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Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester



Curriculum and Syllabus

B. Tech (Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer

Science & Technology) from the Admission Batch

Semester (6th)
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Sixth Semester
Sl. University Internal
Category Course Code Course Title L-T-P Credit
No. Marks Evaluation
1 PC RCS6C001 Software Engineering 3-0-0 3 100 50
RCS6C002 Compiler Design
2 PC 3-0-0 3 100 50
3 BS Optimization in 3-0-0 3
100 50
Real-Time System 3-0-0

4 Wireless Sensor Networks 3-0-0 3 100 50

Cloud Computing 3-0-0

Analog and Digital

Communication 3-0-0
OE Numerical Methods
5 3-0-0 3 100 50

Control System 3-0-0

Essence of Indian - 100 (Pass

6 MC* RIK6F001 3-0-0 0
Knowledge Tradition - I mark is 37)
Total Credit (Theory) 15
Total Marks 500 250
1 PC RCS6C201 Software Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2 100
RCS6C202 Compiler Design Lab 100
2 PC 0-0-3 2
Future Ready Contributor 100
3 PSI 0-0-3 2
Develop Model Lab
4 PSI Seminar - I 0-0-3 1 100
Total Credit (Practical) 7
Total Semester Credit 22
Total Marks 400

*Mandatory Non-Credit Courses (MC) result will be reflected with Pass (P) / Fail (F)
grade. Thus the grade obtained will not be affecting the grade point average. However it
shall appear on the grade sheet as per AICTE rule.
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

5th RCS6C001 Software Engineering L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits

 To introduce concepts in software engineering
 To identify different software development models
 To apply software engineering knowledge in real-world problem solving
Module I: (09 hours)
Software Process Models:

Software Product, Software crisis, Handling complexity through Abstraction and

Decomposition, Overview of software development activities, Process Models, Classical
waterfall model, iterative waterfall model, prototyping mode, evolutionary model, spiral
model, RAD model, Agile models: Extreme Programming, and Scrum.

Module II: (09 hours)

Software Requirements Engineering:
Requirement Gathering and Analysis, Functional and Non-functional requirements,
Software Requirement Specification (SRS), IEEE 830 guidelines, Decision tables and trees.
Structured Analysis & Design: Overview of design process, High-level and detailed design,
Cohesion and coupling, Modularity and layering, Function–Oriented software design:
Structured Analysis using DFD Structured Design using Structure Chart, Basic concepts of
Object Oriented Analysis & Design. User interface design, Command language, menu and
iconic interfaces.
Module III: (09 hours)
Coding and Software Testing Techniques: Coding, Code Review, documentation. Testing: -
Unit testing, Black-box Testing, White-box testing, Cyclomatic complexity measure,
coverage analysis, mutation testing, Debugging techniques, Integration testing, System
testing, Regression testing. Software Reliability and Software

Module IV: (09 hours)

Basic concepts in software reliability, reliability measures, reliability growth modelling,
Quality SEI CMM, Characteristics of software maintenance, software reverse engineering,
software reengineering, software reuse. Emerging Topics: Client-Server Software
Engineering, Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), and Software as a Service (SaaS)
 Ability to relate practical problems to software engineering concepts
 Ability to model problems using standard software development models
 Ability to apply software engineering skills in real-world problem solving

[1] Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall , 5th Ed, PHI, 2018.

[2] Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, Roger S. Pressman , 8th Ed, TMG
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Hill. 2019
[3] Software Engineering, I. Sommerville, 9th Ed., Pearson Education, 2011

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Software Engineering

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105182/
Course Instructor: Prof. Rajib Mall, IIT Kharagpur

Course Name: Software Engineering

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/101/106101061/
Course Instructor: Prof. N.L. Sarda, Prof. R. K Joshi, Prof. U. Bellur IIT
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

6th RCS6C002 Compiler Design L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits
 To learn fundamentals of compiler
 To understand different phases of compiler design
 To know the details of each phase of compiler design

Module I: (10 hours)

Introduction: Overview and Phases of compilation. Lexical Analysis: Non-Deterministic and
Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA & DFA), Regular grammar, Regular expressions and Regular
languages, Design of a Lexical Analyzer as a DFA, Lexical Analyzer generator. Syntax Analysis: Role of
a Parser, Context free grammars and Context free languages, Parse trees and derivations,
Ambiguous grammar. Top Down Parsing: Recursive descent parsing, LL (1) grammars, Non-recursive
Predictive Parsing, Error reporting and Recovery. Bottom Up Parsing: Handle pruning and shift
reduces Parsing, SLR parsers and construction or SLR parsing tables, LR(1) parsers and construction
of LR(1) parsing tables, LALR parsers and construction of efficient LALR parsing tables, Parsing using
Ambiguous grammars, Error reporting and Recovery, Parser generator

Module II: (6 hours)

Intermediate Code Generation: DAG for expressions, Three address codes - Quadruples and Triples,
Types and declarations, Translation of Expressions, Array references, Type checking and Conversions,
Translation of Boolean expressions and control flow statements, Back Patching, Intermediate Code
Generation for Procedures.

Module III: (10 hours)

Code Generation: Factors involved, Registers allocation, Simple code generation using STACK
Allocation, Basic blocks and flow graphs, Simple code generation using flow graphs. Code
Optimization: Objective, Peephole Optimization, and Concepts of Elimination of local common sub-
expressions, Redundant and un-reachable codes, Basics of flow of control optimization.

Module IV: (10 hours)

Run Time Environment: Storage Organizations, Static and Dynamic Storage Allocations, STACK
Allocation, Handlings of activation records for calling sequences. Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax
Directed Definitions (SDD), Inherited and Synthesized Attributes, Dependency graphs, Evaluation
orders for SDD, Semantic rules, Application of Syntax Directed Translation. Symbol Table: Structure
and features of symbol tables, symbol attributes and scopes.

 Ability to learn fundamentals of compiler
 Ability to understand different phases of compiler design
 Ability to know the details of each phase of compiler design

[1] Compilers – Principles, Techniques and Tools, A. V. Aho, M. S. Lam, R. Sethi, J. D. Ullman, 2nd
Ed., Pearson. 2007
[2] Modern Compiler Design, D. Galles, 1st Ed., Pearson Education,2004
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

[3] Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation, S. S. Muchnick, Morgan Kaufmann, 1997

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Compiler Design

Course Link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs07/preview
Course Instructor: Prof. Santanu Chattopadhyay,

Course Name: Compiler Design

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/104/106104123/
Course Instructor: Prof. S. K. Aggarwal
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

6th Optimization in L-T-P 3

Semester Engineering 3-0-0 Credits

Module I: (10 Hours)

Idea of Engineering optimization problems, Classification of optimization algorithms,
modeling of problems and principle of modeling. Linear Programming: Formulation of
LPP, Graphical solution, Simplex method, Big-M method, Revised simplex method,
Duality theory and its application, Dual simplex method , Sensitivity analysis in linear

Module II: (10 Hours)

Transportation problems: Finding an initial basic feasible solution by Northwest Corner
rule, Least Cost rule, Vogel’s approximation method, Degeneracy, Optimality test, MODI
method, Stepping stone method. Assignment problems: Hungarian method for
solution of Assignment problems. Integer Programming: Branch and Bound algorithm
for solution of integer programming problems.

Module III: (12 Hours)

Non-linear programming: Introduction to non-linear programming. Unconstraint
optimization: Fibonacci and Golden Section Search method. Constrained optimization
with equality constraint: Lagrange multiplier, Projected gradient method. Constrained
optimization with inequality constraint: Kuhn-Tucker condition, Quadratic

Module IV: (6 Hours)

Queuing models: General characteristics, Markovian queuing model, M/M/1 model,

Limited queue capacity, multiple server, Finite sources, Queue discipline.

[1] Operations Research- Principle and Practice, A. Ravindran, D. T. Philips, J. Solberg,
Second edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
[2] Operation Research, Prabhakar Pai ,Oxford University Press
[3] Operations Research, Kanti Swarup, P. K . Gupta, Man Mohan, Sultan Chand & Sons,
Nineteenth Edition, 2018.
[4] Operations Research, H.A. Taha, A.M.Natarajan, P. Balasubramanie, A. Tamilarasi,
Pearson Education, Eighth Edition.
[5] Engineering Optimization, S S Rao, New Age International Pvt Ltd, 2003.
[6] Linear and Non-linear Optimization, Stephen G. Nash, A. Sofer, McGraw
Hill, 2nd Edition.
[7] Engineering Optimization, A. Ravindran, K.M. Ragsdell, G.V. Reklaitis, Wiley India
Pvt. Ltd, Second edition.
[8] Operations Research, F.S.Hiller, G.J.Lieberman, Tata McGraw Hill, Eighth Edition,
[9] Operations Research, P.K.Gupta, D.S.Hira, S.Chand and Company Ltd, 2014.
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Digital Learning Resources:


Course Link https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111/105/111105100/
Department of Mathematics IIT Kharagpur
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

6th RCS6D001 Real-Time System L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits
 To understand concepts of real-time system
 To understand resource sharing and dependencies among real-time tasks
 To understand real-time OS and Database

Module-I: (09 Hours)

Introduction: What is real-time, Applications of Real-Time systems, A basic model of Real-time
system, Characteristics of Real-time system, Safety and Reliability, Types of Real-time tasks, timing
constraints, Modelling timing constraints Real-Time Task Scheduling: Some important concepts,
Types of Real-time tasks and their characteristics, Task scheduling, Clock-Driven scheduling, Hybrid
schedulers, Event Driven scheduling, Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling, Rate monotonic
algorithm (RMA). Some issues Associated with RMA. Issues in using RMA practical situations

Module-II: (09 Hours)

Handling Resource Sharing and dependencies among Real-time Tasks: Resource sharing among real-
time tasks. Priority inversion. Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP), Highest Locker Protocol (HLP).
Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP). Different types of priority inversions under PCP. Important features
of PCP. Some issues in using a resource sharing protocol. Handling task dependencies. Scheduling
Real-time tasks in multiprocessor and distributed systems: Multiprocessor task allocation, Dynamic
allocation of tasks. Fault tolerant scheduling of tasks. Clock in distributed Real-time systems,
Centralized clock synchronization

Module-III: (09 Hours)

Commercial Real-time operating systems: Time services, Features of a Real-time operating system,
Unix as a Real-time operating system, Unix-based Real-time operating systems, Windows as a Real-
time operating system, POSIX-RT, A survey of contemporary Real-time operating systems.
Benchmarking real-time systems.
Module IV (09 Hours)
Real-time Databases: Example applications of Real-time databases. Review of basic database
concepts, Real-time databases, Characteristics of temporal data. Concurrency control in real-time
databases. Commercial real-time databases. Real-time Communication: Basic concepts, Examples of
applications, Real-time communication in a LAN and Real-time communication over packet switched

 Ability to understand concepts of real-time system
 Ability to analyze real-time OS
 Ability to work out real-time database

[1] Real-time Systems Theory and Practice by Rajib Mall, Pearson Publication, 2008.
[2] Jane W. S. Liu, Real-Time Systems, Pearson Education, 2000

[3] C.M. Krishna and K.G. Shin, Real-Time Systems, TMH, 2017
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Real Time Systems

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105036/
Course Instructor: Prof. Rajib Mal, IIT, Kharagpur
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

6th RCS6D002 Wireless Sensor Networks L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits

 To learn fundamentals and application of WSN
 To learn various protocols of WSN
 To understand security issues in WSN
Module-I: (10 hours)
Introduction: Definitions and Background, Challenges and Constraints, Applications. (Structural
Health Monitoring, Habitat Monitoring, Smart Transportation, Health Care, Pipeline Monitoring,
Precision Agriculture, Active Volcano, Underground Mining, Tracking Chemical Plumes).Node
Architecture: The Sensing Subsystem, the Processor Subsystem, Communication Interfaces,
Prototypes, Operating Systems: Functional Aspects, Non-functional Aspects, and Prototypes.

Module-II: (10 hours)

Basic Architectural Framework: Physical Layer: Basic Components, Source and Channel Encoding,
Modulation, signal Propagation. Medium Access Control: Wireless MAC Protocols, Characteristics of
MAC Protocols in Sensor Networks, Contention-Free MAC Protocols, Contention-Based MAC
Protocols, Hybrid MAC Protocols. Network Layer: Routing Metrics, Flooding and Gossiping, Data-
Centric Routing, Proactive Routing, On-Demand Routing, Hierarchical Routing, Location-Based
Routing, QoS-Based Routing Protocols
Module-III: (09 hours)
Node and Network Management: Power Management: Local Power Management Aspects, Dynamic
Power Management and Conceptual Architecture. Time Synchronization: Clocks and the
Synchronization Problem, Time Synchronization in WSN, Basics of Time Synchronization, Time
Synchronization Protocols. Localization: Ranging Techniques, Coarse-grained and Fine-grained node
localization, Range-Based Localization, Range-Free Localization, Event-Driven Localization

Module-IV: (09 hours)

Security: Challenges of Security in WSN, Security Attacks in Sensor Networks, Protocols and
Mechanisms for Security, Introduction to IEEE 802.15.4 and Zig Bee Security. Sensor Network
Databases: Sensor Database Challenges, Querying the physical environment, Query interfaces, High-
level database organization, In-network Aggregation, Data Centric Storage, Distributed and
Hierarchical aggregation. Introduction to discrete event network simulators.

 Ability to learn fundamentals and application of WSN
 Ability to learn various protocols of WSN
 Ability to understand security issues in WSN

[1] Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Network: Theory and Practice: Waltenegus Dargie and
Christian Poellabauer, Wiley Publication, 2010
[2] Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach- by Feng Zhao, Leonidas
Guibas , Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking 2004
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105160/
Course Instructor: Prof. Sudip Misra, IIT Kharagpur
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

6th RCS6D003 Cloud Computing L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits
 To understand the fundamentals of cloud computing
 To understand the architecture of various cloud
 To understand the simulation of cloud system using some state-of-the-art platforms

Module I: (10 Hours)

Evolution of Computing Paradigms - Overview of Existing Hosting Platforms, Grid Computing, Utility
Computing, Autonomic Computing, Dynamic Data center Alliance, Hosting / Outsourcing,
Introduction to Cloud Computing, Workload Patterns for the Cloud, “Big Data”, IT as a Service,
Technology Behind Cloud Computing

Module II: (10 Hours)

A Classification of Cloud Implementations- Amazon Web Services - IaaS, The Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2), The Simple Storage Service (S3), The Simple Queuing Services (SQS), VMware vCloud - IaaS,
vCloud Express, Google AppEngine - PaaS, The Java Runtime Environment

Module III: (10 Hours)

The Python Runtime Environment- The Datastore, Development Workflow, Windows Azure Platform
- PaaS, Windows Azure, SQL Azure, Windows Azure AppFabric, Salesforce.com - SaaS / PaaS,
Force.com, Force Database - the persistency layer, Data Security, Microsoft Office Live - SaaS,
LiveMesh.com, Google Apps - SaaS, A Comparison of Cloud Computing Platforms, Common Building

Module IV: (10 Hours)

Cloud Security – Infrastructure security – Data security – Identity and access management Privacy-
Audit and Compliance

 Ability to develop the fundamentals of cloud computing
 Ability to understand architecture of cloud
 Ability to comprehend, design, and develop cloud system using some state-of-the-art platform
1. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud
Computing from Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann,
Elsevier, 2012
2. Barrie Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing Bible” John Wiley & Sons, 2010
3. R. Buyya, C. Vecchiola and S. Thamarai Selvi, Mastering Cloud Computing:
Foundations and Applications Programming, Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier, 2013.
4. P. K. Pattnaik, M. R. Kabat and S. Pal, Fundamentals of Cloud Computing, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2015.
Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Cloud Computing

Course Link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs14/preview
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Course Instructor: Prof. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, IIT Kharagpur

Course Name: Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

Course Link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs15/preview
Course Instructor: Prof. Rajiv Misra, IIT Patna

6th Analog and Digital L-T-P 3

Semester Communication 3-0-0 Credits

 To understand parallel computing algorithms and models
 To analyze parallel algorithms for PRAM machines and various interconnection networks
To understand parallel programming in MPI and POSIX

Module I: (4 hours)
Review of signals and systems, Frequency domain representation of signals, Principles
of Amplitude Modulation Systems- DSB, SSB and VSB modulations. Angle
Modulation, Representation of FM and PM signals, Spectral characteristics of angle
modulated signals.

Module II: (10

Review of probability and random process. Gaussian and white noise characteristics,
Noise in amplitude modulation systems, Noise in Frequency modulation systems. Pre-
emphasis and Deemphasis, Threshold effect in angle modulation.

Module III: (12

Pulse modulation. Sampling process. Pulse Amplitude and Pulse code modulation
(PCM), Differential pulse code modulation. Delta modulation, Noise considerations in
PCM, Time Division multiplexing, Digital Multiplexers.

Module IV: (6
Elements of Detection Theory, Optimum detection of signals in noise, Coherent
communication with waveforms- Probability of Error evaluations. Base band Pulse
Transmission- Inter symbol Interference and Nyquist criterion. Pass band Digital
Modulation schemes- Phase Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying, Quadrature
Amplitude Modulation, Continuous Phase Modulation and Minimum Shift Keying.

Module V: (10 hours)

Digital Modulation trade-offs. Optimum demodulation of digital signals over band-
limited channels- Maximum likelihood sequence detection (Viterbi receiver).
Equalization Techniques. Synchronization and Carrier Recovery for Digital modulation.
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester
[1] Haykin S., "Communications Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
[2] Proakis J. G. and Salehi M., "Communication Systems Engineering", Pearson
Education, 2002.
[3] Taub H. and Schilling D.L., "Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw

[4] Wozencraft J. M. and Jacobs I. M., “Principles of Communication Engineering'', John

Wiley, 1965.
[5] Barry J. R., Lee E. A. and Messerschmitt D. G., ``Digital Communication'', Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004.
[6] Proakis J.G., “ Digital Communications'', 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Analog communication

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc19/SEM2/noc19-ee46
Course Instructor: Prof. Goutam Das, IIT Kharagpur

Course Name: Modern Digital Communication Techniques

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117/105/117105144/
Course Instructor: Prof. S.S. Das, IIT Kharagpur

Course Name: Communication Engineering

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117/102/117102059/
Course Instructor: Prof. Surendra Prasad, IIT Delhi

6th Numerical Methods L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits

Module I: (12 Hours)

B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Approximation of numbers, Significant figures, Accuracy and precision, Error definition,

Round off errors, Error propagation, Total numerical error Roots of equation: Bisection
ethos, False-position method, Fixed point iteration, Newton-Raphson method, Secant method,
Convergence and error analysis, System of non-linear equations Linear algebraic equation:
LU decomposition, The matrix inversion, Error analysis and system conditions, Gauss-Siedel

Module II: (12 Hours)

Interpolation: Newton’s divided difference interpolating polynomial, Lagrange interpolating

polynomial, Spline interpolation. Numerical integration: The Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s
rule, Newton-Cotes algorithm for equations, Romberg integration, Gauss quadrature
Module III: (12 Hours)

Ordinary differential equation: Euler method, Improvement of Euler’s method, RungeKutta

methods, System of equations, Multi step methods, General methods for boundary value
problems, Eigen value problems (Algorithm and error analysis of all methods are included)

[1] S.C. Chapra, R.P.Canale,” Numerical methods for Engineers”, Fifth edition, THM
[2] S. Kalavathy, “ Numerica methods”, Thomson/ Cengage India
[3] K.E. Atkinson,” Numerical analysis,” Second edition, John Wiley & Sons.

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Numerical Analysis

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111/107/111107062/
Course Instructor: Dr. Sandip Banerjee, Prof. Roshan Lal, IIT Roorkee

6th Control System L-T-P 3

Semester 3-0-0 Credits
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Module I: (5 hours)
Industrial Control examples. Mathematical models of physical systems. Control hardware and
their models. Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems. Feedback Control:
Open-Loop and Closed-loop systems. Benefits of Negative Feedback. Block diagram algebra.
Signal Flow Graph and Mason’s Gain formula.

Module II: (10 hours)

Standard test signals. Time response of first and second order systems for standard test
inputs. Application of initial and final value theorem. Design specifications for second-
ordersystems based on the time-response. Concept of Stability. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria.
Relative Stability analysis. Root-Locus technique. Construction of Root-loci.

Module III: (7 hours)

Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode plots. Nyquist stability
criterion. Relative stability using Nyquist stability criterion – gain and phase margins.
Closed-loop frequency response: Constant M Circle, Constant N Circle, Nichols Chart.

Module IV: (10 hours)

Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and
robustness of control systems. Root-loci method of feedback controller design. Design
specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods of design. Application of
Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, Tuning of PID controllers, Lead and Lag
and Lag-Lead compensator design.

Module V: (10 hours)

Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of State Matrix. Solution of
state equations. Eigenvalues and Stability Analysis. Concept of controllability and
observability. Pole-placement by state feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference
Equations. State-space models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-
time systems.

[1] I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International,
[2] K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991
[3] M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.
[4] B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Control System Engineering

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102043/
Course Instructor: Prof. M Gopal, IIT Delhi
6th RIK6F001 Essence of Indian L-T-P 0
Semester Knowledge Tradition-1 3-0-0 Credits
Course Objective:

The course aims at imparting basic principles of thought process, reasoning and inferencing.
Sustainability is at the core of Indian Traditional Knowledge Systems connecting society and
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

nature. Holistic life style of Yogic-science and wisdom capsules in Sanskrit literature are also
important in modern society with rapid technological advancements and societal disruptions.
The course focuses on introduction to Indian Knowledge System, Indian perspective of
modern scientific world-view and basic principles of Yoga and holistic health care system.

Course Outcomes:

• Ability to understand, connect up and explain basics of Indian Traditional knowledge

modern scientific perspective.

Course Content:

• Modern Science and Indian Knowledge System

• Yoga and Holistic Health care

• Case Studies.


1. V. Sivaramakrishna (Ed.), Cultural Heritage of India-Course Material, Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavan, Mumbai, 5th Edition, 2014

2. Swami Jitatmanand, Modern Physics and Vedant, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

3. Fritzof Capra, Tao of Physics

4. Fritzof Capra, The wave of Life

5. V N Jha ( Eng. Trans,), Tarkasangraha of Annam Bhatta, Inernational Chinmay

Foundation, Velliarnad, Amaku,am

6. Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Ramakrishna Mission, Kolkatta

7. GN Jha ( Eng. Trans.) Ed. R N Jha, Yoga-darshanam with Vyasa Bhashya, Vidyanidhi
Prakasham, Delhi, 2016

8. RN Jha, Science of Consciousness Psychotherapy and Yoga Practices, Vidyanidhi

Prakasham, Delhi, 2016 9. P R Sharma ( English translation), Shodashang Hridayam

6th RCS6C201 Software Engineering Lab L-T-P 2

Semester 0-0-3 Credits
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Experiment1: Develop requirements specification for a given problem (The requirements

specification should include both functional and non-functional requirements. For a set of
about 20 sample problems, see the questions section of Chap 6 of Software Engineering
book of Rajib Mall)
Experiment 2: Develop DFD Model (Level 0, Level 1 DFD and data dictionary) of the
sample problem (Use of a CASE tool required)
Experiment 3: Develop structured design for the DFD model developed
Experiment 4: Develop UML Use case model for a problem (Use of a CASE tool any of
Rational rose, Argo UML, or Visual Paradigm etc. is required)
Experiment 5: Develop Sequence Diagrams.
Experiment 6: Develop Class diagrams.
Experiment 7: Develop code for the developed class model using Java.
Experiment 8: Use testing tool such as Junit.
Experiment 9: Use a configuration management tool.
Experiment 10: Use any one project management tool such as Microsoft Project, Gantt
Project or ProjectLibre.

Digital Learning Resources:

Virtual Lab Link: http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/se/

6th RCS6C202 Compiler Design Lab L-T-P 2

Semester 0-0-3 Credits
This lab is divided in to two parts namely part 1 and part 2. All programs in part 1 must be
written using C/C++. Programs related to lexical analyzer and parser must use Flex(Fast Lex)
and Yacc available in all modern versions of UNIX and Linux distributions. For part 2, a
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

simulator JFLAP is required to be installed. JFLAP works much like a black box and used to
hide all implementation details and thus should only be used after students. JFLAP is
available online at http://www.jflap.org/.
1. Using JFLAP, create a DFA from a given regular expression. All types of error must be
checked during the conversion.
2. Read a regular expression in standard form and check its validity by converting it to
postfix form. Scan a string and check whether the string matches against the given regular
expression or not.
3. (Tokenizing). A programs that reads a source code in C/C++ from an unformatted file and
extract various types of tokens from it (e.g. keywords/variable names, operators, constant
4. Read a regular expression in its standard form and find out an Ɛ-NFA from it. Need to use
adjacency list data structure of graph to store NFA. Thompson’s construction needs to be
used too. [2 labs]
5. Evaluate an arithmetic expression with parentheses, unary and binary operators using Flex
and Yacc.[Need to write yylex() function and to be used with Lex and yacc.]
6. (Tokenizing) Use Lex and yacc to extract tokens from a given source code.
7. Write a suitable data structure to store a Context Free Grammar. Prerequisite is to
eliminate left recursion from the grammar before storing. Write functions to find FIRST and
FOLLOW of all the variables.[May use unformatted file / array to store the result].
8. Using JFLAP create LL(1) parse table for a given CFG and hence Simulate LL(1) parsing.
9. Using JFLAP create SLR(1) parse table for a given grammar. Simulate parsing and output
the parse tree proper format.

Digital Learning Resources:

Virtual Lab Link: http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-


6th Future Ready Contributor L-T-P 2

Semester Develop Model Lab 0-0-3 Credits

Outcomes: The Future-ready Contributor Program aims to accomplish the following

outcomes in the lives of students–
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

• Improve the employability of students by giving them the right work ethic and thinking
that employers are looking for.
• Build their confidence with which they can go into any job and contribute meaningfully.
• Improve their ability to engage better in the workplace and to be able to handle the
challenges that come up there.
• Build their career-worthiness and help them develop into future-ready contributors with
ability to navigate a career in a volatile, changing world.
• Widen their choices of career and success, so that they are able to open up more
opportunities for themselves and take up unconventional career pathways.
• Enable them recognize how they as technical professionals, can participate and make a
positive contribution to their communities and to their state.

The Program content is also designed to expose students to real-world workplace scenarios
and sensitize them to some of the challenges faced in society around them, especially in the
local communities around them and in their own state of Odisha.

The Contributor Program syllabus has been evolved and fine-tuned over several years, to –
a) address the changing need and contemporary challenges being faced by industry and what
employers of today are looking for in the people they hire;
b) working extensively with universities and students and an appreciation of their challenges
and concerns;
c) guided by the higher ideas and principles of practical Vedanta in work.

Sr. No. Content Total Hrs

Part 1 : Who is a Future-ready Contributor?
Developing In this topic, students understand the new 3 hrs lab sessions
1 self-efficacy work environment, expectations from future (discovery-based
and basic workforce, and importance of being a future- facilitator led)
inner strength ready contributor. This enables students to
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

transform their expectation of themselves in


Self-esteem & Growth Identity

In this topic, students learn how to develop a
2 deeper and more resilient self esteem and how Same as above
to adopt a growth identity/ mindset, that is
more appropriate to the demands of the future
Become a Creator of one’s destiny
In a “victim stance”, we see the career
environment as full of difficulties and hurdles.
We feel powerless or blame our
circumstances for not having many
opportunities. This makes us fearful of
3 uncertainty and makes us settle for jobs where Same as above
we remain mediocre. In this topic, students
discover the “creator of destiny stance” to
challenges and situations. This stance helps
them take ownership & responsibility to shape
destiny, build a new future & find answers to
challenges; and stop being complainers.
Achieving Sustainable Success
In this topic, students discover how to achieve
sustainable or lasting success, by making
themselves success-worthy. Where their focus
shifts to building one’s “engine of success”
rather than being on chasing the “fruits of
success”. This is important, because over a
lifetime of work, all people go through ups
and downs – where the fruits are not in their
4 control. People who are focused on the fruits Same as above
of success, fall prey to disappointment, loss in
Part 2 :
motivation, quitting too early, trying to find
shortcuts – when fruits don’t come. Whereas
ability to
people focused on building their engine of
make more
success continue to contribute steadily,
irrespective of whether fruits come or not.
career choices
This helps them make better choices in life,
that leads to steady success & long-term
career fulfillment in an uncertain world.
Career Development Pathways for a
changing world
In this topic, students explore a range of
diverse “career development models” and the
5 Same as above
possibilities for contribution each opens up to
them. This helps them open up hidden
opportunities that such an environment offers.
And free themselves from a herd mentality
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

when making career choices.

Make an impact in every part of one’s life

In this topic, students learn how to expand the
contribution possible in any role they have.
6 This helps them take charge of own career Same as above
growth & discover their power to contribute
in any role or job.
Think Solutions
The market environment in which
organizations are operating, is becoming
increasingly dynamic and uncertain. So,
employers are increasingly seeking out people
who can innovate and figure out solutions in
7 the face of any challenge (unlike in the past Same as above
when it was the people who were most
efficient and productive, who were valued by
organizations). At the heart of innovation lies
this way of thinking of “finding solutions”
rather than “seeing problems or roadblocks”.
Students learn how to build this way of
thinking, in this topic.
Value Thinking
Companies are also looking for employees
Part 3 : who do not just work hard, or work efficiently
Building or productively - but those who will make a
ability to valuable difference to the fortunes of the
8 become company. This difference may come from Same as above
solution and innovation, but it may also come from
value creating focusing on the right things and identifying
individuals in what really matters – both to the company
the world and to the customers. In this topic, students
learn how to build this capability.
Engaging Deeply
The environment we live in is becoming
increasingly complex because more and more
things are getting interconnected, new fields
are emerging, technologies are rapidly
changing, capabilities and knowledge one is
9 trained in will become fast obsolete. In such a Same as above
scenario, the student’s ability to quickly
understand and master what is going on, dive
deep, get involved in any area, rapidly learn
new capabilities that a job demands, is
important. In this topic, students learn how to
engage deeply. Learning how to dive deep, to
quickly understand what is going on, get
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

involved in any area, and rapidly learn.

Enlightened self-interest & collaboration at

The changing nature of work in organizations
and in the global environment, is increasingly
demanding that people work more
collaboratively towards shared goals and
more sustainable goals. A key to working
10 Same as above
successfully when multiple stakeholders are
involved, is “thinking in enlightened self-
interest”. In this topic, students learn how to
widen their thinking from “narrow self-
Part 4 : interest” to “enlightened self-interest” to
Building work more effectively in teams &
ability to work collaboratives.
collaboratively Human-centered thinking & Empathy
and as good In this topic, students learn to recognize &
11 citizens of respond to human needs and challenges – the Same as above
organizations way of thinking at the heart of user-centric
and the designs & customer-centricity.
country Trust Conduct
The biggest currency in a sustainable career
is “trust” i.e. being trusted by team members,
bosses, customers. When we are trusted,
12 people listen to us, they are willing to give us Same as above
the chance to grow, give us the space to make
mistakes, and work seamlessly with each
other without always having to “prove
ourselves”. In this topic, students learn how
to build trust with people they engage with.
3 Contribution projects that help them apply
contributor thinking. After students complete
9 hrs (3 hr lab
Contribution Project Lab their project work (beyond the classroom),
sessions for each of 3
Sessions each project ends with this 3 hr lab session
where they build their project output and
The above Contribution Projects require
Project work research, and may need field work beyond the Beyond classroom
classroom that students are expected to do.
B. Tech (CSE/ CST) Syllabus from Admission Batch 2018-19 6th Semester

Lab Sessions:

• Students will have to attend twelve discovery-based lab sessions to build new models
of thinking & capacities (3 hrs per module)
• They will work closely with their peers to discuss and understand these new models
of thinking.
• Their learning will be facilitated by trained college faculty.

Contribution Projects

• Three contribution projects that help them apply contributor thinking

• These will require research and also may need field work
• Each ends with a 3 hr lab session where they build their project output and present

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