POK Hazardous Area Certificate ATEX

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IBExU Institut für Sicherheitstechnik GmbH

An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg


according to Directive 94/9/EC, Annex 111

[2] Equipment and Proleclive System inlended for use

in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Directive 94/9/EC

[3J EC-Type Examination Certificate Number: IBExU13ATEX1004 X

[4J Equipmenl: Junctlon Enclosure

Type Klippon POK ...Ex

[5] Manufacturer: WeidmOlier Interface GmbH & Co. KG

[6] Address: Klingenbergstr. 16

32758 Detmold

[7J The design of the equipment mentioned in [4] and any acceptable variation thereto are specified in
the schedule to this EC-Type Examination Certificate.

[8] IBExU Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, NOTIFIED BODY number 0637 in accordance with
article 9 of the Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies thatthe equipment mentioned
in [4] has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the
design and construction of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given
in Annex IIto the Directive.
The test results are recorded in the test report IB-12-3-214 of 3 April 2013.

[9J Compliance with the Essential Heallh and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance
with EN 60079-0:2012, EN 60079-7:2007, EN 60079-11 :2012 and EN 60079-31 :2009.

[10] If the sign "X" is placed after the certificate number, it indicates lhat the equipment is subjectlo
special conditions for safe use specified under [17] in lhe schedule to this EC-Type Examination

[11] This EC-Type Examination Certificate relates only to the design and construction of the specified
equipment. If applicable, further requiremenls of this directive apply to the manufacture and supply
of this equipment.

[12J The marking of the equipment mentioned in [4] shall include one of lhe following:

~ 112G Ex e IIC T6 T5 Gb or 112G Ex eb IIC T6 T5

~ 1I1G Ex la IIC T6 T5 Ga or 1I1G Ex la IIC T6 T5
~ 112(1)G Ex e la IIC T6 T5 Gb or 112(1)G Ex eb la IIC TG T5
~ 112D Ex lb IIIC T 85°C ... 100 °C Ob or 1120 Ex lb IIIC T 85 °C 100 °C
-55°C:s T,:S +40 °C/+55 °C

Authorised for certificalions Freiberg, 3 April 2013

-Explosion proleclion-
Certificates without signature
and seal are not valid.
Certificates may only be
~~ duplicated completely and
unchanged. In ease of dis-
(Dr. Wagner) -Seal- pute, the German text shall
(10 no. 0637 ) nrp.v~i1
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IBExU13ATEX1004 x
IBExU Institut tür Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg

[13] Schedule


[15] Description of equipment

The Junction enclosures type Klippon POK ... Ex are produced from polyester and can be provided
with approved Ex components according to ATEX, such as plug-in connectors, modular terminal
blocks, connecting terminals and switches, in any combination.
The housings can be used in increased safety in the zones 1 and 2 as weil as 21 and 22.


length breadth high

Klippon POK 080806 Ex 75 mm 80mm 55 mm
Klippon POK 081106 Ex 75 mm 110mm 56mm
Klippon POK 081606 Ex 75 mm 160 mm 56 mm
Klippon POK 081906 Ex 75mm 190 mm 55 mm
Klippon POK 082306 Ex 75 mm 230 mm 56mm
Klippon POK 121209 Ex 120mm 122mm 90mm
Klippon POK 122209 Ex 120mm 220 mm 90mm
Klippon POK 161609 Ex 160mm 160mm 90mm
Klippon POK 162609 Ex 160mm 260 mm 90mm
Klippon POK 163609 Ex 160mm 360 mm 90mm
Klippon POK 165609 Ex 160mm 560 mm 90mm
Klippon POK 252512 Ex 250 mm 255 mm 120 mm
Klippon POK 254012 Ex 250 mm 400 mm 120 mm
Klippon POK 256012 Ex 250 mm 600 mm 120mm
Klippon POK 404012 Ex 405 mm 400 mm 120mm
Klippon POK 252516 Ex 250 mm 255 mm 160,5 mm
Klippon POK 254016 Ex 250 mm 400 mm 160,5 mm

Further identicallY constructed enclosures can be manufactured with in-belween sizes.

Technical data:
Ambienttemperature range: T6ff 85 'C -55 'C to +40 'C
T5ff 100 'C -55 'C to +55 'C

Degree of protection: IP66

Electrical data:

Rated voltage: according to clamping type to 690 V

intrinsaley safe circuits 100 V
Rated current: according to the equipping tables
max. 453 A
Connection cross-section: max. 300 mm2
Protective ground cross-section: to 150 mm

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IBExU Institut für Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg

[16] Test report

The proof of explosion protection is recorded in detail in the test report IB-12-3-214. The test docu-
ments are part of the test report and are Iisted there.
Summary of the test results:
The Junction enclosures types Klippon POK ...Ex fulfil the requirements of explosion protection for
equipment group 11 and category 2G, type of protection Increased Safety and Category 2D with
Protection by enclosures and Intrinsic safety.

Safetv technlcal notes

The conditions specified in the EC-Type Examination Certificates of the Ex components have to
be taken into account for the installation of these components in the enclosure.
The degree of protection, at least IP 64 for dusU IP 54 for gas, at the installation and operation is
reached only at the proper use of cable glands which are tested and confirmed on explosion

[17] Special condltlons for safe use

The applicable temperature ranges for the ambient temperature depending on the temperature
class I max. Surface temperature must be observed.
The values are maximum values, the actual electrical values are determined by the built-in com-
ponents. The manufacturer fixes the definite rated values in the context of these limiting values.
So the manufacturer ensures the compliances with the maximum surface temperature and the
permissible operating temperature of the components.

[18] Essential Health and Safety Requlrements

Confirmed by compliance with standards (see [9]).

By order Freiberg, 3 April 2013

(Dr. Wagner)

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