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Yun Angraeni Saputri, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Siti Sulfirani, S.Pd., M.Pd

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writers finished writing
the learning module entitled “English for Computer” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this module is to become teaching materials that will be used
for students of computer engineering study programs. This module contains material related to
computer science, packaged in English so that it aims to improve the ability of computer
science program students to speak English. Besides that, there are also several exercises that
can increase students' insights about computer science in English.
In arranging this module, the writers truly get lots of challenges and obstructions but
with help of many individuals, those obstructions could be passed. Writers also realized there
are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Because of that, the writers say thank
you to all individuals who helps in the process of writing this module. Hopefully Allah replies
all helps and bless you all. The writer realized that this module still imperfect in arrangement
and the content. Then the writers hope the criticism from the readers can help the writers in
perfecting the next module. Last but not the least, hopefully this module can help the students
to gain more knowledge about English for Computer.

Kolaka Utara, March 7th, 2023



LIST OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………………….ii
UNIT 1. THE BASIC OF COMPUTER………………………………………………………………..1
UNIT 2. HISTORY OF COMPUTER…………………………………………………………………..5
UNIT 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER……………………………………………………..9
UNIT 5. HARDWARE………………………………………………………………………………...17
UNIT 6. SOFTWARE………………………………………………………………………………….28
UNIT 7. THE INTERNET…………………………………………………………………………….39


A. Definition of Computer

What is a computer?
A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that
operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of
being in one of two possible states, that is, on or off;magnetized or demagnetized. The
machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and characters. The basic
idea of a computer is that we can make the machine do what we want by inputting signals that
turn certain switches on and turn others off, or that magnetize or do not magnetize the

The basic job of computers is the processing of information. For this reason,
computers can be defined as devices which accept information in the form of
instructions called a program and characters called data, perform mathematical
and/or logical operations on the information, and then supply results of these
operations. The program, or part of it, which tells the computers what to do and the
data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the
computer in a place called memory.

Computers are thought to have many remarkable powers. However, most

computers, whether large or small have three basic capabilities. First, computers have
circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as: addition, subtraction, division,
multiplication andexponentiation. Second, computers have a means of communicating
with the user. After all, if we couldn’t feed information in and get results back, these machines
wouldn’t be of much use. However, certain computers (commonly minicomputers and
microcomputers) are used to control directly things such as robots, aircraft navigation
systems, medical instruments, etc.

Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use punched cards,
magnetic tape, disks, and terminals. The computer's input device (which might be a
card reader, a tape driveor disk drive, depending on the medium used in inputting
information) reads the information into the computer. For outputting information, two

common devices used are a printer which prints the new information on paper, or a
CRT display screen which shows the results on a TV-like screen. Third, computers
have circuits which can make decisions. The kinds of decisions which computer
circuits can make are not of the type: “Who would win a war between two
countries?” or “Who is the richest person in the world?” Unfortunately, the computer
can only decide three things, namely: Is one number less than another? Are two
numbers equal? and, Is one number greater than another?
A computer can solve a series of problems and make hundreds, even thousands, of
logical decisions without becoming tired or bored. It can find the solution to a problem in a
fraction of the time it takes a human being to do the job. A computer can replace people in dull,
routine tasks,but it has no originality; it works according to the instructions givento it and
cannot exercise any value judgments. There are times when a computer seems to operate like
a mechanical 'brain', but its achievements are limited by the minds of human beings. A
computercannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and gives it the appropriate
information; but because electric pulses can move at the speed of light, a computer can carry
out vast numbers of arithmetic- logical operations almost instantaneously. A person can do
everything a computer can do, but in many cases that person would be dead long before the
job was finished.


A. Read the passage above and decide whether the following statements are
true or false.
1. A computer can store or handle any data even if it hasn't received information

to do so.
2. All computers accept and process information in the form of instructions and

3. The information necessary for solving problems is found in the memory of

the computer.
4. Not all computers can perform arithmetic operations, make decisions, and

communicate in some way with the user

5. Computers can still be useful machines even if they can't communicate with

the user.
6. There are many different devices used for feeding information into a computer.

7. There aren't as many different types of devices used for giving result as there

are for accepting information.

8. Computers can make any type of decision they are asked to.

9. Computers can work endlessly without having to stop to rest unless there is

a breakdown.

B. Refer back to the text and find the synonyms.

1. complex =
2. fundamental =
3. a way =
4. uninterested =
5. accomplishments =

C. Refer back to the text and find the antonyms.

1. large =
2. receiving =
3. reject =
4. unusual =
5. small =

D. Find 5 of your friends and ask them the questions below

Name of Job What they use computers for

your friend

E. Looking for article or journal about computer!


Let us take a look at the history of the computers that we know today.The very first
calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man’s hands. This, in fact, is why today we
still count in tens and multiples of tens. Then the abacus was invented, a bead frame in which
the beads aremoved from left to right. People went on using some form of abacus well into
the 16th century, and it is still being used in some parts of the world because it can be understood
without knowing how to read.

During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating.
J. Napier, a Scotsman, devised a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing, which is how
the modern slide rule works.Henry Briggs used Napier’s ideas to produce logarithm tables
which all mathematicians use today. Calculus, another branch of mathematics, was
independently invented by both Sir Isaac Newton, an Englishman, and Leibnitz, a German

The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of several
people's experiments. This type of machine, which saves a great deal of time and
reduces the possibility of making mistakes, depends on a series of ten-toothed gear
wheels. In 1830 Charles Babbage, an Englishman, designed a machine that was called
‘The Analytical Engine’. This machine, which Babbage showed at the Paris Exhibition
in 1855, was an attempt to cut out the human being altogether, except for providing the
machine with the necessary facts about the problem to be solved. He never finished this
work, but many of his ideas were the basis for building today's computers.

In 1930, the first analog computer was built by an American named Vannevar
Bush. This device was used in World War II to help aim guns. Mark I, the name given
to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The men responsible for this
invention were Professor Howard Aiken and some people from IBM.

This was the first machine that could figure out long lists of mathematical
problems, all at a very fast rate. In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania, J. Eckert
and J. Mauchly, built the first digital computer using parts called vacuum tubes. They named
theirnew invention ENIAC. Another important advancement in computers came in 1947, when

John von Newmann developed the idea of keeping instructions for the computer inside the
computer’s memory.

The first generation of computers, which used vacuum tubes, came out in 1950. Univac
I is an example of these computers which could perform thousands of calculations per
second. In 1960, the second generation of computers was developed and these could perform
work ten times faster than their predecessors. The reason for this extra speed was the use of
transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers were smaller, faster and
more dependable than first generation computers.

The third-generation computers appeared on the market in 1965. These computers could
do a million calculations a second, which is 1000 times as many as first-generation computers.
Unlike second-generation computers, these are controlled by tiny integrated circuits and are
consequently smaller and more dependable. Fourth-generationcomputers have now arrived,
and the integrated circuits that are beingdeveloped have been greatly reduced in size. This
is due to microminiaturization, which means that the circuits are much smaller than
before; as many as 1000 tiny circuits now fit onto a single chip. A chip is a square or rectangular
piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to 1/4 inch, upon which several layers of an integrated circuit
are etched or imprinted, after which the circuit is encapsulated in plastic, ceramic or metal.
Fourth-generation computers are 50 times faster than third-generation computers and can
complete approximately 1,000,000 instructions per second.

At the rate computer technology is growing, today’s computers might be obsolete by

1988 and most certainly by 1990. It has been said that if transport technology had developed
as rapidly as computer technology, a trip across the Atlantic Ocean today would take a few


A. Read the passage above and decide whether the following statements are true or
1. The abacus and the fingers are two calculating devices still in use today.

2. The slide rule was invented hundreds of years ago.

3. During the early 1880s, many people worked on inventing a mechanical calculating

4. Charles Babbage, an Englishman, could well be called the father of computers.

5. The first computer was invented and built in the USA.

6. Instructions used by computers have always been kept inside the computer's memory.

7. Using transistors instead of vacuum tubes did nothing to increase the speed at which

calculations were done.

8. As computers evolved, their size decreased and their dependability increased.

9. Today's computers have more circuits than previous computers.

10. Computer technology has developed to a point from which new developments in the

field will take a long time to come.

B. Match the following words in column A with the statements in column B.

1. abacus a. instrument used for doing multiplication and division
2. calculus b. used in the first digital computers
3. analog computer c. an instrument used for counting
4. digital computer d. used in mathematics
5. vacuum tubes e. circuitry of fourth-generation computers
6. transistors f. invented by Americans in 1944
7. chip g. made computers smaller and faster
8. microminiaturization h. used to help aim guns
9. slide rule i. the reduction of circuitry onto a chip
10.logarithm tables j. a branch of mathematics text and find the synonyms.

C. Read the history of Computers and write the conclusion of each paragraph
 Memorize the vocabularies:
Abacus : Alat hitung/sampoa
Calculus : Hitungan
Analog Computer : Komputer Analog
Digital Computer : Komputer Digital
Vacuum Tubes : Tabung Vakum

Characteristics of Computer

Computers are machines designed to process, electronically, specially prepared

pieces of information which are termed data. Handling or manipulating the information
that has been given to the computer, in such ways as doing calculations, adding information
or making comparisons is called processing. Computers are made up of millions of electronic
devices capable of storing data or moving them, at enormous speeds, through complex circuits
with different functions.

All computers have several characteristics in common, regardless of make or

design. Information, in the form of instructions and data, is given to the machine, after which
the machine acts on it, and a result is then returned. The information presented to the machine
is the input;the internal manipulative operations, the processing; and the result, the output.
These three basic concepts of input, processing, and output occur in almost every aspect of
human life whether at work or at play.

For example, in clothing manufacturing, the input is the pieces of cut cloth, the
processing is the sewing together of these pieces, and the output is the finished garment.

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 shows schematically the fundamental hardware components in a computer

system. The centerpiece is called either the computer, the processor, or, usually, the central
processing unit (CPU). The term ‘computer’ includes those parts of hardware in which
calculations and other data manipulations are performed, and the high-speed internal
memory in which data and calculations are stored during actual execution of
programs.Attached to the CPU are the various peripheral devices such as card readers and
keyboards (two common examples of input devices). When data or programs need to be
saved for long periodsof time, they are stored on various secondary memory devices or
storage devices such as magnetic tapes or magnetic disks.

Computers have often been thought of as extremely large adding machines, but
this is a very narrow view of their function. Although a computer can only respond to a
certain number of instructions, it is nota single-purpose machine since these instructions
can be combined inan infinite number of sequences. Therefore, a computer has no known
limit on the kinds of things it can do; its versatility is limited only by the imagination of those
using it.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s when electronic computers of the kind in use today
were being developed, they were very expensive to own andrun. Moreover, their size and
reliability were such that a large number of support personnel were needed to keep the
equipment operating. This has all changed now that computing power has become portable,
more compact, and cheaper.

In only a very short period of time, computers have greatly changed the way in which
many kinds of work are performed. Computers can remove many of the routine and
boring tasks from our lives, thereby., leaving us with more time for interesting, creative
work. It goes without saying that computers have created whole new areas of work that did
notexist before their development.


A. Read the passage above Decide whether the following statements are true
or false.

1. All information to be processed must be prepared in such a way that the

computer will understand it.

2. Because of the complex electronic circuitry of a computer, data can be either

stored or moved about at high speeds.

3. Not all computers can process data given to them and produce results.

4. The basic concepts of data processing are restricted to computers alone.

5. The processor is the central component of a computer system.

6. All other devices used in a computer system are attached to the CPU.

7. Memory devices are used for storing information.

8. Computers are very much restricted in what they can do.

9. Computers today cost less, are smaller, and need fewer people to operate them

than in the past.

10. Computers haven't changed our working conditions very much.


Like all machines, a computer needs to be directed and controlled in order to

perform a task successfully. Until such time as a program is prepared and stored in the
computer's memory, the computer 'knows' absolutely nothing, not even how to accept or reject
data. Even the most;sophisticated computer, no matter how capable it is, must be told what to
do. Until the capabilities and the limitations of a computer arerecognized, its usefulness
cannot be thoroughly understood.

In the first place, it should be recognized that computers are capable of doing
repetitive operations. A computer can perform similar operations thousands of times, without
becoming bored, tired, or even careless.

Secondly, computers can process information at extremely rapid rates. For example,
modern computers can solve certain classes of arithmetic problems millions of times faster than
a skilled mathematician. Speeds for performing decision-making operations are comparable
to those for . arithmetic operations but input-output operations, however, involve

mechanical motion and hence require more time. On a typical computer system, cards
are read at an average speed of 1000 cards per minute and as many as 1000 lines can be
printed at the same rate.

Thirdly, computers may be programmed to calculate answers to whatever level of

accuracy is specified by the programmer. In spite of newspaper headlines such as ‘Computer
Fails’, these machines are very accurate and reliable especially when the number of operations
they can perform every second is considered. Because they are man-made machines, they
sometimes malfunction or break down and have to berepaired. However, in most instances
when the computer fails, it is due to human error and is not the fault of the computer at all.

In the fourth place, general-purpose computers can be programmed to solve

various types of problems because of their flexibility. One of the most important reasons why
computers are so widely used today is that almost every big problem can be solved by solving a
number of little problems – one after another.

Finally, a computer, unlike a human being, has no intuition. A personmay suddenly

find the answer to a problem without working out too many of the details, but a computer
can only proceed as it has been programmed to.
Using the very limited capabilities possessed by all computers, the task of producing a
university payroll, for instance, can be done quite easily. The following kinds of things need be
done for each employee on thepayroll. First: Input information about the employee such as wage
rate, hours worked, tax rate, unemployment insurance, and pension deductions. Second:
Do some simple arithmetic and decision making operations. Third: Output a few printed lines on
a cheque. By repeating this process over and over again, the payroll will eventually be


A. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. A computer cannot do anything until it has been programmed.

2. A computer is a useless machine if its capabilities and limitations are unknown.

3. A computer can repeat the same operation over and over again forever if permitted.

4. The speed at which different computer component function is considered to be one of the

limitations of a computer.

5. Computers do not usually make mistakes unless they break down.

6. A computer can think and solve problems by itself.

7. A computer is a single-purpose machine in that it cannot be programmed to solve

various types of problems.

8. Computers can solve big problems by following a series of simple steps.

9. A computer usually solves problems by doing some mathematical and decision-making


10. Computers are used because they are fast and exact.

B. Choose the appropriate form of the words to complete the sentences.

1.repetition, repeat, repetitive, repeatedly, repeating
a. There are some people who______arrive late to class whenever they're working on a
program because they forget the time.

b. A computer can do_______operations without getting tired or bored.

c. ______which can be a boring and unproductive task has been eliminated with the use
of computers.

d. A computer can ______ the same operation over and over again accurately without
becoming bored or tired.

2. comparison, compare, comparable, comparatively, comparative

a. Renting a computer isn’t______to owning one.

b. Computers can______numbers.
с. There is sometimes very little______to be made between two different brand-name
micro computers.
d. The difference in price of microcomputers from different manufacturers can be
______ .......... small.

3. repairs, repaired, repairable, repair

a. When the computer is down it needs to be ______
b. Electronic equipment often takes a long time to ______

с. ______to a computer system are often done by the same company who
manufactured the system.

4. accuracy, accurate, accurately

a. A computer is always______in its results if well prepared.
b. ______ is one of the advantages of using computers in research or in statistical
c. Computers can produce results quickly and______


Have you got a How often do What are the

computer at home, you use it? What main components
school or work? do you use it and features of
What kind is it? for? your computer

A. Definition of Hardware

What is hardware?
Computer hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system.
Computer hardware can be categorized as being either internal or external components.
Generally, internal hardware components are those necessary for the proper functioning of the
computer, while external hardware components are attached to the computer to add or enhance

B. Computer Hardware Components

What are internal computer hardware components?

Internal components collectively process or store the instructions delivered by the
program or operating system (OS). These include the following:
 Motherboard
This is a printed circuit board that holds the central processing unit (CPU) and other
essential internal hardware and functions as the central hub that all other hardware
components run through.
 CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The CPU is the brain of the computer that processes and executes digital instructions
from various programs; its clock speed determines the computer’s performance and
efficiency in processing data.
RAM or dynamic RAM is temporary memory storage that makes information
immediately accessible to programs; RAM is volatile memory, so stored data is cleared
when the computer powers off.
 Hard drive
Hard disk drives are physical storage devices that store both permanent and temporary
data in different formats, including programs, OSes, device files, photos, etc.
 Solid-state drive (SSD)
SSDs are solid-state storage devices based on NAND flash memory technology; SSD
are non-volatile, so they can safely store data even when the computer is powered down.
 Optical drive
Optical drives typically reside in an on-device drive bay; they enable the computer to
read and interact with nonmagnetic external media, such as compact disc read-only
memory or digital video discs.
 Heat sink
This is a passive piece of hardware that draws heat away from components to
regulate/reduce their temperature to help ensure they continue to function properly.
Typically, a heat sink is installed directly atop the CPU, which produces the most heat
among internal components.
 Graphics processing units
The chip-based device processes graphical data and often functions as an extension to
the main CPU.
 Network interface card (NIC)
A NIC is a circuit board or chip that enables the computer to connect to a network; also
known as a network adapter or local area network adapter or local area network adapter,
it typically supports connection to an Ethernet network.

Other computing components, such as USB ports, power supplies, transistors and chip,
are also types of internal hardware.

What are external hardware components?

External hardware components, also called peripheral components, are those items that
are often externally connected to the computer to control either input or output functions. These
hardware devices are designed to either provide instructions to the software (input) or render
result from its execution (output).
Common input hardware components include the following:

 Mouse
A mouse is hand-held pointing device that moves a cursor around a computer screen
and enable interaction with objects on the screen. It may be wired or wireless.
 Keyboard

A keyboard is an input device featuring a standard QWERTY keyset that enables users
to input text, numbers or special characters.
 Microphone
A microphone is a device that translates sound waves into electrical signals and
supports computer-based audio communications.
 Camera
A camera captures visual images and streams them to the computer or through computer
to a network device.
 Touchpad
A touchpad is an input device, external or built into a laptop, used to control the pointer
on a display screen. It is typically an alternative to an external mouse.
 USB Flash drive
A USB Flash drive is an external, removable storage device that uses flash memory and
interfaces with a computer through a USB port.
 Memory card
A memory card is a type of portable external storage media, such as Compact Flash
Card, used to store media or data files.

Examples of output hardware components include the following:

 Monitor
A monitor is an output device similar to a TV screen that displays information,
documents or images generated by the computing devices.
 Printer
Printers render electronic data from a computer into printed material.
 Speaker
A speaker is an external audio output device that connects to a computer to generate a
sound output.
 Headphones, earphones, ear buds.
Similar to speakers, these devices provide audio output that’s audible only to a single


Connect the words with the picture
1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Hard Drive
4. CPU
5. Monitor
6. Motherboard
7. USB Flash drive
8. Touchpad
9. RAM
10. Printer

B. Match the verbs with the nouns

1. Recharge a. Digital photos

2. Click on b. Faxes
3. Dial c. A number on your mobile phone
4. Give d. A presentation
5. Move e. Something with the mouse
6. Print out f. The battery
7. Send and receive g. The mouse
8. Take some h. Twenty pages
9. Press i. The computer
10. Turn on j. The button

C. Choose the best verb

1. To turn on the computer, ……….. the “start” button.

a. Touch b. press c. switch

2. The printer has………… of ink.

a. Finished b. ended c. run out

3. Unfortunately, my scanner isn’t ………at the moment.

a. Working b. going c. doing

4. Please ………. The CD ROM.

a. Insert b. introduce c. inject

5. The projector isn’t working because it isn’t ……

a. Plugged b. plugged in c. plugged into

6. The batteries in my digital camera are nearly dead. They need …….
a. Exchanging b. to charge c. changing

7. I have to …… a computer screen for eight hours a day.

a. buy b. take c. watch

8. Switch off your computer, and ……… it from the wall socket
a. De-plug b. unplug c. non-plug

9. I turned off the photocopier and …………. the plug.

a. Pulled out b. extracted c. took away

10. ……… any key to continue.

a. Kick b. smash c. hit

D. Choose the best adjective

1. Oh dear. I pressed the __________ button.

a. incorrect b. wrong c. false

2. I can't use my mobile phone. The battery's __________.

a. over b. flat c. exhausted

3. The battery isn't completely flat, but its very __________.

a. down b. short c. low

4. My video camera is very __________.

a. easy to use b. uncomplicated c. obvious

5. My new computer has a very __________ processor.

a. quick b. high speed c. fast

6. The X19 notebook computer features a very __________ design.

a. compact b. little c. small

7. Keeping files on paper is __________ solution.

a. an old-tech b. a past-tech c. a low-tech

8. Keeping files on a computer database is a __________ solution.

a. new-tech b. now-tech c. high-tech

9. My new PDA is the __________ model.

a. latest b. newest c. most modern

10. In our office, we've set up a __________ network.

a. wire-free b. no wires c. wireless

Label the picture of a standard keyboard with the groups of keys

Cursor control keys Alphanumeric keys Function keys

Dedicated keys A numeric keypad

Put the word in the space.

Cartridge Cover Feed Mono Out Out of

Jammed Print-heads Reload Replacement Via

1. When the ink runs out, you have to change the ____________.
2. ____________ cartridges can be ordered online.
3. To change the cartridge, you have to lift the ____________.
4. The printer is connected to the computer ____________ a USB cable.
5. The printer is ____________ paper. ____________ the paper tray.
6. I think some paper is ____________ inside the printer.
7. My printer keeps getting jammed. I think there's a problem with the paper ____________.
8. Shall I print this ____________ in colour or black and white?
9. "Black and white" is also known as ____________.
10. If there's a problem with the print quality, perhaps the ____________ need cleaning.

Read the following article

Find words in the article with the following meaning

1. Design and images used in magazines, book, etc. (lines 10-15)…………
2. Output quality, measured in dots per inch (lines 10-15)…………..
3. A particular color within the color spectrum (lines 15-20)…………..
4. An ink powder used in laser printers and copiers (lines 25-30)
5. Set of characters that can be resized (enlarged or reduced) without introducing
distortion (lines 30-35)…………
6. A rectangular pattern of black lines of magnetic ink printed on an object so that its
details can be reach by a computer system (lines 35-40)…………..
7. Surface that carries a reproduction of the images, from which the pages are printed
(lines 45-50)………….
8. In between; middle (lines 50-55)

Complete this text about mouse with verb from the box

click double-click drag grab select move control

Complete the press release with words from the box


A. Definition of Software

What is software?

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers

and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical
aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to
applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. It can be thought of as the
variable part of a computer, while hardware is the invariable part.

B. Main Categories of Software

Computer software can be divided into two very broad categories, systems
software and applications software. An application is software that fulfills a specific
need or performs tasks. System software is designed to run a computer's
hardware and provides a platform for applications to run on top of.

Among the various categories of software, the most common types include the

 Application software. The most common type of software, application software is

a computer software package that performs a specific function for a user, or in some
cases, for another application. An application can be self-contained, or it can be a
group of programs that run the application for the user. Examples of modern
applications include office suites, graphics software, databases and database
management programs, web browsers, word processors, software development
tools, image editors and communication platforms.
 System software. These software programs are designed to run a computer's
application programs and hardware. System software coordinates the activities and
functions of the hardware and software. In addition, it controls the operations of the
computer hardware and provides an environment or platform for all the other types
of software to work in. The OS is the best example of system software; it manages
all the other computer programs. Other examples of system software include
the firmware, computer language translators and system utilities.
 Driver software. Also known as device drivers, this software is often considered a
type of system software. Device drivers control the devices and peripherals
connected to a computer, enabling them to perform their specific tasks. Every
device that is connected to a computer needs at least one device driver to function.

Examples include software that comes with any nonstandard hardware, including
special game controllers, as well as the software that enables standard hardware,
such as USB storage devices, keyboards, headphones and printers.
 Middleware. The term middleware describes software that mediates between
application and system software or between two different kinds of application
software. For example, middleware enables Microsoft Windows to talk to Excel
and Word. It is also used to send a remote work request from an application in a
computer that has one kind of OS, to an application in a computer with a different
OS. It also enables newer applications to work with legacy ones.
 Programming software. Computer programmers use programming software to
write code. Programming software and programming tools enable developers to
develop, write, test and debug other software programs. Examples of programming
software include assemblers, compilers, debuggers and interpreters.


A. Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to __________.
a. boot itself b. boot up c. get booted
2. Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are __________.
a. operating systems b. operating tools c. operators
3. On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.
a. desktop background b. desktop picture c. desktop scene
4. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or __________.
a. applicators b. appliers c. applications
5. To open Microsoft Word, click on the __________.
a. picture b. symbol c. icon
6. I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called "Photos".
a. folder b. packet c. box
7. Is it possible to open Microsoft Excel __________ in Word?
a. texts b. files c. Pages
8. In Microsoft Word, to start typing a new letter, open a new ___________.
a. document b. page c. paper
9. When you __________ a document, it's sent to the recycle bin.
a. destroy b. Erase c. delete
10. Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________ it.
a. wash b. Empty c. Clean

B. Choose the Best Word

1. Software which is easy to use is…
a. user-easy b. user-friendly c. usable
2. Software which is obvious to use is…

a. intuitive b. guessable c. comprehensible

3. Software which is not obvious to use is…

a. counter-intuitive b. unintuitive c. non-intuitive
4. Software for use by children and schools is…

a. learning b. Teaching c. educational

5. Software for use by businesses is…

a. commercial b. businesslike c. busy

6. Software made specially for one company is…

a. one-off b. unique c. tailor-made

7. Software for use at home is…

a. for home use b. for house use c. for household use

8. Software which has been illegally copied is…

a. unreal b. Pirated c. fake

9. Software which has been bought from the company that produced it is…
a. real b. Justified c. license

C. Match the description on the left with these famous applications

1. Word processor a. Adobe photoshop

2. Spreadsheet b. Internet explorer
3. Virus protection c. Microsoft word
4. Browser d. Microsoft excel
5. Image editor e. Microsoft powerpoint
6. Media player f. Norton antivirus
7. Email software g. Outlook express
8. Presentation software h. Adobe pagemaker
9. Graphic design software i. realplayer

D. Insert the missing word

Close drag and drop find free up installed

launch password renamed running save
search start menu uninstalling user windows

1. I couldn’t open the document

you emailed me. I don’t have 2. Click on that icon to
Microsoft Word….. on my …. Internet explorer

4. If your computer is ……several

3. I …… important document, applications at the same time, it's
and now I can't find it more likely to crash. It's better to
____________ the applications.
you're not using

5. You can access all the

6. You can view two Word
applications on your
documents on the screen at
computer from the….. the same time. You just
open a new…….

8. I asked the computer to

7. It's easy to move files into
……….for files with
a folder. You can just…..
"English" in the name,
but it didn't ……….

9. This is a shared 10. You can …… on

computer. Each....... has your hard drive by
their own …... ……. applications you
never use.

11. If you……… your

photos as JPEGs instead
of TIFFs, you'll use a lot
less memory.

E. Write the words into the spaces

F. Crossword

G. Match the type of software with the definition

1. Trial version a. A simplified version which cheaper

to buy.
b. Software which is in the public
2. Shareware domain. Anybody can use it
without paying
c. The full version with all the
3. Freeware d. You can try it for a while for free.
Then if you want to keep using it,
you are expected to pay a small fee
4. Home-use version to the writer.
e. You can use it for free for a while
(often a month). When the trial
5. Professional version period finishes, you have to pay, or
the program will de-activate.

Look at this screenshot from Microsoft word and translate the labelled features and
functions into your own language.

I. Choose the best word

1. Making changes to a text is called _________.
a. altering b. Renewing c. editing
2. To change normal text to italic, first you must _________ the text you want to
a. choose b. Take c. select
3. A very pale image behind the text is called ________.
a. an ink mark b. a watermark c. a grey mark
4. To divide the text into two pages, insert a ________.
a. page break b. page stop c. page change
5. The numbers at the bottom of the page are ________.
a. page numbers b. sheet numbers c. paper numbers
6. An extra note at the bottom of the page (usually in a smaller font size) is called a

a. bottom note b. Foot c. Footnote
7. In word processing, to put things into alphabetical order is to ________.
a. sort b. organise c. Order
8. A list of contacts, addresses etc. is called _________.
a. an archive b. a list c. a database
9. Producing a document on your computer and sending it direct to a printing press is
a. computer publishing b. desktop publishing c. electronic publishing
10. Cut or copied text is temporarily stored in the __________.
a. clipboard b. Clip c. clipar

J. Can you answer these question in English?

1. Which application do you use most often? Why?

2. How does it help you in your work?
3. Which features do you find most useful?
4. Does it have any limitations which annoy you? What are they?
5. Is there an application you'd like to learn to use? What would you use it for?


A. Definition of Internet

What is the internet?

The internet is a global network of interconnected computers, servers, phones,
and smart appliances that communicate with each other using the transmission control
protocol (TCP) standard to enable a fast exchange of information and files, along with
other types of services.

B. How was the internet developed?

The internet was first envisioned in the form of ARPANET by the Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969. The initial goal
was to create a network that would enable users of a research computer at one institution
to “communicate” with research computers at another institution. Since
communications can be sent or diverted across several directions, ARPANet could
continue to operate even if a military strike or any other calamity damages portions of
the network.
ARPANET used the new packet switching technology to create low-cost,
interactive interactions between computers, which generally communicate in short data
bursts. Packet switching broke down large transmissions (or portions of computer data)
into smaller, more manageable parts (called packets) that could travel independently
across any accessible circuit to the destination where they were reassembled.
Consequently, unlike conventional voice services, packet switching doesn’t require a
separate dedicated connection between a pair of users.
In the 1970s, corporate packet networks were launched, although their primary
purpose was to enable efficient access to distant computers through specialized
terminals. They replaced expensive long-distance modem connections with “virtual”
lines via packet networks.
Today, the internet is a globally accessible, collaborative, and self-sustaining
public resource available to tens of millions of individuals. Countless people utilize it
as their primary source of data consumption, spurring the development and expansion
of their own community through social networking and content exchange. However,
private versions of the internet do exist, which are primarily used by large organizations
for secure and regulated information exchange.

C. Key features of the internet
The internet is a vast, interconnected network of computers and other network-
enabled devices, which is:
 Globally available: The internet is an international service with universal access.
People living in isolated areas of an archipelago or even in the depths of Africa can
now access the internet.
 Easy to use: The software used to connect to the internet (web browser) is user-
friendly and easy to understand. It’s also relatively easy to create.
 Compatible with other types of media: The internet provides a high level of
engagement with photos and videos, among other media.
 Affordable: Internet service development, as well as maintenance costs, are
 Flexible: Internet-based communication is highly adaptable. It supports text, audio,
and video communication. These services are available at both individual and
organizational levels.

D. How Does the Internet Work?

The internet delivers different types of information and media across networked
devices. It operates using an internet protocol (IP) and a transport control protocol
(TCP) packet routing network. Whenever you visit a website, your computer or mobile
device requests the server using such protocols.
A server is where web pages are stored, and it functions similarly to the hard
drive of a computer, except with far greater processing power. The server accesses the
web page and delivers the right information to your computer whenever the request
arrives. This is broadly the end-to-end user experience. Let us now look at the more
technical details of how the internet works.
1. Connecting computers
The basic foundation of the internet is an interconnected network of computers.
When two computers interact, they must be physically (often via an Ethernet
connection) or wirelessly connected (via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). All modern systems
can support any of these connections to establish a core network.
2. Scaling computer networks
The computer network, as described above, is not restricted to two PCs. One
can link several computers. However, as you expand, it may get more complex.
Every machine on a network is connected to a tiny computing device known as a
router to address this problem. This router’s only function is to operate as a signaler.
It ensures that a message transmitted from a particular computer reaches its intended
recipient. With the addition of a router, a system of 10 computers needs merely ten
wires instead of 10 × 10 = 100 connections.
3. Enabling infinite scaling
Let us now discuss interconnecting hundreds of thousands to billions of
machines. A single router cannot scale to that extent; nonetheless, a router is an
independently programmable computer unit. This implies that two or more routers
may be connected, enabling infinite scaling.

4. Utilizing ubiquitous public infrastructure via a modem
By now, we have constructed a network identical to the internet, although it is
only intended for individual use and cannot connect with the outside world. This is
where public infrastructure comes in. The telephone system links an office to
everyone worldwide, making it the ideal wiring configuration for the internet. A
modem is necessary for connecting networks to the telephone system. This modem
converts data from a network into data that can be managed by the telephony
architecture and vice versa.
5. Sending messages from one network to another
The following step is to transmit the information from your network to the target
network. To accomplish this, the network must establish a connection with an
internet service provider (ISP). An ISP is a service that administers specified routers
that are interconnected and also have access to the routers of other ISPs. Therefore,
the data from the host network is delivered to the target network via the web of ISP
To deliver a message to a system, it is important to identify which computer it
should be sent to. Therefore, every machine connected to a network has a unique
identifying address known as an “IP address” (here, IP refers to internet protocol). It
is an address consisting of four integers separated by periods, such as
There are several versions of IP; currently, we are in IPv4 and IPv6 iterations,
depending on the region.
6. Assigning domain name to IP addresses
IP addresses are intended for computers, but in an infinitely extensible internet,
it would be difficult for people to keep count of an ever-growing number of
addresses. To simplify matters, one may designate an IP address with a domain
name, a human-readable name. is an excellent example of this — the
domain name is used in conjunction with the IP address Therefore,
typing the domain name is the simplest way to access a computer online.
7. Connected the internet to the web
The internet is a network architecture that enables millions of machines to
communicate with one another. Several of these machines (web servers) can feed
web browsers intelligible messages. The web is an application constructed on top of
the internet’s infrastructure. It is important to note that additional services, like
email, have been developed on top of the internet.
8. Connecting the internet to a private intranet or extranet
Intranets are personal and bespoke networks confined to an organization’s
members. They offer participants a secure gateway to access shared information,
collaborate, and communicate.
Extranets are quite similar to intranets, except that they enable collaboration and
sharing with other businesses. Typically, they are employed to safely and
confidentially transmit information to customers and other enterprise stakeholders.
Frequently, their functions resemble those of an intranet: file and information
sharing, collaboration tools, message boards, etc.

Intranets and extranets operate on the same infrastructure and adhere to the same
protocols as the internet.

E. How does the web work?

When we discuss the internet in common parlance, we typically refer to the web
– although the two terms are not interchangeable. If the internet can be understood as a
network of highways, then the web will be the network of restaurants, toll booths, gas
stations, etc., built along it. The main job of the internet is to access the web. However,
it can perform other tasks like supporting cloud storage on computers, keeping the
software as a service (SaaS) apps online, automatically updating the computer’s time,
On the other hand, the web comprises multiple computers connected to the
internet called clients and servers.
 Clients are internet-connected devices of a web user (such as a computer linked
to Wi-Fi or a mobile phone) and the online-accessing software installed on such
systems (generally a web browser).
 Servers store websites, applications, and their associated data and activities.
When a client device requests access to a website, a replica of the webpage is
received from the server to the client’s computer. The webpage is then exhibited
in the client’s web browser.

F. Types of Internet Services

As mentioned earlier, the internet can enable various services, not just web access.
Some of the key types of internet services are:
1. Communication services
To exchange data/information among individuals or organizations, the
internet enables communication services. This mainly includes VoIP and video
Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) enables users to place voice calls over
the internet compared to a conventional (or analog) phone connection. Other VoIP

services allow you to contact anybody with a mobile number, encompassing long-
distance, cellular, and even local/international connections.
Video conferencing technology enables two or more individuals in separate
locations to connect visually and in real time. It includes persons in different places
using video-enabled devices and broadcasting real-time speech, video, texts, and
slideshows via the internet.
Other communication services based on the internet include email, internet
relay chat (IRC), and list server (LISTSERV) used for asynchronous text
communication, instant messaging, and group announcements, respectively.

2. File transfer services

We utilize file transfer to exchange, transmit, or send a document or logical data
item among many individuals or computers, both locally and remotely. Data files
may comprise documents, videos, photos, text, or PDFs. They may be shared via
internet downloading and uploading. File transfer protocol (FTP) is one of the most
common internet protocols used for this purpose.

3. Directory services
A directory service is a collection of software that maintains information about
the organization, its customers, or both. Directory services are responsible for
mapping network resource names to network addresses. It offers administrators and
users transparent access to all network computers, printers, servers, and other
devices. It is also an important backend service provider for and by the internet.
Domain number system (DNS) and lightweight directory access protocol
(LDAP) are the most commonly used directory services. A DNS server stores a map
of computer hostnames and other domain names to IP addresses. LDAP is a
collection of open protocols to obtain centralized network access to stored data. It is
also a mechanism for cross-platform authentication.

4. Ecommerce and online transactions

Ecommerce allows the customer to purchase a service or product directly from
the vendor, at any time or anywhere on the planet. When IBM started offering
hardware and software for computers over the internet, it was one of the first
instances of ecommerce. Since then, this service has grown in use tremendously.
Ecommerce uses the web to enable financial exchanges so that data packets can
translate into their real-world monetary equivalents.

5. Services for network management

Network management services are some of the most critical and valuable
internet services for IT administrators. They assist in avoiding, monitoring,
diagnosing, and resolving network-related issues. Two services are mainly used for
this purpose – ping and traceroute.
The ping utility checks the host machine’s availability and the time required to
react to any and all internet control message protocol (ICMP) transmissions. It

guarantees that all requests issued by a computer reach the web server without packet
loss. In the meantime, the traceroute identifies and displays all potential paths from
query to response, as well as the turnaround time for each route.

6. Time services
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time synchronizes
computer clocks (UTC). Network time protocol (NTP) is an established internet
time service that syncs and adjusts the computer clock accurately to all these
standards. All Windows time variants released after Windows 2000 synchronize
with an NTP server. NTPsec is primarily a secured version of NTP.

7. Search engine services on the web

When users search for a web page through a search engine rather than the
domain name, the search engine examines the web crawler’s index of all pages. It
will study the search phrase and compare it to the database, including how often the
search terms appear on a webpage, where they appear on the site, whether they
appear together, etc. It analyzes this information to determine which websites best
fit your search query.
The results are then shown in order, with those that best fit the search keyword
appearing initially. It is important to note that search engines can accept funds from
commercial entities to prioritize their websites in the results of a particular query.
This is an advert, and the search engine results will be labeled as such.


A. Read the passage and choose the best word from each pair in italics.

What's the difference between the Web and the internet?

Some people think that the internet and the Web are the same thing, but in fact they
are different. The internet (often called simply "the net") is a global 1 network / net of
interconnected computers. These computers communicate with each other 2 over / through
existing telecommunications networks – principally, the telephone system. The Word
Wide Web (usually known as just "the Web") is the billions of web pages that are stored
on large computers called web 3 servers / services. To 4 see / access the web, you need a
computer and a modem. You then connect over your telephone line to an internet service
port / provider (ISP), which sends your request to view a particular web page to the
correct web server. Websites are not the only service available on the internet. It is also
used for many other functions, including sending and receiving email, and connecting to
newsgroups and 6 discussion / talking groups. You could say that the internet is a system
of roads, and web pages and emails are types of traffic that travel on those roads.

B. Choose the best words

1. ADSL* is more commonly known as __________.

a. longband b. broadband c. wideband
2. Broadband internet connection is much faster than _________.
a. dial-in b. dial-through c. dial-up
3. Before you can connect to the internet for the first time, you have to __________ an
account with an ISP.
a. set b. set up c. set in
4. Each time you want to connect to your ISP's system, you have to enter a log-in name
and a __________.
a. security word b. safe word c. password
5. You can set your computer to __________ your log-in details, so you don't have to type
them in each time.
a. store b. Remember c. recall
6. With a broadband connection, you usually have to pay a _________.
a. fixed monthly price b. fixed monthly fee c. fixed monthly cost
7. With dial-up, you can usually choose a ________ tariff.

a. pay-as-you-go b. pay-what-you-want c. pay-if-you-like
8. Some broadband contracts limit the amount of _________ you can have each month.
a. pages b. Traffic c. use
9. Looking at web pages can be called "navigating the Web" but is more commonly called
a. "surfing the net" b. "skiing the net" c. "swimming the net"
10. You can often find the answer to a question by ________ on the internet.
a. looking at it b. looking for it c. looking it up

C. Look at the articles below and match the words

Match the words in right column with the left column
Email a. Transfer files from the internet to your hard drive
The web b. Send a message to another person via the internet
Newsgroup c. Have a live conversation (usually typed) online
Chat and IM d. Connect to a remote computer by entering instructions, and
FTP run a program on it
Telnet e. Take part in public discussion areas devoted to specific topics
f. Download and view documents published on the internet

Match the browser toolbar button with the function

Toolbar button Function

1. Back a. Shows a list of the websites you have

2. Forward visited recently.
3. Stop b. Opens the media bar, accessing
4. Refresh1 / Reload2 internet radio, music, video etc.
5. Home c. Displays the page you were on before.
6. Search d. Shows the latest version of the page.
7. Favourites1 / Bookmarks2 e. Opens the search panel.
8. Media f. Displays the page you were on before
9. History using the Back button.
10. Mail g. Displays the page you have set as your
11. Print home page.
h. Prints the current page.
i. Stops a page from downloading.
j. Displays the web addresses you have
chosen as your favorites.
k. Shows email option

E. Answer the question below by true or false for each one.


Put the words into the spaces.

click on criteria database hyperlinks keywords

matches media refine returns sponsored

Stage 1: Enter one or more _____________.

Stage 2: The search engine looks for _____________ in all the web pages on their
Stage 3: The search engine ____________ the matches (or "hits") with _____________ to
the web pages.
Stage 4: The search engine may also return "_____________ links". These are links to the
websites of companies who have paid the search engine company.
Stage 5: You _____________ the hyperlink to ____________ the web page.

Stage 6: If necessary, you can _____________ your search by using advanced search
_____________ such as language, country or the type of _____________ you are looking

Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. "The website gets a thousand hits a week" means the website has a thousand ___
a week.
a. sales b. visits c. search engine matches

2. The words, images and other material that make up a website are called __________.
a. the contents b. the content c. the filling

3. Designs and drawings in websites are usually called __________.

a. web pictures b. web graphics c. web illustrations

4. Moving pictures in websites are usually called __________.

a. cartoons b. movies c. animations

5. Websites with sounds and/or video clips and/or animations have __________ content.
a. multimedia b. many-media c. mixed-media

6. A space in a website where you enter information (address, password etc.) is called a __________.
a. box b. Strip c. field

7. A hyperlink is often called just __________.

a. a link b. a hyper c. an HL

8. In real time means __________.

a. during working hours b. Instantly c. in British Standard Time

9. A place with computers for public internet use is usually called an internet café or __________.
even if they don't serve coffee.
a. web café b. computer café c. cyber café

10. Internet cafés offer internet __________.

a. connection b. availability c. access

Fill the gaps, then put these stages in order


Are these statements True or false?

1. Jenny didn't receive the a/w because her inbox is too small. (T/F)
2. The attached files came to less than 20MB in total. (T/F)
3. Jenny has resolved a technical problem, and the attachment will come through without
any problems next time. (T/F)
4. Tony will have to resend the a/w. (T/F)
5. Jenny is a graphic design expert (T/F)
6. Tony is also going to put the files onto a disk and mail them. (T/F)
7. Angela has already seen the a/w. (T/F)
8. The style is too informal – business emails should always be more formal than this.


Marks, John. 2007. Computers and Information Technology (Third Edition). London: A&C Black
Publisher Ltd.
Esteras, Santiago Remacha. 2008. Infotech English for Computer Users (Fourth Edition). New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Brown, P Charles & Norma D Mullen. 2015. English for Computer Science. New York: Oxford
University Press.

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