Operating - System - KCS 401 - Assignment - 1 PDF

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Unit-1: Introduction


Q.1- 1-What is an operating system?also explain its common goals.

Q.2- What are various services provided by an operating system?

Q.3- Describe various operating system architecture.

Q.4- What is multithreaded system? Difference between Time sharing and

Multiprogramming O.S.

Q.5- What is system call and system programs?

Q.1- What is Spooling?describe its process.

Q.2- What are operating system models?

Q.3- What do you mean by Monolithic OS?

Q.4- Explain various OS components?

Q.5- Explain Layered Architecture of OS.

Unit-2: Concurrent Processes

Q.1- Explain Principles of concurrency.

Q.2- What is producer consumer problem?

Q.3- What is critical section?Explain Algorithm to solve it.

Q.4- What is Dekker Solution?

Q.5- What is Paterson’s Algorithm and its solution.


Q.1- Write short note on semaphores.

Q.2-What is race condition?

Q.3-Explain Dining Philosopher Problem for synchronisation.

Q.4-What is Inter Process Communication?

Q.5-What is a process? How it is generated?

Unit-3: CPU Scheduling

Q.1- What is preemptive and non-preemptive CPU Scheduling?

Q.2- What are scheduling criteria?

Q.3- What are various process state?

Q. 4- Write short note on-

 Dispatcher
 Swapping
 Context Switching

Q.5- What is Deadlock and its necessary conditions?


Q.1- Explain different types of schedulers.

Q.2- What is process control block?

Q.3- Why do we use threads? What are user level and kernel level threads?

Q.4- What is Banker’s Algorithm to find safe state.

Q.5- Discuss Deadlock Detection and Recovery System.

Unit-4: Memory Management

Q.1- What is resident monitor?

Q.2- What is paging? Explain memory architecture of paging.

Q.3- What is page replacement algorithm? Explain LRU and optimal page replacement

Q.4- What is segmentation? Explain memory architecture of segmentation.

Q.5- Explain concept of Demand paging and Swapping.


Q.1- What is fragmentation and compaction?

Q.2- What is page fault? Explain various steps to handle it.

Q.3- What is thrashing? How does system detects it.

Q.4- What is virtual memory?what is the need for virtual memory ?

Q.5- Write short note on cache locality reference.

Unit-5: I/O Management and Disk Scheduling
Assignment -1

Q.1- What is Disk Scheduling?

Q.2- Explain various disk scheduling algorithm.

Q.3- Write short note on RAID.

Q.4- Explain File attributes and file operations.

Q.5- What are various file access methods?


Q.1- Explain various file allocation scheme.

Q.2- Write short note on File Directory and File Sharing.

Q.3- What are I/O devices?

Q.4- What is interrupt. Explain various types of an interrupt.

Q.5- Explain the concept of DMA.

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