Flap Tear of The EOM PDF
Flap Tear of The EOM PDF
Flap Tear of The EOM PDF
Purpose: To present a previously unreported avulsion-type injury of the rectus muscle, usually the inferior rectus, and
detail its diagnosis and operative repair.
Methods: Thirty-five patients underwent repair of flap tears of 42 rectus muscles. The muscle abnormality was often sub-
tle, with narrowing or thinning of the remaining attached global layer of muscle. The detached flap of external (orbital)
muscle was found embedded in surrounding orbital fat and connective tissue. Retrieval and repair were performed in
each case.
Results: Fourteen patients had orbital fractures, 7 had blunt trauma with no fracture, and 9 had suspected trauma but
did not undergo computed tomographic scan. Five patients experienced this phenomenon following retinal detachment
repair. Diagnostically, the predominant motility defect in 25 muscles was limitation toward the field of action of the mus-
cle, presumably as a result of a tether created by the torn flap. These tethers simulated muscle palsy. Seventeen muscles
were restricted away from their field of action, simulating entrapment. The direction taken by the flap during healing
determined the resultant strabismus pattern. All patients presenting with gaze limitation toward an orbital fracture had
flap tears. The worst results following flap tear repair were seen in patients who had undergone orbital fracture repair
before presentation, patients who had undergone previous attempts at strabismus repair, and patients who experienced
the longest intervals between the precipitating event and the repair. The best results were obtained in patients who
underwent simultaneous fracture and strabismus repair or early strabismus repair alone.
Conclusions: Avulsion-type flap tears of the extraocular muscles are a common cause of strabismus after trauma, and after
repair for retinal detachment. Early repair produces the best results, but improvement is possible despite long delay.
Ludwig et al
3. The muscle was encased in adherent orbital fat, followed by the right inferior rectus muscle (12), the
requiring careful dissection before disclosure of medial rectus (6), and the superior rectus (2) (Table I).
the avulsion injury, which could appear as either of The predominance of affected left inferior rectus muscles
the two previously described abnormalities. is presumed to be related to the right-handedness of
assailants delivering the trauma in some cases.
In each of the 3 presentations, the torn “flap” of tissue was
found external to the muscle, scarred into surrounding PRECIPITATING EVENT
orbital connective tissue and fat (Fig 3). Sometimes sev-
eral smaller flaps of muscle were found. Fourteen patients had orbital fractures, and 6 had blunt
Forced duction testing was performed before and trauma with documentation of the absence of fracture by
during muscle repair in all cases. Restrictions both toward computed tomographic (CT) scan. In 9 cases, the finding
and away from the direction of the involved muscle’s of flap tear was unexpected and orbital imaging was not
action were often present. In some cases the forced duc- undertaken. In most cases, a long time had elapsed
tion abnormality was subtle, and it only became evident between injury and repair. In 1 child, CT scan was
when the procedure was performed gently, with simulta- obtained following development of downgaze deficiency 1
neous comparison to the uninjured contralateral eye. week after seemingly minor blunt trauma to the inferior
orbital rim. There had been no external signs of the injury
SURGICAL REPAIR TECHNIQUE at the time. He had posterior orbital floor fracture and
inferior rectus flap tear (Fig 7).
The flap was placed on a small muscle hook and dissected Two patients had no specific history of orbital trauma.
free from its orbital attachments at the distal end. A braid- One patient had a normal CT scan and questionable,
ed polyester suture was placed through the distal end of remote history of trauma. Five patients developed flap
the flap, with standard strabismus locking bites (Fig 4). tears after retinal detachment repair (Table II).
The flap was then attached to sclera at the original inser-
tion, or back to the musculotendinous junction, as neces- DIAGNOSIS
sary to restore anatomy (Fig 5). The rent in overlying
Tenon’s capsule, which was always present, was sutured Motility Defects
with 6-0 polyglactin after the protruding orbital fat was In 20 patients, the motility defect was toward the direc-
reposited through the rent. tion of action of the involved muscle, presumably as a
If the capsule of the repaired muscle appeared com- result of a tether created by the flap. Twelve of these pre-
plete, it was repaired directly with buried 6-0 or 7-0 sented as downgaze deficiencies following documented
polyglactin suture. In some cases, the capsule seemed orbital floor fracture. In 10 patients the presenting deficit
partly damaged. In these cases, a free graft of Tenon’s cap- was gaze restriction away from the field of action of the
sule was sutured over the traumatized surface of the mus- muscle, simulating persistent entrapment or muscle fibro-
cle with running 7-0 polyglactin (Fig 6). The Tenon’s graft sis. One had paradoxical esodeviation on attempted
was harvested from an uninvolved quadrant of the same upgaze, along with limitation of elevation and depression
eye, usually superotemporally. after orbital floor fracture repair. One patient had 2
Postoperatively no steroids were used. Patients were involved muscles in 1 eye. The torn medial rectus caused
asked to exercise the muscle frequently by looking in and exotropia with adduction limitation owing to the tether
out of the field of muscle action to prevent adhesions from effect, and the superior rectus tear led to hyperdeviation
re-forming between the flap and surrounding orbital con- owing to a restrictive effect. Two patients had tears of both
nective tissue. inferior rectus muscles and 1 medial rectus muscle each.
The inferior rectus muscles caused asymmetric downgaze
RESULTS reduction owing to the tether effects, and the medial rec-
tus muscle tears led to esotropia owing to restrictive
PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS effects. Another patient, with idiopathic etiology, had
bilateral inferior rectus flap tears, with mild upgaze
The mean age of the 35 patients at time of flap tear repair restriction in 1 eye, and downgaze restriction in the other.
was 40 years (range, 6 to 82 years). The mean delay There was no difference in the appearance of the flap tear
between the date of injury and repair was 67 months or the difficulty of repair in terms of the various types of
(range, 2 weeks to 46 years). Mean postoperative follow- motility patterns. Our impression was that an anterior
up was 9 months (range, 1 to 68 months). The left inferi- attachment site of the flap led to a tether effect and a pos-
or rectus muscle was most commonly involved (22 cases) terior flap position led to pseudo-entrapment.
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Flap tear of inferior rectus, narrowed type (same as in Fig 7A). Arrow Flap tear of medial rectus, thinned type, 2 months after retinal detach-
indicates missing portion of muscle; hook is pulling on insertion of ment repair. Open arrow indicates thinned remaining portion of muscle,
remaining attached portion of muscle. lacking capsule. Solid arrow points to flap, which is pulled outward by
Flap tear of inferior rectus, 20 years after motorcycle accident. Attached Inferior rectus flap (same patient as in Figs 1, 6, and 7), dissected free,
portion of muscle is held by large hook (open arrow). Flap, held in small and placed on 6-0 braided polyester suture. Lock bites indicated by
hook, is adherent to surrounding orbital tissue (solid arrow). arrows.
Inferior rectus flap, thinned type. Flap is held on braided polyester Medial rectus from Fig 2, after flap reattachment. Arrow indicates cen-
suture (solid arrows). Hook (open arrow) holds attached, inner portion tral knot in suture.
of muscle.
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Ludwig et al
Orbital fracture 14
Blunt trauma, no fracture 5
Trauma, possible fracture 10
Retinal detachment 5
Idiopathic 1
FIGURE 7A Preoperative (left) and postoperative (right) motility of 6-year-old boy
CT scan showing posterior orbital fracture with inferior rectus entrap- who underwent simultaneous repair of orbital floor fracture and inferi-
ment (arrow). (Patient’s inferior rectus is seen in Figs 1, 4a, and 6.) or rectus (Figs 1, 4a, and 6) flap tear 2 months after minor blunt trauma.
recessed 4 depr OS
RB 42 252 LIR, yes motorcycle no planned LHT14/ 2-depr OS, LH(T)2/ 2-elev, 1
RIR, LMR accident ET20 1-elev OD ET20 2-depr OS
2-abd OS
MC 24 13 LIR yes struck with LSR rec no LHT4 3-depr OS ortho 3-depr OS 68
fist 2/16/94
BC 39 4.5 LIR, yes MVA recLMR6 resect RHT10, 4-abd OS, ortho 1-elevOU, 5
RIR, LMR LLR8, RMR5.5 ET55 1-depr OD, 1-ad, abdOU
LIR3 2-elev OD
PD 29 8 LIR no orbit bumped LLR, LMR yes ortho 4-elev OS ortho 3-elev, 1.5
by childs head inf transp large RHT deprOS
in upgaze
BD 12 0.5 RIR yes bicycle no no RHT14 4-depr OD ortho 1-depr OD 2
TE 82 6 RIR no fell on RSO no LHT10 2-elev, RHT5 ? 1
pavement depr OD
BE 8 8 LIR yes bicycle no yes LHT6 1-depr OS LH2 nl depr 5.5
SE 39 204 LIR no RD repair LLR5 adv LIR to RHT20 2-elev OS RH2 2-elev OS 1
orig insertion
RG 79 10 LSR yes branch struck eye LIRrec6 adv LIR, RHT20 4-elev OS E12 3-elev OU 48
AG 20 228 RIR no unknown RIR rec3 no ortho. 4-elev OD ortho 3-elev OD 3
Strabismus Due To Flap Tear Of A Rectus Muscle
large LHT
in upgaze
SH 29 24 LSR, LMR yes struck with LSR rec4 no XT10/ 1-elev, X2 1-elev OS 1
fist LHT10 deprOS
1-add OS
CH 42 8 RIR yes MVA no planned RHT9 4-depr OD ortho 3-depr OD 3
WH 82 8 LIR no RD repair LMR4 no RHT5 3-elev OS RHT10 4-elev OS 4
PJ 53 ? LIR yes struck with fist no no ? ? ortho 3-depr OD 18
CJ 32 3 LIR yes struck with LLR8 no LHT35 3-depr OS LH(T)4 3-depr OS 1
JK 68 24 RIR, LIR yes ?blast concussion no no ortho 1-depr OS, ortho normal 1
Korean War LHT6 in 1-elev OD all gaze
SL 15 1.5 LIR yes football no no 2-elev 2-depr OS, ortho 2-elev OS 8
ET on elev
TL 24 87 LIR yes struck with s/p LIR rec no LHT10 3-depr OS ortho 2-depr OS 3.5
JM 38 360 LIR no possible fist LLR yes RHT30 1-elev OS ortho normal 5
KM 16 6 LIR yes struck with no yes LHT16 2-depr OS ortho 2-depr OS 36
SO 28 24 RIR no air bag recSOOU no ET6/ 3+LSO RHT4 0.1
RR 71 7 LIR yes MVA SOOU adv, yes LHT5 2-depr OS ortho 1-depr OS 6
Resect LIR
03 Ludwig Final 11/9/01 9:06 AM Page 58
ladder 1-add OS
BW 71 2R MR,RIR no RD repair no no RET25 2-abd, RHT6 2-abd, 0.2
3-elev OD 3-depr OD
HW 6 2 RIR yes struck orbit no no RHT16 4-elev, ortho 1-depr OS 1.5
on bathtub depr OS 3-elev
BW 36 3 LIR yes fell on no no E4(LHT18 2-depr OS ortho normal 25
pavement down)
AW 29 3 LIR yes baseball rec LSR5, no LHT25 4-depr OS ortho 3-depr OS 2
bat LLR6
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Ludwig et al
after surgery, the patient was orthotropic in all directions
of gaze. Two years later he remains orthotropic in all
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Case 1. Inferior rectus showing narrowed type of flap tear. Missing por- Case 1. Repaired inferior rectus, with Tenon’s graft.
tion indicated by open arrows. Flap is held on small hook (solid arrow).
Drawing indicating hypothesized traction on inferior rectus outer layer Drawing indicating anterior flap position after injury, which would cre-
due to orbital fracture, causing avulsion. ate a tether.
vertical diplopia14 and have also been reported with medi- floor fracture has been attributed to palsy of the inferior
al wall fractures.16 A small tether effect of an inferior rec- branch of the third cranial nerve,1-3 but in our series all
tus flap tear could mimic ipsilateral fourth cranial nerve cases with downgaze deficiency after ipsilateral orbital
palsy. This was seen in 5 of our patients, and a similar floor trauma had flap tears. The unexpected finding of
motility pattern after floor fracture has been reported.1,17 identical tears in patients with long-standing strabismus,
A posteriorly healed flap would lead to restriction of gaze some of whom remembered the trauma only after careful
away from the site of injury, which was also common. questioning, is of interest. The trauma was sometimes
Restrictive strabismus was reported in two thirds of floor uneventful and not immediately apparent. After one
fracture patients with vertical diplopia.14 An intermediate learns to recognize the abnormally narrowed or thinned
flap location could allow unimpeded motility. This is rectus muscle with missing capsule, the defect becomes
another possible explanation for spontaneous improve- readily apparent in many cases. A completely restored
ment of diplopia in some orbital fracture patients. muscle capsule confirms that repair is complete. This was
Horizontal abnormalities resolved in several patients after even possible in cases repaired many years after injury.
flap tear alone, suggesting that horizontally directed adhe- Five patients had flap tears after retinal detachment
sions might have contributed to the strabismus. repair. Perhaps the retinal surgeon’s practice of bluntly
On the basis of our experience with this series of stripping connective tissue off the extraocular muscle may
patients, we believe that a tether-type of motility defect is pull away a flap of muscle tissue and lead to postoperative
diagnostic of flap tear. Downgaze deficiency after orbital strabismus.
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Ludwig et al
Immediate and regular eye exercise postoperatively is 14. Cole HG, Smith B. Eye muscle imbalance complicating orbital
important to prevent adhesions from re-forming between floor fractures. Am J Ophthalmol 1963;55:930-935.
15. Demer JL, Oh SY, Poukens V. Evidence for active control of rectus
the muscle and orbital connective tissue. The free Tenon’s extraocular muscle pulleys. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
graft and repair of the overlying rent in Tenon’s capsule 2000;41:1280-1290.
also may help to reduce adhesions. Nonabsorbable suture 16. Rumelt MB, Ernest JT. Isolated blowout fracture of the medial
is always used to reattach or anchor the flap to sclera. orbital wall with medial rectus muscle entrapment. Am J
Ophthalmol 1972;73:451-453.
On the basis of the findings in these patients, it is rec- 17. Ruttum MS, Harris GJ. Orbital blowout fracture with ipsilateral
ommended that all orbital fracture patients with diplopia fourth nerve palsy. Am J Ophthalmol 1985;100(2):343-344.
who are to receive fracture repair undergo simultaneous
exploration of the adjacent rectus muscle(s) through sep- DISCUSSION
arate fornix incision(s), with minimal dissection. If an
unrecognized flap is allowed to attach itself to or near the DR DAVID L. GUYTON. Dr Ludwig’s description of “flap”
implant material, the motility defect becomes more diffi- tears of the extraocular muscles is both fascinating and
cult to treat later. If diplopia is due to flap tear, fracture convincing. Since the recent emphasis by Demer and col-
repair may not be necessary, but if entrapment and flap leagues1 on the attachments between the orbital portions
tear coexist, as in 3 cases of this series, combined repair of the extraocular muscles and the surrounding connec-
produces the best outcome. tive tissue, strabismologists have been looking for practi-
cal applications of this knowledge. Drs Ludwig and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Brown’s flap tear mechanism appears to be consistent
with this new view of connective tissue attachments.
The authors thank David S. Goldberg, MD; John Even before the connective tissue “pulley” concept,
Avallone, MD; David R. Stager Sr, MD; Robbin B. though, the so-called check ligaments, encountered at the
Sinatra, MD; Paula Gebhardt; Leonard Baham, COMT; time of surgery on the rectus muscles, have been well
and Maxine Haslauer for their assistance with this project. known to strabismus surgeons. Especially prominent are
the dense attachments to the inferior rectus muscle, rep-
resenting the origin of the retractors of the lower lid.2,3
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