DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W3
DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W3
DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W3
b. Performance Standard
The learners should design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit.
c. Learning Competencies/
Objectives/LC code Describe the different seasons in the Philippines./S6ES-IVc-3
B. Other Learning
Internet Internet, Globe Internet, Globe Internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson Recall the experiences Recall what yesterday discussed. Based on the average Recall what yesterday discussed.
or presenting new lesson about the eruption of volcanoes, -weather temperature, the climate of the -altitude
the bad effects made by volcanic -climate world are classified into three -ocean currents
eruption on lives and properties’’ -how does weather affects the types -amount of rainfall
What natural phenomena are human daily activities? -the tropic cancer -wind system
associated with the eruption of -what are the two season in the -the tropic Capricorn -doldrum,horse latitude and trade
volcanoes?” Philippines? -and the equator. winds.
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the students to look outside Ask the pupils to look at the Recall some elements of weather Present a video clip about the
the lesson. the window” What can you say picture. ”what have you observe such as air, temperature, air earth’s movements.
about the weather today? Has it in the given pictures?” pressure, humidity, wind speed Earth rotation and revolution:
change much un yesterday? add SNOW FALL IN JAPAN and direction. Crash course kid 8.1.
more question about weather! What did you learned from our
past activity? You have learned that the earth
What is latitude? rotates on its axis as it revolves
Original File Submitted and around the sun. These movements
Formatted by DepEd Club affect our life on earth.
Member - visit depedclub.com for What are the consequences or
DRY WEATHER IN LUNETA PARK more the effects of these movements?
E. Discussing new concept and “What is the meaning of The sun is the source of heat Heat from the sun’s rays causes Present a video presentation to
practicing new skills #2 weather? Climate?” that warms the earth. However, the water from the ocean, lakes, the pupils regarding about the
There is often confusion temperature varies. rivers and streams to evaporate types of climate in the Philippines.
between weather and climate. What affects the amount of solar and become water vapour.
energy received by different This vapour rises up into air and
Weather is the condition of the places on earth? condenses to form clouds. The
atmosphere at a particular place water droplets in the clouds fall
over a short period of time, back down to earth as rain.
whereas climate refers to the Different parts of the country
weather pattern, using statistical have different amounts of rain fall
data, of a place over a long during the year. The amount of
enough period to yield meaningful rainfall is used to describe the
averages. climate in the region.
Tropical regions which are
generally hot and wet have high
temperature and railfall.The
differences in surface
temperature in the tropics create
a very wet and humid
vegetation in these areas flourish
of the great amount of rainfall.
F. Developing mastery (leads The weather may be warm one Ask the pupils to group into 3. The Philippines has generally
to Formative Assessment day and cold the next day. It may let the student do the warm temperature throughout the
#3.) be bright and sunny when you investigate year. However, the amount of rain
wake up in the morning and dark Science and Health 6,page 223. that falls varies.
and drizzly in the afternoon. Materials: In the Philippines, the amount of
What causes the changes in -Globe rainfall is used to describe the
weather? -Flashlight climate in different regions.
The WEATHER has three elements -Dark room. The Philippines has five types of
namely sunshine, water and air. climates: tropical rainforest,
SUNSHINE gives the earth light, Procedure: tropical savanna, tropical
heat and power. Observe the globe while it is in a monsoon, humid subtropical, and
WATER comes from oceans, seas, steady and rotating. DOLDRUMS also called equatorial oceanic (both are in higher-
rivers and lake. Observe which part receives the calms, equatorial regions of light altitude areas) characterized by
AIR surrounds us just as water direct rays of the light. ocean currents and winds within relatively high temperature,
surrounds the fish the live in it.We the intertropical convergence oppressive humidity and plenty of
live at the bottom of an ocean of zone (ITCZ), a belt of rainfall.
air called ATMOSPHERE. converging winds and rising air
CLIMATE is the average weather encircling Earth near the Equator.
condition in a locality over a long
period of time. In the Philippines,
two general types of climatic
conditions exist- DRY and WET HORSE LATITUDE or subtropical
SEASON. highs are subtropical latitudes bet
During the dry season or summer, ween 30 and 38 degrees both
it is generally bright and sunny. north and south where Earth's
Sometimes though, our atmosphere is dominated by
atmosphere change from sunny to the subtropical high, an area
dark in a short time rain can fall in of high pressure, which
the afternoon. suppresses precipitation and
cloud formation, and has variable
winds mixed with calm winds.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. .What innovation or localized
materials did used/discover
which I wish to share with other