AC Yachts Recent Design DEvelopments
AC Yachts Recent Design DEvelopments
AC Yachts Recent Design DEvelopments
In this paper a review is presented of recent trends in the design of America’s Cup Class (ACC) yachts , in particular
with respect to the design of the canoe body and the appendages. These trends are presented as a logical result of the
continuing search for more speed. For example, it is shown that the search for designs with better all-round performance
has resulted in narrower hull forms. Likewise, the quest to find higher speeds sailing upwind, at relatively large angles of
heel, has resulted in the adoption of extremely U-shaped sections.
After critically examining the America’s Cup Class Rule, an overview of some notable design trends and innovations
during the 1992 to 2003 period is presented. More recent developments in the design of ACC yachts, both those that are
apparent to the trained eye and some that are perhaps not so apparent, are then examined. Aspects of the canoe body and
the appendages, to which a lot of attention is now focused, are discussed.
Many experienced designers are of the opinion that further design innovations, leading to a significant jump in
performance, are no longer possible within the constraints of the existing ACC Rule. This topic is also discussed.
( )
L = LM 1 + 0.01(LM − 21.2)8 + FP + DP + WP + BP The displacement DSP is simply the mass of
displacement in kg divided by 1025 and, in salt water
in which:
with a density of 1025 kg/m3, corresponds to the volume
LM = LBG + G of displacement in m3. The minimum value of DSP
without penalty is 16000/1025 = 15.61 m3, and the
where: maximum value of DSP without penalty is 25000/1025 =
24.39 m3.
LM = measured length;
LBG = length between girth stations;
G = girth component of LM;
FP = freeboard penalty; Table 1: The effect on rated length L on increasing the
DP = draft penalty; length between girths stations LBG
WP = weight penalty; Increment in L for 0.1
BP = beam penalty. LBG (m) L (m) increase in LBG (m)
19.8 21.701 0.101
The length between girth stations LBG is measured at a 19.9 21.804 0.103
height of 200 mm above the measured waterline MWL. 20.0 21.913 0.109
MWL is the plane of flotation of the yacht in sea water 20.1 22.037 0.124
with a density of 1025 kg/m3 in the measurement 20.2 22.195 0.158
condition. 20.3 22.422 0.227
20.4 22.778 0.356
The girth G is the sum of a transverse girth measurement
at the forward girth station FGS, situated at the forward
extremity of LBG, and at the aft girth station AGS,
Table 2: Table 2. The effect on rated sail area S on
situated at the aft extremity of LBG. The hull form is
increasing measured sail area SM
nowadays shaped so as to be able to adopt the minimum
values of 0.3 m at the FGS and 1.6 m at the AGS, Increment in S for 0.1
without penalties. Accordingly we can write: SM (m) S (m) increase in SM (m)
LM = LBG + 1.9 metres 17.5 17.500 0.100
17.6 17.601 0.101
and 17.7 17.703 0.102
( )
17.8 17.808 0.105
L = (LBG + 1.9) 1 + 0.01(LBG − 19.3)8 17.9 17.918 0.110
18.0 18.039 0.121
This relationship is today strictly adhered to so as to be 18.1 18.178 0.139
able to maximum LBG. The 8th power of the term (LBG
Figure 2: Graphical representation of the main formula of the ACC Rule.
With few exceptions, ACC yachts that have either raced Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) and some model tank
in the Luis Vuitton Cup or in the actual America’s Cup, test data to analyse 85 different designs. Effects of
are positioned in one specific corner of the ACC Rule. length, displacement and sail area were looked at in
This is the corner where rated length L is maximum, detail. Most of these 85 yachts, understandably, did not
rated sail area ( S ) is maximum, and displacement DSP rate according to the formula that was subsequently
is maximum, without appreciable penalties. These drawn up. Knowing how difficult it is to develop a VPP
values, as seen above are about 22.2, 18.0 and 24.39 that is able to rate the performance of a wide range of
respectively. Substituting these in the ACC rating designs fairly, it is not surprising that the developed
formula gives a value of 23.976, which requires little expression was found to be biased towards one corner of
fine-tuning to obtain 24 metres. the design space.
The main formula of the ACC Rule is graphically Nevertheless, the existing ACC Rule has well-served the
represented in figure 2. America’s Cup event ever since its introduction. The
resulting ACC yacht has allowed for close racing and a
In both Cup venues to date (San Diego in 1992 and 1995, supremely good performance to windward. Altogether 82
in predominantly light winds, and Auckland in 2000 and ACC yachts have been built up to 2003.
2003, in a wide range of wind conditions), the best
performing designs were in this corner of the Rule. It is The ACC Rule allows for a wide range of appendage
clear that the group of designers and racing rule configurations. Nothing is specified in this regard except
developers, responsible for the first version of the ACC that there may be only 2 movable (i.e. rotatable)
rule and this rating formula (developed in 1988 and appendages. The axis of rotation of each movable
1989), in which sail area, length and displacement are appendage must be in the symmetry plane of the yacht at
traded-off, failed to develop an equitable formula in an angle not exceeding 45 degrees to the vertical. It is
which more than one combination of these 3 factors leads further stipulated that appendage rotation must not
to similar performance in certain wind conditions. The influence the righting moment or the fore and aft trim of
Wolfson Unit (see the list of references) was tasked to the yacht. It is also required that appendages are attached
develop this rule formula by the America’s Cup Class to the canoe body in a narrow region, 250 mm wide from
Technical Committee, charged with developing a new the forward end of the measurement trim waterline to a
class of yacht for the America’s Cup event to replace the point 0.25 x LBG further aft, and in a region 500 mm
International Twelve Metre Class that had been used for wide, aft of that, to the aft end of LBG, both regions
this purpose for so long. The Wolfson Unit used a being positioned symmetrically along the centre line. It is
in this region only that the canoe body may have hollows these differences are more significant. The TNZ bow
(and then only in conjunction with fitting an appendage). retains most of these characteristics, while generating a
Different types of appendage configurations have been longer waterline length when heeled and a more effective
adopted on ACC yachts. Over the years, however, a curve of sectional areas in connection with reducing
majority of the design teams have opted for the wave drag.
traditional fin keel with trim tab, to which are fitted a
long bulb and winglets. A single, conventional rudder 3.3 TOPSIDES FLARE
completes the appendage configuration.
Early ACC boats had considerable topsides flare. Again,
Other notable limitations in the ACC Rule is a maximum the reasoning for this was that it was necessary to
overall beam, without penalty, of 5.5 m, a maximum maximize stability. Today, we realize that topsides flare
draft without penalty of 4 m (in the measurement increases both viscous and wave resistance when the
condition), a minimum set of freeboards, a set of leeward side of the canoe body is heeled into the water.
prescribed construction materials, specifications on the Careful testing has shown that flare such as incorporated
size and position of the cockpit, hatches and other on the 1992 and some 1995 designs is more harmful to
openings, etc. performance than the reduction in stability associated
with little or no such flare.
It follows that:
ρ V 2C DI AL = ρ V 2C L2 (1 + σ ) L
1 1 A
RI =
2 2 π AR
The geometric aspect ratio can be written as:
Figure 5: Waterlines at 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees of heel
of the two canoe bodies shown in figure 4, 2
revealing the longer (and more symmetrical) AR =
waterlines associated with the narrower and
more U-shaped canoe body.
where Tmax is the maximum draught of the hull (for ACC
yachts this is 4 metres in the measurement trim
condition). Substituting this, and re-writing the equation
in terms of side force, we obtain:
(1 + σ )
⎛ SF ⎞
RI = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ cos(φ ) ⎠ π ρ V 2T 2
The maritime meaning of the word “bustle” has not yet
Figure 7: Photograph of the set-up in the wind tunnel (at
half scale) of the underwater configuration of
been acknowledged by dictionaries. According to the
SUI 59. dictionary a bustle is: “a pad or framework formerly
worn by women on the back part of the body below the
waist to fill out the figure”.
“appendage” again. Most designers see this as an was not the case.
unhealthy development. After all, the Hula is not an
appendage, as such. The people that drafted the first The determination of the optimum bulb length and shape
version of the Rule intended for the canoe body to have a is one of the most difficult subjects left to tackle. This is
smooth and convex shape, without “irregularities” such apparent when viewing the bulbs used by the 3 fastest
as bustles and “bumps”. If the 12.5 degree buttock boats (SUI 64, USA 76 and NZL 82). They are
limitation is considered to be too severe, it could perhaps significantly different, revealing that the 3 different
be modified. This too is unlikely however since the design teams have arrived at different conclusions (see
parties responsible for drafting the new version of the figure 9). The difficulty of assessing the amount of
Rule have a vested interest in the Rule basically staying viscous drag of a particular bulb is compounded by the
unaltered. fact that a significant amount of laminar flow exists on
the forward part. During model testing, the boundary
4.4 THE HULL VANE layer on the bulb is stimulated to become turbulent at a
location at which it is thought that, on the full scale,
The author has, on and off for the last 10 years, been natural boundary layer transition will take place. This
working on an alternative approach to favourably location is difficult to determine accurately without
influence the flow around the aft-body. This approach actual full-scale observations. Most CFD tools will also
consists of fitting a wing transversely below the hull in not allow calculation of this location. It follows that an
the region where the flow is directed upwards and accurate determination of the trade-off between viscous
inwards the most. Besides favourably affecting the wave and wave bulb drag is a complex issue.
resistance, this device, when its dimensions and shape
are well chosen, also develops a modest thrust force, Other effects need to be considered before a significantly
depending on the steepness of the buttocks in that region. longer bulb can be adopted, such as the performance at
lower speeds (when wave resistance is less dominant),
This concept was tested in the tank by the author in 1990, the slightly greater viscous resistance during
in 1995 and on an ACC model in 2001. The manoeuvring (caused by the increase in local speeds at
configuration in 2001 yielded a lower overall drag for all the front and back of the bulb) and the associated loss of
tested speeds, particularly at angles of heel. A patent for laminar flow, the greater longitudinal inertia, the increase
this concept has been applied for and obtained. Research in complexity of the already critical keel - bulb structure,
into the optimum integration of this concept in the design etc. These effects might not weigh up against the few
of different hull forms is currently underway. good points, such as the decrease in wave resistance, the
slight lowering of the centre of gravity of the bulb, and
The hull vane is an appendage but because of its the slight increase in the aspect ratio of the fin keel.
influence on the characteristics of the canoe body (a total
change in the wave profile along the canoe body in that
region), it has been included in this paragraph rather than
in the following.