Compact Operators
Compact Operators
Compact Operators
Compact Operators
In this appendix we give some general properties about compact operators. We first
recall the Ascoli-Arzelà Theorem.
Theorem A.1 (Ascoli-Arzelà Theorem). Let K be a compact metric space and let F
be a bounded subset of CpK, Rq. We assume that F is equicontinuous:
Given two Banach spaces X, Y we denote by KpX, Y q the set of compact operators
from X to Y . We also write KpXq “ KpX, Xq.
Example A.4. We denote by pen qnPN˚ the canonical basis of �2 pN˚ q. We consider on
�2 pN˚ q the linear map A such that Aen “ enn for all n P N˚ . Then A is compact on
�2 pN˚ q.
(i) Let K P KpX, Y q and let pxn qnPN be a sequence in X which converges weakly to
some x P X (i.e. for any ϕ P X˚ we have ϕpxn q Ñ ϕpxq). Then Kpxn q converges
(in norm) to Kpxq.
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Proposition A.6. Let Ω be an open bounded and subset of Rd and k P N. Then Cbk`1 pΩq
is compactly embedded in Cbk pΩq.
Proof. Let pun qnPN be a bounded sequence in C k`1 pΩq. Let M be such that }un }C k`1 ď
M . Let α P Nd with |α| ď k and j P �1, d�. Let x P Ω and r ą 0 such that Bpx, rq Ă
Ω. Since }∇B α un }L8 pΩq ď M , the sequence pun q is uniformly Lipschitz in Bpx, rq. In
particular, the sequence pB α un q is uniformly equicontinuous on Ω. By the Ascoli-Arzelà
Theorem, it has a subsequence which converges to some vα in C 0 pΩq. Then there exists
an increasing sequence pnk q such that B α unk goes to vα when n Ñ `8 for all |α| ď k.
Let α P Nd with |α| ď k. Let x P Ω. For t P R small enough we have
Since the map s ÞÑ B α`ej unk px ` sej q converges uniformly to s ÞÑ vα`ej px ` sej q on r0, ts
we get
vα px ` tej q ´ vα pxq “ vα`ej px ` sej q ds.
This proves that Bj vα “ vα`ej . Finally for all |α| ď k we have B α v “ vα and we have
Exercise 42. Let Ω be a bounded subset of Rd . Let k P N and θ Ps0, 1r. We recall
that C k,θ is the set of functions of class C k whose derivatives are bounded and moreover
the derivatives of ordre k are Hölder-continuous of exponent θ. It is endowed with the
norm defined by
ÿ ÿ |B α upxq ´ B α upyq|
}u}C k,θ pΩq “ }B α u}L8 pΩq ` sup .
αďk |α|“k
x,yPΩ |x ´ y|θ
Let M ą 0 and let pun qnPN be a sequence in C 0 pr0, 1sq such that }un }8 ď M for all
n P N. Let x P r0, 1s and ε ą 0. Since K is uniformly continuous there exists δ ą 0
such that for all px1 , y1 q, px2 , y2 q P r0, 1s2 we have
|x1 ´ x2 | ` |y1 ´ y2 | ď δ ùñ |Kpx1 , y1 q ´ Kpx2 , y2 q| ď .
Then for n P N and x1 P r0, 1s such that |x ´ x1 | ď δ we have
1 ε
|pT un qpxq ´ T un px q| ď |Kpx, yq ´ Kpx1 , yq| |un pyq| dy ď
0 .
This proves that the family pT un qnPN is equicontinuous. By the Ascoli-Arzelà Theorem it
has a convergent subsequence in C 0 pr0, 1sq, which proves that T is compact on C 0 pr0, 1sq.
RanpAq “ KerpA˚ qK .
Proof. ‚ Assume by contradiction that dimpKerpId ´Kqq “ `8. Then we can find a
sequence pun qnPN in H such that �un , um � “ δn,m and Kun “ un for all n, m P N. This
is in particular a bounded sequence but, for n ‰ m,
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so the sequence pKun qnPN cannot have a convergent subsequence. This gives a contra-
diction and prove that dimpKerpId ´Kqq ă `8.
‚ Then we prove that there exists γ ą 0 such that
If this is not the case, we can find a sequence pun qnPN in KerpId ´KqK such that }un }H “
1 and }un ´ Kun }H ď 2´n for all n P N. Since pun qnPN is bounded, there exists a
subsequence punk qkPN and u P H such that unk goes weakly to u as k Ñ `8 . By
Proposition A.5, Kunk goes to Ku as k Ñ `8. Then
This implies that u “ Ku, so u P KerpId ´Kq. In particular, for all n P N we have
�u, unk �H “ 0 so, taking the limit, }u}H “ 0. This gives a contradiction and proves
‚ We deduce from (A.1) that RanpId ´Kq is closed in H. Indeed, let pvn qnPN be a
sequence in RanpId ´Kq which goes to some v in H. Then for all n P N there exists
un P KerpId ´KqK such that vn “ pId ´Kqun . By (A.1), pun qnPN is a Cauchy sequence in
H, and hence it has a limit u P H, By continuity, we have v “ pId ´Kqu P RanpId ´Kq,
which proves that RanpId ´Kq is closed.
‚ Now assume that pId ´Kq is injective, and assume by contradiction that H1 “
pId ´KqpHq is not equal to H. Since H1 is closed, it is a Hilbert space with the structure
inherited from H, and by restriction, K defines a compact operator on H1 . We set H2 “
pId ´KqpH1 q. Then H2 is closed, and since pId ´Kq is injective, we have H2 Ł H1 (take
u P HzH1 , then pId ´Kqu belongs to H1 zH2 ). By induction we set Hk “ pId ´KqpHk´1 q
for all k ě 2. Then Hk is closed and Hk`1 Ł Hk for all k P N˚ . In particular, for all
k P N˚ we can find uk P Hk such that }uk }H “ 1 and uk P Hk`1 K
. Then for k P N˚ and
j ą k we have
}Kuj ´ Kuk } ě 1.
This gives a contradiction since K is compact. Thus, if pId ´Kq is injective, then it is
also surjective.
‚ Conversely, assume that RanpId ´Kq “ H. Then KerpId ´K ˚ q “ t0u. Since K ˚ is
also compact, we deduce that pId ´K ˚ q is surjective, and finally
This proves that pId ´Kq is injective if and only if it is surjective. Moreover, in
this case, (A.1) proves that the inverse pId ´Kq´1 defines a bounded operator with
}pId ´Kq´1 }LpHq ď γ ´1 .
‚ It remains to prove that KerpId ´Kq and KerpId ´K ˚ q have the same dimension.
Assume by contradiction that dimpKerpId ´Kqq ă dimpRanpId ´KqK q. There exists a
bounded operator A : KerpId ´Kq Ñ RanpId ´KqK injective but not surjective. We
extend A by 0 on KerpId ´KqK . This defines an operator A on H which has a finite
u ´ pKu ` Auq “ v
We get the opposite inequality by interchanging the roles of K and K ˚ , and the proof
is complete.
In particular, the geometric multiplicity is smaller than or equal to the algebraic multi-
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Proof. ‚ Assume that 0 belongs to the resolvent set of K. Then Id is the composition
of the compact operator K with the bounded operator K ´1 , so Id is a compact operator.
This implies that dimpHq ă `8.
‚ Let λ P R˚ (or C˚ ). Then we have K ´ λ “ λpλ´1 K ´ Idq. Since λ´1 K is compact,
Theorem A.8 shows that pK ´ λq is bijective (with bounded inverse) if and only if it is
injective, so λ is in the resolvent set of K if and only if it is not an eigenvalue. Moreover,
if λ is an eigenvalue of K we have dimpKerpK ´ λqq “ dimpKerpλ´1 K ´ Idqq ă `8.
More generally, Exercise 43 shows that 1 is an eigenvalue of finite algebraic multiplicity
for λ´1 K.
‚ Since K is a bounded operator, the set of eigenvalues of K is bounded in R (C).
Assume that pλn qnPN is a sequence of distinct non-zero eigenvalues of K tending to some
λ. We prove that λ “ 0. For n P N we consider wn P Hz t0u such that Kwn “ λn wn .
Then for n P N we set Hn “ spanpw0 , . . . , wn´1 q and we consider un P Hn such that
}un } “ 1 and un P Hn´1 K
if n ě 1. Then for j P N and k ą j we have
› › › ›
› Kuk Kuj › › Kuk ´ λk uk Kuj ´ λj uj ›
› ´ › “ › ´ ` u ´ u › ě 1,
› λk λj ›H › λk λj
k j ›
Proof. We consider the case where H is a real Hilbert space. We prove that sM, `8rĂ
ρpAq and that M P σpAq. Let λ ą M . For u P H we have
�Aun , un � ÝÝÝÝÑ M.
Theorem A.12. Let H be a separable Hilbert space and let K be a compact and sym-
metric operator on H. Then there exists an orthonormal basis pen qnPN consisting of
eigenvectors of K.
Proof. Let pλn q1ďnďN for N P NYt`8u be the sequence of distinct non-zero eigenvalues
of K. For n P �1, N � we set Hn “ KerpK ´ λn q. Then we have dimpHn q P N˚ . We also
set H0 “ KerpKq. ` Ť ˘
We set H̃ “ span N
n“0 H n . We have KpH̃q Ă H̃ and hence KpH̃K q Ă H̃K . Assume
by contradiction that H̃K ‰ t0u. The restriction of K to H̃K is compact and symmetric,
and it has no eigenvalue, so its spectrum is included in t0u. By Lemma A.11, we have
�Ku, u� “ 0 for all u P H̃K . We deduce that K “ 0 on H̃K , and hence H̃K Ă KerpKq Ă
H̃. This gives a contradiction and proves that H̃K “ t0u, so H̃ is dense.
It only remains to choose an orthonormal basis of each Hn for n P �1, N �, and a
countable orthonormal basis of H0 (it exists since H is separable).
Theorem A.13. Let A be an operator on H with domain D. Assume that there exists z0
such that pA ´ z0 q is bijective and pA ´ z0 q´1 : H Ñ D Ă H defines a compact operator
on H. Then the spectrum of A consists of a discrete set of eigenvalues with finite
(geometric and algebraic) multiplicities (in particular the spectrum of A is countable
without accumulation points).
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so the eigenvalues of B have finite algebraic multiplicities. After translation, the operator
A shares the same properties and the proof is complete.