Gad 101 (Midterm)
Gad 101 (Midterm)
Gad 101 (Midterm)
(Gender Fair Language) •All humanity is subsumed in the terms “man,” “father,”
“brother,” “master.”
Language articulates consciousness. • THE PROBLEM:
• As children, we learn to use language to express our • Confusion. “Man” is often associated with the adult
basic needs and feelings male and it is difficult to distinguish if it is used in the
• As we grow older, we use language to form our literal sense or in the generic sense.
opinions and order our thoughts. • Inequality. It reflects gender inequality because
women are never seen in terms of general or
Language reflects culture. representative humanity.
• Cultural meanings and values are verbalized and • Othering. “Man” represents the universe and the
transmitted through language human while woman is the “other”.
• As a result, language becomes a tool for
perpetuating stereotypes
Avoid using the generic masculine!
Language affects socialization. ALTERNATIVES:
• We learn the norms of the society or group that we are
in, and conform to these norms • Replace “man” with specific nouns or verbs that say
• Children learning a language absorb all the underlying explicitly what you
meanings of words mean (“labor,” “human resources,” “personnel” instead
• Inequalities reflected in language can affect the child’s of “manpower”)
beliefs and behaviors • Use nouns that encompass both man and woman
(“humanity” instead of “mankind”)
Gender-Based Discrimination • In making general statements, add “women”
•Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of (Example: “Man is vulnerable.” Say “Women and men
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW): it is any are vulnerable.” instead.
distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the
basis of sex, which has the purpose or effect of denying The Generic “He” and “His”
equal exercise of human rights and fundamental THE PROBLEM:
freedoms in all fields of human endeavor. • There is no gender-neutral singular pronoun in the
English language. So by default, “he” and “his” are often
Elements of Gender-Based Discrimination used in the generic sense. However, these pronouns,
•Action: that distinguishes, excludes or restricts a when used to replace generic “man,” pose the same
person problems.
•Basis: The sex, gender identity or expression, sexual
orientation of the person Use gender-neutral pronouns.
•Purpose or effect: Person discriminated is denied the
equal exercise of human rights and fundamental • EXAMPLE: “A manager is responsible for his
freedoms. employees.”
Social Insitution ii. Mass Media – media, including movies, TV, and
i. Family – parents are typically a child’s first source of books, teaches children about
information about gender. Starting what it means to be a boy or a girl. Media conveys
at birth, parents communicate different expectations information about the role of
to their children depending on gender in people’s lives and can reinforce gender
their sex. For example, a son may engage in more stereotypes. For example,
roughhousing with his father, while consider an animated film that depicts two female
a mother takes her daughter shopping. The child may characters: a beautiful but
learn from their parents that passive heroine, and an ugly but active villain. This
certain activities or toys correspond with a particular media model, and countless
gender (think of a family that gives others, reinforces ideas about which behaviors are
their son a truck and their daughter a doll). Even acceptable and valued (and which are not) for a
parents who emphasize gender particular gender.
equality may inadvertently reinforce some stereotypes - Reinforces gender stereotypes and sex-0based
due to their own gender discrimation through media portyal of men and
socialization. women.
- primay source of socialization
- Has the most influence because the formaticve years iii. School – Teachers and school administrators model
of evry individual is alsmot always spent with and gender roles and
eveloped by the family.
sometimes demonstrate gender stereotypes by reinforce the family unit to power dynamics that
responding to male and female reinforce gender roles, organized
students in different ways. For example, separating religion fosters a shared set of socialized values that
students by gender for are passed on through
activities or disciplining students differently depending society.
on their gender may - Reinfors gender stereotypes through religious
reinforce children’s developing beliefs and symbols, teachings, doctorines, and their
assumptions. interpretations.
Educational Institutions vii. The State, similar with Religion, is what governs the
- The formal school system promotes and encourages people and sets laws
the different gender roles between men and women in that dictate what is and what is not, what should and
many ways. should not be
- Creates kawa bd policies that ensure the maintenance
iv. Workplace - Organizational cultures shape and of the system
reinforce socially appropriate - Instrumental in passing laws that are dicrimiantory to
roles for men and women. Drawing on a performativity women and other sexual orientations
framework, which
assumes that gender is socially constructed through
gendered “performances,”
- Gnder discirmayion in relation yo occupation an opay
- Balance of family life and work
- Question of power relations as well as access to ND