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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706


Eka Hayana Hasibuan1, Roy Nuary Singarimbun2, Baginda Harahap3
Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Technology, Battuta University
Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Technology, Battuta University
Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Technology, Battuta University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Article Info In manual voting often results in errors in vote counting, The goal to be
Received : 01 June 2022 achieved from making this e-voting application is to be able to assist committee
Revised : 15 June 2022 officers in calculating the number of voters and election results quickly and
Accepted : 30 June 2022 accurately. For data analysis techniques using Rapid Application Development
(RAD) method, which is one of the data analysis while to design this
application the method used is object-oriented design using the Unified
Modeling Language (UML). Based on the analysis of system requirements, a
system was created web-based student council chairman election. The choice
of a web-based system was due to This website is widely known by the public.
So to finish The problem was proposed by a web-based e-voting system. In
conclusion with With this application, general elections can run honestly and
fairly and can minimize errors that can be made by humans or reduce
manipulation and fraud that can occur.

Keywords: Osis, E-Voting, Rad, Uml, Website.

In addition to the teaching and learning process, in the school environment there are also several
organizations and other activities to appreciate talents and interests students in developing their
achievements. There are also formed organizations that it accommodates student appreciation and creativity
for schools. in high school SMA Dharma Pancasila these organizations can be said to be goes well. Such
as the Class Representative Assembly, Student Organizations Intra-School, Marawis Organization,
Paskibra Organization and other organizations others that support their talents and interests. Which every
organization has an organizational structure consisting of a SMA Dharma Pancasila, vice SMA Dharma
Pancasila, treasurer, Secretary and Coordination of each field and to choose leaders organization the so held
election general.
With advances in information technology that have an impact on its users, brought changes to the
voting system. Voting can now be used via electronic media with computer technology or known as E-
voting. The implementation of E-voting itself has been carried out in many countries by various models.
The voting adoption model is also very diverse, for example using smartcards and touchscreen computers.

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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

In this study the authors conducted a case study at SMA Dharma Pancasila, which has been in determining
the SMA Dharma Pancasila of the student council using the method conventional voting. The election of
the student council president is wrong an election the students were waiting for. For change of term of
office the organizational structure of the student council, the election of the chairman of the studen council
is carried out once a year. Lots School institutions that still use the conventional method are using paper
media in selecting the student council chairman. Likewise with SMA Dharma Pancasila. This method is
less effective considering the many obstacles that arise may be encountered in the election of student council
president. In the voting manual error often occurs in the calculation of votes, the process is slow manual
selection and consume a lot of costs in carrying out the process voting. This voting process can be carried
out without disturbing the activities carried out is running, meaning that students can choose their voice
after study hours finished or after the students come home from school. Therefore, voting requires
implementation procedures that can guarantee the confidentiality and validity of the results implementation
of the voting.
Based on these problems, it is necessary to have a system that have conveniences in selecting the
student council chair so as to reduce damage and errors in the calculation of the vote and does not take
much cost. The system that will be created must also facilitate the calculation of votes and make it easier
for the committee to carry out the election of the student council chairman. Base on analysis of system
requirements, a system for selecting the student council president is made Web-based. The choice of a web-
based system is because currently the website has widely known by the public. The website can be accessed
anywhere with conditions there is still network access to the website server. In research on "Design of e-
voting information system" SMS-based” this research was conducted to make it easier to do voting by using
SMS on mobile phones. An e-voting app based on this SMS Gateway was built using Gammu software and
with using the PHP programming language. This system uses SMS to carry out voting, it is hoped that it
will provide accurate, fast voting results and reliable and can reduce the number of students who do not
vote and do not will interfere with the teaching and learning process. (Rizqi Andhestria Adhim Harjono,
In a study on "E-voting the election of the mayor of Bengkulu in the coffee shop" general election
(KPU) Bengkulu City" this system uses the design database system and process design. Process design,
namely describes how the processes in the information system are shown by data flow diagram (DAD).
The resulting e-voting application can make it easier in the Bengkulu mayoral election and vote counting.
(Sulastri, Leni Natalia Zulita, 2015).

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a development process linear sequential software
emphasizing development cycles in short time. RAD uses an iterative (repetitive) method in develop a
system in which a working model of the system constructed early in the development stage with the aim of
establishing user requirements and then removed. In normal information system development, requires a
minimum of 180 days, but by using the RAD method, the system can be solved in time 30-90 days. The
RAD model has 3 stages as follows.
a. Requirements Planning: Users and analysts conduct meetings to identify the objectives of the system
and information needs to achieve goals. At this stage it is the most important thing is the involvement
of both parties.
b. System Design Process At this stage the activity the users involved determine to achieve the goal
because at this process carries out the design process and makes improvements if still there is mismatch
design among user and analyst.
c. A user can directly comment if there is a discrepancy in the design, design the system by referring to
the user requirements documentation created at the previous stage. The output of this stage is the
INFOKUM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License (CC
BY-NC 4.0)
JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

specification software which includes the general system organization, structure, data and others.
Implementation This stage is a stage programmer who develops the design of a program that has been
approved by users and analysts. Before being applied to a the organization first carried out the testing
process on the the program whether there is an error or not. At this stage the user usually provide
feedback on the system that has been made as well as obtain approval for the system.


The results of the study will be based on the research design that was initiated by with needs
identification, prototype evaluation prototype, coding, testing system, system evaluation
3.1. System Development
In the development of the e-voting system for the election of the chairman of the trio smk student
council For this partner, the research uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. In this study
chose the RAD method because the stages are structured, software development can be done in a fast time
with emphasizing on a short cycle, the software developed can the results are known without waiting a long
time because the process is divided into modules and the main reason using developer method Rapid
Application Development (RAD) is this development method will works well when applied to small-scale
applications. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) development method has experienced four stages
of the development cycle, namely:
a. Requirements Analysis Phase
This phase has the objective of identifying services, Boundaries and objectivity of the data collection
system carried out on stakeholders
b. Modeling Analysis Phase
The purpose of the modeling analysis phase is to analyze all activities in the overall system architecture
by involving identification and description of software system abstractions that fundamental.
c. Modeling Design Phase
The purpose of the modeling design phase is to design the system based on the previous analysis.
Analysis stage and the design is iterated until the system design is obtained that really fulfills the need.
d. Construction Phase
The purpose of the construction phase is to demonstrate the platform, hardware and software used and
Limitations in implementation, as well as testing the performance of software prototypes that has been
built so that it can be seen whether the prototype is in accordance with the analysis and design
specifications that have been previously identified. The final result of the construction phase I platform,
hardware and software used and Restrictions list implementation and test plan.

3.2. Building Prototype

At the prototype stage, it is divided into 2 stages, namely design UML and Interface Design. After
identifying the system requirements, the prototype is then developed design in the form of use case
diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and classes diagram.
a. Use Case Diagrams
Use Case diagrams are used by the author to map direct interactions between actors, namely library
administrators and users with the system.
b. Definition of Use Case
The following is the definition of a use case in the e-voting system for the election of the student council

INFOKUM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License (CC
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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

Figure 1. Use Case Diagram of E-Voting

The following is the definition of actors in the e-voting system for the election of student council
Table 1. Actor Definition
No Actor Description
1 Admin Users who can process input data voters, input candidate
data, voter data recap and recap the result data
2 Voter Users who can vote for candidates
3 Participant Users who can see the results

c. Activity Diagrams
The following is an activity diagram or an evoting system activity diagram: election SMA Dharma
Pancasila osis:
1. Activity Diagram
Login to be able to login to the main page, select candidates, both students and candidate for student
council SMA Dharma Pancasila must first log-in by entering the appropriate NIM and password.

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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

Figure 2. Activity Diagram Login

Students and prospective student council president candidates enter their username and password
password on the login page. This system will validate the login are the username and password valid or not,
if yes, the system will display the main page select the candidate, if not then username and the password is
asked to be filled again correctly.
2. Activity Diagram Upload Voters
Officers access the admin page to manage voter data and the system displays the entered voter data
previously. Officers can manage data voters such as uploading voter data, editing voter data and delete
voter data. The system can carry out the processing process voter data based on e-voting system officers.

Figure 3. Activity Diagram of Voter Data Upload

3. Activity Diagram Add candidate

Officers can access the admin page to manage data candidate for chairman of the student council. The
system will display the candidate page candidate.

Figure 4. Activity Diagram Add Candidate

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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

4. Activity Diagram Select Candidates

As depicted in Figure below, both selectors and candidates for student council chairman may only vote
1 (one) time and have to log-in first. Voters log in according to the username and password that has been
given by officer. After the voter selects a candidate, the system will automatically returns to the main
menu login page.

Figure 5. Activity Diagram Select Candidates

5. Activity Diagram Viewing Results

As depicted in Figure 4.8, admin officers who can displays the results of the e-voting. And will be
displayed directly public which is then seen directly by other participants.

Figure 6. Activity Diagram Viewing Results

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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

3.3. Sequence Diagrams

The following is a sequence diagram contained in the election e-voting system: candidate for
president of the student council:
1. Login

Figure 7. Sequence Diagram Login

The picture above explains that at the beginning of starting the system a login is required first, by
entering the username and password to login authenticate whether the user has registered as a participant.
2. Upload Voter Data

Figure 8. Sequence Diagram of Uploading Voter Data

Figure 4.8 explains how to upload voter data is admin, then admin inputs voter data and uploads it to
3. Add Candidate Data

Figure 9. Sequence Diagram Add Candidate Data

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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

Figure 9. explains that to add data the candidate is admin, then the admin inputs the candidate's data
which is then inputted save to system.
4. Select Candidate

Figure 10. Sequence Diagram Select Candidates

Figure 10 explains that participants login first to be able to enter the voting page, after logging in students
vote candidate and will be automatically saved by the system
5. View Results

Figure 11. Sequence Diagram Viewing Results

Figure 4.11 explains to see the results, namely the admin logs in and enter the admin page, then the
admin displays the recap results temporary voting to a screen for students to see.

3.4. Class Diagram

Class diagrams or class diagrams describe the structure of the system in terms of defining the classes
will be made to build the system. Classes have what are called attributes and methods or operation.
Attributes are data variables, which can be provides state information in which each object of the A class
has its own value. Operation/method or often called service (service) or operation is a procedure or function
which becomes the behavior of the class-&-object and becomes object responsibility. In the form of
programming is a form of subprogram that used against class-&-object attributes.
The following is a class diagram contained in the e-voting system for selecting candidates: SMA
Dharma Pancasila of the Student body :

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JURNAL INFOKUM, Volume 10, No.2, Juni 2022 ISSN : 2302-9706

Figure 12. Class Diagram

a. The design of this system is expected to be a reference or flow for making general election
applications that can run honestly and fairly and can minimize errors that can carried out by humans
or and reduce manipulation and possible fraud.
b. With the design of this application is expected to help students and schools in conducting honest and
effective general election activities fair and free from fraud in elections.
c. This application is expected to be able to provide satisfactory service for students and can make the
selection process fair and fair and confidential and free from fraud and manipulation of results

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