Water Cycle Worksheet
Water Cycle Worksheet
Water Cycle Worksheet
Classwork day 1
Name _________________ Class: VII Date __________
Q.2 Fill in the blanks below with words from this box:
Evaporation Sunny Precipitate Condenses
Evaporates Clouds Vapor Atmosphere
Heating Heavy Oceans Lakes
Droplets Plants Hail Glaciers
Runoff Snow Cycle Crystals
Water - Its cycle, movement, work and uses Classwork day 1
Name _________________ Class: VII Date __________
Rain rivers streams Sleet
On a warm, __________ day, water in a glass seems to slowly disappear. This is because the energy from the sun is
_________the water up and turning the liquid water into water ___________. This process is called ___________. When
the water _____________, it becomes an invisible gas in the ____________. Evaporation takes place all over the earth, but
especially in the ____ and ______ where there is a lots of water.
As water vapor rises, it cools off and ____________ into water _________. If the water vapor becomes extremely cold,
it will form ice _________ instead of water droplets. As the water droplets or ice crystals grow bigger and more
numerous, they form _________.
If water droplets or ice crystals become too __________, they can’t stay in the air. They _____________. Water
droplets precipitate as _______ and ice crystals precipitate
as __________. Sometimes, the rain freezes before it hits the earth and precipitates as __________ or _________.
This precipitation gathers into ________ and _________ that flow down to the lakes and oceans. This is called
______________. Not all of the water makes it back to the oceans and lakes right away. Some of it is used by animals
and ___________. Some is frozen into ________. eventually, the animals breathe and plants transpire the water out
and the glaciers melt, releasing the water back into the never ending water______________.
Water - Its cycle, movement, work and uses Classwork day 1
Name _________________ Class: VII Date __________
Water - Its cycle, movement, work and uses Classwork day 1
Name _________________ Class: VII Date __________
Dependent clause
Independent clasue
The cat mewed.