Dilla Toda
Dilla Toda
Dilla Toda
Course no. Course title ECTS Grade Gr. Course Course Title ETCS Grade Gr.
Point No. Point
Cumulative Average: 3.72 179 669.5 MEng5271 Introduction to Mechatronics 5 A 20
2020/21 Semester 1 30 99
MEng4192 Metal Forming, Welding and Casting Laboratory Practice 2 A- 7.5 Semester average 3.33 300 1115.25
MEng4203 IC Engineers and Turbo-Machinery Laboratory 2 B 6 Cumulative Average: 3.72
MEng4202 IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines 5 A 20
MEng4262 Fluid Power Systems 5 A 20
MEng4191 Workshop Practice II 3 A- 11.25
MEng4251 Material Handling Equipment 5 B 15
MEng4221 Motor Vehicles Engineering 4 A 16
MEng5331 Operation Research 5 A 20
Semester average 3.73 31 115.75
Cumulative Average: 3.75 211 785.25
2020/21 Semester 2
MEng4291 Internship 30 A 120
Semester Average: 4.00 20 120
Cumulative Average: 3.76 241 905.25
2021/22 Semester 1
MEng5231 Maintenance and Installation of Machinery 4 A 16
MEng5171 Introduction to Finite Element Method 4 A 16
MEng5302 Introduction to Tribology 5 B 15
MEng5323 Tools Jigs and Die Design 6 A 24
MEng2111 Power Plant engineering 5 A 20
Meng2082 Refreshing and Air conditioning 5 A 20
Semester Average: 3.83 29 111
Cumulative Average: 3.77 270 1016.25
2021/22 Semester 2
MEng5391 B.Sc. Thesis 12 B- 33
IEng5242 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 4 A 16
MEng5272 Regulation and Control Engineering 5 B 15
IEng5241 Industrial Management and Engineering Economy 4 A- 15
Grading System : A + = Excellent , A = Excellent , A - Excellent , B + -Very Good , B - Very Good , B - Good , C + = Good , C = Satisfactory , C - unsatisfactory , D - Very Poor , Fx - Fail , F =
Fail , FAIL = FAIL , P . Points *: : A + = 4 , A = 4 , A - 3.75 , B + -3.5 , B - 3 , B - 2.75 , C + = 2.5 , C - 2 , C - 1.75 , D - 1 , Fx - 0 , F - 0 , FAIL - 0 , PASS - 0 , * - 0 , NG - 0,1-0
Course Repeated, TR - Credit Transfer