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Any Material, having structure in nanometer scale with at least one dimension is recognized as Nanomaterial (NM). These
Nanomaterial (NMs) have vast variations in their elemental composition; which may be formed by single element viz. Gold, Silver,
Iron, Carbon etc. or by the combination with Oxygen or Sulphur as Oxides & Sulphides viz. Iron oxide (Fe 2O3), Copper Oxide
(CuO) or Cadmium Sulphide(CdS),etc. Among the single elemental forms, the Carbonaceous Nanomaterials(CNMs) are identified
as nanosized allotropic forms of Carbon having different structures like Nano rods, Nano tubes, Nano ring, Nano sphere, and
Nano sheets mostly with sp2 carbon atoms. In past decades, Carbonaceous Nanomaterials(CNMs) have gain interest of researchers
due to their biocompatibility, non-toxicity and unique surface to volume properties, etc. their easy tunable features are found
advantageous for their utilization in wide range of applications. Further, owing to their specific mechanical strength, conductivity,
surface activity and many more beneficial features, they have vast range of applicability in electronic, biomedical, energy storage &
conversion, catalysis and remediation of environmental pollution. Present paper briefly describes about the types of Carbonaceous
Nanomaterials (CNMs) with emphasizing their use in the remediation of Water Pollution. With the growing development of
Nanotechnologies, use of CNMs may play a significant role in remediation of Water Pollution.
KEYWORDS: Carbonaceous Nanomaterials(CNMs), Water Pollution, Remediation of Pollution.
reported by encapsulating it with some hydrophilic surface modified CNT has been reported as an very
molecules to develop it as an antibacterial for the effective Nanosorbents for the removal of ionic
disinfection and microbial control [10] It is reported pollutants[23,24] and the adsorptive capacities of
elsewhere that derivatization or modification of Fullerene functionalized CNT have been found superior results than
surface by suitable molecules can create many active sites the normal CNT for the removal of Lead(Pb) [25],
Figure 5 Mechanism of action of Fullerene nanocomposite material. Chromium(Cr) [26], Mercury(Hg) [27] like hazardous
heavy metal ions. Polymer functionalized CNT shown
on fullerenes for the removal of toxic heavy metal ions greater reactivity for removal of heavy metal ions,
from waste water [11]. Fullerene ternary nanocomposites graphical mechanism[28] of that is shown in figure 7.
have been used as efficient photo catalytic reagent with As CNTs has provided a wide range of application in
antibacterial properties to remove dye and pathogenic waste water treatment, further modification methods can
pollutants[12].C60 form of Fullerene has relatively very be used in remediation of many other pollutants.
poor solubility, miscibility, and process ability, thus to
apply it in various fields much more concern must be
given to undress it. Hence fullerene may open up a new
research attempts for application in wastewater treatment.
On the basis of the fundamental structure, shape and
dimension classification of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials
(CNMs) is briefly discussed with giving brief emphasis on
mechanism of action and some applications of CNMs in
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