Rubric For Final Proposal Defense

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Senior High School

Second Semester
AY 2022-2023

Inquiries Investigation and Immersion
Research Paper and Defense Scoring Guide

SECTION: _______________________ DATE: ___________________

WORKING TITLE: ______________________________________________________________________________

Part I: The Research Manuscript

Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Described indicators Described indicators Described indicators Described indicators
were shown were shown noticeably were shown vaguely and were shown indefinitely
exceptionally and were and were somewhat were slightly and were hardly
absolutely appropriate in appropriate in relation to appropriate in relation to appropriate in relation to
the study. the study. the study.
relation to the study.

PART 1 (Overall Paper Impression) 1 2 3 4

1. Grammar and Vocabulary
2. Cohesion and Coherence of Literatures
3. Clarity and Organization of Content
4. General Knowledge (Connection to the Field of Specialization)
5. Topic is relevant to strand chosen
PART 2 (Introduction)
1. Proper Definitions of Terms
2. Bulk of Literatures are enough to create a proper topic foundation and
proper citations
3. Current body of knowledge are discussed properly from an international to
local perspective
4. The Statement of the Problem or Objective is clear and definite
5. The study has novelty and is significant for the needs of the current body of
PART 3 (Methodologies)
1. The research design is properly discussed with proper citations
2. The Population and/or Study Site is clearly defined and described in full
3. The sampling procedure is thoroughly described.
4. Thorough discussion of the data gathering or data collection procedure
5. Instrument and/or intervention is described and defended.
PART 4 (Citations and References)
1.Complete entries
2.Citations match references
3.Followed proper format (APA 7th ed.)
4.Refences are presented in alphabetical order
5.There is sufficient citations and references
SCORING(to be filled up by the panel )
Number of Marks
Multiplied by the column score 1 2 3 4
Total Score
Sum of Total Scores =______/80
Part II: Proposal Defense Proper
PART 1 (Group Presentation) 1 2 3 4
1. Organization (has clear opening statement; maintains focus
throughout; summarizes main points)
2. Content (demonstrates substance and depth; comprehensive; and shows
mastery of the study)
3. Conclusion (well documented and persuasive conclusion)
4. Delivery (effective delivery; modulated voice, projects enthusiasm,
interest and confidence)
5. Use of Media (effective powerpoint presentation)
PART 2 (Question and Answer)
1. Key Ideas in answering questions
2. Integration of knowledge
3. Accuracy of response
4. Justification
5. Teamwork
SCORING(to be filled up by the panel )
Number of Marks
Multiplied by the column score 1 2 3 4
Total Score
Sum of Total Scores =______/40



Evaluated by:

Name and Signature of Panelist

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