Awareness and Compliance of The Students, Faculty, And, Staff of Kalinga State University On The Solid Waste Management Program
Awareness and Compliance of The Students, Faculty, And, Staff of Kalinga State University On The Solid Waste Management Program
Awareness and Compliance of The Students, Faculty, And, Staff of Kalinga State University On The Solid Waste Management Program
Received: 11 Apr 2023; Received in revised form: 04 May 2023; Accepted: 11 May 2023; Available online: 19 May 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— This study looks into the awareness and compliance of the students, faculty, and staff of Kalinga
State University on the Solid Waste Management Program. The level of awareness and extent of compliance
of the respondents with the provisions of the solid waste management program along the segregation, 3Rs
(reduce, reuse, recycle), and disposal was looked into. Therelationship between the awareness and
compliance of the respondents with the provisions of the solid waste management program was also
identified. A total of three hundred sixty-seven (367) respondents participated in the study and was
participated by the faculty, staff and students who finished their Environmental Science. Result shows that
the majority of the respondents were students. The study revealed that solid waste management program
were not really practiced and observed by the respondents. Respondents are somewhat aware of the
provision of solid waste management according to segregation or separation and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse,
recycle) incuding disposal. Based on the results, it is recommended to have a mass implementation of the
program since results show that the respondents are partially aware and never comply with the provisions
of the solid waste management program according to disposal. Follow-up evaluation on awareness and
compliance of the respondents should be done to detect decay in retention and performance. Disseminate
concepts/techniques of segregation, recycling, and composting to the respondents. Information
dissemination campaign to proper storage and pilling of waste at their house as well as to their environment.
Increase public awareness of the negative impacts of solid waste management. Coordinate with adjacent
barangays to be able to establish a common materials recovery facility.
Keywords— awareness and compliance, reduce, reuse, recycle, Solid Waste Management.
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 62
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Garbage piles, besides being foul and unsightly, are The researchers were motivated to perform the
breeding grounds for vermin and insects, which carry study since Tabuk City’s higher education institutions have
human diseases. a problem with on-campus garbage management.
Improperly discarded waste can contaminate
sources of drinking water, they can be carried by rivers to II. CONCEPTUAL/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
the sea and adversely affect fisheries, tourism, and the
“ I am a rubber and you are a glue, what comes out
health of coastal communities. Solid waste disposal is
of you bounces of me and stitches on you” This familiar
proving to be a complex and controversial issue- with local
saying applies to all individuals. What is to be done now is
government units facing limited options for addressing this
what will be reaped soon. As garbage is disposed of
improperly, the future generation will experience
Landfills are being promoted as alternative means environmental problems and issues. Therefore to have a
of disposal, but finding landfill sites has been difficult due better and healthier place to live in, must take good care of
to economic constraints, public health concerns, and social our environment. This study zeroed in to the awareness and
acceptability issues. There is a need, therefore, for other extent of compliance of the faculty, staff and students of
solid waste management and pollution control strategies Kalinga State University. It also tried to look into the among
that credence waste released to the environment. The the provisions of Solid Waste Management has the highest
government has recognized the severity of the garbage level of awareness and compliance among the respondents.
problem and has given priority to establishing appropriate
measures to address it. The most comprehensive piece of
legislation dealing with this problem is Rethe public Act This study aims to determine the level of
(RA) 9003, knas tas the Ecological Solid Waste awareness and extent of compliance of students, faculty,
Management Act of 2000. It assigns the primary task of and staff of Kalinga State University’s solid waste
implementation and enforcement to Local Government management program.
Units. It emphasizes the importance of minimizing waste Specifically, it sought to answer the following
using techniques such as recycling, resource recovery, reuse questions:
,and composting.
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of
Republic Act 9003 is an act providing for an age, gender, civil status, and educational
Ecological Solid Waste Management Program, creating the attainment?
necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, 2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents
declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, with the provisions of the solid waste
appropriating funds, therefore, and for other purposes better management program along the segregation, 3Rs
known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of (reduce, reuse, recycle), and disposal?
2000 that provides a systematic, comprehensive, and 3. What is the extent of compliance of the
ecological solid waste management program in the country respondents with the provisions of the solid waste
to ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, management program along the segregation, 3Rs
storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste through the (reduce, reuse, recycle), and disposal?
formulation and adaptation of the best environmental 4. Which among the provisions of Solid Waste
practice in ecological waste management excluding Management has the highest level of awareness
incineration. This is one of the problems of every place in and compliance among the respondents?
the PhilippineEveryery Higher Education (HE’s) they have
their oay of handling theiritse to lessen this problem.
The government has started the War on Waste
Proper waste management is important, and the
initiative to raise awareness among all citizens about the
assessment of solid waste management can help in
risks that wastes represent to human health, the potential
evaluating the effectiveness of the Local Government Solid
sources of waste, and the correct disposal of waste.
Waste Management Plan in promoting and ensuring
environmental practice on waste management. Their perspectives and attempts to address the
problems with solid waste management will gain focus and
The majority of the time, students’ careless trash
purpose due to the findings of this study, which will broaden
disposal in schools verges on indiscipline and presents
their horizons.
health and environmental dangers. Wastes are an
unavoidable byproduct of any human settlement and the
activities that go along with it.
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 63
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Demographics of the Self-evaluation/ Record
Participants as to: survey thru Google
form respondent’s
*age awareness and
*gender extent of
*marital status Informal interview to compliance on the
be done virtually
*educational attainment provisions of the
solid waste
level of awareness of the management
respondents with the program along the
provisions of the solid segregation, 3Rs
waste management (reduce, reuse,
program along the
segregation, 3Rs recycle), and
(reduce, reuse, recycle), disposal
and disposal
SCOPE AND DELIMITATION need to create the necessary institutional mechanisms and
This study was conducted to determine the level of incentives, as well as imposes penalties for acts in violation
awareness and extent of compliance of students, faculty, of any of its provisions. The implementing rules and
and staff of Kaliga State University on the regulations of R.A No. 9003 are contained in DENR
Baseline data on
Administrative Order No. 2001-34. (Eleventh Congress,
provisions of the solid waste management program
Third Regular Session July 2000).
the coping
according to segregation, mechanisms of KSU
Section 12 of R.A 9003 City and Municipal
students as theySolid Waste
3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), and disposal. This study
Management Board. combat stress
involved students who were enrolled in Environmental
Scinece and Science, Technology and Society courses. brought
Each City or municipality shallbyform
the a City or
Municipal Waste Managementpresent learning
Board that shall prepare,
conducted fro March 2022 to December 2022.
submit and implement a plan for scheme
the safe and sanitary
management of solid waste generated in areas under its
III. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE geographic and political coverage. (Eleventh Congress,
Third Regular Session July 2000).
Legal Bases
Section 25 of R.A 9003. Guidelines for Transfer Stations.
Republic Act No. 9003 or the “Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act” Transfer stations shall be designed and operated
for efficient waste handling capacity and in compliance with
Provides the legal framework for the country’s systematic,
environmental standards and guidelines set under this act
comprehensive and ecological solid waste management
and other regulations. Provided, that no waste shall be
program that shall ensure the protection of public health and
stored in such station beyond twenty-four (24) hours. The
the environment. It underscores, among other things, the
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 64
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
siting of the transfer station shall consider the land use plan, Solid waste presents a serious problem because
proximity to the collection area, and accessibility of haul most of the methods used to dispose of this trash are
routes to the disposal of the facility. The design shall give environmentally damaging. ( Santiago, Dorado et. Al 1996).
primary consideration to size and space sufficiency in order According to Chiras D.D (1992), waste
to accommodate the waste for storage and vehicles for management is designed for scientists, engineers, and
loading and unloading waste. (Eleventh Congress, Third managers, regardless of their discipline, who are involved
Regular Session July 2000). in scientific, technical,l and other issues related to solid
Article 2 Segregation of Waste Section 22 of R.A 9003 waste management. Emphasis is placed on integrated
Mandatory Segregation of Solid Wastes approaches. These approaches require the blending of
The LGUs shall evaluate alternative roles for the technical and non-technical factorAlthoughoug the
public and private sectors in providing collection services, dissemination and application of innovative technical
type of collection system, or combination of systems, that information is extremely important, the implementation of
best meet their needs: Provided, that segregation of waste sustainable waste management practices also requires a
shall primarily be conducted at the source, including thorough understanding of the pertinent legal,social,
household, institutional, industrial, commercial and economic, and regulatory issues involved.
agricultural sources. ( Eleventh Congress, Third Regular Eric O. Torres said that the biggest challenge to
Session July 2000) growing LGUs is to come up with solid waste and pollution
Article 4 Recycling Program Section 26 of R.A 9003 control strategies that would effectively reduce the rubbish
Inventory of Existing Markets for Recyclable Materials. released to the environment. Unfortunately, this challenge
cannot be effectively addressed by each LGU alone. LGUs
The DTI shall within six months from the effect of
need to combine their technical and engineering expertise,
this act and in cooperation with the Department, the DILG,
and their regulatory and enforcement powers with public
and, other concerned agencies and sectors, publish a study
education, awareness, and involvement campaigns to be
of existing markets for processing and purchasing
able to properly implement solid waste and pollution control
recyclable materials and the potential steps necessary to
programs. Finally, a good solid waste and pollution control
expand these markets. Such study shall include, but not be
strategy will not be an effective one until it is fully
limited to, an inventory of existing markets for recyclable
implemented, accepted, and institutionalized by the people
materials, product standards for recyclable and recycled
and institutions. As noted by several local chief executives
materials, and a proposal, developed in conjunction with
with exemplary solid waste programs, their strategies were
appropriate agencies, to stimulate the demand for the
not about good engineering and slogans but rather strong
production of products containing post-consumer recovered
political will in implementing what is good for the
materials shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping,
environment and the people. (
spilling, leaking or pl,acing of any solid waste into or in a
lan (Eleventh Congress, Third Regular Session July 2000) The Environmental Protection Agency has
determined a three-tiered approach for managing solid
Concepts of Solid Waste Management
waste. Each of these should be practiced to reduce the
Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke noted that amount of material headed for final disposal. They in order
“ solid waste are only raw materials were too stupid to use”. of importance: REDUCE, the best way to manage solid
In a technical note, the term solid waste is used to waste. Don’t create waste in the first place! Buy only what
include all non-liquid wastes generated by human activity you need. Use all that you buy. Avoid heavily packaged
and a range of solid waste materials resulting from the products. Avoid disposable items like paper plates and
disaster, such as general domestic garbage such as food plastic silverware. Buy the largest size package for those
waste, ash, and packaging materials: human feces items that you are often. REUSE is the better way to manage
disposed of in garbage: emergency waste such as plastic solid waste. Reuse items and use them over and over until
water bottles and packaging from other emergency they are completely worn out. RECYCLE, is a good way to
supplies; rubble resulting from the disaster; mud and manage solid waste. Recycling means taking something old
slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and Allen trees and making it into something new. In Seminole Country, all
and rocks obstructing transport and communications. residents who live in a single-family homes can recycle
Other specialist wastes, such as medical waste from right in front of their houses. Those residents who live in
hospitals and toxic waste from industry, will also need to apartments or condominiums can drop off their recyclables
be dealt with urgently, but they are not covered by this at several different locations. Old newspapers,#1 and #2
technical note (World Health Organization), 2011). plastic bottles, green, clear, and brown glass bottles and jars,
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 65
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
and aluminum and steel cans can all be recycled at the curb. Biodegradable waste- including organic waste, e.g. kitchen
Simply rinse out containers and remove lids. That’s it,: its waste, vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves from the garden,
very simple and very worthwhile. Not only does it keep and paper.
items out of landfill, but recycling also conserves natural Non-biodegradable waste- can be further segregated into:
resources (Seminole Country Government, 2012).
a) Recyclable waste- plastics, paper, glass, metal, etc.
Australia may be a large country, but we live in a b) Toxic waste- old medicines, paints, chemicals,
throw-away society that is rapidly filling it with our waste. bulbs,, spray cans, fertilizer and pesticide
Our insatiable desire to constantly upgrade disposable containers, batteries, and shoe polish.
technology and consume over-packaged products has c) Soiled- hospital waste such as cloth soiled with
continued unabated for decades. At the same time, however, blood and other body fluids.
there has been a trend away from both burning waste in Toxic and soiled waste must be disposed
incinerators and burying it in landfills. Waste management of with utmost care.
policies now seek to minimize waste disposal by reducing (
its generation and by reusing and recycling. This book ste/segre.htm)
reveals the extent of our growing waste problem and
Segregation of waste is indispensable to
examines the waste and recycling practices of households,
optimizing waste reduction and lightening the load on
and includes many tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
landfills as many components of domestic waste can be
Topics include green waste, plastics, glass, paper, metal,
recycled. This lies at the heart of sustainability and resource
and electronic waste (Healy,2010).
management as recycling counterbalances excessive
There are many stringent regulations governing the consumption of natural resources by reintroducing the finite
treatment and disposal of waste in the UK, both onshore and materials into use. (By Gulf News May 16, 2014).
offshore, and in most other countries as well. Facilities
involved in waste transfer and treatment require licenses,
and all personnel who work at such facilities require the According to Sheryl Eisenberg “reduce” means
proper kind of training that goes with the handling of waste using fewer resources in the first place. This is the most
which can be often dangerous if not handled properly. effective of the three R’s and the place to begin. It is also, I
Waste management facilities also need to be able to respond think,the hardest because it requires letting go of some very
quickly to emergency situations. By their very nature there American notions, including: the bigger the better, new
is rarely any warning that an emergency is about to occur. trumps old and convenience is next to godliness.
For that reason emergency response teams need to be on (
standby every hour of every day, and everyday of every Santiago, Dorado (1996) reducing the amount
year. Waste management disposal and treatment can of garbage is the first step in easing the waste disposal
originate from both domestic and industrial sources (Rose, problem. This may mean any of these practical activities:
2009). use both sides of a sheet of paper, purchase whenever
Solid Waste Management Solutions: possible products in large containers, tape over used videos,
resole shoes instead of buying new ones, bring ot used
Waste Segregation/Separation
shopping bags and refuse to accept new ones, leave behind
According to Santiago, Dorado et . al (1996), waste the box that contained the shoe, avoid using disposables
separation means segregating between wet and dry and such as diapers, plastics, cups, paper plates and paper
inorganic waste at the source level. napkins.
Frederika Rentoy, Quezon City’s Environment According to Department of Environmental
Protection, and Waste Management Division chief said, “ Protection, the best way to discover where you can reduce
Waste segregation is the mother program because the idea waste is to actually sort through your trash. What does each
of waste segregation is not just waste segregation per se. family member throw away? What material take up the most
The idea behind this is to really minimize or reduce the space? Is anything reusable or repairable? Can you reduce
volume of garbage. We are dumping at our landfills but then the amount of disposable products you use? Can you
at the same time, we still want people to learn how to substitute products and packaging made of reusable,
manage their own garbage.” (The Philippine Star by recyclable, or nonhazardous materials? If you are throwing
Rhodina Villanueva December 2012). away unusable leftover products, can you give them to
Waste can be segregated as Biodegradable and someone else,or buy these things in smaller sizes
Non-biodegradable. ([email protected])
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Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
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Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
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Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Percentage and other descriptive measures like count, standard deviation, and weighted mean were computed to be able to
meaningfully describe the profile of the respondents.
Figure 1 shows that majority of the respondents belong to age bracket 19-25 with equivalent percentage of 74.7 %
followed by age bracket below 18wu\ith equivalent of 20.4% followed by age bracket 26-35 with equivalent of 2.7% followed
by 36-45 with equivalent of 1.4 % and least belong to the age bracket of 45 with the percentage of 0.8 %.
Figure 2 shows that majority of the respondents belong to the female group with frequency of 201 and
equivalent percentage of 54.8% followed by male group with a frequency of 162 and equivalent percentage of 44.1
% and the least group prefer not to say with a frequency of 4 equivalent to 1.1%.
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 69
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Table 3 shows that majority of the respondents are single with frequency of 352 and equivalent percentage
of 95.9% followed by married with a frequency of 14 with equivalent percentage of 3.8% while only 1 is widowed
with 0.3%.
Figure 4 shows that majority of the respondents belong to undergraduate with frequency of 236 , equivalent
percentage of 64.3%, followed by a bachelor with frequency of 119, equivalent to 32.4% followed by masteral with
frequency of 11, equivalent to 3% and only1 doctoral with a percentage of 0.3 %.
Table 1. Level of awareness of respondents in the provision of solid waste management programs according to
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 70
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Separate biodegradable wastes in four enclosed containers for recovery. 1.50 Not Aware
Separate non-biodegradable in four enclosed containers for recovery 1.40 Not Aware
Segregate recyclable wastes before collection 2.03 Somewhat Aware
Sort metal and plastic containers as substitute pots for plants. 1.97 Somewhat Aware
Separate and keep safe hazardous waste material such as broken 3.00 Partially Aware
fluorescent lamps and bottles.
OVERALL 2.00 Somewhat aware
Table 1 shows that respondents are somewhat aware Some respondents are not aware of segregating
of the provision of solid waste management according to biodegradable and non-biodegradable in a place where they
segregation or separation. The majority of the respondents are generated and separating biodegradable wastes and non-
are somewhat aware of segregating recyclable from non- biodegradable wastes in three enclosed containers for
recyclable wastes, compostable from non-compostable, and recovery.
recyclable wastes before collection, metal, and plastic
Table 2. Level of awareness of respondents in the provision of Solid Waste Management Program according to 3Rs (Reduce,
Reuse, Recycling)
Solid Waste Management Program Provision: Degree of Awareness
3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling) Mean Descriptive
Minimize the use of non-biodegradable materials 1.93 Somewhat aware
Minimize the use of biodegradable food liners, wrappers, and containers. 1.73 Somewhat aware
Collected recyclables separately and bring to recycling centers or junk dealers. 2.80 Partially Aware
Feed animals with food scraps 2.50 Somewhat aware
Dry fruit peelings and use as an insect repellant 1.27 Not Aware
Used tires for playground material or stocked structures for backyard composting. 2.03 Somewhat aware
Recycle residuals of solid wastes after resource recovery from future use. 1.83 Somewhat aware
Reuse bayong and other containing bags during the marketing 2.97 Partially Aware
Convert organic material such as grass, leaves, food waste, woody material, and 2.57 Partially Aware
manure into a soil-like material
Use animal waste (feces, urine, soiled wipes, pads) as organic gardening. 1.60 Not Aware
OVERALL 2.123 Somewhat
Table 2 shows that respondents are somewhat Some respondents are partially aware of collecting
aware of the provisions of solid waste management recyclables separately and bring to recycling centers or junk
according to the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and, recycle). The dealers, reusing bayong and other containing bags during
majority of the respondents are somewhat aware of the marketing, and converting organic material such as
minimizing the use of non-biodegradable materials, grass, leaves, food waste, woody material, and manure into
biodegradable food liners, wrappers, and containers, a soil-like material.
feeding animals with food scraps, using tires for playground Least respondents with a mean of 1.27 are not
material or stocked structures for backyard composting and aware on drying fruit peelings and use as insect repellant,
recycling residuals of solid wastes after resource recovery using animal waste and human waste (feces, urine,soiled
from future use. wipes,pads, diapers) in organic gardening.
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 71
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Table 3. Level of awareness of respondents in the provision of Solid Waste Management Program according to Disposal.
Solid Waste Management Program Provision: Degree of Awareness
(Disposal) Mean Descriptive Value
Store biodegradable or compostable wastes in places where they are generated. 3.20 Partially Aware
Store nonbiodegradable in the place where they are generated. 2.85 Partially aware
Place food waste in covered cans or pails. 3.00 Partially aware
Place garden and human wastes in sacks, cans, and bags 1.50 Not aware
Place non-compostable wastes in either sacks, bags, or boxes 2.82 Partially aware
Store toxic and hazardous wastes in a sealed bag/container prior to collection 1.53 Not aware
Dispose of residuals of solid waste after resource recovery from future use. 3.23 Partially aware
Bring out solid wastes in front of the house gate/door or along the collection route 1.70 Not aware
during the collection period.
Avoid open burning of firewood materials .e. g. (twigs, branches, leaves, husks) 3.24 Partially aware
Avoid open burning of firewood materials .e. g. (twigs, branches, leaves, husks) 3.20 Partially aware
OVERALL 2.627 Partially aware
Table 3 shows that the respondents are partially avoiding open burning and open -dumping of firewood
aware of the provisions of solid waste management materials (e.g. twigs, branches, leaves, husks).
according to disposal. The majority of the respondents are The rest of the respondents are not aware of placing
partially aware of storing biodegradable and non- garden and human wastes in sacks, cans, and bags, storing
biodegradable in places where they are generated, placing toxic and hazardous wastes in sealed bags/containers prior
food wastes in covered cans or pails and non-compostable to collection and bringing out solid wastes in front of houses
wastes in either sacks, bags or boxes, disposing residuals of gates/doors or along collection route during the collection
solid waste after resource recovery from future use and period.
Table 4. Extent of compliance of respondents in the provision of solid waste management program according to
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 72
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Table 4 shows that respondents comply to a little Some respondents never comply with the
extent in the compliance on the provision of solid waste following; segregate biodegradable or compostable wastes
management according to segregation/separation. The and non-biodegradable in a place where they are generated
majority of the respondents comtowith little extent in the and separate biodegradable wastes and non-biodegradable
following; segregate recyclable from non-recyclable wastes in four enclosed containers for recovery.
wastes, compostable from non-compostable, recyclable Least respondents comply to some extent with
wastes before collection, metal, and plastic containers, and segregating solid waste into biodegradable and non-
hazardous waste material such as broken fluorescent lamps biodegradable (nabubulok at di nabubulok
and bottles.
Table 5. Extent of compliance of respondents in the provision of the Solid Waste Management Program according to the 3Rs
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycling)
Solid Waste Management Program Provision: Degree of Awareness
3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling) Mean Descriptive Value
Minimize the use of non-biodegradable materials 1.50 Never
Minimize the use of biodegradable food liners, wrappers, and containers. 1.67 Never
Collected recyclables separately and bring to recycling centers or junk dealers. 2.73 Some Extent
Feed animals with food scraps 2.00 Little Extent
Dry fruit peelings and use as insect repellant 1.10 Never
Used tires tires for playground material or stocked structure for backyard 1.83 Little Extent
Recycle residuals of solid wastes after resource recovery from future use. 1.73 Never
Reuse bayong and other containing bags during the marketing 2.30 Little Extent
Convert organic material such as grass, leaves, food waste, woody material, and 2.23 Little Extent
manure into a soil-like material
Use animal waste (feces, urine, soiled wipes, pads) as organic gardening. 1.53 Never
OVERALL 1.862 Little Extent
Table 5 shows that respondents comply with the Some respondents comply to a little extent on the
little extent in the compliance on the provision of solid following; feeding animals with food scraps using tires or
waste management according to 3Rs the ( reduce, reuse and playground material or stockestructuresre for backyard
recycle). The majority of the respondents never comply with composting, reusing bayong and other containing bags
the following; minimize the use of non-biodegradable during the marketing and converting organic material such
materials, biodegradable food liners, wrappers and as grass, leaves, food waste, woody material and manure
containers, dry fruit peelings and use as an insect repellant, into a soil-like material.
recycle residuals of solid wastes after resource recovery
from future use and use animal waste, human waste (feces,
urine, soiled wipes, pads, diapers) as organic gardening.
Table 6. Extent of compliance of respondents in the provision of Solid Waste Management Program according to Disposal.
Solid Waste Management Program Provision: Degree of Awareness
(Disposal) Mean Descriptive
Store biodegradable or compostable wastes in places where they are generated. 1.40 Never
Store nonbiodegradable in the place where they are generated. 1.37 Never
Place food waste in covered cans or pails. 1.33 Never
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 73
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
Place garden and human wastes in sacks, cans, and bags 1.90 Little Extent
Place non-compostable wastes in either sacks, bags, or boxes 1.73 Never
Store toxic and hazardous wastes in a sealed bag/container prior to collection 1.97 Little Extent
Dispose of residuals of solid waste after resource recovery from future use. 1.67 Never
Bring out solid wastes in front of the house gate/door or along the collection route 2.46 Little Extent
during the collection period.
Avoid open burning of firewood materials .e. g. (twigs, branches, leaves, husks) 1.37 Never
Avoid open dumping of firewood materials e. g. (twigs, branches, leaves, husks) 1.43 Never
OVERALL 1.663 Never
Table 6 shows that respondents never comply in not to say with a frequency of 4 equivalent to 1.1%. As to
the compliance on the provision of solid waste management civil status, the majority of the respondents are single with
according to disposal. The majority of the respondents never frequency of 352 and an equivalent percentage of 95.9%
comply with the following: store biodegradable or followed by married with a frequency of 14 with the
compostable and non-biodegradable wastes in places where equivalent percentage of 3.8% while only 1 is widowed with
they are generated, place food wastes in covered cans or 0.3%. And as to educational attainment majority of the
pails and non-compostable wastes in either sacks, bags, or respondents belong to undergraduate with a frequency of
boxes, dispose of residuals of solid waste after resource 236 , equivalent percentage of 64.3%, followed by a
recovery from future use and avoid open burning and open bachelor with a frequency of 119, equivalent to 32.4%
dumping of firewood materials e.g. (twigs, branches, leaves, followed by masteral with a frequency of 11, equivalent to
husks). 3%, and only 1 doctoral with a percentage of 0.3 %.
The rest of the respondents comply to a little extent Based on the results, awareness, and compliance with the
on the following; place garden and human wastes in sacks, provisions of the solid waste management program were not
cans, and bags, store toxic and hazardous wastes in sealed really practiced and observed by the respondents. In the
bags/bagstainer prior to collection and bring out solid level of awareness, respondents are somewhat aware of the
wastes in front other of house gate/door or along collection provision of solid waste management according to
route during the collection period. segregation or separation and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse,
recycle). But respondents are not aware of the provisions of
solid waste management according to disposal.
This study investigates the awareness and
compliance of the students, faculty, and staff of Kalinga VIII. CONCLUSION
State University on the Solid Waste Management Program. As a result of conducting this research, awareness, and
The faculty, staff, and students were asked to answer the compliance with the provisions of the solid waste
prepared questionnaire adapted and revised from the management program were not really practiced and
research study of Gwen Manuel, 2011. 367 respondents observed by the respondents. In the level of awareness,
participated in the study. Students who finished their respondents are somewhat aware of the provision of solid
Environmental Science and STS subjects were asked to waste management according to segregation or separation
answer the questionnaire. According to age, majority of the and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle). But respondents are not
respondents belong to age bracket 19-25 with equivalent aware of the provisions of solid waste management
percentage of 74.7 % followed by age bracket below 18 with according to disposal.
the equivalent of 20.4% followed by the age bracket 26-35
with an equivalent of 2.7% followed by 36-45 with the
equivalent of 1.4 % and least belong to the age bracket of
45 with the percentage of 0.8 %. As to gender, the majority Solid Waste Management is a long-term process. A lot of
of the respondents belong to the female group with a activities are involved in the program. After obtaining data
frequency of 201 and an equivalent percentage of 54.8% from the study, the researcher would recommend the
followed by the male group with a frequency of 162 and an following:
equivalent percentage of 44.1 % and the least group prefers
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 74
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
The Questionnaire
PART I. Personal Profile
Name: ___________________________________ (optional)
Age: _____________________
Gender: _____________________
Civil Status: ____________________
Educational Attainment: _________________________
Part II. Please indicate your degree of awareness and extent of compliance on the items indicated. Kindly put a check ( ∕) in
the box.
Use the scale below:
Awareness Compliance
1. Not Aware 1. Never
2. Somewhat Aware 2. Little Extent
3. Partially Aware 3. Some Extent
4. Aware 4. Great Extent
Solid Waste Management Program Provision: Degree of Awareness Extent of Compliance
(Segregation/ Separation)
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Segregate solid waste into biodegradable and
non-biodegradable (nabubulok at di-
Segregate recyclable from non-recyclable
Segregates compostable from noncompostable.
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 75
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 76
Bona Awareness and Compliance of the Students, Faculty, and, Staff of Kalinga State University on the Solid Waste
Management Program
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 77