Bamboo Scaffold

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Bamboo Scaffold

Item Risk Ra nking Add it ional Mi tiga ti ng Co ntrols ( A. L. A. R. By Whom

No. Cause / Initial Event Consequence Existing Mitigating Controls Risk Ranking
L S R/R Required L S R/R
1 Erection of Collapse
of A brief training is
conducted to certified
3 4 S - The bamboo scaffold should be 1
checked by competent person and
3 M -- Engineer
worker on scaffolding fill in CSSR Form 5 every 14 days. - CP o f 
safety. - The erection of bamboo scaffold Scaffolding
should be done by certified worker. - CW o f 
Working adjacent to the − Falling into − Erect rigid barriers along 1 2 L -− S ec ure site
Enhance the safety
b am boo scaffo ld by 1
supervision 1 Scaffolding
L − Engineer
the edge of Landing Steps anchor the scaffold to anchor bolts
sea water − Workers known swimming are − Foreman
and the fencing nearby.
− Provide working platform advised to engage for working over − Superintendent
- T he b am boo members should be
with suitable access water
checked for their fitness before
dispatching to the site.
Workers should wear life
− Provide life buoys and
adequate length of rescue
ropes close to the works
Work in a team of at least
Item Risk Ra nking Add it ional Mi tiga ti ng Co ntrols ( A. L. A. R. By Whom
No. Cause / Initial Event Consequence Existing Mitigating Controls P.)
Risk Ranking
L S R/R Required L S R/R
Working at height - Fall from - Provide suitable working 2 4 S - Competent workers to erect the 1 4 S - Engineer
height  platform working platform - Foreman
- Falling object - Provision of safety harness - CP to inspect the working platform - Safety Officer
- Provide safety training to daily and record its working condition
related workers in CSSR Form 5
- Display warning notices to remind
the workers on the associated hazards
Item Risk Ra nking Add it ional Mi tiga ti ng Co ntrols ( A. L. A. R. By Whom
No. Cause / Initial Event Consequence Existing Mitigating Controls P.)
Risk Ranking
L S R/R Required L S R/R
2 Working at Fall of person Provide safe access and 3 4 S - The working platform should be 1 3 M - Engineer
Height egress checked by competent person and fill - Foreman
− Provide adequate personal in CSSR Form 5 every 14 days. - CP o f 
- The working platform should be Scaffolding
 protective equipment
Provide guardrails and checked after adverse weather by
competent person.
toeboard for working
Conduct daily inspection
 by foreman in charge or 
Workers should wear 
safety harness and secured
to independent lifeline or
anchorage point when
they need to work outside
the working platform
Fall of object temporarily. 3 3 S - Do not leave tools or materials lying 1 3 M - Engineer
Heavy materials should around and placing at the edge of  - Foreman
not be stored or stacked  platform. - Superintendent
on working platform
Material should never be
thrown, tipped or dropped
from heights, they should
always be lowered by
 proper lifting receptacle.

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