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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 8

Date: May 10, 2023

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
 Execute the skills involved in the dance
II. SUBJECT MATTER: Philippine Folk Dances with Asian Influence
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages:
2. Code: PE8RD-IV-h-4
3. Learner’s Materials/Module/Textbooks pages: Physical Education 8
4. Add’l Materials from LR portal: PowerPoint Presentation
B. Other Learning Resources: TV and Projector
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
 Greetings - Good Morning Class? -Good morning, sir!
How ‘s your Day? It’s good sir!

 Prayer -The teacher will lead and - Students will follow the
present the prayer's visual teacher as he reads the
presentation on the screen. prayer's visual presentation
on the screen.
 Attendance
- The teacher will check -students will say “present”
students’ attendance
 Review of the
past lesson - What was our lesson -Our lesson yesterday sir is
about yesterday, class? all about folk dance.

Very good!
1. What is folk dance ? - A folk dance is a dance
that reflects the life of the
Very Good! people of a certain country
or region. 

2. What best describes - folk dance, generally, a

folk dance? type of dance that is a
vernacular, usually
Very Good, class? recreational, expression of a
past or present culture.

3. What is folk dance in -Philippine folk dance is a

the Philippines rich and vibrant part of the
definition? country's cultural heritage.
These dances are performed
Very good, class! to celebrate events and
express cultural traditions,
often accompanied by
traditional music and songs.
They vary in style and
include both indigenous and
Spanish-influenced forms.

4. Why folk dance is -Because it gives people the

important in our opportunity to participate,
culture? rediscover, and unite with
different cultures, races,
Very good, class! gender, and ethnicity that is
important in social and
cultural dimensions.
B. Motivation Fact: Did you know?
Even before we were
colonized by the Spaniards,
we have been -Students will listen to the
communicating and trading teacher.
with our neighboring

1. Who do you think the -Sir, these are Thailand,
countries were with Malaysia, Cambodia,
whom we Indonesia, China, and
communicated and Myanmar.
traded before we were
colonized by

Very Good, Class!

2. Do you think they -Yes, sir…

influence us in any - because some of their
way through our practices, culture, and
culture and traditions are still in our
traditions? If yes, practices even until this
why? generation.

Very Good, Class!

C. Presenting The teacher will show a

examples/inst picture of the following
ance of the highlighted neighboring
new lesson countries of the Philippines
on the map. Then the
students will explain the
similarities and differences
between each county

Pictures -Students answer may vary.

D. Disscusing The teacher will introduce
new concepts the different Philippine Folk
Dance with Asian Influence
and discuss on specific
dance which is Tiklos.
Tiklos Dance -students will listen to the
 History of the Tiklos teacher’s discussion.
 Country of Influence
 Costume
 Skills
E. Developing The teacher will teach and
Mastery demonstrate the basic dance -Students will observe
steps of Tiklos to the attentively to the teacher
students. first. Then after the
teacher’s demonstration
students will now follow the
teacher and execute the
basic dance step of Tiklos.

F. Finding The teacher will have the

Practical students execute the basic - The students will now
Application of Tiklos dance steps to execute Tiklos' basic steps
concepts determine if the students on their own.
know and are already
familiar with the steps.
G. Making The teacher will ask the -Students answers may vary
Generalization students about what they
have learned from the dance
H. Evaluating The teacher will divide the
Learning students into four groups
and allow them to apply and
execute the different basic
dance steps of Tiklos to any
modern dance song they
choose, with students being
graded based on the
following criteria.

Criteria Points
Mastery of 15pnts.
Execution 15pnts.
Creativity 10pnts.
Cooperation 10pnts.
with group
Total Score: 50 pnts.

I. Additional The teacher will instruct the

Activities students to prepare for the -Yes, sir!
next Philippine Folk Dance -We will study in advance
with Asian Influence, the sir.
Sua-Ku-Sua dance, which
will be discussed at the next

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
eho require
activities for
who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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