judge the living and the dead
has given us a new birth as his sons, one of the Twelve, was not with them and his kingdom will have no end.
by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, when Jesus came. When the disciples I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,
so that we have a sure hope and the said, “We have seen the Lord,” he the giver of life,
promise of an inheritance that can answered, “Unless I see the holes that who proceeds from the Father and
never be spoilt or soiled and never the nails made in his hands and can the Son,
fade away because it is being kept for put my finger into the holes they who with the Father and the Son is
you in the heavens. Through your made, and unless I can put my hand adored and glorified,
faith, God’s power will guard you until into his side, I refuse to believe.’’ Eight who has spoken through the prophets.
the salvation which has been days later the disciples were in the I believe in one, holy, catholic and
prepared is revealed at the end of house again and Thomas was with apostolic Church.
time. This is a cause of great joy for them. The doors were closed, but I confess one Baptism for the
you, even though you may for a short forgiveness of sins
Jesus came in and stood among
and I look forward to the resurrection
time have to bear being plagued by all them. “Peace be with you,” he said.
of the dead and the life of the world
sorts of trials; so that, when Jesus Then he spoke to Thomas, “Put your
to come.
Christ is revealed, your faith will have finger here; look, here are my hands. Amen.
been tested and proved like gold – Give me your hand; put it into my side.
only it is more precious than gold, Doubt no longer but believe.” Thomas PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL
which is corruptible even though it replied, “My Lord and my God!”
bears testing by fire – and then you Jesus said to him: “You believe
will have praise and glory and honour. because you can see me. Happy are
Liturgy of the Eucharist

You did not see him, yet you love him; those who have not seen and yet SIT

and still without seeing him, you are believe.’’ Raising the host, the priest says:
already filled with a joy so glorious There were many other signs that Blessed are you, Lord, God of all
that it cannot be described, because Jesus worked and the disciples saw, creation, for through your goodness
you believe; and you are sure of the but they are not recorded in this book. we have received the bread we offer
end to which your faith looks forward, These are recorded so that you may you: fruit of the earth and work of
that is, the salvation of your souls. human hands,
The word of the Lord. it will become for us the bread of life.
Thanks be to God. Blessed be God for ever.
The priest pours wine and a little water For he is the true Lamb Then the Priest, with hands extended, says:
into the chalice, saying quietly:
who has taken away the sins of the
By the mystery of this water and wine Therefore, as we celebrate the
world; by dying he has destroyed our
may we come to share in the divinity memorial of his Death and
of Christ, death, and by rising, restored our life.
Resurrection, we offer you, Lord,
who humbled himself to share in our Therefore, overcome with paschal joy,
every land, every people exults in the Bread of life and the Chalice of
humanity. salvation, giving thanks that you have
your praise and even the heavenly
Raising the chalice, the priest says:
Powers, with the angelic hosts, held us worthy to be in your presence
Blessed are you, Lord, God of all
sing together the unending hymn of and minister to you.
creation, for through your goodness
we have received the wine we offer your glory, as they acclaim:
Humbly we pray that, partaking of the
you: fruit of the vine and work of Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Body and Blood of Christ, we may be
human hands, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. gathered into one by the Holy Spirit.
it will become our spiritual drink. Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed be God for ever. Blessed is he who comes in the name
Remember, Lord, your Church,
Bowing the priest says quietly: of the Lord.
With humble spirit and contrite heart Hosanna in the highest.
spread throughout the world,
may we be accepted by you, O Lord, and bring her to the fullness of charity,
and may our sacrifice in your sight together with Francis, our Pope,
this day be pleasing to you, O Lord. N. our Bishop, his assistant Bishop(s),
You are indeed Holy, O Lord,
Then the priest washes his hands, saying and all the clergy.
the fount of all holiness.
quietly: Remember also our brothers and
Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquity; The Priest joins his hands and, holding them
sisters who have fallen asleep in the
and cleanse me from my sin. extended over the offerings, says:
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we hope of the resurrection, and all who
pray, have died in your mercy: welcome
Facing the people the priest says: by sending down your Spirit upon them into the light of your face.
them like the dewfall,
Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters),
so that they may become for us Have mercy on us all, we pray,
that my sacrifice and yours that with the Blessed Virgin Mary,
may be acceptable to God,
the Body X and Blood of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. Mother of God, with blessed Joseph,
the almighty Father.
her Spouse, with the blessed Apostles
May the Lord accept the sacrifice at At the time he was betrayed and with all the Saints who have
your hands and entered willingly into his Passion, pleased you throughout the ages,
for the praise and glory of his name, he took bread and, giving thanks,
we may merit to be coheirs to eternal
for our good, and the good of all broke it,
life, and may praise and glorify you
his holy Church. and gave it to his disciples, saying:
through your Son, Jesus Christ.
The Priest takes the chalice and the paten
PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS OF IT, with the host and, elevating both, he says:
Accept, O Lord, we pray, FOR THIS IS MY BODY,
the oblations of your people WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU. Through him, and with him, and in
(and of those you have brought him, O God, almighty Father,
to new birth), In a similar way, when supper was in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
that, renewed by confession of your ended, he took the chalice, all glory and honour is yours,
name and by Baptism, and, giving you thanks, he said the for ever and ever.
they may attain unending happiness. blessing, Amen.
Through Christ our Lord. and gave the chalice to his disciples,
Amen. saying: Communion Rite
PREFACE: I of Easter DRINK FROM IT, At the Saviour’s command
The Lord be with you. FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY and formed by divine teaching,
And with your Spirit. BLOOD, we dare to say:
Lift up your hearts. THE BLOOD OF THE NEW AND Our Father, who art in heaven . . .
We lift them up to the Lord. ETERNAL COVENANT, Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil,
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. WHICH WILL BE POURED OUT FOR graciously grant peace in our days,
It is right and just. YOU AND FOR MANY that, by the help of your mercy,
FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. we may be always free from sin
It is truly right and just, our duty and
our salvation, and safe from all distress,
at all times to acclaim you, O Lord, as we await the blessed hope
but on this day above all The mystery of faith: and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus
to laud you yet more gloriously, Save us, Saviour of the world, Christ.
when Christ our Passover has been for by your Cross and Resurrection For the kingdom, the power and the
sacrificed. you have set us free. glory are yours, now and for ever.
Lord Jesus Christ, May the Body of Christ
who said to your Apostles: keep me safe for eternal life. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION
Peace I leave you, my peace I give The Priest reverently consumes the Body of Grant, we pray, almighty God,
you, look not on our sins, Christ. that our reception of this paschal
Then he takes the chalice and says quietly:
but on the faith of your Church, Sacrament may have a continuing
May the Blood of Christ
and graciously grant her peace and effect in our minds and hearts.
keep me safe for eternal life.
unity in accordance with your will. Through Christ our Lord.
Who live and reign for ever and ever. The Priest raises a host slightly and shows it Amen.
to each of the communicants, saying:
The Body of Christ.
Concluding Rites

The peace of the Lord be with you

Bring your hand and feel the place The Lord be with you.
And with your Spirit. of the nails, And with your Spirit.
The priest may add these or similar words. and do not be unbelieving but
Solemn Blessing No6 Easter Time
Let us offer each other the sign of peace. believing, alleluia.
Bow your heads and pray for God's
The priest places a small piece of the host in blessing.
the chalice saying quietly: May God, who by the Resurrection of
May this mingling of the body and
Communion Hymn
his Only Begotten Son was pleased to
blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Stay with us Lord we pray you,
confer on you the gift of redemption
bring eternal life to us who receive it. Alleluia.
and of adoption, give you gladness by
Meanwhile the people sing or say:
You are the bread come down from his blessing. Amen.
Lamb of God, you take away the You are the food of life eternal. May he, by whose redeeming work
sins of the world: you have received the gift of
have mercy on us. You are the light which illuminates everlasting freedom, make you heirs
Lamb of God, you take away the the world. to an eternal inheritance. Amen.
sins of the world Brightening our way, dispelling our
have mercy on us. darkness. And may you, who have already risen
Lamb of God, you take away the You are the Christ the divine Son of with Christ in Baptism through faith,
sins of the world God, by living in a right manner on this earth,
grant us peace. You are the pledge of life eternal. be united with him in the homeland of
heaven. Amen.

And may the blessing of almighty

Private Prayer after Communion
The priest says quietly:
I do not see you, Lord, yet I believe you God, the Father, and the Son,  and
May the receiving of your Body and are with me, giving me your spirit, the Holy Spirit, come down on you
Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, and filling me with the peace you alone and remain with you for ever.
not bring me to judgement and can give. Amen.
condemnation, My Lord and my God. I do not see
you, Lord, yet I believe in you. Go in peace, alleluia, alleluia.
but through your loving mercy be for Strengthen my faith so that I may be Thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia.
me protection in mind and body, truly a child of God, able to overcome
and a healing remedy. the world, and prove my love for you by Recessional Hymn
keeping your commandments. My Lord
Raising the host the priest says: and my God. R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
My Risen Saviour, your Praise the Lord all you nations
Behold the Lamb of God,
commandments are not difficult for Acclaim him all you peoples
behold him who takes away the sins of
those who believe in you, for those who Strong is his love for us
the world. He is faithful forever. R.
love you.
Blessed are those called to the supper
I believe in you: I love you. I want to O sing a new song to the Lord.
of the Lamb.
be a witness to the truth. Breathe upon Sing to the Lord all the earth.
And together with the people he says once: me, and give me your Holy Spirit. O sing to the Lord bless his name. R.
Lord, I am not worthy My Lord and my God. My Jesus, I love
you: I love you with all my heart. Proclaim his help day by day,
that you should enter under my roof,
Make me love you daily more and Tell among the nations his glory
but only say the word
more. Help me to show my love for you And his wonders among all the
and my soul shall be healed. peoples. R.
in the way I treat other people.
Make me one in heart and soul with all Bring an offering and enter his courts,
who believe in you. worship the Lord in his temple,
My Lord and my God. O earth tremble before him. R.

Imprimi Potest: Concordat Cum Originali: @ Bishop of Down and Connor. Nihil Obstat. Excerpts from the English translation of The
Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy corporation. Origination and printing by Shanway Press,
email: [email protected] T: 028 9022 2070

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