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IoT Based Power Monitoring System for Diesel Generator

Conference Paper · December 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ICRAIE51050.2020.9358316


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3 authors, including:

Belen Septian
Universitas Multi Data Palembang


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5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering- ICRAIE 2020

IoT Based Power Monitoring System for Diesel

Belen Septian Peddapuram Rakesh S. Rajiv Dhora
Department of ECE Department of ECE Department of ECE
Osmania University Osmania University Osmania University
Hyderabad, India Hyderabad, India Hyderabad, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Internet of Things is widely used to monitor and using ZMPT101B [4]. It was used to get voltage
control electronic devices. It is technology combined embedded measurements. It was connected to analog input pin of
system and internet technology by which people can monitor Arduino microcontroller and calculation was done using
devices throughout internet network anywhere in the world. A polynomial regression.
power monitoring system using IoT is an affordable solution to
monitor power parameters of diesel generator such as voltage,
A generator monitoring system that measures fuel level and
current, running hours, and fuel status from external fuel tank. power was done by [9]. In this study, fuel level was measured
The system uses an Arduino Uno microcontroller as a processor using buoy mechanism. When there was an increase in liquid
and SIM900 GSM/GPRS module to send data into a web server. level, it would move the buoy which would rotate the rheostat
ZMPT101B and SCT-013-030 are used to monitor AC voltage sensor so that it would give a different resistance value at each
and load current respectively. Whereas running hours fuel level. To measure power, PZEM-004T sensor was used
parameter is taken based on status of measured voltage. The and the results were compared with CM3286-20 clamp meter.
results showed that the system could display those parameters Based on previous studies, a complete system that
real-time on the website application. It also displayed running measures voltage, current, fuel level, and running hours has
status of generator and online or offline status of the system.
Furthermore, this system helped technicians to determine
not yet been done. The objective of this paper is to monitor
maintenance time appropriately. power parameters such as current, voltage, fuel level, as well
as running hours which is taken from measured voltage using
Keywords—IoT, Power monitoring system, Arduino Uno, Arduino Uno. The Arduino microprocessor board is a single
SIM900 GSM/GPRS module, Website application board microprocessor used in intelligent projects and
prototyping [4]. Sensor parameters are to be sent throughout
I. INTRODUCTION the internet and can be monitored via website application.
Electrical power is the most important source for electronic
devices. In industrial systems, electrical power is needed to II. DESIGN METHOD
keep control systems running for 24 hours. Stable power There are several methods of measuring fuel level sensors,
source should also be taken care to prevent devices from being including measurements with resistance, capacitance, and
damaged. Diesel generator is a fossil-fuel powered generator ultrasonic methods [9]. In this study, fuel level will be
employed to supply electrical power [1]. It can be used as measured using ultrasonic sensor. Current will be measured
either main or backup energy. Generator needs to be using CT sensor, as for voltage and running hours will be
maintained to get its maximum lifespan. Running hours can measured concurrently using a single-phase voltage sensor.
be used as an indicator by which operator can determine The system consists of two major parts which are hardware
appropriate time for generator maintenance. Monitoring the and software. Hardware part consists of a schematic diagram
current and voltage is also important to make sure it gives and components. While software part consists of IoT
stable power source. architecture and I/O connections.
Development of IoT rises significantly as internet becomes
common for many people. With the advancement of mobile A. Architecture of Hardware
phones, people can monitor electronic devices easily through Fig. 1. shows the schematic diagram used for building this
their mobile phones. IoT starts with a sensor. A sensor needs system. It consists of Arduino Uno, SIM900 GSM/GPRS
to be connected with a controller or a processor so that it can module, US-100 ultrasonic sensor, ZMPT101B voltage
constantly sense the parameters for which it is used for [2]. sensor, SCT-013-030 current sensor, and LCD interface.
Internet of Things (IoT) links anything from anywhere in the ZMPT101B is used to measure voltage by connecting which
universe. It communicates with almost everything around the to the power source. According to [5], The ZMPT101B
world. The communication can be a control signal or operates on 5V DC and it contains two AC input (Phase and
identified data from this world. It is a common internet data Neutral) pins and four DC output pins (Vcc, Out and two
communication and is communicated in different ways [3]. Gnd.). The output of ZMPT101B is given to the analog pin [5]
In [6], authors used SCT-013-030 and Arduino Uno to of Arduino Uno. While SCT-013-030 will be clamped upon
measure power consumption based on loads. ESP8266 was the cable to get load current measurements. As per the
used to send data using IoT concept. Another study to measure datasheet, this current sensor gives 1V output for 30A current
power consumption was done in [7]. Energy meter was used sensed [6]. As the current value is lower, the CT output
along with Arduino Uno and RTC clock. RTC clock captured accuracy also falls [6]. To measure running hours, 220 VAC
the time of energy usage and saved the data into EEPROM. is calculated periodically when generator running and is to be
Measured data would be sent in the form of SMS using GSM saved temporarily in EEPROM microcontroller. According to
module. Further study in power monitoring system was done

978-1-7281-8867-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

[7], The data on which will not be deleted even when the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
power breakout because EEPROM is non-volatile memory.
This system has been tested on 20 KVA diesel generators.
Fig. 3. shows power monitoring system installed inside the
power house.

Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of Hardware

Fig. 3. Power Monitoring System Installed Inside the Power House

US-100 ultrasonic sensor is placed over the fuel tank to

Power monitoring system presented on this paper is
measure fuel level. Ultrasonic transmits signal to the object
equipped with LCD to ease technician or operator in
and bounces back its signal to get the distance. This distance
monitoring generator status. Microcontroller is programmed
is calculated along with height and length of the tank to get
to detect whether data is sent or not. In case data is sent
the fuel capacity in percentage format.
successfully, LCD will display “NETSEND OK” else system
B. Architecture of IoT will repeat process until it is successful. As shown in Fig. 3.,
LCD displays “NETSEND OK” which means data was sent
There are many methods to send data of sensors throughout
internet network. Based on [8] study, SIM900 GSM/GPRS successfully into a web server. To monitor status of the system
as well as measured data, user needs to open website
module was used for transferring data into a server. In this
paper, raw data from microcontroller will be sent into a web application and login prior to use. Login form consists of a
username and password and should be inputted correctly.
server using SIM900 GSM/GPRS module. Fig. 2. shows
architecture of IoT used in this system. Input data will be compared by those which are saved on the
database. If the inputs are not matched, error message will
appear and user cannot access the monitoring page. Fig. 4.
shows interface of website’s login portal.

Fig. 2. Architecture of IoT

Microcontroller collects voltage, current, running hours,

and fuel level data. GPRS module sends those parameters into
a VPS server via GPRS network. In VPS server data will be
processed using PHP script and are to be sent into MySQL
database along with timestamp. Saved data can be accessed
anytime by end-user through website application. Fig. 4. Login Portal of Power Monitoring System
When user inputs login’s information correctly, user will be
redirected to a monitoring interface.

Fig. 8. Graph of Running Hours vs Time

Fig. 5. Website Interface when Generator is ON

As shown in Fig. 5., sensor parameters are displayed along

with date and time. These data will be updated periodically
Fig. 9. Graph of Fuel Level vs Time
whenever database table is updated. Fig. 5. shown that
ZMPT101B sensed 220 VAC. In which case, microcontroller
would save “ON” state periodically in EEPROM and
subsequently increment the running hours. SCT-013-030
detected load current that was drawn by the generator. Fig. 6.,
Fig. 7., Fig. 8., and Fig. 9. show measured parameters against
time when generator is ON.

Fig. 10. Website Interface when Generator is OFF

Fig. 6. Graph of Voltage vs Time When ZMPT101B did not sense AC voltage or generator
state was “OFF” as shown in Fig. 10., microcontroller would
send voltage data as “0” in floating-point format. EEPROM
would not save anything and it would keep the existing value.

Fig. 7. Graph of Current vs Time

Fig. 11. Online Status of the System
Online status of the system is displayed by a green circle as such as current, voltage, running hours, and fuel level will be
shown in Fig. 11. by which it indicates that the system was sent to database according to device’s serial number. When
actively sending sensor parameters into a web server. In new parameters are received, database will overwrite previous
contrast with that, a red circle is shown in Fig. 12. and data and update online status of the system.
indicates that the system was offline. Microcontroller did not
send any data into a web server due to signal problem in GPRS IV. CONCLUSIONS
module. The system presented on this paper featured by Arduino
Uno, SIM900 GSM/GPRS module, US-100 ultrasonic sensor,
ZMPT101B voltage sensor, SCT-013-030 current sensor, and
LCD interface. It has been implemented successfully using 20
KVA diesel generators. The results showed that the system
could display sensor parameters on the website application. It
also displayed running status of generator as well as online or
offline status of the system. Moreover, this system helped
operator to determine maintenance time appropriately.
For future work, this system can be integrated with a
control system by which user can control generator remotely
Fig. 12. Offline Status of the System via mobile phone. Besides, abnormality detection can also be
added to detect problems in diesel generator.
Fig. 13. shows the generators have been connected to this
system. It contains information such as id, name, serial REFERENCES
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Fig. 13. Information of the Devices

As shown in Fig. 13. every device has different serial

numbers. Each serial numbers indicate diesel generators that
are connected to power monitoring system. All the parameters

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