The Role of The Family Institution in The Sustenance of Core Societal Values

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International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015


Department of General Studies, 2Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B 0231,
Bauchi, Nigeria
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract- Historically, the family institution plays an important role in the social, economic and political organisation of
human societies. This is so, because within the family institution, core societal values are nurtured, institutionalised and
transferred from one generation to the other. Over the years however, the family institution has undergone tremendous
transformation in its structure, composition and role in the society. This paper therefore, examines the family institution in
the traditional vis-à-vis contemporary Nigerian societies, thereby identifying some of the changes the family institution has
undergone and how such changes affect the family roles in the sustenance of core societal values and aspirations. It is the
conception of this paper that if societies in Africa generally, and Nigeria in particular continue to live the ‘paradox’ of
civilization and modernity, the core societal values of African tradition might be strained or eroded, and the African
civilization known for decades might be lost.

Keywords- Civilization, Family, Kinship, Modernity, Tradition and Values

I. INTRODUCTION Family system in this context is an institutionalised

means whereby the human society organises and
Anthropological and sociological studies revealed carries out important activities, involving mating and
that the first documented human societies in human reproduction among other things; familial institutions
history are the primitive societies [1], [2]. In these provide for legitimate rights to sexual access, the
societies, people lived in ‘bands’ and organisation, in procreation and training of children, the organization
these societies, was made possible through kinship of domestic work groups in accord with gender
ties or relationship. Political philosophers such as division of labour. Society is generally defined as a
Hobbes, Rousseau and Locke were of the opinion that self-perpetuating group of humans broadly
‘societies’ emerged with familial organisation [3] and distinguished from other groups by mutual interest,
that societies would not have survived without strong participation in characteristic relationships, shared
political organisation. That is to say that in all values and a common culture [3].
societies in history, institution building began with
the family; this has made the families the main Values are what the society cares about as a group.
vehicles of group identity, and the chief receptacles They are what motivate people from within. Values
of core values. The family is in fact regarded as the can be good and bad. Good value system ultimately
architect of societal values, belief systems and socio- produces good and sustainable societies while bad
political ideologies. At the dawn of the twenty first value system produces bad, weak and unsustainable
century, major changes in the family structure were societies. Some of the good values commonly uphold
manifesting throughout the world. In Nigeria, the in Nigeria include hospitality, marriage, extended
quality of communal life, which characterised the family, chastity, respect for elders and constituted
traditional family systems in most communities, has authorities, communalism to mention a few. With the
been fading away [4]. Religion, modernization, and advent of modernity and contact with western values
the impact of western influence have had a and belief systems, these Nigerian values are being
tremendous effect on the traditional family values. challenged and facing extinction. It is on this premise
The status of women has changed nation-wide. The that this paper examines the family institution in
young urban wives now prefer living away from their Nigeria with particular reference to its structure,
husband’s families, because, they are no longer pattern, role, problems and challenges arising from
willing to be treated subserviently in family affairs. contact and influence, modernity and civilization,
There has been counter current to the ideology of philosophy of right and ethical conduct with a view to
kingship and marriage; women now compete ascertaining how family functions in the development
favourably with their men counterparts in almost all and sustenance of core societal values.
spheres of life. There has been a change in the
economic value of children; and, hence, changing II. FAMILY SYSTEM IN THE TRADITIONAL
family priorities. Teenage and young adult sons no NIGERIAN SOCIETY
longer value working in their fathers’ farms. In short,
individualism has virtually replaced communalism or To explain how the traditional family system operates
dependence in human social relationships [5], [6], [4]. in Nigeria, emphasis is placed on

The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015

structure/composition, status of women and children, Fulani are, in most cases, endogamous with emphasis
mate selection/marriage, division of labour, on patrilateral parallel cousins marriage dewerdirabe
socialisation, kinship ties and inheritance or or patrilateral cross cousins ‘yeekirabe. Marriages
succession. Instances are mainly given from Hausa, among the Fulanis could be classified into two: first
Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo societies. marriage Tegal biddo debbo and remarriage Tegal
Zawarjo. In the first marriage, Tegal biddo debbo, the
[4] Argued that in the Nigeria traditional setting, the parents of the girl give out their daughter for marriage
family rests squarely and firmly on a tripod consisting to a prospective groom whose parents have indicated
of, the extended family system, patriarchal authority willingness to accept the offer. The act of “giving
and patrilocal habitation and patrilineal mode of out” is referred to as Koggal and can take place in
inheritance and succession. [9] Similarly, pointed out one of three time periods: when the boy and girl are
that in Nigeria, families are patriarchal with extended both very young, say, between 2 and 5 years of age;
family members having more say comparison to when the children are between the ages of 7 and 10
family setups in the westernized world. Although years old, when the boy is between the ages of 17 and
children are very important to Nigerian families, 20 years and the girl is between the ages of 13 and 15
family relationships are mostly guided by strict years [8].
system of ‘seniority’ and male tended egoistic values.
Emphasis has always been placed on male members Among the Igbos, four forms of marriage were
of the family more because of their rights to both identified-traditional, court, Christian/church and
family inheritance and extension of family lineage Muslim marriages. Marriage is perceived by the
and name. However, women and children are Igbos as a family affair. Thus, the families
considered as economic resources to the families (immediate and extended) of both the groom-to-be
because they add to the economic value of the father and the bride-to-be are involved right from the time
who houses them. In most traditional societies in they were informed by their children of the marriage
Nigeria, it was believed that the larger your family proposal [8]. In the Yoruba traditional milieu, mate
size (including women and children) the greater your selection for both male and female occurs at different
economic and social standing in the society. Women times of their development. For the man, mate
who do not have children are often ridiculed, selection occurs at adolescent whereas for the female
molested and discriminated against. Sometimes they the process occurs at a slightly younger age. Some
are regarded as being cursed because of the criteria are however set before scouting commences.
importance families attached to children. Among the For example, the young girl in question must not be a
Binis of the Edo state, [5] has observed that all blood relation; no known hereditary diseases must be
dependants which include women and children are traceable to her ancestors. When a young girl has
regarded as servants of the patriarchal head. Should been located and contacted informally through a
the head of the family become deceased; the female scout, the next step is to contact her parents. If
beneficiaries of his property are usually his brothers the parents of the girl consent, she is eventually
and sisters with his widows having no access to his betrothed to the young man. At this stage, the girl is
property. usually around ten years of age. During the
intervening period between betrothal and wedding,
[10] Posited that among the Hausas of Metropolitan both boys and girls are expected to maintain
Kano as with many African communities, marriage is emotional and physical distances from each other.
a highly valued milestone. It is a legitimate source of This is done in order to discourage pre-marital
family and a building block of the Hausas. In intercourse since the girl is normally expected to be a
addition, [11] argued that marriage among the Hausas virgin until her wedding night. A girl who has been
is the backbone of socio-economic and political “deflowered” before her wedding night exposes
development. Thus, its progress and maintenance herself and her family to ridicule and scorn [7], [4].
signifies harmony, while crisis and divorce in the
family always signals dangers and insecurity in the [7] Has identified four major types of marriage
society. In the recent past, mate selection among the among the Yorubas. The first type is the marriage in
Hausas, was the domain of parents or larger kinship which the mutual consents of both partners and their
group; parents or relatives were responsible for parents are secured. The second type is one in which
identifying the “ideal” suitors through reference to the bride is made a “free gift” (which is not usually
families that were known to be of high moral status. refused) to her husband who is usually a very
That was a clear indication of the role of families in prominent man in the community. The third type is
socialization and initiation of members into where both men and women get married without the
adulthood. Among the Fulanis, marriage marks the usual parental consent.
beginning of social and economic maturity. Marriage The last type is the levirate where a widow either
is tied to the ownership of cattle and it provides an becomes the wife of her late husband’s eldest son
opportunity for individuals to own and herd their own (mothered by another woman) or she is inherited by
cattle rather than herd cattle for their fathers. The an older relative.

The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015

The process of socialization involves the inculcation It is generally observed that the aggregate size of the
of the norms and values of the community into the average urban family is smaller than that of the
child as soon as he or she is born. In all ethnic groups extended family which is characteristic of the
in Nigeria there is a strong emphasis on respect for traditional family [13]. It was discovered that
elders and this forms the kernel of early socialization. education, knowledge of birth control and the present
Even any demonstration of curiosity by the youngster economic situation in the country are perceived as
through the asking of questions is seriously some of the major determinants of small family size
discouraged. Boys and girls are socialized strictly in the urban centres. The desire of many parents to
along gender lines where roles are strongly gender educate and feed their children adequately has been
defined. All members of the extended family must frustrated by the high costs of living.
jointly partake in the socializing of the younger
members. Whenever a child demonstrates any In the modern family setting and due mainly to the
aberrant behaviour, it is the duty of the older influence of western education, there has been a
members to promptly effect corrective measures [12], drastic change in the age at which young men and
[6], [4]. women marry. This change has been brought about as
a result of long periods of time which must be
Division of labour in the traditional family among the devoted to education and training. It was observed
major ethnic groups in Nigeria is usually strictly that 14.3% of husbands without any western
along gender lines, [7] has observed among the education had contracted marriage when they were
Yorubas for example that a man and his wife do not still less than 20 years of age. In contrast, none of the
necessarily form a complementary economic unit. husbands who were graduates got married before they
While both may work on the farm engaging in the were 20 years old. Among wives who were
acts of planting and harvesting, the wife may decide interviewed the following results were obtained: 28%
to engage in her own tradition activities independent of those without primary education got married
of the husband. Among the pastoral Fulani of the before they were fifteen years old. Also only 1.5% of
Northern Nigeria, there is a very strong emphasis on those with secondary school education got married
the separation of the sexes [5]. In the case of the before they were fifteen years old. However, of all
Hausas from the same part of the country, most the wives who were university graduates, none got
women are under purdah. However, the Hausa married by or before they were fifteen years old [13].
women who are not under purdah actively participate
in farming activities alongside their husbands. Even In a similar study conducted by [14] among some
those under purdah engage in micro trading activities Hausa women in the city of Kano, in Northern
at home to earn income or to sustain a family. In this Nigeria, it was discovered that those girls who
situation the wife’s earnings remain hers and any enrolled in primary schools postponed marriage
contribution from her to the running of the household beyond the traditional age of eleven or twelve years
is regarded as a temporary loan [5] which the to complete their primary school education.
husband is expected to pay back later. The Hausa
man is expected to provide his wife with food, There are also changes in the area of mate selection in
firewood and other materials needed for daily the modern family setting in Nigeria. This aspect of
sustenance. the family is so crucial because, the nature of mate
selection will have a direct effect on the success or
III. FAMILY SYSTEM IN CONTEMPORARY failure of a marriage. Generally, marriage in the
NIGERIAN SOCIETY traditional environment is devoid of courtship and,
romantic love is usually expected to develop after the
In the modern setting, the extended family system is marriage has been consummated. With the advent of
past fading away, although some relationships do western education, it became necessary for young
exist in the urban areas which seem to mimic the men and women to leave their local environment
extended family system. Here, social supports are purposely to go to school or to seek for paid
based on a network of the relationships arising from employment, most especially in the urban areas. At
professional, religious or political associations. school or in the place of employment boys and girls
of different social, economic and ethnic backgrounds
These relationships offer social and psychological began to interact and develop romantic relationships.
supports to members especially in times of adversity. Today, the process of mate selection takes place
Unfortunately the relationships sometimes tend to be between young men and women free of parental
temporary as members may change occupations, lose interference. This has weakened the traditional
their jobs or relocate to other parts of the country. In marital conventions [10], [14], [7].
such cases, the process of building these relationships
are started all over again. Another aspect of the In the school, at work or in a typical urban
modern urban family which deserves mention is the environment, criteria for mate selection are based on
change in the size of the family [12], [6]. achieved rather than ascribed attributes and romantic

The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015

love is the driving force behind mate selection. [18] has observed for example, that when children
Incidentally, the independence to choose one’s spend excessive time watching the television, it can
partner has occasionally resulted in both young men result in slowing down their creative thinking, destroy
and women setting some criteria for mate selection their imaginative life and the time spent watching the
which might be difficult to meet. [15] Interviewed television can eat deep into the time they need to
some young men and women who were still single. spend doing their home work. Television may also
The researchers wanted to know what attributes the accelerate a child’s exposure to sex and violence; it
respondents would like to see in the men and women can sharpen their taste for material acquisition and
they proposed to marry. The male respondents acceptance of violence as a way of life (see
indicated that their future wives must be well Bandura’s experiment). Advertisements that portray
educated, intelligent, responsible, homely and drinking and smoking as masculine traits may have
faithful. The young women on the other hand would negatively affected a child’s socialization. There are
want their future husbands to be firm, intelligent, some movies that glorify deviant behaviour as a way
handsome, tall, rich and with a good sense of humour. of life. These may also lead children to adopt deviant
None of them indicated any interest in the family ways of life [19].
medical history, or other vital criteria which would
have been emphasized in the traditional mate The dual career family is the one in which both
selection process. Also, in real life, only few human husbands and wives have their own professional
beings combine all the attributes which the careers. One of the most significant effects of the dual
respondents listed. Because of the unrealistic standard career phenomenon is the increase in the family’s
which some young men and women have set for their aggregate income. It has also led to an increase in the
prospective partners, finding suitable partners status of professional women within their families. It
sometimes becomes very elusive, problematic and has resulted in the alteration of the traditional gender
result in prolonged postponement of marriage [4]. role expectations within the family. Women are no
more strictly tied to the roles of mother and wife.
The traditional emphasis on chastity in the Nigerian Rather they have become co-breadwinners with their
family system has equally undergone serious husbands by sharing financial responsibilities.
challenge. [14] Has observed, for example that there According to [8], in a typical urban setting in Nigeria,
is a decline of emphasis on virginity as a desirable while men may generally be responsible for rent, both
attribute in a woman. It has also been observed that in men and women bear joint responsibilities for the day
the traditional African culture any woman found today expenditure, with women occasionally
“wanting” on her wedding night was regarded as a contributing more to buying foodstuffs. In recent
disgrace to her family and clan. To protest the girl’s times, the harsh economic conditions have forced
“deflowered” status, a broken calabash was usually husbands and wives to separate, especially where one
sent to her parents the morning following the member is forced to migrate in search of greener
wedding night. However, if the woman was still a pastures to boost family income.
virgin the stained bed sheet was publicly displaced
and her parents were complimented. Nowadays, In recent times, there is a continued agitation by
many partners sometimes insist that their brides get human rights activists, European countries and their
pregnant before they contract any marriage in order to American allies on same sex marriage. Even the
prove their fecundity. United Nations share in this regard on the move to
legalise same sex marriages in the African continent.
In the modern family in Nigeria parents have almost The Federal Government in Nigeria has since taken
lost their places as major agents of socialization. stand on the issue, which drew national and
Cliques, schools, peer groups now compete with international outcry. For most Nigerians, the decision
parents as agents of socialization [12]. In the urban of the government is a commendable one because
centers where both parents are professionals and same sex relationship violates fundamental values
therefore have to be away from their children for the and belief system of human essence and existence.
greater part of the day, peer group members, This has been an issue of concern not only to Nigeria
babysitters may displace them as major agents of as a nation but cut across all the African societies.
socialization [6]. Of particular importance is the Countries like Uganda, Rwanda, Gambia, Niger,
impact of television on the modern family, most Zimbabwe, and host of others have since passed
especially the children. The television is very legislations prohibiting same sex marriages and
important in keeping abreast of current events; it also relationships in their countries.
exposes the child to some beneficial educational
programmes. However, if television viewing by This appears to be a common stand among Africans
children is not closely monitored by parents, it can that same sex relationships violate core values and
have very adverse effects on them. There are many belief systems of their societies and therefore, should
research conducted by Child Psychologists on the be seriously checked in order to forestall grave
effect of viewing on the child’s intellectual ability. damage to the family systems and the society at large.

The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015

IV. FAMILY AND SOCIETAL VALUES  The reproductive function (Every society depends
primarily upon the family for the business of
The family as a social institution has formalized sets producing children. That is to say that as society
of norms and values that make living possible. It also needs to replace its old and the dead; it is the
has a set of procedures which include courtship, institution of the family that provides a socially
engagement and marriage. The family has a set of approved context of child bearing. Though other
values which include taboos, rules of descent, arrangements are theoretically possible, but no
property ownership and others. As an institution, the society has established a set of norms for providing
family has a set of roles, and statuses which define children except as part of a family).
division of labour and structures of relationship  The socialization function (The family is
between family members. It also has a set of considered as the basic unit of socialization in that all
procedures which ensures that members perform their societies depend primarily upon the family for the
duties to socially required expectations. When these socialization of children into adults who can function
rules and procedures are properly obeyed, the basic successfully in that society. One of the many ways in
foundations of social order would have been laid [6], which the family socializes the young is by providing
[5]. models for the child to copy. The boy learns to be a
man, a husband or a girl learns to become a woman, a
There are many researches and academic texts that wife, etc by living in the family and copying from the
attest to the importance of family to the development statuses and roles in the family).
and sustenance of core societal values. In most of  The affection function (family life and processes
these researches and materials, family is considered create condition for mutual affection amongst its
as the nucleus of society, a social unit from which members. The family provides both emotional as well
institutional building began in all human societies as physical companionship, intimacy, love and other
(see [2], [20], [8], [1]). Though in modern societies responses that show care and love for the members).
the role and status of the family have been usurped by  The status function (In the family every member
specialized institutions and agencies, the following is ascribed certain status within the family. When the
quotations by some prominent scholars and reports family is established, there exists network of statuses
indicated the importance the family has not only in and roles, and status is given on the basis of age, sex,
the African countries but also in the Western birth order, etc.).
Societies of Europe and America.  The protective function (In all societies the family
offers some degree of physical, economic and
‘American families are in trouble-trouble so deep and psychological protection to its members. In many
pervasive as to threaten the future of the nation’- societies, any attack upon a person is an attack upon
Report to the white house conference on children, its entire family with all members bound to defend it
1970 or to revenge the injury. This protection, extends also
to guilt, shame and even food sharing).
‘The family is, as far as we know, the toughest  The economic function (The family is the basic
institution we have. It is, in fact, the institution to economic unit in most primitive societies. It members
which we owe our humanity’- Margaret Mead “The work together as a team and share jointly in their
Impact of Cultural Changes on the Family” produce. This situation, however, is now changing.
The popular saying ‘behind a successful man there is
“Far from being the basis of the good society, the always a woman’ proves to the fact that, even in
family, with its narrow privacy and its tawdry secrets, ‘modern’ societies, family is considered as an
is the source of all our discontents”-Edmund Leach economic unit).
‘A Runaway World?
“Parents should be responsible for the behaviour of MODERNITY
the children”- David Cameron, in the wake of the
2011 England riot Distortion of African values, cultures and
civilisations began in the 1880s with the advent of
All these point to the fact that in most societies, colonialism in the African societies. This is correct to
family is considered an important social unit, where the extent that colonialism serves as a vehicle of
certain basic needs of society are fulfilled. [6], [13] implantation of cultural imperialism in Africa [21].
identified the following as some of the basic Colonialism, perceived in this context, is an
functions the family performs in most human imposition of foreign rule over indigenous traditional
societies: political setting and foreign dominance and
 Regulation of sexual activity (The family is the subjugation of African people in all spheres of their
principal institution through which most societies social, political, cultural, economic and religious
organize and regulate the satisfaction of sexual civilisations. Western civilisation and culture began
desires). to creep into African socio-cultural milieu, first, with

The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015

the contact of Europeans and Africans through intensify their cooperation and efforts to achieve a
colonialism and, later, consolidated by the better life for the peoples of Africa and to promote
unstoppable wave of globalisation [21]. international coopertaion; having due regard to the
Charter of the United Nations and the Universal
There are many reasons advanced for Europe’s Declarations of Human Rights. This is done taking
colonization of Africa. Some scholars like [22] into consideration the virtues of their (African)
argued that economics was the sole determining historical tradition and the values of African
factor. Other scholars like [23] considered civilisation which should inspire and characterise
geopolitical strategy as a more decisive factor. their reflection on the concept of human and peoples’
Historical documents however, revealed that rights [25].
economy, christianity, develoment, search for
knowledge, racial superiority, importation of In the African Continent, one of UNESCO’s major
civilisation and or, modernity were among the priorities is in the field of culture, where special
principal factors that facilitated the colonization of assistance is given to the continent to enhance the
Africa [24]. implementation of the various UNESCO conventions,
notably the 1972 World Heritage Convention, 2003
The period 1945-1997 marked the decolonization of Intangible Heritage Convention and 2005 Cultural
African societies, where most African countries Diversity Convention [26]. A careful look at all these
gained political independence from the colonizers. conventions reveals that they all aimed at
The 1941 Atlantic Charter declared that the safeguarding, promoting and securing the vitality of
signatories would “respect the right of all peoples to ‘cultural heritage’ and make sure full advantage is
choose the form of government under which they will taken of its potential for sustainable development. But
live”. In 1945, the United Nations (UN) was founded contrary to the provisions of the UN Charter,
when 50 nations signed the UN Charter, which UNESCO-Africa priorities and Conventions, and
included a statement of its basis in the respect for the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, our
principle of equal rights and self-determination of sister countries in Europe, America and even the UN
peoples. The Charter makes reference to human rights and its specialised agencies appear to be pursuing
and fundamental freedoms in a number of clauses and what seems to be ‘a rejuvenated colonisation of
paved way for the adoption and proclamation of the cultures and values’ under the pretext of ‘universal
universal declaration of human rights on December freedom of choice’, civilisation and modernity [27].
10, 1948 [25].
The contradiction becomes more evident when one
On 4th November, 1946, a specialized agency of the looks at UNESCO’s definition of Intangible Cultural
UN, with a purpose of contributing to peace and Heritage, also known as ‘living heritage’, which
security by promoting international collaboration refers to “the practices, representations, expressions,
through education, science, and culture in order to knowledge and skills transmitted from generation to
further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, generation” [28]. Again, the ethical principle of
and human rights along with fundamental freedom relativism suggests that cultural practices are relative
proclaimed in the UN Charter was founded. That which maintains that morality or cultural value is
agency is known as The United Nations Educational, grounded in the approval of one’s society, and not
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). simply in the preferences of individual people. In
UNESCO pursues its objectives through five major addition, this approach to the metaphysical status of
programmes: education, natural sciences, social and morality deny the absolute and universal nature of
human sciences, culture, and communication and morality and holds instead that moral values in fact
information [26] change from society to society throughout time and
throughout the world. Proponents of this approach
In June 1981, a Charter known as The African frequently attempt to defend their position by citing
Charter of Human and People’s Rights was examples of values that differ dramatically from one
proclaimed by the African States members of the culture to another, such as attitudes about polygamy,
Organisation of African Unity (OAU). In the homosexuality and same sex marriage,
preamble, reference was made to the OAU Charter, promiscuity/chastity, single parenthood and host of
which stipulates that freedom, equality, justice and others.
dignity are essential objectives for the achievement of
the legitimate aspirations of the African peoples; and VI. RECOMMENDATION
reaffirming the pledge solemnly made in Article 2 of
the OAU Charter to eradicate all forms of  As we assess progress in terms of western
colonialism, neo-colonialism and all forms of technology and science, it is also necessary to
discrimination, particularly those based on race, measure progress by taking a critical look at the
ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion or social aspects of the family. To minimize the negative
political opinion from Africa, to coordinate and impacts of western cultures and values on the family,

The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-1, Issue-4, May-2015

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The Role of the Family Institution in the Sustenance of Core Societal Values


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